Author Topic: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK  (Read 203741 times)

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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #270 on: November 30, 2012, 05:11:41 PM »

but I did what I could under the problems I had and got my NaNoWriMo word count to 42k and updated my RP

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #271 on: November 30, 2012, 06:23:23 PM »
You're repenting for ... not stealing? What kind of bizarro confession is this? It must be a very strange universe you live in. Well, far be it for the Yama to judge. Or ... well, you know what the Yama means. Anyways, for your penance, bang out a very short story about committing a minor crime to prevent a larger one that involves:

1. Batman
2. toaster waffles
3. the sentence "That's it, I'm taking back my copy of The Notebook"
This is a new Dresden Files book.  Not obtaining it is definitively a sin.  Anyway.
The clown grinned at me over the barrel of the gun.  "Your choice, kiddo.  You get in there and get something...or your girl here gets something else."  He gestured with the gun, as if there was any doubt what he meant.  "Clock's ticking."

I stumbled backwards in terror, through the automatic doors and into the well-lit, spacious, cheery interior of the local supermarket.  Sweat poured down my face and my breath tore raggedly in my chest.  There was a murderer, a god damned murderer in clown paint holding a gun to my girlfriend's head.  I couldn't think past the terror.  God, what if something happened to Katie?  What if he shot her?

No.  No.  I had to focus.  Had to do as he asked.  I couldn't even begin to wonder what motivated a man like that, what could possibly make someone hold an innocent girl for the ransom of watching someone else shoplift.  What kind of cruel madness could possess someone to get their kicks like that?

In a daze, I shuffled over to the frozen goods aisle.  I tried to act inconspicuous but it was so obvious, everyone had to be staring right at me, waiting for me to make a move.  Looking over my shoulders, I slid open the freezer door and grabbed the first thing that came to my hand, which turned out to be a package of toaster waffles.  Clutching them to me, I slowly walked over to the sliding doors, took a deep breath, and dashed out.  An alarm sounded but I was gone, gone and running around the corner to where the clown stood, still holding a gun on Katie and saying something about smiling.  "Here, here's your damned crime, just let her go!"

The man turned and grinned.  "Well, whaddya know?  I didn't think you had it in you, chump!"  He lowered his gun and took the box.  "Aunt Jemima, my favorite!  Awww, you shouldn't have!"  His voice dropped sardonically.  "No, you really shouldn't, you dirty criminal, you."  He giggled.  "Thanks for playing, here's your-"

The nasal voice was cut off by a black blur smashing into him and knocking him off his feet.  The clown was sent sprawling but bounced up almost immediately, his manic grin only widening.  "Why, BATS!  I've been waiting for hours here!"

Batman immediately tackled him again, but my attention was focused on Katie, who slumped against the wall, shaking.  I moved over to her and gathered her into a tight embrace.  "It's okay, Katie, it's okay.  I love you, baby.  It's okay now."

"Oh god."  She whispered.  I held her tighter.

"It's okay now.  We'll be all right."  I smiled at her.  "Remember.  'Our love can take us away together.'"

She sniffed and laughed at the same time, eliciting a choked sob, and finally met my eyes.  "That's it, I'm taking back my copy of The Notebook."
man I don't even know

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #272 on: November 30, 2012, 07:15:20 PM »
The Yama is starting to wonder if you ask easily-answerable or obvious questions just to annoy other people. Your avatar must now be Linda Evans.
but i didn't know
Fine no arguing with Enma-sama.

e: Just realised now. Punishment should be keeping this avatar for another 3 days.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2012, 07:26:22 PM by ☯fonduemaster☯ »


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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #273 on: December 01, 2012, 03:00:17 AM »
Alright, after my horrible way of repenting, I decided to confess another sin, because I am sorry for not putting enough effort in my last repentance. (I wasn't trying to half-ass it...)

I often make fun of my friend for his lack of talent in French and English class, while he makes fun of me for being crappy in Math. I often go too far in my teasing and I'm pretty sure I hurt him a few times.

Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #274 on: December 01, 2012, 03:23:02 AM »
Oh dear, the sin of prejudice! That is a doozy. For your penance, the Yama wants you to think of one public figure that you despise without knowing much about him or her, find one good thing about them, and share it with the rest of us.

