Author Topic: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)  (Read 98356 times)

Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #210 on: February 24, 2012, 11:25:35 AM »
>"Wait, you don't think keeping a shrine up and running and dealing with incidents is a job?"

>"It's your duty, isn't it?" Hatate asks.
>"That's what you've always said..." Kogasa adds. "'A true hero defends her home and her homeland. It's the right thing to do.'"


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #211 on: February 24, 2012, 11:58:02 AM »
>"It's your duty, isn't it?" Hatate asks.
>"That's what you've always said..." Kogasa adds. "'A true hero defends her home and her homeland. It's the right thing to do.'"

> "The right thing to do is to stop asking questions you have little understanding of and make with the donations. There is lots of JUSTICE to go around with too little time for semantics."
> Respond to any objections with a very judgmental stare.

Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #212 on: February 26, 2012, 12:47:13 PM »
> "The right thing to do is to stop asking questions you have little understanding of and make with the donations. There is lots of JUSTICE to go around with too little time for semantics."
> Respond to any objections with a very judgmental stare.

You would do well not to act in this manner in the future. At least and especially with the characters that are supposed to be your friends.
However, I am forgiving, and will let you off the hook this time.

Oh, and I neglected to respond to this earlier,

Does this really need to happen? I've been thrown off more than one quest due to creepy waifu simulator requests. If that's what the rest of the thread wants, fine, I'll shut up, but for once I'd like to enjoy a story without the above.

Yes. In my games, I encourage it, and welcome it, whole heartedly. In fact, it will also help you down the road, in more ways than one. For those that enjoy it, then go nuts. For those that don't, well, I respect that, but that's no reason everyone else can't.

Now, with that out of the way...

> "The right thing to do is to stop asking questions you have little understanding of and make with the donations. There is lots of JUSTICE to go around with too little time for semantics."
> Respond to any objections with a very judgmental stare.

>Hatate shakes her head slowly. "Never mind."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #213 on: February 26, 2012, 01:21:38 PM »
>"Oh crap, I was hoping it'd get me some extra credit back at the shrine...well, maybe you'll change your mind once we find it!"

Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #214 on: February 26, 2012, 02:14:54 PM »
>"Oh crap, I was hoping it'd get me some extra credit back at the shrine...well, maybe you'll change your mind once we find it!"

>Hatate considers your words. She offers you a somewhat cautions smile. "We can probably work something out."
>"I wanna be interviewed to!" Kogasa pipes up. "Especially if it'll surprise Aya."
>Hatate and her flunky laugh. "Now I KNOW we can work something out there." the tengu assures Kogasa. Kogasa smiles broadly.

>Ahead of you, comes into view a plateau strewn with boulders and rocky debris, sparse plantlife. Many of the rocks show burn damage. You don't think you're all that far from where Utsuho blasted out that geyser of hers a few years back; this may be part of the fallout from that nuclear power surge.
>There is a trail of metallic debris heading towards the southwest edge of the plateau. You see a pillair of black smoke rising from that direction, and you think you can detect the faint of a fire on the wind blowing in from that direction. There is no evidence of a crew that you can see in this area.
>Hatate looks down at the metal fragments below you. "Unless this a new Kappa invention we haven't heard of, and that's usually not a bad bet, I'm at a loss."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #215 on: February 26, 2012, 02:17:24 PM »
>"Maybe it was the legendary super saiyan!? This looks like their work!"
>"Yeah, this is definitely something else."
>Head toward the crash site and view it from above. Try not to get a face full of smoke.

Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #216 on: February 26, 2012, 03:52:05 PM »
>"Maybe it was the legendary super saiyan!? This looks like their work!"
>"Yeah, this is definitely something else."
>Head toward the crash site and view it from above. Try not to get a face full of smoke.

>"The legendary super saiyan?!" Hatate roars back, as her hair flies up into physics-defying spikes. "That can't be! Lord Freeza said that was only a myth!"
>You note that Hatate's ears are twitching slightly. She'd never admit it, but that's a trait she and Aya share: their ears twitch when they get near a big scoop. A hero like you notices these things.
>"You think this could be another one of those... incidents, boss?" Hatate's flunky asks her excitedly. Hatate's answering grin is practically predatory.
>"If it is, Fuu, then we might just get the drop on Aya, for once!"
>She actually flies out ahead of you as the four of you home in on the crash site, anxious to finally get the better of her journalistic rival. Unless Aya's been there and gone, but no need to menion that to her, it'd ruin her day.
>Following the debris trail and the smoke eventually leads you to.... No way. No WAY. It's a large silver-colored object, highlighted by green and blue stripes, and it looks, for all the world, like a flying saucer. In fact, it looks virtually identical to the flying saucers in the intro to that old famicom RPG you used to play, Earthbound, just smaller. Albeit a flying saucer that looks like it's been shot to hell; gouges and blast marks riddle the superstructure, and the 'dome' in the middle is half gone, likely by an explosion of some sorts. The ship is the source of the smoke, so something inside is still burning, or at least on fire. A large piece of wreckage to the right of the machine is also on fire.
>The smoke is blowing your way with the wind, but you're the freakin' wind priestess. A simple gesture diverts the smoke from you and your comrades. The smell of the fire remains, though, as well as faint hint of brimstone and... curry?
>Two figures are in evidence standing by the left side of the machine. They both appear to be humanoid, but you can't quite make out anything distinct about their forms from here.
>At first, Hatate seems to accelerate again, but then she hesitates, and slows down again, her eyes fixed on the two figures. Her expression, puzzled.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #217 on: February 26, 2012, 03:53:48 PM »
>Quietly descend closer for a better look. Are they Starmen?

Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #218 on: February 27, 2012, 05:39:15 AM »
>Quietly descend closer for a better look. Are they Starmen?

>They don't seem to be any color of Starman you remember from the game, but that doesn't rule out the possibility.
>You descend down closer to the ground, to get a better look at the two.
>"Watch it, Sanae." Hatate cautions you. "One of those two is reeeeealy weird looking."
>A closer look reveals one of them is a humanoid male, clad in what you'd describe as a kind of... blue spacesuit. Short brown hair, sculpted jawline... A fairly dashing figure, all around, even from this distance. The other figure is, well, Hatate said it best, 'weird looking'. It is a 7 foot tall figure, vaguely humanoid, no arms, with what looks like prongs jutting out from its 'chest'. It is colored a shade of greenish-brown. It's 'head' is a transparent glass dome, containing what seems to be an odd light fixture, for lack of a better term, with three lights contained therein, two on one side (giving it the illusion of eyes) and one of the back. Eye in the back of its head?
>An old spark strikes within you. Robot. That's a robot. It HAS to be a robot, what ELSE could look like that? A robot, a spaceship, a spaceman.... No way. That's too good to be true!
>The human is taking a wrench to the right side of the robot. Neither one appears to have noticed you.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #219 on: February 27, 2012, 06:13:29 AM »
>Oh HELL yes!
>Fly in, land, push the man out of the way, and begin excitedly examining the robot.

Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #220 on: February 27, 2012, 08:20:28 AM »
>Oh HELL yes!
>Fly in, land, push the man out of the way, and begin excitedly examining the robot.

>Forget too good to be true, this is a dream come true!
>You fly out ahead of your companions and hit the ground running, the uneven ground not slowing your progress much. Not much would slow your progress towards an honest to gosh robot!
>The man in blue seems oblivious to your presence as you approach, right up to the point where you shove him out of your way, sending him sprawling to across a large rock with an odd sound. You dash around the robot excitedly, poring over every rivet, every dab of paint. There is a panel in its chest, with a white line that moves as a series of squaks and squeals comes from the robot. It could be speaking, but it's not any language you know.
>The blue-suited man comes up to a seated position, and speaks, but you have no idea what he's saying.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #221 on: February 28, 2012, 08:18:50 AM »
>"Hey! Hey Robot! Can you talk!?"

Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #222 on: February 28, 2012, 09:19:04 AM »
>"Hey! Hey Robot! Can you talk!?"

