Author Topic: Touhou Dream Thread  (Read 320591 times)


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #420 on: December 05, 2014, 07:21:12 AM »
I don't remember very much of this dream but what I do remember of it was that I was back at home. My home was laid out like it was before the extension was done though. I was on the PC (I believe that I was playing a touhou fan game) and came off it for a minute. I do remember that my brother was on youtube and watching a playlist that was a mixture of things I watch and things that he watches. The reason I came off the PC was probably to check the name of a theme because that's what I ended up checking my calendar for after playing with my brother for a bit. Eventually I came to the information about Alice Margatroid on the calendar (It was a touhou calendar with a collection of canon things) and, after being shouted at by my mum to tell me to get off the PC, I thought I'd check Alice's information out of curiosity. It mentioned at the very end that Alice actually visited Scotland before the independence referendum to encourage people to vote no. I immediately shouted "What!?" forgetting that my Grandpa was behind me sleeping. I couldn't read the handwriting which mentioned which hospital she went to but it mentioned that she broke a toilet and something with maintenance in it's name.

I came out of the dream with Orden Ogan - we are pirates! in my head for some reason. Nevertheless, the first thing I did after waking up was both open this thread and google "Alice Margaroid Scottish independence" but I came up short. The touhou fan game was a bit like drawn to life I think but I have no evidence whatsoever to back that up.

Also, I had another one but I don't want to double post seeing as it's only slightly to do with Touhou. I had to track down a descendent of me and Alice who was in a magic school similar to Hogwarts. I ended up having to fight off waves of magicians with the force (including using lightning) and these large balls of danmaku that were moving so slow that everybody should be able to dodge them. Nonetheless they were surprisingly effective.

I had another one that's too short to double post about. I had just finished an exam and, when I got home, I met Yuuka arriving back in the flat too - dressed as a maid for some reason. As we both lived in the same block, we had a conversation about the other people who lived in the flat - such as Koakuma.

Had another small dream where I was on a school trip or somthing and, to progress, I had to go through a big gate which transformed you. There were a few characters to choose from including Ran Yakumo so I chose her. I struggled to press the button so sombody else had to help. The dream only lasted a few seconds after pressing the button.

May have also had another dream in the same nap as I had to explore a quickly changing building with a few others. In the end, Shinmyomaru may have been the main villian but I may have just been imagining things in sleep paralysis.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 06:02:43 PM by aListers »
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


  • Vocaloid for the win!
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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #421 on: January 11, 2015, 08:39:41 AM »
I had another touhou related dream. I'd say this one is long enough for another full post. This time multiple Touhou characters showed up. I was going through an obstacle course kind of thing that was being narrated. Eventually we came to a tunnel and the narrator said "and some people like tunnels." I then saw Miku Hatsune in the tunnel. She gave me the "shhh" signal telling me to be quiet. I then thought that there was no way that Miku was only here because she "liked tunnels" so I followed her. The tunnel then rocked heavily to make it harder to follow and make my way through. Eventually we came to a long narrow tunnell. I saw Nitori walking down it. Miku told me to hide so I did. As Nitori got close to the end of the tunnel, me had Miku jumped out and said "Boo!" It turned out that there were a lot of touhou characters in Nitori's party. We both greeted them all like old friends. I also met Alice in Nitori's party. She was wearing her old PC-98 dress and we talked a little bit about french terminology or somthing. Flandre Scarlet was also with Nitori. As she met me and Miku, she was sad that she couldn't meet herself from the past. Eventually she did though. I was then about to talk to another character (probably Sakuya) when I was interrupted by my alarm going off.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #422 on: January 19, 2015, 10:31:52 PM »
I had a dream where I was in a room with Eirin and I asked who she was and she just told me her name was "Eirin Yagokoro" and then she just smiled at me for the duration of the dream.

That was my most recent dream.


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #423 on: January 20, 2015, 11:06:06 AM »
I had a dream that I was playing a game programmed by Yukari. You play as Youmu I think and it's a 3rd person game. Using the camera you can summon Yukari to help you. You could also change the character you were playing as and summon more characters.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #424 on: January 20, 2015, 11:19:25 AM »
I don't know if Daydreams count, but I had one.

Fairly simple, I was Koishi, and I was fighting Master Core from Smash Bros 4. Specifically, Master Giant and Master Beast. Then, I guess Master Shadow, but it was weird. I guess cause it was copying Koishi or something. The dream ended around halfway through fighting it.


