Author Topic: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking  (Read 77036 times)


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Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #120 on: September 20, 2012, 06:52:28 AM »
It's a system to effectively give units movespeed > 522 when they move manually. We think we have worked out why there's the slight error, but not how to fix it. There are problems no matter which method is chosen. =(

SB technically doesn't count as moving over 522 either, since his movement is completely triggered until he hits the target or is given another order. So grabbing the code from Dota won't help.

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #121 on: September 20, 2012, 07:03:39 AM »
Yeah, that's because the WC3 engine is this inaccurate:


As for skills that might allow movespeed beyond 522, there are a few heros that may need it, if only temporarily, e.g. Aya. It wasn't that complicated an idea, so I wrote the thing in the morning, though I didn't know that rounding errors would cause that sort of deviation. It's easier to fix when I have an idea of what the max movespeed possible in the map will be, then I can calibrate the scaling factor properly to account for the rounding errors. I've put in a rough scaling factor to make the thing more accurate for movespeeds in the 522-800 range.

Update: Rune system put in. Rune refresh interval is set to 20s for now and there are only 3 effects - invis, illusion and rejuvenation. Will change the values later on. This stuff is now all on the alpha map on the bot. Marisa's illusions will not have her 750 movespeed (reduced it on a whim) at the moment, though I can't decide at the moment if giving such movespeeds to illusions would be a good idea. I'll probably make it an option in the system. Hmm.

522 ms feels damn slow after running around the map with 750. I'm going to die testing other characters later at this rate...
« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 02:56:01 PM by ApharmdB »

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #122 on: September 21, 2012, 06:57:32 AM »
Yeah, remember character start with 270 to 330ish speed, not 522... That's reserved for very fast characters.

I would like to suggest a new moveset for Tenshi.
Earthquake - Cast this, after 5 seconds, AoE damage/slow.
Sword of Divine Justice - same as before.
State of Enlightenment - bonus armor and hp regen.
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody(ultimate) - changes weather to Aurora for 10 seconds, only Tenshi benefits, Aurora weather cannot be changed or cancelled. Not quite sure what bonuses I want to see though.

Some suggestions for Sakuya, unsure about the names though:
Clock Up - For 10 seconds, gives her an aura(700 range) that improves attack and movement speed of all allied units.
Clock Down - For 10 seconds, gives her an aura(700 range) that decreases the attack and movement speed of all enemy units.
Misdirection - Throws daggers for damage and teleports backwards.
Luna Dial - Throws a clock(range 400) at target location, creates a time stop sphere at that location(same effect as Void's ultimate).

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #123 on: September 22, 2012, 06:07:34 PM »
522 would be almost too fast for a map of this size anyway. Generally, movement at > 522 speeds will be temporary speed boosts from skills or items.

Sakuya's done already though.

Q: Essentially the same, though perhaps longer range. Her innate skill (so far the only one with an innate that makes sense) will be a toggle between adding a stun to her Q skill at the expense of some of its damage, e.g. having a long ranged knife throw that does 350 damage at max level, or doing 250 damage with a 2.5s stun, all numbers tentative.

W: Moon glaive skill. Allows her normal attack to bounce, and her Q skill knife to penetrate 1/2/3/4 targets.

E: Blink -> Longer range blink -> Double blink with same effective range -> Double blink with same effective range with invis on the 2nd blink, but loses the aoe damage on the 2nd blink.

R: Chronosphere skill. Has the ability to freeze projectiles like Gungnir.

Basically meant to harass / disrupt farming or assist in ganking.

Update: Spent the day tweaking the crit system. I think I have it at reasonable efficiency now. Now just to flesh out the movement speed system into a full blown one to replace WC3's wonky one.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 06:52:26 PM by ApharmdB »

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #124 on: September 22, 2012, 09:46:38 PM »
Moon glaive skill. Allows her normal attack to bounce, and her Q skill knife to penetrate 1/2/3/4 targets.

I suggest calling this skill Luminous Ricochete.

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #125 on: September 23, 2012, 02:36:50 AM »
Q: Essentially the same, though perhaps longer range. Her innate skill (so far the only one with an innate that makes sense) will be a toggle between adding a stun to her Q skill at the expense of some of its damage, e.g. having a long ranged knife throw that does 350 damage at max level, or doing 250 damage with a 2.5s stun, all numbers tentative.

W: Moon glaive skill. Allows her normal attack to bounce, and her Q skill knife to penetrate 1/2/3/4 targets.
so her q doesnt penetrate enemies like her old one? also should probably add some kind of damage reduction to the bounces

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #126 on: September 23, 2012, 06:30:12 AM »
Yeah, the names are...

F (Innate): Watch "Lunar Dial"
Q: Wound Sign "Inscribed Red Soul"
W: Speed Sign "Luminous Ricochet"
E: Strange Art "Misdirection"
R: "Sakuya's World"

I was just writing the descriptions of her skills off the top of my head. She was either the 2nd or 3rd hero that I thought about altering way back when I started on this (The first was Mokou, when I started on another map, then the other one was Rumia whom I though all along was rather silly in the original).

Her Q skill will not penetrate to begin with, though that may change depending once I see how the skill plays out in laning. It may be possible that it's too easy to use creeps to block her knives, but taking either W or E would then allow her to either circumvent that via penetration or blinking in or out of the proper position to fling it.

And yeah, there's a 0.75x damage reduction per subsequent bounce (it will bounce 4 times, i.e. strike 5 targets at max level i think.)

Update: The API is now in the original post. I will update that as and when I tweak various systems around, but the functions in there will not change anymore without good reason, e.g. some design flaw. Evasion is currently not on the list of skills handled by the bonus attributes system because I'm changing the way it's implemented in a while - it's currently a toss-up between using the damage system to trigger that (drawback: unable to change the sound effect for an evaded attack), or using a hidden spellbook with various evasion skills at different percentages. The old way was done via 2 skills, one 100 level skill with 0-99% evasion and a 2 level skill with 0 and 100% evasion. Obviously this goes against my wish to NOT use 100 level skills, or actually any skills that have more than 4 levels, because each such skill drastically increases the load time of the map (the SLK optimizer cannot work on skills with more than 4 levels).
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 06:45:16 AM by ApharmdB »

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #127 on: September 23, 2012, 02:30:54 PM »
Her Q skill will not penetrate to begin with, though that may change depending once I see how the skill plays out in laning. It may be possible that it's too easy to use creeps to block her knives, but taking either W or E would then allow her to either circumvent that via penetration or blinking in or out of the proper position to fling it.

it would be like a super fast mirana arrow :V

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #128 on: September 24, 2012, 12:00:23 PM »
I expect a ZA WARUDO soundclip to be played when Sakuya uses her WARUDO

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #129 on: September 30, 2012, 03:03:50 PM »
There will probably be sound clips yes. I've written a library for the map that plays sounds properly now, but a lot of the soundbites from the soku voice mod make the map sound like one big h-game. Gotta be selective about this. I'm also testing out swapping out unit responses with the voices from that mod, but I suspect a proper, non-spammy solution to making unit responses for the girls will have to be triggered. This part is slow-going and low priority for now - the files in the voice mod aren't named after the girls :/

On another side update, besides sorting through the above sound files (and torchlighting), this weekend has mostly been spent optimizing various systems (conversion to linked lists vs arrays) and implementing a priority trigger queue for the damage system that runs before any damage modification or display. It's so, so friggin' useful.

Hmm, there's a 75 faith, 900s cooldown, instant team recall at the shrine now (old Kaguya's HME skill). Gotta weigh that against the option of a total of 25 faith + however much gold it costs for a full team buyback.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2012, 03:05:55 PM by ApharmdB »


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Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #130 on: September 30, 2012, 04:41:52 PM »
Hmm, there's a 75 faith, 900s cooldown, instant team recall at the shrine now (old Kaguya's HME skill). Gotta weigh that against the option of a total of 25 faith + however much gold it costs for a full team buyback.

Just give it a 6 second cast time and all will be 'kay.

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #131 on: October 04, 2012, 08:53:42 PM »
After yesterday's testing of Sakuya's spells and the time stop effect, I tweaked things around a bit.

Sakuya's World now stops any projectile entering the field for its duration instead of just stopping them at cast time. Oh she's supposed to fire only 1 knife for her Q skill, but it's set to 9 here for the testing of projectile recycling.

After the spell, they will then continue on their way.

It still doesn't do any damage though, since I didn't see the need for it to.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2012, 08:55:58 PM by ApharmdB »

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #132 on: October 05, 2012, 04:53:04 AM »
Cool, I did not know that you can make it so that projectiles stop until hitting the time stop radius.

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #133 on: October 07, 2012, 03:28:57 AM »
It's something that I added to my projectile system. It can slow projectiles too.

Today I learn that pausing a unit "deregisters" it from many of WC3's engine's subsystems. Combined with a crude projectile recycling system, I can eliminate even that 7 fps drop from firing 100 knives simultaneously.

In comparison, benchmarking this effect with one of the more established projectile systems on the net still netted me the same 7 fps drop while this has all of 0 fps drop O_O This can actually go up to 200+ projectiles simultaneously, on the same screen, before a noticeable fps drop registers. O_O


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Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #134 on: October 07, 2012, 04:16:26 AM »
Time for ALL the special effects?

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #135 on: October 07, 2012, 04:19:57 AM »
Actually, next up on the testing menu is the status effect system. Specifically, I need to check that the debuff immunity / duration reduction systems work as intended. Gonna need someone to help fling knives at Reimu for the next test. Heh.

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #136 on: November 08, 2012, 02:58:54 AM »
Is it me or do the models look much... more... higher quality?

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #137 on: November 12, 2012, 11:38:24 AM »
The map uses the current high-poly models. I'm thinking of changing that back to the low-poly ones to remove the need for the model pack. Or not. I don't know yet. It's taking me forever to look for suitable sound files.

As for what's happening over the past month, I'm testing the map with a custom-made AI script whenever I get the chance. A copy of the map has also been handed over to the chinese team who'll be using it to remake the chinese map as well. Actually some of them volunteered to help out with the english map as well. Hmmm.

The rest of the time was spent trying NOT to put in Hellsing characters since I've been catching up on the Hellsing OVA in anticipation of the final episode. It's a hard fight.

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #138 on: November 13, 2012, 09:48:44 AM »

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #139 on: November 16, 2012, 04:09:47 AM »
New game mode (just an idea for now): FM

No shrine creeps, no neutral creeps, towers do not attack but still offer true sight.

Players start at max level, with a specified amount of gold (say, a default of 12k).

After a specified time (say, 40 seconds), the round starts and players are teleported to their outermost tower. In the first round, this means that the side lanes are sealed off, although the jungle is still accessible. Fountains are not accessible once the round starts.

To score a point, wipe the opposing team out. If the round time runs out without any team being wiped out, the team that did more damage collectively scores the point. Each point scored destroys the opposing team's outermost tower. If a player is the only one surviving in his team, he will be revealed to the opposing team after 20 seconds.

Once the round time runs out, players are teleported back to their fountain and dead heros are revived. Items are removed and gold is given again.

Ok, I'll admit this idea came to mind after playing CS:GO. :\

Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya, Koakuma, Rumia, Flandre and Youmu are more or less completed, though Koakuma, Rumia and Flandre have no voices :/

Item stats are also finally in, though majority of the items are still placeholders till I can think of more mystical names to suit the game (e.g. Hakurei Shrine Talisman sounds way better than Red Llama).... and I now have a growing dislike of large databases. :\

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #140 on: November 16, 2012, 06:38:04 AM »
though Koakuma, Rumia and Flandre have no voices :/
dont worry dawg i got these, just tell me what to say

