Author Topic: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.  (Read 225663 times)


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #360 on: March 19, 2013, 03:00:45 AM »


Taric nooooo ;_;

Who am I going to faceroll with now when I see Leona support?

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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #361 on: March 19, 2013, 05:27:19 AM »
Singed nooooooo

I don't have tenacity on his ult anymoreeeeeeeeeeeeee

Thanks to GreenVirus for the Siggy.
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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #362 on: March 19, 2013, 06:21:01 AM »
Elise nooooo

... Okay, I haven't played Elise in forever, so I'm not that affected, really. I just wanted to join the no-wagon.

Also, I seriously need some help when it comes to melee supports, particularly Taric and Nunu. Sure, I can poke just fine with either of their E's. Sure, I can keep my lane partner and I at full health 90% of the time with my Q alone. But God HELP me if I try to grow some gems and actually get in close to poke with my AA or fight! Anyone particularly well versed in the ways of melee supports and willing to give some advice? I get stuck in the role all the time, and while I do fine with ranged supports, there are times where my team lacks tankiness and I have to take on a champ that isn't so made of squish like Sona/Soraka/etc.

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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #363 on: March 19, 2013, 07:08:07 AM »
I don't think ARAM pentas should count :V
Hey ARAM pentas totally count.  I once got one with Fiddlesticks in ARAM, and then had another one stolen by an allied Soraka's banana by accident in the same game.

Bot pentas are the ones that don't really count because I've done that several times
including about being a second late for a Legendary Kill on Dominion Bots

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #364 on: March 19, 2013, 10:17:46 AM »
Elise nooooo

... Okay, I haven't played Elise in forever, so I'm not that affected, really. I just wanted to join the no-wagon.

Also, I seriously need some help when it comes to melee supports, particularly Taric and Nunu. Sure, I can poke just fine with either of their E's. Sure, I can keep my lane partner and I at full health 90% of the time with my Q alone. But God HELP me if I try to grow some gems and actually get in close to poke with my AA or fight! Anyone particularly well versed in the ways of melee supports and willing to give some advice? I get stuck in the role all the time, and while I do fine with ranged supports, there are times where my team lacks tankiness and I have to take on a champ that isn't so made of squish like Sona/Soraka/etc.

from what aphromoo said it was just all about lane presence, but I don't play support taric or nunu so i can't say much.

suikama where are you

Thanks to GreenVirus for the Siggy.
My TF2 Backpack of DOOM

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #365 on: March 19, 2013, 11:47:59 AM »
Is the game at the point yet where traditional supports are no longer being played?

Or is it Leona every game now?


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #366 on: March 19, 2013, 11:58:31 AM »
Is the game at the point yet where traditional supports are no longer being played?

Or is it Leona every game now?

Last I checked Taric was still the most played champion in the game.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #367 on: March 19, 2013, 12:08:58 PM »
Last I checked Taric was still the most played champion in the game.

He better get his raincoat. Da nerfs are a commin.

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #368 on: March 19, 2013, 01:04:48 PM »
He better get his raincoat. Da nerfs are a commin.
To him as a jungler and top tier top lane, not much to his support
A .75 second on target stun is still an on target stun.
These were nerfs mostly to his damage, and so he now has to care about his skill order.


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #369 on: March 19, 2013, 01:28:49 PM »
He better get his raincoat. Da nerfs are a commin.

Well considering he was still #1 pick before he got arguably buffed so he can do two more roles well... I don't think nerfs will change much. Especially with about 10,000 more useages than his nearest rival [Caitlyn]
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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #370 on: March 19, 2013, 03:46:53 PM »
Why did Caitlyn become fotm anyways? Sure, Ezreal got nerfed, but I don't recall any buffs to her that would take her from niche pick to "Everyone want".
Same thing for Lux.  :derp:

Also, on the topic of pentas, I saw my second penta in a game yesterday, this time by our team's Varus 2 seconds before the enemy nexus exploded.
Still haven't gotten more than one or two quadras, and if I continue playing support 80% of my games, I don't expect to get a penta within this year, but I don't really mind.  :V
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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #371 on: March 19, 2013, 04:17:23 PM »
Why did Caitlyn become fotm anyways? Sure, Ezreal got nerfed, but I don't recall any buffs to her that would take her from niche pick to "Everyone want".
Same thing for Lux.  :derp:

You can blame both on the IPL.

Caitlyn started because some pros did Caitlyn/Nunu and discovered that Nunu's attack speed buff was powerful enough that Cait didn't need one of her own.

Combined with her passive and suddenly Caitlyn was doing, "who do you think you are, Vayne?" Levels of damage at silly ranges.

And Froggen is entirely responsible for Lux. Lux's full combo does almost Veigar levels of burst, at three times the range, and a fourth of the cooldown.

It's just Lux has all of the skillshots, (all of them), so no one was truly cognizant of this until Froggen stomped face over at the IPL.

And Riot doesn't appear to have any plans to nerf it because it nonetheless remains hard as all hell to pull off.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2013, 04:19:59 PM by blabla1994 »
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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #372 on: March 19, 2013, 05:49:05 PM »
You can blame both on the IPL.

Caitlyn started because some pros did Caitlyn/Nunu and discovered that Nunu's attack speed buff was powerful enough that Cait didn't need one of her own.

Combined with her passive and suddenly Caitlyn was doing, "who do you think you are, Vayne?" Levels of damage at silly ranges.

And Froggen is entirely responsible for Lux. Lux's full combo does almost Veigar levels of burst, at three times the range, and a fourth of the cooldown.

It's just Lux has all of the skillshots, (all of them), so no one was truly cognizant of this until Froggen stomped face over at the IPL.

And Riot doesn't appear to have any plans to nerf it because it nonetheless remains hard as all hell to pull off.
Lux is also a very safe lane, you have 2 CCs, a sheild and a fairly decent range AA so you can harass safely.


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #373 on: March 19, 2013, 05:51:50 PM »
Lux was always somewhat popular, actually. She's just spiked.

The only reason Caitlyn seems to be picked to much right now is she's a lane bully and can shut out other AD's early. She's still the 2nd or 3rd worst lategame ADC, fighting with Corki [And better than Sivir]

That said I've never understood why you'd pick Caitlyn too well, because she falls off pretty hard.
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Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #374 on: March 19, 2013, 06:49:15 PM »
That said I've never understood why you'd pick Caitlyn too well, because she falls off pretty hard.
In the longest run, maybe (unless you have a fellow ASPD enhance like, say, Nunu) - but not every game necessarily lasts to that super late point.  And even when it does, having ways to snare, a mini-dash with a slow, and a long natural range does make her a hair safer than other ADCs even late in the game.  She sacrifices lategame power for early game advantage and safety, with the intent being that you use that earlygame advantage to carry your advantage into midgame and later by being ahead of the curve - and hoping it doesn't go on so long that you hit your cap and they catch up.


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #375 on: March 19, 2013, 09:11:49 PM »
Also, I seriously need some help when it comes to melee supports, particularly Taric and Nunu. Sure, I can poke just fine with either of their E's. Sure, I can keep my lane partner and I at full health 90% of the time with my Q alone. But God HELP me if I try to grow some gems and actually get in close to poke with my AA or fight! Anyone particularly well versed in the ways of melee supports and willing to give some advice? I get stuck in the role all the time, and while I do fine with ranged supports, there are times where my team lacks tankiness and I have to take on a champ that isn't so made of squish like Sona/Soraka/etc.

go in hard or don't go in at all

taric does this pretty well with his dazzle

from what aphromoo said it was just all about lane presence, but I don't play support taric or nunu so i can't say much.

taric and blitz in particular are pretty ridiculous at higher elos for how much control they exert on the lane by doing literally nothing. it's less bad on blitz where there are safe spots and if he misses, he exerts 0 control on the lane, but taric basically creates this field of "you can't exist here or you die"

Lux is also a very safe lane, you have 2 CCs, a sheild and a fairly decent range AA so you can harass safely.

well technically her aa range is average for mids. most have 550+(she has 550) and there are a few at 525. so most of the time she autos, they can auto back(though her passive will sort of win that out)

Lux was always somewhat popular, actually. She's just spiked.

*in eu

afaik she hasn't been that popular here

The only reason Caitlyn seems to be picked to much right now is she's a lane bully and can shut out other AD's early. She's still the 2nd or 3rd worst lategame ADC, fighting with Corki [And better than Sivir]

That said I've never understood why you'd pick Caitlyn too well, because she falls off pretty hard.

also her scaling with nunu and her great pushing ability. it doesn't matter if she "falls off" if she's still bewilderingly ahead of your carry because of how bad she trashed her lane read about me playing league i guess


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #376 on: March 19, 2013, 10:17:06 PM »
I had a Tristana pentakill where I got lasthits from both redbuff and a Statikk Shiv proc.

MEANWHILE IN RANKED I've managed all of two Triple Kills :V


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #377 on: March 19, 2013, 10:35:01 PM »
also her scaling with nunu and her great pushing ability. it doesn't matter if she "falls off" if she's still bewilderingly ahead of your carry because of how bad she trashed her lane

Nunu isn't exactly godly anymore.

And against some-one like Tristana, she needs to trash the lane, and midgame, so badly that she has 190% of Tristana's DPS [Unless I'm mistaken], else Tristana will just pop Rapid Fire, get a 90% boost to her AS, and equal out. Tristana even out-ranges Cait late.

Against hypercarries Caitlyn has to win lane by an amount that is pretty much unrealistic unless the other side is just bad and can't avoid dying by farming at tower and playing defense. Otherwise she just gets leapfrogged by 20~25 mins.

Hell, the only thing Caitlyn actually has going for her early IMO is her AA range. Graves and MF have more burst and outright kill potential. Draven's AA's and all-ins are better.

But that's just my exceptionally anti-Caitlyn view on Caitlyn. I just really don't like her, and fail to understand why she's so popular with her low kill potential and bad mid~lategame compared to most carries. Especially with Nunu out of favor atm. If you want to shut lanes down, I'd rather take Taric/Graves, Taric/Draven or Taric/MF.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #378 on: March 19, 2013, 10:41:13 PM »
If you ever get to this point when you're playing vi, you do absolutely insane amounts of damage. 5% per hit, 15% every third hit, and so little armor after cleaver shred, w passive and last whisper (didn't get a chance to b to get it). Funny thing is that it was a 4v5 and I was jungling o.o


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #379 on: March 19, 2013, 11:48:24 PM »
I should probobly take this moment to say that I brought Rengar, and from what I've played so far:

1: Rengar is fun. Especially when you ult and jump on people who think they're safe
2: Tank Rengar is still strong. Don't stack tons of HP and Battle Roar's heal is stronger than the old 10%, or even 15%. A significant amount stronger. [Also Spirit Visage you should be getting anyway because 20% delicious CDR]

I need some CDR runes for Rengar though, I think. That way I can go Visage + Lucidity and get 40% CDR or thereabouts, instead of 35% and ending up wasting stuff. Lack of manaless armor items that give CDR is depressing.

Also idk why but whenever I use a Feroicty Battle Roar, if normal Roar is off C/D, it seems to be automatically used as well. Dosen't happen with Q and E.

Also maxing Bolas first gives surprising lane poke. W still heals as much, and Q mainly scales off your AD, not ranks.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2013, 11:51:16 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #380 on: March 20, 2013, 01:27:34 AM »
Nunu isn't exactly godly anymore.

And against some-one like Tristana, she needs to trash the lane, and midgame, so badly that she has 190% of Tristana's DPS [Unless I'm mistaken], else Tristana will just pop Rapid Fire, get a 90% boost to her AS, and equal out. Tristana even out-ranges Cait late.

Against hypercarries Caitlyn has to win lane by an amount that is pretty much unrealistic unless the other side is just bad and can't avoid dying by farming at tower and playing defense. Otherwise she just gets leapfrogged by 20~25 mins.

Hell, the only thing Caitlyn actually has going for her early IMO is her AA range. Graves and MF have more burst and outright kill potential. Draven's AA's and all-ins are better.

But that's just my exceptionally anti-Caitlyn view on Caitlyn. I just really don't like her, and fail to understand why she's so popular with her low kill potential and bad mid~lategame compared to most carries. Especially with Nunu out of favor atm. If you want to shut lanes down, I'd rather take Taric/Graves, Taric/Draven or Taric/MF.

you're doing that thing again where you cherry pick a singular example to back up your point when that is literally the only example that backs up your point and there's a great mountain of results for every other scenario that proves you wrong read about me playing league i guess

Mr. Sacchi

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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #381 on: March 20, 2013, 01:29:12 AM »
Rengar is also fun with SotD and Infinity Edge.

Stay away from a fight, wait until they initiate, ult, jump on carry, EXPLODE CARRY, clean up.


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #382 on: March 20, 2013, 01:40:37 AM »
you're doing that thing again where you cherry pick a singular example to back up your point when that is literally the only example that backs up your point and there's a great mountain of results for every other scenario that proves you wrong

I did state that I dislike Caitlyn in general as well at the end. Also, Tristana is the easiest champion to compare with Caitlyn, since it's hard to factor in things like Kog'Maw or Vayne's % damage, or Twitch Piercing, or the effects of, say, a Varus or Ashe ult. Other ADC's are not as easy to compare as Caitlyn v Tristana.

Tristana and Caitlyn, in regards to lategame, are pretty similar. Both have long range. Both have an escape. Both rely mostly in autos, unlike, say, Graves or MF. Except Tristana is better in every way lategame except slight vision advantage to Cait.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 01:43:05 AM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #383 on: March 20, 2013, 02:16:44 AM »
You'd expect an extremely beefy team out of Shen/WW/Cho'Gath/Vi with Ez sitting back, right?

Not when the Cho goes pure AP with only a Doran's and Abyssal for defense, Warwick goes pure AD, and Vi ends the game on Giant's Belt/BC/Mercs for defenses.

And then every single teamfight eventually goes the same way: I get happy feet and initiate with lance combo and then get those 4 in the dunkbowl, Vlad uses his ultimate, Twitch has ult and Runaan's,  and our Alistar's built a little AP alongside a Frozen Heart and they get their ass whooped.  Ofc Ez simply herpderp arcanes out but Akali good at cleaning up squishies when there's no CC around.

Makes me not care about ANOTHER J4 2-kill game
« Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 02:17:48 PM by Smashy »


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #384 on: March 20, 2013, 03:21:42 AM »
I did state that I dislike Caitlyn in general as well at the end. Also, Tristana is the easiest champion to compare with Caitlyn, since it's hard to factor in things like Kog'Maw or Vayne's % damage, or Twitch Piercing, or the effects of, say, a Varus or Ashe ult. Other ADC's are not as easy to compare as Caitlyn v Tristana.

Tristana and Caitlyn, in regards to lategame, are pretty similar. Both have long range. Both have an escape. Both rely mostly in autos, unlike, say, Graves or MF. Except Tristana is better in every way lategame except slight vision advantage to Cait.
Tristana needs to level up to get her range. Her Q makes her more suited for building AS and being a duelist rather than poker, while Cait has her range from the start, and headshot and Q are great for harassing and pushing. Early on, her ult deals a lot of damage considering at lower levels champs are generally less tanky, If by lv6 she already has some farm and exp advantage over her opponent and/or has just whittled them down low by harassing, she can just ult to wipe them off lane and start rolling with her advantage. Her traps also provide snare and prevent surprise ganks early on before everyone starts roaming or going all mid. This way, she can shut down enemy mid hard if played right, but yeah she starts going downhill as the game drags on or enemy carry somehow still manages to get fed.

Point is, Caitlyn is someone you pick to cripple enemy mid lane the first 20-30 mins. Since mid lane is almost always a carry, this is a very good thing if you succeed. You don't pick Cait for the late game.
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #385 on: March 20, 2013, 06:16:53 AM »
Point is, Caitlyn is someone you pick to cripple enemy mid lane the first 20-30 mins. Since mid lane is almost always a carry, this is a very good thing if you succeed. You don't pick Cait for the late game.

i um

i-is this post a time warp into season 1 read about me playing league i guess


  • mrgrgr
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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #386 on: March 20, 2013, 03:10:03 PM »
Tristana needs to level up to get her range. Her Q makes her more suited for building AS and being a duelist rather than poker, while Cait has her range from the start, and headshot and Q are great for harassing and pushing. Early on, her ult deals a lot of damage considering at lower levels champs are generally less tanky, If by lv6 she already has some farm and exp advantage over her opponent and/or has just whittled them down low by harassing, she can just ult to wipe them off lane and start rolling with her advantage. Her traps also provide snare and prevent surprise ganks early on before everyone starts roaming or going all mid. This way, she can shut down enemy mid hard if played right, but yeah she starts going downhill as the game drags on or enemy carry somehow still manages to get fed.

Point is, Caitlyn is someone you pick to cripple enemy mid lane the first 20-30 mins. Since mid lane is almost always a carry, this is a very good thing if you succeed. You don't pick Cait for the late game.

Tristana's E has a rather high base damage, so she can usually harass in the form of auto+E.

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Puzzle Dragon stuff

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #387 on: March 20, 2013, 03:31:08 PM »
so when did volibear hit top tier ???


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #388 on: March 20, 2013, 03:58:13 PM »
so when did volibear hit top tier ???

He was used by pros in a tournament, like pretty much everyone else  :derp:

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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.
« Reply #389 on: March 20, 2013, 04:19:46 PM »
in what role? jungler?