  • Retired
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #425 on: January 20, 2015, 06:19:31 PM »
A really vivid one I had recently, even though it started out unrelated but then "suddenly, Touhou" as they say.

Everything looked like the usual real world. I had to follow some guy, and he was talking that we had to sneak into some sort of "bunker". We did so by just going a few meters down a ladder under a grate sitting out in the open. We ended up in some sort of hall which somehow had windows along one wall, even though said grate was essentially in the middle of a grass field. The guy went ahead, saying something, but he was too far to hear.

This is where strange stuff starts. I somehow "turned on" subtitles. By just willing them into existence. I caught the end of what he said, but next I saw... Orin and Utsuho "talking"! They were saying that they were confused, and I did hear a faint whisper from the opposite side of the hall, but I decided to follow the guy a bit. Well, after sneaking around for a minute, we were back in that hall. I felt too bored with him so I decided to go where I heard the whispers instead (the guy went ahead again and probably didn't notice me not following).

Going to the opposite side of the hall led to a dead end. I called out loud for those two, saying I knew who they were and that they were there. They came out from behind a pair of columns. The dream looked perfectly realistic up until that point, but they clearly looked like drawings, and yet didn't feel out-of-place. They said they were lost and that there was supposed to be a way back into hell somewhere around there, so I said I'd help them. I thought that it was nice to know that there was a connection between real world and Gensokyo after all, and that was where I woke up.

It was pretty nice seeing Utsuho (even though she looked pretty droopy, possibly without cape and wings, but with her hand cannon), but Orin? I never felt anything special towards her. Maybe it's a sign to look at that kitty a bit closer?


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #426 on: January 25, 2015, 02:14:10 PM »
I had a little adventure with Alice, Marisa and Rinnosuke it seems. Alice and Marisa were smaller then usual though.

It all started with Marisa planting some worms in a clearing somewhere in the forest of magic. They were ones that she had bought and it seems that she had the intention of going on a little adventure with Alice as I then saw plenty of images of Alice and Marisa growing up. Marisa mentioned that she knew that the worms would grow because "there's plenty of energy in Gensokyo." Eventually it was after that big backstory and I was in a shop. I was surprised that this shop actually had things in it. They were selling a clear GBA SP for ?67.72 as well as dualshock controllers, cheap handheld gaming devices, anime stuff and torches. Eventually I got to the back of the shop and found the books. I overheard 2 pensioners come in and attempt to buy "old person hentai" so I'm guessing that the shop sold that kind of stuff as well. Eventually I found a book about the worms that Marisa grew. I ended up leaving the shop without buying anything and then met up with Alice, Marisa and Rinnosuke (at least I think it was) at place where she placed the worms. Eventually the worm burst out the ground and into the sky - leaving rocks and dust flying. Marisa and Alice put their hoods up to avoid getting them in their eyes. Eventually Marisa said that we'd be going down the hole. She went first, then Alice, then me and then I'm guessing Rinnosuke. Inside the hole it was decorated like a nice hotel. The corridor was square and the floor was covered in a zebra print carpet. There was an elevator as well. There were multiple holes in the ceiling which let in light so the corridor was bright enough to walk through for long enough. Eventually we came to a bit where the light just ended. I had a bad feeling about it as this is always a clear sign of danger. I then remembered that I had a light which I carry around in my pocket. I do actually carry that light when I go to the shops at 2:00am. Unfortunately it is kind of broken and automatically switches off if you bump it slightly. I remembered this in the dream and mentioned it to the party. After a while of rummaging around in my pocket (I keep a lot of tissues in there) I eventually found it and shone the light down the corridor. What I saw was practically nothing. The corridor was really long and my light (which is operating at half the capacity it normally does due to it switching itself on once and me not noticing) was practically worthless - only succeeding in making the end of the endless corridor look grey rather than black. We walked a fair bit into the place before I mentioned that I felt that it was too dangerous and fled. Everybody followed and we planed how we'd get in there a 2nd time. I mentioned that we could buy a torch from that shop I went to. Eventually we got to the elevator. Alice and Rinnosuke went first as they were the first ones to the elevator. Just as me and Marisa were about to get on, I woke up.

I think that was first time I've actually been in Gensokyo. It's unfortunate that the first time I arrive I chicken out.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


  • MoonScraper
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #427 on: January 25, 2015, 10:00:21 PM »
I had this rather vivid dream a good while ago. It was in several bits but at some point, a Touhou character was in it briefly. 

Amusement Park:

I was with a few old friends in an amusement park and there was the person in charge of it (newer seen in dream but I could hear them) who had set cruel rides such as one that threw people off the ferris wheel into a ravine way below, sending them to their death. Most notably, people were invited in a special house which was hiding a treasure. My friends were interested and the person said that people can go in but not go back easily. They opened the door and they had to wait 15 minutes before the next door opened to let them in. He said that those who are stuck in between will suffer an unpleasant fate. Naturally, as they were waiting, I was unsure. People was gathering to go in and as I was trying to make some room by pushing a bit to get in, I heard the guy say the final countdown. When he said "2" I immediately jumped back and slammed the door in front of them.

At this moment, everyone stopped moving but I still could move. I then saw Flandre holding a baseball bat. I then immediately stopped moving but then a person fell down. I thought something horrible was about to happen but everyone at the same time had started moving again and I looked around me confused with Flandre walking up to me and bringing me to the house. We said no words to each other and I just followed. I saw a corpse near the house but from what I understand it was the amusement park owner that had been killed by Flandre.

We both got inside and we were both atop a humongous room. As I looked down, I saw it was split in four sections. I saw a stone floor with a a bloody corpse laying there and people that were lost and unable to go out. I wanted to help them but Flandre who kept smiling prevented me from going. She lead me out of the house safely and we both left the amusement park together.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by Rumia.

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #428 on: January 26, 2015, 01:05:54 PM »
I had a dream recently.  I wasn't in Gensokyo or anything (I was actually wandering around a farm with lots of animals.  Floating around.  I tend to float rather than walk in dreams).  Anyways, I was carrying my phone with me as I floated around, and had Skype open.  I was also apparently in a call with Kagerou, and we were chatting.  I don't remember what we talked about, but I do remember her mentioning that she was hanging out with Tewi.  The dream went on for a while with me exploring this farm and chatting with Kagerou before ending.


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #429 on: January 31, 2015, 05:44:31 AM »
Once I dreamed that I was Reimu. The following is taken from my dream diary, edited a little for clarity:

I had a dream that over and over again, a man went mad, killed his family, and escaped. I had finally had enough, so when he started to transform, I attacked. I wouldn't let him close to the children. I pushed him off of his porch. He was extremely powerful, but I knew when to attack and when to pull back. With my new aggressive stance, I used the power of the mask my family had passed down through generations and went after the man's variants which had escaped. An alliance of rival clans, which had somehow gotten ahold of the Hakurei mask (rightfully mine), used a tracker mask to see where I was. I walked across a hill covered in tall yellow stalks of dead grass. Lions stalked me, and a brigade moved to cut me off, but I was unafraid.

Then I was one townsperson among many, dodging the brooms the brigade threw at us. We were going to defeat them so they wouldn't get in Reimu's way.

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #430 on: February 09, 2015, 11:32:38 AM »
I had this dream once where Godzilla (appearance is the godzilla from Godzilla 2000:Millenium or MireGoji) rosed up from Misty Lake and began destroying the human village.
It ended when Godzilla fired his atomic ray at a human though.


  • Rin Kaenbyou
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #431 on: February 11, 2015, 08:28:21 PM »
I had a dream where I was literally trapped by bullets with absolutely no opening during boss fight Yuyuko on her last word. (It was very claustrophobic)


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #432 on: February 14, 2015, 02:06:29 PM »
I'm basically just going to sleep as much as possible today and get as much touhou dreams as possible. So far I've had one.

I remember suddenly appearing in Tokyo. I looked around and saw a western tourist cosplaying as Yuuka for some reason as well. I tried to recall what had happened before I got there but I believe that I was still in Scotland at the time. Either way I decided to try and go to Gensokyo while I was here. Straight afterwards I was stopped by the cosplayer who turned out to be my friend Helmet - that's his nickname because he owns a great helm. He mentioned that he had an audiobook on how to get to Gensokyo but it didn't work. I straight away downloaded the book and assumed that he'd just done it wrong. I followed the audio instructions. It told me to do stuff like wave to people in a park and in a forest. I thought I was way too concentrated for Yukari to portal me to gensokyo at the time. Eventually I arrived at a school. It suggested that I wait till break time for the next step. While there, I was introduced to a certian page on wikipedia that allowed me to speak with Yuuka. We had a small conversation. We commented on how good her English was as she spoke it well but responded really wierdly to one of our questions. She also asked us a few which we also added a japanese word on the end of i case she didn't know what we ment. I mentioned that I was very happy to get the chance to talk to her. Shortly after the conversation, the zombie apocalypse happened and I was back in Scotland. In the end, the NHS saved the day.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!

