Author Topic: Touhou fangame story concepts  (Read 7324 times)

Touhou fangame story concepts
« on: June 18, 2012, 06:58:57 PM »
Hello peoples

So I am a completely in love with the universe of touhou and sometimes come up with concepts to make games from the ground up, including gameplay, story and content in itself, basically a barebones idea of a game

I figured some peoples COULD have been interrested (or not) but I figured it would be interresting in general...

Anywho here's mine:


The story would begin with cases of night-time robberies reported, the places were ransacked at incredible speeds, the robberies would always target butchers of the village, the robbers had left everything most of high value goods and instead had seemed to focus on the meat and cutting ustencils themselves, although leaving a mess behind themselves, the robberies were obviously made by humans for they had to use fairly common tools to breach the shops, most of the lost goods were fairly easy to replace or did not value that highly to be of serious worry to the owners though.

However the fact that robbers were still roaming and nobody had any envy of being robbed at night provoked the villagers to decide to put together a night watch to prevent such occurences from happening again, thoses guards would specifically be on patrol around certain buildings and shops...

As though the guard patrols had discouraged the thieves, no more cases were reported and the case had seemingly been handled properly...

However, one week later, farmers reported cattle been going missing, at first peoples had put the blame on some possible wild youkai who'd have snagged an animal when the farmers hadn't been looking for obvious purposes, however the farmers wanted to make sure this had happened like so, so they'd have a reason to call youkai specialists to deal with the issue, such services were costly and usually such specialists had a tendency of being ticked off by being called to deal with just a handful human thieves...

Five days went by and farmers could not catch a glimpe of the culprit or had the individual even tried to snatch more cattle, and as they were about to give up on trying to find the culprit on the sixth day a farmer reported that his cattle ranch had been raided, the locks of the building were busted with axes and all the cattle within alongside some of the equipement stored nearby had vanished, this time the farmers had no more doubts that something beyond their understanding was stealing them blind of their belongings and that something wasn't leaving any traces at all outside the buildings, the case very much resembled that of the "meat stealers" that were raiding the shops...

Farmers hence decided to ask of the night watch to organise patrols around the ranches of cattle to prevent such scenarios of happening again, after all, what worked once should work again right....?

For three days the cattle had stopped dissappearing, the night watch considered that they had did it again and scared off the thieves, however on the fourth day after cattle protection had begun, one guard had gone missing, the guards looked all over the village to no avail, the missing guard was never found...

two days after, more guards had gone missing, this time three guards never were found and had completely vanished

the day after Half the guards that were guarding the cattle this time were gone, 8 men that nobody heard at least scream for help were now....Simply not there anymore, nobody understood until one man had hypothesized that perhaps the "Meat thieves", as they were called, had grew tired of mere cattle and had developped a preference to human flesh instead...Although the thought had been emitted as a mere joke at first, all the peoples present couldn't help but to think it actually made sense and that all the missing guards were un-doubtably dead...

Two weeks had gone by, each day passing seeing more humans of the village disappaering into thin air, now the kidnappers were leaving behind marks with each victim gone that was readed "Perfectio est ad manu" translated from latin would be understood as "Perfection is at hand" it then evolved to human bits on whom the words were carved and the said limb would be pinned to a wall using nails, now the population was freaking out, some saying that youkais had finally blew a fuse and were hunting humans for the rush of it, to feed, to sacrifice...Rumors were going on and never would seem to stop, humans had barricaded themselves in a compact fortification bristling with modern weapons such as rifles and had gone paranoid...

The human villagers had turned their backs on any outsider and were heavily working on getting some machines to run, automated defenses, surveillance cameras the stronghold looked like a fallout shelter now and any youkai or village outsider even trying to get anywhere near the fortifications would be shot on sight until death followed...

In the newly made bunker the only non-humans that had been authorised were Keine Kamishirasawa and Fujiwara no Mokou, but even they were under extremely strict surveillance, humans had gone completely mad from all the fear the last events had put on them...

Although Keine and Mokou were object to a 24\7 suveillance they could catch glimpses of rumors mentionning a new religion arising in the stronghold, a sort of cult revolving around achieving ultimate biological supremacy through the extensive use of drugs of all kinds, although cases were rare at first, new types of humans started to appear more and more, gifted with amazing physical strength, even to youkai standards, thoses beings looked like they were humans purely bred for war...

