Author Topic: Tasofro's New Doujin Game: th 12.3  (Read 212853 times)


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Re: Tasofro's New Doujin Game: th 12.3
« Reply #450 on: August 31, 2009, 11:11:24 PM »
I've found that the best way to play as Suwako is to not try too hard to win. and also the lilypad is awesome.

Re: Tasofro's New Doujin Game: th 12.3
« Reply #451 on: September 03, 2009, 04:35:22 PM »
Look, 1.03 is out.

======東方非想天則 差分更新履歴=======

2009 9/03 VER1.03---------------------------------------

  -夢想天生 一部カードを使用する、雨乞祈りを出すの行動で無条件に

  -人形火葬 人形が被弾爆発するとき、地上へ瞬間移動していた不具合修正
  -シーカーワイヤー レベル4で相殺判定が付いていた不具合修正

 -バンパイアキス 強版のレベル補正が弱より小さくなった点を修正

  -天狗の立風露 空中スキルカード使用時に別の技が出る事がある不具合修正
  -天狗の太鼓 空中強版LV1の追加入力が一切無い不具合修正

  -天罰の石柱 空中版が複数設置出来た不具合修正
 -地精の起床 2P側だと設置位置がずれる不具合修正。

 -しゃがみ強 左向き時にフィールドウルトラバイオレットの分身から
  -ディスオーダーアイ 分身の出現消滅に異常が生じることのある不具合修正

  -弱射撃 射出前の札が画面外に出ると消失する事がある不具合修正
  -飛翔 画面上部でガクガクした移動になる場合がある不具合修正
  -スカイサーペント 攻撃力損失時に消滅するよう修正
  -乾神招来 突 空中強版の神奈子部分の判定が弱と同じ低威力だった不具合修正

 -遠打 AAA エフェクト表示位置が異常になる事がある不具合修正
 -スノーマン 霊力消費が無く、使用時にカードゲージの増えない不具合修正
  -フリーズタッチミー 一部のみ高レベルで無敵時間が誤発生した不具合修正
 -アイスソード 霊力消費が無く、使用時にカードゲージの増えない不具合修正

  -地獄波動砲 隙間無く入力を繰り返すとレーザーが消失しない不具合修正

  -土着神の祟り 強版のホールドが弱対応だった不具合修正

Re: Tasofro's New Doujin Game: th 12.3
« Reply #452 on: September 03, 2009, 04:50:55 PM »
Hmm, I'd need to sit with a dictionary for far too long to translate that fully, but a semi-quick glance suggests this version has some balance changes.


Re: Tasofro's New Doujin Game: th 12.3
« Reply #453 on: September 03, 2009, 07:18:48 PM »
Well from what I can glean from the google translation its mainly bugfixes.

Apparently Tenshi had a bugged pallet.

Re: Tasofro's New Doujin Game: th 12.3
« Reply #454 on: September 04, 2009, 03:14:05 PM »
Thank you very much, Deranged.
I don't really play Hisoutensoku much, so the terms I use may be off.

-Fixed an issue where certain skills would not level up after using the appropriate skillcard.
-Fixed a bug where attacks with self-destruction attribute would inflict damage on the user during the round.
-Modifications made to related writings.

-Fantasy Heaven: Fixed issues where using a card that calls for rain lights up an orb, and when hitting with Card-Eating Medicine and Left-Holding Fan does not light up an orb.

-Fixed an issue where using Card-Eating Medicine after a forward or air forward hit will make the Card-Eating Medicine not be able to hit.
-Doll Cremation: Fixed an issue where dolls being hit in midair and exploding would teleport to the ground.
-Seeker Wire: Fixed an issue where the level 4 version can be nulled by attacks.

-Vampire Kiss: Fixed issues where the C version's level correction was smaller than the B version, and the C version making no movement sounds.

-Wind Standing of the Tengu: Fixed an issue where using skillcards in midair would cause other moves to come out.
-Tengu Drum: Fixed an issue where the level 1 C version cannot perform a followup attack in midair.

-Fixed an issue with her palettes.
-Pillars of Divine Punishment: Fixed an issue where it could be used multiple times in the air.
-Earth Spirit's Wake Up: Fixed issues where using it next to the opponent messes up it's positioning, and where changing Tenshi's direction would mess up the rock's hitbox.

-2C?: Fixed an issue where the positioning of bullets fired by clones in the Ultraviolet Field will have weird positioning when facing left.
-Disorder Eye: Fixed an issue where the clones would persist after they should disappear.

-5B?: Fixed an issue where any talismans that appear off-screen when the move is used will disappear before being launched.
-Flight: Fixed an issue where movement in the top half of the screen would become shaky.
-Sky Serpent: Fixed an issue where it's attack power would not be prorated (not sure).
-Heaven Goddess: Breakthrough: Fixed an issue where the air C does the same damage as air B.

-Dial-A Combo: Fixed an issue with odd effect display positioning.
-Snowman: Fixed an issue where using it would not consume spirit gauge or increase the card gauge.
-Freeze Touch Me: Fixed an issue where invincibiltiy time was given to the move at higher levels.
-Ice Sword: Fixed an issue where using it would not consume spirit gauge or increase the card gauge.

-Hell's Wave Motion Gun: Fixed an issue where constantly entering the input would prevent the lasers from ever dying out.

-Native God's Curse: Fixed an issue where charged C acted the same as B.


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Re: Tasofro's New Doujin Game: th 12.3
« Reply #455 on: September 04, 2009, 03:50:04 PM »
Great work! Still waiting for spell card translation though. :'(

Re: Tasofro's New Doujin Game: th 12.3
« Reply #456 on: September 05, 2009, 01:03:42 AM »
I just noticed that Aya now drops MoF styled leaves during Illusionary Dominance (Her card based on her survival card)

Also Utsuho's sprite isn't cut properly. There's a bit of extra sprite floating in front of her when she moves.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2009, 01:10:34 AM by Suikama »

DeathShot Catharsis

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Re: Tasofro's New Doujin Game: th 12.3
« Reply #457 on: September 07, 2009, 05:12:09 AM »
This game has made me an Okuu fanboy.

Those sexy wings....that cape.....and that power.....I love you, Okuu~


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Re: Tasofro's New Doujin Game: th 12.3
« Reply #458 on: September 11, 2009, 10:22:19 AM »
I know I'm late on this but...

Oh god Grimoire of Alice is sex. It truly is.


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Re: Tasofro's New Doujin Game: th 12.3
« Reply #459 on: September 16, 2009, 05:21:48 PM »
i noticed something in Arcade mode. The penultimate bosses are always either Yukari then Suika, or Iku then Tenshi, or Utsuho then Suwako. lol Final bosses of 7.5 10.5 and 12.3 themselves hehe.

And a question about a few system cards: Patchouli's, Aya's and Hong's system card.


Patchouli's card. 4 levels. Boosts spirit regeneration.

This means that your orbs fill faster after using special moves/ bullets?
Your broken orbs refill faster?
Or both?

Tengu Fan

Aya's card. 4 levels. Slight speed boost.

Increase in movement speed? walking and dashing?
attacking speed?

Dragon Star

Meiling's card. Briefly grants you superarmor.

It seems to only last for a few seconds and ends when you finish the pose...what's up with that? i hope that's not all it lasts for. or does it give superarmor for a few hits and then it ends?
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Re: Tasofro's New Doujin Game: th 12.3
« Reply #460 on: September 17, 2009, 04:48:19 PM »
Grimoire: Makes your spirit bar refill faster. I don't know if it makes broken orbs recover faster though. Apparently if you get this card to level 4 it's quite powerful in Patch's hands, or anyone that likes to shoot long bullet strings.

Tengu Fan: Improves your walking/dashing/flight speed, not attack speed. Not really noticeable even at level 4 IMO.

Dragon Star: You have super armor as long as you're glowing yellow. It's only for a few seconds which is unfortunate, but super armor is a pretty powerful effect. Try using it before using a spellcard? I dunno.