8lue Wizard

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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #433 on: February 16, 2015, 01:52:00 PM »
I had a dream last night where Koishi found the Fierce Deity mask, and Young Link showed up and they had a smash-style battle on the Termina Bay stage from Melee. Eventually the Holy Palanquin landed in the middle of the stage and it became a team battle with Byakuren, Shou, Ichirin, and Nazrin against Young Link, Zelda, Imp Midna and Twili Midna. Turns out pagoda lasers are hax for edge guarding, and team Zelda got dunked. After that, Detective!Nazrin started tracking Fierce Deity!Kokoro around Death Mountain, but I woke up before that really went anywhere.

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #434 on: February 17, 2015, 04:30:28 AM »
I had a dream I was Kyouko and was yelling stuff and Miko came out and scolded me and told me I wasn't helping.

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #435 on: February 20, 2015, 09:47:00 PM »
I had a dream last night where I was a youkai working with Akyuu no Heida, and I was denied access to the Human Village because I apparently had animal ears and I started to cry until Akyuu let me in.


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #436 on: February 22, 2015, 02:43:15 AM »
I'm fairly sure that I had a touhou dream this morning but I forgot it immediatley. I know Alice was in it and that I had to make a choice but other than that, all I remember is playing age of empires 2 and talking to different groups of people.

2 days ago I also had a dream where the background on my phone (which is a picture of Miku, Alice and one of Alice's dolls) changed. Alice was unhappy at something and it constantly changed with new characters who I didn't know appearing. This caused the dream to become lucid (I even did the check featured in Doctor Who) and tried to summon Alice - which didn't work. I then tried other things but none of them worked. I think I no longer have any control over my lucid dreams.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 12:43:12 AM by aListers »
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


  • pichuun
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #437 on: February 27, 2015, 11:16:46 PM »
I once had a dream where Aya blows down the door to my room and chucks a camera at me.
Apparently she needed me to help her take pictures of Momiji when she's alone because her facial expression was less serious.

I went outside to help out (I never realize I'm dreaming). Outside was a meadow filled with yellow flowers and not a tree in sight. Aya grabs my arm and sprints down the meadow without warning.

My arm was in much pain by the time she stopped. Aya points in front of me to show where Momiji was. We sat completely still for a minute, Momiji wasn't facing our direction so we were not spotted.

Aya slowly ducks under the flowers (they're tall and thick enough to hide someone laying down). I follow her lead, but she motions at me to move to a different angle.

I was able to do so without getting caught. At this point Momiji was bending down to smell the flowers. She had a wide smile on her face as she picked one from the ground.

It was too perfect of a moment, I lifted up my camera and snapped a picture. I was so glad it took the photo silently. Momiji skipped away from my direction so I looked down at the camera to see how the photo went.

Koishi's face was blocking off Momiji entirely. "Are you kidding me?" I almost said. I didn't want to blow my cover.

I look up and see Aya taking pictures of Momiji. She took several from different angles. Once she stopped I could see flowers moving just slightly out the way as Aya army crawls to me.

"Hey did this happen to you?" she whispers to me while showing me three different pictures, all photobombed by Koishi. One of them had her flicking us off. I show Aya my own photobombed picture and explained how I was watching. I didn't even see Koishi appear to photobomb.

A sneer appears on Aya's face, "I got a plan" she whispers.
Her plan was to take pictures from both sides at the same time so that way it would be impossible for Koishi to jump in.

It was tougher to get in position this time since Momiji was more aware of our presence. Nevertheless, we are able to get in position. Aya's hand rises up from the flowers to count down for us. As soon as her hand went down I took the picture.

It seems we were able to pull it off, but when we regrouped and looked at our photos there was Koishi again. This time she was riding on Momiji's back (she was bent over when we took the picture.) Both of Koishi's legs blocked Momiji's face from our angles.

"ALL RIGHT THAT'S IT!" Aya yells, startling Momiji. Aya stood up, completely breaking our cover. "I REFUSE TO LOSE!" she shouts before taking a barrage of pictures of Momiji. She was moving so fast I could barely see her. I'm sure she got every angle possible as fast as possible.

After a minute Aya stops, breathing hard. Momiji narrows her eyes at Aya, "What are you doing?" she questions. Aya doesn't respond and instead takes a look through all the pictures. I could tell by her face every single picture was photobombed by Koishi.

