Author Topic: My Touhou-Story, written as a script [Updated 2013/July/3rd](Up to Act2, Scene2)  (Read 3278 times)

This Story here was actually meant for a game.
But since it takes much too long for one person to create a game, and also it really put you nerves on the edge, I never finished the game.
Therefore some lines are alluding to the game, I put these lines in color, so they can be skipped, since they are not important for the story.
And since all my stories are always cool animes in my head and I'm not a good mangaka,
I decided to at least share my thoughts.   One more info, I often think in Japanese.
The story is written in a script-style.
Tell me your opinions, ideas or critics and please inform me also about mistakes.
Be it spelling, grammar, logic, wrong/unfitting behavior of the character(s), etc.
BTW, if anyone would like to draw a manga for this, I am glad to cooperate *grinning Marisa*
So, here we go...


Scenery: A snowy landscape.
In the middle Cirno is running around playing.
Cirno: Hahaha >[running around]
Cirno stops at a little puddle.
Cirno: Huh? [getting closer to the puddle]
           What is this?
Puddle glows and a water shoots out in a form of a fountain.
Cirno: Aah! [runs away and hides behind a tree]
          ... it stopped! [peeking from behind the tree]
Slowly Cirno re-approaches the puddle , just to see that it is still glowing.

Cirno: So pretty... [crouching in front of the puddle]
          But what is this?
          Hmm,... *grumbling*
          [suddenly jumps up]
          I know! This must be an incident!
          I will tell Reimu. [going a few steps away]
          No, wait...  Who needs Reimu when I can solve this incident?
          Hehe *smirk*   And then Reimu and everyone else will
          know my genius and my power. [standing over proud with a grinning face]
Water shoots out once again, with an extreme loud noise.

Cirno: Ahh~!!! Reimu~!!! [Running away crying]
>Scenery changes<

Scenery: Hakurei Shrine
Cirno: Rei~mu~!!! [Cirno comes floating from afar]
Reimu is sweeping and lifts her head to the voice.

Cirno: Reimu, come quick. There is something odd. [standing in front of Reimu]
Reimu: Oh, it's just that fairy... [mumbling to herself]
Cirno: There was that pond, and it was glowing, and than it was like whoosh...
Reimu: ... [not responding and is still sweeping]
Cirno: Reimu, are you listening?
Reimu: *sigh* Can't you leave me alone and just go back to your pranks, fairy?
Cirno: But Reimu, this is serious.
Reimu: What serious thing can come from a fairy?
Cirno: What? [pumped up]
          Are you tellin' me that I'm joking?
Reimu: *sigh* Aren't you fairies always asking for my help, because you fairies are to puny for the easiest task?
Cirno: Are you tellin' me that fairies are weak?
Reimu: I'm just telling the truth.
Cirno: What, you wanna fight?
Cirno is totally upset now, and is not listening to Reimu's words anymore.
Reimu: Listen fairy, I didn't mean to...
Cirno: Take this! [attacking Reimu with danmaku]
Reimu: Hey, fairy, stop it!
Cirno: Don't call me fairy. I'm Cirno and I'm the strongest! [attacking Reimu again]
>plot twist, scene skip<
Cirno covered in bruised.
Cirno: [long pause] ...I've lost...
Reimu: You let me no other choice...
Cirno: Reimu, you cruel... [crying and runs away]
Reimu: Wai... *sigh*
>Scenery changes<

Scenery: Road in front of Hakurei Shrine
Cirno is walking along the road.
Cirno: That stupid Reimu. *sob*
          She doesn't even remember my name.
          *sob, sob* Geez,...
Daiyousei suddenly pops out from somewhere.
Daiyousei: Cirno, let's play.
Cirno: No. I'm not in the mood.
Daiyousei: What's the matter? Something happened to Cirno?
Cirno: Just leave me alone for a while. [in a very quiet voice]
Daiyousei: C'mon, smile Cirno, smile.
Daiyousei fires danmaku at Cirno for fun.
Cirno: You wanna fight? [still a depressed voice]
           Fine. [with self-confidence]
---GAME: Boss battle with Daiyousei---
Daiyousei was beaten by Cirno and lies on the ground.
Cirno ignores her and walks on.

Cirno: I go to Marisa. She will listen to me...
>Scenery changes<

Scenery: Forest of Magic, in front of Marisa's house.
Cirno knocks on Marisa's door.
Cirno: Marisa! Marisa~! Open! >[continue knocking furiously]
Eventually Alice passes by.
Alice: Are you looking for Marisa?
Cirno: Ahh, it's the doll-girl! [with a fear]
Alice: Don't worry. I won't do you any harm. [pats Cirno's head]
          You're all covered in bruises. What happened to you?
Cirno: [sulking and looking away]
Alice: [waiting for response]   Don't you want to come to my house and rest? [in warm voice]   
Cirno: No, I need to find Marisa. [childish expression]
           Do you know where she is?
Alice: When you're looking for Marisa,
          she just flew in the direction of the SDM a moment ago
Cirno: ... [silence, looks to the ground]
          I will go find Marisa.
Cirno leaves the scene and Alice just looks surprised at Cirno while Cirno leaves.
>Scenery changes<


Scenery: At the roof of the SDM
Marisa is sneaking around on the roof.
Marisa: Phew, even Sakuya was standing at the gate.
             So there is only one way to get in.
---GAME: playable scene---
Marisa sneaks from the roof inside the building, until she arrives in the library.
Marisa: Alright, I'm going to take this and this... [whispering]
Patchouli: What do you think you're doing? [standing a few steps away from Marisa]
Marisa: [long pause, glaring at Patchouli] Yo, Patchoulin.
Patchouli: This is not what you are suppose to say, and...! [Tsukkomi-like]
                 Wait, did you just call me Patchoulin? [emphasis on the last syllable]
Marisa: Ehehe, it slipped of my tongue. [grinning]
Patchouli: Don't "Ehehe" me. *sigh* Anyway, I don't have time for you. I am busy.
Marisa: How can a girl like you have no time? You're always here reading your books.
Patchouli: There is something happening which worries me.
Marisa: Oh, Patchouli is worried. What could that reason be? [teasing]
Patchouli: Stop it! There is an incident going on.
Marisa: An incident?
Patchouli: Well, I'm not sure about the details, that it why I'm doing researches.
Marisa: What is it, where is it, who is it? [flared up]
Patchouli: Settle your voice. I told you that I don't know the details yet.
Marisa: Then how do you know?
Patchouli: I feel a large amount of energy, at the misty lake and...
Marisa: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go to the lake.
Patchouli: No, we can't. I still don't know what exactly is there.
Marisa: And that's why we need to check it out. [on her way to go]
Patchouli: Wait Marisa, let me finish my research, so that I can tell you that it is safe.
Marisa: [on her way to go] Patchouli, this is exactly one of your biggest weak point.
             You never go out and check it yourself. You always stay at your library, using your head over the rest of your body.
Patchouli: But,...
Marisa: You know that you can't find every answer in a book. [going out of the library]
Marisa left the SDM
Patchouli: ... And you know that I can't go out. [talking to herself]
>Scenery changes<

Scenery: At the gate of the SDM
Cirno and Meiling are talking. Sakuya joins the scene.
Sakuya: Meiling, what is going on here?
Meiling: Ah Sakuya, good that you're here. This little fairy is looking for Marisa, but I told her she is not here.
Sakuya: Marisa? [approaching Cirno] Little fairy, if you're looking for Marisa, than you need to go to the forest. [warm voice]
Cirno: But Marisa is here. [childish voice]
Sakuya: This is the SDM, Marisa is not living here.
Cirno: But the doll-girl said Marisa is here.
Sakuya: The doll-girl?
Patchouli: Marisa just left a few minutes ago. [Patchouli appearing behind the gate]
Sakuya: Patchouli-sama.
Cirno: Where did Marisa go to? [childish voice]
Patchouli: She said she wanted to go to the lake.
Cirno: That's where the incident is.
Patchouli: Wait, did you say the incident? [raising voice]
Cirno: Um (sound of agreement), is it wrong? [intimidated voice]
Patchouli: Cirno, that is your name, right?
Cirno: Um (sound of agreement)! [very happy face]
Patchouli: You must tell me what you know about this incident.
>Scenery changes<

Scenery: Inside the SDM
Cirno and Patchouli are sitting at a table.
Cirno is much too small for the chair, so her legs are commuting in the air.

Patchouli: So, you say there was water shooting out of the puddle?
Cirno: Yes, and it was all like goosh! [excited, looking to the ceiling and waving with her hands in the air]
Patchouli: So, what happened then?
Cirno: Well, I ran away.
Patchouli: ... Hmm, so did you notice anything else?
Cirno: Hmm, the puddle was always glowing, like the sun.
Patchouli: Like the sun? Hmm, anything else?
Cirno: Hmm,.. *shaking head*
Patchouli: Alright, with this I can narrow down my researches.
                 Do you want something to drink, Cirno?
Cirno: Yes! [happy and smiling]
Sakuya brings an orange juice. Cirno happily holds the cup with two hands and drinks it.
[longer pause]
Cirno: No, wait! I need to warn Marisa! [jumps out of the chair]
Cirno quickly fixes her dress.
          Thank you, stripe-lady (oneesan). [runs out]
Patchouli: [surprised] ... [smiles] What a happy child...
                 [pause] Wait? Did she just call me stripe-lady?
>Scenery changes<

