Author Topic: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project  (Read 65912 times)

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #60 on: April 22, 2013, 01:42:25 AM »
Now now, don't be so pessimistic, Fishsciles did mention a few posts up, ie a month ago, that he wanted to see it done as much as we do.  But shit takes time and people have busy lives, slow progress can't be helped, look at DoD.  We all know progress doesn't always have anything tangible to show for it.   Just keep doing the part you are responsible for when you can, we all appreciate even that much.

I for one still want to see this happen, even though I have no problems playing this in moonrune.

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #61 on: April 30, 2013, 05:16:09 AM »
Is there any news for the next game? I was hoping that it would come out in the next reitaisai/comicket but I couldn't find any info about it.

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #62 on: April 30, 2013, 03:51:19 PM »
I wouldn't expect anything so soon beyond  a demo at best.  It wasn't all that long ago they released what they called the final update patch for this game- but at the same time they did announce their plans to participate in R10 with a new demo.  Presumably it is of the next game.

Still holding out hopes for Yuka and Mima to join up soon for a Mystic Square themed Final Dynamic Special combo attack.

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #63 on: May 06, 2013, 08:40:09 AM »
I would love it if this got translated... This is one of my favorite fan games, And I want to know what's going on in the story.
Good luck!

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #64 on: June 01, 2013, 10:02:27 PM »
Well, here's the next instalment!

EI! =D
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 11:52:33 PM by albertk »

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #65 on: June 03, 2013, 01:06:22 PM »
That partner system looks really neat.

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #66 on: August 02, 2013, 06:55:39 AM »
It's August now, I hope the project hasn't gone stale. Cheering you guys on from the sidelines!

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #67 on: August 08, 2013, 10:19:41 PM »
Hey guys I don't know if you are still doing this translations but just wanted to cheer you if you are still doing this, if not too bad but still creating a translating patch seems like a ton of work so I understand.

Also just finished playing the second part of the series and after watching the trailer for the third part I must say...Holy shit I cant wait for the last part and all the possible scenarios that could happen.

It seems like there is going to have the events of IN, SA and UFO.

During the epilogue of youyoumu Mima appears so we can expect a battle against her (Marisa learning Twilight Sparkle perhaps).

A possible upgrade/alter form/boss battle? against Ex-Keine

We are going to Makai and knowing that Alice sends letters to her "mother" perhaps a battle against both Yumeko (meido fight!) and Shinki, perhaps  an Alice upgrade with the grimoire or Goliath doll?

The true fight against full powered serious Yuka...

And finally depending of how they adapt IN perhaps a fight between Reimu's group (Keine,Mokou,Rumia, Suika and more) and Marisa's group(Alice, Nitori, the SDM crew) a la Super Robot Wars Z with  ZAFT vs. ZEUTH
« Last Edit: August 09, 2013, 01:05:45 AM by rocsas »

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Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #68 on: August 12, 2013, 04:51:31 AM »
You don't know how badly I wanted to hover over those black lines. It's oh-so-hard resisting the urge to just spoil myself. But I must preserve, that is all I can do. And cheer you guys on. I'll wait forever if I must!

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #69 on: August 15, 2013, 08:05:04 AM »
Quote from: rocsas
Hey guys I don't know if you are still doing this translations but just wanted to cheer you if you are still doing this, if not too bad but still creating a translating patch seems like a ton of work so I understand.

Also just finished playing the second part of the series and after watching the trailer for the third part I must say...Holy shit I cant wait for the last part and all the possible scenarios that could happen.

You has said "last part" for the third part as the last one? I just found there will be a fourth part x_x

I can wait forever as well ^^

More games like that(GST, BMW, SRW) should exist for PC :(  I love the stories and the animations! *---*

Best Wishes.

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #70 on: August 16, 2013, 03:21:08 AM »
Oh I read somewhere that there were only going to be 3 parts until now that I checked again I saw that it is actually going to be 4 games in the series... Now like in BMW and SRW I am kind of scared of how broken and horrible the last boss is going to be, one thinks he has created some really broken characters only to see that the last batch of bosses are some really  broken jerks.

