Author Topic: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.  (Read 225701 times)


  • time for kittyrina lessons
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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #180 on: February 28, 2013, 03:27:04 AM »
I did not ignore time, the whole argument was time. The 20 second cooldown of Astral Blessing against the 6 second cooldown of Glitterlance. At lv 2 this gets even worse, because Astral Blessing is still Rank 1, while Lulu now has Help; Pix too. I'd like to see you go from 1~3 in 20 seconds in normal circumstances.

in the time it takes lulu to get into position to hit 3 glitterlances, soraka will be level 3 and heal all of that damage in one spell

And 100-0 is not hard in botlane. That's the entire aim of any lane with Leona, Blitzcrank, and to a lesser extent, Taric and Alistar. Draven can kill easily pre-6, as can Miss Fortune and Graves. Sona is the squishiest champion in the game, and Soraka is up there.

i said pre-6. the only way to get 100-0'd bot lane(with no jungler assistance of course) is to make a bad play. 100-0ing literally does not happen with good players pre-6.

I am not ignoring the armor buff on her heal. It also only lasts three seconds. You just wait it out, and bam, 17 seconds of useless Soraka.

you... you know that soraka's lanemate can force an engage, take initial spell burst, get healed, and then put themselves in an advantageous position because they win the auto war with the armor buff, right? you can literally force people to be in positions where they can't just "wait it out". or, you can just use it when they won't have an opening to do damage for that long anyway. it's easy.

Meanwhile, as Soraka gets levels and CDR, the armor buff gets larger, the heal gets larger, the silence and mana restoation both grow and Starcall shreds more. With CDR she can do all of these drastically more often as well. Soraka is a lot more effective when she can throw out a 350 HP heal with 105 armor every 12 seconds as opposed to 20, with 70/25, and throw out a 2.5 second silence every 6 seconds as opposed to 1.5 every 10.

And that's ignoring Wish. You know, 2,200 burst healing at max rank. That dosen't even exist at pre-6.

it's almost like champions get stronger as they accumulate levels. i am not sure what point you are trying to make.

As a Zyra support player, this is what happens when I fight a Soraka:
I land an early snare.

oh. so the soraka you're against is bad.

good sorakas won't stay in spell range because they know they can't straight up win fights that early. if they are within a range where you can easily hit grasping roots every time, they are doing it wrong.

The damage from me and my AD forces Soraka to heal. We back off because of the armor buff.
12 seconds later, another snare lands on Soraka. Soraka dies because she has no heal, and is made of paper.

so basically your argument is 100% centered on the enemy soraka being bad and putting herself in disadvantageous positions so you can kill her.

This applies to Leona's Xenith Blade as well.

once again, why is soraka ever in range for that to be an issue

Soraka also struggles to cope with poke lanes like Caitlyn/Lulu, because she can't keep up with the damage.

soraka dominates these lanes provided she and her carry position correctly. sustain > poke

She can't fight burst lanes.

all sustain in the game loses against burst. no news flash here.

She can't fight poke lanes.

poke lanes are virtually useless against a good soraka

She's pretty much useless after the first three seconds in all-in situations.

situational. early on, starcall can stack up decent damage. late game, it's pretty crappy unless you have a rumble or anivia or some other sustained magic damage on your team.

If a gank comes she's useless, be it ally or enemy, unless someone dives and she can armor buff them.

um being able to silence people with blinks (FUCK YOU EZREAL FUCK YOU SO HARD I HOPE YOU DIE FOREVER), giving the jungler time to close in and apply cc(or have your carry do it if they have any) is incredibly strong.

Meanwhile, in teamfights, her passive is more effective due to more targets, her armor buff and passive are more effective due to larger HP pools, she can use her heals more, she has far, far larger heals, she has wish, she can spam silences a LOT more.

she brings less to the table for teamfights than any other support. wish is nice, but overall weaker in low resist meta. her w is still pretty good but only if utilized correctly. starcall's usefulness depends entirely on your magic damage. silence's strength is also reliant on who the enemy team is.

also with max cdr, you still only get one w off a fight. maybe two es. it really only has any effect on starcall in that regard.

Soraka is multiple times better in a teamfight than in lane. In lane she is undoubtedly the worst support atm, besides maybe Karma. MAYBE. Karma has more ways to save and aid her ADC than Soraka does earlygame, with her shield, heal, and speedbuff/slow, as well as some burst.

you pick soraka for laning phase. you pick soraka so your carry can definitely make it through laning phase alive and with farm. you pick soraka when you have a hypercarry like vayne or to compliment a bully like graves. you do not pick soraka for her teamfighting ability, as every other support can teamfight better than her.

also alistar is the worst support right now.

Honestly if I see a Soraka pick right now, I just go hyper-aggressive and take advantage of the 17 seconds it's a 2v1 lane.


i really wish i had screenshotted that 10 win streak i had with soraka. every game was against gold-diamond players and we won lane every game. it would be the perfect citation for this read about me playing league i guess


  • mrgrgr
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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #181 on: February 28, 2013, 05:11:18 AM »
I lost this game, yet I'm not mad. I just didn't care. Maybe it's because I'm second in gold to my adc Brand.

*currently under repair*
Puzzle Dragon stuff

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #182 on: February 28, 2013, 06:54:35 AM »
yo MRN

best new team na


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #183 on: February 28, 2013, 03:53:57 PM »
Meanwhile I am trying to think of a way to make ap udyr top a thing... You could probably even have a strong early game by starting tiger regardless, then taking two in turtle, rushing sheen for absolutely brutal trades... but even then, no matter how I think about it, in the end you are just gonna be a crappy singed.  :derp:

Boots of Swiftness with Alacrity
Iceborn Gauntlet

Zephyr would be good because of tenacity and movespeed, but that would already be a large amount of gold at that point... and even with the resistances and a 300 damage shield every 4 seconds, I am not confident in the tankiness...
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."


  • mrgrgr
  • In need of a new sig
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #184 on: February 28, 2013, 04:55:01 PM »
Meanwhile I am trying to think of a way to make ap udyr top a thing... You could probably even have a strong early game by starting tiger regardless, then taking two in turtle, rushing sheen for absolutely brutal trades... but even then, no matter how I think about it, in the end you are just gonna be a crappy singed.  :derp:

Boots of Swiftness with Alacrity
Iceborn Gauntlet

Zephyr would be good because of tenacity and movespeed, but that would already be a large amount of gold at that point... and even with the resistances and a 300 damage shield every 4 seconds, I am not confident in the tankiness...

Why would you want to be AP. Even though tiger does magic damage, it scales on AD, doesn't it. Only Tiger and maybe Phoenix scale with AP. At that point, you might as pick Rumble and get an ult.

*currently under repair*
Puzzle Dragon stuff


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #185 on: February 28, 2013, 05:32:27 PM »
Why would you want to be AP. Even though tiger does magic damage, it scales on AD, doesn't it. Only Tiger and maybe Phoenix scale with AP. At that point, you might as pick Rumble and get an ult.
You have 0.5 AP scaling on your turtle shield, with max cdr (which you would easily get) that is every 4 seconds. Phoenix stance has 0.25 AP scaling on each wave of the activation for a total ap ratio of 1.25, plus 0.25 for every third attack. Tiger is taken at lvl 1 only for the strong early game, then not skilled further until level 17. That would be the plan, at least.

And of course udyr is not as good as rumble. 45 vs 55% winrate sayys everything. Still thinking about ap udyr anyways.  :derp:
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."


  • :V tank
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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #186 on: February 28, 2013, 10:44:20 PM »
lol, IBG Ezreal lategame.  With a side of "I buy so many wards/oracles I can't even afford Zeke's combine" Steak

That is all.

(bonus for kog being so fullbuild that he has the 6-item fullbuild of Zephyr replacing his boots)

Edit: And now for something slightly more lopsided.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2013, 11:11:50 PM by Smashy »

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #187 on: March 01, 2013, 02:53:50 AM »
Finally got to use jungle Lux in ranked.
Despite getting invaded and losing my first blue still won.
A few too many deaths (**** Veigar and Vi ults) but many more assists.
3:13:28, 153 CS at 40 mins.


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
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  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #188 on: March 01, 2013, 05:51:50 PM »
EG v Gambit coming up.

Hopefully this time Gambit ban the bird and don't pick Udyr. [Seriously, why would you GIVE FROGGEN THE BIRD while PICKING UDYR WHO IS NOTORIOUS FOR BEING KITED TO DEATH]

I'mma gonna have to pause the YT stream after picks/bans for dinner sadly so no live.

EDIT: And they firstban the bird. Thank goodness.

EDIT2: EG pciks earlygame, Taric/Draven, Gambit pick Thresh, Shen and Kog. Lategame champs [Thresh due to infinite scale]. Has someone swapped the two teams?
« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 06:01:43 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • Moon Sign "Theft of Dreams"
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #189 on: March 01, 2013, 07:08:19 PM »
Awesome new LoL trailer for the Mac release. Not really Mac-related, more like an attempt to cram as many champ references into less than 2 minutes.


  • :V tank
  • ᕦ(? Д?)ᕤ
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #190 on: March 01, 2013, 07:16:51 PM »
So now Tristana finishes a single big AS item and hits the AS cap at lvl 18 with Rapid Fire active.

Time to rush Ninja Tabi every game to win bot?

Disregard that my maths were off.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 01:43:16 AM by Smashy »


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
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  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #191 on: March 01, 2013, 07:40:39 PM »
I play Taric top

Orianna ganks me with Malphite, I Flash the Shockwave/Unstoppable force, and walk to tower.

I allchat 'Nope'.

Lee comes from behind, to towerdive me, with Ori. I kite Lee, stun him, RW him, and he runs off. Ori keeps fighting, and I just spam AA's and heals due to new passive giving me like 40 magic AA damage because I have double Mana Crystals, and a Sunfire on top, and my Rank 2 ult is also up, so that's ANOTHER 50 AD. Ori dies. I live and happily b.

I allchat: 'Nope means nope', as Lee dies to Fiddle who he stumbled upon as he escaped past our wolves.

Unfortunately, we lost viva surrender because we had an AFK. I was 3/1/4 [Only death being when we towerdived them, 3 v 2, and Lee Kicked Malahar into me, so I couldn't get out of tower aggro just as Lee died], crushing toplane with Sunfire, Mercs and almost Iceborn at 21 mins. I wasn't even against an AD top, I was against a Malphite.

Also, with 0 AP, my ERW + Auto was dealing half of a Malphite's health. After he rushed a Giant's Belt because I towrdived him... on Taric... solo. I also usually did this when he had few creeps and had just walked in to CS, so my R cleared the wave, and he took aggro too. And being Taric, the ult comes back very quickly anyway.

I think Taric top might be a little strong right now. Especially with his stun + any jungler = free kill in a gank, especially with RW burst.

That and Orianna after the game actually complimented me on my plays.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 07:49:12 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • time for kittyrina lessons
  • time to press r again
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #192 on: March 01, 2013, 10:43:43 PM »
new taric is probably overpowered

THEY DIDN'T LISTEN read about me playing league i guess

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #193 on: March 02, 2013, 05:05:49 AM »
Add me to the list: IGN: Cirno
I only play on PH though.
I need not say that I'm new here; I had been lurking for months.

Anyway, I mostly play ADC/AP/Tank/Support, but can't get into using melee ADC's - they seem squishy and gets focused a lot, which I do not want to happen.

On the other hand, AD Lulu seems amazing.


  • Banzai!
  • Beep~
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #194 on: March 02, 2013, 05:44:46 AM »
Jungle Annie is a go~


  • 雷滝
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #195 on: March 02, 2013, 05:50:55 AM »
- Nether Blade's active no longer deals damage to inhibitors or the nexus.
- No longer amplifies damage while the target is slowed.
- Now applies a stack of Holy Fervor to the target.
- Slow duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4.
- Slow amount adjusted to 35/40/45/50/55% from 35% at all ranks.
- Missile Speed increased to 1500 from 1300.
The duration got decreased sadly, but yay it became more viable as a supporting skill. With this my Kayle is more viable for TT >:3
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage


  • i won't depend on anyone anymore
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #196 on: March 02, 2013, 06:25:14 AM »
oh my goodness vi jungle blade of the ruined king + frozen mallet + black cleaver + warmogs you shred armor and do crazy %HP damage. 5% a hit and then add in the 10 or so % on the third hit. And oh you have like + 1.8k hp or so. What is armor? What is hp?


  • 雷滝
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #197 on: March 02, 2013, 06:38:02 AM »
oh my goodness vi jungle blade of the ruined king + frozen mallet + black cleaver + warmogs you shred armor and do crazy %HP damage. 5% a hit and then add in the 10 or so % on the third hit. And oh you have like + 1.8k hp or so. What is armor? What is hp?
Tempory solution: Get stuff like Randuin, FH (to slow her AS) or Thornmail. A Mercurial would be handy also, to clear her debuffs and run if necessary. If you're AD and are a strong enough duelist, you can build some bursty item like Sword of the Divine and attempt to burst her down first if you see a chance to. But either way she IS pretty bursty for a tanky DPS, and ganks well too, so your best bet is maintain map control and avoid fighting her alone.
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #198 on: March 02, 2013, 08:48:28 AM »
Add me to the list: IGN: Cirno
I only play on PH though.
I need not say that I'm new here; I had been lurking for months.

Anyway, I mostly play ADC/AP/Tank/Support, but can't get into using melee ADC's - they seem squishy and gets focused a lot, which I do not want to happen.

On the other hand, AD Lulu seems amazing.
Oh, so you're that guy I added on a whim :V

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
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  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #199 on: March 02, 2013, 05:07:33 PM »
new taric is probably overpowered


Well I played another top Taric game, got D/C'ed for the first 9 mins, and had to lane against a Pantheon who was Lv 6 and 1-0 already.

By about 20 mins I was able to duel him. And my tower was the last to fall. I had a bad k/d/a that game because bot and mid both lost pretty hard too, and I kept getting Malphite Ulted D:

Still, nine-min freefarm and 1 kill advantage? Nah, I don't care, I'm Taric.

Now imagine if I had started even with Pantheon.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • :V tank
  • ᕦ(? Д?)ᕤ
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #200 on: March 02, 2013, 05:15:14 PM »
Suddently, Copenhagen Wolves.

Also, Fnatic going for the double TP backdoor with only Xin Zhao to defend except...


<Inhibitor>  :dealwithit:
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 07:46:33 PM by Smashy »

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #201 on: March 02, 2013, 05:22:15 PM »
Don't worry, jungle Taric is on his way!


  • Moon Sign "Theft of Dreams"
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #202 on: March 02, 2013, 05:25:01 PM »
League of Warmogs is now dead, replaced by League of Blades, which will then be toppled by League of Omens. GG.


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #203 on: March 02, 2013, 06:06:06 PM »
So... is new support taric build = boots, sightstone, FH? It gives all the important stats he needs AND an aura! Though I am not sure how long the range of the thing is, if it is like 700~900 or something then...  :V

If I actually owned taric I would totally try this, but so far I've been boycotting him  successfully.  :derp:

Nevermind he is free week, will try later :V
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 06:12:28 PM by Iryan »
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."


  • time for kittyrina lessons
  • time to press r again
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #204 on: March 02, 2013, 07:09:37 PM »
So... is new support taric build = boots, sightstone, FH? It gives all the important stats he needs AND an aura! Though I am not sure how long the range of the thing is, if it is like 700~900 or something then...  :V

If I actually owned taric I would totally try this, but so far I've been boycotting him  successfully.  :derp:

Nevermind he is free week, will try later :V

this is what i am going to do every taric game

if i get fed i will build iceborn gauntlet too

glacial shroud will be ridiculous in lane for him read about me playing league i guess


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
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  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #205 on: March 02, 2013, 07:58:40 PM »
No-one wanted to be the team who lost to the Wolves first...

AAA was the first, but holy Fnatic wasn't far off!

In fact in general this day has sucked for Fnatic.

I hope Wolves beat SK. I don't like SK much compared to the other big EU teams. Mainly because revolving door lineup, and Ocelote's ego, which admittedly has got better, but I'll never get over the 'wishing others cancer on stream' thing he did once, that's not something I can easily forgive someone for.

Also, at last, Gambit are where they belong in the standings, first place. Woulda been there a lot earlier if they didn't goof around Week 1 and give Froggen the Bird while picking Udyr into the bird [Or in general, with Udyr's current state and the mobility creep]

Actually it says a hell of a lot that even after pretty much goofing around Week 1 they are now 1st in the standings even after that.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 08:03:07 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #206 on: March 02, 2013, 08:08:35 PM »
this is what i am going to do every taric game
I think this is the first time a suggestion of mine is not immediately shot down by you for a valid reason but reinforced instead. My life is now complete.
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."


  • time for kittyrina lessons
  • time to press r again
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #207 on: March 02, 2013, 08:10:57 PM »
I think this is the first time a suggestion of mine is not immediately shot down by you for a valid reason but reinforced instead. My life is now complete.

except i'm still going to build gp10 too GLARE read about me playing league i guess


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #208 on: March 02, 2013, 09:49:50 PM »
except i'm still going to build gp10 too GLARE
In order to regain my nonkarma I had to go play a game as support anivia. I actually did pretty decently considering that my lane ashe went in alone lvl1 and died, just afk-autoattacked creeps, and built ber.greaves followed by two crit cloaks, disregarding any nice suggestions I made. I think I had more gold at the end than her.  :derp:

..and now I got an adc volibear who built nothing but boots and doran's shields. Interesting..

...ok screw this
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 11:28:26 PM by Iryan »
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."


  • gotta stock up on dark matter
  • each pound of which weighs over 10,000 pounds
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #209 on: March 03, 2013, 03:29:46 AM »
> get drunk
> still win as Lulu
> even though I hit the wrong button for ult VS shield VS exhaust more than once.  Or a bunch.

WELP I think I have a main :3 
I still can't believe I started playing her about by entering a silly contest on a whim on this site and only picked her since she was the cutest character in the game THANKS KIRO <3
Maybe I just need to drink when playing LoL all the time, it's just like drunk Karazhan nights in WoW!  Except I was a tank back then and I hate being a tank here.