>Practically beside yourself to hear a TALKING robot, you inquire about said capacity. With some volume.
>A series of squeals and squaks emerge from the large green-brown robot, the line on its chest squiggling like a sound graph.
>The blue clad man grunts and gets back to his feet, eyeing the robot oddly. He says something, again with volume, sounding like a declaration of something from his tone, and then strolls back over to stand behind the robot, and gives it a swift kick in it's posterior!

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #223 on: February 28, 2012, 09:28:38 AM »
>Give the guy a glare
>"Don't get the robot, you jerk! You're gonna make it go into Mother Brain mode!"
>We've played Chrono Trigger, right?

Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #224 on: February 28, 2012, 09:53:33 AM »
>Give the guy a glare
>"Don't get the robot, you jerk! You're gonna make it go into Mother Brain mode!"
>We've played Chrono Trigger, right?

>How dare this specimen of humanity strike this glorious machine! And in such an undignified manner, no less. Why, you should give him a well-placed dose of.... Settle down, Sanae, you're a hero. Even if this guy deserves a tornado to the face for-

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #225 on: February 28, 2012, 10:24:41 AM »
>"Are you okay, Miss Robot?"

Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #226 on: February 28, 2012, 11:01:08 AM »
>"Are you okay, Miss Robot?"

>The machine's voice is synthetic, obviously, and has a faintly masculine quality to it. To most folks, it wouldn't be considered pleasant on the ears. You however.... A talking robot! How cool is that?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #227 on: February 28, 2012, 11:06:40 AM »
>"...Can I hug you?"

Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #228 on: February 28, 2012, 11:29:56 AM »
>"...Can I hug you?"

>"Ha ha ha ha!" The blue-suited man laughs, the deep, hearty laugh of a simpleton. "There's no need for modesty, Thursday! She's obviously one of your fans! IIIII told you you'd develop your own one day!"

And owing to a bit of authorial derp... Forgive the delayed reply.

>We've played Chrono Trigger, right?

>Indeed you have, and you remember it fondly. You would regard it as one of, if not the, best RPGs, if not games, ever produced in glorious Japan.
>You actually have you old super famicom and a large number of your games with you, you just lack a power source with which to operate them. Nitori tried to rig up a portable generator for you once, but the results were less than successful. Kanako's been rather reluctant to let the kappa experiment on shrine grounds anymore.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #229 on: February 28, 2012, 11:49:52 AM »
>"I'm Sanae Kochiya, the living goddess of the Moriya Shrine, Mr Thursday! Can you use Uzi Punch? That was always so cool!"
>Oh wait, that guy's here, too...
>"Oh, hi. Um, you're not a robot too, are you?"

Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #230 on: February 29, 2012, 08:53:27 AM »
>"I'm Sanae Kochiya, the living goddess of the Moriya Shrine, Mr Thursday! Can you use Uzi Punch? That was always so cool!"
>Oh wait, that guy's here, too...
>"Oh, hi. Um, you're not a robot too, are you?"

>Ah, yeah. The one that doens't look like a robot. Didn't you come here with some other? Who cares, they weren't robots either.
>Your question draws another hearty belly laugh from the man with brown hair. "Oh, come now, little lady! EVERYONE knows me!"
>"98.95% PROBABILTY WE ARE NO LONGER IN OUR UNIVERSE, GORDON." the robot drones at him. The man looks positively shocked. "WHAT? HOW is that POSSIBLE, Thursday? Jennifers calculations are ALWAYS correct!" (oy vey, this guy sounds like the hero out of one of those cheesy sci-fi movies that used to air at 3 in the morning.)

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #231 on: February 29, 2012, 09:47:36 AM »
>"So you are a robot?"
>Look at the ship, now. How badly does it seem to be ruined?

Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #232 on: February 29, 2012, 10:34:46 AM »
>"So you are a robot?"
>Look at the ship, now. How badly does it seem to be ruined?

>"No, no, little lady!" The man Thursday referred to as 'Gordon' proclaims grandiosley, placing his hands on his hips in a heroic pose. "I am as human as you! I am CAPTAIN GORDON, DEFENDER OF EARTH!"
>Gouges and blast marks riddle the superstructure, and the 'dome' in the middle is half gone, likely by an explosion of some sorts. From this distance, you'd think something blew OUT of the ship, rather than explode against its hull, to create that particular hole, though there are several small craters indicating those type of explosions on the outer hull. Smoke wisps from somewhere inside the ship, something in there is still on fire, or at least smoldering. The metal all along the ship is crumpled, either from the crash or from some other force, and the north-facing side of the ship is bent upwards slightly along the edge, from where the ship dug into the rocky ground. In summary? This thing's been shot to hell.
>Hatate and Fuu, her flunky, are flitting around the ship, Hatate taking pictures with her cell and dictating notes to her assistant, who dictates faithfully. You'd almost forgot they were there.
>And what about Kogasa? Glancing around, you see her half-concealed behind a semi-large boulder, her eyes fixed on Thursday. She actually looks scared of the robot. But that can't be, who could scared of something this cool?

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #233 on: February 29, 2012, 10:48:38 AM »
>"I'm Sanae, Defender of Gensokyo! That's where you are now, by the way. Also, um, I came from Earth. And we didn't have robots or spaceships. Did the grays finally come and uplift us?!"

Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #234 on: February 29, 2012, 12:43:20 PM »
>"I'm Sanae, Defender of Gensokyo! That's where you are now, by the way. Also, um, I came from Earth. And we didn't have robots or spaceships. Did the grays finally come and uplift us?!"

>Although Gordon maintains both his heroic pose and expression, he blinks a couple times in obvious confusion.
>"... You've lost me." he finally manages.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #235 on: February 29, 2012, 01:24:55 PM »
>"Really? Well, this is Gensokyo."
>Gesture out toward a nice landscape.
>"And I'm Sanae, the Defender of Gensokyo! But, I came from earth, originally, and it was only a few years ago tops, I think... And we didn't have robots or spaceships or anything."

Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #236 on: March 01, 2012, 03:27:21 AM »
>"Really? Well, this is Gensokyo."
>Gesture out toward a nice landscape.
>"And I'm Sanae, the Defender of Gensokyo! But, I came from earth, originally, and it was only a few years ago tops, I think... And we didn't have robots or spaceships or anything."

>"Gensokyo? Never heard of it. Thursday?!" A pair of lights on the robots' front blink in succession. "DESIGNATION: UNKNOWN. NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE."
>You gesticulate in a northerly direction, in the vague direction of the Myoren temple. Even on a winter morning, when the trees have no leaves and there's barely any grass on the ground, few animals in evidence, it still manages to be pretty. Well, pretty apart from that ugly storm cloud that's rolled in. The landscape in a growing radius has shown evidence of that beautification since Byakuren was unsealed.
>As you try to bring Gordon up to speed on where he is and where you come from, he shakes his head and chuckles an amused chuckle. "Now, little girl, it's not nice to lie. You know perfectly well that earth has had robots and spaceships for decades!"


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #237 on: March 01, 2012, 03:39:34 AM »
>"Well... okay, technically. BUt the ships can barely reach the moon, and the robots are just automated arms that build cars and stuff."
>Wait. We came from one world to another. What if there's more than one world with an 'Earth'?

Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #238 on: March 01, 2012, 06:01:15 AM »
>"Well... okay, technically. BUt the ships can barely reach the moon, and the robots are just automated arms that build cars and stuff."
>Wait. We came from one world to another. What if there's more than one world with an 'Earth'?

>Gordon laughs again. "You've been living in the past, little lady!" He makes a thoughtful noise. "Perhaps a part of our ship bumped you on the head?" he wonders, taking a step closer and giving the top of your head a look over.
>You've seen this happen in games sci-fi before. And if Gensokyo has taught you anything in your time, it's that impossible things that can't happen anywhere else happen here every other day, and twice on sundays.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: TouhouGaea: Strange Neighbors (Sanae Route)
« Reply #239 on: March 02, 2012, 01:51:00 AM »
>"Actually, I think you're from a different Earth."