Makes me wonder if they are going to create an original character like SRW/BMW or are they going with someone from in-universe. I mean after...

I can't see who could be a proper awesome and powerful final boss, the broken moon princesses?,  Hakurei Miko? ZUN?

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #71 on: August 20, 2013, 07:11:09 PM »
Well, in traditional Super Robot Wars fashion, the original faction is mainly just a shallow glue for the mixed together series.  For example, the Divine Crusaders of the Classic timeline games was an original faction, lead by two original characters, Bian Zoldark and Shu Shirakawa, but was a really a blanket organization containing the forces of Dr Hell (Mazinger Z), the Dinosaur Empire (Getter Robo), the Zeon (UC Gundam), the Mycenae Empire (Great Mazinger), and depending on the game, Don Saucer (Daitarn 3).  However, continuity crossover isn't really an issue here like it is in SRW or even BMW.  So really, originals aren't needed for their primary purpose, but they could still pop in to serve as the ultimate antagonists for the player characters.  GoS and DoD demonstrated they work really well for that purpose. 

As for them being broken- there hasn't been like that since SRW 2 Granzon (
which Yukari was already emulating in part 2
) and Neo Granzon in SRW 3- I doubt they will go anything over the top and rule breaking based on how they have handling the game so far.  They've been really fair and balanced in their difficulty so far.  Though if they were going to make an original faction for this series, the Ruina from SRW D would probably be the most appropriate ones to emulate, thematically- that and Perfectio was absolutely terrifying when you stop to consider what he is and how he functions- and applying him to Gensokyo's rules would make for a marvelous disaster to combat.

They don't actually even need that for something to throw everybody at- there's always the Dragon God serving as a Shirei Ryuouki styled boss- a dragon so big its body completely blocks out the sky.  It's also been stated in a couple sources that nothing in Gensokyo can rival the Dragon God, so that thing suddenly appearing pissed off at the world for some plot reason probably is the biggest world ending threat they could use while staying exclusively within Touhou material.  It's a scenario I think would make for a rather good ultimate conflict and a good way to one-up the thermonuclear annihilation Ustuho represented and intended during SA events.


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Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #72 on: August 21, 2013, 06:24:03 AM »
AG didn't have an original (well aside from Ryusei and the first appearance of Sanger, but they aren't the mains). It's still not bad.

We'll see if they worm Rin Satsuki back in somehow. (Isn't it sad? <_<... can't resist. :3 )

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #73 on: August 21, 2013, 06:32:02 AM »
Pretending the Ancestors didn't exist?  I know the Machinery Children were a pain in that final battle with them but The Ancestors are original antagonists...heck Sanger is one of them.  Them and Shu, another original are the ultimate antagonists to the game.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 06:34:23 AM by gtf234 »

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #74 on: August 21, 2013, 09:51:31 AM »
I can't see who could be a proper awesome and powerful final boss, the broken moon princesses?,  Hakurei Miko? ZUN?

There's Dragon God, Eiki, Yorihime, Toyohime, Eirin, and Kaguya, but I think the latter 2 will be in Imperishable Night, Gensou Shoujou Taisen 3. Maybe Eirin will no longer hold back out of respect for Kaguya in GST 4. Or maybe Kaguya will actually use her abilities(Manipulation of Eternity, parallel time lines, instantaneous action) in GST 4, which she has not really used in Imperishable Night, instead she just uses her artifacts and replica artifacts for danmaku. There are also the 4 Devas, but we only have 3 right now.

Since this game incorporates fandom features as well, maybe you will see EX-Rumia. I don't believe she is shown in Fantasy Maiden Wars 1 or 2.

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #75 on: August 21, 2013, 10:46:40 PM »
I doubt they will use something like EX-Rumia.  It's an entirely made up concept and according to the encyclopedia entries in Part 1, they're trying to play the characters as straight as possible to the source material, taking liberties when there's nothing to work with or issues are just really vague: such as Elly and Kurumi's personalities, various character backstories, or the pc-98 to windows leap.  I similarly doubt Kaguya and Eirin will be altered much beyond the way we normally see them- their usual bullet patterns are most likely to still be their normal weapons; if they join in Pt 3 or 4, effects related to their powers would most likely be turned into unique skill abilities like Reimu's Youkai Buster skill or Mokou's Resurrection ability.