Scenery: Hakurei Shrine
Reimu is still sweeping and a person is approaching.
???: You're still here, I thought you would have been gone for long time.
Person stops to approach. They are standing far away to each other.
Reimu: What are you doing here, and even alone?
???: Is it wrong for me to be here?
Reimu: Yes.
???: ...  [waiting for Reimu to talk on]  You're not in a very good mood, are you?
Reimu: Well, what do I know. >[turning her back to the person and continues sweeping]
              So, what did you want here, especially when I wouldn't have been here?
???: Hehe *smirk*
>Scenery changes<

Scenery: A snowy landscape
Marisa: *pant, pant* So~ooo, [short breathing pause] where is the incident...?
---GAME: playable scene---
Marisa searchs around, until she stops at a unusual tall tree.
Marisa: So, this is the thing which is creating this malicious energy?
A sudden explosion and the surrounding (screen) turns bright (white).
Marisa: Woah,...!
>Scenery closes and reopens<
Scenery: A snowy landscape
Cirno is floating slowly across the landscape.
Cirno: Marisa! Marisa! >[shouting in the air]
              Where can she be? [asking herself]
Cirno still searches, always shivering and looking left and right.
Cirno: Ah, there! [shouting and pointing at something]
Cirno quickly dashes to the place she pointed at.
Cirno: This is Marisa's hat. But where is she?
???: Hey!
Cirno suddenly freezes. A big silhouette approaches Cirno from behind.
   Cirno stares at the shadow of the Silhouette and her eyes begins to water.
   Cirno slowly turns around to face the person, but cannot clearly see due to her wet eyes and the sun.

Cirno: Please, Marisa... [crying and whispering to herself]
The silhouette lifts it hand.
Cirno quickly turns her head away in order not to see the blow coming.
The hand charges down on Cirno's head. But instead hitting Cirno, the hand was patting her.
???: Thank you for finding it, I was looking for it.
Surprised by the outcome Cirno once again lifts her head up.
Cirno: Marisa! [jumping into Marisa's arms and crys]
Marisa: Yo, what is going on? I just wanted my hat.
Marisa: Are you crying?
Cirno's eyes tear open and she quickly release her hug and turns her face away.
Cirno: No, I'm not.
Marisa: But you were crying?
Cirno: No, I just caught sand in my eyes.

Marisa: Then it must have been a lot of sand. And besides, I cannot see any sand here.
Cirno: Ah, Marisa shut up. [turns around and hits Marisa]
              I'm going home. [floats away
Marisa: Wait! [grabs Cirno's arm]
               I'm looking for an incident, do you know anything about it?
Cirno turns her face to Marisa and lands.
>Scenery changes<

