Author Topic: [Touhou] [slightly NSFW] Koun Ryu Sui ~ Cho Tadasuma no Densetsu no Monogatari  (Read 4087 times)

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming
All this started off as a random idea around last year. Then Lit class came around and the idea was revived. I was originally going to use the main story, but that had like three major arcs and would obviously remain unfinished no matter how long and hard I'd work on it, given that the deadline was, like, yesterday. So yeah, the sidestory's going in here first. Hurr.

Tale code: Sb.1.a90
Discount Your Hours
by Cho Tadasuma

?I wouldn?t miss this chance
For the world and all its riches,
God, for you I?ll sing and dance,
Even if the ride is full of hitches.?

   The joyous odes echo in my ears until now.

   Even if the ride is full of hitches. Fine. But what if the hitch was actually a huge steel wall?

   What was supposed to be a fun, fulfilling, spirit-building experience turned into deals with the devil in a matter of hours.

Two days ago

        ?Alright, mates! Today, as you very well know, is the big day!?

   Muffled chatter broke out amongst our crowd, about a hundred and fifty strong. Much shushing was heard from many of the chauffeurs, among whom were others urging the pastor to continue.

   ?Today, we?re going to missionary camp!?

   In unison, everybody cheered, ?Yay!? Adrenaline pumped through everyone?s veins. For most of us, this was our first time at camp. The itinerary had been, surprisingly, composed of many entertaining activities to last us the week we were to be there.

   It?s the works, really. Campfire singalongs, philosophical gospel discussion (at our level, of course), games, and bonding time filled the list. The food wasn?t looking so bad either. It?s certainly not the ?rubbery chops in Styrofoam? we were expecting.

   ?Now, everyone, let?s settle down and file into ours buses. Your counselors will check your attendance? but it doesn?t really look like they need to. All of you came! I?m so proud of you all,? Pastor Jeeves exclaimed.

   Unsurprisingly, we were. Even the less savory teens found something constructive to do. We filed into our buses in an orderly fashion, but nevertheless, noise still abounded. The delinquents were deciding on what completely harmless pranks to pull off. The charismatic kids were coming up with lists of songs to sing on the bus, depending on the occasion. (Later, I would hear about everyone in bus four singing ?Like A River Glorious? after someone wet his trousers.)

   I sat with Felicia Dunham in bus six. We stowed our bags under the stuffed red seats. Felicia immediately brought out her sandwiches, the ones she?d share with me every lunchtime at school. My mouth watered at the sight of them.

   ?Oh, orphanage didn?t give you any?? she asked, concise as ever. She showed me the exact brand of pity I always hated; I didn?t want people to feel uncomfortable around me because I was? unfortunate, like they owed me something. It?s been like this ever since my parents died.

   ?Nope,? I answer.

   ?Some orphanage. You shouldn?t have to be under their custody,? she said, opening the window to let her blond tresses flow in the wind.

   ?Beggars can?t be choosers.?

   ?And what an elegant mendicant you are, Carmine.?

   As if to prove her point, she wolfed down her sandwich and eyed my delicate nibbling pointedly.

   I smirk. Felicia is definitely the poster teen for ?Best Best Friend in the World.?

   Soon I would realize she?s also the poster teen for ?Miss Rush-In,? the hard way.

Camp, day 1, 8pm campfire

        The trip itself had been largely uneventful, with much snoring, munching, and of course the incident in bus four. We hauled our bags to our respective cabins, went to the amphitheatre for the daily singspiration, and all that jazz.

   ?Place smells like cinnamon!? one of my cabinmates had noted excitedly upon entering the room.

   ?Good thing boys aren?t allowed with girls, or that would immediately change for the worse,? another joked.

   That was earlier in the day. If you?ve been paying attention to the headers, you would know that we?re currently at the 8pm campfire.

