Author Topic: STUFFMAN'S CHUUNI CHALLENGE  (Read 106422 times)

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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« Reply #30 on: October 25, 2012, 02:57:55 AM »
it is time to revive that one RP character i made when i was 10


the bullshit edition mk iii

Come at me bro

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • i am not witty
« Reply #31 on: October 25, 2012, 03:29:54 AM »
If you told me where, I could probably scan it for you, bro.
Um it should all be in a giant blue trapper binder thing which is probably in my closet?

I know for a fact that something of yours is in there too hee hee~

♛ Apher-Forte

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« Reply #32 on: October 25, 2012, 05:01:46 AM »
can't remember where I threw Kamen Rider Khrysalyse / Universe write up but let me assure you if there was a wiki about it would have been some 20 pages long worth of fanfiction and chuuni set ups
  <-- my artwork thread, click me!
[ Find my cosplay photos here. ] OMG I HAVE TUMBLR FOLLOW PLZX Will You Remember Me... ?


  • gotta stock up on dark matter
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« Reply #33 on: October 25, 2012, 11:40:25 AM »
Is this where I get to replicate the most ~tragic~ of the Sailor Scout cohorts I invented when in 6th grade?


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« Reply #34 on: October 25, 2012, 12:06:11 PM »
Come at me bro

you don't understand.

it was a literal self-insert who had remilia's powers before  i knew who remilia was

just as a teaser

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • Fighter than anyone else
« Reply #35 on: October 25, 2012, 12:35:52 PM »
Jesus, you guys, stop posting about your character and post your character.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
« Reply #36 on: October 25, 2012, 01:06:07 PM »

Daemon "Dark`Soul" Lucifer

Story as it is known thus far...

Name: Daemon "Dark Shadow" Lucifer
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Age: 100,000,000,000,000
Sex: Male
Hair: Deep Crimson, Mid-Back Length
Eyes: Glowing Deep Crimson and Cat-Like
Skin: Pale with Deep Crimson Stripes 
Race: Devil (mostly)
Occupation: Vampiric Demon Lord
Home: Ninth Hell Of Nine Hells
Birth Place: Crast Kulla
Owned Realms: Beast Lands, Purgatory, RDP, Outwastes, Shattered Lands, Chastrastha Tu'cuka, Karanda, V'uch Krel'custual Ghoul Krull, Acstcrar'tusa, Cristara, Thornshire
Daemon stands about 6'5" in height, wearing a long deep crimson cape that drapes about his slender yet seemingly muscular frame, hiding it. He wears a deep cowl, crimson in color, drapped avout his shoulders and pulled up to hide his features. You can see, from beneath his hood, a pair of glowing deep crimson cats eyes, shimmering slightly. His essence is that of sheerest evil.
Daemon "Dark Shadow" Lucifer Full Description: Dark Shadow stands about 6'5" in height, wearing a long deep crimson cape that drapes about his slender yet seemingly muscular frame, hiding it. He wears a deep cowl, crimson in color, drapped about his shoulders and pulled up to hide his features. You can see, from beneath his hood, a pair of glowing deep crimson cats eyes, shimmering slightly. He slowly lowers his head slightly, softly pushing back his cowl. As he does, long crimson hair tendrils out from within, falling about his face. He pushes it back, tieing it half up in a ponytail, half hanging about his shoulders and to the middle of his back. As he raises his gaze, you can see his features. He has those same glowing crimson cat eyes, that long crimson hair. His skin is deathly pale with what seem to be crimson tiger stripes on the sides of his face and neck. He is a very handsome man, yet looks very evil. He has evily arched crimson brows, a black onyx ring in his left ear, eyebrow, and nostril. His gaze scans the room slowly, seeming to search something out as he does. His features hold an elven quality to them. Despite his evil visage, he is very handsome. Raised cheek bones, slightly slanted eyes, and what is seen of his inlongated ears. He has this look of what could be called arrogance about him. Thu, it is not quite accurate. His look is more of millenia upon millenia of training and teaching. He holds himself with an unearthly grace that seems to befit something very powerful and ancient. He slowly pushes his cape off to oneside, revealing his form. He is a well muscled yet slender man wearing a deep crimson overbutton tunic, long crimson vest that hangs to his knees, crimson trousers that tuck into black leather knee-high boots. His outfit, as well as his cape, trimmed in deepest raven black. At his side, sheathed in a black and crimson scabbard is a longsword. He rests his hand on the hilt of the longsword. The hilt is well crafted, a thin demonic skelletion making it up, the crosspiece is comprized of its wings, held in the center is a satanic pentegram with a deep red ruby set into its center. The sword seems to give off an essence of death thru its scabbard. Raising his hand from the hilt of his sword, crossing his arms slowly. His claws click upon each other, light sparks rising as he does. Then, you can see, a gauntlet on each of his arms.The gauntlet is crimson velvet, covering from his fingertips to his elbow. Overlaid the gauntlet is withered thorned vines of blackened metal, each of the thornes are crimson tipped. A black crystaline rose, crimson tipped petals of that same stranged metal, thornes tipped in metal of burnished bronze, wrapped about the base of the gauntlet at his elbow to hold it in place. On his other his other arm you can see another gauntlet of crimson velvet with the exception of that overlaying it are not withered vines of that strange blackened metal but diamond vines, living, about the gauntlet to hold it in place. You can see that the tips of each of the fingers of the gauntlets are missing, revealing his long, black onyx, tigers claws which slowly click together.
The Original Dark Soul: Daemon stands about 6'5" in height, he wears a long black cloak about his form, the cloak hidding his form, the hood concealing his features, his deep crimson glowing eyes can be seen shining from beneath the hood, the gleam of his teeth can be seen as he grins beneath the hood, a force of pure evil radiates out from him like a thick cloud. He slowly removes his cloak, beneath the cloak he wears a long sleeveless over button black silk tunic, on the back is his crest of the deep crimson blood dragon, at his side in a black silk sheath is a long thin black steel broadsword, the pomel of the broadsword carved into the shape of a dragon, the cross piece in the shape of leatheren wings. He wears beneath the tunic black chainmail armor, he wears a pair of black silk breks and a pair of kneehigh black silk assassins boots, wears about his waist a thick black silk sash, at the sash is a black silk bag of holding and a crossbow, the hilt of a long thin black steel dagger can be seen rising from one of his boots. He has reddish tinted skin, shoulder length raven black hair held back in a tight pony tail and deep crimson glowing eyes, he wears on his hands a pair of short black silk gloves, on his left index finger is a mixture black onyx and obsiadian band, on his right ring finger is a blood red wedding band with black runes engraved into it. He wears about his neck on a thin black chain a small figurine of a blood dragon, perfect in every detail, has inbedded in the center of his forehead a black diamond that gleams and shimmers, he has stitched onto one of the legs of his breks the symbol of Sheru, a black scythe out lined in blood red. He has stitched onto the other leg of his breks the symbol of V'tull, a deep crimson scythe out lined in gold, has in his other boot the fully formed Dagger of Omen's, it has a black and off white mixture hilt, a large blood red jewel in a claw on the pomel. He clicks his long black nails together slowly, he has two long slits in the back of his tunic, he consentrates a moment and his long, black bat-like leatheren wings slowly extend from the slits, he spreads his wings then folds them behind himself, his eyes scanning the area slowly with little interest in his eyes, he mutters something in a Devilish tongue, a black aura incasing his sword a moment then fades into it slowly.
Damon: Damon slowly slips in thru the shadows of the room itself. He stands about 6'5" in height. He has long, raven hair that drapes his shoulders, tinges of burnished bronze streaks can be seen in those raven locks. His skin tinted red, but strangely there seem to be the outline of burnished bronze scales on the sides of his neck. His eyes are a strange burnished color. He wears a long, black silk cape that drapes his form. He has, designed on the cape, a blood drip patern. But, it is the color of burnished bronze, not crimson. He has this strange looking burnished colored tattoo of a tear drop on his cheek, his burnished eyes seeming to sparkle with crimson flames from time to time. He slowly moves his cape away, revealing his form. He wears a long, black silk tunic, over button. On the front of the tunic, in that same burnished color on his cape, is a strange looking dragon. He wears about his waist a burnished and black silk sash. He as well wears a pair of black silk trousers, trimmed in that same burnished color, tucked into knee-high black leather boots. He has a metallic rose wrapped about his arm of a strange burnished bronze, accenting the rest of his body. He wears a pair of gloves, rising from the backs of his fingers are what seem to be burnished bronze blades. His claws extended thru the tips of the gloves, easily visable. His claws alternate tween black and brunished bronze. He has a strange, long, thin, burnished chain wrapped about one of his arms, a hook connected to the chain and to the back of one of his gloves. He has, wrapped about his other arm, a strange looking black crystallic rose with burnished tipped peteals. He has, sheathed at his side in a black and burnished silk and mithril scabbard, a strange looking sword, almost like a bastardsword, almost a broadsword, almost a longsword, but not quite any of them in the way that it is desgined. The sword at his side has a long, thin hilt that seems to curve slightly. At the pommel is what almost seems the mixture of a devilish and draconian clawed hand holding a glowing black Shadow Orb. The cross piece is a mixture of the leatheren wings of a devil and the perfect wings of a dragon. The blade curves some within its scabbard, giving off maleviolence like a glow.
Dreamstalker: Daemon stands about 6'5" in height. He wears a long cloak that drapes about his form, the hood of the cloak back to show his features. But, the front closed to hide his form. He has shoulder length raven hair, well combed and drapped about his shoulders as well as a well trimmed mustache and gotee. He has glowing crimson eyes and blood red tinted skin. His features seem almost elven in nature, slightly slanted eyes, inlongated ears. He is a very handsome, yet very evil looking man. His eyebrows evilly arched, a wicked grin playing on his lips. He has a single black onyx hoop in his left ear. He slowly pushes away his cloak, brushing it back over his shoulders to reveal his form. He wears a black velvet tunic, hanging half-way past his waist, belted by a black velvet sash. He wears a pair of black velvet trousers, tucked into knee-high black leather boots. You can see a dual set of hilts crosses across his back under that cloak. He has, wrapped about one of his arms, a thin black chain with small spikes rising from it, hooked at the tip seems to be a medium sized hook that hooks to the back of his glove. On the back of every finger of his gloves is a short blade. His claws extended thru the tips of the gloves, as well. He has strapped to one hip a strange looking bar, on his other another that matches the first. He has a dagger sheathed within each of his boot, you can see the gleam of something at the tips of his boots. But, it is not reconizable.
Deathwalker: Daemon crushes the doors of the room, walking in. He stands about 6'5" in height. He has long raven hair, bilowing out in all directions and trangled in curly locks. His eyes blazing with pure rage and hatered. His skin the deepest shade of crimson imaginable, so crimson it is almost black. He has short black horns extended from his forehead. He wears no cape, no tunic, only a long black vest with strange looking black metallic plates on it. He as well wears a pair of trousers with those same type of black metallic plates on it tucked into a pair of knee-high black assassins boots. He has a devilish tail ripping thru the back of his trousers, snaking its way about one of his legs, whipping about him in anger. He has, ripping thru the back of his vest, a set of large black leatheren wings, 9' in each direction, spreading wide behind him in a way to block the light about him. His demeanier that of a preaditory animal on the warpath and looking for a victim to shread. His well muscled yet slender form easily visable, muscles tensed into knots of anger. His claws extended, ready to rend anyone that gets in his way. You can see, on his chest, a tattooed carving of a spiderdagger with a rose wrapped about it. Behind that dagger, in small Drow lettering, is a list of all the Drow houses. On his arm is the carving of a cross with a dagger stabbed thru the top and a rose wrapped about it. On his other arm is a strange looking large silver spider, looking to be Drow in making. He has in one hand a longsword of mixed black steel, the blade seeming covered in a strange evil force. He has in his other hand a krissed long dagger matching the longsword. His eyes blazing and flaring as he looks about. Nothing but pure and utter rage in those eyes, he scans over each of the patrons with a snarl, not caring what each thinks. He wears on one of his fingers an armory ring, black hell-steel. The ring seems to have no magical force. He wears about his neck a strange looking amulet, a L of crimson with a F of the same on a field of white on a black amulet, the chain rough and thick. On one of his wrists is a black wrap of leather, strapped at the bottom. On his other, running the length of his arm, a black crystaline rose.
Dark Shadow: Daemon stands about 6'5" in height, wearing a long deep crimson cape that drapes about his slender yet seemingly muscular frame, hiding it. He wears a deep cowl, crimson in color, drapped about his shoulders and pulled up to hide his features. You can see, from beneath his hood, a pair of glowing deep crimson cats eyes, shimmering slightly. He slowly lowers his head slightly, softly pushing back his cowl. As he does, long crimson hair tendrils out from within, falling about his face. He pushes it back, tieing it half up in a ponytail, half hanging about his shoulders and to the middle of his back. As he raises his gaze, you can see his features. He has those same glowing crimson cat eyes, that long crimson hair. His skin is deathly pale with what seem to be crimson tiger stripes on the sides of his face and neck. He is a very handsome man, yet looks very evil. He has evily arched crimson brows, a black onyx ring in his left ear, eyebrow, and nostril. His gaze scans the room slowly, seeming to search something out as he does. His features hold an elven quality to them. Despite his evil visage, he is very handsome. Raised cheek bones, slightly slanted eyes, and what is seen of his inlongated ears. He has this look of what could be called arrogance about him. Thu, it is not quite accurate. His look is more of millenia upon millenia of training and teaching. He holds himself with an unearthly grace that seems to befit something very powerful and ancient. He slowly pushes his cape off to oneside, revealing his form. He is a well muscled yet slender man wearing a deep crimson overbutton tunic, long crimson vest that hangs to his knees, crimson trousers that tuck into black leather knee-high boots. His outfit, as well as his cape, trimmed in deepest raven black. At his side, sheathed in a black and crimson scabbard is a longsword. He rests his hand on the hilt of the longsword. The hilt is well crafted, a thin demonic skelletion making it up, the crosspiece is comprized of its wings, held in the center is a satanic pentegram with a deep red ruby set into its center. The sword seems to give off an essence of death thru its scabbard. Raising his hand from the hilt of his sword, crossing his arms slowly. His claws click upon each other, light sparks rising as he does. Then, you can see, a gauntlet on each of his arms.The gauntlet is crimson velvet, covering from his fingertips to his elbow. Overlaid the gauntlet is withered thorned vines of blackened metal, each of the thornes are crimson tipped. A black crystaline rose, crimson tipped petals of that same stranged metal, thornes tipped in metal of burnished bronze, wrapped about the base of the gauntlet at his elbow to hold it in place. On his other his other arm you can see another gauntlet of crimson velvet with the exception of that overlaying it are not withered vines of that strange blackened metal but diamond vines, living, about the gauntlet to hold it in place. You can see that the tips of each of the fingers of the gauntlets are missing, revealing his long, black onyx, tigers claws which slowly click together
Dark Soul Blood Dragon: Daemon's form slowly begins to flash, flickering as he changes. There is a suddenly explodsion of brimstone and black hell flames. When it clears you can see Daemon. He stands about 300,000 feet in height. He is a Hellish Blood Dragon of the Crimson Flame's of Dis. His form is almost stream-lined in the fact of the muscle tone of it. His crimson scales seem to flicker like blood and shine like a new ruby in the light. He wears a specially fitted and crafted suit of crimson hell-steel armor that covers his chest, forearms and most of his legs. He has, in a massive crimson scabbard across his back, a specially crafted crimson hell-steel broadsword. The hilt of the sword wrapped in crimson mail. The pommel carved to be the head of a devil. The crosspiece that of a set of hellish wings. He has massive black claws, spikes in rows of three running up the back of each of his knuckles. He has, extending from his elbows, a set of dual 300' long black spikes. His tail slowly swithing back and forth behind him, long rows of razor spikes line eitherside of his tail. His wings span 200,000 feet in each direction from his body, seeming to be hellishly made crimson leatheren wings. His eyes swirling a mixture of crimson and black as he looks about.
Dark Soul Drake: Daemon's body slowly begins to morph, brimstone sparks and a pillar of black black flames rise up around his body. When they fall away, he is revealed. He is a 30,000 foot long Black Warrior Drake. He stands about 3,000 feet at the shoulder. His massive black wings have this metallic tinge to them. His black scales seem to have an almost onyx-like gleam to them. His eyes hold this gleam of crimson over onyx black eyes. He has an inlongated maul filled with razoritic and seraded teeth. He has three long spikes that extend from each side of his head, webbing tween each. His claws are long and crimson in color.
Dark Soul Morgor: Daemon's body slowly shifts, he grows about a foot and a half in height. His skin seeming to take on the texture of a serpent. His eyes slowly going yellowish with strange, black serpentine slits running down thru them. His claws slowly inlongate three inches. The strange veins that cover his body slowly seeping into this new reptilian flesh. His face seems to take on the characteristics of a serpent. His hair slowly turning streak black in color.
Dark Soul Panther: Daemon's body seems to contort, he sneers then shifts. He goes down to all fours, his body becoming long and sleek. He conforms into a panther that stands about 4' at the shoulder, his sleek fur seeming soft and gleaming in the light. His cat-like eyes slowly scan the area about him as he almost seems to purrr.
Dark Soul Creature: Daemon's cords, as if acting on their own, rip from his body and begin to surround him. As they do, he begins to change, growing in height and in size. As the cords finish engulfing him, he looks about, now standing about 8'5" in height and looking to be very muscular beneath those cords. His eyes glowing this deep crimson chrome color, his claws now black metal, as seems his flesh. He has this "fin" of spikes up his back, laid down to his form.
Other Shifts
True Devil
Dark Pheonix (Humanoid)
Dark Pheonix (Pheonix)
Hell Wraith
Demon Rok
Humaniod Bat
Vampiric Bat
Hell Bat (Hell-Fire Spawned)
Shadow Fiend
Hell Fiend
Pit Fiend
Drake Wolf
Hellsblade: Hellsblade is a long broadsword crafted of crimson hell-steel for the blade, and a solid piece of black hell-steel for the crosspiece, hilt, warblade guard, and pommel. Yet, all four have a strange looking ruby set into the center of them, glowing with a essence of something sheerly unholy. But, yet, not evil as you might know it. The ruby at the pommel is surrounded by three spikes, one rising from the center, one rising from each side at an angle, all three of black hell-steel. The hilt has carved grip inlaid into it. The crosspiece has a set of three spikes that extend from the bottom down towards the blade, one off to each side, and one at each side of the top at an angle. The blade of crimson hell-steel seems to may have been another color before. But, now seems to covered in blood that its real color can no longer be seen, razor honed, and gleaming like when it hits the light. Almost like the blade is alive, you can almost hear the screams of the victims of the weapon, thu faintly