I chose Lady Gaga because she was the first to come to mind. I did my research and it turns out that she has done some stuff.

Gaga also contributes in the fight against HIV and AIDS, focusing on educating young women about the risks of the disease. In collaboration with Cyndi Lauper, Gaga joined forces with MAC Cosmetics to launch a line of lipstick under their supplementary cosmetic line, Viva Glam. Titled Viva Glam Gaga and Viva Glam Cyndi for each contributor respectively, all net proceeds of the lipstick line were donated to the cosmetic company's campaign to prevent HIV and AIDS worldwide. In a press release, Gaga declared, "I don't want Viva Glam to be just a lipstick you buy to help a cause. I want it to be a reminder when you go out at night to put a condom in your purse right next to your lipstick." The sales of Gaga-endorsed Viva Glam lipstick and lipgloss have raised more than $202 million to fight HIV and AIDS.

This is pretty touching considering I had a sister that had HIV and I have a niece that has it too.


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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #275 on: December 01, 2012, 04:19:16 AM »
I'm a terrible procrastinator that has a hard time keeping attention on one task for extended periods of time. :ohdear:

Also i'm a huge stoner Partaker of the Miracle Soma but that's honestly pretty unrelated to the above.
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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #276 on: December 01, 2012, 11:12:13 AM »
Color the Yama surprised. What more fitting penance for attention whoring than compelled attention whoring? For your penance, you must fire up the Touhou game of your choice, and play a pacifist Lunatic run until you run out of lives, and then upload the replay file here. Do make a genuine effort to get as far as you can - the Yama can tell if you're suiciding just to get it over with.
Because of the fact I really want a Pasu head avatar, I decided to do this forgotten penance at the cost of removing my current avatar. Please tell me if it's okay.
derp a herp


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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #277 on: December 01, 2012, 06:36:07 PM »

but I did what I could under the problems I had and got my NaNoWriMo word count to 42k and updated my RP

See what a little motivation can do? Congratulations, YJ! You have successfully repented for your sin, and have been absolved. Go forth now, with a pure heart, into Paradise.

man I don't even know

The Yama shout-laughed on a couple of occasions there. Congratulations, theshim! You have successfully repented for your sin, and have been absolved. Go forth now, with a pure heart, into Paradise.

I often make fun of my friend for his lack of talent in French and English class, while he makes fun of me for being crappy in Math. I often go too far in my teasing and I'm pretty sure I hurt him a few times.

We more easily cross the lines with friends than with acquaintances, as we're more at ease around them. For your penance, you must do some surprising and awesome thing for your friend, posting evidence of such in this thread.

My heart goes out to you, Hinacle. That can't be easy. I'd say you not only repenting for your last sin, but have pre-emptively absolved yourself from your next one, too. Congratulations, Hinacle! You have successfully repented for your sin, and have been absolved. Go forth now, with a pure heart, into Paradise.

I'm a terrible procrastinator that has a hard time keeping attention on one task for extended periods of time. :ohdear:

Also i'm a huge stoner Partaker of the Miracle Soma but that's honestly pretty unrelated to the above.

The Yama can relate to both of these "sins", intimately. So let's start with the former: for your penance, draw a visual form - either symbolic, realistic or both - that to you evokes feelings of motivation, and post it here.

With regards to the latter, the Yama happens to think this is often totally medicinal and not really a sin as such, in moderation. The "moderation" part being the important bit, of course. Do you think your partakinage has gone beyond the level of "moderation"?

Because of the fact I really want a Pasu head avatar, I decided to do this forgotten penance at the cost of removing my current avatar. Please tell me if it's okay.
derp a herp

Now that was entertaining. Congratulations, fonduemaster! You have successfully repented for your sin, and have been absolved. Go forth now, with a pure heart, into Paradise.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #278 on: December 01, 2012, 06:51:37 PM »
I love AKB48. Help.


Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #279 on: December 01, 2012, 07:04:30 PM »
I love AKB48. Help.

There is no escape but death. :getdown:


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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #280 on: December 01, 2012, 07:15:19 PM »
you're the best yama ever
don't quit your job


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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #281 on: December 01, 2012, 08:13:57 PM »
I love AKB48. Help.

