Author Topic: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! R.I.P CrossedHorns: (BAD END)  (Read 39676 times)

Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #120 on: August 15, 2012, 10:16:46 PM »
Notice to all workers assigned to refuse hauling:

When cleaning up corpses, you are required to take all the bits and pieces to the graveyard.
One of the farmers recent death by Miner Hideki's disembodied head is unacceptable!

Your concerned overseer, Grimlocke.

15th of Moonstone, 109:

Autumn felt like it went by in notime! The invaders resolved themselves as expected,

And what was left of them was eventualy cleaned up by the timely arrival of a Kikurri!

I am letting it rampage around outside a bit more, its doing us quite a service as a single, non-flying creature roaming around is far less of a nuisance to construction than many of them, some of which fly over or into the trench to pick our miners heads open. We will eventualy have to deal with it as we have yet to construct a gatehouse ouside to completely lock our hill off the the outside, lets hope it fits in the atomsmasher!

One of the farmers recentelly finished producing an artifact, one of the most medicre ones I have ever seen. Behold:

Suikas have died, mostly from their kin's zombies, migrants arrived to replace them, I am deaf to the screams...

Syanas also has lost her mind. The fate that seems to befall many of our military... I am forming a plan on seperating them from the rest of the fort. Hopefully keeps them from forming unneeded bonds.

And I am probably also losing my mind, because I have the strange feeling that I am slightly taller. My clothes dont quite fit right either, and before that all I had the most realistic dream ever of dying in the filth filled trench...
Surely such a thing cannot be real though.

Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #121 on: August 16, 2012, 03:37:01 AM »
3rd of Opal, 109:

It is days like these that make me suspect I wont go down in history as the greatest mastermind amongst overseer. Oh well infamy is also fame!

Just as everything was peachy with us holed up inside digging things and the Kikkuri roaming outside killing things, traders arrived.
Seeing as we havnt made a lot of proper caravan deals (as in, only 1) I decided to throw open the gates and see what got in first. It wasnt the traders, and dispite my fast reaction of ordering the smashy bridged to start smashing, the reaction of the lever pulles was... not as quick.
Would have been quick enough had it not been for the military that as amateurishly flailing their weapons or lack of weapons around nearby. The goons spotted the Kukkuri, and charged right for the smashy bridges.
I spent most the time after staring up close at the palm of my hand, but in the end 4 soldiers were smashed, 2 killed and 1 caged (and dead). The Kikkuri... caged.

This makes us officialy demilitarized!

Remilitarizing amongst the less use... uhm no, more talented soldiers is to begin at once.

8th of Opal, 109:

Cursed curses. Syanas keeled over, I ordered her remov- erm, honerably buried immediately, but she didnt agree. Out pityfull military gave her enough time to run through the graveyard, through a child, into the dining hall where she bit, horned and punched some eating Suikas before being run down again.

1st of Granite, 110:

As my last few decisions I have moved the hospital to the area where the less fortunate patients dont make the more fortunate patiens... less fortunate.

Convenientely located above the shiny new graveyard! Its marble! Its got proper coffins! And a pit for everything that doesnt fit in those! It also needs expanding.

With that finished, im done here. Time to hit the booze stock.

Notice to all workers and soldiers:

The year is done! All said and done! My job is over! Congratulations to those who surived and well, no congratulation to those who didnt. Hah!

Following is a summary of our grand achievements and grander failures:

 - The trench officialy completed a mere month ago!
 - The graveyard officialy completed a mere day ago!
 - The stockpiling officialy failed to meet quota! This is your fault for leaving so much garbage behind when dying.
 - We have replaced the crude marble mine boneyard with a worthy, though far too small, catacomb.
 - We have found out that regular hospitals in zombie-fying areas dont work well.
 - Our population dropped by around 20 despite the numerious migrants!
 - The avarage soldiers lifespan is around 2 seasons, the maximam, less than a year!
 - We have made 1 caravan deal. The rest ran home to have nightmares forever, or is smeared across the surrounding land for us to loot!
 - We have utterly failed to atom-smash the Kikkuri.
 - We succesfully atom-smashed our own military. Making the barracks in direct sight of to-be-smashed creatures was a bad idea.
 - We have accidentally caught the Kikkuri in a cage. Did not expect that to work.
 - The total death toll of our fort, including zombies, invaders and mundane creature, its now at 565.
 - Our fortress and surrounding areas contain 227 corpses and 236 severed bodyparts, 160 coffins of which 128 built, and 2555 pieces of clothing. Yes, 2555.