I win.


  • Fighter than anyone else
« Reply #37 on: October 25, 2012, 01:27:09 PM »
I win.

You just wrote "crimson" a lot and copy-pasted from a goth fashion magazine.

[edit] Admittedly, an entirely valid strategy.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 01:33:44 PM by Fightest »


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    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
« Reply #38 on: October 25, 2012, 01:35:33 PM »
I win.
I don't see all of his forms lovingly rendered in MSPaint. :colbert:

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • Fighter than anyone else
« Reply #39 on: October 25, 2012, 01:38:05 PM »
I don't see all of his forms lovingly rendered in MSPaint. :colbert:

And I don't see your entry :colbert:


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
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« Reply #40 on: October 25, 2012, 02:24:16 PM »
Apparently I can't skip art so sorry if your eyes bleed out :V

Name: Jorma Nighnia
Gender: Male
Height: 1m 65
Age: 20

Appearance and Background: Dark brown hair, which is mostly unkempt, except doe a spike each side. His eyes are hazel. His build is slender, thin, not giving an impression of the power he has, although his various scars show many battles. He tends to wear normal clothing too, to blend in, except, we wears a glove on his left hand, to conceal the daemonic hand he has grafted to him.

The Deamonic hand, and the victim arm, is far more interesting than the rest of Jorma. The hand is blue, with plates of black armor over it, forming a claw. The deamonic aura extends halfway up the arm, pulsing blue veins. The hand and Jorma share the mind, resulting in twisted, bloody vengeance being the goal. The deamon was not wiling either, it was a prisoner of the deamon clan who support the cult.

The result of a twisted experiment of a cult, upon a young boy, is what resulted in the hand being grafted to Jorma at the age of 5. He doesn't recall much, just his parents were killed, and upon the graft, he went on a rampage and killed all the cult members he could find, before finding out the cult ran deep in society...

The man's powers stem from the deamonic claw, the fusion of deamon and human, driven by a desire for revenge, to wipe out the cult, and deamons who support them. In addition to enhancing it's host's physical attributes, it grants enhanced regeneration and reaction time. The claw itself functions are a slashing weapon, and the plates can block even bullets.

However, the claw can morph into most weapons that it desires, turning Jorma's forarm into a deadly weapon, such as a sword, a scythe, a hammer, even a bow.

The claw can also summon the weapons elsewhere, a swing of it can call forth a swathe of blades from the ground, or it can launch a spinning scythe to cut down foes.

Finally, the claw has manipulation over deamonic energy, allowing Jorma to fire blasts of dark energy as ranged attacks, or enhance his attacks with deamonic flames.

When all else fails, the man allows the claw to take over all but his mind...

Deamon Form
When Jorma allows the Deamon to take over his body entirely, the transformation is swift, and painful. The blue veins first extend all around his body, as his skin turns blue entirely, before plates of black armor, almost like scales, form, both as protection and weapons. Wings made of bone, with a membrane of blue fire sprout next, before spikes jut out of the joints around Jorma's body. Then, the man doubles in size, and becomes more muscled. The final change is the right arm, which bursts open, revealing three whip-like appendages of blue fire.

The one thing that does not change is the right eye, the left turning red.

In this form, the deamon's bloodlust is unchecked, and a murderous rampage begins, which will not cease for 24 hours, until the deamon wears itself out, or unless the deamonic form is mortally wounded. Transforming back is a slow and equally painful process, taking two days.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 06:53:29 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
« Reply #41 on: October 25, 2012, 02:27:19 PM »
And I don't see your entry :colbert:
oh god you don't know what you're asking :ohdear:

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • gotta stock up on dark matter
  • each pound of which weighs over 10,000 pounds
« Reply #42 on: October 25, 2012, 03:18:02 PM »
Hey now bad fan Sailors don't write themselves!  I have to figure out who she's in what classes with!
....and find notebook paper GOTTA BE SUPER STUCK IN 1997 YO.

Menorah Jams, Pham

  • I'm allergic to sushi. Everytime I eat more than 80 sushis, I barf
  • donde esta la biblioteca
« Reply #43 on: October 25, 2012, 03:35:32 PM »
Can we just repost the chuuni self-insert that we created when we were chuuni and draw things of them for the art part?  I literally have the contest winning entry that I actually did make.


  • Breaking news. Any season.
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  • I said, with a posed look.
« Reply #44 on: October 25, 2012, 03:37:27 PM »
My art makes eyes bleed so I'll avoid that :V

You do know what chuuni means, right? You can't skip the art.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
« Reply #45 on: October 25, 2012, 04:54:51 PM »
I don't see all of his forms lovingly rendered in MSPaint. :colbert:

No no no. What you do is steal an art.



  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
« Reply #46 on: October 25, 2012, 05:03:14 PM »
No no no. What you do is steal an art.

Hey, the Coldfire trilogy was boss! >:(

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • Breaking news. Any season.
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  • I said, with a posed look.
« Reply #47 on: October 25, 2012, 06:34:29 PM »


(*Thunder cracks as fog pours over the forums.* Oh, hello there! I didn't see you there. Were you maychance curious to know what sort of dark and mystical being I have conjured up for the magical adventures that we, of whom we are those who play the sacred tomes, have come to know happenstance in the world known as GREYHAWK??? What's that you say? You don't know what Greyhawk is?????? BEGONE, HERETICS!!!!

There, that seems to be better now, that all those PEASENTS are gone, we, the elite players whom the common rabble of third period gym foolishly look down upon with their beady little cavemanesque eyes, can gather our sacred secret forces and partake in the sharing of knowledge and wisdom. BEHOLD!!! Below is the character which I have drawn up from the depths of the deepest darkness to unleash upon thine world!)

