Author Topic: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer  (Read 270862 times)

Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #750 on: June 21, 2013, 10:40:41 PM »
Why would you expect Seiga to be surprised in the first place? Presumably she's been fighting these things for centuries or more. This ain't her first rodeo.

Komachi's surprise at Kasen not knowing just tells me that most hermits are aware of this. It occupies the space between common knowledge and secret lore that you'd naturally expect an immortal mystic to know (but no one else). Other "sage" characters like Yukari and Eirin probably know too.


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #751 on: June 21, 2013, 11:41:23 PM »
Komachi's surprise at Kasen not knowing just tells me that most hermits are aware of this.
We can only guess as to why Kasen, as a hermit, doesn't know about this, right?  :P

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #752 on: June 21, 2013, 11:58:21 PM »
We can only guess as to why Kasen, as a hermit, doesn't know about this, right?  :P
Well, yeah, the chapter was basically about Komachi forgetting that Kasen is a "special case".


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #753 on: June 22, 2013, 02:19:39 AM »
Why would you expect Seiga to be surprised in the first place? Presumably she's been fighting these things for centuries or more. This ain't her first rodeo.

Komachi's surprise at Kasen not knowing just tells me that most hermits are aware of this. It occupies the space between common knowledge and secret lore that you'd naturally expect an immortal mystic to know (but no one else). Other "sage" characters like Yukari and Eirin probably know too.
I wouldn't, really. This is all stemming from me trying to understand what you were saying in this post. Have you read what I posted since you made that post?

Also, I wouldn't call Komachi surprised, at Kasen's not knowing. I always figured that Kasen was fairly new to the whole Hermit thing, so she hasn't even fought an assassin yet.

Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #754 on: June 22, 2013, 03:11:08 AM »
I wouldn't, really. This is all stemming from me trying to understand what you were saying in this post. Have you read what I posted since you made that post?
I read it, but other people were explaining it so I hoped it had been cleared up. Starting from the top:

  • Everyone thinks shinigami reap souls. Komachi says this is a lie.
  • It's said that hermits and celestials have to fight shinigami every hundred years or so. This is an official policy that everyone is aware of. Tenshi confirms this as true. She has actually fought shinigami before, but never lost.
  • Therefore these scheduled fights are not actually reaping souls. That was the lie. There are fights with shinigami, but they are not "reaped" if they lose. My personal interpretation is that it's a test of some sort. Maybe if they fail the test they get marked for death later, but the shinigami aren't in charge of that.
  • Heaven doesn't like people living too long in general, but they approve of most hermits and celestials. Why? Because they're enlightened and do good deeds. Komachi sort of bullies Kasen into doing good deeds in some of the earlier chapters. Because Kasen is afraid of losing her approval. There's clearly some sort of "officially approved hermit" thing going on, even if Komachi forgets about Kasen's special situation.
  • Seiga does not do good deeds and has been explicitly rejected by heaven, unlike every other hermit. She's special. I won't say unique, but we've never met another hermit like her.
  • Kishin exist, separately from shinigami, to act as Hell's assassins. This is completely separate from the regular 100 year "test". They are only sent when Hell seriously wants someone dead. IE: Seiga.
  • Therefore the kishin are probably sent after Seiga more often than one hundred years. They just want her to die, so she can properly judged at death. People dying is how the Ministry of Right and Wrong deals with evil, since they get sentenced to an appropriate afterlife by the Yama. If they never die, then the process doesn't work. So they need to kill her, by any means necessary. You talk about Hell having a system to deal with people who are evil and immortal. Well, this is that system. What other system could there be?

From what I can tell, the important part of what I wrote that you didn't understand is the part where Seiga is a special case. She is not an ordinary hermit from Hell's perspective, but you seem to be acting like she is. Heck, her species is listed as "Wicked Hermit". It's a different category of being.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 03:59:22 AM by Clarste »

Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #755 on: June 22, 2013, 03:49:19 AM »
Its true that Tenshi's reaction to the shinigami is suspicious; however, the fact that she is fine after being defeated is not. Komachi is not a reaper, ergo, she won't be killing Tenshi even if it was time for an assassin to come after her.

Of course Tenshi would be fine. Komachi already stated that she doesn't reap souls, since she is just a humble ferry woman. In Komachi's ending,
it mentions that she may want such a job, because of Tenshi.

Therefore these scheduled fights are not actually reaping souls. That was the lie. There are fights with shinigami, but they are not "reaped" if they lose. My personal interpretation is that it's a test of some sort. Maybe if they fail the test they get marked for death later, but the shinigami aren't in charge of that.

I disagree, Komachi's Scarlet Weather Rhapsody ending says otherwise. Unless, at the time of SWR, she does not know that Shinigami do not reap souls. I believe these tests are fatal if you fail.

I agree more or less with everything else.


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #756 on: June 22, 2013, 04:26:51 AM »
Her ending doesn't imply that they're killed in the fights, the point she mentions is to make them fear death. The fight itself doesn't have to be lethal for this to hold.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #757 on: June 22, 2013, 04:41:08 AM »
Alright, it seems to me that this is all stemming from the fact that Tenshi says she has fought Shinigami in previous tests. I'm going to put that aside for a second.
  • Heaven doesn't like people living too long in general, but they approve of most hermits and celestials. Why? Because they're enlightened and do good deeds. Komachi sort of bullies Kasen into doing good deeds in some of the earlier chapters. Because Kasen is afraid of losing her approval. There's clearly some sort of "officially approved hermit" thing going on, even if Komachi forgets about Kasen's special situation.
Just to be sure, what is Heaven?  Is the Ministry of Right and Wrong (and by extension Eiki) part of it? This entire process of life death and reincarnation sounds like it could use a chart.
It appears that someone is judging the hermits/celestials (is there some kind of unified name for these two), but isn't judging the deeds of people Eiki's job, and isn't that job done when people actually die? Seiga is an "evil hermit" but who actually makes the distinction?
The way I remember this whole deal working out is that, the hermit/celestial is attacked every ~100 years, and if they have been dutiful in their training (like they are supposed to be) then they will survive and keep living and if not then they will be killed continue in the cycle of reincarnation.

Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #758 on: June 22, 2013, 04:55:07 AM »
Just to be sure, what is Heaven?  Is the Ministry of Right and Wrong (and by extension Eiki) part of it? This entire process of life death and reincarnation sounds like it could use a chart.
Honestly, I use Heaven, Hell and the Ministry of Right and Wrong interchangeably, which was probably more confusing than it needed to be. The way the series treats them, they're all part of one "government" and while I suppose it might be inaccurate to pin the deeds of one onto another, ZUN hasn't really made any attempt to distinguish them. Eiki works for the Ministry of Right and Wrong, which explicitly runs both Hell and the Netherworld, and I don't think there's any reason to believe they don't run Heaven too. Or at least work together closely.

"Heaven" is the one who judged Seiga in her backstory, and the Kishin sent to kill her in chapter 12 was from "Hell". According to Akyuu, most hermits have not been judged evil by Heaven, and in fact ascend bodily after sufficient time. "Hermit" is fundamentally a temporary position, because hermits move on to become celestials and divine spirits and whatnot. The fact that Seiga's existed in the "lower state" of hermitdom for so long is another sign of her evil.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 04:58:31 AM by Clarste »

Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #759 on: June 22, 2013, 05:23:09 AM »
Can't we just say the place Eiki works as "the Afterlife" to avoid all these confusions?

Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #760 on: June 22, 2013, 06:51:34 AM »
Honestly, I use Heaven, Hell and the Ministry of Right and Wrong interchangeably, which was probably more confusing than it needed to be. The way the series treats them, they're all part of one "government" and while I suppose it might be inaccurate to pin the deeds of one onto another, ZUN hasn't really made any attempt to distinguish them. Eiki works for the Ministry of Right and Wrong, which explicitly runs both Hell and the Netherworld, and I don't think there's any reason to believe they don't run Heaven too. Or at least work together closely.

I think this has more to do with the cultural differences between western and eastern cultures. I guess I see it like this, Hell and Heaven are one government, but I guess you can say different branches? Kind of like Senate, Judicial, and Presidential(my terms might be wrong here) branches. As far as I know, Heaven can sometimes have jurisdiction in Hell, and vice versa, but they generally don't overlap.
If we are to assume the Ministry of Right and Wrong is what Eiki works for, then the Ministry of Right and Wrong runs Hell. I believe Yuyuko runs the Netherworld. The Ministry of Right and Wrong is more or less off hands on the Netherworld. Though it may have the right to overrule Yuyuko's descision, but I am unsure.