The Yama can appreciate female entertainers, and even female entertainers who are sold to their fanbase strictly for their sex appeal, but you must know that AKB48 takes this to a whole new level. For your penance, you must read this article and post a cogent response, whether you agree or disagree.

IHNN edit: I wanted to edit someone else's post to actually be able to use the IM ability.  I didn't do it until now though, but the thing is I still did it.  What do?
« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 08:24:28 PM by I have no name »

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

I have no name

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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #282 on: December 01, 2012, 08:24:46 PM »


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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #283 on: December 01, 2012, 08:36:21 PM »
I have developed an almost fetishistic enjoyment of failure and have never completed a single personal project I've started. Why does quitting feel so good? Please help me, yama!


Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #284 on: December 01, 2012, 08:37:48 PM »
I have developed an almost fetishistic enjoyment of failure and have never completed a single personal project I've started. Why does quitting feel so good? Please help me, yama!

In all seriousness I suspect you fear you will sputter out somewhere down the line and figure it hurts less to say you quit instead of crash and burn.

That much said, I will let the Yama comment.


Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #285 on: December 02, 2012, 01:50:43 AM »
this article
I don't even like AKB48, but I don't think it's physically possible to roll one's eyes at this any harder than I am right now. "You kids and your damn skimpy outfits and flirty music! It's just about SEX! WHERE IS THE SUBSTANCE???" Oh my God! People like their pop stars to be young and sexy, how awful! Give me a fucking break.

All of this reminds me exactly of politics. It doesn?t matter if you have talent or ability, what matters is solely and purely PR. As far as I am concerned, this group does not have to present themselves as singers, but farmers or even jugglers. It would make the least difference. Besides, what proper production management in artists decide who is to sing on stage by fans? votes, completely ignoring the individual?s ability to sing?
Let me spell it out for you, Captain Feminist Liberator: Singing and dancing are part of the appeal, because those things are sexy. Farming and juggling aren't.

I really resent the implication that this is rooted in some kind of patriarchal desire to subjugate women. Boy bands and male pop singers are NEVER vacuous sex objects, am I right ladies?


Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #286 on: December 02, 2012, 04:25:25 AM »

Challenge accepted.

Quote from: Tenguyama
1. Why the Watatsukis are actually not Mary Sues, but have relatable flaws and imperfections

Yorihime can pretty visibly crush anyone in the series in a straight fight---she can dissolve and reassemble matter, create miniature stars, and deflect a Master Spark with little but her sword. Naturally she apparently places a huge amount of pride on her combat skills---she had Reimu, Marisa, Remi and Sakuya trapped with her abilities and could have diced them at her leisure, but when our heroines explained the concept of spell card duels to her, she released them and fought them one at a time, presumably not wanting to turn down a chance to beat the dissolute Earth-dwellers at their own game. It stands to reason that our heroines may have only kept their heads because of Yorihime not being able to turn down a good fight.

In the political arena? Yorihime isn't invincible. Are the charges leveled at her simple misunderstanding and caution, or someone conveniently trying to get Yorihime out of the way? Either way, she realizes that something is amiss and that she needs two heads to solve this problem, so she keeps Reimu with her at the Lunar capital for an extended visit---ostensibly because Reimu was walking proof that Yorihime wasn't the only one who could channel divine power, but also because it's possible Yorihime wanted a second person to be in-the-know and on her side. Why else would she have let Reimu go back home unharmed after taking her there, besides possibly some grudging respect for the only human in the rocket group to give her any worry? Who's to say Yori didn't bring her to the Moon to confide something with Reimu she couldn't share with anything else? Nobody would worry about a stupid, dumb, short-lived, short-sighted human being able to remember any details, right?

Also, Reisen II was in a pickle for heading to Earth and Yorihime went out of her way to "pardon" Reisen II's crime. As she also is the sister responsible for training the rest of the moon rabbits, she apparently has at least some sort of soft spot for her troops.

I imagine that also has something to do with the blame laid on Yorihime---for a bunch of folks obsessed with purity, Lunarians can fight really, really dirty.

As for Toyohime---she brags about being able to wield a weapon capable of casually levelling the entire Bamboo Forest, and seems to care little about the possibility of mass casualties amongst youkai and other creatures living in the Bamboo Forest, and furthermore considers the earth-dwellers to be subhuman scum by virtue of nothing more than being born mortal.