NAME: Lyryya Stillwaters
RACE: Half-elf/half-chromatic dragon (SEE BIO)
CLASS: Master Fighter Druid-Mage
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good
AC: +17
S: 18
I: 18
W: 18
D: 18
C: 18
Ch: 18


Paralyze/Poison/Death Mag: 1
Petrify/Polymorph: 1
Rods/Staves/Wands: 1   
Breath Weapons: 1
Spells: 1

Special Abilities: Lyrya is telepathic and telekinetic. She can hear thoughts from hundreds of miles away and move objects with her mind that are thousands of miles away. She can heal wounds within one turn, and then return a strike in the same turn because of her magical sword, Dragonzythe (SEE BIO). She is also able to fly. On full moons she can fly through solid objects. While some may see this as a hinderance, her telekinesis gives her the ability to turn the phase of the moon and make it a full moon every time. She is also an expert at hand-to-hand combat. Also she is so beautiful that creatures are all instantly charmed unless they are blind. Because she is half chromatic dragon, she can also use any breath spell and is immune to them as well. She can breathe underwater. She can detect all traps. She can reflect any magic spells cast at her and turn all undead. She does, though, have one weakness ............... (SEE BIO)

ABOUT DRAGONZYTHE: Forged in the depths of the deepest drow caves, Dragonzythe is an intelligent +12 vorpal sword. It is unbreakable, immune to magic, and can speak. It gives its wielder the ability to strike three times in a single turn. It can also detect gold.

BIO: Lyrya is the only child of Wysteria Swanmaiden, the Queen of the Forest Elves (yes, the very same one in the module "Return to Elf Valley", although thee already know that methinks!!) and a chromatic dragon god named Graavolathr, who took the form of a handsome man when he seduced the queen and implantinated his seed into her fertile womb. When Lyrya was born she could already talk and walk, which amazed the learned elders of the elf council, and they held a parade for her, where all the elves in Elf Valley gathered and were indeed amazed at her beauty and power, which they could see because there was golden light iminating from her head in all directions.

Nonetheless, Lyrya was kind to all, and had very superior intelligence, preferring to play with kids who were ONLY as smart as she was, which was rarely the case. When dumber, stupid, half-orcs would tease her during third period gym class, she would demonstrate her abilities and use telekinesis to give THEM all  the dreaded "swirlies" (which were done in outhouses as elves do not use regular pipes and plumbing, of course!) and so she was never, ever bullied again.

Even so, her tremendous intelligence made her feel quite lonely, as she knew no one could ever truly understand her. She would forever live alone with her genius intelligence which no one could ever fathom, and this caused her much suffering. And so when she was 14 she ran away from home. One day when she was walking down a forest path a mysterious stranger appeared, offering her Dragonzythe. The sword said to her, "You are Lyrya and I can tell that I was forged for thee, let us quest together, forever, defeating evil in the name of good!" And so she agreed, taking the sword from the stranger and walking away. Over the years Dragonzythe gave her all the powers that she has now.

BUT!!!! Lyrya is not all-powerful! She can be defeated in combat, if her opponent is wearing armor made of chromatic dragon scales and weelding a sword forged from chromatic dragon talons, and utters her father's name before striking, and they fight on the new moon. As her father's name is well known and it is not impossible to find and kill a chromatic dragon - if thou art indeed a skilled player - it is not exactly impossible to kill Lyrya!

OTHER: Lyryra's favorite meal is chicken, rice and corn. When she lived at home she would only have this once a month if her mom remembered and so when she moved away she decided to have it all the time. She does not smoke or drink because she believes people who do so are stupid. She enjoys fine, intricate, elaborate music of elves. She also can dance very well, although she never dances in front of others. She has red hair - which among elves is considered VERY beautiful and not ugly the way humans think - and green eyes. Also she sings beautifully.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • Red shroom
  • *
  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
« Reply #48 on: October 25, 2012, 06:58:16 PM »
Good god, all the gloriously bad drawings alone are hilarious. :V

...reminds me I have lots of things dating from 2004 and on...just looking at many of these (pretty much everything drawn before 2010 in my case :V) makes me cringe or laugh hard at how horrible they are.Time to check that section of my portfolio again and maybe submit something.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.
« Reply #49 on: October 25, 2012, 07:38:09 PM »
Yeah, this was based on an actual D&D character I wrote up when I was 13, taken half from memory, and half with the blanks filled in. I was a huge snob, an elitist and escapist kid. I had to grit my teeth and bear it as I typed parts of that, recalling all kinds of memories from middle school.

Well that's out there now. I'm not sure if I feel relieved or like crawling into a hole and dying.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
« Reply #50 on: October 25, 2012, 09:09:58 PM »
Hey, the Coldfire trilogy was boss! >:(

Trap sprung motherfuckither.

Name: Edvard
Height: Perfect
Weight: Perfect
Age: Perfect
Sex: Male
Hair: Perfect
Eyes: Perfect
Skin: Perfect
Race: Vampire
Occupation: Perfect
Home: Salt Lake City
Birth Place: Sharon, Vermont


Edvard is described in the book as being charming, polite, determined, and very stubborn. He is very protective over Bella and puts her safety, humanity and welfare before anything else. He often over-analyzes situations and has a tendency to overreact, especially in situations where Bella's safety is at risk. He retains some outdated speech from his human life in the early 20th century. Edvard sees himself as a monster, and after falling in love with Bella, he desperately wishes that he were human instead of a vampire.

Physical appearance

Like all the vampires in the Twilight series, Edvard is described as being impossibly beautiful. At various points in the series, she compares him to the mythical Greek god Adonis. His skin is "like marble"?very pale, ice cold, and sparkles in the sunlight. She describes his facial features as being perfect and angular?high cheekbones, strong jawline, a straight nose, and full lips. His hair, which is always messy, retains the unusual bronze shade that he inherited in his human life from his biological mother. His eyes, once green, are now described as topaz. His appearance changes if he goes too long without feeding: his eyes darken, becoming almost black, and purple bruises appear beneath his eyes. Edvard is 6'2", and has a slender but muscular body.

Vampiric abilities and personal interests

Edvard, like all vampires in the Twilight series, possesses superhuman stamina, senses, mentality, and agility, as well as a healing factor and night vision. His superhuman strength allows him to subdue his prey, uproot trees, throw cars, and crush metal. His bodily tissue is stronger than granite, making him much more durable and tougher than humans as well as contributing slightly to his body weight. He is described as being inhumanly beautiful with refined and perfected features. His scent and voice are enormously seductive to Bella, so much so that he occasionally sends her into a pliant daze entirely by accident. In Twilight, Edvard explains that like other vampires, he does not need to breathe, though he chooses to do so out of habit and because it is helpful to smell his environment. He cannot digest regular food, and compares its attractiveness for him to the prospect of eating dirt for a regular person. Like other vampires, Edvard is not able to sleep.
In addition to the traits he shares with his fellow vampires, Edvard has certain abilities that are his alone. He possesses superior superhuman speed compared to that of other vampires and is the fastest of the Cullens, able to outrun any of them. Edvard is also telepathic, able read the mind of anyone within a few miles of himself; Bella is the sole exception to this rule, which Meyer has stated is due to Bella having a very private mind.[8] Edvard also retains some of the traditional mindset and dated patterns of speech from his early-20th century human life.

Edvard is musical, able to play the piano like a virtuoso. He enjoys a wide range of music, including classical, jazz, progressive metal, alternative rock, and punk rock, but dislikes country. He prefers indie rock to mainstream, and appreciates rock and classical music equally.[9] He mentions in Twilight that he likes music from the fifties better than the sixties, dislikes the seventies, and says the eighties were "bearable".

A hobby of Edvard's is collecting cars.[9] He owns a Volvo S60 R and an Aston Martin V12 Vanquish as a "special occasion" car. He also gave his sister Alice a Porsche 911 Turbo as a gift in Eclipse. He bought a motorcycle to ride alongside Bella, but gave it to Jasper after he realized that riding motorcycles was a hobby she enjoyed sharing with Jacob. He founded the Church of Latter Day Saints.

I win again.


  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.
« Reply #51 on: October 25, 2012, 09:20:00 PM »
I win again.

If I didn't already know you enjoy bragging I'd swear this was a part of the chuuni thing.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
« Reply #52 on: October 25, 2012, 09:21:43 PM »
Oops I forgot the picture.


  • *
  • We're having a ball!
« Reply #53 on: October 25, 2012, 09:30:10 PM »
I'm not sure I want Purvis to win because I'm afraid of what he's going to make me draw.


  • Mafia: Worst Game Ever
« Reply #54 on: October 25, 2012, 09:36:00 PM »
Yeah, this was based on an actual D&D character

Dungeons & Chuunibyou: The Game. Will you survive a normal day at high school... or is it really the battling ground for a vast army of witches and warlocks, where grand evils lurk beyond the Event Horizon, eager to destroy the world's last line of defence... you?


  • School Idol?
  • *
« Reply #55 on: October 25, 2012, 09:43:47 PM »
Purvis, you forgot that he survived an encounter with Voldemort and escaped England to America.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
« Reply #56 on: October 25, 2012, 10:27:23 PM »
What would he be doing in England? He was born (perfectly) in Vermont!


  • School Idol?
  • *
« Reply #57 on: October 25, 2012, 10:28:44 PM »
Why he's a wizard of course. He went to Hogwarts and was chosen for the Goblet of Fire!


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
« Reply #58 on: October 25, 2012, 10:38:17 PM »

Name: Kazuya Anderson
Age: 14
Height: 6' 2''
Weight: 52 kg
Sex: Male
Eyes: Red and white
Hair: Jet-black

Kazuya is the long lost son of an Oni from Japanese legend, but he doesn't realise this since he was brought up by a western family. Adopted at an early age, his 'parents' attempted to force the name Ryan onto him, but Kazuya took them to court over the right to choose a name for himself. After claiming victory (and a sizable chunk of damages) Kazuya moved out into his own apartment, which he has fashioned into a makeshift dojo.

As a demon, raw power pulses through Kazuya's veins. He alone can see the human world for the filthy pile of waste it is, which other kids his age blabber endlessly about Jersey Shore and Call of Duty. He holds weekly concerts, playing and singing covers of X-Japan's greatest hits on the streets of Detroit, but his brilliance is (as always) ignored.

Though Kazuya has never taken part in formal training, his oni blood naturally makes him a master at martial arts. He can will his body to be as solid as steel, withstanding any attack thrown at him. At the same time he can make his own blows deadly sharp, and with his own special art (the Messatsu Satsujinken) he can target an opponent's organs with his strikes, causing critical damage or (more commonly) death.

However Kazuya does not enjoy fighting with his fists. For one, punching enemies would involve getting the cuffs of his trenchcoat scuffled. Since the coat is soaked in demon blood, it would be difficult to recreate. Instead he fights with his Devil Sword Guillotine, and his twin revolvers Schaden and Freude. All of his weapons are specially crafted to hurt demons, and can also shoot through delusions. This means when someone tries to argue against something basic like evolution, he can shoot the childish concept of God straight out of their skull. This usually earns him waves of praise and affection, but his duty means he cannot accept them.

Kazuya's one weakness is his crushing loneliness. He is surrounded by morons and fools who will never understand him. Only his valiant morals have stopped him from turning on humanity, drowning the world in the blood of the deluded. He stands as a lone, noble guardian, ready to protect the world from whatever hellions may emerge next from the Voidgate.

In a time of desperate need Kazuya can channel his oni blood completely and become an Oni himself, succumbing to bloodlust and rage. He can only maintain this form for five minutes, though, and every time he uses it he gives in more and more to his demonic impulses. His almost limitless virtue will be pulled further and further, but will the cruel and unforgiving world push him to his limits?

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
« Reply #59 on: October 25, 2012, 10:49:03 PM »
Name: Cratus
Height: Big
Weight: Beefy
Age: Profane
Sex: Male
Hair: Furious
Eyes: Enraged
Skin: Blooddrenched
Race: Badass
Occupation: Murder
Home: Battlefield
Birth Place: Who gives a shit?

Early Life

Born and raised in Sparta, Cratus was monitored, like all other younglings. During several tests, those that were deemed fit were to stay in Sparta to be trained as Spartan protectors, while those deemed unfit would be sent to the mountains, sealing their fate. Cratus, already feisty and aggressive at his young age, along with his brother, Deimos, trained, and dreamt of joining the Spartan army. On an ill-fated day, when the young brothers were training outside their home, the city was raided by the gods, Ares and Athena, and their army of centaurs, in search of the Marked Warrior. Ares, seeing Deimos' birthmark as a sign of the prophecy, then snatched him away. In anger and desperation, Cratus jumped to attack the god and save his brother, only for Ares to smack Cratus back in to a pile of wood, leaving him with a scar.

Insulted by this, Ares raised his sword to kill Cratus, but was stopped by Athena reminding him that they had what they were looking for. Before leaving, Athena apologized to Cratus, and disappeared into flames. The loss of his brother left an indelible mark on Cratus, as he vowed to never falter again. In honor of his brother, Cratus had this tattoo adorned on his skin, made in the exact image of Deimos' birthmark. After some time, Cratus married Lysandra, and had a daughter, Calliope.

Quest for the Ambrosia

Calliope, however, was the victim of a plague and was deemed weak, thus, she would be thrown into a chasm and left to die, according to Spartan law. Cratus then heard from an elder the capabilities of the healing elixir known as Ambrosia. Determined to save his daughter, Cratus set out on a journey for the Ambrosia, not knowing that Ares, God of War, had chosen him to be his champion in the wager of the Gods, a contest with the ultimate goal being the capture of the Ambrosia. He later encountered a healer who gave him the Flames of Apollo in order to aid him in his quest. Over the course of his journey, an army of Spartans joined him, along with Captain Nikos. Eventually, he encountered Herodius, Poseidon's champion, and killed him, with Herodius' army slain by the Spartans. After taking the ship, Poseidon, angered at Cratus for costing him the wager, unleashed a handful of hazards at sea to kill the Spartans, but failed, as Cratus and the Spartans made it to land. Later on, Cratus encountered Artemis' champion, Pothia, and killed her as well, her army also falling victim to the Spartans. In fear that Cratus would defeat his champion, Alrik, Hades sent a torrent of fire through the sky in order to kill Cratus, but failed, instead killing many men in Cratus' army, including Nikos. Coming across the Ambrosia, he encountered Helios' Champion, who was, too, killed by the Spartan. After retrieving the Ambrosia and returning to his Spartan army, Alrik and his Barbarian army battled the Spartans for the Ambrosia, as Alrik's Father is very ill, and is in need of the elixir. After a grueling battle between the two leaders, Cratus successfully captured the Ambrosia (at the cost of his own men) and summoned an army of Rocs to continuously torture Alrik. Cratus then returned to Sparta, healed Calliope, and was promoted to the title of a Captain by the King of Sparta.

Birth of the Ghost
Over the course of his battles, Cratus' brutality and war-hunger increased. He won battles through unorthodox, but effective tactics. However, Cratus and his Spartan army would prove no match for the merciless Barbarian tribes from the east. Outnumbered and overpowered, the Spartans began losing the battle quickly. Cratus, whom was nearly killed by the Barbarians' leader, Alrik, desperately pledged allegiance to Ares, the God of War, in exchange for victory. The God accepted, killing the Barbarians, and giving Cratus the Blades of Chaos as a sign of his servitude. Cratus served Ares loyally, raiding villages and spreading chaos in his name.
However, during a raid on a village of Athena's followers, Ares tricked Cratus into killing his wife and child in a fit of blind rage. Ares justified his trickery as a means to make Cratus the perfect warrior. Stricken with horror and grief, Cratus left the bodies to be burned within the temple as he cursed Ares' name. The village oracle in turn cursed Cratus, forcing him to forever wear the ashes of his dead family on his skin. From that day forward, he was known as The Ghost of Sparta; his skin now 'pale as the moon' from the ashes that coated him.

