Author Topic: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!  (Read 57017 times)

Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« on: April 29, 2012, 09:25:03 AM »
>You are Koishi Komeiji, sister to the most influential and feared Youkai of the underground, Satori Komeiji.
>Your sister is feared because she has the power to read minds, which comes with being a satori. She is also the mistress of the Palace of Earth Spirits, the place you call home.
>You yourself, even though you are a satori, have become unable to read minds at a very young age. You closed your Third Eye, the artifact given to the satori which gives them the ability to read minds and works similarly to a heart in humans. Due to closing it, however, you've become able to read people's subconcious; you can feel what people feel and act accordingly. Or not!
>Around the Ancient City, you've met a few people. There's Orin and Okuu, a Kassha and a Hell Raven who are Satori's pets, there's Yuugi, a very strong Oni and there's Reimu Hakurei, the Shrine Maiden you met while looking for the gods that granted Okuu the power of the Yatagarasu.
>Satori doesn't like you going out too much, because according to her:' Your powers are too great for those that live above'

>However, today, when you woke up and went to the dinner hall, you noticed Satori wasn't there, even though you're always the one who wakes up late.
>Therefor, you have decided to take the chance and go EXPLORE~! It's been months since you've met Reimu, and the Overworld is so big!

>A black hat with a cute yellow string bound around it x 1
>A navy-blue, closed Third Eye x 1


>Explore the Overworld
>It's been ages since you've been out, and there's so much to do!

>Go on a shrine visit!
>You want to visit Reimu, to see how she's doing

>Going to the Pet Shop
>You're actually kind of jealous of Satori's many pets, while you don't have any!


Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2012, 11:13:00 AM »
>Let's go to that pet shop first - it would be nice to have a companion in our travels!

Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2012, 11:23:21 AM »
>You decide to go to the pet shop!
>... until you realize you have no clue where this pet shop would be. Where does sis get her pets anyways?
>While you're standing around in the dinner hall, Orin enters with a wheelcart full of delicious food. No, not corpses, you silly! Actual tasty meat!
>"Koishi-shama? What are you looking for? If it's Satori-shama, she left for urgent bushiness. She won't be returning for at least a week... Nyaa~! I'm already getting worried..."


Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2012, 11:33:49 AM »
>Blink in surprise, "Oh? Thanks for letting me know, Orin~!!"
>Hug her to how our gratefulness!

>Smile, "Say, Orin, do you know where the pet shop may be, by any chance?"

Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2012, 11:44:34 AM »
>"No problem, Koishi-shama!"
>You hug Orin, to her surprise. She happily accepts your hug and you feel like you've deepened your relationship once more.
>"Nya~? The pet shop? It?s around somewhere in the Ancient City. I can lead you if you want to, but they don?t sell youkai that can talk, like me or Okuu! Satori-shama beat me in a fight, then offered me a place to stay if I became her pet. I think that's the same for Okuu. Besides, Koishi-shama, do you even have money?"
>She might have a point there... You never really saw the need for money, so you're pretty much broke. Although sis might have some...


Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2012, 02:50:58 PM »
>We're her sister, she wouldn't mind if we took a little bit of money, would she?
>Besides, doesn't Satori have a lot of money anyway?

Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2012, 03:14:29 PM »
>She probably wouldn't mind, right? She's had the Palace built, so she must be loaded!
>You enter Satori's bedroom in search of money. One of Orin's underlings, a fairy in a zombie costume, is cleaning the room.
>Wow... Satori's room really is purple. It's almost the same colour as her hair!


Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2012, 03:18:11 PM »
>Where would Satori keep her money?
>Would the zombie-fairy know?

Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2012, 04:21:52 PM »
>Probably in some really obvious place, like under her pillow. She really isn't worried about burglars since she can even read minds in her sleep.
>She might know, but it'd be pretty hard to hide you stole the money when Satori returns.


Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2012, 08:11:07 PM »
>How about we leave a little note saying "Borrowed some money - will give it back when I can".

>Commence the money search!

Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2012, 08:16:29 PM »
>That might work! It's better than doing nothing, right?
>You commence the money search!
>Under the pillow... nothing.
>On her night stand... nothing.
>Under her bed... is a small box. Inside is a small nondescript book, along with a boatload of UC, Underground Currency! There's enough here to build a palace out of pets!


Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2012, 07:07:22 PM »
>Let's take some!!
>Do we know how much pets would cost?


  • What the hell...
  • in that post up there?
    • RP Blog for Kaenbyou Rin
Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2012, 07:28:11 PM »
If we don't, maybe Rin would know?

Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2012, 11:54:24 AM »
>Let's take some!!
>Do we know how much pets would cost?
>You decide to take some! And by some, you mean a note of ten million UC, which has a weird person's face on it with a fruit basket for a hat.
>You have no idea, but the people selling them would know best, right?
If we don't, maybe Rin would know?

>Well, she might. She might also not. In other words, you haven't the faintest.


Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2012, 02:39:51 PM »
>We can always go to the pet shop and check. If we don't have enough, we can come back.

>Let's go!

Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2012, 03:13:45 PM »
>You have all the time you need!~
>You leave the mansion through the main hall, and after a short walk through the rose garden you pass under the great entrance arch Satori had built recently, you reach the main street of the ancient city.
>On the street itself, oni are wreaking havoc like usual. You feel a lot of people being excited in a back alley a few hundred meters from the entrance, while the pet shop Orin told you about is in one of the larger streets towards the left of the city. You also notice a large hole in the wall that certainly wasn't there yesterday.


Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2012, 05:11:33 PM »
>Despite our curiosities, let's keep heading for the pet shop!

Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2012, 07:40:17 PM »
>You decide to disregard all the happenings and head for the pet shop.
>Said pet shop is easily found in Lantern Alley, a street famous for its huge lanterns brought in from the Outside World.
>The fa?ade of the pet shop just says 'Pet Shop'. When you enter, you get surprised by the sound of a gong. The maker of this sound is a bulky female oni standing behind the counter. She notices you as you enter, and welcomes you with an astonishingly loud 'WELCOOOOOME!'
>The inside of the pet shop is way more impressive than the front. All kinds of animals (Small animals, like fiery birds, large-winged crows, toads and small creatures called tsuchinoko, but also larger ones like small alligators, hellhounds and green-eyed cats) can be seen in cages that are placed on shelves seemingly continuing all the way up to the ceiling of the underground.


Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2012, 07:42:22 PM »
>Go over to the Oni at the counter.
>"Hello! I'd like to buy a pet, please... how much are they?"

Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2012, 08:13:34 PM »
>You head over to the counter, where the burly oni is watching you with a friendly smile
>She suddenly seems to notice something as you come closer
>"My, my! Aren't you little Koishi-sama, the sister of the Palace of the Earth Spirits? You are very welcome indeed."
>"How much? Well, it really depends on what you like. Different prices for different creatures, of course. Though... with Koishi-sama here, we could make an arrangement..."
>The oni seems to be thinking intently on something, even closing her eyes. Well, yours is as well...
>Speaking of your eye, it seems to be telling you this oni is a very mischievous one; you might want to be careful with this one.


Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #20 on: May 04, 2012, 08:56:47 PM »
>"Arrangement? What kind of arrangement?"
>Keep on guard. No fishy happenings are going to go down on our watch.

Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #21 on: May 04, 2012, 09:41:19 PM »
>"Truth be told, business seems to be going down. 't seems like these days, no one enjoys a small animal anymore. They all want bigger, badder, and more fireproof."
>"That's where you come in, little miss. If you could walk around the city and spread a little fame for me, I'll gladly give you one of these critters here fer free. How's that for a deal?"
>You keep your guard up. Don't want to get in trouble now Satori's gone...


Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2012, 09:43:02 PM »
>"You mean advertising..? Well..."
>Apologetic and sweet smile time!
>"I actually have stuff to do, so I can't really spare much time..."

Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #23 on: May 05, 2012, 08:20:44 AM »
>"No, no, not advertising!"
>The oni waves her arms profusedly. It's quite an amazing sight.
>"Just walk around with one of these cute little creatures, nothing else I ask of you. We're the only pet shop in town, so people will know it's mine."
>"Could you do an old lady in a pinch a favour, my dearest and most adorable Koishi-shama~?"
>Now this is just plain emotional blackmailing. Which, unfortunately, doesn't work on people like you who can read the subconcious and realize she's completely faking it.


Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #24 on: May 05, 2012, 03:21:47 PM »
>Smile awkwardly.
>"Like I said, I don't have any time! I have urgent business and this is a pit-stop before I depart to complete said business."

Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #25 on: May 05, 2012, 03:37:30 PM »
>The oni seems to be disappointed, but finally gets back to business.
>"All right then. So, which one strikes you fancy? Koishi-sama's urgent business must be important, so I'll make this quick!"


Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #26 on: May 05, 2012, 03:39:25 PM »
>Let's have a look around at the animals!

>"Which one do you think suits me best? I was thinking a fiery bird or a hellhound..."

Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #27 on: May 05, 2012, 03:50:04 PM »
>You take another look around the huge room
-All the way at the top, there are all kinds of birds in cages, Bluebirds, birds with flaming feathers, birds with icy feathers, rainbow-coloured birds and even stained-glass coloured birds.
-Lower down, there all all kinds of small animals: ferrets, hamsters, guinea pigs and also a small creature that looks like a ferret that seems to create lightning!
-All the way at the bottom, there are the bigger cages, with bigger animals: pitchblack hellhounds with blazing red eyes, cats with green eyes and a huge toad with warts bigger than your eye!

>"An animal that fits Koishi-sama, huh? I always figured you were a cat person myself... But of course, that's all up to you!"


Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #28 on: May 05, 2012, 03:51:42 PM »
>Decisions, decisions...

>Let's have a closer look the rainbow-coloured bird - just how big is it?

Re: Koishi Quest ~ To the Overworld and beyond!
« Reply #29 on: May 05, 2012, 03:58:49 PM »
>Decisions that will decide a lot of things, or not? Who will say?
>The rainbow-coloured bird is all the way at the top of the shop, but it seems really small; only a little bigger than your eye.