Author Topic: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project (Scroll Delivered!)  (Read 82436 times)


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Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project
« Reply #150 on: June 01, 2013, 03:58:12 PM »
youuuuuuuuuuuu realise every touhou from 6-13 already got artists working on them for a while already?... :v
Distasteful Tater Elites 1st division


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project
« Reply #151 on: June 01, 2013, 11:39:48 PM »
youuuuuuuuuuuu realise every touhou from 6-13 already got artists working on them for a while already?... :v

That is correct, at this point all the characters / background artists have been picked. However, that doesn't mean we will not need the artist that join late. Since we may need them as back up inthe event of an unexpected event. (There's always a possibility it can happen) In fact, I'm trying to contact the remaining artist who haven't submitted thier work for the first draft week (which is this week!).

Anyways, I meant to post this, but there are things going on that I'm trying to work out with the DDC demo cast artist to help include thier pieces in as a cameo. But I'll go ahead and post this week's report.

As promised this week I would go ahead and make some decision on the artists that would be selected for drawing the characters from Hopeless Masquerade and Double Dealing Character. But before I get to that I want to go ahead and give you an update on the scroll's layout again since some people are starting to pick up motion now.

or if you like, you can download a larger scale version of it here or come to the forum for updates!

As you can see, I've done adjusting to the spacing around the characters once more. Mainly to make room for a few of the characters who haven't been added, and to attempt to make room for the HM and DDC cast.

So without further ado.. I want to go ahead and announce who's going to be drawing what.

Hata no Kokoro - Velonika
Wakasagihime - Hibarinrinrin
Seikibanki - Merp
Kagerou Imazumi - Uru

Congratulations to you all, for making the cut! And for the rest of the artists. I will inform you that currently, even though you haven't been selected, this doesn't mean that you might not get selected to do something. You never know what may come up!

As of this point, I'm going to make it clear that any artist who come to join as of now will be here for back up purposes in the events other artists drop out or things change. There's no way of knowing how things will go, so I'm going to ask you all to remain patient for the time begin.

This week I'll be going about making sure to contact everyone to try to remind them to get at least thier first draft done. Because the dead line is approaching and fast!

This means I need the remaining artist to try to push out thier work and get something in place by June 1st - 7th. So that they can be allowed to continue working on thier characters. (Otherwise, I'll have to make considerations.

And another big reminder. I have a good idea when the final pieces needs to be finished by. As of this point, the deadline for final pieces will be set for August 15th!

We are going to need the time following this to get the scroll finalized, printed, and mounted into place. (And mailed to an AWA staff attendee in the event something comes up)

So once again, I'm going to advice you, to the artist who haven't submitted something, get to work on your stuff and try to get something in by the deadline. And to the rest who haven't been selected, I ask you to be patient and watch warmly as anything could happen!

Till next week!

« Last Edit: June 01, 2013, 11:49:44 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project
« Reply #152 on: June 16, 2013, 05:40:36 PM »
I'm going to give my Half Time report today on the scroll project!

So, with week over, we now venture into the second half of the project! In almost of course of 2 months, many of the artists have made significant progress. And as we currently stand, we now have almost every character placed into the scroll now! Out of all the artists, only one was unable to meet the deadline due to dropping out. And so I had to look into seeking who would best fit on Kyouko's slot now.

And so after taking a look through the lists of artists that we have and those who've contacted me over these last few days. I've decided to pull in Studio LG to work on Kyouko. He should be able to pull it off. He'll have till around the end of the month to work up a first draft for Kyouko.

For the time being here's the scroll layout as it stands now.

You can also download a full scale 72 DPI here or visit the forum.

I will be making contacts with the background team to get thier updates on the psd files so I can insert them into the scroll since there's been already a good amount of progress made there. So it should be about time for me to begin to include these in the scroll.

Now what about the artists that are still in waiting or wondering will they get to contribute? The answer to this is a likely yes. I'm going to be taking this week to evaluate over the work that everyone has contribute as of this point and find out which pieces are strongest, which ones need to be worked upon, and which ones may need another artist in the event of an emergency back up case. So I will be looking for artist to contribute to this since I may be pulling you in to assist in these matters. Plus I'm still looking to fulfill part of an original goal. But by all means, I'm won't be asking for the artist to not stop what they are working on if I pull in a back up. Since I'm willing to let them take the time to improve it and get it prepared since we don't know what may come up in the weeks to come.

On the other hand, I'm making sure to pull whatever steps are necessary to ensure this will become successful.

Speaking of making steps, I've done printing tests these last few days. Attempt to try to transfer the prints I've been working onto rice paper. To summaize the event, I learned this much...

Rice paper is too frail and fragile to work in a printer and thus I went out for an alternative, mulberry paper. Which is kind of an equivalent to rice paper, but a little more tougher. And so with this I finished up my first set of test prints.

(click to view)

The prints themselves were a success, as I did one grey scale and 3 colors pieces. And from what I have gathered from observing these pieces. I'm going to be asking all artist to take a good look at thier pieces and consider possibly darkening them a little bit and if needed to darken thier line art if necessary since I learned mulberry absorbs the color a bit so it looks slightly paler than what is shown originally in digital format. But to get s better idea of this, I'm going to try to reach the printing company and see if they can perform a small scale test print of the entire piece on thier printer so I can have a better idea how this will truly look.

As it stands right now, the paper of choice has been set. So this week I'll be doing my half time check up, working on trying to get the paper to mount on the fabric (and other fabric I purchase) and before too long make my purchase of the bolt of fabric that'll be used toward the final piece so I can send it to Drunk Aya for sewing.

So with that, the second half of the artist's part of the scroll project begins! Let's see how things go as we continue to make headway with the project!

Till next time.

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project
« Reply #153 on: June 23, 2013, 08:15:07 PM »
It's time for Week 12's update! This week I begin to pursue the back up artists and collect fabric that I've been testing for the scroll!


Since we?re over half way done, here I?ve decided to go through this week contacting most of the artist. And I still some to go through. There?s been some surprising things that come up which is why I?ve decided to take on the task of bringing in back up artists for emergency cases.

But before I go on and explain about this let me go on and show you what?s going on as of this week?s update!

You can also download the full 72 DPI version]]full 72 DPI version or come to the forum for updates.

As you probably can tell, the background team has been working on thier pieces over the last few month. They spent most of the first few months of the project planning things out and some even took the opportunity to get to work on thier parts. So far, what you see up here in terms of background are some of U-Joe, Sixten, and Shinigamiwyvern?s work. Some of these are still early drafts while others are complete. But either way as of this time, background work is now beginning to pick up momentum. So that means you can expect to see more of these popping up in the weeks to come.

Now let?s discuss about back up artists here. Basiclly I have some artist that have been sitting in the back line for some time and I?ve been looking to find out how I could incorporate them into this. But as of this point, I believe I have found my answer.

With one more artist this week announcing he dropped out. I?ve decided I use this moment to pull in back art artist to take on some important task work. I spent the first half of this project carefully evaluating people?s work and trying to decide if they will work on not. And eventually with this event, I decided to start putting it into effect.

So as of this point, back up artist are going to be brought into this project under the event I feel there are complications that arise that I feel I need to bring them in to ensure the project will be successful.

Because of this, I brought in the following artists:

Arufa: Toyosatormimi no Miko?s Artist
Tennko: Flandre?s Scarlet?s Artist
Fawreil: Mystia Lorlei?s back up artist

So with this, I?m making plans over the course of this week to continue with making contact with back up artist to see if I can fit them in potential slots. This means I?m going to give them a chance, but they may or may not make it in. It depends on what comes up over the course of the following weeks.

So once again, I?m going to encourage artist to join in as part of the back up ranks to help with the project to ensure everything will go smoothly. I?ll be giving everyone who hasn?t joined till July 15th to sign up for this since by then it?ll only be a month before art part of the project will come to a close. (I may still bring in some more if they can prove to be quick and efficient.)

On another bit of news. I?ve been going about collecting fabric to perform some testing. To decided which one will work for the scroll?s backing.

So far I?ve gotten a few choices I like so here they are.

These two stand out in my book. But I?m still going to spend another week collecting a few more pieces of fabric before making my final decision.

But once that?s settles, I?ll move on to making my bolt purchase of said fabric for the main work. As for now, this concludes my talk for this week. Be ready to have to see some more interesting updates come in the following week or so!

Till Next time,

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project
« Reply #154 on: July 01, 2013, 02:32:27 PM »
Week 13's update is here!

With this last week I've been going all over the place talking to a number of artist trying to see how many might be interested in partaking in the project as a form of back up artist. Why am I doing this when I have a complete set of artist that are currently working on Touhou characters for the scroll as in?

It's because there's been a few cases that I've seen while working with the artist that has lead me to finally put the back up artists to use.

So more of less, the artists I'm bringing in are going to serve as a security measure to try to make sure the project is successfully completed during the time duration we have left.

So what are the back up artists going to be doing? They are going to be assigned a certain set of characters they will be working on based on thier preference and interview. They will mostly be put in places of:

1. Artist that drop out and/or haven't been present to make contact with me on a regular basis / show progress.

2. As mentioned before, serve as a blanket of security in case sudden changes come up.

3. If enough back ups meet the requirements and come to join the project. I might be able to fulfill the original goal of the project.

Before I go any further in explaining things here's a look at the scroll layout as of today!

You can also download the full 72 DPI version or come to the forum.

Basiclly I'm busy making preparations to set up the back up artists in various spots. Spots that need work, spots that need an extra layer of protection and if enough come in, I may assign them in spot to try to fulfill the original goal of one character / artist (exception of a few group characters like the prisimriver sisters for example)

Course the artist we have here at the moment will serve as the primary artists for the scroll. So they will still continue thier work as we stride toward the completion of the project. The back ups will be given a chance to get in if they can put the effort to thier work or an opportunity arises for them.

Currently I've set up a few back up artists in the IN section because there is some need of some rework in that area and they are as follows:

xfreilschultz - Tewi Inaba
LohiAxel - Reisen Undongein
Doroya - Eirin Yagokoro
Montoya - (multipurpose back up)

There will be more additional artist pulled in depending on what I think needs to be done and / or how many I have. But this is the basic coverage point for the  time being.

If you want to have a chance to come in and join the project and back up the scroll artists, this is your chance! As you all have till July 15th to sign up! So contact me when you get the chance, because time is ticking away!

This week I will also be performing a bi-weekly as usual along with contacting the primary artist for thier files to make sure they are following the guidelines since I'm in the middle of making sure that they are keeping things on track so that their pieces will be as presentable as possible.

And one final note, I finally made a decision on the fabric that will be used for this project!

This lovely piece of fabric I found was located at a local private fabric store company. And I had a talk with the staff before selecting this. Pretty much the fabric is very light, has a color that changes from red to green depending on the angle the light hits it, and is made of polyester. I purchased a total of 8 yrds of it and will be preparing to ship this off to Drunk Aya to work on for the scroll. He will be purchasing a special made scroll bar that will fit the size of what it needed for the project.

As for me, I will be beginning my preparations soon on doing some test prints again from two companies that offered to print the layout. So look for results on this in the coming weeks.

Until next time!


And yes over the course of the next few weeks as time ticks on with art section of the project. I will be doing very extensive contacting with the current artist, back up artists, and I will be asking for files on a regular basis. And I will be setting up back up artists in sections that I feel may need help. Contacting me will be very important here.

This is also because I am currently making preparations to do a small scale print of the full version as explained earlier. And depending on what I learn from the print shop, adjustment may be required so be prepared to talk to me and work with me according to what I find out.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project
« Reply #155 on: July 18, 2013, 09:12:46 PM »
I've got some time to fill in as a last minute backup artist if you need one. :3

EDIT: Just looked back on this thread and noticed I've already offered just a few weeks back. DERP. Sorry, my mistake. Anyway, offer stands. :P
« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 09:18:02 PM by Gappy »


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project
« Reply #156 on: August 09, 2013, 04:33:22 PM »
I've got some time to fill in as a last minute backup artist if you need one. :3

EDIT: Just looked back on this thread and noticed I've already offered just a few weeks back. DERP. Sorry, my mistake. Anyway, offer stands. :P

Well Gappy, if we need assistance I'll let you know. But I think everything it good.

Now as for what's been up? Well... I'm going to explain that the last few weeks have been a slight problem on my part. But thankfully I had Banzatou there to take care of concerning matter. So to explain what happen.

My computer's HD pretty much borked and it was slow. So I had to take it in for repairs. Thankfully Banzatou took stand in my place temporarly. After my computer got repaired, I been busy making a dash to contact everyone and try to make sure they were making progress with thier work.

Then I took to precaution to back up every main artist that haven't submitted thier pieces yet. As mentioned before, the main artist are still the first and foremost artist that will be presenting the scroll. But I have put back ups in place just in case something happens.

Then I put together an artist status chart as I check on thier progress so I can update and make sure everything is checking out clearly.

And now we are at this point where I did a print test which to this week's update

As I post this, I am currently now 31 years old now. But my birthday is besides the point since this project is still a priority as I keep tabs with the artists working on the project. We're still a ways before the closing point. But it's edging up pretty soon. And so the artists and background team works on thier final stretch of work. As the final two weeks are now upon the art portion of the project.

So without further ado, here's the layout in it's current form:

If you're having trouble viewing it you can click the link here.

This week was spent contacting people to check up on thier progress and to try to get them to deliver thier pieces for the project. Part of the reason for this is because we'll soon be warping up the art portion of the project as it is only 2 weeks away!

So what will it mean for us now? At this point we should be gunning to finish up our pieces so that we have them ready. And also I will note the second reasons I'm urging people to push hard with thier pieces right now is because I've been busy doing print testing ATM

(click to view)

 I've been working to make sure that colors for the characters will be presentable which is part of the reason I've been conducting these test. The great news from the first shows that most of the colors worked out just fine. So there is little concern pertaining to the piece but only to a few which I have informed a few artist to perform color adjustments to ensure quality.

At the moment though the printer I used though will not be for the final print however because the print company's quality isn't at the level of expectations. However, will note that I do have someone who will be able to help with construction of the scroll for it's final print. But until I am given the ok to speak about her I must keep things under wraps for the time being.

I can however ensure, the print work for the project will be a certain for the final print. But there's a lot of details I'll cover of this in the weeks to come.

For now I will mention that at this point, I have backed up all remaining artists in the project using some new artists and older ones to ensure everything will come out smoothly. So we should be able to have this piece ready in time for sure!

With two weeks away we will be working hard and long but soon we should be done. And as usual I will be contacting the remaining artist and making sure all thier files are sent to make sure the final piece will be set in place!

Till next week people!


And yes as it stands right now. I do have a printing company that might be able to fulfill the needs of everything needed for this project. Which came as a nice surprise just yesterday. But I'm going to keep this under wraps till I finish my talks with her. But at the moment this is shaping up to be very promising! So stay tune for next week!
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Ok and so we enter the final week of the art portion of the project! Here's week 20 of the AWA scroll project!

We're now reaching the closing point of the art portion of the project. In 7 days from now, everyone has to submit thier work and get it in place.

Because following this day, I'll be making preparations to take it to print!

So let's take a look at the scroll and where it stands right now.

You can also view it be clicking the link here

As it stands, there's 16 characters that remain to be completed. Most of them are near the point or in progress of being completed. I've notified the charater artists that I will be looking to get them ready in time for the second test print session.

So as a reminder: The second test print session is set for August 17th!

This print test is to ensure the quality of your work will be presentable on print. And I would suggest you get your pieces completed as much as possible during this point since I would like to point over what may need adjustments between the 17th and the 22nd.

In the background segment, most backgrounds are coming way through and the background team is working around the clock to get thier pieces completed. This even includes myself who is doing the credit room segment.

I plan to put heavy focus on this part of the team over the course of the weekend. And will see if they have thier pieces as well ready for second test printing as well.

An important note to also remind the character and background artists is I've made a lot of preparations in making sure all will go right. So I have gone thourgh a lot of effort to conduct as many back up plans as possible.

Because as mentioned I put a lot of trust in the primary artist to complete thier work. But I've made preparations in case things come up.

Overall though, I foresee the project reaching it's completion very soon.

So again, I want to remind all artist this important fact:

All pieces are due on the 22nd of August before 11:59 Central Time (6:59 GMT)

This is order to meet with the deadlines planned for printing. Because remember the whole point of this project we have been working on for the last 5 months was to create a collaborative piece to express our thanks for ZUN for his 10 + years of hard work he has put into the Touhou Project (since the start of the windows series)

The scroll will be prepared, printed and will be taken to the Anime Weekend Atlanta convention where ZUN will be present this year in Atlanta, Georgia to be presented as a gift to him.

I've worked hard with contacting people in the Atlanta to make the preparations to present ZUN his gift as well so as it stands, everything regarding how ZUN will receive the scroll at AWA has already been planned out.

Everything now comes down to the artist to do thier part. So I fully entrust that you, the artists, will all complete your work on time to go over and make the necessary adjustments so we can present ZUN what we as an international team of artist can do together!

I will be receiving the finished scroll piece from Drunk Aya this weekend and make plans to set it up for mounting following after the art potion is over.

Again, we are almost down to the finishing point of the project. And I will look forward to the final results of the project!

So without further ado, I salute you all and wish you all good luck as we make our way to the finish line.

Until next week, on the day of the deadline.

- Totaku
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 05:57:52 AM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project (Final Phase is GO!)
« Reply #158 on: August 30, 2013, 05:40:06 PM »
Well guess what? We finished everything! It's now off to printing, mounting, and preparing for the con!

As of this morning around 5 AM, the final touches of the scroll layout have been completed. And thanks to the help of the team and me we managed to complete all presented objectives!

So without further ado here's the final version of the AWA Touhou Scroll Project Layout!

The Final Version of the Scroll Project Layout

As of this point, this version is being sent to Chinanime and my father's workshop for the final prints. So there will be no more changes as of this point. As everything is now final and we will now be proceeding to the final phase of the project.

The final phase will be done mainly by me, Chinanime and Drunk-Aya.

As mentioned previously, Chinanime will be producing a professional grade scroll with the assistance of a Chinese scroll making company and be making arrangements to send it to the AWA staff once it is completed. This will be the scroll that will be presented to ZUN as his gift.

Meanwhile, me and Drunk-Aya will be working on the presentation version of the scroll that will be used mainly be presented at the AWA convention during several events for display purposes.

I will be providing updates on the construction section of the scroll as well as open up some additional things shortly in the process.

For now I want to once again thank everyone and congratulate everyone for working so hard on this. Because of all your effort, we managed to complete a huge massive collaboration project, which is no easy thing to do. With a total of 70 artists from all around the world we managed to even complete the entire Touhou cast of the windows series, (with even me including object cameos that represent the new faces that were introduced just shortly before the project's end!)

I'm not sure if I can there is any other way to describe this other than a massive success as of this point. So for now I leave this thread here to represent what we have successfully achieved. It's now onward to printing, prepping and mounting! The final step of the project! And for those that will be coming to AWA, I will be seeing you there since I will be booking a flight and heading there in time for the con!

Once again, I thank you all for you have done. We couldn't have achieved this without your help.

Also on another side of the news in terms of scroll construction:

Currently Drunk Aya has finished formatting the scroll out and will be making preparations to attach the fabric and fix up the fabric. He's been busy as of lately but currently he going to work on this especially during Labor Day weekend.

As of right now this is current pictures he sent of the scroll in progress:

He's noted to me that as soon as it's done, he will be sending it through express mail to me.

For right now, I will be busy working with both Drunk Aya and Chinanime to make sure thier scrolls are coming along.

We are now in the final stretch! It won't be too much longer now.

Stay tune as I provide you more updates over the week. Also I may do some specials very soon since the main part of the project is over now.

So stay tuned, and until next time,

- Totaku
« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 06:54:37 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
My Deviant Art site gallery
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Nice job with the shadows but I think that Yamame needs a shadow in the ground too :o

My youtube channel with my creations:
( ゆっくりしていってね)>

Inigo Montoya

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Congrats on completing the layout!  Good luck on the home stretch! :]
Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya...


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Ok I've done two things over this week.... starting with last sunday and moving on till now I've been running a special segment on the scroll project. Where I've been covering the characters and the histroy behind the artist and contributors of the project. There's a lot to cover here but so far I've got 4 parts up.

Special Character / Background Segment #1(Main / Misty Lake)
Special Character / Background Segment #2 (SDM Interior)
Special Character / Background Segment #3 (PCB Segmemt)
Special Character / Background Segment #4 (Outside World/ Kourindou Segment)

Moving onward today I did week 23's segment, where I show off the print and I confirm I'm coming to Atlanta!

This week has been a busy week for me since I have been working those special segments, but I didn?t forget the weekly reports. They?re just going to take place on the weekend now. Most of these weekly reports will be shorter now that the main of the project is over, but I still have things I plan to openly discuss.

For starters, this week has been about getting my print ready for the scroll. I?ve sent my files off to Chinanime so she can work on ZUN?s gift scroll for the project!

Meanwhile, I?ve enlisted my father?s help to get him to print out a 20 foot long print of the scroll layout. It took pretty much the entire week to get it printed and as of right now, I have the 2 prints of the scroll layout in my possession.

I used my father?s shop before to print the layout back in college, but as I learned 5 year makes a big difference.

The quality of these print I can say at the very least are good. They?re at least better than the company I enlisted before hand. They?ll do as long as these prints will be displayed from the distance (like 1 foot away at least)

I plan to double check with Chinanime?s prints to see what she?s got coming from her end (since I asked her to make some paper copies as well.) If they turn out better than my father?s prints I?ll request to have them sent my direction.