Her ending doesn't imply that they're killed in the fights, the point she mentions is to make them fear death. The fight itself doesn't have to be lethal for this to hold.
The point is moot if knowledge of such an event cannot happen. How do you make them fear something that they know does not happen? You need to make that a possibility, so they can fear it.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 06:55:06 AM by Starxsword »

Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #761 on: June 22, 2013, 07:13:59 AM »
If we are to assume the Ministry of Right and Wrong is what Eiki works for, then the Ministry of Right and Wrong runs Hell. I believe Yuyuko runs the Netherworld. The Ministry of Right and Wrong is more or less off hands on the Netherworld. Though it may have the right to overrule Yuyuko's descision, but I am unsure.
Yuyuko was appointed by Eiki, and hears complaints about her subordinate through Eiki. "Appointing" doesn't necessarily mean that Eiki continues to have authority over her, but they're surely part of the same system. Co-workers.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 07:16:11 AM by Clarste »


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #762 on: June 22, 2013, 07:40:01 AM »
Just to be sure, what is Heaven?  Is the Ministry of Right and Wrong (and by extension Eiki) part of it? This entire process of life death and reincarnation sounds like it could use a chart.
It appears that someone is judging the hermits/celestials (is there some kind of unified name for these two), but isn't judging the deeds of people Eiki's job, and isn't that job done when people actually die? Seiga is an "evil hermit" but who actually makes the distinction?

Here's some more useful information on those questions. I know, I'm too link-happy lately, but seriously, that book is awesome and STILL RELEVANT (that page talks about kishin, by the way).


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #763 on: June 22, 2013, 08:22:53 AM »
The point is moot if knowledge of such an event cannot happen. How do you make them fear something that they know does not happen? You need to make that a possibility, so they can fear it.
I argue the opposite: They couldn't possibly fear death if they were simply killed outright. It isn't necessary that the shinigami actually kill them as long as they feel as though the threat is valid; that they acknowledge that they can indeed die. They aren't immortal in the sense that it is impossible for them to die (besides the ones who attain nirvana), so as long as the shinigami have some sort of influence, that's all that's necessary. The point is to get them to realize that they will die eventually, that they will be part of the cycle of reincarnation and will be judged, and as such they should get off their asses and continue to do the things they did to deserve heaven in the first place.
In any case, you're basing this on a one-off comment Komachi makes. It's entirely possible that the line is just a "yeah I'll show them" sort of line and not indicative of an actual intent at all.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #764 on: June 22, 2013, 02:55:19 PM »
A question: We know that the standard spellcard name is "Something Sign: Spell Name", right? Does the word for 'sign' in the original Japanese have any kind of extra meaning? Or does it really just mean 'sign' and nothing else?


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #765 on: June 22, 2013, 03:12:38 PM »
One of the meanings for 符 is talisman, charm, amulet, etc.
It also could mean proof, evidence, certificate, etc.
It also could mean sign or symbol, etc.

Because ZUN used -の御札 in the earlier versions of th06, I'd say he probably meant the first meaning.


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #766 on: June 22, 2013, 03:40:39 PM »
Specifically, ofuda, the kind of talisman created by drawing mystic symbols on paper.

The spell card history menu option is called Ofuda Battle Record in EoSD and PCB.
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Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #767 on: June 22, 2013, 04:05:18 PM »
Ahh, I see!

This brings me another question: what's the Japanese term for "Spellcard Rules"?

Since the spellcards rule seem to indicate that spells are to be written on a card, which makes me think that the 'cards' and ofuda might be similar after all. I was wondering if a more accurate translation would be like "Ice Spellcard ~ Icicle Fall" or something.


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #768 on: June 22, 2013, 04:19:27 PM »
スペルカードルール. It's just the English words "spell card rule" written phonetically.

"Ice Spellcard etc" - in a way, you are right, though it must be noted, the kanji 符's meaning of "paper talisman" is derived from "symbol", as in they are "paper with magic symbols".
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter

Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #769 on: June 22, 2013, 04:29:37 PM »
So it's just English words written in katakana, huh...? Figures.

What ZUN is intending is probably some thing like "This is a spellcard, its power is ice, and its name is Icicle Fall", so I guess "sign" isn't quite an accurate translation. But it sounds fine anyway. Thank you for the answer!


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #770 on: June 22, 2013, 09:52:09 PM »
I'm sure Sign gets the message across well. It isn't as if people actually think of the word as a literal signpost or something.

unless they do

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #771 on: June 23, 2013, 12:00:10 AM »
In any case, you're basing this on a one-off comment Komachi makes. It's entirely possible that the line is just a "yeah I'll show them" sort of line and not indicative of an actual intent at all.

In Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, there is a strong indication that shinigami can reap souls. Which in Wild and Horned Hermit suggests otherwise. The idea is that Komachi might be lying to Tenshi during that dialogue, since we have 2 conflicting pieces of information.
However, her ending indicates that she should not be lying to Tenshi, so her dialogue with Tenshi should be valid.

The point I am making here is that the fear can only happen if Celestials and Hermits can actually be killed. By that, I mean the possibility of a Shinigami killing a Celestial or Hermit is there.
If it was just a game, then there would be no such fear. Because the possibility of such a thing is not there. This is why I believe Shinigami can indeed reap souls.


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #772 on: June 23, 2013, 01:03:21 AM »
Well, like I said, they don't necessarily have to kill them as long as it's clear that they could kill them, or otherwise have some control over their mortality. Case in point, Tenshi even describes that the shinigami themselves aren't what they fear, but what they bring. The celestials fear the five signs of Decay, which are signs that the celestial will soon die:

1. Withering of flowered crown (with Tenshi's design, I would guess this to be her peaches)
2. Dirtied clothes
3. Bodily odor, body losing its light
4. Sweating armpits (really)
5. Being unhappy in their position, loss of self-awareness

These are referenced previously in Youmu's final card on Easy and Normal, and Marisa comments on it in GoM.
Shinigami, according to Tenshi, can bring the first sign of decay. I'm not saying that the fights with the shinigami are simply games, they just aren't necessarily lethal in and of themselves.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #773 on: June 23, 2013, 07:20:47 AM »
In a minor game mod I've been working on, I was intending to include the Flower and boxy Shrine Tanks from SoEW as enemies and possibly controllable vehicles. The only problem is, I haven't the lick of sense on the size of either tank. Anybody have any ideas on how I could figure such a thing out?

Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #774 on: June 23, 2013, 09:23:29 AM »
Then we are in agreement. The idea I am trying to convey here is that Shinigami can kill them.

Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #775 on: June 25, 2013, 09:46:02 AM »
Hi there, I'm new to this site and to the vast Touhou Universe. I present myself, I am Biakmon a simple person who has just recently come across Touhou. Hope you take care of me.

I'm not sure if its really the appropriate place to post my questions concerning Touhou or even if they have already been addressed before. Also sorry if my poor English cause any inconvenient, English is not my first language but anyway.

"Canonically" speaking,
Q1) Does anyone know if it has ever been stated (by ZUN or in any official works) whether the gods in "Gensokyo" e.g Kanako, etc... (I'm not talking about gods in heaven) need to attend "Kamihakari" on the "Kannazuki" (also known as "the month there are no gods" in Japan?

Q2) Are youkai (excluding Ghost) in general considered as immortal in a sense - cannot die from age!?

Q3) How does "time" in Gensokyo function? - same as the Outside World or... Cause it seems that the inhabitants of Gensokyo (mainly human village) have almost remain stagnant in time without any major change?

Q4) Whom do you think personally amongst all the residents of Gensokyo can go out (am not talking breaking out by using force) of the Great Hakurei Barrier whenever they want by using their own power? (excluding Reimu/Yukari/dragon gods)

Q5) Does anyone know how large is the Gensokyo barrier (radius)?
Suppose someone continue to walk in one direction (let say North), will there be a pt where he/she could not travel any further as he/she come across the boundaries of the Gensokyo barrier or... dunno what?

If anyone could answer those questions (mainly Q1 & Q4) seriously without any fandom theory not to confuse me. Sorry if I sound rude in anyway by saying this.
I want to thank anyone in advance for there help your provide me by answering those questions.


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #776 on: June 25, 2013, 03:28:12 PM »
Don't worry, this is the right place for asking them. However, one basic feature of the Touhou canon is its intentional ambiguity, leaving most things to the readers' imagination. So only one question of yours has a definite answer.

Q: How does "time" in Gensokyo function?
The flow of time is the same in Gensokyo as in the outside world. Except for the Sealing Club stories in music CDs, which take place in near future, the majority of Touhou happens roughly in real time: the games often happen in the same year they are released, and the manga chapters are intentionally written to be in sync with real life seasons - this is why I strongly advise people to read them as they come out.

About the "stagnation" of the human village:
They are a small isolated population, and the only way they can obtain new technology is by learning from things drifted through the Border. For a village supposingly stuck in the 19th century, they are actually surprisingly advanced. ZUN said they had electricity, and an electrical lamp did appear in Forbidden Scrollery Chapter 1. More recently, the human village stage of Hopeless Masquerade showed villagers drinking from glass mugs, and a building with large glass windows. Those are all technologies the village couldn't possibly have when it became isolated.