Keine and Mokou then devised a plan to get out the bunker a go seek for the help of Eirin, Sakuya and Reimu and then get them inside the stronghold under cover so they could lead an investigation of this cult, the inquisition revealed that the new cult's goal was to create an artificial god and that to achieve such goals they had to harvest the materials needed to create a living being who'd be able of develloping powers that could equal that of a god.

The cultists however already had "blueprints" to create such a being, their leaders having found an old manuscript wich had been redacted in latin and in wich what appeared to be wizard had conserved the results of its research, although incomplete the research had been studied and emulated and then experimented with, at first the humans in lead of the cult had tried simple things such as repairing damage to one's body that was said to be "irreversible"

After successfully achieving  such goals they decided to move onto more "complex" studies and tried to fuse multiple living beings and so on and so fourth....until their experiments with cattle led to the birth of a full fledged youkai, the creature was fairly weak to the point humans were able of easily deal with the threat, however the creature did manage to make use of powers its creators didn't knew about wich made them consider taking on the magician's ultimate goal to create an artificial god, in their minds they figured that if they managed they'd have a god at their service and whom's power they could use for themselves...

Although there was still obscure points in the whole scheme, the girls had decided that letting this cult do as they pleased was too much of a threat, hence in a single night a skirmish broke out inside the stronghold, at day break the fight was over and the cult was lying in ruins, the old tome recovered and five out of the six leaders of the cult were dealt with permanantly, as the last leader fled into the deepest parts of the stronghold he was chased...

The human entered a room on whom's entrance a considerable amount of seals were applied to protect its content, the human dashed in, locking the path behind him and started to release the locks on the maturing altar on wich was lying a young one, its body merely covered by light pieces of cloth, his body was covered in designs, complex forms drawn all over its body, forming extremely complicated the human was working on releasing the seals that operated as locks to prevent the young one's awakening before its body was completely ready....

"DARN IT, won't you move faster piece of junk ?!"

the human knew he had little time left until its pursuer would barge in to put an end to the chase, even with the excessive amounts of seals on the door it wouldn't take her that long to breach the door open, he had to move fast and release the three locks and then....


"WHAT THE....?!"

Appearantly the pursuer had little faith in the sealing skills of its target and tried raw force to breach through the defenses of the runaway, after multiple series of explosion sounds resonnated throughout the entire stronghold the defenses were still standing strong and the effects of the assaults was non-existant, the pursuer swore and started un-doing the seals one at a time effectively peeling off the layers of defenses, however even with the amazing amounts of seals put on the door the pursuer was quickly burning through them with great ease

"Ooooh no you WON'T !"

The human finally finished to release the first lock and started to move onto the second lock, the young one reacted to the releasing of the first lock wich was effectively making him start to awake, feelings going through its body and mind, slowly breathing more life into what appeared to be a pale and cold victim of a comatose...

"Come on, come on....huh ?"

The pursuer's reinforcements showed up, quickly explaining what was forcing the seals to be peeled off one at a time both the individuals quickly got down to getting rid of the remaining seals, time for the human was running much shorter than he had first anticipated yet kept at the task at hand releasing the second lock, the effect was instantaneous on young one whom's body started warming up, colors coming back to it, the young one was groaning almost as if about to wake up from a long slumber...

"Yes nearly there come on....WHA-?!"

In a cacophony the pursuer had grew tired of releasing seals one at a time and had simply bashed through the remaining seals, the power of the seals having grown weak enough to do so.

" no no NO !"

The human, in a last ditched attempt to gain more time hid behind the young one, using it as a shield desperately struggling to find a way to get enough time to release the last lock before it would be too late...however the pursuer was already on him and in a single second the life of the human had already ended...

Where was he ?
The young one couldn't see as if a veil of onyx was covering its sight, it could feel it  was lying on something...something cold, wet and rough...Like stone ?
As the young one tried to stand up a great deal of pain struck its wrists and ankles in answer of its effort, under the pain it stopped its effort straight and let its limbs back down.
Was it hurt ?
With great care, it tried to slowly move its wrists, this time no pain manifestated itself, the same exercise yielded same results with its ankles

A sound reaches its ears

Whats this sound ?
This sound felt voice ?
Why was such a simple term giving it such a headache ?

Another sound reaches its ears

Agh...This hurts !
its wrists had sent it one more wave of pain, why ?
It hadn't moved its wrists...wait...something's making its wrists move ?
Something warm and soft...someone's hand ?
OW !
another wave of pain

It groans.