In the mean time let me show you what my print looks like (from a few snap shots I took from the very end of it)

Either way, one or the other will be used since there?s less than 3 weeks before the con.

Drunk Aya just informed me that he has completed the scroll itself and will be preparing to send it my direction via overnight delivery! So I should be expecting it very soon!

On other news, though, I?m all booked, and ready for my Atlanta trip! So I will be coming down there to the AWA convention! With the presentation scroll with me!

Overall, I?m very excited by this upcoming event because not only will I be able to have this scroll put up on display, but I will also be getting a chance to meeting some of the artists in the process at the con!

I will be trying to make preparations for this event since this will be my first con I will be attending let alone also the first time I?ve flown anywhere in my life in a long time.

There?s still a lot to do and the most challenging part of this project is about to start!

I have to make a decision soon and being prepping the prints for cutting before I can mount it. But it looks like I?ll be getting a start on this very soon now.

Stay tuned as I give another weekly report during this week. For now though keep your eyes open on the special segments since I?m still covering artists who help make this all possible.

Till next time folks!

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
My Deviant Art site gallery
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Holy cow, that's impressive!  :toot:

I'd be damned if the Japanese internet doesn't catch wind of this during/after AWA.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project (ZUN's Scroll is now ready!)
« Reply #164 on: September 18, 2013, 07:26:54 AM »
Holy cow, that's impressive!  :toot:

I'd be damned if the Japanese internet doesn't catch wind of this during/after AWA.
Oh I'm certain they'll be talking about this probably once after ZUN blogs this at some point. XD

Anyways, let me go ahead and present to you this update it's got some big news:

Week 24: ZUN's gift scroll is offically ready!

This week has been a very busy week for me so I didn?t post the weekly update on the weekend like I orginally planned, so to make to it I?ll be doing a series of mini updates over the course of this week (if things go well in my direction.

Anyways, lets get to the chase of the subject. I think I can safely say the title pretty much tells the whole story.

The gift scroll that?ll be given to ZUN is now officially compete and ready! Chinanime has worked hard over the last few weeks working with the scroll making company and she shared me some pictures of the final results?

All I can say is I?m overwhelmed by the work she and the company put into it! So here?s some pictures of ZUN?s gift scroll presented to me via Chinanime!

As I mentioned before I?m very overwhelmed by how professional Chinanime took this! This literally outclasses the presentation scroll by leaps and bounds.

As mentioned before, because of the rules of AWA have placed and how ZUN wants to handle being given the scroll. I will not be the one that?ll hand the scroll to him. But rather it?ll be the AWA Staff members who will be presenting him the gift we worked so hard for. There has been a lot of security precautions begin taken with ZUN at AWA since he is a ?Special Guest? at the convention so there?s only so many ways this can be handled.

Thankfully since this was announced and made aware to him month back he?s made enough time to prepare for this present.

So some may be wondering where the gift scroll is at right now?

Basically it?s still in production at the moment. I got the scroll from Drunk Aya and have been working on it and touching it up since there were loose seams and the ends seem to need some fixings, but I should be preparing a place to mount the scroll very shortly since I?ll need to cover the entire scroll in approximately 8 days.

It should be ready no doubt. But in case you?re wondering the presentation scroll will mainly be hung up on display during some parts of the con (during Touhou events since I got word the Touhou panel has the largest room of the whole con (the ball room). The gift scroll will be just handed to ZUN.

But here?s something else I want to point out to anyone that?s coming to the con.

If you happen to be an artist who worked on the scroll project, a major contributor, or someone I know, I will be have special offers available to those that come! Basically, they will be a 1/2 scale model of the scroll layout itself that I?ll give to those that worked or did major contributing, and perhaps if we have enough time, I would like to arrange a ?Scroll Artist Meeting? at some point during the con too!

How will I do this? I?ll be posting about this in the forum at some point because most of the arrangements will be done mostly through me (which I?ll give directions for)

What does this mean for the artists who can?t come to the con?

I will let know, do not worry you have not been forgotten but arrangements for this will have to be done post con!

Finally some of you may be wondering what happen to my special segments?

Well simply put, I?ve been caught up with work on the scroll and it?s eating up my time more quickly then I expected. As a result it?s been held back.

At this rate I?m going to make this announcement clear to all the artists participating.

If for some reason, I cannot complete all the segments on time before September 25th? All artist will full permission to post thier art work / backgrounds that they contributed to the project on the morning of that date!

I don?t like leaving people hanging, and because of the amount of work I have going on my plate right now, I do not know if I?ll have time to cover all grounds here. So instead of having everyone waiting forever to post thier art work. I rather have them go ahead and post thier work online by the mentioned date.

So yeah, if I don?t cover you by the 25th, go post your work! There?s will be no holding back by then!

But yeah, that?s it for now, I?m going to continue getting the scroll assembled for now and get another update ready in the following days..

Till then,

« Last Edit: September 18, 2013, 07:29:10 AM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project (ZUN's Scroll is now ready!)
« Reply #165 on: September 18, 2013, 09:05:42 AM »
Lol but, a lot of people have already posted online what they did for the scroll v:

i should probably get to changing my sig but im too lazy

art thread / yukkuri quest thread


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Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project (ZUN's Scroll is now ready!)
« Reply #166 on: September 18, 2013, 10:34:29 AM »
Fantastic. :o

The Jealous Witch did nothing wrong.


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Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project (ZUN's Scroll is now ready!)
« Reply #167 on: September 18, 2013, 10:49:40 AM »
Just wanted to give you all the tengu cheer for making this project happen, despite the haters, and right on time.

Caw caw!

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project (Now Atlanta-bound!)
« Reply #168 on: September 26, 2013, 07:55:05 PM »
Ok guys, I'm off to Atlanta, but before I go, here's something for you all.

Week 25: Atlanta here I come!

Today will mark the day I take off from home and make my wait to Atlanta, Georgia! I have my stuff bagged up and ready. I have my clothes, my presentation scroll, and several other artistic goods ready for the trip.

So what will I be doing down in Atlanta?

A lot of sight seeing at the AWA convention, since this will be my first time going to a con, I will be wondering around exploring and getting a good idea what all will be avaliable for me to do! But I will note one thing I will be mainly focusing on while down there.

Touhou related events!

These will be my primary focus while down at the con because I have alot of things to prepare for since this occasion will be very important. Many of the events will be significant at the con since there will be talk about the scroll and all ZUN while I?m down there.

What kind of events will there be down there that are Touhou related?

Starting on Friday Evening, there will be the ZUN interview that?ll take place. Several communitieswill have a representative come down and ask ZUN questions that he will answer regarding himself, Touhou Project, and so forth. So we will be getting ready for a lot of juicy info from that!

Saturday at 10-11 will be the Touhou Cosplay photoshoot where all the Touhou fans will come together in thier cosplay for photoshoots!

12:30 -2:30 is the big event: The Touhou Project Panel! Here we will discuss about Touhou in general, and all the fancy works to boot. To top it all off, I will be holding a speech at the panel where I will be discussing the scroll project there!

2:30-4:00 will be the Touhou Trivia Panel, where your knowledge of Touhou will be tested and you may win prizes!

4:00-5:00 will be gaming with ZUN where we the fans will challenge ourselves to playing a Touhou game and see how we stand up to it while ZUN dishes out his humor upon how bad we play. (If I get picked to play DDC, watch me fail badly. lololol)

Sunday will have the following activities:

AWA Touhou Festival: Opening Ceremonies ? 10-10:30a: [Official Description] It?s time for AWA?s first-ever Touhou Festival, and you?ve been invited to attend! To begin our block of events, we will have our opening ceremonies, Touhou gaming tournament signups, and Touhou swap meet preparation. Be sure you?re up bright and early!

AWA Touhou Festival: Swap Meet ? 10:30-11a: [Official Description] Got some Touhou stuff lying around that you?ve been meaning to get rid of? Maybe someone has that elusive Suwako you?ve been looking for while you have that amazing Flandre they want? Come to our Touhou swap meet, show off your goods, and trade with fellow Touhou fans! You might even find something you?ve never seen or heard before!

AWA Touhou Festival: PoFV Tournament ? 11a-12p: [Official Description] Test your dodging skills in this split-screen danmaku game and dim the dreams of your friends and foes alike as you aim for the top! No bombs, Merlin only, Stage Sign「Final Destination」.

AWA Touhou Festival: HM Tournament ? 12-1p: [Official Description] Choose your Touhou, beat the other Touhous, and gain the respect of the people in ZUN and TasoFro?s newest fighting entry to the series! Now with playable Kokoro!

AWA Touhou Festival: Gensokyo All-Stars Music Set feat. DJ Quietly ? 1-2p: [Official Description] Finishing off the Touhou block party will be a nonstop, high-energy live music event with DJ Quietly. Not unlike his Gensokyo All-Stars live streaming events, he?ll be playing all sorts of doujin remixes of your favorite Touhou songs while listeners can share their love of those Gensou sounds. We?ll end the set with our closing ceremony and send you off with memories we hope you won?t ever forget!

What will I be doing with my version of the scroll again (The presentation version) It will be hung up on display during the AWA Touhou Panel. As mentioned though, it doesn?t compare to the one that?s ZUN?s gift, that?s the one that REALLY matters. But this one will be mainly put up for people to view during the panel.

And ZUN?s Gift Scroll?

That will be taken care of by Chinanime and the AWA staff, they will be the one that?ll make arrangments to make sure this the transaction with of the gift is done so ZUN can be given the scroll that we worked on.

Will I be there to see them give ZUN the gift scroll?

That will depend on what ZUN wants. He may do this publicly or privately. And if I?m allowed to come see the event, I will liekly be notified, but this enitirely rests on ZUN and the AWA staff to let me know about this and how it?ll be handled.

Will I have offers for anyone coming to the con?

If you?re an artist / major contributor from the scroll project, yes! I will have some offers available that I?ll be willing to help take care of while you are there. Because you all deserve it and I?m willing to present to you thrse gifts as soon as I know if you?re coming to the con. They range from a 1/2 scale of the scroll layout to a special meeting we will be having. But it?ll only be an invitation related event for the artist that I will be there.

For those that aren?t coming, don?t worry I got some stuff for you coming after the con!

But for now I need to go ahead and end this chit chat, because I?m heading off to AWA now! I will be seeing you after the con guys!

Till after AWA guys,


P.S. All artists can post thier work they did on the project online now! Go for it!
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project (Scroll Delivered!)
« Reply #169 on: September 30, 2013, 11:07:35 AM »
Back from the con and all I can say ATM is one thing:


Well people I have returned! I'm a little bit tired but I'm now here. And if you haven't seen it on the web already for those who didn't go.... here it is!

This was a shocking surprise just how well it all went! The con itself was a massive success of unimaginable proportions.

What you have before you is the official picture that was taken by the AWA staff that was given by ZUN which he posted online late during the convention.

This was an overwhelming experience for myself and for most of the people who came to the con to see ZUN. But I will tell you this. This con has an amazing story that goes with it all. Too big to be put in a single post.

I will be talking about the entire story of my experience with the con, as well as the fated day ZUN was presented the scroll in front off many of his Touhou fans.

All I can say is ZUN is overall very pleased with what he has seen and loves his present that all of us worked on. Thanks to this, I can only say this was an overall MASSIVE success. ZUN has been overwhelmed by his supporters he now know exists in the US.

And it couldn't be done without you all! Once again, thanks for all the time, effort, and energy you all put into this because this project was a huge success and we were able to present this gift to ZUN thanks to everyone, the artists, the contributors, and the supporters who helped me all along the way! This couldn't be done without you all!

These next few days, I will cover my experience with the AWA convention, how the con turned out, my impression on the events, and my overall thoughts on my con experience! There will be a lot to explain, but the picture before you all represents the most important part of the event that stood out for the Scroll Project!

I shall be getting myself organized so that I can be able to share with you the whole story and will share you it as soon as possible.

Till update people!

- Totaku

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project (Scroll Delivered!)
« Reply #170 on: October 01, 2013, 01:40:09 AM »
Whoa, ZUN pictures are starting to roll in my facebook feed

Congratulations mate, it's great to see this thing work out in the end
I love the beer peeking up at the bottom of the picture :V
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project (Scroll Delivered!)
« Reply #171 on: October 01, 2013, 03:07:52 PM »
Whoa, ZUN pictures are starting to roll in my facebook feed

Congratulations mate, it's great to see this thing work out in the end
I love the beer peeking up at the bottom of the picture :V
Yes I'm glad it all did. I was a hard and complicated mess, but I managed to pull it all off.

Anyways, it's time for me to give everyone my report of my experience at the con.

Day 0 and Day 1 Report!

Today and for the few days, I will be covering my story on AWA and the events I witnessed while I traveled to Atlanta to the convention. Most of the stories will be from my perspective from what I saw, but I will try to cover the general stories in the process on somethings that happened as well.

So without further waiting let me tell you what happened at the con.

Day 0

So my adventure begins after I get to Atlanta International Airport. Since I come from the good ol' Heartland of Elvis Land (Memphis). I had no idea what to expect when I got there.

It turned out, the airport was 10 times the size of Memphis's airport. That alone blew me away. It made traveling a bit longer to reach baggage claim but thankfully, the airport has it's own mini subway system for that, which made the process quicker.

When I arrived to baggage claim I ran into a bit of a problem... my suit case was missing! And it was the suitcase that contained the presentation scroll!

I spent about a good 30 minutes looking for it since there was a big mess in terms making sure I knew where it was and how to get it. Airport staff notifed me that sometimes baggage can over flow and in those cases, they put some items on another belt so they directed me to the over flow belt which, thankfully that was where my case was.

Drunk Aya has already taken the a previous group that I was assigned to go with so he told me to wait for the big group that would be coming and I'll ride with them.

The big group eventually arrived and I got a meet a few friends I knew from IRC, Kilga, Purvis, Kirameki, and eventually Drunk Aya. We finally met in person and had a chance to talk. Overall it was nice to have a little talk with them though I just wanted to spend time relaxing after worrying about my suitcase.

Eventually the transportation arrive and we all got on and headed our way to the Emissary Suite, the hotel in which I would be staying for the duration of the con.

I got in and took the elevator up to the presidential suite where I was assigned my room, turned out I would be staying in room 227. When I got there, I met up with Chaore, Konstantin, and TSO's friend. So I begun to settle down and had a chance to talk with them for a bit.

I decided to contact Drunk Aya to discuss our plan for the presentation scroll since there was a problem I didn't bother to mention in my blogs about...

It turned out that while I was mounting the presentation scroll, Drunk Aya had forgotten to add two feet to the presentation scroll. Thus I ended up with a scroll that was 2 feet too short.

Drunk Aya brought his sowing machine to fix this as well as the spare. So I gave Drunk Aya the parts for the scroll and let him fix them up.

I decided to return to my room so I could have some time to talk, but before too long I was called by Mint to come meet him on the first floor.

So when I got down there I met him and got to greet each other and also met Onimaru in the process.

The main news that I was informed of was the Mint got a hold of Chinanime, and managed to the official scroll which he gave to the AWA staff that planned to present it to ZUN. This was great news for me because I knew that all was going well. So I continue to see what was going on and Onimaru invited me to take a tour of the con area. So I headed with him over to the Rennisance where he showed me the main location of the Dealer's Room, Artist's Alley, and the Ballroom (where some of the main Touhou events would be taking place).

Afterward, we decided to head back and I contact Drunk Aya. He notified me he finished adding the extra length and mounted the scroll in the process! So the presentation scroll was now ready.

But my night wasn't over yet. Because we to mount the spare! So I decided to go grab my extra copy, head up to the Presidential Suite and and start mounting there.

I spend a total of 5 hours on and off working on the mount. During the time I was up there, I got a chance to meet Ryo (Ayato's Boyfriend), Mamizou, and Overcoat.

By around 3 AM the back up presentation scroll was complete!

From there I decided it was time to go to bed, but I didn't have much time to really rest because I knew I would be getting up early because of my plans I would take care of first thing in the morning.... going to the dealers's room and getting my the official AWA ZUN T-shirt... in fact I didn't end up sleeping at all that night ultimately...

Day 1

As morning begin to dawn I got myself prepared and ready to take off to the con and decided to go with Kirameki to wait in line at the dealer's room. When we got there, the line was very short which was a good thing. So I knew I would be ready for the event. Kirameki and I chilled with a bunch of Touhou cosplayers while we waited in line. During the wait, SuperParadox called me and asked me if she could come into her Hotel room so she could get her cosplay ready.

So I ended up leaving my spot to go back to the hotel to let her in. After I arrived and let her in to get her cosplay ready we both headed out to the con since I served as her guide (sort of). But when we returned to the Dealer's Room... it was packed full!

It was still about an hour before the doors to the dealer's room would open but I knew it was going to be a long wait... During the wait though,something surprising happened...

ZUN showed up outside the line of the dealer's room! And hung out in the area for a few minutes as he posed and took some pictures with some Touhou cosplayers.

It was awesome to see him in person, but I was a bit afraid to get out of line since security around the area was strict so I might end up loosing the line if I did, so I chose to stay in place as I took this picture of him from the line (this was the best one of the batch)

Not too much later after ZUN left, another person came up with a mike and started to talk to everyone at the line. Mostly to help drum up enthusiasm, but out of no where he asks if anyone in the line were Attack on Titan cosplayers and Touhou cosplayers. And he told them all to come on up to him, I told Paradox to go on ahead and as it turned out... the man gave all the cosplayers early access to the dealer's room! Thus I was now in line waiting till the doors open for the rest of us non-cosplayers.

When they finally opened I got in line right away the AWA T-shirt booth. Again, this was everyone's stop there too! So the line was LONG!

Paradox got done early and I met her on the way to get my T-shirt, so I decided to ask her an important question.

"Is there's a limit to how many T-shirts we can get?"

"Yes, one-per customer"

So as it turns out my plan to get 3 T-shirts was out the window. Especially once after I got done buying my T-shirt, they checked my badge to make sure I was noted to got a T-shirt from them, pretty much rendering my unable to get any more.

I decided to go ahead with Paradox and start browsing the shop stands in the dealer's room.

We ultimately came across two shops that were my focus point at the con. Han De Ne and Chinanime!

Han De Ne, was where I bought my offical Touhou games at. I ended up buying DDC and IN while I was there!

And at Chinanime, this was where I met with Yiheng and talked to her about the official scroll and what Mint mentioned to me. She told me everything was ready and I asked if she had any of the mini scroll layouts.

She presented to me a number of them and showed me she had them all ready. So I asked if we could split them up and give them out to the artists, main contributors, and friends of mine who were at the con. She agreed and I was given 20 copies to distribute while she kept the remaining 20 for the time being.

After that, Super Paradox went out of the dealers room and I decided to go ahead and take some pictures of Touhou cosplayers while I had the time being.

(One of these cosplayers is Paradox [guess who it is?])

Most of the time was spent wondering about trying to figure out what to do and we ended up having lunch go to various places and taking small breaks at the hotel.

I'll be honest, thanks to the complete lack of sleep I had, I was feeling exhausted early on and didn't feel too good. But I did my best to hold out since I knew there would be some importance to the event.

Eventually later in the day, the con had it's first major ZUN event. "Renaissance Man, ZUN"

As expected the lines were packed and the numbers large and because the Kennesaw was a small room you had to get in line EARLY. Because if you weren't in line early you'd miss the event! Thankfully me and Paradox made it in line and into the show along with Kirameki and Konstantin and many other people I knew who were there.

We eventually took our seats and got to see ZUN come out as they started the panel.

The panel itself was very fun an interesting since they allowed people in the audience to ask questions to ZUN regarding the Touhou question. And there were many fascinating questions that were asked.

For a complete list, here's a link to the questions that were asked during the panel provided by Ruka.

Overall I had a blast for the first day and it was a very wonderful expeirence, but after all that I went through I was very tired. So I ended up going to sleep almost right away after returning to my Hotel room for the night.

This pretty much concludes my first day at the con. Tomorrow I will cover Day 2 of the con and the most important events from it!

Till next update people!

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project (Scroll Delivered!)
« Reply #172 on: October 01, 2013, 06:48:10 PM »
I really wish I could have gone, but it's nice to see you all had fun and the scroll turned out successful.~

I'll look forward to tomorrow's recap of day 2~

Hmm............Is Paradox the Koishi cosplayer?  :ohdear:


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project (Scroll Delivered!)
« Reply #173 on: October 02, 2013, 08:33:08 PM »
I really wish I could have gone, but it's nice to see you all had fun and the scroll turned out successful.~

I'll look forward to tomorrow's recap of day 2~

Hmm............Is Paradox the Koishi cosplayer?  :ohdear:

Hahaha nope, keep in mind that it could be from ANY of the cosplay pictures I posted. Nice try though, but that Koishi in there is another artist in the project.
Anyways let's continue onward word with covering Day 2 along with a bonus I forgot to include from Day 1. So let's continue....

As I continue on my story, I recall I left out an event from day one that followed the Kennesaw room meeting. So I thought it would be important to bring it up.

Day 1 Extra

After ZUN's interview sessions there was one thing I did forget to mention that followed the event. Kilga (Toyosatomimi no Miko cosplayer) and SilentSword (Youmu Cosplayer) rounded up as many of the cosplayers they could and begin to have them march thier way through the con. What for? It was interesting so me and Paradox followed them. And as it turned out we paraded our way into the mall right near the con!

This photo bearly even beings to describe what we witnessed but to summarize the event, imagine this: Imagine walking through the mall till you witness a large army of Touhou cosplay marching thier way down the mall's path way... 100s of them! Yes 100+ cosplayers marched thier way down the path of the mall all the way to the food court where everyone would settle down and eat.

Onimaru did note to me before that he seen a "Flood of Touhous" before, but it was only about 40 cosplayers. And this was back a year or two ago. This outclassed that by leaps and bounds.

Either way, it was a remarkable site and I enjoyed it every bit. Eventually after we had all eaten, we all made our way back to the con which following after that I called it a night and went to bed for tomorrow's important event!

Day 2

Saturday began with me waking up and having breakfast as usual. I had plans to come to the Tohuou photoshoot at the Ampitheater that day, but before I could Paradox contacted me and asked me if I was going to wait for her so I stayed behind to wait for her to come to the room, but as it turned out there was a change of plans apperently she had already prepared her cosplay in advance and came to the Cobb Suite. So I ended up leaving the room sometime after the photoshoot had started and I had to make my way to the Cobb.

Skipping past the Ampitheather, I noticed the large number of cosplays present at the place. I was remarkable but before I could settled down, I had to find Paradox first.

In the end it turned out she made her way to the Ampitheather and so I had to end up coming back to the area to find out they had already started the group photo shoot session. I didn't catch most of it, but to summarize it mainly had Kilga line up people from different groups of the series. Starting with the main characters, and going on from EoSD all the way to DDC's cosplay.

I only made it torward the end of the photoshoot. So I managed to capture MoF onward.

Here's a few of the good shots I took from the photo shoot.

What I did catch of it was a blast! But soon after the photoshoot was over we had to get ready for the con's big event:

The Tohou Fan Panel

This would take place in the ballroom which was 5 times the size of the Kennesaw room. So you were more likely to get in and since Touhou was the main attraction at the con it was pretty much the main place to be.

As usual the lines were very long as you'd expect. Thankfully I was able to make it in though and took my seat. Turned out this event was going to be very interesting since it wasn't going to be a typical Touhou Panel. It was less about what is Touhou and more about the fans and the community that makes it up! Most of it had people that represented different parts of the Touhou community that came from different parts of the US as well as people who flew in from other parts of the world!

We also went over a few noted facts about last year's con in the process with some familiar references to some cookies...

(Most of it were jokes though. :v)

As the con continues on, we eventuall got to the special guest panel. These included Overcoat of Touhou Raido, Ryou of Yellow Zebra, and eventually me and Stephen.

As you know, I was the main manager of the Touhou Scroll Project, but in case you're wondering Stephen was a representative of another project that was taking place else where. A book project known as "Letters to ZUN".

While most of the guest speakers got thier time to speak. When it came to my turn to perform my speech I went ahead and being to talk while the  folks about a short history about the scroll as the panel unraveled the presentation scroll in front of them.

The excitement of the people roared upon the unraveling of the scroll. It was amazing to see everyone's reaction upon showing this to the audience. I was asked to hurry along so I tried to briefly run through the names of those who were invovled that were present in the con. But due to time constrains, I didn't even get enough time to cover them all and the book Stephen brought didn't get much coverage either sadly. This was mainly because they had to rush for the next panel so they had to wrap things up to get it all ready. (Don't worry though, this would all be made up soon enough)

Touhou Trivia Panel

This panel was rather simple. It mainy focused on doing trivia related questions on the Touhou series or Touhou music. The questions ranged from easy to hard. I tried to do my best to score a prize, but none of my cases was I selected to go up for a chance to answer any of the questions.

The most notable highlight was around the end of the panel though. Since there was complications with the previous question. (Name three oni from the Touhou series. [Supposely the answer they were looking for was Suika, Yuugi, and Seija <Seija is techincally wrong>] They decided to ask someone from the audience if they could come up with a hard level question.

BL2W darts up on the stage and shouts out he has one and begins to ask the question: Which enemy did Reimu encounter that in the series that was the only enemy Reimu feared both before and after the battle?

The Answer: The Five Magic Stones

This rewarded the answerer and BL2W thier golden tickets to get thier stuff signed by ZUN! What a way to end the panel!

Gaming with ZUN and the Revealing of the Scroll

With the trivia panel closed, the next ZUN event was taking place. In this panel one person was selected to take on the challnege of playing DDC while ZUN and everyone else watched.

But before that panel got started the panelist asked ZUN if wanted to see a surprised they brought for him. It was rather big, but they figured he would like it.

Just then, someone brought in a box (the very same one I mentioned on the blog here.) And as it turned out... the surprise was the revealed to ZUN the official version of the Scroll Project! I think the best way to summarize it is through this video (courtesy of Ruka)

All I can say is, the timing of the presentation was remarkable and I tried to get a good shot at it, but I will admit, I was a little nervous with out the staff was handling the scroll at first and I got a little shaky but they managed to right themselves up.

Once the scroll was unraveled, ZUN ran back and forth to look at the entire layout and you could see from his movement he was amazed by the presentation of the scroll. When the staff asked him what did he thing, he said three simple words in English... "Long... Beautiful... Yes"

Those words were more than enough for me to realize that our job has been completed successfully and with a magnificent impression that he would remember for a long time. ZUN loved the scroll, and he loved that we had put so much love and effort into it.

Thus, our mission was major success!

Once that was done they asked for the whole community to come up to get thier picture taken. Ryou told me to get into the picture. I knew I needed to get in so I darted in as soon as I could and got in right behind ZUN to pose for the camrea. As shown in the picutre back in week 26's report, it was a sight to remember....

When all was done we all went back to our seats except for Ryou and me, and I sat by to take pictures of the panel as the player attempted to play DDC. He was given hard difficulty and played as Sakuya.

Overall, considering the difficulty, he did ok, but I can tell he had difficult since he was not doing as well as he could of been. But let's face it, he was under a lot of pressure. He was infront of a full audience, plus ZUN sitting beside him, making witty remarks.

Thankfully though he was able to complete DDC, but sadly didn't 1CC it. I will say this much, what was most amusing of the panel was actually watching the gameplay of DDC and listening to the audience's reaction, especially during some of the gimmic spellcards such as Sekibanki's spellcards, Seija's spellcards, and Shinmyoumaru's "You grow bigger" spellcard.

It was an amusing sight to see.... if only he could of 1CC'd though.

Here's some snapshots of some gameplay from the event:

This was overall becoming a very terrific con, but the fun wasn't over!

After the gaming panel I had one more surprise in store for everyone that day!

I invited all the artist / major contributors / and friends of mine over for a big eat out at P.F. Change's Chinese Bistrol to celebrate the victory we had just accomplished!

Overall, Ruka, Overcoat, Onimaru, Everfeather, Freeze-Ex, SuperParadox, Konstantin, EverForzenMore, Mamizou, Fauxm, Yiheng of Chinanime, Ryou, and a few others came over for the big party.

Pretty much we all had a wonderful time as we sat down and discussed and enjoy the what had been accomplished and discussed other future plans.

Truly, it was a night to remember! After dinner, we pretty much called it a night and I returned to my room to go to sleep (after getting my boarding pass for tomorrow's flight back home).

This pretty much concludes day 2 of the convention.

Tomorrow I will be covering the final day and presenting a special segment the following day then I'll have a nice surprise for all the artists in this project. ^^

Till next update folks!