I have learned to stop worrying and love the zombies,

Your dearest former overseer,


The fortress map, for your viewing pleasure:

That finaly concludes my turn. Completing the stockpile objective was, as you can see, not succesfull. Most imporant items are stockpiles but there is a vast, endless sea of socks, trousers, gloves, etc etc etc that would take more than a few years to get rid of. A magma garbage chute is recommended for the next players.

Also metal industry. Have severely neglected this, which is one of the reasons the military stopped to exist in my 2nd last month. (that and my worst attempt at atom-smashing yet, combined with DF AI being what it is...)

The outside needs a 7-tile wide wall built across the last un-covered bit. That or you can demolish the current entrance to surround the fort with trench completely.

For corpses inside the fort, using the Dump funtion worked best for me. I found the refuse stockpile job to be a bit too slow.

Link for save file:
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 03:56:02 AM by Nuserame »


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #122 on: August 16, 2012, 05:36:26 AM »
You failed to post the file up correctly.

I fixed it for you...

I will look over it and see how you did and see if you completed the task that was given... and the probably make a second post to top it off....
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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #123 on: August 16, 2012, 06:24:37 AM »
Hot damn, this is glorious

I never expected my little dirt hole in the ground to turn out so nicely <3
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #124 on: August 16, 2012, 07:57:19 AM »
I think atomsmashers don't work on Kikurri, but cage traps do. All Mega/Semimega beasts are atomsmashproof, but unless they're trapvoid a cage works.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #125 on: August 16, 2012, 04:52:53 PM »
Ok I finally got this intermission segment done so here's what your tasks are for now....! (Also special thanks to not-a-pirate for proofreading and correcting the daialouge)

As the game proceeded, Suika?s fort survived yet another year. The undead continued to amass on the land her duplicates had settled upon and called home, but despite the losses incurred she continued to improve the fort, growing it to become more impressive than ever.

?How?s that?? Suika boasted cheerfully, taking a swig from her gourd.

Alice peered closer into the interior fort, and upon noticing that a good number of items have been placed to where they rightfully belong, save for the worn out clothing that the mini-suikas refused to contain in bins, smiled in satisfaction.

?Well, at least it?s better than Marisa?s house, I?ll say that much.?

?Hey, I already told you I?m a busy person, I have things to do, and they?re far more important than placing my clothes neatly in containers, ze!? Marisa retorted indignantly.

?Not having your clothes neatly in containers is one thing, having everything strewn about the room is another,? Alice muttered, ?in any case, if a drunk oni can manage her belongings, I think you can do the same.?

?But I...?

?I?m coming along to your house later on, Marisa, so don?t you forget,? Alice gave Marisa a final threatening glance before leaving, her dolls floating behind her.

Marisa gave an exasperated sigh and slumped over the wood floor, ?Sometimes I wish I didn?t have to be bothered by such small matters,? she grumbled before sitting back up, ?Well, I don?t need to worry about it now, so I?ll just keep watching this game of yours.?

?Fine by me,? Suika replied with a giggle.

At that time, Reimu and Yukari had stepped out of the shrine and continued their conversation there.

?Reimu, I hope you have been keeping the newcomers in Gensokyo in check. They might have settled down and cooperated for now, but you would do good to take precautions.? Yukari murmured with a flourish of her fan. Reimu, however, payed little attention to the warning, merely waving her head in dismissal,

?Yeah well, I?ll do it when I feel like it. I?m sure everyone knows how to get along with each other anyway.?

Yukari said nothing, merely looking ahead at the steps of the shrine. Two people came up then, a silver haired woman in a maid outfit, accompanying what seemed like a child dressed in an elaborate pink dress. Bat wings sprouted from her back, which flapped occasionally as she walked. Over her head was a parasol, held by the maid.

?Milady, was it necessary for us to come here?? The maid asked with a slight raise of an eyebrow.

?Sakuya, it?s been long since I?ve payed a visit. I think it?s a good enough time to do so now.?

?As you wish,? Sakuya nodded, and said no more.

The girl looked up then, and upon seeing the familiar face of Reimu, waved.

?Good day to you Reimu, It?s been awhile.? A smile tugged on her lips, as though delighted to see the shrine maiden.

?Same to you, Remilia,? Reimu nodded, returning the smile. A smile that seemed to expect something.

?I just wanted to meet with an old friend of mine,? Remilia replied.

?Ah,? Reimu nodded again, albeit seemingly slightly depressed. That emotion was instantly replaced by a badly disguised expression of ecstasy, when Sakuya proceeded to insert a few notes into the donation box. With big hearted gestures she invited Remilia inside, all of her vigor revived.

Remilia graciously stepped up, glancing the area with a satisfied grin. Her eyes settled upon Suika, bent over what seemed like a miniature piece of land. She gestured for Sakuya to follow her, and approached the oni with renewed curiousity.

?What is this?? She asked, sitting herself next to Marisa.

?Yo, Remilia,? Marisa grinned, ?Suika?s playing this game Yukari challenged her to, wanna watch??

?Oh?? Remilia leaned forward for a better glimpse of the playing field, ?what kind of game is it, exactly??

?A game where you can have fun!? Suika raised her arms wide with enthusiasm.

?Hmm?? Remilia tilted her head as she examined the field further, a confused look spreading on her face as she saw the mini suikas running about, ?They all look like you...what are you doing??

?It?s a survival game, Remilia,? Marisa explained, ?she has to make a fort and have her suikas survive.?

?Like a stronghold of some sort??

?Yeah, I guess,? Marisa gave a little shrug.

?Interesting,? A smile started to play on the vampire?s lips as she examined the fort further, stopping when she spotted a lone Suika isolated in its own room, ?Who?s that??

?A vampire,? Marisa put it bluntly, ?Suika?s got it under lock and key, no way anyone?s getting their blood drained here.?

Remilia?s features darkened, ??It?? You shouldn?t be treating her like trash. Give her a better living space, have her lend a hand, even.?

Suika tilted her head in vexation, ?what if she bites someone??

?Then she bites someone,? Remillia shrugged, ?listen, vampires deserve a much luxurious life style. I want you to give that vampire a room fit for royalty, as good as my mansion itself!?

Marisa cupped her mouth with one hand and rotated a finger around her temple at Remilia?s demand, but Suika was interested, ?so you want me to free it??

?You can take precautions if you want, but I don?t want her to be living like trash, got it?? Remilia gave an impatient frown, ?Sakuya has something to say too,?

Sakuya said nothing, merely giving her master a questioning look. If she had been taken aback by the sudden call, she did not show it.

?Take a look yourself, I?m sure you can find a part in the fort that requires work.? Remilia insisted.

Sakuya peered in, her eyes flickering between the various levels of the fort. At last she settled on the dining room, an engraved space, sparsely populated with stone tables and chairs. Suitable, and most definitely satisfying for the suikas themselves, but Sakuya thought differently.

?If I may, I believe that the dining room might require far more furniture. Decorations too, It looks almost bland without them.? She suggested, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.

?How many, Sakuya??

?At least fifty, milady,? Sakuya replied, ?seventy would be ideal, however.?

Remilia puffed her chest with a prideful smirk, ?I knew you?d notice it, Sakuya, as expected of my head maid.?

Her gaze shifted to Reimu then, ?Well Reimu, I think it?s been quite awhile since we?ve had a chat...?

Reimu gave a troubled look, but upon remembering the donation generously given by Sakuya, nodded with almost unbelievable enthusiasm and invited the two inside, almost a little too hastily.

Yukari only gave a wry smile at Reimu?s response, and proceeded to sit herself beside Marisa.

?Are you finding the game...amusing?? She directed her question at Marisa, who grinned,

?It sure looks fun!?

?Good to hear,? She nodded, satisfied with the answer, ?I have been doing this for quite some time. Every year, actually. It is...a way to keep herself in check.?

Marisa raised her eyebrows, gesturing for Yukari to explain in detail.

?As a mountain oni, she has to be able to recall her basic instincts, and use them as she had back in the past. This game is a way for her to do so.?

?And, she?s doing fine??

Yukari only smiled, ?We?ll see. The long term is more important, after all.?

?Oh?? Marisa grinned, ?What goals you have in mind??

?Survive, and build an impressive fortress, that is all.?

Marisa frowned at that. It seemed simple, almost too simple, ?That doesn?t seem too hard.?

Yukari closed her eyes, ?Is it? We shall see. This game is without a reason, you know??


Sakuya's request - Adequate dining: Rebuild the dining room to hold a total of 50-70 table and chairs (in other words at least 50 tables and 50 chairs minimum) Objective must be completed before the end of the year

Remilia's Request - Vampire luxuries:Put your vampire in a room more suitable for his nobility. The room must be of "Grand Quality" (Bonus: Make the vampire into a noble for bonus approval from Remi) Condtion must be completed in 2 years.

Also after looking through the what you have done. Despite not having the clothes in bins (I realized they are worn therfore won't be put in bins) I'm going to mark your challenge a success!

