Author Topic: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... Volume 7 Perfect Cherry Blossom!  (Read 260084 times)


  • mafia is suffering
  • but I don't exactly hate that
Do you giggle or squeal uncontrollably in front of your comp. like a madman when you stumble upon material of your favourite character?

I do.
>Link to my Steam Account: Add me!

I have started using lists of Touhou fic ideas (or details on a specific fic idea) to help me fall asleep.  Because I found when I can't sleep, thinking up a list of my writing ideas helps a whole lot.  It's a sure sign of an obsession when I start reciting fic ideas for a fandom to get to bed at night.


  • Accomplished Lurker
  • Hey
When you spend your day looking at Touhou merch you can't afford.
I like rain. Do you like rain?


  • RuhBAYOMbee
  • YEET!!!! *throws pollen puff*
I have an HTC Rhyme connected to WiFi and about to do the dishes. The dock is a speaker and I'm gonna blast some touhou music and wash the dishes to the rhythm of the track.
Hi. Might put something new here but idk.


  • excuse me
When you spend your day looking at Touhou merch you can't afford.
dont we all

When you spend time making a series of Touhou visual novels for no reason :derp:
« Last Edit: July 18, 2012, 06:36:47 AM by Hinacle »


    • My Let's Plays!
When you decide that your avatar isn't original enough and decide to link to the rotating avatar prank page!
Anyone who wants to know how i did it, PM me.

Never mind, it doesn't work. But you can use it to easily change your avatar to something random.
So yeah, sick of your avatar? Tell the thing to get the avatar from here
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 05:42:53 PM by Cybeast710 »
My fanfics: Touhou Wrecks X!
What happens when Nue's in a pranky mood and at the same time, Yukari's bored? Pokemon XD: Impostor of Darkness
I made this cool matrixy eye:


  • Sprite animator
  • Productivity is a drug
Do you giggle or squeal uncontrollably in front of your comp. like a madman when you stumble upon material of your favourite character?
Every time, all the time...

Just got straight A's in my English fanfic short story which was an obscure fusion of Touhou and A Certain Scientific Railgun :D


  • mafia is suffering
  • but I don't exactly hate that
Just got straight A's in English with Touhou and Railgun crossover.

I did too.  :D
>Link to my Steam Account: Add me!


  • excuse me
Everytime I try to write something Touhou related I get bullied for it D:


  • Spin, Aya, spin!
Looking through my Shoot the Bullet records, and I notice this:
Touhou Normal 1cc's: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, SA, UFO, TD
Touhou Hard Progress - EoSD: Stage 6, PCB: Stage 4, IN: Stage 4, MoF: Stage 4, SA: Stage 3, UFO: Stage 2, TD: Stage 4
Touhou Lunatic Progress - Haha, funny.

"I NEED MORE PRACTICE!!!" - Me at 2 in the morning


  • Gensou Rounin
  • Profile Loading... Please Wait Warmly.
Unnatural Chill, wasn't that the name of her KD theme? Love that as an intro-boss music.


  • I get it
    • anifanatikku
When you spend time making a series of Touhou visual novels for no reason :derp:
When you decide to look for said visual novel just upon hearing it.
Gensokyo Everyday's story My Touhou fangame


  • mafia is suffering
  • but I don't exactly hate that
You feel truly awesome when you write about a protag called Mokou who rescued people in a bamboo forest during exams.

And ace said exam afterwards.
>Link to my Steam Account: Add me!


  • <Temporary Title>
  • <Temporary Text>
You say you hate UFO many a time and yet still call it your favorite game in the series
My profile picture is whimsy until I feel like adding something else.


Zero Izayoi

  • DJ Amish, the Touhou DJ
  • Poet and daredevil, among other things... (x.o)
    • Floating Cactus
When you see this URL and think it says...

BTW it's a dubstep AMV, lol.

EDIT: Also, when you rush to TARC with a huge grin on your face, ready to report your amazing (read: lame) touhou experience.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 04:47:44 AM by Zero Izayoi »
Uh, what is this thread about? o_o
well it was simply quoting from The Book of Trolls but then Edible posted a Nick Cage mecha and it all went downhill from there

I yearn to fix this break in what never existed; to reclaim my reality, even though it isn't real...


  • Sprite animator
  • Productivity is a drug
I'm loving Technology class this term, we're doing Flash animation. So I get to do silly stuff like this.

Utsuho, Yukari and the Indestructible Cube

Remilia Button

When you see this URL and think it says...

BTW it's a dubstep AMV, lol.

LOL I've done the same thing, that "feature=relmfu" is some sort of universal Youtube thing because I see it everywhere, and I think Reimu every time. I think that might appear when you get to the link from "Featured videos" or something.


  • Spin, Aya, spin!
I'm loving Technology class this term, we're doing Flash animation. So I get to do silly stuff like this.

Utsuho, Yukari and the Indestructible Cube

Remilia Button

Lol those are awesome. I especially like the Remilia one w/ Charisma Break.

So I was watching one of PewDiePie's videos and he happened to say this.
Three guesses who I thought of.

Touhou Normal 1cc's: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, SA, UFO, TD
Touhou Hard Progress - EoSD: Stage 6, PCB: Stage 4, IN: Stage 4, MoF: Stage 4, SA: Stage 3, UFO: Stage 2, TD: Stage 4
Touhou Lunatic Progress - Haha, funny.

"I NEED MORE PRACTICE!!!" - Me at 2 in the morning

I celebrated an achievement today by playing Touhou.  Said achievement happened to be in Touhoumon!


  • Mint is the answer to everything.
You know you're addicted to Touhou when you start to match up Touhou characters to your friends in real life.
Which never works. None of them can use danmaku  :derp:


  • Accomplished Lurker
  • Hey
When you misread Spell Check as Spell Card.
I like rain. Do you like rain?


  • <Temporary Title>
  • <Temporary Text>
When you start to develop a hate for Cave games because they  require you to alternate between pressing and holding the fire button to focus and unfocus.
My profile picture is whimsy until I feel like adding something else.



  • Spin, Aya, spin!
I thought my dad called me 'Sanae' today. Which is weird cause our names don't even sound alike. I probably misheard one of the words in his sentence as 'Sanae'.

I also nearly fell asleep listening to Necrofantasia on loop.
Touhou Normal 1cc's: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, SA, UFO, TD
Touhou Hard Progress - EoSD: Stage 6, PCB: Stage 4, IN: Stage 4, MoF: Stage 4, SA: Stage 3, UFO: Stage 2, TD: Stage 4
Touhou Lunatic Progress - Haha, funny.

"I NEED MORE PRACTICE!!!" - Me at 2 in the morning


  • Accomplished Lurker
  • Hey
When your eyes hurt from staring at the computer screen too long.
Now why would I be staring at the computer screen so long that such a thing would happen?
I like rain. Do you like rain?


  • No escape.
  • ˙ǝdɐɔsǝ oN
When you start to think up CRAZY THEORIES to shed some extra light on Gensokyo...or to prove its existence.
Thinking of ridiculous one about flandre...

Also, you try to match Touhous with TV personalities.


  • Red shroom
  • *
  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
When you start to develop a hate for Cave games because they  require you to alternate between pressing and holding the fire button to focus and unfocus.
Autofire settings go! Makes the games a lot more playable and less strenuous.

*driving to airport for Otakon, sees sunflower field near an exit*
Me: 'Yuka ought to be close....'
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


I saw a sunflower cookie cutter today that reminded me of Yuuka.  Then later, I was watching my old CIMA:  The Enemy LP (which I did around the time I first started getting into Touhou so I'm surprised I didn't notice this before) and I saw Philis and immediately cried, "Oh my goodness...she looks like Alice!"  Short blond hair...check.  Red (or pink) headband...check.  Wears blue...check.


  • <Temporary Title>
  • <Temporary Text>
When you hate Ten Desires' scoring system and arguably the game as well but you still play it like every other game
My profile picture is whimsy until I feel like adding something else.



  • excuse me
I was on this speedboat and I started whistling Hina's theme then my dad almost fell off