Scenery: A snowy landscape
Marisa: It was here when the ground suddenly exploded.
               Do you happen to know anything?
Cirno: Mmmm... [thinking] Was it a puddle that went goosh?
Marisa: "goosh"? [confused] Ehh, [shaking her head to get back to the topic]
               I don't know, I was looking at this unusual large tree.
Cirno: Indeed the tree is large, but what I saw was a glowing puddle.
Marisa: A glowing puddle?
Cirno: Yes, it must be around here,... somewhere. [voice and speed of talking are falling]
Cirno is standing further from Marisa and stops to move.
Marisa: Hmm? [slighlty tilts her head in the direction of her braid, the braid hangs out and dangles a bit]
[longer pause]
Marisa: You forgot where the puddle was?
Cirno: Well, I didn't forgot, I just can't remember now.
Marisa: Hehe [snickers and put her hat back on]
Another longer pause in which Marisa fixes her outfit.
Marisa: Well, then let's search for it.
---GAME: playable scene---
Marisa and Cirno arrive at a certain place. Both are still looking for the puddle.
Marisa: Hey, Cirno is this the puddle we're looking for?
Cirno: Huh? >[turns to Marisa and floats to her]
Cirno: Um (sound of agreement), that's it.
Marisa: Well, it is really glowing strong. [calm voice]
Cirno: And after it finishs glowing it'll go goosh [smiling, happy voice]
Marisa: What? ! [shouts]
Great amount of water shoots out of the puddle.
Marisa: Woah! [surprised and falls backwards]
Cirno: That's the goosh. [crouching behind Marisa]
Marisa: Goosh...? [pause] Wait, that's the "goosh"?
              Than it is not that what I experienced.
           What I saw was...
The puddle has settled again and a screeching sound was coming from the puddle.
Marisa: Wait, what is that sound? [turning her head to the puddle]
               Cirno, what happens after the "goosh"? [serious voice]
Cirno: I dunno, I always ran away. [quiet and insecure voice]
Marisa: Well then...
The screechin is getting louder.
Marisa: Let's get away Cirno! [shouting]
Marisa flies away from the puddle on her broom.
Cirno: Huh? Wait for me! [shouting to Marisa]
Cirno flies away to reach Marisa, but before she could reach her, the ground suddenly exploded.
Cirno: Ahh! [very lout shouting]
The surrounding turns very bright and the explosion is still going on.
Marisa: This is the explosion! [shouting in the air]
               Woah, gotta hold my hat this time. [talking to herself and use on hand to hold her hat, the other hand is holding the broom]
Cirno: Woah, Marisa! [shouting in the air]
Cirno finds Marisa in the brightness a cling to Marisa's arm.
Marisa: Ahh, don't cling youself like this. You making me fall, get on the broom. Woah...
Marisa looses the balance for a moment.
Marisa: Just get on the broom.
The explosion settles and the scenery turns normal again, but both Marisa and Cirno cannot be seen anymore.
>scenery changes<
Scenery: A snowy landscape
Patchouli hurries into the scenery, being exhausted.
Patchouli: Where are they? They should be here... [looking around hastily]
Patchouli slows down her pace and suddenly noticed something in the snow.
Patchouli: This is... one of Marisa's hair...
Sakuya: How do you know it's her's?
Sakuya suddenly appears behind Patchouli.
Patchouli: [extremely startled, turns around] What are you doing her...? *cough, cough*
Sakuya: I was told by milady to take care of you.
Patchouli: What? *cough* What is she thinking... *cough, cough*
Sakuya: You shouldn't run around like this in your health condition.
               Why didn't you inform anybody when you went out? Luckily Meiling noticed you.
Patchouli: What do you mean 'luckily'? I'm fine. See, I'm not coughing anymore. [puts on a fake smile and tries to suppress the coughing]
Sakuya: I know you're worried about Marisa, but you must not neglect your own health.
               Here, have some. [takes out a bottle of water.]
Patchouli: Thank you. [slowly drinks the water with two hands.]
Sakuya: So, now how do you know it's Marisa's hair? [gentle smile]
Patchouli: [spits out the water]
Sakuya: Did I say something wrong? [putting her index finger on her chin and looks into the sky wondering.]
Patchouli: No, I ju-just needed to cough again.
[longer pause]
Sakuya: So...?
Patchouli: Because it is blonde? (yellow, if you want, or gold, when you use the Japanese term) [staring to the ground.]
Sakuya: Huh? [looking surprised to Patchouli.]
Patchouli: [still staring to the ground.]
Sakuya: *giggle* I mean, have you found anything about the incident?
Patchouli: Huh? [surprised] Oh,... yes, I did.
Sakuya: *giggle* [smiling at Patchouli with closed eyes]
Patchouli: What? [feels uncomofortable]
Sakuya: Nnn (sound which says something like: "Oh no it's nothing"), nothing.
Patchouli starts talking while the scene closes.
>scenery changes<

---Act 2, Scene 2 follows---
Alright, found a bit time to write something.
I hope I won't lose my encouragement to write.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 04:49:28 PM by Tyraxx »
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Thanks people.

Re: My Touhou-Story, written as a script
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2013, 06:06:18 AM »
"Standing thievish on the roof" sounds awkward. "Standing on the roof, as only a thief would be expected to", "Standing on the roof, hidden from view slightly" or something like that would sound better, I think.

Re: My Touhou-Story, written as a script
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2013, 11:12:43 PM »
"Standing thievish on the roof" sounds awkward. "Standing on the roof, as only a thief would be expected to", "Standing on the roof, hidden from view slightly" or something like that would sound better, I think.

Sorry, for the late response, but I changed it now.
Also I updated the story, though it's not much, but I was and still am waiting for feedback...
« Last Edit: June 21, 2013, 11:11:01 PM by Tyraxx »
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Thanks people.

Re: My Touhou-Story, written as a script [Updated 2013/June/17th]
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2013, 12:28:32 AM »
This has caught my interest.

Ima follow.

Re: My Touhou-Story, written as a script [Updated 2013/June/22th]
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2013, 11:22:03 PM »
This has caught my interest.

Ima follow.
Wow, I'm happy that someone eventually is interested.
Well, I just managed to do the font-style yet, but I will try to continue the story.
Hopefully more readers will appear who can give me feedbacks, even if the feedback is just that short.
Please donate, so I can make more of NoR-Wiki or other stuff. Click here to donate (USD) Click here to donate (EUR)
Thanks people.