That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
My Deviant Art site gallery
Now I Twitter

Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project (Scroll Delivered!)
« Reply #174 on: October 03, 2013, 11:40:46 PM »
look at all those money in my hand :dealwithit:


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project (Scroll Delivered!)
« Reply #175 on: October 04, 2013, 08:27:21 AM »
Yup I think that's a good way to express yourself. :P Anyways... I forgot to post day 3 + aftermath report!


Day 3

Day 3 was a short day for me because I decided to take that day to wrap up things I would be doing at the con. With the victory of the scroll established most of my business was done, but before I left I wanted to enjoy what time I had left with the con.

For the morning I prepared for the Touhou opening event. Once again the lines were packed! But during the wait I got to snap a few screen shots of some cosplayers during the wait.

Eventually the ball room opened and I got to enter the event.

The space was rather open and in the middle of the room was the gaming area. As it turned out they were getting ready for the PoFV and HM tournament run.

During my visit I got to run into Suikasen and Teezan in the process so I decided to get a snapshot of the two together since I was preparing to leave soon.

The plan was to enjoy what I could  and get I could get before I headed off with Konstantin to the airport since he planned a shuttle from the hotel to the airport to come after the goodbye ZUN panel.

So during the tournament run I had to run back and forth between the dealer?s room to pick up the remaining copies of the mini scroll to take home. Why? I?ll be revealing this to the artists very soon?.

I also had to delver Freeze Ex his art gear he left behind by accident, and I also did a a little more shopping while there since I wanted to get a few more goods before my leave.

Also when I returned to the tournament panel. I found out Andrew got his Touhou Arcade panel up and running!

This machine was an amazing sight to see and I loved what I got to see of it. Apparently the machine was running back down in the arcade parlor back a few days ago, but I missed it so I didn?t know about it till now. Either way, from the looks of the prototype, it?s well made and loved the look of it. There?s some things Andrew talked to me about the machine that I may bring up to the artists soon! What is it? That?s something between me and the artists of the project.

I also got to meet Stephen while I was there and got to take a picture of the cover to his book before he passed it off to Mint.

This book has a significant importance at the con too just like the scroll project! But one there?s a little story behind this book too and I happen to be involved in this. How you may ask? Well I?ll tell you the story about this tomorrow actually! For now let me continue to discuss what happened at the con?

Pretty much the Freeze-Ex decided to participate in the HM tournament and he admited he didn?t think he win, but I did root for him! But during the tournament, Andrew asked me if he could have a chance to see the scroll one more time to take pictures. But I upped it one better? I took him, Suikasen, Teezan, Super Paradox and a few others to the dealer?s room to talk to Yiheng because?

She had a backup copy of the official scroll made for emergency cases. Thankfully it was not needed and thus I allowed Yiheng to keep this one. But since the crew was here I asked her to unroll it to show to everyone I brought so they could get thier snapshots of it and a good look at it for one last time. As expected, unrolling the scroll drew a crowd and it was nice to see how everyone was pleased to see this. Once again, I?m thankful everything worked out in the end.

Not too long after that though we had to skip going back to the tournament because we needed to get in line for the good bye ZUN panel AKA ?Sayonara AWA?

From what I gathered though, Freeze-Ex lost in an HM round and ultimately ZUN showed up at the panel to present the winner of PoFV and HM a golden ticket!

Sayonara AWA

In this final panel we had four Japanese special guest at the panel: ZUN, Asakawa Yuu, Iwata Mitsuo, and Toshio Furukawa. Most of the interivews and questions from this con centered around general questions about thier experience at the con or thier work. Overall though everyone of them had a wonderful experience here in the US and were looking forward to possibly more in the future.

There wasn?t much to cover here since it was mainly general stuff, but over all I can say it was a nice was to close out the day?

Following the panel I left and said my goodbyes as I went with Konstantin to get my belongings, and to take off to the airport with him, Overcoat and Mamizou.

I would be spending a few more hours at the airport as I awaited for my flight to come in but during the wait, Kilga showed up and we had a quick talk. Once again Kilga congratulated me for a job well done with the scroll and he asked? ?Great con, right??

"Yes, Great Con indeed!"

We parted out ways and eventually I took my flight back to the good ol? Heartland of Elvis, thus ending my journey at the con?.

Con Aftermath

Let?s face it, I was overwhelmed, pleased, excited and loved every bit of the AWA convention! I?m not sure how I can go about expressing how much I loved going to a con because this was my first. I hear that the con isn?t nearly this busy as it was this year making this con event much more significant than ever!

I had a blast over all and knowing that the 6 long month I spent pushing artists to work on thier art for the scroll project payed off cannot be more satisfying than I could ever imagine.

Truly, for a first con, it?ll be a con I will remember I as long as I live. Once again? I couldn?t have done this without the help of the 70 artists + the major contributors of this project. Everything turned out better than expected and I do not know how else to express my thanks other than giving a big thank you to everyone of you who made this happen.

If I ever take on another project and the time arises, I will contact you guys that are interested. I know this was a massively taxing project, but we stuck through it and achieved the impossible. We managed to present a completed huge collaboration work and present it to ZUN himself. And now he will be taking the scroll home with him to put up within his new office. I couldn?t have asked for any better.

So once again thank you all for all your hard work!

Goodies from the con

In case you?re wondering I got my self several offical Touhou games! Immaterial and Missing Power, Imperishable Night and Double Dealing Character. I also got me Patchucon and Chinanime?s CD that Freeze-Ex had a hand making the cover for, and finally obtained a Sanae Nendroid in the process!

Also snagged up an artbook from Chinanime, along with a few doujinshi to boot! I should note, I?m a sucker for KFC?s work, no surprise? :v

But yes, as of right now? this wraps up the con itself!

Tomorrow I will be covering a book I had a small hand in helping make possible to be given to ZUN? ?Letters to ZUN?

It?s a short and simple story about how I managed to make the presentation of this book possible for a group of artists.

Till tomorrow folks!

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
My Deviant Art site gallery
Now I Twitter


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project (Scroll Delivered!)
« Reply #176 on: October 16, 2013, 06:48:01 AM »
Congrats and well done everyone. :D

Unsticking the thread now that the project's delivered. :)


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: [Art/Project] The AWA Touhou Scroll Project (Scroll Delivered!)
« Reply #177 on: October 22, 2013, 02:34:15 PM »
No problem Gappy, thanks for all the help along with everyone else.

I want to go ahead and take the liberty to inform everyone that tonight I will be on Touhou Tuesday! To discuss about the work invovled in the scroll project along with Yiheng of Chinanime!

Here's something I posted on the blog.

I guess you guys must be wondering what?s up with me as of lately. I still have lots to cover here and I been busy but I wanted to inform you all of something special as of today!

Tonight at 8 PM Eastern Time, I will be on Overcoat?s radio station AcredioRadio for Touhou Tuesday! Because this week me, Yiheng (the manager of Chinese / American circle Chinanime) and Overcoat are all going to sit down and talk all about the Touhou Scroll Project!

That?s right, this week the show will be covering me and Yiheng talking about what I underwent with the project, my experience with the project, my connection with Yiheng and how she helped out and ultimately what I will be doing in the future now that this project is over!

Touhou Tuesday airs every week on Tuesday at 8 PM Eastern Time, so feel free to check it out! Especially today since the focus is one the Touhou Scroll Project! Also feel free to follow Overcoat?s Tumblr as well

Till next time folks!


That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
My Deviant Art site gallery
Now I Twitter