Wymar, you still have to complete the aboveground fort quest and now the dining room quest before the end of the year.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #126 on: August 17, 2012, 01:00:44 AM »
I think atomsmashers don't work on Kikurri, but cage traps do. All Mega/Semimega beasts are atomsmashproof, but unless they're trapvoid a cage works.
They are that large? Checking... Oops, yes its a 4th the size of DFs default bronze colossus.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #127 on: August 19, 2012, 12:03:43 PM »
1st Granite 110

It appears that I was appointed the overseer of the fort for the following year. That's good, as I have a couple ideas on how to improve this place.

First, we need to expand our dining hall. We don't have enough tables and seats for everybody, and there's bound to be newcomers sooner or later.
I told our masons that they should make 300 tables and chairs respectively. For tonight. We dine! IN THE HALL!

Was that over the top? Yeah I guess that was so. 30 of each is plenty enough for the moment.

Next, we have to appease our local Blood God. The others call him a vampire, or "that bloodsucking bastard", but I know how a vamp looks like and that ain't one of them.
Unfortunately the others are adamant about not sacrificing their blood to him so we have to do something else. Maybe rxpand his living area or something. Put a skull throne in there too.

2 Granite

What do you mean we can't make any skull thrones? Yeesh!

22 Granite

Bloody miners are being lazy and everything. I gave them the choice between diging in the safe upper levels and exploring the lower caverns. That got them working.

26 Granite

AaronIII has been acting strange lately. He's been running around like in a trance, picking up bones and stuff. Whatever floats your boat, man.

11 Slate

One of our scouts has reported the sighting of another monster in the caverns.

I'm not sure if we have enough crossbows to shoot that thing.
Note to self: keep an eye on Patchy.

21 Slate

Migrants! Huzzah!
Unfortunately a few Suikas have decided that it's a clever idea to leave the fort and play around with the undead. Gappy especially has taken a liking to play tag with them.

28 Slate

Errol got crushed by an openig drawbridge. Oops.

In other news, Patchy has given birth. How does that even work, I mean we're all the same person of sorts aren't we? Argh, getting a headache! :colonveeplusalpha:

18 Felsite

Parseekkuris have arrived. That's both good and bad news. On one hand, they and the undead roaming theland will kill eachother. The bad news is that it won't last for long. Bugger.
Also, Gappy's still winning at tag. That's dedication.

5 Hematite

A group of kedamas decided to come for a visit. Sorry, doors closed.

6 Hematite

The Inabas started a siege on our fort. I guess theyg figured that they couldn't get inside, because later on they got reinforcements.

22 Malachite

More migrants have arrived. I assigned the militia as bouncers for the entrance which somehow kept almost everything out while getting most of the Suikas inside.
Too bad for those that didn't.

26 Malachite

Gappy finally got home. The militia held a welcome party for her and right now she's being escorted to her new home.
Rest in Pieces.

16 Galena

A Weregecko has been sighted near the main hill. I shudder when I imagine it in my mind. Those eyes. Those soulless, everwatching, independently moving eyes.

28 Galena

The Blood God's new rooms are finally completed! Furniture made of the shiniest metals, my finest engravings, and an opening to provide him with sacrifices food. Yeah.
I have also promoted him to our Hammerer. Now I have a legitimate excuse to make sacrifices to him!

It is now finally Autumn. I lost "progress" during the entire summer period when I wanted to back up the save. Aderp.


  • The Highly Zealous Let's Playing Wolf Lord
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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #128 on: August 20, 2012, 01:04:36 AM »
I am going to kill that vampire on my turn. The only true Blood Gods are Armok and KHORNE AND HE DEMANDS THE BLOOD OF THAT VAMPIRE!


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #129 on: August 20, 2012, 09:50:20 AM »
I repeat my statement: Which one?


  • The Highly Zealous Let's Playing Wolf Lord
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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #130 on: August 20, 2012, 06:51:05 PM »
The one Remilia wanted you to build a room for. Khorne is displeased at it being called a Blood God and wishes its blood to be spilled.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #131 on: August 20, 2012, 07:54:35 PM »
Ah well, I was about to have him do a deathmatch against the new vampire, but I think one of the zombies did that before him.

Also, the game is boring once the bodies stop waking up.

In other news, there's a Macesuika who's very cavalier about the whole "stay inside the freaking fort" thing.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2012, 08:11:27 PM by WymarSane »


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #132 on: August 20, 2012, 10:01:38 PM »
Ah well, I was about to have him do a deathmatch against the new vampire, but I think one of the zombies did that before him.
Somehow I don't think it was a vampire then. iirc zombies tend to not care about vamps.
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #133 on: August 21, 2012, 10:18:46 AM »
Yeah I dunno. They found a corpse that's been sucked dry but none of the dwarves that are still alive fit the criteria (Sans Purvis, but he's locked up). It could be that he got drafted and then died after attacking something. Zombies still defend themselves against aggressors, right?


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #134 on: August 21, 2012, 02:12:29 PM »
5 Sandstone

One of the Suikas has been found dead today. An autopsy revealed that it was a copycat killer trying to imitate our great Blood God.
Gotta keep my eyes open for any suspects. Then we can let the Blood God Himself deal with him.

17 Sandstone

One of the masons has been particularly secretive lately.
I hope that whatever he's making is going to be more useful than that cage that the other guy made.

21 Sandstone

The mason started working. I gotta admit, I'm a bit excited about the final result.

26 Sandstone

He made a table! That's pretty neat for the dining room. I think we have more than enough tables there, but you know what? Screw that, we can make more!
And it's definitively more useful than my crown, even if it's way less stylish.

22 Moonstone

It's been boring lately. Now that all body parts have been stored away and stopped revivng it's been very calm around.
The most dangerous thing that could happen is that somebody died from boredom and then starts killing everything.

Actually, with all those bones stored up it'd be a good idea to have somebody craft something with them.

6 Obsidian

That entrance above the farms that's been closed for ages because it kept squashing more suikas than it let in?
It's been finally upgraded and now we have an outward opening drawbridge-slash-zombiesmasher.

It's absolutely brilliant, I just tell some schmuck to repeatedly pull the lever, and whoever tries to get inside gets squashed.

It's like they're lining up to get slaughtered!
If something does get inside, the schmuck runs away, and the militia can handle the threat. The drawbridge has been empirically shown to stay closed practically all the time when that happens.
Only downside is that we lost a couple recruits who thought it'd be fun to punch some undead with nothing but their fists, but who cares about idiots?

Who do they think they are, Mike Tyson? Who is Mike Tyson anyway and why do I know his name?

12 Obsidian

There have been reports of not one, not two, not three, but four! Four yukkousei ambushes! Ah ah ah!
At least most of them came from the east where the dead stay that way, so if we're lucky they won't come back after bein inevitably being killed.

That reminds me, we still have the massive corridor to the eastern entrance. While less secure than the upper entrance, we should be able to smash more undead with it.

20 Obsidian

One of our recruits has absentmindedly ossupied a craftsuikashop.Thing is he wants some wood, of which we have none. The closest logs we have are, wait for it... by the eastern entrance.
This seems like as good a moment as any to start smashing.

1 Granite 111

What, my year's over already? But things just started to get fun! We probably killed a dozen zombies already (but, given the amount of dead inabas alone, that's like a drop on the hot stone).

The Blood God is pleased with his living quarters, and we also put a hatch above to send him some sacrificespresents. Lock something into the cell above, pull the lever, and down the legendary hatch it goes!

The dining hall contains roughly five dozens of tables and almost twice as many thrones. I'm kinda disappointed with that however, as I planned to have 75 tables with 2 chairs each. Oh well.

The hospital's empty, nobody's injured. Huzzah! My healthcare plan is best healthcare plan. And should somebody get hurt, I had a new well built that was slightly closer and far safer than the old one.
No more letting beakless mickingbirds or feathered rocketbeasts inside the fort because somebody got thirsty.

Aaaand that's it I guess.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #135 on: August 21, 2012, 02:23:46 PM »

You failed to post the link correctly. But it for you.

I need to now see if you completed the objective that were given to you.

In the mean time, I also have the next intermission to write up. So don't jump into the game too quick now high zealot. :P I should have the intermission written in the next hour or so.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #136 on: August 21, 2012, 03:06:08 PM »
You failed to post the link correctly. But it for you.
I guess the constant 504's that I was getting didn't help. At all. Obviously.
I need to now see if you completed the objective that were given to you.
Remi's objective is good. Plus a Decent Office/Dining Room.
I'm fairly certain I have enough mobiliar in the dining hall, but I failed my personal mission of filling it up completely. You'll notice that there's chairs missing in the northern half.
YMMV on the above-ground fort thing. Inside the hill still counts as above ground, right?

Oh, here's a suggestion: kill at least half the current undead without atomsmashing them. AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAhem. I should stop with the manic laughter really.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 03:11:46 PM by Wymar »


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #137 on: August 22, 2012, 04:00:35 AM »
Still waiting for that intermission.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #138 on: August 22, 2012, 07:57:57 AM »
Anyway, I'm gonna be working on my little Adventure Mode Intermission on this save file. Mission: Get to Crossedhorns.