Sounds start flowing in response from two distinct sources...the sounds where different yet similar...

what are thoses....words ? is some one talking to me ?
the hand had stopped touching its wrists and a second later an impact is felt at its wrists the shock being so sudden it scares it

More "words" are spoken to it

another shock, this time at its ankles
scared at first of what would happen, it tries to slowly move its joints and seeing as no more pain swarms its limbs, it tries get back up, but its body feels so heavy...

It groans in the effort,words are spoken to it once more in response, it slips and falls back down, hitting its head on the stone

...That hurts...
huh ? what is...?
the feeling of the soft and warm hands was felt once more but not around its wrists but rather...its back ?
Why are such simple things so hard to remember ?

A third source of sound was heard, a third....voice

One more person is here ?
how many peoples are going to come to...where am I ?
the hands of what appeared to be the third individual were moving its body, appearantly looking for something on its body...
Is there something wrong with my....body ?
again its mind struggled to remember a simple word

The third individual kept up its research, eventually its hands reached out to its face, it reacts, afraid, the third individual speaks more...

What is that person going to do ?

The individual tries and forces open its eyes

blinding light and shapeless colors swarmed inside of its head, a chaos without shape form or sense and an intense pain flowed through its...eyes

It reacts to the pain, yet the indiduals keeps it in place forcefully, the pain became such that he screams and weakly tries to break free.
the voices are heard once more after wich one of the individual took it in its arms and carried it out the room

It was terribly tired and the pain and sapped what little strength it had left and thus fell asleep...


And thats a wrap for the story pretty much, sorry if there incoherencies here and there I might not be quite as good as I should be before posting such stuff...

As you can imagine the player will be taking the role of "the young one" now some peoples might hate me for how I might have wrote about a good half of this but I tried to leave this as genderless as possible since the game would feature a character creation feature...

Okay so the gameplay itself would be an action RPG with some slight tweaks to it,

first of all:the general moving around on the world map and such

I can easily picture a travel perspective like Valkyrie Profile as in your character is set on a "plane" of sorts were your character is free to fly just about ANYWHERE on the map, random fights you might get into are less frequent when flying BUT the ennemies have a tendency of being fairly strong, however flying is not the only way of travel for the player can also land, this restricts its speed and forces the player to take certain paths, fights are more common when travelling by foot but ennemies tend to be reasonnably less strong and are simple enough to dispose of.
*NOTE: the time of day and weather may influence ennemies's strength*

Whereas when entering a location on the map (lets say Eientei for example) the game adopts a "theater" sort of movement pattern once again much like Valkyrie profile, look it up and you'll see what I mean, I'm not quite good at explaining how it really looks like...

Next up: the battle system

Now the battle system would very much be simplistic, the game becomes a side-scroller shooting game using WASD+mouse in wich you have to fend off waves after waves of ennemies in an arena, sometimes as simple as empty space with a background, other times it would have actual ground and relief to restrain the character's movement forcing it either to do some pin-point flying or forcing the character into ground mode in wich the player can run and walk on the ground...

now some fights would be different as thoses concern the original touhou characters chasing you down, in this case the goal of the game completely changes,

The idea is that one character of the original touhou games would be hunting you down forcing you to flee in order to stay alive, during thoses sequences you're faced with basically something you simply have no way to fight back against, the escape scenarios would happen at random and in thoses cases the goal of the fight is to either leave the area un-noticed by your pursuer or hide and wait until it grows tired of looking around to find you...

Do tell me if I forgot some stuff


Here I'll put more details about how the player's character growth would work.

Now as I said the combat would work as a somewhat simple side-scrolling shooter using WASD to move around and the mouse to aim, left click to use your currently selected skill tree's ranged attack, right click for the skill tree's melee, and finally have the use of a hotbar that would allow to activate active skills and place passive skills (standard buffs earned in the skill tree and that have to be placed in the hotbar to count as active during fights)

The character you'd create in the game would have multiple skill trees available, thoses skill trees allow the player's character to unlock unique powers OR allow to copy another character's powers (I.E. be able of using attacks of Mokou should the player have unlocked the corresponding skill tree) the way the skill trees work is a little "odd" to say the least

Each skill tree has a Technique levels and Aspects that corresponds to the main attributes of the the said skill tree

there are three aspects to all skill trees: Elemental, Magic and Physical

for example Mokou's skill tree when you first obtain it would have

Fire lvl2, Basic lvl1 and Strong lvl2

upon level up of the skill tree you get to spec in one of thoses three aspects allowing new moves and techniques to be unlocked, it also slightly raise other stats of your character such as elemental affinity, physical damage/raw defense/movement speed and generation/amount of MPs/MP efficiency (how much MP you need to activate the active skills)

Now at first the player will not be able of mixing diffrent skill trees as his level is too low but should he spec up and start gettting level ups, the technique levels of the selected skill tree will rise steadily and past a certain point if a skill tree becomes potent enough the player will be able of using skills that do not belong to certain skill trees

HOWEVER thoses skills must not rely on aspects different from the selected skill tree, for example someone using Mokou's skill tree won't be able of using  any of Cirno's skills wich would be

Ice lvl 1, Medium lvl 2, Tough lvl 3 (on its starting form)

As you see none of the aspects correspond to each other making the skill transfer impossible

However should someone using Mokou's skill tree try to use skills from (lets say) Utsuho's skilltree whom's aspects would be

Fire lvl 4, Advanced lvl 1, Strong lvl 1

As you can see Mokou's and Utsuho's would have two aspects in common enabling Mokou's skill tree to use some skills from Utsuho's that rely on the "Fire" and "Strong" aspects

For transfer to be enabled one must however have double the desired skill's required stats
(If skill A needs Fire lvl 2 on original skill tree then other skill tree will require lvl 4 to be transferable)

On another note, later on in the game the player will be able of creating its own skill tree by mixing three Aspects together from already aquired skill trees

....SO...Did all of it make sense or did it end up in a godless mess ?
« Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 08:56:07 AM by hydremajor »


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2012, 08:51:55 PM »
I don't wanna be a d*ck or anything, but... What's exactly the topic of this discussion?

And also, the first post seems to be incomplete...
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.


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Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2012, 09:03:23 PM »
@ Netwarrior, it appears to be a thread where you can share ideas for Touhou plots for games, and discuss them.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2012, 12:26:50 AM »
First of all what kind of game is it? This plot seems a bit odd and grisly for Touhou, after all strange cults and cattle mutilations seem a bit out of place when the usual evil plot is something more along the lines of "I wonder what's in that cherry tree, let's steal spring and find out"
Gensokyo Everyday's story My Touhou fangame

Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2012, 08:29:23 PM »
No idea how to implement this but I had the idea of a "create a Touhou" that much like MK's "Kreate a Kombatant" allows you to make a Touhou character and then engage in danmaku battles over the internet with other people.

Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2012, 07:18:24 AM »
First of all what kind of game is it? This plot seems a bit odd and grisly for Touhou, after all strange cults and cattle mutilations seem a bit out of place when the usual evil plot is something more along the lines of "I wonder what's in that cherry tree, let's steal spring and find out"

the whole point of this scenario popped up in my head

"What would a player do in gensokyo if he had the chance to have total freedom ?"

It would be an action RPG only here the player has to make its own character and play as this newly born creature in an unforgiving don't start with bombs, or spellcards or anything for that matter !

What I think is a bit of a shame is that we never saw a single Touhou fangame that tried to introduce characters of its own, personnages that wouldn't have anything to do with the main cast of the original touhou games or theres very little amounts of such cases at the very least...

I'll update the thing with more details on the actual gameplay of the thing

EDIT: Did I SERIOUSLY left unfinished bit up without putting up the finished story ?

EDIT 2: finished putting up my freaking post....
« Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 09:03:10 AM by hydremajor »

Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2012, 10:58:11 AM »
At the moment, it doesn't seem very Touhou-y. The MC's backstory seems out-of-character for pretty much the whole of Gensokyo.
The village is surrounded by gods and youkai. why the hell would they want to create another? Not to mention, where the hell did their leader get the blueprints?
Since the source of the robberies and later happenings is explicitly stated to be human in nature, why are the humans suddenly mistrustful of youkai? If anything, they should be looking at each-other.
Big thing here, with something of this magnitute going on, why don't any of the regulars show up earlier? And when they do show up, they don't really do very much. They just go undercover to the cult meetings. Wouldn't they be the last choices to send to do that? Since they're widely recognized? It feels more like they're just making a cameo.
Something I almost missed, since it's given no more than two sentances; Biologically enhanced humans? They live in Gensokyo! They're basically in the feudal era! How did they get stuff like that!
There also seems to be a problem of way too many humans. As far as we know (correct me if I'm wrong), Gensokyo has one human village. One. Village. Maybe 1500 people max. You can't hide a cult in that small of a population. You definitely can't go on a slaughtering spree in that sort of population. Why? Because everyone knows everyone else.

To put it simply, the story as-is just doesn't work in Gensokyo. And I don't really see any reason it needs to be in Gensokyo. Leave out the character cameos, add a little dimension-hopping and voila. Most of the inconsistencies have disappeared. Of course...
What I think is a bit of a shame is that we never saw a single Touhou fangame that tried to introduce characters of its own, personnages that wouldn't have anything to do with the main cast of the original touhou games or theres very little amounts of such cases at the very least...
There's a reason for that. People play fangames because they want to see the actual characters doing stuff. Touhou especially, since it has a very large amount of characters. This especially feels like you came up with the idea for a game, and then tried to stuff Touhou into it. It doesn't feel like a fangame idea at all.

Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2012, 03:58:38 PM »
The village is surrounded by gods and youkai. why the hell would they want to create another? Not to mention, where the hell did their leader get the blueprints?
Since the source of the robberies and later happenings is explicitly stated to be human in nature, why are the humans suddenly mistrustful of youkai? If anything, they should be looking at each-other.

Big thing here, with something of this magnitute going on, why don't any of the regulars show up earlier ?

Something I almost missed, since it's given no more than two sentances; Biologically enhanced humans? They live in Gensokyo! They're basically in the feudal era! How did they get stuff like that!

There also seems to be a problem of way too many humans. As far as we know (correct me if I'm wrong), Gensokyo has one human village. One. Village. Maybe 1500 people max. You can't hide a cult in that small of a population. You definitely can't go on a slaughtering spree in that sort of population. Why? Because everyone knows everyone else.

This especially feels like you came up with the idea for a game, and then tried to stuff Touhou into it.

I'm going to answer point sequencially

1: Why you'd want to make a god ? I dunno...Try and make it into a slave ? Having a pet god does seem like having its good sides...Besides I did say some random guys just happened to find a book containing the research of an old magician...Bad place, bad time in short

2:Why they don't suspect villagers ? Simply because aside of the damage dealt to the doors and locks that were originating from human tools, there was absolutely no other traces, usually when moving out cattle you'd leave a sort of trail or SOMETHING, it just wouldn't vanish without leaving any trace, so the villagers had no idea what could have made cattle disappear like that, that is unless you'd use a freaking sky crane (wich woulda been damn loud)

3: Why doesn't the regulars pop up sooner ? the humans had been trying to deal with the matter themselves, to them it felt like it was just some small time thief after all thoses guys WERE only moving out at night, so they thought perhaps they'd be able to deal with it themselves and for a time it did work however slowly the situation had gone out of control and by the time they wished they could call out for help they were already scared sh*tless of even trying to leave the village...

4: How'd they make super soldiers ?! now this I DID mention it was through the extensive use of drugs, Eirin can make an elixir of eternal youth so just how hard can it be to make steroids and muscular complements in comparison really ?
Besides the point is kinda moot, 'cause Kappas...

At the moment, it doesn't seem very Touhou-y. The MC's backstory seems out-of-character for pretty much the whole of Gensokyo.
This especially feels like you came up with the idea for a game, and then tried to stuff Touhou into it. It doesn't feel like a fangame idea at all.

Actually its kinda the other way around, I came up with a dumb question
"how are gods coming to exist ?"
"are they given birth or do they just spawn out of thin air ?"

After that I wondered
"what would happen if a human had a god as a slave ?"

And touhou ain't quite to say ?
....."immaculate" as it first appears

I mean yeah it does look like eden but a lot of individuals in gensokyo are EXTREMELY dangerous (Flandre, Rumia, Yamame....etc) its not like the whole place is only fun times and that is mainly WHY the human village needs protection as leaving is pretty much a death warrant to normal and helpless humans with no powers to fend for themselves...

I think I DID answer most questions this time ?

Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2012, 04:45:17 PM »
1: Why you'd want to make a god ? I dunno...Try and make it into a slave ? Having a pet god does seem like having its good sides...Besides I did say some random guys just happened to find a book containing the research of an old magician...Bad place, bad time in short
"Oh look, I found out how to make a god. Unfortunately it requires killing a load of people. Oh well, the neighbours were getting a bit loud."
More seriously, the general allure of that sort of cult is the mystique of the supernatural. And Gensokyo is already full of the supernatural, meaning that mystique is gone. You need to get into the mindset of one of the cultists - why did he join? What did he, personally stand to gain from this? Why was it worth so many deaths?

2:Why they don't suspect villagers ? Simply because aside of the damage dealt to the doors and locks that were originating from human tools, there was absolutely no other traces, usually when moving out cattle you'd leave a sort of trail or SOMETHING, it just wouldn't vanish without leaving any trace, so the villagers had no idea what could have made cattle disappear like that, that is unless you'd use a freaking sky crane (wich woulda been damn loud)
So...How did they do that?