Aya throws her camera into the air and stomps the ground, "HOW IS SHE DOING THAT!?"
Momiji cocks her head to the side, obviously confused. Aya catches her camera and points in a random direction shouting, "SHOW YOURSELF FIEND!"

I swear I could here laughing.

Then I woke up.

oh look at that, new gifs
(I apologize if I made you constantly reload)


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #438 on: February 28, 2015, 08:58:07 PM »
Then I woke up.

Sounds like it would be a brilliant story. It's a shame - I really wish that had an ending.

Anyway, I had a dream that had a few touhou references. I went to some class that taught us about the PC-98. Eventually we had to listen to some music played by PC-98 games. One person said that one of the songs sounded like Fate of Sixty years (Eiki's theme) but it really didn't - I even told them that as I've been playing a lot of POFV recently. I then heard a song which I recognised from the PC-98 era but I really couldn't tell who's theme is was. I had the problem because I usually just listen to the PC-98 songs on repeat during a game of Age of Empires 2 - plus the only PC-98 touhou game I play a lot is Phantasmagoria of dim dream. In the end I couldn't figure out and had to drive the bus home - which created problems because I can't drive. I did better than expected though.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


  • Ordinary crow
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #439 on: March 01, 2015, 12:17:16 AM »
There was this time, when I was a HUGE fan of Parsee. I oftenly had dream about her, she would stand on a bridge, but she also was standing to other locations. She was most of the time sad from what I remember. It was rare but there was some time when I could talk to her and all. When I think of it, I really had an obsession with her, it's kind of creepy, almost like I felled in love with her at the time.

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #440 on: March 01, 2015, 10:31:54 AM »
All I remember in one dream was that there was a picnic and Cirno had potato salad themed spellcards for some reason.

Abraham Lincoln

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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #441 on: March 07, 2015, 01:16:30 AM »
All I remember in one dream was that there was a picnic and Cirno had potato salad themed spellcards for some reason.

Salad Sign "Potato Fall"

Anyway, I had a dream where I went to a mountainous area to search for Satori's missing left hand, or at least the part with the thumb, index and middle finger. I absolutely cannot remember my dreams in detail. -_-


  • pichuun
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #442 on: March 07, 2015, 06:53:46 PM »
This is the first time anything in a dream would hold on to me for extended periods of time.


Rumia suddenly grabs a hold of me from behind and hoists herself on my back to ride me. I flipped out and tried to shake her off, but she help on tight while laughing.

This is literally how the dream started. I was just walking on a path through the bamboo forest before this happened.

I eventually gave up after struggling for five minutes. She had her arms and legs wrapped around me there was no way I can shake her off easy. I narrow my eyes and kept walking thinking I could just inore it until she's bored.

Then I heard someone laughing at me. I look around and saw Tewi standing off the path between bamboos. I glare at her, but she kept laughing, but she fell backward and tumbled back out of my view. You can hear her say, "Owwwww."

I walk faster down the path. I thought I could find someone who'd help.
Luckily I see Marisa walking down the road in my direction. I waved at her.

Marisa almost burst out laughing when she saw me, but she held it back to ask what the heck happened.

"I don't even know..." I answered, "but could you get her off?"

Marisa walks behind me, not to get her off, but just to look at Rumia's face. "She looks so cute when she's happy." Marisa said.

"You're not helping..."

"Okay then!" Marisa walks back in front of me, "I have a surefire way to get her off you!"

She tosses her mini hakkero in the air and catches it.
"WAIT WAIT, DON'T DO THAT!" I interrupt.

"But it'll work!"

"I don't want to be burnt by a rainbow."

"Then I have another idea!"

Marisa playfully tugs at the amulet in Rumia's hair, instantly making me freak out, "DONT PULL THAT OFF!" I yell.

Marisa giggles, "I'm messing with you, maybe we could Reimu?"

"Can't you just pull her off?"

"With the way she's holding on to you, nope."

I sigh, "Well let's go then..."
Marisa's broom suddenly cuts through the bamboo and flies into her hand. "All righty! Hop on!"

She was floating on her broom, I thought we were going to walk, but this would be much faster. I 'hop on,' but awkwardly, no thanks to Rumia.

We shot out the bamboo forest, with such speed I wondered how g-forces didn't send me flying since I wasn't holding on to the broom at all. I stopped thinking about it since Rumia was shouting , "WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" the entire time.

Her voice is actually very loud, Marisa had her hat pulled over her ears.

When we arrived at the Hakurei shrine, Reimu was standing right outside her door, as if expecting us.

Marisa stops right in front of Reimu and hops off the broom. She gave me zero time to get off, so the broom shot out from under me. Luckily, my feet weren't so far from the ground that I couldn't land.

"Yo Reimu! How's it going?"

"It's going just as planned." she responds with a smug face.
Marisa backs away from her, "Ehhh, what is?"

Reimu stifles a laugh as she said, "Nothing, I was just coming up funny ways to respond to that question. That was my favorite. More importantly, why is Rumia on your back?" she asks, pointing at me.

"I wish I knew why...wouldn't she rather eat me than cling to me? This is starting to hurt my back..."

"We were actually hoping you could help get her off." Marisa explains.
Reimu sits down on the door step and grins, "Sure I could help!"

"Great, I really appreciate it-..." My voice trailed off as Reimu taps on her donation box, "Given that you have the money to pay for my help." She sneers.

I started sweating a bit, but I remembered that I did have money, so I put my hands in my pockets to fetch some coins.

Coins that spontaneously disappeared.
I look back at Rumia and see her eating MY money. She had just put the last of it in her mouth.


Marisa starts laughing at us. I felt like I was a part of some comedy act, I'm getting laughed at all day.

Reimu however, wasn't laughing at all. She just gets up and walks back into the shrine saying, "Well it looks like I can't help you."

"WHAAAAAT!?!?" I yell.

"Wait Reimu!"
I turn around and see Meiling panting at the top of the stairs. Reimu backs out the shrine, "Is it about that cup Remi wanted?"

"Yeah she said she needs it now." Meiling says after taking a deep breath. As soon as she sees me she gasps, "RUMIA IS POSSESSING PEOPLE NOW!?"

"WHAT!? NO OF COURSE NOT!" I yell. Rumia just laughs loudly in my ear.

Marisa explains what's going on to Meiling. Once it was explained, Meiling strokes an invisible beard on her chin, "That makes much more sense..."

"By the way, did you run here?" Marisa asks.

"Yeah!" Meiling flexes a bit, "Gotta keep my endurance up!"

"I have the cup." Reimu says, walking back outside. The cup looked like soup bowl with a handle...

"Thanks Reimu, I'll get the money from Sakuya later."
of course she did this for profit...

"Oh wait!" I call after Meiling before she sprints down the stairs, "Maybe you can get Rumia off me?"

"Sure! No problem!" She says.

Suddenly she dashes at me and spear kicks me in the stomach. The blow actually went through me and knocked Rumia off me, but I still felt it.

I was kicked probably 6 meters away from Meiling, not sure where Rumia went though.
I hit the floor, in pain and dazed. I could hear Meiling, "Oops I think I kicked too hard, ahhh he'll recover. Gotta go!"

Moments later I was out cold.

Even more moments later, I wake up.

oh look at that, new gifs
(I apologize if I made you constantly reload)


  • Vocaloid for the win!
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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #443 on: March 08, 2015, 10:12:26 AM »
I had a dream last night. As I now have my dream diary back (I'll be posting it on some other website so I'm never away from it and don't have to use this thread to record dreams) this will be an excerpt from my dream diary. I'll only post the touhou part (which is the first part I remember) because the other parts happen quite fast.

It all started with me chasing Aya Shameimaru with a sword. She had done something dangerous or annoying beforehand so I chased her down a medieval style corridor with a sword. Eventually I came to a bit where she closed the door behind her and it locked. I had to turn around and saw a statue. Something beforehand had to do with the weeping angels from Doctor Who so I assumed the worst but tested it nonetheless. It did get closer if I looked away. I ended up also seeing that Aya had left some pictures on the floor. Pictures had started turning into weeping angels in my dream so I was insulting Aya in my head or doing that. I tried slicing them apart with my sword but that didn't work. I wished that I had a pistol because that would work better. Eventually somebody else came in and held them off for me while I escaped.

I've gotten to the point where it's rarer for me not to remember dreams than it is for me to remember them - providing that I don't get woken up by an alarm.

I had another one (once again, I don't want to double post) and it featured Touhou characters. It was in part of a drinking game that I took no part in.  It involved shape matching and the results were NSFW. I just sat on my chair as I don't drink and was weirded out by it.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2015, 12:15:51 PM by aListers »
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #444 on: March 10, 2015, 01:41:54 PM »
I was once dreamed about playing a Touhou game (the vertical shooter one) but I was controlling Satori, which is... very weird, and there is no Fairy or enemy on the screen, but instead, I was walking on something that look like a dusty, broken, abandoned Extra Stage of SA, after that, I hear some screeching noise, and lots of mess up music, the screen became buggy and something appeared that gave me the chill when I thought about it...


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #445 on: March 16, 2015, 12:53:18 PM »
I had a huge dream that was like a whole movie. At the end the main protagonist ended up possessing Reisen Udongein Inaba so that he could manipulate light waves and have everybody see the ghost that had trapped him for so long.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


  • Retired
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #446 on: March 20, 2015, 05:47:50 PM »
I had a Touhou-themed dream today, but I only remembered the last moment. A lot of characters were in a huge banquet hall, celebrating that... whatever the rest of the dream was ended in a success. I was sitting at a table with three girls. Right across me was Komachi, and to my left was Elly. The second I realized that last thing, she put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a warm smile that put me at ease. Then I woke up.

I know that dreams don't really have any rhyme or reason, but... Elly? I honestly don't care either way about PC-98 chars. Why was she around?


  • Border of Whatever
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #447 on: March 20, 2015, 07:15:40 PM »
I had one last week. Short, but i woke up laughing. It was some sort of crossover with Call of Duty 4 that had absolutely no sense.
My team was made by Mystia, Rumia and some marines, that were actually an infinite number of undefined youkai/things that looked all the same and weren't doing anything other than running forever on the map, appearing and disappearing in few seconds. While battling (with unknown enemies, i just knew they were there), i see Rumia cutting a building in half with Moonlight Ray, and a swarm of black and white flying fishes coming out of it, then Mystia screams "We have to go back, they are coming!".
Rumia laughs with a man's voice and punches the ground so hard that the map gets destroyed and disappear completely, leaving only a light-brown void under us, and the sky above. I say "Hey, you can't do this!", but she replies to Mystia saying "I can because there are no rules here". She also punches the sky and everything except us turns black, then we start walking, hitting random things that i knew they had to hurt a lot, but they didn't.
Mystia looks at me and says "That's because we can't see". And i woke up.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 08:07:22 PM by PK »


  • Vocaloid for the win!
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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #448 on: March 25, 2015, 02:00:05 PM »
I had a dream with a small amount of touhou at the end.

It was a continuation of the dream I had an hour earlier where I had to kill a child molester before he killed me. Now I was training to make sure that'd never happen again. My RMAS friends (the ones that I learn German Longsword fighting with) were training with me in the restraunt. Mr Popo (from dragonball Z) was angry at us for training there because he owned the restraunt. We used the excuse that we needed the food. I then went to the buffet. Unfortunatley they only had curry, rice, roast potatos and somthing else generic. Just as sombody made a comment on the amount I took from the buffet (I eat a lot from buffets), Mr Popo sensed somthing that shouldn't be here. We all went outside and found 2 people. They had taken the bodies of Remilia and Koakuma then broke into the outside world. They exchanged dialogue with Mr Popo while I kept my hand near my sword. Eventually the one in Remilia's body decided that she wanted in Koakuma's body instead. An ambilical chord from her belly button was what she used for the body swap. It attached itself to Koakuma's belly button and the transfer started. We stood back and got ready for the fight. When the body swap was done we'd start fighting. I woke up before the fight started though.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


  • pichuun
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #449 on: March 27, 2015, 09:33:55 PM »
I've been wanting to post this for a while.

When the dream started, I woke up in a house that is literally one big room. I already had my clothes on and there was still light outside. So I went outside and saw rows of houses that looked just like mine. I stood on the dirt road that cut through these rows of houses. Looking around, I noticed Keine standing at the end of the road. She was facing away from me.

I realized I was in the Human Village...or at least the one Keine guards. However, I was still tired, so I walked back inside what seemed to be my home and fell back asleep.
(Yes, I'm sleeping in a dream.)

Once I woke up(still dreaming) it was dark. At this point I was well rested, so I decided to explore. When I walked outside, Mokou replaced Keine. She was smoking probably three cigarettes at the same time. I decided not to bother her and explore the village.

After walking around for a minute or two, I noticed that there were a bunch of lights coming from one house. There was also music playing too. There must have been a party going on and I had to find out what was up. So I sprint towards the sound of music and trip right before I get there. I rolled right on my back.

As I lift myself up, this house of lights came into view. A huge LED sign was attached to this building. It read

Fuckit Buckit

If my jaw could drop 2 feet it would have. I was laying on the ground, just laughing at the sign. There was no way I wasn't going inside now and once I did I found out exactly what it was.