It's like Vanilla Adventure, except with Fire Imps everywhere. And !!FIRE!! is fun.

I can post some things I bumped into in Adventure Mode, however now, just so you know I'm doing... stuff. The thing is if I die before reaching Crossedhorns that ain't the point.

So here's a couple of screenshots of a particually successful adventurer that evaded Red Kedamas until he died due to a stampede of Keemekaidous... or however you spell that Hatate one.

Fast traveling then suddenly a swarm of Yuukagusa appear!

By making sure no more than one at a time can fight me, they are dispatched with ease, however, you can't butcher tham for things to sell and trade to get actual armor.

Swordsmen are easily the best to start with since they can butcher things with their weapons instead of having to drop their weapon, drop a dagger, pick up the dagger, butcher, drop the dagger, pick up the weapon and then pick the dagger back up @_@


Just managed to die in a spiral of events, including this Yuukuri Alkice that wouldn't die and took my leg, followed by a fireball to my companion by a Futokurri, and them, as I'm crawling back to town before nightfall, I stumble upon a Biokurri camp, with several -Lords and even a Master Lasher. With one leg. So I can't even run.

I kept the game rolling after my death, however, to see what would happen, because a bunch of Black Kedamas showed up as well:

A master lasher died. To Kedamas. I don't even.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 09:17:16 AM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #139 on: August 22, 2012, 01:49:41 PM »
Still waiting for that intermission.
Yes I apologize, I thought I get it done in time, but I got it done late, and notapirate ended up leaving for the day.... so I didn't get the edit work done till several the following day my apologize! So here it is without further ado!

Another year in the fortress passed. Suika gave a satisfied yawn and took another swig from her gourd. Things were still going well. Perhaps an accident or two had happened, but nothing major.

"Well Marisa?? She glanced at the magician, who had leaned forward for a closer look, ?what do you think??

"Heeeh," she furrowed her eyebrows, "this is just a trench isn't it?"

"It's above ground," Suika returned.

"hah," Marisa shook her head and shrugged, "really now, I'd think you could do better. You sure you oni aren't all talk?"

Suika pouted in annoyance, "of course, it's just that I had alot to deal with!"

Marisa smirked, "well, whatever then. Remember though, I still want to see if you can catch a thief soon."

Just then, Sakuya emerged from the door, carrying a tray with a teapot and cups.

"Interested in tea?" She inquired, hastily adding upon seeing the suspicious look on Marisa, "not milady's specialty, I assure you."

"Well, I'll take some of you then," With a flourish of her hat she stood up and swiped a cup for herself before settling back to her seat. Yukari, too, took one for herself with the help of her gaps, ignoring the brief glare from the maid.

"Oh?" Sakuya raised her eyebrows as she examined the dining room that Suika had been working on, "my my, you certainly have been busy. I?m glad you have managed to make the dining hall fit for use. Milady would be pleased.?

?Eheh, it was simple enough,? Suika giggled.

Remilia?s muffled voice was heard through the walls then, ?Sakuya, I want some more tea!?

?Yes, milady,? Sakuya called back, before bowing slightly to the two, ?I shall be going then. Do keep that vampire alive, I have no doubt that Milady would be fairly...displeased should something happen to it.?

With that, she turned to leave, closing the sliding door behind her.

Suika and Marisa were just about to return to the game then, when a faint groan emitted from behind the walls. A groan? Marisa?s ears perked up, but when she stood to find the source, the sound faded to nothing.

?Strange, must?ve been the wind,? she mumbled, but when she was about to return to her seat, the sound reverberated within the walls once more, in a far more eerie tone.

?Now now, I can?t you running about and scaring everyone else. You?re better off staying here, there are plenty of things to play with, after all.?

?Buuut I want to go tooooo?

?Sorry, but I?m afraid you?ll have to be a good girl and stay.?

?A-aaww, okayyy NyaaaanNyaaaan...?

Marisa frowned at the conversation. Dusting invisible dirt off her skirt, she told Suika she was going to take a look and left without waiting for a response; the oni was too preoccupied to care too much anyway.

Round the corner where she thought she had heard the voices, only the empty storage room greeted her, decorated with a gargantuan hole in the wall.

?Hm, I swore I master spark?ed the  other end of her shrine,? Marisa mused. Deciding that striding through the gaping new entrance was a good idea, she stepped in to find a new guest seated on the floor with Reimu and the others. Well, it seemed like a new guest, but the expression on Reimu said otherwise.