3: Why doesn't the regulars pop up sooner ? the humans had been trying to deal with the matter themselves, to them it felt like it was just some small time thief after all thoses guys WERE only moving out at night, so they thought perhaps they'd be able to deal with it themselves and for a time it did work however slowly the situation had gone out of control and by the time they wished they could call out for help they were already scared sh*tless of even trying to leave the village...
Except that quite a few of the regulars visit the human village regularly. And because incidents started over apparently trivial things several times in the past. See: Spring is a bit late this year. The moon looks a bit weird. A new shrine got set up. There's more youkai than usual.
By the time that people started disappearing from their homes, you've got far more than an incident. And it's impossible to believe that this could have all happened without anyone noticing.

4: How'd they make super soldiers ?! now this I DID mention it was through the extensive use of drugs, Eirin can make an elixir of eternal youth so just how hard can it be to make steroids and muscular complements in comparison really ?
Besides the point is kinda moot, 'cause Kappas...
Ahahahahahahaha! Sorry, just wow. You're equating the fact that Eirin, a confirmed genius, managed to use advanced lunar technology, resources and research, to create the hourai elixir, and a bunch of medieval pesants creating steroids from basically nothing. And as for the Kappa, well, I highly doubt they've done much research in human medicines, since they wouldn't have much use for them, and besides, the humans don't trust the youkai.

You ignored one of my biggest issues here, namely the numbers of the villagers.

Actually its kinda the other way around, I came up with a dumb question
"how are gods coming to exist ?"
"are they given birth or do they just spawn out of thin air ?"

After that I wondered
"what would happen if a human had a god as a slave ?"

And touhou ain't quite to say ?
....."immaculate" as it first appears

I mean yeah it does look like eden but a lot of individuals in gensokyo are EXTREMELY dangerous (Flandre, Rumia, Yamame....etc) its not like the whole place is only fun times and that is mainly WHY the human village needs protection as leaving is pretty much a death warrant to normal and helpless humans with no powers to fend for themselves...
Well, the issue here isn't so much that you've made Touhou darker and edgier (Because I've seen plenty of that), it's that you've sort of wandered away from the part where it's actually about Touhou.

PS. Sorry if I come across as snarky.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 05:42:35 PM by Desu_Cake »

Ibaraki Ibuki

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Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2012, 04:59:33 PM »
I'm willing to suspend my disbelief on the whole cult thing, but there are a couple of points that are inconsistent:
  • The Human Village has too much modern tech for a feudalistic setting. Most of the usual excuses for having such technology exist in Gensokyo (e.g. the kappa, Yukari, Kourindou) just don't work in this story.
  • The way the girls handle this incident is oddly passive, considering how incidents are typically handled is that someone calls on Reimu to deal with the incident and Reimu goes out to beat up whoever is responsible.

the whole point of this scenario popped up in my head

"What would a player do in gensokyo if he had the chance to have total freedom ?"

It would be an action RPG only here the player has to make its own character and play as this newly born creature in an unforgiving don't start with bombs, or spellcards or anything for that matter !
Right now, the story just seems to explain the player character's origins and nothing else; I don't really see how the story and the gameplay are related aside from the player character. Having total freedom isn't a terrible thing, but there's no sense of what the player character's objectives or motivations are.

What I think is a bit of a shame is that we never saw a single Touhou fangame that tried to introduce characters of its own, personnages that wouldn't have anything to do with the main cast of the original touhou games or theres very little amounts of such cases at the very least...
I can think of at least a couple of Touhou fangames that introduce their own original characters, but I can't think of any where said original characters don't interact with Reimu or Marisa or other popular characters like Sakuya or Youmu in some significant way. Besides, such a scenario seems totally contrived and implausible without a good explanation.
Some of Master's sayings:
Nothing happened, but that's still an extra.
Yesterday was not special; tomorrow will be.
Strange and romantic is the fate.

Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2012, 07:09:32 PM »
Right now, the story just seems to explain the player character's origins and nothing else; I don't really see how the story and the gameplay are related aside from the player character. Having total freedom isn't a terrible thing, but there's no sense of what the player character's objectives or motivations are.

Actually you're fairly close to it but not quite spot on

On the thing of having total freedom the one thing that kept nagging at me was:

Since characters in general in RPGs have the redundant tendency that the game always imposes the main protagonist to be a paladin or a knight or your generic physical fighter or any other class forced on characters arbitrarly, it was just an annoyance if anything in my opinion...

So I wondered HOW I could introduce story-wise a character who'd outright ignore the whole thing that would restrict a character's fighting capabilities to a certain type of fighting style with tedious mechanics like

"Find X spellcard in stupid spot n?557"

OR the redundant

"Your main char can't heal/cast cuz heroes must be physical fighters"

So I figured I'd try the whole "doesn't need spellcards to fight" idea

This felt somewhat convenient for multiple reasons: for one it allows the player's character to be fully custom, no hardcoded class into a character you can just pick a skill tree you like and pimp it out to do what you want it to do...and for two it could have acted as a kick off element for the story, after all you'd be one of the only peoples able to use attack spells without needing spellcards
(I think thats how it works ?)

But then lore wise a character who wouldn't need spellcards to fight in gensokyo made absolutely no f*cking sense either even though it would've been so god damn convenient !

So I had to pick something that would explain its retardedly overpowered ability to use spells without spellcards
(total BS when you put that into touhou, no matter HOW you look at it)
So I figured making the character into some sort of god-like being could work  and then I tried to make an actual plot that'd explain the main character of the game being a FREAKING GOD without a SHRINE nor needing FAITH ?!

So yeah only thing I could come up with was this genome freak built to be a god kinda thing

Is there a part that actually sounds better than the others in what I wrote above ?

See, I noticed just now that I tried to put multiple types of writings at once

One more axed around the narrative side of things: perhaps a good half of the "story" bit up above ( wich I still feel like its written like sh*t in all honesty)

A second one more axed around action and telling of the events of the very instant
(have a story based on that kind of writing, not feeling QUITE comfortable with this..)

and finally a third one that revolves around the train of thoughts of the main character (last part, took a bit of another story I came up with in the past)

I think I could do better if I knew wich style to stick with, at this point perhaps I'd come up with something more coherent......I honesty two of thoses style already made me produce sort of passable stories before wich COULD be used for that


  • magneiptVE
    • Unsurpassed ??asual Dating - Real Women
Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2012, 05:02:37 AM »
I think this works better as a fanfic, not a game.  Even Touhou fan games that have high-tech and futuristic stuff still have plots that are considered simple and lighthearted.

Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2012, 05:51:35 AM »
So I had to pick something that would explain its retardedly overpowered ability to use spells without spellcards

Characters could always use spells without declaring spell cards. There was never any rule that stops a character from just using spells normally.


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2012, 04:57:49 PM »
I'm extremely open-minded when it comes to Touhou fandoms, since my own fandoms are very Canon-Raping as well. Therefore I'll completely overlook the non-Touhou-ish elements, like cults, technology and cattle slaughter...

And, well, I still didn't read everything hydre posted, but I feel compelled to make the following question:

Is this just a game concept or it is a project (and when I say "project", I assume that it is going to be carried out sometime soon)?
If it is a project... How are you going to implement it? I mean, a game needs programmers and artists to be made, and it needs to *OOOOOHH* be concretely programmed in order to become reality.

It is pretty praisable that you have so much concept and Game Design already given thought to, but I need to call you out about you displaying only and just the concept, without any concrete work previously made.
You know, it is very common youngsters these days to make game concepts and design and just stay doing it, without actually making a game. I've had tens of concepts and projects myself that I didn't carry out or finish.
But, when you let everyone know about this concept, you might be creating some expectation on some people, and it might be disappoiting to them if you happen to never actually make the game.

I have my own game project and it's halfway done. I have been making this game for two freaking years, and I just made a thread of it recently, when I had something to show besides of just text and explanations, such as some screenshots and art. I have some faults of still having written walls of text, but, hey, I'm working on finishing more code until I can provide substantial screenshots of gameplay.

Do you understand what I mean?

But, hey, that's just my opinion, no offense intented.

But if your intentions were really just and only displaying your idea, then ok. Just gimme some more time to finish reading all the extensive text so I can opinate about it.
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.

Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2012, 05:36:55 PM »
I DID type "concepts" in the blasted title YES or NO ?

I actually have an on-going PROJECT in the doing in wich I'll try to implement basic elements of what I described above and NO it doesn't have ANYTHING to do with touhou...not in the least...

NOR will it have anything related to touhou

That project is mainly made by passionates
Hence we're running into little incompatibilities every now and again but all in all (very) slow progress is being made but
of course we're MILES away to actually make our own little project
(took you two years, what makes you think my little team will do it any faster ?)
 enough of the off-topic

Why do you have to sound THIS offensive in your post ?
Did you REALLY need to sound like an ass ?


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2012, 08:59:47 PM »
Sorry, I really didn't intend to be offensive, but I always sound offensive or pedantic no matter how hard I try not to sound so... That might be because English is not my native language, because when I talk in Portuguese I sound just fine...

I just wanted to know if you were really carrying out or going to carry out this project in the future. But yeah, at least you answered my question.
I have got some experience on working on a team, so I'll give you two tips that might help:
-First of all, willpower and motivation is what will take your work ahead. If the whole team is properly motivated, I can guarantee you (from my own experience) that your work will be finished efficiently. As we say in the team I work in, "All a game dev team needs is paladins", and by "paladin" we mean things like "fanatical workaholic" (seriously), "First to check in, last to check out" and "Ideological tanker".
-I don't know exactly what are the "incompatibilities" you mentioned, but I'd recommend you build a team only with people you get along well. Trust me, not doing so will risk you to spend more time on arguments than on actual work.

Lastly, I don't get the "(took you two years, what makes you think my little team will do it any faster ?)" part. I mean... I'm just a sole programmer with an awful excuse for artistic skills, and I'm pretty sure that a team should be able to work faster than me, provided that you already got the tools and know-how to carry out the project, of course. I took two years because I was coding the game with C++ and pure DirectX, which is way too low-level and massive for just one programmer to handle. Now I'm coding the game with C# and XNA 4.0, and I took only five months to make a code more functional than the DX9 code I took two years to make.
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.


  • Lily White Mage
  • Spring Time is Healing Time~
Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2012, 12:40:02 AM »
Personally, I think you could just have an OC character that could grow stronger from fighting faires and other low level stuff until he gets to the point where he can start to match up with the usual cast. Problem is, he/she says "Screw the rules" and pretty much ignoring what the spell card rules are about. It's helps to make a character that could fit in better without putting in Chaos Knights that could make things disturbing.

Though a silly question, I don't get how Netwarrior has being very offensive with his post. o.0

Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2012, 05:49:04 AM »

About the motivation: don't worry about that bit I got the workaholic sorted out XD

We also tried ourselves to make something from scratch but our coder's knowledge only extending to VB coding, we soon ran into tons of problems, game engines just not compatible with the coding language or others things HECK at one point we even found a base for an MMO to study its netcode, just to find out we couldn't do crap with it !

As for XNA, we actually had a "mostly" operationnal engine but again, our coder being mainly  knowledgeable of VB and a beginner when it comes to game programming aswell, we came to a grinding halt on that as well...

Long story short we tried loads of things and most of them didn't quite work out as we planned, eventually found that Game Editor software...Not what I had in mind but if we put enough time into it and mod it here and there eventually we might just be able of doing something good out of it...

Note: the time bit of your post was worded as if you were bragging

Problem is, he/she says "Screw the rules" and pretty much ignoring what the spell card rules are about. It's helps to make a character that could fit in better without putting in Chaos Knights that could make things disturbing.

Though a silly question, I don't get how Netwarrior has being very offensive with his post. o.0

Okay so does someone MIND to make actual SENSE around here ?

First I'm told girls don't need spellcards when I'm told they do need them.
After that another dude shows up and says they do need them when I'm told they don't need them.

Get your facts sorted out peoples...Seriously...

Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2012, 05:54:00 AM »
I am fairly sure that Spell Card rules aren't required. If you look at the games itself, you can see that characters freely use magical attacks without declaring a spell card.
The Spell Card Rules were created so that there is less harm when challenging youkai and other things, but usage of it isn't required.
It changes combat to a sport, so that both competitors can have a chance at winning and also there are less chances of a fatality.


  • Lily White Mage
  • Spring Time is Healing Time~
Re: Touhou fangame story concepts
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2012, 07:44:11 AM »
Okay so does someone MIND to make actual SENSE around here ?

First I'm told girls don't need spellcards when I'm told they do need them.
After that another dude shows up and says they do need them when I'm told they don't need them.

Get your facts sorted out peoples...Seriously...
Sure, no problem. What I said wasn't that they need to use spell cards. I was talking about someone completely blowing off the reasons why they created spell cards. That's the reason why I worded it the way I did.

It's not the required use of spell cards, as much as it is someone going full strength, trying to cause harm to humans outside of just challenging them to a duel or whatever. Rebelling against the whole humans needing youkai and youkai needing humans.

So my statement goes more towards an idea of someone trying to disrupt the status qou, not just sole use of spell cards. It's a bit deeper than just simply not using spell cards, and building a story around that. Hence, the reason why I used the wording of 'what the spell cards rules are about' in my suggestion.