That is not the mindset of a smug jerk---that is the mindset of a certifiable psychopath.

Also, she doesn't personally tend to the moon rabbit troopers like her sister, though she has a soft spot for Reisen and Reisen II---I suspect Yorihime's is more genuine concern whereas Toyo thinks of them as pets, though. Which raises some disturbing questions as how well she empathizes with others.

Quote from: Tenguyama
2. Why Toyo in particular actually has a personality beyond "boy do I love peaches".

Let me talk to you about peaches.

It's been said that both the Watas are married, and to men at that.

Has it ever been said that Toyo is HAPPY with her marriage?

These people can and will live effectively forever barring death by disease, gunshot, blunt force, drowning, etc. So why would they need such formal marriage arrangements?

Simple. New DNA is needed. Even if they have cloning of some sorts (possible origin of moon rabbits? Must investigate further) they've gotta get new DNA SOMEhow, and the easiest way is the one already in place---nature. How far did YOU think the Moon Nazi jokes were going to go?

My theory is that Toyo is not happy with her marriage because she swings that way, and the rest of the Moon cannot take that for an answer.

So how does she vent? Peaches. Peaches here, peaches there, peaches everywhere. We all know what peaches are used as a metaphor for sometimes, right? And no one catches on because peaches already have a cleaner, more mundane connotation in Asian-derived cultures.

Also, part of her job involves maintaining the boundary between the scientific, airless-ball-of-rock moon and the whimsical, mythological moon. Presumably without her they would be in some danger of suddenly suffocating within minutes and dying a horrible death.

One imagines she would feel kinda sorta maybe a little bit under pressure for this.

With all THAT in mind, her comparatively callous attitude takes on a different, more tragic dimension.

Danmaku. Danmaku never changes.


That was tiring as Hell and depressing as fuck to write. I'mma shower and sleep now.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 05:46:34 AM by Purple-haired Pacifistic Pasuhead »


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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #287 on: December 02, 2012, 07:12:20 AM »
Also i'm a huge stoner Partaker of the Miracle Soma but that's honestly pretty unrelated to the above.

I am no Yama, but Jana demands you take a long, warm shower and brush your teeth thoroughly!

Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #288 on: December 02, 2012, 07:34:13 AM »
I love AKB48. Help.

Is it likewise a sin to have enjoyed AKB0048 the anime?


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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #289 on: December 02, 2012, 07:45:32 AM »
The Yama can relate to both of these "sins", intimately. So let's start with the former: for your penance, draw a visual form - either symbolic, realistic or both - that to you evokes feelings of motivation, and post it here.

With regards to the latter, the Yama happens to think this is often totally medicinal and not really a sin as such, in moderation. The "moderation" part being the important bit, of course. Do you think your partakinage has gone beyond the level of "moderation"?

I'll do the former as soon as possible, and as for the latter I do believe that I do things in moderation. It's an ever negotiated balance between all the lives that i'm pulled between, and how each lifestyle facilitates the other. My stoner persona is readily integrated into my regular self and I think of it as having gained the permanent buff "Inflappable" due to what i've learned from weed. I'm proud of who I am and all the steps that it took to bring me here.
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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #290 on: December 02, 2012, 09:26:16 AM »
Is it likewise a sin to have enjoyed AKB0048 the anime?

Nonsense, the anime was fun and better than any right it had to be from being an AKB commercial. It's what got me into them in the first place. Anyways, I'll get the post out tomorrow.

Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #291 on: December 02, 2012, 09:57:33 AM »
I just hope the next season tones down the CG. I realize the show was probably made on a Dr. Who budget, but really.


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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #292 on: December 02, 2012, 02:03:39 PM »
I have developed an almost fetishistic enjoyment of failure and have never completed a single personal project I've started. Why does quitting feel so good? Please help me, yama!

Does it feel better than finishing a project? We may need to explore this further. For your penance, show us Motivation-tan and Slacker-tan fighting over your conscious, a la the little Tom Angel and little Tom Devil that appear on the same-named cat's shoulders whenever he's having some moral conflict involving Jerry. Preferably in comic format.