Now, the other questions.

Q: Are youkai (excluding Ghost) in general considered as immortal in a sense - cannot die from age!?
A: Yes, generally youkai don't die from age; they only fade from existence when people no longer believe in them. In Symposium of Post-Mysticism, it is said that in the modern world, new youkai are still being born, because the world is still full of things unknown and uncomprehensible to humans (like "Murphy's law", or losing the TV remote control), but they will immediately disappear, because modern people are unable to affirm their belief in them, and shape them into legends that can be passed down.

Q: Whom do you think amongst all the residents of Gensokyo can go out?
A: The Border doesn't affect ordinary animals (Forbidden Scrollery Ch 6). It's also implied to not affect gods, since IIRC Kanako said she need to leave Gensokyo for certain businesses (I could be wrong about this one).

Q: Gensokyo barrier (radius)
A: A recent guess is 20 kilometers in radius. Gensokyo is a valley under Youkai Mountain, with a mythical peak higher than Mount Fuji.

Nothing is known about what happens when one go straight in one random direction.

Q: "Kamihakari" or "Kannazuki"
A: It's a good question, but the canon has said nothing about Kannazuki and Kamihakari (the meeting of gods) so far.

However, there happens to be a related tradition in real life...

In the whole Japan, only two places call October "Kamiarizuki" (the month where gods are present") instead of "Kannazuki". They are Izumo and Suwa. For Izumo, it's because the gods are gathering there; for Suwa, it's said because the Suwa god Take-minakata doesn't attend the meeting of gods. Local folklore says, this is because Take-minakata's body was too huge, so the gods asked him to not come.

Since Kanako is based on Take-minakata, perhaps she was not attending the meeting, even before moving into Gensokyo.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 03:48:48 PM by cuc »
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Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #777 on: June 25, 2013, 07:16:48 PM »
1) What are the duties of Hakurei Reimu exactly?
Does she perverse a state of balance in Gensokyo and/or to protect human or what?

2) Why do you think youkai in Gensokyo can't kill in a sense the Hakurei shrine maiden (or if you prefer don't dare to kill one)? 

3) Do you think youkai in general (mainly Ghost) need to eat in order to survive?

4) What do you think Reimu strongest attack Musou Tensei do exactly? (I'm not talking in spell card battle)
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 07:39:05 PM by Biakmon »


Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #778 on: June 25, 2013, 07:30:01 PM »
In a minor game mod I've been working on, I was intending to include the Flower and boxy Shrine Tanks from SoEW as enemies and possibly controllable vehicles. The only problem is, I haven't the lick of sense on the size of either tank. Anybody have any ideas on how I could figure such a thing out?

In SoEW stage 1, Rika's sprite is shown before being replaced by the flower tank.
Of course, the sprites might be larger/smaller than they should be, but it might help.


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Re: Miscellaneous Questions Thread 3 - Ask Question, Receive Answer
« Reply #779 on: June 25, 2013, 08:55:39 PM »
1) What are the duties of Hakurei Reimu exactly?
Does she perverse a state of balance in Gensokyo and/or to protect human or what?

She does youkai extermination and incident resolution. Those can be asked for by human villagers, but if something serious happens, she goes out on her own.

2) Why do you think youkai in Gensokyo can't kill in a sense the Hakurei shrine maiden (or if you prefer don't dare to kill one)? 

Hakurei shrine maidens are connected to Great Boundary, so if she dies, Gensokyo stops existing. There is no official information whether it would become a part of the real world or just disappear in that case.

3) Do you think youkai in general (mainly Ghost) need to eat in order to survive?

Youkai - yes, though some eat your "spirit" (Kogasa does that by surprising you, for example). Ghosts - probably no.

4) What do you think Reimu strongest attack Musou Tensei do exactly? (I'm not talking in spell card battle)

"Reimu becomes completely impossible to touch. She's in an opaque invisible man state. This seems like Reimu's ultimate mysteries, but it looks like she just closes her eyes; then, the danmaku aims itself and fires towards the enemy automatically. By the way, at the beginning this wasn't a spell card at all, but I changed this into play by giving it the name of a spell card. Otherwise, there's no chance to win." Courtesy of Marisa.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 08:58:14 PM by C.Angel »