The place was a strip club. I couldn't believe my eyes, mostly because I couldn't believe a human village would have this. There weren't any pole dancers here, actually Yamame was doing some acrobatic stuff on a giant web right over a stage in front of the club.

Suddenly, Kisume dropped in front of me. I jumped at this and she laughed, then she said, "Welcome to the Fuckit Buckit! Please enjoy your stay!"
She slowly started to float off the ground and back to the ceiling where she came from, but anyone can see the string that was pulling her back up.

At first I was too baffled to talk, but then I asked Kisume as she rose back up to the ceiling, "Is this seriosuly a thing!?"
"Yup!' she answers without even looking back down at me.

I freaked out. How did Kisume even make this happen?
I needed answers and searched for someone who could provide them. I was able to spot Parsee sitting in the corner out of all the other people in this club.
Oh and I forgot to mention, the place was PACKED. I had to push through people just to get to Parsee. People seemed to steer clear of her though. She glared at anyone who approached her. Including me, but she was probably the only one who could answer the question I had.

I stood next to her and she looks away from me, "What do you want? I'm not going up there." she says.
"I just want to know what's going on. How did Kisume even get this to happen?"
"Why should I tell you?"
"Because I'm confused and you are the only one who can give answers...I think."
She faces me again, but her face didn't seem as angry.
She stared at me for a couple minutes before saying, "Fine I'll tell you."

Parsee looks away again before explaining, "Kisume was hanging around in her bucket in the human village. She noticed a bunch of guys womanizing others, so she comes back with an idea saying that we should make a strip club. I didn't support it, but Yamame thought it was a great idea and used an abandoned house to make it. Yamame was also able to somehow convince Nitori to make the sign out there."

Once she finished, it seemed to make sense to me, but how was it so successful? When I asked her she points at the bar on the right side of the club.
Yuugi was the bartender and was quite drunk herself. I could tell just by looking.
"Yuugi advertised about it. Her figure makes it easy to get any perverts here. Once they started coming, news spread thanks to that tengu." Parsee explained. I stroke my chin even though I had no beard and said, "I see."

At this moment, Yamame was done and Reimu went on stage.
Yes, Reimu.
I cannot stress how much I dafuq'd Reimu actually wasn't doing anything, but announcing who was up next on stage. According to Reimu, Rin six zombie fairies ready to perform on stage. Once she exited the stage I turned right back to Parsee,

Parsee faces me again, but it seemed she was just looking past me, "When Reimu noticed the advertisements, she pressed Kisume to be her manager. Kisume accepted and allowed her to help out. I bet she's only doing it to get extra funds for her shrine."

At this I was laughing, I think I startled Parsee when I did this. I laughed so hard I had a hard time catching my breath. As my laughter toned down into giggles, Parsee asked me, "What was that about?"

I wiped some tears from my eyes, "Sorry, I just find that hilarious."

At this moment Satori suddenly kicks the entrance off it's hinges and knocks out some random guy in the audience.
Everyone froze, except for Parsee. She just walked out saying, "See you in the underworld."

"ORIIIIIN!!" Satori shouts. Rin immediately ran on stage and saluted Satori, "Yes sir-mam!" she says.

"Yes sir-mam!"

She rushes past Satori and out the door. Satori glares at the whole crowd, "WHO' IDEA WAS THIS!?" she demands everyone. Kisume drops down in front of Satori and points at Yuugi, who is still trying to serve alcohol despite what is going on. Of course Satori wasn't fooled, "This was YOUR idea." she thrusts her index finger probably a millimeter from her face. Kisume gave a frightened smile and glanced at Reimu for help.

Reimu just swung a huge bag over her shoulder and runs out the door without a word. "HEY THAT'S MY MONEY!" Kisume called after her, but Satori grabbed her bucket so she wouldn't move. "You're coming with me."

Kisume struggle to get away, but Satori grabbed her by the neck to keep her in her bucket and storms out the club with her.

The club went completely silent...well Yuugi punched the wall to get out, but it was still silent.
Then a purple spell circle appears on the floor of the club. "EVERYONE OUT!" some smart person shouts and everyone tries to run out as quickly as possible.

I was the first one out. Luckily for everyone, they got out in time. The club EXPLODED, leaving debris everywhere.

I ran home, where it was safe and jumped in my bed.
I fell asleep while mumbling "Holy shit" to myself.

I woke up for real later.

oh look at that, new gifs
(I apologize if I made you constantly reload)