   It started off with the charismatic kids and the counselors leading the rest of us in a round prayer and the campfire songs. Then we started swapping stories, guided also by the same people, and tried to relate the songs to them to make things interesting.

   The dancing flames cast a soft glow on everyone?s faces as we continued singing peacefully, yet happily.

   Before dousing the flames, Pastor Jeeves stood up to announce something. ?Everybody, I would like to say that today was a very enjoyable experience! Everything went smoothly, thanks to your enthusiasm and cooperation, and it looks like everyone is thoroughly equipped to spread the word of the Lord. Tomorrow, we will have other kids over from rural villages and the urban slums with whom we will share our blessings, so I?m very excited to see you all bear and reap the fruits of your labor. Please have a good night?s sleep so you won?t nod off tomorrow. Pip-pip!?

   So we did.

   I can?t say everyone woke from it.

Camp, day 2, 6am

        If anyone wasn?t woken up by the wake-up bell and fanfare he or she surely would?ve been by the scream that came merely seconds after.

   ?Oh my God! There?s blood leaking from under that shed!?

   Scarlet fluid stained the ground all around said shed, which was about thirty steps away from our cabin. It flowed like a river (inglorious, sadly) from under the door.

   ?Has anyone seen Taylor??

   ?Guys, Jody and Nick are feeling really sick!?

   Pastor Jeeves had walked up behind the crowd that had formed in front of the shed. A look of worry flashed on his face briefly before he took control.

   ?I will hold a preliminary investigation,? he announced. ?I suspect that there is strong demonic activity going on inside, as this is rather out of the way, even for most criminals. I can only hope this is a prank.?

   A prank? Not likely. Maggots and flies had already started to gather in and around the pools of gore.

   ?If I don?t come out in six hours, evacuate the premises and contact the Yard. The visitors will arrive shortly. Please attend to them for me while I?m inside.?

   Confident as he was, I couldn?t help thinking he was irresponsible not to cancel their trip. Of course, it had only occurred today, and the children would be on their way here already, so I can?t blame him, right?

Camp, day 2, 2pm

         ?You know, someone should really call the police.?

   ?But none of the camp?s phones are working!?

   ?Oh, I miss the city!?

   ?What if there really is a murderer? We should get out of here as soon as possible!?

   Such sentiments were voiced by our campers and the visitors alike. The visitors had arrived hours ago, and despite being less than civilized, none of them were at all shady, and so we got along very well and shared various anecdotes to keep us busy. The fears of the campers would also transfer to the visitors, which didn?t really bode so well with anyone.

   A scream was heard from the general direction of the shed. Olsen, a boy from the cabin opposite ours, came running, his eyes wild.

   ?Blood?s starting to flow out from the shed again, and this time, it?s really gushing! And check this: something flew in and broke the water closet?s window. I think it was? a spleen.?

   Several girls fainted on the spot. Felicia and I were tougher than that, though.

   ?One of you is a traitor,? a visitor from one of the villages whispered to me. His clothes were ragged, like an actual mendicant. His voice was rather raspy.

   ?How would you know that?? Felicia asked.

   ?I saw someone else go in there, after I went to the loo. I tried to tell the counselors, but they ignored me.?

   ?Do you know who he is??

   ?A counselor? Castellan, was he? Yes, he took a hatchet and ran right in.?

   ?You?re not saying that he?s the traitor, are you??

   The autumn wind blew across my face, taking a few leaves with it. For a moment, all three of us simply stared at each other, considering the shocking possibility.
   ?No, I wouldn?t say so.?

   ?We can?t jump to conclusions, so?? Felicia mused.

   ?We ought to call the constables. They?re more than capable of solving this mystery,? I concluded.

   ?Indeed. I?ll see if any of the bus drivers can be brought to drive a few of them over. Whatever you do, make sure no one else enters that shed. This is starting to look lesser like the average psychopath picking people off,? he warned.

   With that, the boy turned around and ran over to the parking area. With a sinking feeling, I realized that warnings were best issued out of Felicia?s earshot. As you will see in the next sentence, she is the schmuck in schmuck bait.

Camp, day 2, 8pm, by the shed

        ?Let?s go in.?

   ?Capital idea, my good lady.?

   ?I?m so glad we agree.?

   ?No, Felicia, no! You can?t be serious! Didn?t that weird kid tell us not to go in?? More than once, I?ve doubted Felicia self-preservation instincts, but this is really over the top.

   ?And since when have I listened to anything like that? Besides, your folks are vampire hunters, right? They would?ve taught you how to??

   ?Felicia, they died when I was freaking five! You think they?d be able to teach me anything??

   ?Fair point. Fine, I?ll go in alone.?

   The kid had convinced two of five drivers to fetch the constables. One crashed into a tree, and the other exploded under mysterious circumstances.

   I didn?t want to say it, but even I was starting to believe this place was cursed. Everyone else apparently thought the same, as a majority of the camp had decided to barricade themselves in the cabins until help came.

   No one knew we were out here.

   Felicia strode, even flounced in, carrying three knives and an electric torch, as I did. I couldn?t bear to leave her alone in there, so I had to follow.

   The first thing we noticed was the faint moaning. It was quiet at first, but it grew louder and louder. Soon, it practically grated our ears.

   Secondly, our torches seemed to be mostly ineffective. It was as if the darkness resisted the light actively and kept everything obscured, as we brushed, bumped, and even almost tripped over various things strewn about the room.

   ?Okay, pants, just pants,? I puffed, ?this is getting dumb. We have to spread out. You search over there, in those cabinets. I?ll search the other side. Holler if you find anything.?

   Musing over those words, emphasis on the other side, I should have realized this shed was bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. Far bigger. It was a big, fat warning sign of magic being used.

   It also occurred to me that, thirty seconds later, as a bunch of tentacles shot out of the ground and incarcerated Felicia, it was a very bad idea to have split up.

   She had opened a cabinet on the far end of the room, out of which a thick green miasma was roiling at an alarming speed.

   I blacked out.

? ? ? ?

        I came to, tied to a pillar somewhere. The place was filled with lush greenery, and it seemed to be floating in the sky.

   ?Master, she wakes,? said a familiar voice.

   It wasn?t Castellan?s. It wasn?t the boy?s. It wasn?t Nick, Jody, or Taylor.

   It was Pastor Jeeves.

   Another voice, this one deep and booming, emanates seemingly from everywhere.

   ?Very good. I shall have much fun with this one. Her parentage ensures that much.? My parentage? He knows about my family?

   ?Master, what of my reward?? that bastard Jeeves inquired.

   ?Ahh, your reward? a quick, painless death, as part of me.?

   ?Master?! I??

   Before that lying twerp could protest, pale red tentacles, similar to the ones that caught Felicia, chopped his head off swiftly and sucked him into the ground slowly, with wince-worthy sounds of bones and flesh going through a blender, consuming him.

   A bone with some already rotting flesh still attached smacked my face hard. How was this painless again? I had to feel sorry for him, even though he got us into this mess.
   The voice laughed evilly, shaking the ground itself. What was an otherwise peaceful looking garden felt very menacing.

   In a puff of green miasma, the owner of that voice appeared to me. He was tall, brooding, and clad entirely in raven black; from its hair, to its cloak, to its shoes. He stared at me, as though I were a tasty snack to be devoured.

   ?I step ever closer to true demonhood, and I require but a few more noble and holy souls to reap.? He smiled, letting what appeared to be the blood of his most recent victim, the magnificent bastard of a pastor, drip down his face.

   ?Who the hell are you?!? I scream, kicking, trying to break free of the bonds that fettered me. I realized, not a moment too soon, that they were made of intestines and flesh. Human intestines and flesh.

   ?How rude of me not to introduce myself!? he glowered. ?I am Count di Sconti, a vampire second only to Count Dracula. Heed not those sappy novels; even we find them physically painful to read, and we?re vampires, undead and immune to pain!?
   I wasn?t buying this unintentional comedy act. ?You said you knew my family. How did you meet them??

   ?Oh, they took a camera crew along, as always, so they were delightfully predictable. They were also noble souls, so I found them doubly, should I say? delectable. Not only did I meet them, I also did? meat them!? He threw back his head and laughed.

   ?But enough with the jokes,? he suddenly whipped into an unnerving glare. With a wave of his hand, two things appeared behind him. One was a skeleton holding a hatchet, and another was in a stock. Castellan and Felicia.

   ?Carmine, save me!? Felicia cried. Castellan stood by, motionless.

   ?That hatchet was meant for me, but?? di Sconti paced about and pointed at Felicia. ?It looks like someone?s going to get a very painful wrong send!? He grinned again.

   ?Kind sir, do deliver the post? where it belongs.? He clicked his fingers.

   Castellan?s skeleton walked slowly behind Felicia, who was now, uncharacteristically, screaming her head off.

        ?Carmine! Carmine! CARMIIIIIIIIIINE!? she screamed for me, her third punctuated by the hatchet?s business end entering her anus. Again, and again, and again.

        ?Return mail, return mail, return mail! Hahahahaha!? di Sconti cackled.

   ?No!? I screamed. ?Leave her be! I?ll do anything!?

        Count di Sconti abruptly turned to me. ?Yes, did you say anything??

   ?Y-Yes! Anything!?

   ?Swear by the River Styx, you churl!?

   ?Yes! Take me, not her!? The second those words left my mouth,

   ?Ah, good. Now I?ll make good on my promise. I?ll leave her be? as is? without any medical treatment? here? to die with the ravens!? he practically bowled over in laughter. ?You told me to leave her be, didn?t you??

        The idiocy of my oath dawned upon me. Not only did I sell myself to this true demon-to-be vampire, but I left my bludgeoned friend to die without any hope, help, or friendly company.

   I lost all emotion.

   ?You are no longer Carmine Gardenia. You are bound to me, and you will serve me. I name thee? Sedeca Lunata Moonbloom.?

   I bid my past a brief mental farewell as my vision blurred.

   I was his. Forever.

   No! I had to fight!  I am Carmine Gardenia, descendant of the elite vampire hunter clan, the Gladii. My best friend is Felicia Dunham. I live in Essex, England. I am human.

   I was Carmine Gardenia, Descendant of the elite vampire hunter clan, the Gladii. My best friend is Felicia Dunham. I live in Essex, England. I am human.

        I was Carmine Gardenia, Descendant of the elite vampire hunter clan, the?? My best friend is Felicia Dunham. I live in Essex, England. I am human.

   I was Carmine?? Descendant of the elite vampire hunter clan, the?? My best friend is Felicia Dunham. I live in Essex, England. I am human.

   I was Carmine?? I don?t remember any family. My best friend is dead, long dead. I lived in Essex, England. I was human.

   I was?? I have no family. Friends do not exist for me. I live in hell. I was human.

   I was?
   I was?

   Who am I?

   I am Sedeca Moonbloom. My master is all I have. I live to serve my master. I live with my master. I am in him. He is in me. We two are one.

   I serve him only. Di Sconti, I am yours.


Well, that was some rather shoddy writing from me ;3; as of now, you can't guess who she is. Oh wait, you can. Hooray for fanon! :colonveeplusalpha:
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 08:30:18 AM by TAKE YOUR WIFE BACK! »

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu

Re: Koun Ryu Sui ~ Cho Tadasuma no Densetsu no Monogatari
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2011, 01:36:37 AM »
Whats up with the blue letters?
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming
Re: Koun Ryu Sui ~ Cho Tadasuma no Densetsu no Monogatari
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2011, 08:29:31 AM »
So you noticed. It's for you to find out.

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu