Author Topic: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming  (Read 162588 times)


  • Master of the lurk
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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2013, 12:22:13 PM »
>Giant steel golem thingy beats grounded dragon. It's like rock-paper-scissors!
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2013, 08:30:02 PM »
>Giant steel golem thingy beats grounded dragon. It's like rock-paper-scissors!

> Well, there's no robot on it, but if you count your golem as gun or axe...

> What? No. You decide to ignore the chart because it is clearly wrong. Dragon loses to axe and that is final. And you refuse to believe paper has an inherent elemental advantage over dragon.

>Break out Fujiwara. If anything is going to be able to ignore the snow, it would be the giant metal golem
>Have Fujiwara beat the crap out of Dragonite.

>Press the attack.
Maybe deploy Registeel?

> You decide to send out Fujiyama, confident that it can handle this kind of weather. You are right, it shows no difficulty thunking through the snow and wind towards your target. When it finally reaches the dragon, it brushes off the monster's claws and bites as if they were nothing, returning them with its own blows. After taking two iron claws, the dragon manages to get itself underneath your pokemon and heaves the hundreds of pounds of steel above its head.


Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #32 on: January 03, 2013, 08:55:26 PM »
Where did you even find that chart?
>How is that thing lifting up Fujiwara? Whatever, have Fujiwara zap it with that lightning thing it used on us.


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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #33 on: January 03, 2013, 11:51:58 PM »
>Try a pokeball. Bonk it on the nose.
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #34 on: January 04, 2013, 03:22:05 AM »
VL/A from tomorrow afternoon until Sunday afternoon.

Where did you even find that chart?

> Kaguya's room.

>How is that thing lifting up Fujiwara? Whatever, have Fujiwara zap it with that lightning thing it used on us.

> You are impressed with the dragon's strength, but not so much that you forget to respond. Fujiyama electrocutes the beast. The dragon collapses, dropping your registeel which proceeds to roll a good fifty feet before stopping itself. Your Fujiyama shakes itself off, you imagine it's probably a little woozy from the fall, but otherwise it appears undamaged.

> Course, it's nature is to keep going until it drops, so it's hard to get a feel of how healthy it is.

>Try a pokeball. Bonk it on the nose.

> Seeing as your target is no longer moving, you figure now would be a good time to try a pokeball. You attempt to bonk it on the nose. The wind is very disagreeable with your decision, instead directing your pokeball to it's tail, but either way your dragon gets stuffed into your ball, shakes it around twice, and then stops.

> You've caught a dragonite! Would you like to give a nickname to the newly caught dragonite?

> You look around, and notice that there are a lot of Kogasas now. You're pretty sure Nue is responsible. Kogasa's Prinplup and your Lucario don't look too hot, and the Kogasa clones are inconsistent, with some of them badly scarred and others in perfect condition. Only half of them have umbrellas. You also see Kogasa's umbrella approach you, by itself, as one of the Kogasas yells "Keep me safe, alright?"

> Among the army of Kogasas are the two dragons, one of which is whipping up whirlwinds and fire and is bleeding pretty badly, the other one using an attack you are unfamiliar with. It is pounding at each clone one by one with blows that tear up the landscape itself, hurling boulders and punching craters into the ground. It bellows furiously as it forces it's way through the snow and wind with relative ease.

« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 03:54:43 AM by capt. h »

Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #35 on: January 04, 2013, 03:35:14 AM »
>Damnit Kaguya
>Have Fujiwara share the gift of lightning bolt in the face with the other Dragonite
>Send out our Ponyta, charge it with our fire and have it start torching Dragonite too.
>Protect the umbrella


  • something seems fishy
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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #36 on: January 04, 2013, 04:39:22 AM »
>Can we fold up the umbrella so the gale-force winds don't damage it?
>"Kogasa, have Prinny take cover behind Registeel!"
>Recall China
>Make sure to jump and jog to keep Prinny and Fujiwara out of our red kritzkrieg beam flamethrower path
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #37 on: January 04, 2013, 06:20:23 AM »
>That's a lot of Kogasas.
>be helpful and burn things that are attacking the people you are allied with.
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #38 on: January 04, 2013, 05:54:03 PM »
>Damnit Kaguya

> Why?

> It's not like you really need a reason though.

>Have Fujiwara share the gift of lightning bolt in the face with the other Dragonite

> You command your Registeel. Accuracy is a bit of an issue here, since the dragonite are fighting amongst a sea of copies, and you have no idea which copy is the real thing so you have no idea how to avoid friendly fire at anything but close range. Your Registeel walks right up to the rampaging dragon. "Prinplup, watergun!" Kogasa commands, striking the dragon right before your Registeel electrocutes it. The dragon turns its attention to Fujiyama, and with a booming roar punches it back fifty feet and through at least a half dozen clones.

> You realize with lightning you can attack from a distance, but as a line of sight attack you risk friendly fire for as long as you can't tell what's real and what isn't. You consider using lightning anyway; you have to consider Fujiyama's safety too, after all.

>Send out our Ponyta, charge it with our fire and have it start torching Dragonite too.

> You send out your Ponyta and blast it with flames. Of course, this strategy would be more effective if the melting blizzard isn't soaking the both of you, but it's definitely more effective than a simple outright flamethrower in these conditions. Your ponyta's mane is white-hot, as it attempts to blast the outraged dragon.

> You quickly find out that the wind conditions are not favorable to long distance flame attacks when your ponyta's move it blown right back at it. Unlike lightning attacks, it is possible to hit just the dragonite at a distance with, say, ember because gravity gives the attack an arch. Unfortunately, flame is very susceptible to high winds.

>Protect the umbrella

>Can we fold up the umbrella so the gale-force winds don't damage it?

> If you mean does the umbrella close, then yes, Kogasa is way ahead of you. Though it does not collapse or fold in any way that would makes it convenient to carry around. You have the umbrella stand behind you.

>"Kogasa, have Prinny take cover behind Registeel!"

> "You heard her, Prinny!" Kogasa shouts, as her Prinplup dives under Registeel.

>Recall China

> "China, return!" you command. Your pokemon returns to its ball, it's done enough today.

>Make sure to jump and jog to keep Prinny and Fujiwara out of our red kritzkrieg beam flamethrower path

> It would be very difficult for you to jump and jog around in current conditions, anything involving fighting the wind is near impossible. Course if you mean Fujiwara should attempt evasive maneuvers, well, you aren't sure Fujiyama even has the ability to jump or jog. It has an incredibly mechanical and steady walk no matter what happens around it; you've seen it charge, but this just consists of it doing the slow steady walk at double speed.

>That's a lot of Kogasas.

> That it is.

> You think romancing this many Kogasas may put a strain on your relationships. What if Kogasa caught you cheating on her with Kogasa?

>be helpful and burn things that are attacking the people you are allied with.

> You'll have to get close to do that with any accuracy, between the frozen typhoon and one of the two dragons whipping up a counterwhirlwind, most your attacks will be blown off course. Would you like to approach the battlefield?



  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #39 on: January 04, 2013, 07:56:24 PM »
>Approach the battlefield. BE THE HERO. SAVE THE KOGASA.
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.

Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #40 on: January 04, 2013, 10:09:03 PM »
>That other Dragonite with it's counter whirlwind is being a pain in the neck
>Send out China again
>Have China use its aura sensing to tell Fujiwara when to lightning fry the Dragonite from a distance without worrying about friendly fire.
>China can Aura Sphere the thing too while it's at it.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #41 on: January 07, 2013, 02:37:02 AM »
>That other Dragonite with it's counter whirlwind is being a pain in the neck
>Send out China again
>Have China use its aura sensing to tell Fujiwara when to lightning fry the Dragonite from a distance without worrying about friendly fire.
>China can Aura Sphere the thing too while it's at it.

> Realizing you could use its skills, you send China out into the blizzard again, this time commanding it to help Fujiyama's aim.

> Your lucario closes it's eyes and raises it's arm. With a quick grunt, it drops its arm, to which Fujiyama blasts away both a number of Kogasas and the whilrwinder. As its winds die and Kogasa's storm stays strong, one of the Kogasas stabs the creature with an umbrella that fades into a trident as a second one slashes it's legs, forcing the dragon to its knees. Then, as quickly as they struck, the two retreat back into the mass, as your China knocks it back with an aura sphere on the chin for good measure.

> "I did have things under control," a Kogasa teases, suddenly appearing on your shoulder. She then tosses a second Kogasa a pokeball. "Zori, you can finish things up here."

>Approach the battlefield. BE THE HERO. SAVE THE KOGASA.

> You find daving the correct Kogasa difficult due to being overloaded by the Kogasatude.

> Well, no matter. You approach the battlefield and enter into the mass of umbrella youkai. Fortunately, although they are a crowd, you can walk straight through them. Well, most of them. Not the one that just knocked you over while fleeing the enraged dragon.

> "Um, sorry. Prinny, use water gun!" Kogasa says. You note that without the other dragon stirring up whirlwinds, the wind and snow is actually carrying the Prinplup's attacks right where Kogasa wants them. Although you are concerned that the attack seems about as effective as a garden hose.

> On that note, you are undecided on whether you wish to thank Kogasa for creating this horrible weather or strangle her for it. Either way, Kogasa's dragon pounds the ground with both claws, tearing up a column of snow and earth as you feel the ground slide beneath you.


Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #42 on: January 07, 2013, 02:55:47 AM »
>"Wind was being a pain."
>We can hover so do so.
>On that note, "Don't think water's working too well on these things. Would be surprising if you dropped it soon though."
>If Kogasa ends up needing help again, tell China and Fujiwara to fry the dragon. We got other mooks to roll today after all.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #43 on: January 07, 2013, 07:08:26 PM »
>"Wind was being a pain."

> "We ARE in a typhoon," Nue teases. "You expecting a spring breeze?"

>On that note, "Don't think water's working too well on these things. Would be surprising if you dropped it soon though."

> "Really?" Kogasa says. "I don't see the surprise... Well, Prinny, you can throw in a steel wing too maybe?"

> Prinny shows some hesitance to approach the dragonite, seemingly prefering to continue staying a safe distance away and using watergun.

>We can hover so do so.

> You think hovering is a good idea, seeing as the ground is currently sliding downhill. You attempt to take to the air, and find yourself immediately getting thrown around by the weather. You manage to support yourself on a large rock that doesn't seem particularly inclined to move on you right this second.

>If Kogasa ends up needing help again, tell China and Fujiwara to fry the dragon. We got other mooks to roll today after all.

> You currently have China, Fujiyama, and Dash (That is Lucario, Registeel, and Ponyta) out. You are slightly concerned that they may need your help, since the dragon's going to combine the worst aspect of an avalanche and a rock slide if it keep loosening up the surface of the mountain with what looks like earthquake attacks to you. The dragon is making its way uphill from your group, tearing snow and boulders from the earth, hurling them downhill, and shaking the ground with each pound of its feet. While what you are pretty sure is the real Kogasa isn't having too much trouble dodging due to Nue's double team severely limitting the dragon's accuracy, you really aren't happy with how much the ground is shaking.

> You consider staying grounded and trying to take out the dragon before things get any more unstable, hovering low but with little control to avoid the fallout while staying in the fight, or attempting to make your way above Kogasa's blizzard entirely. You also consider several alternatives and what to do about the pokemon you currently have out in all of these situations.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 05:46:00 AM by capt. h »


  • something seems fishy
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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #44 on: January 07, 2013, 07:36:04 PM »
>tell China and Fujiwara to fry the dragon. We got other mooks to roll today after all.

>If that doesn't work, get Dash to make like Buttercup the Goat on the dragon while we Uber her.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 07:38:40 PM by O4rfish »
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #45 on: January 07, 2013, 07:59:43 PM »
>Yep, it's frying time.
>If an avalanche gets too bad for our pokemon, return them.
>"If that things starts an avalanche, it's getting Sparked."

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #46 on: January 08, 2013, 05:58:23 PM »
>If that doesn't work, get Dash to make like Buttercup the Goat on the dragon while we Uber her.

> You aren't 100% sure what that means, but you decide it involves your Ponyta stomping the creature while you light her on fire.

> So, you go with that. Dash is blazing only a little hotter than she would if it wasn't snowing at all, which is still better than the unblasted version.

>tell China and Fujiwara to fry the dragon. We got other mooks to roll today after all.

> You also command your other pokemon to blast the dragonite. This works fairly well, getting in more hits than it can handle via electrocution, fire, and stomping before it manages to grab hold of your ponyta and slam it to the ground. You kind of feel sorry for Dash, that looked like it hurt. Your ponyta manages to limp away under the cover of your registeel and your lucario while it narrowly dodges the boulders dragonite knocks loose.

>"If that things starts an avalanche, it's getting Sparked."

> "Nah, spanking's too hard. Let's just hit it." Nuegasa remarks, as her Zoroark hands her a pokeball. "2 down, 1 to go."

> "Sparked, not spanked."

> "Oh. Yeah, sure that works too."

>Yep, it's frying time.
>If an avalanche gets too bad for our pokemon, return them.

> If it becomes a real avalanche, you won't have time to return them.

> Thinking it through, this is a pretty good reason to return your pokemon. Would you like to do so, or see what happens?

« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 06:25:33 PM by capt. h »

Hanzo K.

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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #47 on: January 08, 2013, 06:07:48 PM »
>Yeah, let's pull 'em back.
Essence RO
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Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #48 on: January 08, 2013, 07:15:54 PM »
>Is the Dragonite still rampaging? If yes blast it with danmaku bullets until it knocks it off.


  • Master of the lurk
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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #49 on: January 08, 2013, 11:47:41 PM »
>Call back the pokemon. Challenge the dragon like the true man you are(n't)!
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.


  • something seems fishy
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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #50 on: January 09, 2013, 10:17:03 AM »
>"Kogasa, try a pokeball!"
>Accidentally the pokeball, getting captured. GOOD BEGINNING
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #51 on: January 09, 2013, 07:18:32 PM »
>Yeah, let's pull 'em back.

>Call back the pokemon.

> You call back your pokemon. If nothing else, Ponyta really needs it.

>"Kogasa, try a pokeball!"

> "I don't think it will work, but alright!" Kogasa yells over the blizzard's howling. She throws a pokeball at the dragon, which knocks it straight at Prinplup, knocking the penguin over.

>Accidentally the pokeball, getting captured. GOOD BEGINNING

> You aren't sure how this would be considered a good beginning...? Though that does sound like the kind of thing Kaguya would write a fanfic about.

>Is the Dragonite still rampaging? If yes blast it with danmaku bullets until it knocks it off.

Challenge the dragon like the true man you are(n't)!

> You challenge the dragon with a tidal wave of your talismans. The creature takes the first of them before slamming the ground furiously, knocking loose the earth under its own feet. The rest of your talismans are overtaken by a huge wave of snow, rock, and dirt that is falling onto you and your party.

> "Zori, grab on!" Nue yells.

Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #52 on: January 09, 2013, 09:56:24 PM »
>Well we did warn em.
>Phoenix Spark the dragon.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #53 on: January 11, 2013, 02:58:38 AM »
>Well we did warn em.
>Phoenix Spark the dragon.

> You respond to the wall of ice with a super laser of fire, cleaving the snow in two before striking the dragonite. As the smoke clears, it falls over motionless.

> You win!

> Unfortunately, your legs give. You are utterly exhausted from that attack. You are also wet, and you notice that it is cold out. And still blizzarding.

> "Hey, I'm going to catch that dragon, alright?" Kogasa asks. "Also, I'd really like to borrow your Lucario for a few minutes, I'm kind of worried about Prinny." As she says this, you find yourself incredibly annoyed that her spell hasn't ended yet.

> As you lay on the ground, you also notice that Charmeleon's pokeball is shaking back and forth pretty hard.


Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #54 on: January 11, 2013, 04:14:27 AM »
>Let out Lighter and China
>"Kogasa, can you turn the blizzard off?"
>While we recover, recall where those two points on the mountain were.


  • something seems fishy
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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #55 on: January 11, 2013, 09:11:33 AM »
>We may need to heal the pokemon before taking on Galactrix.
>Which would be faster: stopping by the village or resting here?
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #56 on: January 11, 2013, 04:57:08 PM »
>Let out Lighter and China

> "Thanks! Hey lucario, could you help me find Prinny? I seem to have lost him." Kogasa says. Your Lucario stares blankly at you, awaiting your commands while ignoring Kogasa.

>"Kogasa, can you turn the blizzard off?"

> "...Uh... it should be over in 10 minutes, I think," Kogasa says.

> "10 minutes? Some of us are freezing over here," Nuegasa says, while switching forms to a black haired goth girl.

> "Yeah, um... this spell kind of has a mind of its own. Don't worry, it'll die out soon!"

> Nue teases back, "You know I'm going to have to get you for this." Although you wonder if that would be redundant, that thing Nue stuck to Kogasa's back before the battle is still there.

> "I wouldn't expect anything less," Kogasa winks back. You realize they've been at this game for a long time.

>While we recover, recall where those two points on the mountain were.

> Three points. west into the clouds, northwest along the mountain face, and to the far, far north something Lucario could sense miles away.

> The sun is midway between the two land masses. You guess about an hour until the sun sets behind the landmass above you?

>We may need to heal the pokemon before taking on Galactrix.
>Which would be faster: stopping by the village or resting here?

> Resting here would take 12 hours you suppose, which is faster than going back underground but might be slower than flying to the human village above you.

> Incidentally, your Charmeleon is glowing.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2013, 04:59:29 PM by capt. h »


  • something seems fishy
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    • Ask an Oarfish!
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #57 on: January 11, 2013, 06:05:32 PM »
>Lost a penguin in the snow? That's terrible!
>Well losing any pokemon can't be fun.
>"China, if you've got the juice, let's find the dood."
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #58 on: January 11, 2013, 06:52:16 PM »
>"Hey Lighter, what's up with the glow?"
>"Let's see, spend the night on a cold mountain or go back to Gensokyo and go find those trouble areas tomorrow. Yeah, back to Gensokyo it is."
>How long till we can fly again by the way?

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #59 on: January 12, 2013, 01:31:43 AM »
>Get AGITATED at the thought of having a RIVAL in our conquest of MoKogasa

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.