Eiki is unlikely to be the a major antagonist, considering her character and position; the Watastuki sisters are a possible foe for pt 4 even without doing SSiB events if they want to use the Lunarians as the final enemies (something pretty reasonable to do considering they aren't presented in a pleasant light in general); like I said before the Dragon God is another strong choice. Another one I just realized for a good twist- the Hakurei God.

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #76 on: August 22, 2013, 07:05:22 AM »
True, the Hakurei God and Dragon God can make apperances.
If we see Mima with Twilight Spark in the future, then, it will be much safer to assume that other fanon ideas may pop up. But if we don't, then yeah, not likely.
Things like Ex-Rumia does have reasonings for why it is popular. As her profile does state that her hair band is an amulet that she cannot touch, so some assume it is a seal of some kind.

I don't mean Eiki as an antagonist, but as a special boss fight. Though Phantasmagoria of Flower Viewing does happen after Imperishable Night. If we go by the current pattern, Gensou Shoujo Taisen 4 might be about PoFV.

I also wonder, will Fantasy Maiden Wars 3, Imperishable Night, give characters their Last Words? This is where Fantasy Nature, Blazing Star, Deflation Word, Matsuyoi-Reflecting Satellite Slash, etc. make their appearance.

I similarly doubt Kaguya and Eirin will be altered much beyond the way we normally see them- their usual bullet patterns are most likely to still be their normal weapons

I see. Doesn't Kaguya have like 5 Survival cards or something?

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #77 on: August 22, 2013, 05:46:30 PM »
For a number of characters who still need upgrades (Alice really needs something flashier now- she's begging for a funnel style onslaught with dolls), last words do make good options for new finishers.  So it's quite possible a few could get used. 

Regarding survival cards, that's not really relevant to this gameplay- Flandre had survival pattern, and it was kinda dumb in execution and a little unfair to the player.  They might still be a rare gimmick in the future, but I suspect even if the pattern was a survival card in the source game, they'll just have it play by normal boss rules in this game.  That is to say, a barrage pattern with a lagre and awkward to navigate shape, unavoidable special effect, massive debuffs to you, a full HP and EN recharge with new weapons, stats and/or abilities, and you only having a couple of turns to beat it before it expires and you miss out on exp, money, and drops.

Eiki will very likely show up since Komachi's already around, it might be in 4 but it could be in 3 if they don't make a huge thing out of PoFV's events and give it only a couple of chapters or if UFO, SA, or IN don't take too long or don't actually resolve in 3.  The timing of these events are all off and resequenced anyway, so presuming it happens later just because IN will be handled in 3 is somewhat faulty. After all, Mountain of Faith events starting kicking in before Embodiment of Scarlet Devil got really moving and was finished before Perfect Cherry Blossom even started.  Though I do think it will be an early part 4 event just because they've already foreshadowed 3-4 (UFO brings Mystic Square along with it) other games; unless SA doesn't actually get dealt with in 3 and it's been reserved as the ultimate threat of the collective game.  Utsuho does present potential worldwide destruction and has the malicious intent to do so after all...granted not the intelligence to pull it off, but it's the thought that counts.  So I think it's also very possible they are really only teasing SA and the subterraneans won't actually become a major issue in 3.

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #78 on: August 23, 2013, 03:24:19 AM »
Utsuho does seems like a final boss material with her threat level to the whole surface world but I think SA story will be dealt with in the third game. Eiki will also probably appear but I am not sure if she would just be an NPC or if we are going to fight her and Komachi.

Now that I think about it they could also adapt SWR in just 3 or 4 scenarios (let me recruit Tenshi dammit!).
Even if I didn't understand the dialogue it seems IMP was adapted in only 1 scenario.

Also never thought about Last Word Cards as upgrades and they seem like the perfect final attacks for some characters (though how many Master Spark variations will Marisa hold for the last game...)

