Author Topic: Neo Waking up From the Dream Registration/Discussion Thread Mark 2 - Reg Closed  (Read 76845 times)


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Waking up From the Dream - Welcome Home

Now also our Discussion Thread!

<Registration is about to reopen when we arrive at Episode 2, keep an eye on this thread! and the story too!>

Since MTG and the most of other players are too busy with real life, NEO Wuftd comes to a halt, and the previous discussion/registration thread is closed, below is the original opening thread, as MTG have give me some admin rights, I'm here to reopen this thread.

Original Content below.

Hi all~ Gappy's back with Waking up from the Dream! Big welcome to those of you who've never heard of it before. A warm welcome to the returning players from last season.

What is it?

Waking Up From the Dream is a Forum RPG based on Touhou Project by ZUN. The premise is - you are an outsider from the outside world, the world outside Gensokyo. For one reason or another, you end up in Gensokyo. However, now Gensokyo is collapsing and you are one of the few last hopes for survival for Gensokyo's inhabitants. There is only one answer - a select task force of Gensokyo residents must leave Gensokyo and sally forth into the outside world to investigate the reason for this collapse and somehow rebuild their home. To do that, they must survive and carry away the memories of Gensokyo, with which Gensokyo can be rebuilt in full. There is, however, one issue with this plan - The denizens of Gensokyo are beings who are greatly depend on spiritual power, mana. As such, they cannot subsist for long in the mana-deprived outside-world for long without forming a 'mana sharing contract' with someone from the outside world (i.e. you, you lucky mana batteries you). You will partner up with team of partner characters, Touhou characters, of your choice, and, together with your fellow outsiders and their individual partner teams, journey through the outside world to unveil the mystery and one day restore Gensokyo.

What is a Forum RPG?

It's a forum role playing game. For those of you who have never participated in one, it's more or less a collaborative piece of fanfiction, with each player posting short continuations revolving around their own characters.

Who decides what happens?

The overall story, major conflicts, etc. are determined by the GMs (Game Masters). However, everything else, from your actions and reactions in the story, to day to day life, to interactions with other players, are decided by you, the player. There is a great degree of freedom. However, with freedom comes responsibility - the point is to play together with everyone else, to create a story both you and your fellow players can enjoy together.

What do I need in order to play?

Not much. Just:

1) An internet connection.
2) A MotK account.
3) Decent command of written English. Please.
4) Manners and common sense.
5) Respect for other players.
6) A love for Touhou.

Can I control other players' characters?

To a very limited extent, yes. This must of course be done with their permission. If they disagree with what you've written in for their characters then you may be asked to remove the segment of your post that they disagree with. In order to properly capture other people's characters, you must do your best to keep them in-character, to consider how exactly they would react to this particular situation you're putting them in, etc. This takes considerable study of their character, both in-game, and through reading their character profiles. Remember - they have the same amount of control over your characters - if you write in awesome stuff for them, they'll do the same for you. 

Are there rules?

Yes, there are. They are very, very simple, however.

General rules
1) Be courteous and polite - respect your fellow players, and in turn they will respect you.

2) This is a group endeavour, a group project - in order for it to be fun for everyone, you must collaborate and cooperate with other players as much as possible. This means, to put it in plain terms, NOT hogging the spotlight, NOT power-gaming (playing as if you're Songoku from DBZ or god himself), NOT ruining the experience for everyone else.

Posting Rules
3) Please begin each post with a time, date, and location stamp, in this format - Time, Date, Location
For example - 8 AM, Day 1, Remilia's Room, Scarlet Devil Mansion, Gensokyo

4) Please, please break down your post into paragraphs. It makes things so much easier to read.

5) Speaking of paragraphs, try not to keep your posts short. 2-3 novel paragraphs at the most.

Story Rules
6) Try to stick together in groups of at least 2-3 players or more. Solo parts aren't all that interesting for everyone else so try to always involve other players in your posts whenever you can.

7) Collaborate and communicate with other players when you can. We have an IRC channel on PPIRC - #WuftD, where most players come to discuss the game.

8 ) Please do remember that you are just a normal human being from the outside world - you aren't superman or Captain America. There will be opportunities to become oh so much more powerful in the game, and starting low and weak, but taking advantage of these and slowly but steadily growing stronger in-game is so much more satisfying and rewarding than starting off as the Hulk.

In-Game rules
9) You are an average human being of the outside world. The outside world is, let's face it, not very magical. As such, you don't have all that much mana to spare to begin with. When in the outside world, your partner is heavily dependent on you for his/her mana supply. Supplying mana for yourself and for your partner is very, very taxing on you - imagine trying to climb up a mountain while carrying another person on your back - it's THAT tiring. Slowly, over time, your mana reserves will build up as you become used to the burden as well as become stronger in-game.

10) Your partner is capable of utilizing superhuman feats and spellcards, much like he/she could in Gensokyo. However, in the outside world, he/she will be expending mana - your mana. At the beginning of the game, utilizing one spell card would drain both of you to near passing-out. Utilizing any more than that can and will kill you. Flying is heavily mana-draining as well.

11) The further your partner strays away from you, the more the contract link is stretched, and thus the less mana they receive. Venture too far away and they will die.

12) Having multiple partner characters is like carrying that many extra people on your back while climbing a mountain. It's that much more tiring and crippling.

I'm a new player. Do I need to know what happened in Season 1?

No. You don't. You arrive in the story as a new character who doesn't know what happened in Season 1. The returning players will start afresh on the same page as you, so there won't be much need for catching up.

I'm a new player. How many player characters can I make?

At the moment - just one.

I'm a returning player. Is this a reboot/fresh start?

No, this is a continuation, a sequel if you will, of season 1. However, in a way, it is also a fresh start. You will again, for some reason you don't quite know, start in Gensokyo, having lived there for a good 2-4 years now, happily living amongst the other denizens of this fantastic mythical world. You're not quite sure what you were doing before you arrived in Gensokyo, knowing only that you're from the outside world.

I'm a returning player. Can I make a new character?

Yes, you can, if you so wish. Your old character will be removed from the game, however.

I'm a returning player. What's going to happen to the other old players who aren't returning?

There is an in-game reason for why they aren't returning and why their partners were freed from their contracts. You will find out what this is as the story progresses.

I'm a returning player and I had a RAI Force character. What will happen to him/her?

You can choose to keep him/her or have him/her removed from the game. Like everything else, there will be an in-game explanation for his/her removal.

How are partner characters for my team assigned?

It is requested by the player and assigned on a first come, first serve basis. At the moment new players are able to put down up to 6 characters on their wish list in order of priority. Provided you are the first to request (and the character doesn't already belong to a returning player's team), you will receive your first choice. If not, you will receive your second, and so on. You will be guaranteed to receive at least one primary partner character. Provided nobody else requests them as primary partner characters and nobody requests them as a secondary partner characters BEFORE YOU, you will receive up to 3 secondary partner characters as well.

Returning players are allowed to keep their old teams or swap out for new ones.

Is there a character creation system?
Yes, there is. That will be coming soon once registration is mostly done. And yes, there will be a full character profile sheet.

Who's organizing it?

This time around, we've got Nemoma and E-mouse acting as primary GMs. I'll be around to supply the story and whatnot (basically, I'm now advisor/assistant/backstage overlord), but most things will be organized by Nemoma and E-mouse.

How do I sign up?
For now, all you have to do is register your interest and which characters you want as your partner. You can register as follows:
Player Name:
Returning player : Yes/No

If you are a new player...
Planned Character name:
Planned Character gender:
Partner Character Wish List:
1st Choice:
2nd Choice:
3rd Choice:
4th Choice:
5th Choice:
6th Choice:

If you are a returning player...
Team Name
Character Name
Character Gender
Team Members

When do registrations close?
Currently Closed, will reopen soon.

For extra information: they are provided in the later threads on this page.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2012, 08:27:21 AM by Nemo★Ma »

Break anything that stands between you and them!


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Information for Episode 2 newcomers:
You are a (relatively) normal human living your own life somewhere in the real world. One thing is for sure: you love surfing the internet. Suddenly, you receive a surprise invitation from a well-known company to attend a special Convention in Japan that pertains heavily to your interests. Your all-expenses-paid travel to Japan is satisfying, and your travel arrangements place you in the town of Kamisuiwa, Japan as living quarters for the duration of the Convention. Before you embarked on the journey, you read up on the place you will be staying in thanks to the tourist-oriented, popular website. You read that it is a peaceful town in rural Japan with a focus on the famous tourist attraction Suwa Lake, and a Shinto shrine called Saniwa Shrine (which maintains the website you checked out). To your delight, the location is settling, and residents are very friendly and active in welcoming guests. You decide to explore the town (and the internet) further, as the Convention is still a week away due to your early arrival.

Several days before the Convention, it is discovered that the Saniwa Shrine resident has disappeared, and there are suddenly strange military-like people occupying the town. These militants are equipped with guns and other weapons of war, and linger around the town. Disturbed, you check the website of the Shrine only to find out that it has been wiped out as well; people are talking about this strange incident, with the possibility that the shrine may be moved to some other place. You figure this isn't entirely concerned with you, as the Convention is your top priority.

The night before the Convention, you are surfing the Internet and you notice something popping up on your desktop and refusing to leave. You scan your computer for malware, but it seems to have no ill intentions. This strange occurrence is due to the town's ISP (Internet Service Provider) being hijacked, and the "advertisement" on the popup window links to the old, abandoned Saniwa Shrine website.

The website is very barren. However, a single line on the page reads:

Do you have faith in yourself, and people important to you?

Scanning the end of the line, you notice it has been posted by Amarillo Viridian...whoever that is. Below this line, there is an address that seems to point to an (also abandoned) "Tourist Helpers" shop.

You believe that all of these events happening next to each other, including your all-expenses-paid trip to the Convention, is more than coincidence. Due to a feeling in your gut, you decide to investigate further...

Information for old Neo WUTFD Returners:
So yeah, crazy things happened. You have just shockingly found out that the Gensokyo you are in isn't real, after a grueling fight, you somehow managed to move out from the fake world, and wake up in a strange lab.
With your memories returning, you somehow knows this is the research laboratory of RAI, codenamed "Graveyard", that you guys are going to raid just.... some time ago.
Isn't that girl strongly against that plan the other day? seems she's right.
and she is nowhere to be found.
Then you see a monitor in the lab to light up, and with that, a looming news of great threat soon follows....

Ways for Contacting us GMs online:
RECOMMENDED: We'll use the Saniwa Shrine chatroom, it's set up for this purpose in Season 1, and a webpage chatroom means everyone who has access to this thread would have access to it:
looking for "Nemo Ma" or "galekkomari" for me, and anything that starts with "Ken&" for Ken.
IRC: on ppirc, there is a room called #WUFTD, join that room.
looking for nemoma, kkomari or Kakyoin
PM: You can always PM me or Ken for matters.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2012, 07:19:00 PM by Nemo★Ma »

Break anything that stands between you and them!


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Important Neo WUFTD Links & Info
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2012, 04:44:27 AM »
Thanks, Nemo. Let me clarify a few things.

For those unaware, Nemo Ma and I are the current GMs of this forum RP, and we have had somewhat of a slow start due to an assortment of reasons. We wish to keep this boat sailing, and this is an opportunity for anyone interested in this forum RP to ask any questions or request to join up and start posting when the story has reached the appropriate point. Over time, Nemo Ma and I will make an effort to clearly define what this forum RP has become, where it stands now, and (for others interested in joining) which available Touhou partners can be chosen. What's Neo WUFTD like right now? Check out the links below to find out more!

One-sentence summary of Waking Up From The Dream (WUFTD): A forum RP where participants form teams with Touhou partners and meet challenges encountered in the ongoing story.

Please take note that joining may require some time devotion, but the requirements for staying active are so loosely defined that most will not have to worry (short posts are fine, posting once a month is okay). We hope participants can get much out of this fun and epic adventure! Some of the general rules and guidelines: no "God Mode", interact with other participants sometimes (working on the same post, or including others in your own posts) and be creative!

You might be wondering "Touhou partner? What's that?" Simply put, this RP revolves around a spiritual bond between an Original Character (OC) created by any Neo WUFTD participant, and a Touhou character of choice. The premise is that the Touhou characters are or will be stuck outside of Gensokyo and thus require mana to maintain existence. The bond allows the OC and Touhou character to share mana. Multiple Touhou characters may be paired with a single OC, but no two OCs may share the same Touhou character. Character development between Touhou characters and OCs is highly encouraged: make sure your Touhou partners share the spotlight! Note that any Seihou Project characters can be chosen as partners for Neo WUFTD, as well.

As of today, we have the following active teams:

Nemo Ma
OC: Amarillo Viridian
Partners: Lily White, Lily Black, Cirno, Daiyousei, Lunachild, Star Sapphire, Sunny Milk (yes, all the fairies)

OC: Ken Shojiki
Partners: Mayli Ayume (another OC), Fujiwara no Mokou, Kaguya Houraisan, Hatate Himekaidou, Yuyuko Saigyouji

OC: Hirowaza
Partners: Meira, VIVIT

OC: Vant
Partners: Hong Meiling, Kanako Yasaka, Komachi Onozuka

OC: Owlbear
Partners: Shinki, Yumeko, Yuki, Mai, Luize

OC: Etch
Partners: Hieda no Akyu, Ichirin, Unzan

NOTE: Due to general inactivity from current players, more teams will be added to this list as time progresses and we get confirmation of both continuing and new players.

Please check this very thread for announcements and new information about the RP, thank you. I recommend turning Notify on (upper-right corner of this page, should be a button "Notify") so as to be notified (nifty name, huh?) when there is a new post in this thread, or other WUFTD-related threads. It may send email reminders, so keep that in mind.

Important links for those interested
◊◊◊  Current Story thread (ongoing; contains ALL posts for the RP.)
◊◊◊  Original Signup/Discussion Thread
◊◊◊  Condensed Timeline (for those who want a summary of what has happened throughout the story in each post thus far; will be updated as posts are added to the story.)
◊◊◊  Character profile template (most up-to-date profile template for creating and describing your OC)
◊◊◊  Teams List (for those who wish to see which Touhou characters are partnered with whom, and to see which Touhou characters are available for choosing)
◊◊◊  New Signups List (Shows all new signups for Neo WUFTD, in addition to any conflicts in partner choices)
◊◊◊  Saniwa Shrine (A chat room for discussing Neo WUFTD; the original meeting place for participants in the first WUFTD)

Important information for those interested
◊◊◊  WUFTD IRC chatroom: Join the channel #wuftd on if interested.

◊◊◊  If you have your heart set on joining, please consider making a profile for your OC. See the information that goes in a typical profile here. See an example profile here (note that this profile was created from a different template, as we've changed the template for newcomers to Neo WUFTD, but it shares almost all of the fields with the newer template). Note that profiles don't need to be long, but they ought to provide enough information to give us an idea of what your character has become, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. We are working on an updated profile template for newcomers.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 07:50:29 PM by Kakyoin »

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
i'm giving this and myself a second chance

don't blow it :getdown:

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
  • *
  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
    • Muh Writings
Can I have a Reservation? :V

YJ here. Also where's the LB defiling part :<?

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Trance: Thanks for sticking around, hopefully we can turn this thing around and make it something awesome.  ;)

YJ: Yes, I give you my word that you are guaranteed a spot when we reopen Neo WUFTD. As for the...content you seek, it was all deleted. Don't press too much for it, now!  :D

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...

Can I reserve a spot, too?

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Yes, you and YJ can have reserved spots because we've talked about this beforehand. But I should not be promising any more spots yet, as registration has not yet reopened. I can guarantee, though, that there will be a fair capacity for those who wish to participate. Please respect, however, that should the demand grow monumentally and get so high that we feel uncomfortable with such a large group size, registration may close in a first-come, first-serve basis. Thanks in advance for everyone's understanding.

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Character Profile Information
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2012, 09:00:29 PM »
Great, so you're interested in joining Neo WUFTD as a newcomer! So, what's next? While waiting for the actual registration to open up (depending on how quickly we can reach the point in-story where everyone joins, it will likely be a week or two from when this post was made), you could make your character profile. This describes everything about your Original Character (OC). Creating a character profile early may give you a registration advantage in the future, too. ;)

- All characters must be approved by Nemo Ma and Kakyoin (GMs). Don't worry about notifying us when your profile gets posted, we will see it, but we may not immediately act on it.
- Original Characters (OCs) must be human and not related to any Touhou character by blood (Can't be a brother or sister to a Touhou character).
- Relationships with other characters, canon or original, must be discussed with the affected player(s) beforehand.
- You may change your profile once it has been posted (please post it in this very thread), but you must also notify the GMs of the change(s) for reapproval.
- Please stay away from god-modding. The GMs may ask you to make changes and modifications to your character if they have any reason to believe your character is in some way unsuitable for the RPG. Please keep an open mind and cooperate with them. This ensures a quality gaming experience for yourself and your fellow players.

- When completing your character sheet, please keep in mind that other players may refer to it when writing in your character, so please try to make things as clear as possible (and hopefully interesting!).

- Just to reiterate: throughout this roleplay, please do not make your characters (and by that extent, Touhou partners) so powerful that nothing can stop them. We believe that would detract from the 'fun' factor of this roleplay for everyone. Unleash your creativity and create a unique individual to represent yourself!

View and download the character profile template here.

If you would like to see an example profile containing most of the following fields, please see an example character profile here.

Descriptions of each field in the template (Note: Prepare for trope overload)

A picture of your character, which is entirely optional (you can describe the character with the below attributes) but helps others to visualize your character. You can draw up your own, or use pictures by other artists (but please credit them if you can, or don't claim them as your own if the artist is unknown). Then again, you could always fall back to KirbyM's create.swf...

Provide at least a first name (last name preferred, but optional if the character takes an alias as a name due to various historical reasons).

It's either one gender or the other! In regards to men that look like women (traps) and women that look like men (reverse traps), describe this more in detail under the Visual Description section.

Age plays a large part in who your character really is and what he or she does. While there are tiny girls with BFGs and BFSs in various manga and anime (to name one example), this doesn't apply here. Yes, please use common sense! Being vague about age or simply giving none is acceptable, just label it appropriately.

Visual Description
This is where you define your character's physical appearance, as per the following subfields:

   Doesn't have to be specific ("short" or "tall" is fine), but can be as specific as the exact cm or feet and inches. You can also compare to the generally accepted height of existing Touhou characters ("tall like Yuugi" or "short like Suika").

   Hair color/style
   Really, anything goes. If you want to go the extra mile, you could provide a color patch or a hex code, but that's up to you. Just saying "blue" is satisfactory. Also, keep in mind that hairstyle is one of the biggest contributions to physical appearance and may be aligned with your character's age or personality.

   Eye color
   Anything goes. Heck, even heterochromia is fine, given that a certain umbrella youkai has different colored eyes too...

   Your character's normal clothing. Be as specific or vague as you wish. "Nude" is not really acceptable, but...well, you get the idea. You can also describe more than one set of clothing for alternate situations, if desired, just make sure to indicate which one is the primary set of clothes your character wears for most occasions.
   If your character uses props or items that don't really classify as clothes (such as a cane or monocle), list them here. Weapons can go here as well.

   If you have further details about your character's appearance, by all means list them here!

How your character behaves and interacts in various situations, as denoted by the following subfields:

   Here's where you can describe your character's take on life, their values, their beliefs, and other bits that tie in with behavior and interaction with others.
   What your character appreciates, such as kinds of food, people or morals. Be as vague or descriptive as you wish.
   Same as Likes above, but reversed.

Before this adventure began, who was your character? How did he or she grow up? This is the chance to describe your character's everyday life before getting involved in the story (which revolves around all newcomer OCs traveling to Japan if they already aren't living there). Where did they reside, and with whom? Did they have a special bond with certain people (e.g., a dear friend, a coworker, a boyfriend or girlfriend)? This is entirely up to you, but please try to keep it within reasonable limits of the reality we all live in.

Fighting Style
What does/will your character use to fight off enemies they encounter? This can range from sword-wielding to fisticuffs to fleeing from any combat situations that break out. Keep in mind that combat prowess is not essential to the story, and that having incredible fighting proficiency with no weaknesses and/or powerful spiritual abilities (such as telekinesis) are greatly discouraged if not flat-out prohibited due to the nature of this roleplay. Note that you may choose to have no fighting skills whatsoever, and this is perfectly fine! Your character will grow to adapt to various situations throughout the story, and it's not expected for normal humans to be able to fight expertly, anyway. Final note: Magic is allowed, but your character cannot start with it before meeting with his/her Touhou partners (otherwise, there is no legitimate reason for magic in our reality).

What does your character live by? Do they wish to grow stronger, smarter or more cunning? Do they have any long-term goals? If you like, this section be combined with the above History/Background section if integrating it as such seems more fitting.

Theme Song (Optional)
Oh yeah, you knew this was coming! If there's a song that fits well with your character, go ahead and link to it here. Just make sure to include the name and artist of the song if possible.

Fun Facts (Optional)
If your character has any trivia surrounding them that doesn't quite fit anywhere else, list it here. The Touhou Wiki character pages are full of good examples of the kinds of trivia and facts that can go here.

Additional Information/Background/History (Left mostly blank for now)
As the story goes on, your character will likely change in some way, shape or form. Their beliefs could change, or they might even change appearance. This section may be updated later by you if desired, and it is highly recommended that you do so. That way, other players can see what your character has become.

Relationships (Left mostly blank for now)
Who relates to your character, and how? Are they good friends, bitter rivals or just acquaintances? How did they meet? Just as with the above section, this section may be updated later by you if desired, and it is highly recommended that you do so. That way, other players can see who your character has become affiliated with.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2012, 07:19:30 PM by Kakyoin »

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Ok, For people who is interested in this project:
The registration is going to open very soon, thus we need the following data from newcomers.
Your character Name:
Character Age :
Touhou Choices:
You can choose NO MORE than 5 Touhou Characters to make your team, Generally it follows a first come first serve basis, but because that there is possibly more than 2 players choose a same Touhou Character, a Priority system will be used, your first 2 Touhou Characters Chosen will become your Priority while the rest become non-priority, Which means the non-priority ones will need to be changed if someone after you listed them as their top priority unless you have a valid reason.
Top Priority:
Top Priority:

Can't decide your priorities? Do it the hard way at : Touhou Character Sorting, yes I know it's painful but whatever.
Complaining about too less choices? In season one each player can only choose 1 partner as their top priority, compare to that, I'm now shockingly 200% nicer.

Break anything that stands between you and them!


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2012, 02:40:33 AM »

As of 1/16/2012, here is the information you should be concerned with:

1. Signing up
Signups are now OPEN. If you are interested in signing up for Neo WUFTD, please do so by responding to this thread with a post containing the required information (see the post directly above this one). Make sure to sign up soon and prioritize Touhou partners, that way you are guaranteed the best of choices. Any clash in Touhou partner choices and priority between two or more interested participants will have to be sorted out in the near future.

You can take a look at the current teams, as well as Touhou character availability, here. I'll try hard to update it as often as I can.

Note that it will be very easy to change your team before starting, and very difficult and ill-advised (if even allowed) to change it after starting, so take some time to think of a good team!

IMPORTANT for those unable to post in this thread yet (due to having just signed up, needing 10 posts, etc.): if Nemo Ma or I have talked with you outside of MotK about signing up on this interest list, I can list you here in this very post as 'signed up' (see "Special Signups" below, will update accordingly). However, you must give me the information specified in the post directly above this one. In addition, I also need to know your MotK forum nickname (for reference, mine is Kakyoin). If I don't get all of the information, your signup will not appear in my post.

Notes that may influence your character choices:
-You may subvert canon (change how a Touhou character normally behaves in canon), BUT it may be difficult to maintain in-story (especially if other writers who end up involving your Touhou partner in their posts aren't aware of the change). It will take more effort on your part to make sure that a Touhou character's non-canon behavior is seen through properly.
-With some possible exceptions, newcomers to Neo WUFTD will not meet their Touhou partners until joining up with the current teams in-story. So, please plan accordingly when creating your character profile.

2. Context/Background
You might be wondering what the background/context is for your character joining in Neo WUFTD, in order to aid you in creating your character profile. Here it is:

You are a (relatively) normal human living your own life somewhere in the real world. One thing is for sure: you love surfing the internet. Suddenly, you receive a surprise invitation from a well-known company to attend a special Convention in Japan that pertains heavily to your interests. Your all-expenses-paid travel to Japan is satisfying, and your travel arrangements place you in the town of Kamisuiwa, Japan as living quarters for the duration of the Convention. Before you embarked on the journey, you read up on the place you will be staying in thanks to the tourist-oriented, popular website. You read that it is a peaceful town in rural Japan with a focus on the famous tourist attraction Suwa Lake, and a Shinto shrine called Saniwa Shrine (which maintains the website you checked out). To your delight, the location is settling, and residents are very friendly and active in welcoming guests. You decide to explore the town (and the internet) further, as the Convention is still a week away due to your early arrival.

Several days before the Convention, it is discovered that the Saniwa Shrine resident has disappeared, and there are suddenly strange military-like people occupying the town. These militants are equipped with guns and other weapons of war, and linger around the town. Disturbed, you check the website of the Shrine only to find out that it has been wiped out as well; people are talking about this strange incident, with the possibility that the shrine may be moved to some other place. You figure this isn't entirely concerned with you, as the Convention is your top priority.

The night before the Convention, you are surfing the Internet and you notice something popping up on your desktop and refusing to leave. You scan your computer for malware, but it seems to have no ill intentions. This strange occurrence is due to the town's ISP (Internet Service Provider) being hijacked, and the "advertisement" on the popup window links to the old, abandoned Saniwa Shrine website.

The website is very barren. However, a single line on the page reads:

Do you have faith in yourself, and people important to you?

Scanning the end of the line, you notice it has been posted by Amarillo Viridian...whoever that is. Below this line, there is an address that seems to point to an (also abandoned) "Tourist Helpers" shop.

You believe that all of these events happening next to each other, including your all-expenses-paid trip to the Convention, is more than coincidence. Due to a feeling in your gut, you decide to investigate further...

3. Character Profile
This is NOT REQUIRED at the moment. If you wish, you may create a character profile before it becomes required. For more information about creating your character profile, please see this post.

Please DO NOT post character profiles in this thread yet.

4. Special Signups
Forum nickname: Aquamentis
Character name: Aqua Istishia
Character age: 24
Touhou choices:
  1. Nue Houjuu
   2. Sakuya Izayoi

   3. Yoshika Miyako
   4. Youmu Konpaku
   5. Kogasa Tatara
« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 07:39:41 AM by Kakyoin »

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...

Your character Name: Danao Madarang
Character Age: 30
Touhou Choices (by priority):
1) Suika Ibuki
2) Suwako Moriya
(hello mana-eating partners)
3) Lyrica Prismriver
4) Alice Margatroid
5) Sanae Kochiya

I will take only two partners.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 11:17:29 PM by Midnight Crow »

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
  • *
  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
    • Muh Writings
Your character Name: Azrul Kyoki
Character Age: 19
Touhou Choices (by priority):
1) Mima
2) Renko Usami
3) Kana Anabarel
4) Sariel
5) Maribel Hearn

I would like one partner if possible. If not, two then at most.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
So. I'm a bit interested in this but I'm not sure if I'll have the time to participate/catch up on the previous story.

I guess I'm just wondering what type of posts are expected (length-wise), and how necessary knowing the plot up until now will be so that I can at least cross off that part of my worries.

Sorry if this was answered in the intro posts, I'm not the best with huge text masses. ^.^'

I'll drop this here anyways but I'm still wavering if I'll be able to join in.

Your character Name: Kristian Johansson
Character Age : 18
Touhou Choices:
1)Komeiji Satori
2)Inubashiri Momiji
3)Rin Kaenbyou
4)Utsuho Reiuji
« Last Edit: January 27, 2012, 09:47:31 AM by Marokuu »
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.

Your character Name: Claire Kreshna
Character Age: 21
Touhou Choices (by priority):
1) Ellen
2) Eirin Yagokoro
3) Hina Kagiyama
4) Byakuren Hijiri
5) Letty Whiterock


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
So. I'm a bit interested in this but I'm not sure if I'll have the time to participate/catch up on the previous story.

I guess I'm just wondering what type of posts are expected (length-wise), and how necessary knowing the plot up until now will be so that I can at least cross off that part of my worries.

Sorry if this was answered in the intro posts, I'm not the best with huge text masses. ^.^'

No problem, let me address these right now.

Post Length
If you scan the current story thread, there are a variety of post sizes. Some are longer, some are shorter, and some are HOLY HECK WALL OF TEXT (*cough E-Nazrin cough*, although this could simply be due to the double-spaced formatting of this post).  There is no post length requirement, we only wish that people will remain interested and post as often as they wish. How much is "enough" for a post? Here, the answer is: whatever satisfies your creativity for the time being. But at the bare minimum we would like to see posts that go along with the plot since that is the best way to stay involved in the story (naturally, posts generally outside the story's plot are accepted as well) and posting once every month or so.

EDIT: Keep in mind that post collaboration between participants is okay, and that may influence post length and/or time it takes to write and publish a post.

EDIT: Is it too complex or time consuming to read the current story's posts in order to see what has happened so far in more detail? Try reading the condensed timeline version!

How much of the plot do I have to know to jump in?
Here is a quickly summary of season 2 (Neo WUFTD) so far: OCs and Touhous are in Gensokyo, where a festival (referred to as Reitaisai) is about to take place. However, suddenly a mysterious large Kirby-like creature (dubbed the 'God of Plenty', or Grand Old Party GoP for short) that seems to eat any food and shiny things it sees appears and consumes a vast amount of food at the Hakurei Shrine that was prepared for the festival. Throughout the day, various Neo WUFTD participants' OCs' daily lives are interrupted by the presence of this flying creature and pursue it for various reasons if applicable (nearly every team has interacted with the GoP), chasing it and causing/attempting to prevent disturbance to all manner of places. At the same time, several odd occurrences start to pop up--for example, the waterfall at Youkai Mountain begins to flow upwards. This prompts a further investigation later on as to what is causing this strange behavior. Furthermore, Reimu is challenged to a danmaku battle by a girl named Amarillo Viridian over what she claims is "the struggle to see the truth" and, after a long fight, is defeated. Not one to back down, Reimu decides to investigate Amarillo and overhears her discussing future plans with a then-enigmatic acquaintance (Nue Houjuu) and concludes that Amarillo and Nue are preparing to conduct genocide in Gensokyo to "expose the truth", whatever that means. Amarillo and Nue tell her to bring everyone to the Hakurei Shrine at midnight that day, since they have a big reveal to do. After spreading word of her conclusion across Gensokyo, Reimu and the various other teams (along with pretty much every living creature in Gensokyo) come down to the Hakurei Shrine at midnight, where it's revealed that Amarillo, Nitori (Amarillo's acquaintance), Nue and her friend Mamizou believe that this Gensokyo they're living in is a "fake Gensokyo", and that the real world is revealed through the sky when Nitori tampers with the back of the Shrine. A light from the "Hakurei Barrier" grows and threatens to engulf all of Gensokyo, and the real world view is quickly covered up the 'self-defense mechanism' that keeps inhabitants inside. At this point, a fight breaks out between Amarillo's group and the rest of Gensokyo's residents (but we're really only concerned about the Neo WUFTD teams here) to decide everyone's fate: fight to see the truth, or stop Amarillo and co. from potentially destroying Gensokyo. Unfortunately, Nue and Mamizou planned on attacking anyway...and that is where we currently are today.

Oh, and there's also been a healthy dose of Mokou fanservice, much to her dismay, courtesy of yours truly.  :D

As for the plot in Season 1 (WUFTD, which began at least two years ago), it may benefit you to scan through the Season 1 Archives hosted by Nemo Ma at OriZone, but it is not necessary to read it and know of it. Some terms or plot points originating from Season 1 (such as RAI ) may be used in Season 2.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2012, 07:56:44 PM by Kakyoin »

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • The Main Character (Really!)
    • Blank
Well after some thought, might as well join.

Your character Name: Ashley Fisher
Character Age: 24
Touhou Choices (by priority):
1) Shikieiki Yamaxanadu
2) Flandre Scarlet
3)  Tewi Inaba
4) Tenshi Hinanawi
5) Yuuka Kazami

Preferable just one or two.

EDIT: Just some switching and one replacement.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 03:45:46 AM by Yog-N'yggoth »

...Where's my game?

Katsura Hiratsuka
Age: 20


Preferably not more than two; rather not juggle too many at once.

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Well, I think it's about time I did something productive again.

Your character Name:  Etch Edo Sketch (had his name legally changed)
Character Age: 25
Touhou Choices (by priority):
1) Hieda no Akyu
2) Ichirin
3) Unzan
4) Nazrin
5) Shou Toramaru


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Well, I think it's about time I did something productive again.

Your character Name:  Etch Edo Sketch (had his name legally changed)
Character Age: 25
Touhou Choices (by priority):
1) Hieda no Akyu
2) Ichirin
3) Unzan
4) Nazrin
5) Shou Toramaru

Are you planning to start anew? or use your old profile from Neo WUFTD Episode I? if the latter, you don't need to sign up again, if the former, your current in-game character will get put on a bus.

Break anything that stands between you and them!


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Okay...I'm glad to see signups, that makes me happy. Moreover, I'm slightly surprised yet glad that there are many signups that desire only 1 or 2 Touhou partners, as this gives others more freedom in choosing theirs. Now for some important communication information:

1. Chat Rooms
There are two ways to interact with the GMs and other Neo WUFTD participants:
   i. #wuftd channel on the IRC server (the primary IRC server used by MotK).
   ii. WUFTD tab on Nemo Ma's personal website, Saniwa Shrine. This was the chat room used for the first Waking Up From The Dream RP several years ago, so it has a bit of history behind it. This is a public alternative if you need yet another tab in your web browser don't want to use an IRC client or Chatzilla or...whatever else kids these days use to connect to an IRC server, I don't know.

Tthis means there are two places to interact with other participants, natch. We highly suggest that you go to at least one of these places occasionally if you can help it. If not, that's fine, since that's covered in the next point...

2. GMs Contacting Participants
Due to some issues in the past with contacting participants and idling/loss of interest due to...not the easiest of starts...we have had to reorganize our efforts and have reached this point so far. However, there is one glaring problem that remains: how to reliably contact participants. Nemo Ma and I have decided that outside of #wuftd on IRC and the Saniwa Shrine public chat room, we will otherwise maintain contact with participants via MotK PM (in lieu of asking participants for personal contact information, as that's not very appropriate). So, from here on out, please check your MotK inbox for possible updates, posting opportunities or messages regarding Neo WUFTD. Naturally, we will continue to post updates, etc. in threads as well, but we feel that having multiple ways of communicating is important.

Side note: wtf Etch, you are already signed up since the beginning of Season 2 =_=   What's up with that?
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 07:51:22 PM by Kakyoin »

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Side note: wtf Etch, you are already signed up since the beginning of Season 2 =_=   What's up with that?

>_> let's just say things got a bit crazy for me, so I wasn't sure if I was still in or not

I was planning on using my old profile, though.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2012, 08:16:23 PM by Garry's Sketch »


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
All right. We're going to keep you with your old profile then, Etch. You've got a bit of catching up to do, though...  ;)

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • Adorably Awkward Android
I am NOT making the same mistake, this could hit big. I'm signing up, but first I need to daydream for a few hours.


Your character Name: Neil John Parilla (Lol Mestizo)
Character Age : 15
Touhou Choices:
-Toyosatomimi no Miko
-Rikako Asakura
-Reisen II
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 06:54:59 AM by GuardianTempest »

I am editing my partner choice. I can now take only two partners.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
All right, awesome! If anyone has any changes to make to their teams, by all means please make them and (if possible) notify either myself or Nemo Ma somehow. There's time to edit, so no rush.  :D

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • The problem is, you're a friend that likes to talk!
  • *
  • ...well, I am too!
This sounds amazing.

Character Name: Mao Xue Zhen Mao last name, Xue Zhen is first. 矛学赈, to learn of relieving the distressed
Age: 19
Touhou Choices:
Priority: Kurodani Yamame
Kagiyama Hina
Aki Minoriko
Hijiri Byakuren
[23:02] <~Iced> You have sown the seeds of your own destruction Amra.
[23:20] <Stuffman> enjoy your personally crafted hell Amra

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
  • *
  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
    • Muh Writings

Priority: Kurodani Yamame

"I expected as much..."


<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • The problem is, you're a friend that likes to talk!
  • *
  • ...well, I am too!
Hoho, what wicked web my reputation weaves...
[23:02] <~Iced> You have sown the seeds of your own destruction Amra.
[23:20] <Stuffman> enjoy your personally crafted hell Amra


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
I'll try to get around to making a priority list soon for those who've signed up so far, that way if there are priority issues they can get resolved.

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...