PX don't read this unless you're a cheating cheater-head cheater:
I agree the article builds its argument poorly by coming from the sex-shaming angle, which is like, the exact opposite of what late-20th century feminism was about. What I would have liked to have seen explored further are the legal entanglements these girls get into; namely, how much control over their personal lives they sign away, probably without really knowing the full implications of their own contracts, being as young as they are and probably not possessing law degrees. That, to me, is dehumanizing and exploitative. And don't even get me started on the Japanese girls they fly into North American cons to hand out bishoujou games; girls who while probably used to having otaku leer at them, are now being leered at additionally by virtue of their ethnicity, which I think is cultural exploitation. The industry that feeds this machine exploits men and women alike; it is just very adept at using sex appeal to serve as a catalyst for other forms of exploitation - it's not the sex appeal that's wrong, it's just the carrot under the trap net.

Challenge accepted.

So, part 1 is "she's a psychopath and therefore not a Mary Sue" and the second one speculates on Toyo's wedded life? As shaky as this is, you did complete your penance. Congratulations, Alliterator! You have successfully repented for your sin, and have been absolved. Go forth now, with a pure heart, into Paradise.

I'll do the former as soon as possible, and as for the latter I do believe that I do things in moderation. It's an ever negotiated balance between all the lives that i'm pulled between, and how each lifestyle facilitates the other. My stoner persona is readily integrated into my regular self and I think of it as having gained the permanent buff "Inflappable" due to what i've learned from weed. I'm proud of who I am and all the steps that it took to bring me here.

The Yama can relate, and this sounds like a healthy approach to Soma, therefore your consumption is not a sin and you are pre-emptively absolved.

random AKB48 chatter

SILENCE! The Yama can't think over the sound of millions of otaku sweat glands squeezing at the same time.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 02:15:09 PM by Tengukami »

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #293 on: December 02, 2012, 03:15:28 PM »
So, part 1 is "she's a psychopath and therefore not a Mary Sue" and the second one speculates on Toyo's wedded life? As shaky as this is, you did complete your penance. Congratulations, Alliterator! You have successfully repented for your sin, and have been absolved. Go forth now, with a pure heart, into Paradise.

More like "Things are worse on the Moon than us fans are officially privy to so far and she's cracking under the strain while acting innocent on the outside", but whatevs.

Now to work on the Walfas megameme comic...
« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 03:22:48 PM by Purple-haired Pacifistic Pasuhead »


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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #294 on: December 02, 2012, 03:43:14 PM »
More like "Things are worse on the Moon than us fans are officially privy to so"

"so this is all pure speculation", in other words, yes. Speculation doesn't exactly count, as the Yama asked for canon sources to back you up, but yeah, it passes.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #295 on: December 02, 2012, 03:45:33 PM »
"so this is all pure speculation", in other words, yes. Speculation doesn't exactly count, as the Yama asked for canon sources to back you up, but yeah, it passes.

Ugh. Well, I tried. Would it help if I listed relevant page numbers? I had SSiB and the wiki open while writing that.


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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #296 on: December 02, 2012, 05:24:52 PM »
Penance is served. Any additional effort is unnecessary.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #297 on: December 02, 2012, 06:29:34 PM »
O Yama I have sinned once again

I raised an army of headswait that's not a sin; er, I was supposed to work on a secret santa gift and study for my mid-sem tests which are next week but I totally wasted the whole weekend sleeping and playing DoTS

i should probably get to changing my sig but im too lazy

art thread / yukkuri quest thread


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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #298 on: December 03, 2012, 01:11:01 PM »
I have received a box of Shikieiki Yamaxanadu Valentine Chocolates from a friend in Japan, but I totally forgot about it until last month. Am I a bad person for forgetting about my love for the yama?

Moreover, does this even qualify as a sin?


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Re: Time To Atone For Your Sins, MotK
« Reply #299 on: December 05, 2012, 02:47:34 AM »
Kingdom Hearts
-Did take the idea of the crazy cutscene battle to a new level.
-Does have some nice graphics for its era.
-Does have some alright music.
-Has a plot that is interesting enough to draw people in despite the initial WTF nature of its premise


-Probably helped bring attention to some older FF characters who need more love.
Oh, uh... I balanced an egg on my head and then proceeded to cheese the make on the verb in the noun.