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #141 on: November 18, 2012, 08:36:31 AM »
Lol if Rinnosuke ever makes it into the map as a character, I'll know who to look for for voices :3

I've realized that the reason why almost every special effect in the original map was made as either a dummy unit or a dummy skill instead just being handled as a special effect, is because the artists didn't bother to add a death animation to all the effects. This meant that destroying special effects the usual way left the effects standing still for a good 5 seconds after they were supposed to have been removed. But cramming the map with dummy units and skills makes it take a friggin' long time to load, whether in WC3 or the World Editor :/ I'm currently in the process of fixing this (discovered this when trying to figure out why Marisa's Master Spark lingered behind for such a long time after the spell ended, a problem not found in the original map because the original Master Spark created 2 dummy units instead of 1 special effect).

Edit: I just got started on writing Cirno's skills according to Dormio's suggestion, and I'm like... what?
« Last Edit: November 18, 2012, 08:40:53 AM by ApharmdB »

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #142 on: November 20, 2012, 05:50:16 AM »
Well, hi.

I'm new in this forum but not in DotS, I was planing do something like you, the current DotS is just too unbalanced an LOLish, actually i was using a template from Dota and I created my own girls in the map, maybe I'm not the best but I'm interested in work with you, maybe we can talk or something, but I still don't understand 100% this forum  :V

Here I will put some images from my own DotS  :derp:

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #143 on: November 20, 2012, 07:05:35 AM »
Well, hi.

I'm new in this forum but not in DotS, I was planing do something like you, the current DotS is just too unbalanced an LOLish, actually i was using a template from Dota and I created my own girls in the map, maybe I'm not the best but I'm interested in work with you, maybe we can talk or something, but I still don't understand 100% this forum  :V

Here I will put some images from my own DotS  :derp:

Ahh PM-ed you.

Edit: Sent another PM in reply to your mail. Hmm, you can also find me on IRC at (just type in your nick). My nick's either SiG or ApharmdB there (depends on which computer I'm logged into).
« Last Edit: November 20, 2012, 08:18:45 AM by ApharmdB »

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #144 on: November 20, 2012, 08:40:53 AM »
Ahh PM-ed you.

Edit: Sent another PM in reply to your mail. Hmm, you can also find me on IRC at (just type in your nick). My nick's either SiG or ApharmdB there (depends on which computer I'm logged into).

I'm on IRC right now, log in it and we can talk :P

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #145 on: November 28, 2012, 11:59:02 AM »
I'm on IRC right now, log in it and we can talk :P

Um check your PM...


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
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Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #146 on: November 28, 2012, 05:33:58 PM »
Your project looks great. I'll be looking forward to when it comes to fruition...

I haven't seen any suggestions for Patchouli yet, so I'm gonna submit mine, if you do not mind.
LoL player here~
No innates/passives, yes?

Patchouli Knowledge
Intended roles: Nuker, Assist
I suppose what you people call in DoTA the equivalent of an Ability Power Carry in League of Legends is an INT hero, yes? I am not so good with this numbers, thus the stats will also be "Editing in Progress." Or perhaps you could just find some ideas in what I suggest you and come up with your own stats.

I do not know how you want to sort these spells/skills, cause Patchouli, with her diverse range of spells, definitely needs more spells. My suggestion would be that she gets 3 "1-element" spells which are all AoE, and if you cast a 1-element spell, say, Fire Sign "Ring of Agni", and during its duration, you cast, say, Water Sign "Buried in Lake" on where the area where "Ring of Agni" is active, you create a synthesis spell on the spot, and the AoE where "Ring of Agni" is cast on "Buried in Lake" becomes, say, Fire Water Sign "Phlogistic Pillar" and the effect of the spell completely changes into "Phlogistic Pillar"'s effect, and the previous two spells cast upon each other cancels out in effect at the moment where the second spell is cast and the synthesis happens.

The list of spells is long, and perhaps it can suggest a better mechanic to being able to use her elemental spells and synthesis spells [2-element spells] than "Pick 3 elements, and an Ultimate Element".


Fire Sign "Ring of Agni"
(Base Damage): 75/125/175/205/250 [Agni]
Cooldown: 9/8/7/7/7

Patchouli conjures the powers of Fire and draws a rune under her feet, channeling power to her hands.. All units with 700 range of Patchouli take 50/100/100/100/100 Magic Damage. All units within 250 range of Patchouli while she is channeling power are stunned for 1.5 seconds. Patchouli then directs the Ring of Agni at an area, dealing 75/125/175/205/250 damage to all enemies (The circle is about 700 range wide. I think.)
Cast/Channel time: 0.5 seconds.

Water Sign "Bury in Lake"
[Base Damage]: 55/90/125/160/185
Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/10

Patchouli conjures a rune at a targeted area, slowing all enemies within the area for 25%/35%/40%/50%/50% of their movement speed [Applied debuff, per 0.1 seconds reapply debuff, debuff lasting 0.2 seconds each time it is applied], and dealt 10/10/30/30/40 magic damage per second. Any enemies that stays in the targeted area for 4 seconds are buried by a torrent of water, dealing 55/90/125/160/185 magic damage.
Area of rune: 1200
Speed Debuff is reapplied every 0.1 seconds. Speed Debuff lasts for 0.2 seconds, and is cancelled by a re-apply. Call it what you want.

Earth Sign "Trilithon Shake"
Base Damage: 75/100/125/150/160
Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6

Patchouli channels the power of the Earth to a magic circle, then creates pillars of stone and collapses them on enemies in the circle 1 second later, dealing 75/100/125/150/160 PHYSICAL DAMAGE to all enemies in the circle. All enemies that are hit have their Armor and Magic Resistance lowered by 40%.
Magic Circle Area: 600
Still scales on INT. But deals Physical Damage.

Metal Sign "Autumn Blades"
Base Damage: 30/50/80/100/125
Cooldown: 7/6/5/4/4

Patchouli conjures a sawblade that slices all enemies within its range for 30/50/80/100/125 PHYSICAL DAMAGE over 4 seconds. An enemy that is sliced by the sawblade bleeds, taking 10/15/17/20/20 Magic Damage every second for 5 seconds, also revealing their location.
Area of Sawblade: 500
Debuff reapplied every 0.1 seconds to enemies that have touched the sawblade.

Wood Sign "Green Storm"
Base Damage: 40/50/70/90/110
Cooldown: 10/10/10/10/10

Patchouli creates a rune on the ground, then fires a burst of wind from the rune, pushing back enemies and dealing 40/50/70/90/110 damage. The enemy is then slowed for 5 seconds. The area that the rune occupies is fraught with strong winds, pushing back all enemies that moves into the circle.

If "Ring of Agni" is cast over Water Sign "Buried in Lake" or vice versa, Phlogistic Pillar will be activated.
[Then again, Phlogistic Pillar can also be a standalone skill, if this system cannot work.]

Fire Water Sign "Phlogistic Pillar"
Cooldown: [Will be used as long as the two spells are cast over each other, either "Buried in Lake" over "Ring of Agni", or vice versa.
Cooldown [Independent skill, if the above mechanic cannot work]: 15/13/12/10/9
Damage [Independent]: 75/100/110/150/200
Damage [Synthesis Mechanic]: 125/175/215/245/270 (Scales based on Ring of Angi. Buried in Lake's level does not affect damage of this spell)
Slow [Independent]: 25%/30%/35%/35%/40%
A synthesis of Fire and Water. Patchouli creates a water rune on the ground and channels magical energies to the rune for 1 second, slowing all enemies within the rune, then creates an impassable wall of explosions from the rune by igniting it with fire magic, pushing back and stunning all enemies caught within the explosion for 4 seconds.
Area of water rune [If independent]: 800
Area if synthesized: 700

Earth Metal Sign "Emerald Megalith"
Base Damage: 75/100/125/150/170
Cooldown: 15/12/11/10/9/8

Fusing Earth with Metal, Patchouli creates a city of Emerald that erupts from the ground, dealing 75/100/125/150/170 Magic Damage and knocks up the enemy for 1.5 seconds. All allies that stand within the area of the spell gain Armor [You decide on the value, I am not good with DoTA]. All enemies are then slowed for 3 seconds.

Metal Water Sign "Mercury Posion"
Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/7

Synthesizing Metal and Water, Patchouli poisons all enemies in range with Mercury, slowing them by 70% for 6 seconds, dealing 15/30/45/50/60 damage per second.
Delay: 2 seconds.


E: Moon Sign "Silent Selene"/Sun Moon Sign "Royal Diamond Ring"
Base Damage [Silent Selene]: 75/125/150/160/190
Base Damage [Royal Diamond Ring]: 150/175/200/230/250
Cooldown: 12/10/7/5/5

[Silent Selene] Drawing on the powers of the moon, Patchouli draws a magic circle around her, slowing all units within the circle  [500 range]. She then fires lasers, dealing 75/125/150/160/190 damage per second to units in the magic circle. Patchouli is immune to magic damage during this spell.
Cast time: 1 second
Lasts for: 4 seconds.
[Royal Diamond Ring--Only usable during Scorching Sun or Sunny]
Patchouli draws on the powers of the Sun and Moon, summoning a lot of lasers to attack all units within 700 range of Patchouli, damaging them for 150/175/200/230/250 magic damage per second. Friendly Fire.
Cast time: 1.5 seconds
Duration: 5 seconds

R: Sun Sign "Royal Flare"/Metal Wood Water Fire Earth Sign "Philosopher's Stone"
Base Damage [Royal Flare]: 250/500/600
Base Damage [Philosopher's Stone]: 0/0/0
Cooldown: 120/105/99

[Royal Flare] Patchouli draws a circle beneath her and fills the stage with fire, dealing 250/500/600 magic damage to all enemy girls and reveals their positions.
Cast Time: 5 seconds.
Duration: 5 seconds, wherein Patchouli has no protection from enemy attacks. The animation lasts for 5 seconds, the damage is not DPS.
Range: Global

[Philosopher's Stone--only usable when Calm]
Patchouli taps into the five elements, creating the Philosopher's Stone. Five crystals each representing an element surround Patchouli. Patchouli's spells deal bonus 25% damage to enemies, and global cooldown of all her other spells other than Philosopher's Stone is reduced by 5 seconds during the duration of this spell. All enemies within 250 range take 100 magic damage per second.
Cast time: 5 seconds
Duration: 25 seconds

I know I am not that good at this, but yeah. Just to input an idea on what I think Patchouli can be like. I do not want to limit her to only spells that are of one element, nor only synthesis spells. I suppose this is the mix I came up with.
She is completely AoE. Though Ring of Agni, I suppose it could be a targeted spell that deals splash damage.
I am bad with the balance, I know...
Well, just see if these ideas can help.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2012, 09:48:20 AM by Ran-Rii »


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Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #147 on: November 29, 2012, 05:06:26 AM »
Aph had his own plans for Patchy iirc.
[23:02] <~Iced> You have sown the seeds of your own destruction Amra.
[23:20] <Stuffman> enjoy your personally crafted hell Amra


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
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Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #148 on: November 29, 2012, 06:27:28 AM »
Aph had his own plans for Patchy iirc.

Just suggesting. No harm done, and if he doesn't use it, I'm fine too.
Take it as reference material or something.

Re: Defence of the Shrines, the Remaking
« Reply #149 on: November 29, 2012, 07:46:47 AM »
Ohh I do already have plans for Patchy (and she's like... half done already) but don't expect to see her in the initial release. She and Alice are the two heros that I work on randomly whenever I have some time to write a spell but not enough time to make a complete spell set for a hero. She will not use the "pick 3 elements and a major element" system from current DotS. Let's just say that she'll be more similar to DotA's Invoker for now. Although... after having another player from the Chinese team test out the system, apparently there're people who prefer the old "pick 3 elements" mechanic. So..... ~(o.o)~?