Author Topic: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.  (Read 225605 times)


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #750 on: April 24, 2013, 09:38:53 PM »
riot pls let me send gifts cross servers kthx :(


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #751 on: April 24, 2013, 11:50:53 PM »
oh yea btw, if anyone wants to add me on the NA server feel free to do so, my summoner name is Watermelonz9. I'm lvl 25, so I'm still noob at this game.  :V


Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #752 on: April 25, 2013, 03:02:09 AM »
Wait Suikama have we been in the same league since season 3 started?

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #753 on: April 25, 2013, 03:03:00 AM »
i've never moved at all in my league so i guess so :V


  • mrgrgr
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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #754 on: April 25, 2013, 03:55:06 AM »
Well, here's my attempt at a drawing. At least I can say I tried.

*currently under repair*
Puzzle Dragon stuff


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #755 on: April 25, 2013, 04:08:20 PM »
I am bad with my Shyvana - that's Ironscale right?  I have to go to doctor but just want to make sure I got the skin right (so it looks like 3 entries in 750/975 and none in 520) before drawing o'clock.


  • mrgrgr
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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #756 on: April 25, 2013, 06:23:47 PM »
I am bad with my Shyvana - that's Ironscale right?  I have to go to doctor but just want to make sure I got the skin right (so it looks like 3 entries in 750/975 and none in 520) before drawing o'clock.


*currently under repair*
Puzzle Dragon stuff


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #757 on: April 25, 2013, 09:09:10 PM »
I was gonna make an entry but 1) I'm on Jen's Mac, and I have no idea how to bring up a mouse-sketch program, and by the time I found drawing thingy it was coming up on 8 pm and I had to be up by 2 am this morning for work. this point I think I've actually forgotten who I was gonna try to draw, anyways :v


  • gotta stock up on dark matter
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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #758 on: April 25, 2013, 09:10:38 PM »
Alright so the moment of truth.....
Congratulations Widermelonz!  I'll probably do another one of these in a few months so ~stay tuned~
Speaking of, I did get to try Thresh yesterday cause he's on free week and :* :* :*
I didn't plan on it but I think I'm turning into a support main nooo how did this happen

On another note, does matchmaking stop being redonkulous with regards to imbalanced duo/trip premades once I actually hit 30?  The past few games I have played have been total stomps in one direction or the other, and it really boils down to which side has more bronze ranked/experienced 30s on it that can balance out their level 10-15 buddy (worse if said buddy is a high level smurf)  It's just not really fun when everything's a surrender at 20 :(

EDIT:  nooooo not friends long enough!  I'll send it as soon as I am allowed to!


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #759 on: April 25, 2013, 09:33:53 PM »
Can someone explain how a Xin support works with AD Kennen.

Because idk what made it work in my brother's head... but it worked.

Then our Karma mid decided to sell all her items for AD items, and push top letting the enemy team run into our base 4v5 and take it, doing nothing Q_Q
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #760 on: April 25, 2013, 09:35:10 PM »
I think I'm turning into a support main nooo how did this happen

Mostly cause nobody will let ya play anything else in this game.

On another note, does matchmaking stop being redonkulous with regards to imbalanced duo/trip premades once I actually hit 30?

I'd say no. Not until you have about 200 games played does anything appear to be even.

Also my favorite Zilean skin is finally on sale along with Ziggs.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 09:41:20 PM by Dlanor A. Knox »


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #762 on: April 26, 2013, 03:55:35 AM »
Can someone explain how a Xin support works with AD Kennen.
It's because it's AD Kennen. 'Nuff said.

Actually, I think it might be similar to how most melee supports work and Kennen's passive. I won't claim to be an expert on Xin, but from what I know of him, he can dash in and slow a champion, get in three hits to knock them up, and all the while, Kennen can land his Q and W passive while waiting for Xin's knock-up in order to keep the champ in place with his W active. So there's your combo, and then there's the whole lane presence thing with a melee support, and of course Kennen's passive will give the enemy a lot of grief when used properly.

Don't take my word for it. It's more theorycrafting on why it COULD work, because I did not see this game and by proxy, I don't know why exactly it worked. :V

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #763 on: April 26, 2013, 06:05:07 AM »
D: I missed the giveaway. Also I missed playing with MJP + Triangles cuz you were both on but instead I played with my irl friends who are really good and pretty much dragged them down and then just felt bad about myself.

Also another way of giving things away is just purchasing a physical RP card and sending the person the code. I dunno if that works cross server, but I see people do that on Tumblr. Though it's not that same glorious feeling of giving them the exact skin they want...


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #764 on: April 26, 2013, 03:12:10 PM »
EULCS promotion begins:

Dragonborns will have to face the winner of the MYM game. MYM was considered a shoe-in for the LCS to start with, but got upset majorly. Dragonborns I wouldn't be shocked if they go out.

Neither team GIANTS have to face stands out to my.

However, the AAA v SK game is worrisome, as their bracket places them against the winner of a match against a team called Anexis. Anexis is a VERY good team from what I've seen.

Personally, I'd love to see the status quo change, and one of the 'Big 4' drop. EG isn't even one of the Big 4 anymore really, their winrate shows that, and they're still stuck in S2 really. On the other hand, Wolves have been looking strong, they went from 0-9 to 5th place!

I also have said before that I personally dislike Ocelote, and would be perfectly fine to see him gone. I do doubt SK will lose, but if they do, Anexis is no pushover.

LCS Fans,

We wanted to give you an update on the situation with the SK Gaming vs. aAa match that was delayed earlier today. Unfortunately, we’ve made an official ruling to disqualify aAa from the EU LCS playoffs. This is obviously an extremely disappointing situation as we’re missing out on a great match-up between two fantastic teams fighting for their LCS lives. This difficult decision was made because aAa was unable to field a roster of eligible players, and was necessary in order to maintain the structural integrity of our league.

Earlier this week, a starting aAa team member sadly had to return home for a family emergency and would not be able to make it back to play in today’s match (we want to respect the individual and team’s privacy and can’t share more information). None of their three eligible substitutes were able to act as such in time for these matches despite the best efforts of aAa to scramble for an alternative. The LCS did everything in its power to adjust playoff scheduling to accommodate the team’s needs, including a possible makeup match on Saturday morning, but the team was still unable to fulfill the roster requirements stated in the league rules.

An alternative option was raised to allow for aAa to use a substitute not eligible on their roster, but this would’ve violated the official rules and put SK in the unfair position of playing against a team composition they were never allowed to practice for. We had extensive conversations with aAa and SK to try and find a solution (to SK’s credit, they did their best to accommodate – those guys are studs!). However, in the end the league felt it was unfair to SK and other teams to deviate from a substitution policy that could potentially correlate to an unfair disadvantage for an opponent. Setting this precedent would lead to a very slippery slope.

Our sincere apologies to all of our fans for the inconvenience this created. Despite the elimination of this match, we are extremely excited for the remainder of playoff action occurring in Europe and NA.


aAa are down by DQ, SK are in.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 05:20:30 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #766 on: April 26, 2013, 05:34:34 PM »
Okay, I feel a lot less terrible about getting utterly thrashed by that Teemo in lane now that I know they're Diamond III :V

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #767 on: April 26, 2013, 07:41:53 PM »
Mostly cause nobody will let ya play anything else in this game.
Actually not even as much that, more that I'm finding myself doing good and getting props from the other team all the time now  :o  It helps that I don't have to deal with the whack a mole that is last hitting (I think this is why I'm starting to warm up to jungle too) though I still do ADC a bunch with MJP supporting.

D: I missed the giveaway. Also I missed playing with MJP + Triangles cuz you were both on but instead I played with my irl friends who are really good and pretty much dragged them down and then just felt bad about myself.

Also another way of giving things away is just purchasing a physical RP card and sending the person the code. I dunno if that works cross server, but I see people do that on Tumblr. Though it's not that same glorious feeling of giving them the exact skin they want...
Yes play with us I assure you I'm not really good so no worries there!  And I didn't think of the RP card, I thought with the different countries it might not be compatible (hence the Paypal suggestion) but maybe if RPs are RPs across the world a US card code might work?  Or buy a EU/BR points code off ebay?  KEEP THAT IN MIND NEXT TIME YOU ALL.  BECAUSE THERE WILL BE A NEXT TIME.


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #768 on: April 27, 2013, 12:45:26 AM »
Uh... if Dignitas lose in the Promotion Series are we allowed to say R.I.P Scarra [From comp play]?

Because they just lost to GGU.

I actually hope Vulcan beats CLG. I think CLG's egos are too big, [Cough Hotshot] and I like Vulcun, even back when they were FEAR, or MmE, although they don't have Aphromo anymore, they're still awesome.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 12:48:07 AM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #769 on: April 27, 2013, 03:35:47 AM »
Well now, who expected this sort of result from the playoffs at the beginning of the season? Like I said last week, it's like all the top NA teams except TSM forgot how to win for some reason.


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #770 on: April 27, 2013, 11:08:22 AM »
To be fair with FEAR/Vulcun's performance before S3, I'd have not predicted losing them.

That said, I wouldn't have predicted a dominant Curse before S3, nor would I have predicted TSM going back to #1.

Also, fun thing to think over here:

Vulcun's current roster we've seen before, more or less.

CLG B.L.A.C.K [Standing for Bacon Lovers are Crazy Kool]

CLG's old B team.

I think that says something about the current state/form of CLG, and CLG [The sponsors/group] must be kicking themselves.

