So how can we sum up what we did today? Well, aside from some users having client-side lag and internet connection issues everything went great! I kinda wish people would actually DL the maps ahead of time, though, as we still can't solve that download bug (and also it limits our repertoire).
- First two hours were just vanilla, and went without a single hassle in the process. That Hightower match was really tense - took forever to (barely) win one of the rounds. Plenty of stabbing action too on both sides (usually from me, Gpop, Frey, or Yukarin).
- Then I decided to put gamemode up to a vote; Randomizer won out, did a few (aggravating) rounds of that. Quite a few left here due to the gamemode switch.
- VSH came next - played on Well and Sawmill with about 6-9 players during that time.
- Next hour and half then was a sudden switch to 'Vs. Admin Mode' on Dustbowl. Command spam (eg. teleporting everyone to skybox), rocket streams, frequent airblasts, and more of that absurd stuff was involved.
- Finally, a round of ctf_well to conclude events (we were down to 8 players). Gpop wanted AdvWeps but a quick explanation killed that idea.
- Thanks to lack of Exuro, the Well Train decided to target Gpop instead.
- Yukarin had a timeout error during a VSH round; in turn I kick her (as Hale was still running around) and next round, I get run over by a train...kick revenge?
- Dibble (as Hale) didn't get hit by the train this time...except that he got punched to the sawblades. :V
- Dual admin attack - Gpop and me vs. everyone else in VAM (or 2vsAll). At least it was more balanced thanks to equipping weaker weapons.
Other notes:
- Timezones are a screwy issue as always, especially between EU and US/CA Pacific players. I'd consider pushing the next meets an hour to three up.
- Map download issue - they download fine in FF, so why don't they....until that is fixed we'll have to make sure that
everyone on the server has the desired map before we move to that one.
- Kyo: 'Replays not loading due to error messages'. While I've had similar issues with the Replay Editor, it's odd, then, that Dusty was able to get replays and upload them....
- A few more showed up today than on Friday amongst the MotKers. Probably a number close to that on Thursday.
- Links on map post that originate from server are dead, as found out by Kyo. The reason for that is that omgkitties moved the replay and download data to other areas on Thursday amid the super lag.
- Lag issues coming from users that are close to the server location *looks at shim* - perhaps it's their networks or settings....
- I typically plan these meets for 4-hour durations, with the first two hours dedicated to vanilla play, but seems we often hit 5 or more. Might have to extend vanilla time to 2 1/2 hours.
- Seems we're getting a bit popular - initial log-in for meet showed 2 pubbies already on, and 2 other ones joined in an attempt to record a video. Maybe we're visible on the auto-server connector?
- Not sure when's the next good time to arrange meets. I think early-mid March works best, with maybe a mini-session next month.