Author Topic: League of Legends Thread 10 - Threads...threads are truly outrageous.  (Read 226016 times)


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #90 on: February 19, 2013, 09:42:06 PM »
Waveclear = possible

Stopping them diving 3v5 and slaughtering us and winning the game despite that = impossible.

i fail to see how a 3v5 defense is better than a 2v5 defense

And 100% damage reflect ala Thronmail would be stupidly broken and would be an automatic win in any fight just by stacking HP, because you take more damage to kill in the first place, and you're dealing more yourself on top of that. The last thing we need is a Support that wins teamfights by themselves after getting Ruby Sightstone and Locket. [And then proceeds to stack more HP]

Or a support that encourages HP stacking in general :/

um no a 100% auto reflect ability would actually encourage more armor stacking, so you reflect 100% of their damage and take less(because that's how thornmail works). additionally, the support wouldn't want to use this ability on themselves, they would want to use it on a bruiser.

So what you are saying is that forcing the enemy to switch the target of their autoattacks for 2~3 seconds unless they want to take heavy damage is op? They can switch their target or, if it is a 1v1, just stop attacking for the duration. They can still use their abilities on your ally just fine. If the cd is such that you can have it up roughly 1/3rd of the time, then over a prolonged fight it is not considerably better than a thornmail that you can pass around between your team members. The thornmail passive is worth 400 gold. The ability has counterplay. What is the problem?

the problem is that this ability would cause the champion with it to become pick or ban, and then would invalidate ad carries on the other team. jax, for example, can just run onto your carry while not taking much damage because of his ult, and because counterstrike, your carry can't fight him. this is similar to what you are proposing, because it allows jax to close right in on a carry while the carry can't auto him. however, the trade-off is that jax cannot auto or cast any spells while he is counterstriking.

this ability proposes giving an effective counterstrike to ANY bruiser(the only people who will use it). you start seeing things like ulting olaf who you can't auto. ulting nocturne, who you can't auto. shen/rammus taunting you and forcing you to auto. the main class of people that the ad carry has to fight will now automatically win that fight every time. that's not even to speak of laning, where at level 9, the support would auto win every single lane no matter how far behind they were at that point, because 2-3 seconds of being unable to use your main source of damage on the person actively trying to kill you is incredibly broken. there's a reason that thornmail is only 30%. read about me playing league i guess


  • :V tank
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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #91 on: February 19, 2013, 09:53:40 PM »
Darius ult reset only lasts 12 seconds on PBE now.



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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #92 on: February 19, 2013, 10:25:59 PM »
Darius ult reset only lasts 12 seconds on PBE now.


I can't see it really doing anything. If people hated him before, they'll hate him now. Personally, I would touch his passive, or make his ult use up whatever stacks he has on you.

*currently under repair*
Puzzle Dragon stuff


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #93 on: February 19, 2013, 11:34:01 PM »

What am I supposed to do when I'm running bot lane and get repeatedly ganked? MJP and I were running Ashe/Lulu respectively and it did not end well in lane phase.  We were already getting housed by our opponents (I don't want to put the blame on us being against a level 30 Thresh with more than 6 times as many wins as me but :ohdear: probably didn't help...) which caused our mid and jungler  to just rail on us GG BOT NOOBS FAIL NOOBS but I still don't know what to do when we're already behind and SURPRISE  3v2 TIME!
EDIT: Yes I was warding so I'd see when the jungler was coming down and I'd ping but welp that doesn't stop us from getting 3v2 and dying and I got nothing other than I'm just bad at the game (yes I will admit this unlike most people in my games :V)  I guess also you guys can spy on our lolking and see if we're missing anything super critical with items or runes or masteries or something.

On a related note, minus this game (which we did win once laning ended and we were able to catch up on XP/dollars and gear up and yay items) draft normals seems to be less toxic as a whole.  I may just stick with this, even if it still comes down to whoever types mid/top first at least everyone seems to want to win and are more willing to coordinate and don't just all instalock "for mid"

Also why does AD carry seem to not be a "popular" role?  I think it's awesome to be all PEW PEW GUN IN YO FACE.

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #94 on: February 19, 2013, 11:50:42 PM »
Stall the game and let the adc farm is the only way to recover a lost bot lane.

Bot lane in general isn't popular b/c its the teamwork lane.
Despite this being a team game people are very solo minded which is why the vast amount of people insta lock top and mid even though they are god awful at those roles.
So you see people jumping into 1v4s, not warding, fighting, blaming others. The more I've played the less I've seen it. 


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #95 on: February 20, 2013, 12:20:36 AM »
the problem is that this ability would cause the champion with it to become pick or ban, and then would invalidate ad carries on the other team. jax, for example, can just run onto your carry while not taking much damage because of his ult, and because counterstrike, your carry can't fight him. this is similar to what you are proposing, because it allows jax to close right in on a carry while the carry can't auto him. however, the trade-off is that jax cannot auto or cast any spells while he is counterstriking.

this ability proposes giving an effective counterstrike to ANY bruiser(the only people who will use it). you start seeing things like ulting olaf who you can't auto. ulting nocturne, who you can't auto. shen/rammus taunting you and forcing you to auto. the main class of people that the ad carry has to fight will now automatically win that fight every time. that's not even to speak of laning, where at level 9, the support would auto win every single lane no matter how far behind they were at that point, because 2-3 seconds of being unable to use your main source of damage on the person actively trying to kill you is incredibly broken
So, Teemo is? I know the fact that you just click on your ally instead of having to get in range to use it on the enemy or even landing a skillshot is an advantage, but since you still have to be in range to use it on your ally and the duration would be short, you would still have to be closeby to make use of it.

There would be two things to consider, laning and teamfights. During teamfights you would get the potential crazy bruiser synergy, but due to the low duration of the effect even using it on olaf or nocturne should not be gamebreaking. Kayle ulting olaf or nocturne doesn't seem to be. Yes I know it is not an ult, but the same principle applies. I also did not necessarily specify the cd of the ability. If it was 20 seconds, that would leave you at 12 with max cdr and, assuming the effect lasts 3 seconds, even if you continuously spam it the enemy would have 3/4th of the time to attack the target you are using it on, you would have to be in range to use it on them every time, and the enemy is still perfectly able to either attack someone else or keep attacking the same target if taking the damage is still more favorable. In lane, it makes it unfavorable for the enemy to fight you while it is off cd. It can win you trades and engages, but the enemy can still bait it out, like any other similar ability. Unlike an hp shield, you cannot use it as a last resort to save someone's ass, you have to use it early enough to make use of it, and if the enemy has a lead, they will still be able to poke you more easily, be more durable, and thus can, through proper playing, put themselves in a position where they can just grind through the effect. If you have 800 and the enemy 400 health, then taking an additional 400 while killing them is a lot of damage, but if they can't do 400 to you in the same time, they are still dead.

Would you consider the ability idea in and on itself bad design, or do you merely think the numbers are too high? A possible alternative would be like 50% damage reflect + a fixed value that might even scale with your ap, but eh.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 12:23:23 AM by Iryan »
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #96 on: February 20, 2013, 12:50:05 AM »
Darius ult reset only lasts 12 seconds on PBE now.


Also the cooldown is going up at low ranks to 2 mins.

Basically, it's removing the Riven syndrome of 'I killed you. And then I'll kill you again as soon as you go back to lane. And then I'll do it again.'

Which has my approval. In fact, that's the best change they could have done to Darius, because the Noxian Bunnyhop in teamfights is basically what he was designed to do, and without it he's basically a worse Garen.

i fail to see how a 3v5 defense is better than a 2v5 defense

It isn't.

But it wouldn't matter because neither would have been successful anyway <_<. You can't get worse than an impossible defense.

Another note of SoloQ stupidity:

Land 5 man Sej ult: Team runs away
Go to heal because I've taken too much TF Poke: Team goes in

« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 12:51:43 AM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • time for kittyrina lessons
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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #97 on: February 20, 2013, 01:28:36 AM »
I can't see it really doing anything. If people hated him before, they'll hate him now. Personally, I would touch his passive, or make his ult use up whatever stacks he has on you.

actually this solves the problem of darius crushing lane if he gets one ult off correctly and gives them breathing room to give him strength elsewhere so he's not so bad in teamfights like he is now


What am I supposed to do when I'm running bot lane and get repeatedly ganked? MJP and I were running Ashe/Lulu respectively and it did not end well in lane phase.  We were already getting housed by our opponents (I don't want to put the blame on us being against a level 30 Thresh with more than 6 times as many wins as me but :ohdear: probably didn't help...) which caused our mid and jungler  to just rail on us GG BOT NOOBS FAIL NOOBS but I still don't know what to do when we're already behind and SURPRISE  3v2 TIME!

basically you want to hang back and just farm without engaging the enemy until you catch up to a point where you can take them on again. if you see the jungler coming, just gtfo and hide at turret.

Also why does AD carry seem to not be a "popular" role?  I think it's awesome to be all PEW PEW GUN IN YO FACE.

ad carry isn't popular for a couple of reasons. it's really farm reliant, so people who don't last hit very well(HA HA ME) tend to be weaker at the role. positioning during teamfights is also really knowledge-heavy and requires quick thinking and reaction time, and it gets punished super hard by the enemy team if you don't do it right. carries also tend to not have a strong impact on the game until later on(when they actually carry haw haw haw), so people prefer things like ap carries and bruisers where they can see big pretty red bars faster and more often than carries do.

there's also the issue that not many popular fantasies are filled out in the ad carry role. graves and ashe probably have the two most core fantasies of all of them, but the rest tend to be really niche.

Bot lane in general isn't popular b/c its the teamwork lane.
Despite this being a team game people are very solo minded which is why the vast amount of people insta lock top and mid even though they are god awful at those roles.
So you see people jumping into 1v4s, not warding, fighting, blaming others. The more I've played the less I've seen it. 

also this

So, Teemo is? I know the fact that you just click on your ally instead of having to get in range to use it on the enemy or even landing a skillshot is an advantage, but since you still have to be in range to use it on your ally and the duration would be short, you would still have to be closeby to make use of it.

teemo has a short range blind that he has to get into the enemy team to use on the carry. teemo has to put himself at huge risk to blind the ad carry vs blinding the bruiser on his carry.

There would be two things to consider, laning and teamfights. During teamfights you would get the potential crazy bruiser synergy, but due to the low duration of the effect even using it on olaf or nocturne should not be gamebreaking.

it is

Kayle ulting olaf or nocturne doesn't seem to be.

it is and kayle is also somewhat overpowered atm. however, kayle's ultimate is, you know, an ultimate and therefore on a huge cd and should be amazing. kayle's ult also does not reflect damage, just prevent it. it also has a tiny range.

Yes I know it is not an ult, but the same principle applies. I also did not necessarily specify the cd of the ability. If it was 20 seconds, that would leave you at 12 with max cdr and, assuming the effect lasts 3 seconds, even if you continuously spam it the enemy would have 3/4th of the time to attack the target you are using it on, you would have to be in range to use it on them every time, and the enemy is still perfectly able to either attack someone else or keep attacking the same target if taking the damage is still more favorable.

a 3 second 100% damage reflect is all most good bruisers need to absolutely destroy the enemy carry. you have to consider things like the animation being hard to read, how the spell is applied, applying the spell while projectiles are in the air and getting a guaranteed reflect which might also be a crit, the carry not noticing the effect, etc.

In lane, it makes it unfavorable for the enemy to fight you while it is off cd. It can win you trades and engages, but the enemy can still bait it out, like any other similar ability.

this is not fun gameplay(look at all the complaints about laning vs blitz), and there is no baiting an ability like this. they apply it and they get free damage on you no matter what and there is nothing you can do about it. there is no counterplay to the ability because the only answer against it is "don't attack them". but if you don't attack them while they're attacking you, then you're going to lose. it's an ability that would feel exceptionally shitty to fight against

Unlike an hp shield, you cannot use it as a last resort to save someone's ass, you have to use it early enough to make use of it, and if the enemy has a lead, they will still be able to poke you more easily, be more durable, and thus can, through proper playing, put themselves in a position where they can just grind through the effect. If you have 800 and the enemy 400 health, then taking an additional 400 while killing them is a lot of damage, but if they can't do 400 to you in the same time, they are still dead.

if the enemy carry isn't ahead with an ability like this, they are bad. it's so overpowered that it would instant win every lane without any contest.

Would you consider the ability idea in and on itself bad design, or do you merely think the numbers are too high? A possible alternative would be like 50% damage reflect + a fixed value that might even scale with your ap, but eh.

with lower numbers it wouldn't be instant lane winning, but it has issues of feeling not super strong to the people using it, so you have to make it super strong for it to feel good. then you have to weaken the rest of the kit to compensate. and then you get to the issue where it's so strong that it's shitty and unfun to fight against.

shields like that also carry a burden of knowledge. annie's shield basically does this, except no one knows this until they read about it or play annie. put that ability on a support who can throw it on anyone and it suddenly becomes a lot more visible, and the need for the general player population to know that knowledge becomes much more important. it becomes another stick on the large pyre of "things you have to learn to even be able to play"

It isn't.

But it wouldn't matter because neither would have been successful anyway <_<. You can't get worse than an impossible defense.

i'd wager an impossible tower dive is a worse decision than an impossible defense. it takes less men to defend than it takes to attack. basic strategy knowledge right there. read about me playing league i guess


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #98 on: February 20, 2013, 02:22:26 AM »
Ok so basically just run away and hide when the jungler shows up and come out when they're gone ok I can do this maybe.  Unfortunately we never reached the point in the game where we "caught up" to Thresh and Akali - Thresh grabs Ashe, I turn him into a squirrel/throw shield but being a squirrel doesn't cancel the grab which is hilarious to watch but maybe not so good to be on the wrong end of into turret land :V  Ashe gets slaughtered, I run away, sometimes the jungler had come to visit and I run double away except when I don't and I become a Lulupancake, rinse and repeat for the first 15 minutes.

 I guess times like that we should just camp under our turret and....?  Farming didn't go well either, as Ashe's minion CS count was pretty low because of all the dying and grabbing and dying, as the minion meetup points were always not at our tower so we couldn't plink them off in peace - they actually basically ignored the tower except when we were dead/at base which I guess makes sense as a ~pro strategy~  So that's when I don't know what to do when it seems hopeless and the other guys are totally fed 8-0 by the 10min mark and we're too scared to come out :ohdear:

In less depressing newbie news....
Possibly the best tribunal case I ever will have the privilege of voting on.


  • mrgrgr
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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #99 on: February 20, 2013, 02:43:34 AM »
Ok so basically just run away and hide when the jungler shows up and come out when they're gone ok I can do this maybe. 

Pretty much. If they stay, let your jungler know so they can take his camps without worrying about getting caught and maybe countergank. Also, you may know this already, but the more people in a lane, the slower they level, so the jungler can only stay there so long.

Also, have you guys ever tried using Ezreal and Janna. They're pretty hard to gank, especially post-6.

*currently under repair*
Puzzle Dragon stuff


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #100 on: February 20, 2013, 02:48:26 AM »
i like how it took months before i felt up to solo queue again

and then two games before i remembered why i quit playing without premades

edit: also china opened a lol restaurant
« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 02:54:48 AM by PC »

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #101 on: February 20, 2013, 03:03:37 AM »
and then two games before i remembered why i quit playing without premades

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #102 on: February 20, 2013, 03:58:27 AM »


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #103 on: February 20, 2013, 04:52:21 AM »
Pretty much. If they stay, let your jungler know so they can take his camps without worrying about getting caught and maybe countergank. Also, you may know this already, but the more people in a lane, the slower they level, so the jungler can only stay there so long.

Also, have you guys ever tried using Ezreal and Janna. They're pretty hard to gank, especially post-6.
Well this game the jungler had already wrote us off for being NOOB BOT FUCKING NOOBS GG NOOB IDIOTS after we gave up first blood so welp to ever having her visit, but I'll keep that in mind when we don't have asshole teammates :V

It is Ezreal free week so we'll definitely try him out, I know he wasn't a huge fan of Janna but she's cheap enough I might just grab her anyway and hope for the best, since I probably should learn someone other than Lulu since we're starting to do draft mode and there's always the chance the one character we know how to play will be snatched up first. I'm thinking husbando might dig Soraka since he likes heal buttons and she is also free this week.   

Who I really want to try is Leona, since she was up when I first started playing and had less than zero clue what I was doing (same thing happened for Caitlyn, on a related note) so that ended poorly but I was on vacation during her latest appearance :(

Welp, looky here

I told you all it was the most amazing tribunal report!  I showed MJP the full thing earlier this evening and he just completely broke out laughing.  Truly a thing of beauty.


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #104 on: February 20, 2013, 01:05:34 PM »
with lower numbers it wouldn't be instant lane winning, but it has issues of feeling not super strong to the people using it, so you have to make it super strong for it to feel good. then you have to weaken the rest of the kit to compensate. and then you get to the issue where it's so strong that it's shitty and unfun to fight against.
That... is a good and valid reason. Idea dismissed.
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #105 on: February 20, 2013, 08:58:03 PM »
Yay they're reverting that mana cost change to Monsoon [I think it's a revert of a prior overnerf]

Live: Cost: 150/225/300 Mana
PBE: Cost: 100/150/200 Mana
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Mr. Sacchi

  • All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.
  • Not postponed. Not in the end. Not for long.
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #106 on: February 20, 2013, 09:45:30 PM »
Reduced Quinn's Q mana cost.

Nerfed the living shit out of Quinn's Vault (50 Less Range, Slow reduced from 70% to 50%)

Do they wanna kill Quinn top or something?

Also, Vayne buffs, Tumble's mana cost reduced to 30 and she got an extra 8 Mana per Level.


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #107 on: February 20, 2013, 09:59:03 PM »
Do they wanna kill Quinn top or something?

i haven't done it yet but quinn top as she was should have instawon most lanes up there read about me playing league i guess

Mr. Sacchi

  • All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.
  • Not postponed. Not in the end. Not for long.
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #108 on: February 21, 2013, 01:21:26 AM »
So... I got a Penta.

Then I lost the game.



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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #109 on: February 21, 2013, 04:56:47 AM »
Just as a fun note: Morello's current forum title is "Nerf Master Suck Town."

Just sayin'.

(Also Xelnath's is "Wizardlock, right hand of the 7th order of obsidian blackfire ebonstone dark Witchlords")

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #110 on: February 21, 2013, 09:18:54 AM »
obligitory i despise ezreal post read about me playing league i guess

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #111 on: February 21, 2013, 05:57:57 PM »
Ap tryndamere being nerfed. :(

Play jungle Nasus while you can.


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #112 on: February 21, 2013, 06:36:16 PM »
Ap tryndamere being nerfed. :(

Play jungle Nasus while you can.

Well of course he's being nerfed, he had infinite free sustain.

And we all know how much nerf master suck town hates healing. [See: Morellonomicon's effect, Vladimir, Irelia, Soraka, AP Yi]

EDIT: How does a support have 2k more than the toplane at 30 mins?

How does the jungler who's been doing awfully have the same amount of gold as our toplane at 30 mins?

I don't even know what happened top, but to go 0/6 [I think it was 6] as Elise somehow boggles my mind.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 08:56:11 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • time for kittyrina lessons
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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #113 on: February 21, 2013, 10:06:49 PM »
I don't even know what happened top, but to go 0/6 [I think it was 6] as Elise somehow boggles my mind.

less skilled players will often see something that's high ban or "op" and think they can wreck no matter what they do

this happens a lot with poke or control champions because players try to all in with them instead of playing to their strengths read about me playing league i guess

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #114 on: February 21, 2013, 10:16:41 PM »
Alistar syndrome


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #115 on: February 21, 2013, 10:17:36 PM »
remember when ap alistar bursted harder than mages and healed more than soraka read about me playing league i guess

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #116 on: February 21, 2013, 10:21:51 PM »
And nobody in lol general believed me :(


  • :V tank
  • ᕦ(? Д?)ᕤ
Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #117 on: February 22, 2013, 01:15:17 AM »
When utterly stomping your opponent, finish it off by firing your Trueshot Barrage from your Wraith bush into the enemy base to snipe the champ that got hit by a Nidalee spear, because Runic Bulwark is too silly to buy.

But before that, make sure to pick Galio into a double AP comp, only to psyche them out by building pure Armor.

(from LCS)
« Last Edit: February 22, 2013, 02:13:42 AM by Smashy »

Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #118 on: February 22, 2013, 12:48:03 PM »
Holy shit Elise is so fun.

Instagibbed a Sion before he got out of my stun, taking down the enemy Cait's health to 1/4th by doing a q>w combo in human form, dodging a darius ult using e in spider form.

Confirmed for favorite top lane.

Thanks to GreenVirus for the Siggy.
My TF2 Backpack of DOOM


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Re: League of Legends Thread 10 - just build a damn Warmog's
« Reply #119 on: February 22, 2013, 02:02:45 PM »
When utterly stomping your opponent, finish it off by firing your Trueshot Barrage from your Wraith bush into the enemy base to snipe the champ that got hit by a Nidalee spear, because Runic Bulwark is too silly to buy.

But before that, make sure to pick Galio into a double AP comp, only to psyche them out by building pure Armor.

(from LCS)

Oh, that's nothing, I noticed this at the end:

Nidalee is chunking 85% Soraka HP with 1 spear
She goes B
Buys up a Void Staff [She had a Blasting Already]
Too bad she never got the chance to hit Soraka again. I think it might have been a oneshot.

Also the Spear -> Trueshot? For some bizarre reason, Lux decided it's a good idea to recall in base. When she could just get to fountain faster by walking. [Maybe she expected a Trueshot down the normal route for walking or something?]

And yeah, people, seriously, stacking HP dosen't work against a poke comp, because it takes too long to regen that 1000 HP each Nid spear takes. You need engage.

It's a triangle, I've noticed:

Poke Meta < AoE/Intiate meta [Poke comps can't deal with full in teamfights well] < Tanky Meta [AoE isn't strong enough and nothing is left] < Poke Meta [Tanks can't get to the poke comp]
« Last Edit: February 22, 2013, 02:05:48 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.