Edit: How unsurprising that Gambit are crushing SK completely now that they are not messing around like last game [Rengar pick]

As per usual. That'll be 13 wins for Gambit v 1 for SK.

Also SK let the Prince have Thresh. It is currently 1-10 with a 10k gold lead... at 17 mins.

Also I just heard EU got matched v Korea Round 1 at the All-Star. So basically what should be the final is R1. Yay?

It's at the point where SK try dragon, and Genja shows up. THEY ALL FLASH OVER THE WALL AWAY OUT OF TERROR OF GENJA ALONE. [And SK then surrendered]


LCS All-Star format and bracket:

Basically, EU will face Korea. The loser of that will then face probobly NA [Unless NA beats China, but with Scarra and Doubelift focused on staying in the LCS, how much time can they REALLY focus into All-star?]. Then they'll face each other again. Riot sure know how to make the matchup the crowd wants twice.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 06:25:22 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #771 on: April 28, 2013, 04:10:40 AM »

Placement matches are weird.
Our Sivir kept wanting top, so we went dual top and Kha solo bot. Kha kept burning mana and was generally starving bot. Meanwhile I was completely sucking at dodging TF Q's and forgetting I can Q him the moment he throws a Pick A Card at me.

Then I bought my Catalyst. And hit lv6.

Kass is so much more OP with a tear. Why did I hate on it so much in the past D:

and they told me i wouldn't succeed
« Last Edit: April 28, 2013, 04:39:48 AM by Raitaki »
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #772 on: April 28, 2013, 11:31:53 AM »
Hey I made one of these. Yay? It's a rumble guide~

How's everyone been?
What are all your thoughts on elo boosting?


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #773 on: April 28, 2013, 02:21:29 PM »
What are all your thoughts on elo boosting?

Banhammer both the booster and the boosted. Lifting people to where they do not belong, ruining the system, is bad.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • mrgrgr
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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #774 on: April 28, 2013, 03:41:09 PM »
Hey I made one of these. Yay? It's a rumble guide~

How's everyone been?
What are all your thoughts on elo boosting?

For some reason, whenever I go Rumble, I find myself using both ignite and exhaust at the same time.

As for Elo-boosting. I don't really care, if you have to buy it, it's not really worth anything.

*currently under repair*
Puzzle Dragon stuff

Mr. Sacchi

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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #775 on: April 28, 2013, 07:19:22 PM »
Welp, I watched the last game of the finals expecting "HEY, ALEX ICH WITH DIANA, THAT'S -AWESOME-"

Oh, no, Alex Ich does amateur Diana mistakes, stuff even I - and I'm unranked - don't do.

Gambit still has to impress me.

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #776 on: April 28, 2013, 08:03:24 PM »
Hey I made one of these. Yay? It's a rumble guide~

How's everyone been?
What are all your thoughts on elo boosting?
It's bannable for good reason, boosted players will wreck games. It also reduces the confidence of the matchmaking system, which is bad and will also lead to having to play in unfun games.

It wrecks the game for every player that is not also boosted, don't do it.


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #777 on: April 29, 2013, 01:45:35 AM »
Welp, I watched the last game of the finals expecting "HEY, ALEX ICH WITH DIANA, THAT'S -AWESOME-"

Oh, no, Alex Ich does amateur Diana mistakes, stuff even I - and I'm unranked - don't do.

Gambit still has to impress me.

Did you watch them face SK yesterday?

And, that was the end of a series that was approaching 5 hours of constant play. Simple answer: He was tired.

Also, something to bear in mind:
Fnatic have a gaming house, Gambit do not
Fnatic don't have to travel 3 hours by plane to get to the studio, Gambit do
Fnatic don't have wives and newborn children, Alex Ich does.

Yet Gambit still take them 5 games.

In those situations, Gambit is still almost #1 in Europe [And crushed SK so thoroughly that the gap between #2 and #4 is clearly pretty huge right now], if Gambit were actually in ideal conditions, or even just the conditions Fnatic were in, would anyone really stand a chance?

Also it will be hilarious to drink tears of TSM fanboys if TSM lose to GGU.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2013, 01:47:47 AM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Mr. Sacchi

  • All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.
  • Not postponed. Not in the end. Not for long.
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #778 on: April 29, 2013, 02:34:21 AM »
Everybody just seems to be giving me the same argument, "They were tired, that's why they lost", Fnatic wasn't exactly in a much better position.

Again, they still have to impress me, tbh I don't really care for individual players, only Froggen but only if he's using the bird, I know Alex is a troll and an eccentric player, I was thinking I'd learn some new tricks as Diana by watching him, pretty much the entire reason I watched the match.

Don't try to argue with me on this one, until I see one game from gambit's where I really just go "whoa" I'm just not changing my mind.