Distraught, Cratus was haunted by terrible nightmares over the death of his family. In due time, the memories and nightmares began to consume him, driving him to the brink of madness. Abandoning Sparta, Cratus traveled throughout Greece, finding small solace in sailing the Aegean Sea. To find peace again, he pledged himself to the other Gods of Olympus, in the hope that they would one day relieve him of his burden.

To other mortals, he was now marked by his white skin. The knowledge of his past actions had been shown to repulse normal people to the point where they would rather die than allow him to save their lives. He became known as the personification of cruelty and selfishness.

Birth of Vengeance

Hades sent The Furies to capture Cratus and imprison him in a Titan-sized prison for the living damned, where he is tortured for months on end, driven insane, and constantly haunted by the visions of the night he lost everything dear to him.

Fueled by a desire and lust for revenge against Ares, along with a need to redeem himself among the other Gods to earn salvation, Cratus manages to break free of his imprisonment and sets out on a journey to murder the Furies. If he can successfully murder them he can sever all ties to Ares without consequence. Throughout this journey Cratus will battle famous mythical beasts and icons of ancient Greece, as well as his own plunge into madness as he fights his constant nightmares, further testing his humanity and his determination for salvation and redemption.

Cratus would serve the Gods for ten years following the death of his family and the Furies, but he never lost his desire for revenge against Ares, the God who stole everything from him.

Service to the Gods

During Cratus's ten years of servitude (despite destroying cities and taking loot), the greatest task given to him came after he joined the army of Attica in their struggle against the invading Persian Army and the great beast they brought forth, the Basilisk. After a lengthy battle, Cratus killed both the Persian King and the Basilisk, and, upon speaking to the Gods, he witnessed the Sun disappearing from the sky, leaving the world in eternal darkness.

As the only presence of light was seen somewhere in the distance, Cratus journeyed there, only to discover the Temple of Helios and the city of Marathon. Cratus realized that Helios, the God of Sun, had been captured by an unknown force, allowing Morpheus, the God of Dreams, to place the other Olympians under his spell, putting them into a deep slumber, allowing him to invade and seize control of the land by covering Greece under his Black Fog. Fighting through Morpheus' minions, Cratus entered the temple of the Sun God, and after learning of the events that transpired, he was tasked by Eos, the sister of Helios, to awaken her brother's Fire Steeds, which would take Cratus to where their master was being held captive.

After having awakened the Helios' Steeds, Cratus was taken to the Underworld, where he saw Helios' glowing light in the distance, right before the Pillar of the World. Cratus fought his way through Hades' domain, acquired the mighty Gauntlet of Zeus, went down into Tartarus, and killed Charon, the ferryman of the dead. Cratus then discovered the Titan Atlas had somehow escaped Tartarus and captured Helios.

Throughout his journey, Cratus was plagued by visions of his daughter, Calliope, and the song she played on the flute he himself once presented her. When Cratus reached the Pillar of the World and the Temple of Persephone that lay nearby, he had already forgotten his task, thinking only of reuniting with his daughter. He encountered Persephone, Hades' wife, who revealed he could be with his daughter again, if he gave away all of his powers to the Forsaken Tree. Desperate to see his daughter again, Cratus did, and thereupon entered the Elysium fields, where he met with his daughter and was seen happy for the first time since he became the Ghost of Sparta.

Persephone, however, appeared before him, revealing that it was she who rescued Atlas and asked him to capture Helios. With his help, she devised a scheme to destroy the Pillar of the World, thus killing the Gods and all of mankind as well. She taunted Cratus with the knowledge that he may live with his daughter for a short period, but would ultimately see her die again, upon the completion of her plan. Cratus then forced himself to become the Ghost of Sparta again by killing the innocent souls of Elysium, and regaining his powers. Whilst giving pursuit to Persephone, he realized he would never have the chance to be with his daughter again, and, hearing her crying behind him, his hatred for the Gods he served grew even stronger still.

Cratus succeeded in killing Persephone and chaining Atlas to the ground above the Pillar of the World, thus completing his task. Before he left the Underworld, Atlas asked Cratus if he truly believed the Gods would keep their promise. Cratus replied it was the only thing he could hope for now, since he had lost his welcome in Elysium. With the use of the Fire Steeds, Cratus then escaped the Underworld, but found himself too exhausted from the journey, and fell from the Chariot, to the ground below. Subsequently, he was saved by Athena and Helios, who stripped him of his powers and equipment, leaving him unconscious upon the cliffs of the Aegean Sea.

The Final Task

Five years passed since Cratus defeated Atlas and Persephone, and after having killed the sea monster known as the Hydra, Cratus received a chance to seek his revenge on the God of War, and rid himself of the terrible nightmares that haunted him. He was ordered by Athena to seek out Pandora's Box in order to help him destroy Ares.
Cratus made his way through the war-ravaged city of Athens, killing countless minions of Ares and even the infamous Medusa, the Queen of the Gorgons. Following the Athenian Oracle's instructions, Cratus traversed the Desert of Lost Souls and found Pandora's Temple atop the back of the Titan Cronos. After having summoned the Titan by using the Titan Horn, he climbed to the top, made his way through the temple, and ultimately retrieved Pandora's Box, being the first human ever to do so. Sensing Cratus had obtained the Box, Ares, still in Athens, taking a huge broken pillar, hurled it towards Pandora's Temple. The pillar impaled Cratus into a wall. As he slowly died, Harpies took the Box back to Ares, while Cratus was sent to the Underworld. When falling down towards the River Styx, Cratus grabbed hold of the Captain's leg, who had previously died at the hands of Cratus, climbed onto a ledge, and kicked the Captain down below into the River Styx. Reaching the top again, Cratus managed to escape the clutches of Hades. Meeting up with the Gravedigger again, whom he had met earlier at the Oracle's Temple, he then reacquired Pandora's Box from Ares, and used it to grow tremendously in size, as well as receiving a substantial amount of power in order to battle Ares on an even footing. After a vicious fight, Ares trapped Cratus into a void where several demonic incarnations of himself attempted to kill phantom versions of his family. Cratus attempted to save them, but watched helplessly as Ares stripped him of the Blades of Chaos, and used them to kill his family again. Cratus, now distraught and vulnerable, nearly met his end at the hands of Ares, but took notice of the Blade of the Gods, proceeding to use it to finally destroy the God of War.

Though his past had been forgiven, the Gods could not relieve him of his nightmares. His last bit of hope taken from him, Cratus attempted to commit suicide by jumping from a cliff. Athena had a different plan for the Spartan. She saved his life and offered him the empty throne of the God of War on Olympus. He accepted the offer, settling upon the fallen god's throne, and becoming the new God of War.

As the God of War

Cratus, shortly after becoming the new God of War, entered Tartarus once again in search for the Ambrosia, but with the intent to destroy it, for Disciples of Ares desired to utilize the Ambrosia in order to resurrect their deceased God. Throughout his journey, Cratus received flashbacks about his first quest for the Ambrosia. As the new God of War marched through Tartarus, he encountered a giant arachnid who was sent to kill him. However, it was unsuccessful, as Cratus killed both the spider and its children. After pulling his blades out from the beast, Athena spoke to him in an attempt to warn him about the new dangers on the path he took once before. Cratus then shrugged off her warnings, confident that nothing would stop him. Later, Cratus encountered Athena again, and was told by the goddess that it is now the dead he must fear. Cratus simply moved along, finding the dead bodies of the Spartans he had abandoned in his earlier quest for the healing elixir. The Spartans then rose from the dead, ready to exact vengeance on Cratus for abandoning them. They failed, however, as Cratus managed to kill them all. Upon entering the island once again, the island then revealed itself to be a monstrous beast named Gyges, who vowed vengeance on Cratus after one hundred of his arms were burned off in the Spartan's battle against Helios' Champion. Cratus, however, revealed his intentions and incinerated Gyges with the Flames of Apollo, destroying the Tree of Life and all its Ambrosia. He then left the island, knowing that the disciples of Ares would hunt him down for destroying the last hope they had at reviving their fallen God.

Later on, Cratus has a vision of his mother, being held at the Temple of Poseidon in the City of Atlantis. He argues with Athena while en-route to Poseidon's kingdom, only then to be attacked by Scylla. Shortly after Cratus sends the monster fleeing and has a vision of his childhood, training with his brother Deimos. He enters the temple and encounters his long presumed dead mother Callisto, who then tells him his father Zeus had taken her there and that Deimos is still alive; trapped and being tortured in the Domain of Death. Both shocked and angered, Cratus asks why she lied to him all those years ago and who his father was. Callisto tries to tell him but is transformed into a hideous beast, forcing Cratus to kill her. Enraged over the gods having taken yet another member of his family, Cratus embarked on a journey to save his brother. At one point, Cratus encountered the Titan Thera, imprisoned inside a volcano, who told him he would be incapable of leaving if he did not free her. After freeing her, Cratus obtained Thera's Bane, and left the volcano. Upon his descent, he impaled Scylla, who had been pursuing him relentlessly ever since he arrived. Before returning home, Cratus then found himself under attack by Erinys, daughter to Thanatos. Upon Erinys' defeat, Cratus journeyed through Sparta, encountered and killed a Dissenter and the Piraeus Lion, and found the key to saving his brother in the Temple of Ares. The Spartan then returned to the sinking city of Atlantis, entered the Domain of Death, and continued onwards. Finally coming across Deimos, deep in the Temple of Thanatos, Cratus set Deimos free, only to be attacked by him, as Deimos blamed Cratus for not helping him when in dire need. Witnessing the battle from close by, Thanatos finally intervened, and snatched Deimos. Barely able to stand from the fight, Cratus followed Thanatos and Deimos to the Suicide Bluffs, and rescued Deimos from falling to his death. After being reunited, and having reconciled their differences, the Spartan brothers took arms, and joined forces against Thanatos. In a climactic battle, Thanatos took Deimos' life, only to have an enraged Cratus take his in return. Cratus then took the lifeless body of his brother to his grave. After putting Deimos in the grave, dug by the enigmatic Grave Digger, Cratus stated his brother was now free. He once again attempted to kill himself at the bluffs, but ultimately relented, asking himself what he had become. The Grave Digger, who had been close by, revealed he had become "Death, the Destroyer of Worlds", before vanishing. Athena then pleaded to Cratus to forgive her, and attempted to empower him to full Godhood, but saw her pleas ignored, as Cratus promised her the gods would pay for their actions.

During the siege of an unknown city, while aiding the Spartans in his mortal form, he was attacked by Argos, Hera's pet. Before he could defeat the beast however, an unknown Assassin killed it in his stead, apparently trying to destroy his reputation on Olympus. Cratus pursued the Assassin, but saw his progress halted by the minions of Hades himself. The God of War did not surrender, and continued his relentless pursuit, only to be stopped by Ceryx, messenger of the Gods, who allowed the Assassin to escape. Ceryx, in the name of Zeus, ordered Cratus to sway pursuit. Providing no valid reason, Ceryx only managed to infuriate the God of War. Cratus then killed the messenger on the spot, instantly realizing Zeus would not stand for this action.

When Cratus decided to lead his Spartans to Rhodes, Athena, still concerned with Cratus, implored him not to continue the endless wars, as the other Gods grew weary of his brutal warfare. Cratus chose not to heed her warning, and instead plunged down to Earth, aiding his army in further destroying the city. Moments after, an eagle, who Cratus assumed to be Athena, robbed him of his immense size, shrinking him back down to mortal size. The eagle then flew past the Colossus of Rhodes, which was then brought to life. Cratus fought a long and arduous battle with the giant, until Zeus offered help in the form of the Blade of Olympus, which the King-God himself used to end the Titan War. Infusing all of his powers and immortality into the blade, Cratus took down his foe. As he shouted at the heavens, the Colossus' falling hand crushed him. Severely wounded, and stripped of all his powers, Cratus knew his rescue lay with the Blade. Limping towards it, the eagle came soaring down, revealing itself to be Zeus in disguise. Zeus informs Cratus of the fact that he didn't want to suffer the same fate as Ares, demanding that Cratus serve him. However, when Cratus refused, he was viciously attacked by Zeus, who killed him by driving the Blade into his abdomen.

Changing His Fate

After being killed by Zeus, Cratus was dragged down by the arms of the Underworld. The Titan Gaia, who had been watching him his entire life, then decided to intervene. She saved Cratus, sealed his wound, and gave him the strength to escape death once again. Climbing out from the Underworld, and back into Rhodes, he then instructed the last surviving soldier to return to Sparta, in order to prepare for another battle. Cratus then took Pegasus, a gift from Gaia, and attempted to fly back to Olympus so he could exact his revenge, but discovered that he could no longer enter Olympus, as he was no longer a God. Instead, Gaia instructed Pegasus and Cratus to seek out the Sisters of Fate. She informed him the Sisters had the power to travel back in time, which he needed to use to reclaim the Blade of Olympus, and take his revenge on Zeus. Cratus then first traveled to Typhon's lair, where he met with Prometheus, who pleaded him to release him from his torment in the Flames of Olympus. Cratus, having previously stolen Typhon's Bane from the Titan, used it to break Prometheus' last chain, sending him down into the flames, burning him alive, and finally releasing him. and his ashes granted him the power of the Titans.
Cratus safely arrived on the Island of Creation, where he met Theseus, who guarded the Steeds of Time. They fought to determine the best warrior of Greece; with Cratus emerging the victor, after having bashed Theseus' head against a door, and skewering him with his own spear. Cratus later defeated Perseus (who tried to save his beloved Andromeda), the Barbarian King (who escaped Hades' torment to change his fate), and Icarus (who had gone crazy). After having defeated them all, he once again fell prey to the Underworld, where he once again met with Atlas. Intent on crushing the former God for his imprisonment, Atlas ultimately ceased his attempt when Cratus revealed he was now an enemy of Zeus, and sought to change his fate in order to destroy Zeus. After Atlas aided him back to the surface, he continued his journey into the Palace of Fates. There, unbeknownst to him, he encountered the remaining Spartan warrior, only this time shrouded in darkness. Not knowing they were facing, both warriors intended on reaching the Sisters themselves, therefore intent on killing the other. After a quick battle, the Last Spartan fell prey to Cratus' Blades. The Spartan warrior informed Cratus of the fact that Zeus had now destroyed Sparta, causing Cratus to be overtaken with anger, proceeding to shout to the Heavens. Blinded by anger, he was then attacked by the Kraken. Held firm in its grasp, Cratus then saw an astral projection of his wife, which was actually Gaia in disguise, encouraging him to go on or face eternal torment in Hades. Cratus was informed of the fact that the Titans wanted the Spartan to lead them into battle. Cratus, ultimately regaining his will to live, killed the Kraken, and continued his journey.

Cratus then entered the Sisters' throne Room, met with Lahkesis, and was told the Fates' decided upon the destinies of all, and how she had allowed him to come as far as he did. She then proclaimed it was not his destiny to kill Zeus, with Cratus declaring they no longer controlled his destiny, and engaged her in battle. Instantly, Lahkesis summoned her sister Atropos, who took Cratus back in time, to his battle with Ares, determined to destroy the Blade of the Gods, so his past and present self would cease to exist. Cratus managed to subdue her, and teleported themselves back to the present. Now fighting both Sisters, he managed to trap them in a mirror, and shattered it, trapping them in the past. Cratus then proceeded onto Clotho, who warned him not to go forward with his manipulation of fate. Cratus then killed the obese Sister of Fate, took control of his own fate in the Loom Chamber, and went back in time. Arriving in the past, he took the Blade of Olympus out of a surprised Zeus' hands, pulling it out of his other self. Zeus and Cratus then fought on the Summit of Sacrifice. Cratus and Zeus engaged in a vicious battle, with Cratus fighting Zeus in his full Olympian size, as well as his normal mortal size. During the battle Zeus unleashed a powerful lightning storm, in which Cratus yielded defeat and surrendered. He then asked the King of Gods to release him from his torment, to which Zeus stated, "I will release you from your life my son, but your torment is just beginning." Cratus then dodged the blow, pinned Zeus to a rock with his Blades, took the Blade of Olympus and drove it into Zeus' abdomen. Intending to kill Zeus in the same way Zeus killed Cratus in Rhodes, he was then stopped by Athena, who was determined to defend Olympus. As Zeus tried to flee, Cratus took another swing at him, only for Athena to take the blow. Her dying words revealed Zeus to be his father. Zeus, desiring only to break the cycle of the son killing the father, cared not for the well-being of Greece, only for his own position and life.

Athena begged Cratus to stop his revenge, informing him that all of Olympus would unite against him. Cratus revealed that he would destroy all of the Gods, proceeding to travel back in time to the Titanomachy, bringing the Titans to the present in order to battle the Olympians for control.

The Second Great War

Picking up right where God of War II left off, God of War III saw Zeus discussing the actions of the rogue God of War, Cratus, who was 'commanding' a small army of Titans rescued from the Great War, using the power of the Fates. The Olympians immediately rushed to battle as Hermes sped down the very peaks of Olympus, Hercules sent out his troops down into the fray, Hades, in giant form, lunged off the Mountain and engaged several Titans, and Poseidon, using his aquakinesis, shot down from Olympus like a torpedo, and struck a death blow through Epimetheus' chest, sending the Titan into a watery grave. The God of the Sea then manifested himself as a massive water being and spawned several Hippocampi to aid him in battle. With Poseidon as their greatest threat in battle, having already decimated numerous Titan, and now going after Gaia herself, Cratus engaged the God of the Sea and, drawing him into Gaia's grasp, managed to knock a weakened Poseidon out of his godly form, and onto a separate platform. The two berated each other briefly before Cratus walked up and battered the Lord of the Sea severely, finally gouging out his eyes and snapping his neck as he tossed him off into the ocean. With Poseidon's death, the seas cataclysmed and ocean levels rose significantly, causing a flood that engulfed the entire world, destroying almost all of mankind, save those on top of Olympia.

After killing Poseidon, Gaia and Cratus reached Zeus' pavilion, where the king of the gods angrily anticipated Cratus' arrival and assaulted both with a mighty blast of lightning, that blew a portion of Gaia's arm clean off, sending the two spiraling down Olympus. Having stabbed the Blade of Olympus to in Gaia's back to hold onto, Cratus was unable to hang on as Gaia fought to survive. Gaia shouted in pain, as she told him he was but a pawn, and was deemed expendable now that the Titans had reached Zeus. Embittered, Cratus tumbled into the underworld. Contemplating his life as he lurched through the River Styx and its caverns, he resolved to escape Hades yet again, and destroy Zeus once and for all. On his way to Hades' chamber, after being sucked of nearly all of his power by the dead souls of Styx, he met the ghost of Athena, who claimed to have reached a "higher existence", and was once again willing to help Cratus exact his revenge. With Cratus suspicious of this turn of events, Athena explained how she saw truths where she did not before. As a sign of faith, she transformed Cratus' ruined blades into the Blades of Exile, to help him survive the Underworld and the foes that awaited him. She then continued to define his quest, as she ordered him to find and extinguish the Flame of Olympus, in order to truly defeat Zeus.

Cratus made his way through the Underworld, meeting lost souls, encountering The Judges, and visiting Hephaestus several times, gaining more and more information about the secrets of Olympus, his adopted daughter Pandora, who was the key to Pandora's Box, and Zeus, all along finding mysterious scrawls that he silently acknowledged to be from various people in his past. Finally, having entered Hades' Palace, and finding the coffin-wed body of Persephone that Hades had restored, he engaged the Lord of the Underworld himself inside of a dark cavern. Cratus and Hades proved evenly matched, until the bloodthirsty Spartan managed to rip off his helmet, stole his Claws, and stole Hades' own soul by absorbing it into the Claws. Hades, without a soul and now dead, caused all souls in the Underworld to go rampant.

Escaping the Underworld through a Hyperion Gate, Cratus continued his journey up along Olympus where he met up with Gaia and after telling her that she was "a means to an end" and dislodged her by cutting off her hand and falling down from Olympus once again. He defeated Helios by decapitating him, stabbed the Titan Perses in the eye, killed Hermes by slicing his legs off and took his boots, mercilessly pummeled his own half-brother Hercules to death with the Cestus, snapped Hera's neck after she insulted Pandora, encountered a radiant Aphrodite and her handmaidens in the goddess' chamber, killed Hephaestus and Cronos in the underworld, killed the Skorpius and after taking the Boreas Icestorm, rescued Pandora from the Labyrinth, neutralized the Three Judges and after breaking the Chain of Balance, he finally arrived at the Flame's chamber. Inside the Chamber, in the presence of Pandora, whom he had previously freed from the Labyrinth, he began to have second thoughts and refused to let Pandora sacrifice her life. In turn, she refused as well, stating she did not want to be treated as a child, and how she had to embrace her destiny, only to be interrupted and apprehended by Zeus himself.

Cratus, demanding that Zeus let go of Pandora, saw Zeus retort he should not confuse Pandora with his own flesh and blood, but mused that he already had. He cited the destruction of Olympus as proof of Cratus' need for atonement for the murder of his family. Cratus snarled that he only saw what he had come to destroy. He then engaged in battle with his father, while Olympus crumbled around them. Pandora tried to run into the Flame, intent on pacifying it, as Cratus attempted to stop her. However, due to inadvertently prodding Zeus' pleads how Cratus should not "fail her like he did his family", Cratus released Pandora, attacking Zeus in a fit of extreme rage, only to be stunned by the Flame's dissipation.

Cratus then opened the Box once again, only to discover it was empty. Zeus mocked him for "another stunning failure", and went outside to recover, while Cratus' fury boiled even further. Outside, father and son met again on the pavilion. But before either could claim victory, the platform suddenly shook rapidly, as a reawakened Gaia attempted to crush the pavilion between her hands. Seeing no other exit, Zeus and Cratus fled inside her chest, dueled near her heart, and sucked the life out of Gaia's heart. A rejuvenated Cratus finally bested Zeus, impaling him with the Blade of Olympus against Gaia's heart, killing both his father and great-grandmother in one blow.

Awakening amidst cracked earth, Cratus found Zeus' body impaled on a rock, and extracted the blade callously. But Zeus' spirit, consumed by some lasting hatred for his infidel son, attacked Cratus, draining him of his willpower and anger, instead filling him with fear, and a sense of loss, bringing him on the verge of death. Trapped inside his own mind, taunted by his haunting memories, and his father, Cratus was then aided by Pandora, whose spirit lived on, abolishing the various torments of his soul. Overcoming these hurtles with a feeling of Hope, Cratus returned to the physical world and managed to free himself from Zeus' chocking grip. He then attacked his spirit, forcing him back into his own body, temporarily ressurecting Zeus. Cratus then violently and relentlessly battered Zeus into a bloody pulp, ending Zeus' reign once and for all.

Arriving to congratulate Cratus, Athena requested Cratus to turn over the power he claimed from Pandora's Box. Cratus replied to Athena that there was nothing inside. Believing Pandora had died in vain, only to serve his need for vengeance, Cratus was suddenly struck with remorse over her death. Athena did not believe him however, as when the evils of the Titanomachy were first sealed into the box, she placed the most powerful weapon in the world' with them, to counteract the evils.
She demanded Cratus to return the power he had obtained, as it rightfully belonged to her. For now that the world was cleansed by chaos, she would rebuild it under her rule, using the power of hope. Athena quickly came to realize however, that when Cratus first opened the box to kill Ares, the evils infected the gods of Olympus, taking hold of them. As the evils took hold of the gods, the power of hope instead infused itself into Cratus. Buried beneath all the layers of guilt, anger, and the need for revenge, Hope was finally released when Cratus finally learned to forgive his past deeds, thus releasing its power.

Asking Cratus again, he refused, instead impaling himself onto the Blade, thereby releasing Hope into the mortal world, for humanity to embrace. An action that Athena would clearly despise, as she removed the Blade from his chest, uttering the world was not ready to harness this vast power, and how Cratus had disappointed her. Athena then left, leaving a laughing Cratus to die, his vengeance finally complete.

In a post-credits scene, the phoenix-engraved mural where Cratus' body lay was now empty, as a trail of blood is shown leading to the sea that now consumed the world, leaving Cratus' final fate unknown.

« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 10:53:27 PM by Purrvis »