Too bad that I didn't get any of the foreshadowing in the second game like whats the deal with Marisa's pet Kedama and the usual mysterious talks between mysterious persons between scenarios.

Also I feel bad that if Youmu does have some kind of shout-out to Sanger Zonvolt in the second game I probably missed it.

Some of the Spell cards in the second game did have some extra gimmick for example some of them would apply some kind of reverse healing effect that caused all your healing spirits and skills to hurt instead of heal (I actually killed a couple of Super units without realizing it -_-), so some of those special effects could be used to represent the abilities of some characters like Reisen's Lunatic eyes or the fake moon in IN or Satori's third eye.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 03:35:57 AM by rocsas »

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #79 on: August 23, 2013, 07:39:09 AM »
Also never thought about Last Word Cards as upgrades and they seem like the perfect final attacks for some characters (though how many Master Spark variations will Marisa hold for the last game...)

Marisa needs an upgrade like a whole in the head though- what with her gaining a combination attack with Reimu, slated to get a stronger one with Alice, and from the very beginning has the weapon with the highest attack power in the game and a unique ability to buff its damage by huge amounts.  I genuinely hope they see they've given her plenty already.  Reimu on the other hand, has one of the weakest finishers of the major roster despite being a main character (to be fair, it's also one of the easier ones to use and one of the few that can benefit from Shotgunning, but still, main focus character- right now she feels like the Huckebein without the Black Hole Cannon).  She could really use anything as a new finisher- the combo attack doesn't really make up for it.

Too bad that I didn't get any of the foreshadowing in the second game like whats the deal with Marisa's pet Kedama and the usual mysterious talks between mysterious persons between scenarios.

I wasn't paying too much attention to Marisa's scenario and just skipping through most of the intermissions, but was under the impression that was revealed to be
in Ch 29 Marisa.

Some of the Spell cards in the second game did have some extra gimmick for example some of them would apply some kind of reverse healing effect that caused all your healing spirits and skills to hurt instead of heal (I actually killed a couple of Super units without realizing it -_-), so some of those special effects could be used to represent the abilities of some characters like Reisen's Lunatic eyes or the fake moon in IN or Satori's third eye.

That's what I was trying to express before, I highly suspect those are how we're gonna see their special powers being presented.  I hope so at least because the way they handle bosses like that is one of the things that has me enjoying these games even more than mainstream SRW games these days.  They actually have made bosses an effort in plannings, positioning, and resource management- instead of just jacking up their HP, giving them one 1-10 range super weapon that costs nothing to use the way just about all SRW games have sunk to. 

And with upcoming opponents, there's a lot of fun to be had with special effects to their fields.  A really strong one I would like to see for Satori would be she gains the effect of the unique ability equipped to everybody in an effected tile.  That has potential to utterly ruin you if you approach it hastily- imagine her counterattack damage being buffed against over half your roster because she's copying Reimu's Youkai Buster, 25% perfect evasion from Nitori's Optical Camouflage, +30 evasion from all your snipers due to Momiji's Clairvoyance, dealing extra critical damage from Alice's Danmaku Brain skill, all while holding an extra life the doesn't count as breaking her card due to Mokou's Resurrection ability all because they're all standing on tiles effected by her spell pattern.  Yet all that is still more fair than Granzon's Distortion Field from SRW2...

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #80 on: August 23, 2013, 08:54:52 AM »
unless SA doesn't actually get dealt with in 3 and it's been reserved as the ultimate threat of the collective game.  Utsuho does present potential worldwide destruction and has the malicious intent to do so after all...granted not the intelligence to pull it off, but it's the thought that counts.  So I think it's also very possible they are really only teasing SA and the subterraneans won't actually become a major issue in 3.

SA happened was because Orin did not want the Oni to beat down on Okuu, if Okuu decides to do anything stupid. But I do agree that she does present the potential kind of threat to Gensokyo, what with Nuclear weapons and all that.

SA would likely be part of Phantasmagoria of Flower Viewing right? Since they are related after all. SA is the abandoned Hell, while there is the new Hell, both being ruled by the Yamas. Though, abandoned Hell is well... abandoned, so Satori is really the boss there now.
When I said order, I mean order of the first main windows games. I know the events don't play in order, but if you look at it. Fantasy Maiden Wars 1 is mainly about Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil. FMW2 is mainly about Perfect Cherry Blossoms. FMW3 should in theory be about Imperishable Night and FMW4 should be about PoFV. But they do add other games in the mix.

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #81 on: August 23, 2013, 08:21:42 PM »
Yes, what sparked the protagonists to investigate the underground, the rampant evil spirits, was orchestrated by Rin, but that doesn't alter that Utsuho already was planning to lay waste the entire surface- she expresses that directly and unambiguously in the stage 6 talks.  Just because they've all made a brief appearance in part 2 might not mean they intend to make the SA events kick off immediately. 

I do see what you meant about the order thing, and yeah Phantasmagoria of Flower View would next in line like that- but I think it's too small of a thing to have a the core event of the finale, which isn't entirely all that unusual since that was an unorthodox entry in the source games.  They've already spend Mountain of Faith, and have set up Byakurren's resurrection (and any Mystic Square related implications that might come with it) in motion.  They do have an opportunity to use Ten Desires if they burn through UFO and SA in part 3, I guess.  I just suspect they got to use something big, otherwise they can't really bring Yuka back into play, and part 1 implied they wanted her back later- after all, they said Flandre running amok was too small potatoes for Yuka to bother helping you with, saying Reimu and company "weren't ready yet" for her to fight alongside them.  PoFV at most just provides another opportunity for her to pop in and laugh at you some more.

Well, one this is for sure anyway, it's going to be interesting to see what they choose to do for their big finale- they have a lot of options on the table still.

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #82 on: August 24, 2013, 09:15:36 AM »
I do see what you meant about the order thing, and yeah Phantasmagoria of Flower View would next in line like that- but I think it's too small of a thing to have a the core event of the finale, which isn't entirely all that unusual since that was an unorthodox entry in the source games.

Yeah, I know. I would have thought Mountain of Faith would be the finale, because Phantasmagoria of Flower Viewing is different from the previous 3 games. But as you have said, Mountain of Faith is already used and I don't think they will be skipping games to use for the finale, so it would be interesting to see what they plan for Fantasy Maiden Wars 4.

Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #83 on: November 18, 2013, 01:16:40 AM »
I apologize for my rude intrusion, but I am afraid that my impatience has gotten the best of me.

I only ask for an update that shows that this project is still alive, and a summary of what has been completed, if possible. I very much wish that I could volunteer to help with this project and maybe edge it along, but I have no knowledge of Japanese
nor do I know how to alter the game's files. The most anyone would get out of me would be butchered Google translations.  :(

Once again, I apologize for bumping this thread. Just know that I appreciate every person who is working on making this patch a reality, and I'm rooting for you.


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Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #84 on: November 18, 2013, 11:36:45 PM »
I apologize for my rude intrusion, but I am afraid that my impatience has gotten the best of me.

I only ask for an update that shows that this project is still alive, and a summary of what has been completed, if possible. I very much wish that I could volunteer to help with this project and maybe edge it along, but I have no knowledge of Japanese
nor do I know how to alter the game's files. The most anyone would get out of me would be butchered Google translations.  :(

Once again, I apologize for bumping this thread. Just know that I appreciate every person who is working on making this patch a reality, and I'm rooting for you.

It's been about three months since the last post. This thread... will probably be locked.


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Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #85 on: November 19, 2013, 03:31:30 AM »
Unfortunately, there has been no activity at all, so I think that this is dead.

Authorities, please lock this thread.
>This is the little mistress.
>Oh, hello little one!
Is this my dream, the destiny to behold?
~Sister of Scarlet~


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Re: Gensou Shoujo Taisen Scarlet - Youyoumu Translation Project
« Reply #86 on: November 19, 2013, 03:40:39 AM »
Aww, that's a shame. I've always been looking forward to seeing this  completed, but it looks likes my dream will go unfulfilled. Still, thank you all for giving your best effort. Maybe someday someone else will take up the mantle, and if so, I hope they have better luck than this project did.
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet