Thank you for using "MotK" and not "western".
I suggest also linking RoyalFlare, since that's where the WRs are submitted. There's also a twitter bot that reports new high scores; I don't twitter so I don't have the address, but Nereid and others could hook you up.
I think it would be neat to have (at least) 2, 4, and 5 up there as well, even if there aren't WR pages for them.
Edit2: thinking on it, I also don't see any reason to leave out 1, 3, or 9... I guess I'm just used to them being considered silly, but we track the scores for them (and have some damned good ones for 3 and 9 at least), so that should be good enough, right?
More to the point: why not just have a second section with all the games that don't have WR pages on RF? That way, the games with the most active competition get highlighted while all the games (and the MotK members who earned high scores in them) are still represented. I mean, they're still Touhou, so I think they belong in a Touhou Hall of Records. And it wouldn't take much effort to maintain them on this scoreboard since nobody plays them!
Edit: this is cool, thanks for doing this. And sorry for making that an afterthought.