?My my, you certainly have quite the entourage, Reimu,? the guest, a woman in a simple blue dress giggled. She looked somewhat dignified with her posture, but at the same time her lips spoke of mischief. Another troublesome character had seemingly arrived.

?You could have used the door, Seiga,? Reimu pointed out, unamused, ?they?re there for a reason.?

?Oh?? Seiga raised an eyebrow at the sliding doors just next two her, ?well, it?s far easier if I came in this way.?

?It?s common courtesy.?

?Courtesy?? Seiga tilted her head briefly before chuckling, ?I don?t know what you?re talking about.?

Marisa left then, gingerly stepping through the hole and back to Suika.

?So, who is our new esteemed guest?? Yukari inquired, fiddling with her fan with a hint of boredom.

?Just a hermit, come to see Reimu, of course,? Marisa shrugged.

?Hm?? Yukari folded her fan with renewed interest, ?my, there are certainly plenty of them coming out of the woodwork now, don?t you agree??

?Guess so. Not that I really care.? Marisa leaned back, only to feel her head planting into something soft...

?Did someone mention me?? Seiga questioned, having opened a new hole in the wall and peeking in. She looked down upon feeling something hit her chest, giggling when the sight of Marisa?s expression met her eyes, ?My my, if you like them so much you could have always asked to touch them.?

?I-I don?t need to touch your boobs, ze!? Marisa hastily scrambled away from the hermit, her breathing now quick and heavy.

?Ahah, is that so?? Seiga put a finger to her lip and smiled a most devilishly mischievous smile.

?Hey Seiga, if you?re done here, quit making holes and get out of my shrine!? Reimu called out with a scowl.

?But Reimu, don?t you want to amplify your powers? You have the potential. I can help you, you know?? Seiga returned with a cheery smile inspite of the annoyed shrine maiden.

?Not now!?

Seiga sighed, her expression a mild disappointment, ?Very well then, I shall return when you are less...busy.?

Stepping out and into the room, she closed the hole behind her with a little flourish of her hairpin. It was then that she noticed the table, or more specifically, what was on it.

?Explain it to her, Suika,? Yukari sighed. To Marisa, she gestured with her fan, ?Marisa, a word if you will.?

?Yeah...? Marisa nodded slowly and followed Yukari to the corner of the shrine, still staring at her chest. Somehow it seemed far smaller than before.

Seiga watched them leave, and sat next to Suika to watch her game, ?So, could you enlighten me as to what this wonderful thing might be??
?It?s a challenge!? Suika puffed her chest with a grin, ?I?m showing Yukari how we oni survive!?

Seiga did not take too long before a scheming smirk formed on her lips, ?my, there are certainly a lot of...corpses.?

?Yeah,? Suika frowned, ?they cause me alot of trouble, you know.?

Seiga chuckled softly, ?they only cause trouble because you don?t use them.?

?Nn?? Suika tilted her head, unsure of what the hermit was getting at.

?Have them fight for you, set them in an eternal arena battle with your enemies, even using them as a trigger is good enough,? Seiga smiled, ?the dead are meant to be your tools, Should you be able to use them well, mastering this land would no doubt be...incredibly easy.?

?Hmm,? Suika glanced back at the restless bodies, shuffling their feet as the roamed the slime infested land. Could she really? It was worth thinking about. Just then something formed in her mind. A memory of something...

?Oh right, you?re the hermit Reimu mentioned in the note??

Seiga chuckled again, ?Why yes, I?m here to bring out the inner most potential within her...? A lie, but she said it with such calm it could almost be seen as truth.


Seiga's Challenge: Undead labor workforce union Seiga wants you to put your dead bodies to good use! This one is pretty open for many ideas, though some include have them "operate" various things, set up an Arena (man vs. zombie), and maybe even a feeding pit! Use your imagination and be creative here! You need at least 40 zombie animated and doing whatever creative thing you cook up to be considered a success! Condition must be completed in 5 years (By spring 116)

Also yes, Highzealot, the condition for Remilia's challenge will not be complete unless the vampire lives to the end of the year.

So you'll have to deal with your vampire overlord, or kill him or her and lose the challenge.

And another reminder.... This is the last year for Marisa's "To catch a thief challenge" see if you can trap one before the end of the year!

You will have till Wendsday Morning of next week to finish the year and post the save! Good luck!
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #140 on: August 22, 2012, 03:01:34 PM »
Undead-powered dwarven suikan computer maybe?

Also yes, Highzealot, the condition for Remilia's challenge will not be complete unless the vampire lives to the end of the year.
Should be easy enough, just put a wall in front of the exits to his room and BAM assured survival.

And another reminder.... This is the last year for Marisa's "To catch a thief challenge" see if you can trap one before the end of the year!
Good luck with that, if undead inabas don't count then you'll have a hard time catching anything living.


  • The Highly Zealous Let's Playing Wolf Lord
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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #141 on: August 22, 2012, 03:57:26 PM »
Looks like I need to find a way to make the vampire die after the year is done.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #142 on: August 22, 2012, 04:04:34 PM »
Build a doomsday device and pull the lever on Obsidian 28?


  • The Highly Zealous Let's Playing Wolf Lord
  • Suika and Russ: Ultimate Drinking Buddies
Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #143 on: August 22, 2012, 06:09:18 PM »
My soul was wandering the warp. Time holds no meaning there. I could see the grim darkness of the 41st millennium. I could see the Great Crusade. I could see the 21st century and there I see Gensokyo. The place were the Gap Youkai resides. The one who forced my soul into an oni and I will have my revenge. I can see great gods in the warp and they will bring me back and I shall be the herald of Chaos Undivided.

1st Granite 111

My soul has resided in the body of a miner. A female one. And a look up top and what do I see? Hoard of the undead! Close the damn gates. I had not returned here just to die my duty unfulfilled.

So I have found the vampire. The one who calls itself a Blood God. Well then god of blood, Khorne demands your blood.

4th Granite 111

We appear to be low on drinks. The brewers seem to be busy doing lesser tasks. Well, blood has been spilled due to a revival happening before burial was completed. I'm sure Khorne is pleased at the death of the architect, Vucar Gikenadil.

8th Granite 111

Has no one tapped into the powers of the brook. The fools. Looks like I will need to do it myself.

18th Granite 111

Mining appears to be slow for some reason. However, I have the perfect solution for the undead siege. A simple sacrifice to Khorne. A change from what is usually down here so I'm sure Tzeentch will also be glad. Goodbye Urist, you have a strangly dwarfy name for an oni.

19th Granite 111

He tried to run out. Seems like he didn't want to lure the dead into the atom-smasher.

21st Granite 111

Oh look, someone gave birth. More potential sacrifices to the Chaos Gods.

24th Granite 111

A ghost from the warp has returned. Why did no one make a slab for the guy?

1st Slate 111

While the oni sacrifices did not work, the red and white miko worked just fine. Now they will feel the wraith of Chaos!

7th Slate 111

One of the oni has failed to complete their work. They have gone insane as a result.

16th Slate 111

We now have a supply of safe water. The powers of a brook are not to be underestimated.

25th Slate 111

The diplomat has been left to rot. Now he's gone mad. Such chaos. It makes me smile. Up top only a few dead still remain standing. I wonder if our current force can stand up to them.

(OOC: Should I go meet them in the open field and engage in glorious combat? Also, I was listening to this while I played. Oh and before I forget, is there anyone that needs to be um...reonied/resuikaed?)


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #144 on: August 22, 2012, 06:19:30 PM »
Unless you killed at least one page full of enemies, fighting them head on is suicide. Hell, even if you did, you wouldn't stand a chance. The militia is literally just a bunch of people who I've literally picked because they were useless.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
« Reply #145 on: August 23, 2012, 03:08:49 PM »
Who's even alive at this stage? I have to check the save, I think.
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
« Reply #146 on: August 23, 2012, 03:36:54 PM »
hahahahaha oh wow this place is a rat's nest, in true Succession fashion, good job guys.
Apparently my character is dead again, I don't remember reading about it. In fact, alot of these guys are probably dead...

Keep better track of who's suika'd, people.

Alive (of last save)

You need to resuika all the former and future Overseers, to start. I don't see Pirate (apparently died god-knows how many times), me, Syanas, Totaku...
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
« Reply #147 on: August 23, 2012, 03:39:58 PM »
Wait I'm dead?! Since when?! I though I was doing well up till now. Oh well.... Looks like a lot of people need to be resuika'd big time!

Highzealot. Look through the list and resuika everyone!

Also I'm trying to contact Maid Xan to confirm that he's still playing. Because his turn is around the corner and appernetly he disppeared a month ago, so I am concerned....
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
« Reply #148 on: August 23, 2012, 03:58:42 PM »
How am I still alive ._.

Am I a Legendary Anything?
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
« Reply #149 on: August 23, 2012, 04:05:32 PM »
Only only checked long enough to look around and take a gander at that unit list, you're free to look at where you were at the last save yourself, though

@zealot: The best idea is clearly to make a bunch of zombie-powered Menacing Spikes traps
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 04:12:39 PM by NekoNekoRex »
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia