Author Topic: Genius of Sappheiros LP  (Read 1619 times)

Genius of Sappheiros LP
« on: July 07, 2012, 05:06:20 PM »
LOL Old Thread
*sigh* wow can't believe I forgot about this. Well whatever i'll just pick up where I left off.

Soo after a month it's time to start stage 1! Hmm it's the library I wonder who the boss is? This stage introduces quite a bit. First, any item you get cannot be used in the dungeon (in this version atleast.) Second, gold and silver keys. Gold keys are used to open locked doors, while silver keys are used to open locked chests.

Third, it introduces mini bosses and the mini boss for this stage is...

Koakuma~! Koakuma like Meiling is weak to light. So just bring in Reimu and Byakuren and have them spam their light spells.

Before every boss there is a room with a healing circle and a teleport circle that takes you back to the first room. After a short cut scene we can start the first boss of this game.

Patchouli and Sakuya! Patchy has 275 hp while Sakuya has 300. Sakuya doesn't present much of a challenge having only two moves: Jack the Ludobile and Another Murder. She has 15 Patk and 90 Acc but, no Pdef or Matk. Patchy is the more dangerous of two she has: Summer Flame, Condensed Bubble, Spring Wind, Midsummer Spear, and Sorcerer's Stone. She has 25 Patk, 0 Pdef, 10 Matk, and 15 Mdef.
Roundhouse them and move onto stage two

Re: Genius of Sappheiros LP
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2012, 06:04:11 AM »
How to passively defeat the maid in front of me...

Welcome to stage 2 which is pretty bland imo.

In order to reach the boss you have two switches, which can be accessed by taking the left or right path in the main hallway. 

The patrol is dangerous if it spams Destruction Ray, while Redcap is dangerous if it spams Axe Throw.(?)

Once you activate the switches you can finally reach the boss. Yay~! I always felt like Nitori was out of place, but the creators probably wanted another double boss fight.

This fight is pretty easy except for one thing.... Remilia can do a full screen charm attack which can dangerous if everyone get charmed. If you fought every enemy in this stage Marisa should have Hellfire and Sanae should have her Resistance buff, which make this fight much more easier. Have Marisa spam Hellfire on Nitori until she's down and have everyone else focus on Remilia (Remi is weak to light).

Once you beat this fight Sakuya and Patchy show up and Patch comments that the mist is similar to magic, which means it's similar to a magician. With very few magicians in Gensokyo and two of them present in this cutscene and the third present in the party, that leaves Alice.

Ya gotta love Patchy's face after she hears the news she has to come along with us.

Annnnd Nitori wants to join too! So that makes 3 new party member and all of them are useful.

With that out of the way let's head to the Forest of Magic!


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Genius of Sappheiros LP
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2012, 04:38:08 PM »
It's silly how, if you just blast with all your strongest attacks and your growth points entirely geared towards offense (Which is a good idea in the first two stages anyway, since spamming Attack will easily kill everything but ghosts), you can one-turn-kill both of the boss fights pretty easily.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore