Author Topic: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!  (Read 33304 times)


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #90 on: September 29, 2011, 08:11:18 AM »
>"You are quite at peace in this gathering Meiling.  How do you feel about the tournament?"

> "I truly enjoyed our time together, so, in that sense, I am grateful for the tournament's throwing everything into such disarray. Otherwise we might not have met!"
> She winks.
> "But all must come to an end, one way or another. Whether the surrender comes to words or to fists, I would definitely see this through to the end."

Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #91 on: September 30, 2011, 08:01:56 AM »
>"Much in the way that I am glad to have met and battled with my comrades.  I am happy to have you as a mentor and ally, Meiling."
>Finish Flashback


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #92 on: September 30, 2011, 10:59:00 AM »
>"Much in the way that I am glad to have met and battled with my comrades.  I am happy to have you as a mentor and ally, Meiling."
>Finish Flashback

> Fade to black.

> Fade in again on the Judges assembled to form an impassable wall between you and your destination.

> "Even in the face of our divinity," says the Goddess.
> "We don't get a choice in the deal," says the Child.
> "Laws are not lifted when someone, no matter how well-intentioned, merely says them to be," says Shikieki.
> "What they're trying to say is, you're getting a fight whether you like it or not, and I am going to like it a lot."
> With her words, the Spell Cards in the Judges' hands glow and flash.

> The small oni barrels into the oni crowd, sending dozens flying with her first tackle
> Byakuren vanishes between moments, Youmu following suit with a quiet rustle
> A cloud of fairies sweeps over and engulfs Shikieki even as she charges you, her baton surrounded with a sword-like fiery blaze
> A chill wind blows as Youmu's Lady vanishes from sight, ghost lights appearing in her absence
> A glowing orb grows in size with each passing moment above the Goddess' outstretched hand as she starts to chant
> Two figures shoot up through the clouds to tackle the figure with the parasol from below
> Steel rings out as Youmu and Byakuren appear in front of you simultaneously, the former parrying an open-palm strike from the latter an inch away from your face

> You are Marisa.
> No matter what the right way is, combat is where you find your true self.
> As long as you fight, others do not have to.
> What do?

> You are also Youmu.
> You have been defeated once, never again.
> Your mind would have to be flayed and your body broken before you would let the march fail.
> What do?

> You are also Akyu.
> Violence has exploded all around you as the Judges lay into the congregated march.
> Your goal, however, is far ahead and above.
> What do?


Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #93 on: October 01, 2011, 01:08:01 AM »
Youmu and Marisa

Would interposing oneself to be a half-ghost shield but not taking effort to dodge or block be fighting?


>The purpose is that even if the group is attacked, there will not be fighting. Focus on ceasing any attempts to fight back. Continue the march forward ignoring the judges' attacks.
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #94 on: October 01, 2011, 10:20:54 AM »
Youmu and Marisa

Would interposing oneself to be a half-ghost shield but not taking effort to dodge or block be fighting?

> The parser assumes this is an input command.
> Marisa's natural toughness and Youmu's Conviction will allow them to weather an onslaught for some time.


>The purpose is that even if the group is attacked, there will not be fighting. Focus on ceasing any attempts to fight back. Continue the march forward ignoring the judges' attacks.

> You grit your teeth and proceed forward amidst the commotion. While there is currently a path you can follow, once the floating islands of Heaven start climbing higher and higher you will need assistance from your allies to make the arduous climb.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #95 on: October 04, 2011, 12:52:17 AM »
>Youmu: For now, devote our time to interfering with the Monk. We don't need to beat her any more, just get in her way, harry her attacks.
>Marisa: Are we under attack right now? If not, take a moment to survey the field.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #96 on: October 04, 2011, 06:57:54 AM »
>Youmu: For now, devote our time to interfering with the Monk. We don't need to beat her any more, just get in her way, harry her attacks.
>Marisa: Are we under attack right now? If not, take a moment to survey the field.

> Youmu

> You devote yourself to the defense of others. For better or worse, the Monk has focused her attacks on Akyu, so you have the luxury of neglecting your own well-being and concentrating solely on intercepting the Monk's attacks, lightning-quick as they are.
> The air rings as strike after strike is deflected, near-unseen by the mortal eye.
> You can feel the Monk's attention turning to you. You will be her target soon enough.

> Marisa

> You are not immediately engaged, but that is a fleeting condition at best. If you do not pick a course of action, it will most certainly be picked for you.
> The little Oni - you know her as Suika, a common freeloader at the Hakurei Shrine - is laying into the Oni congregation, her size belying her monstrous strength.
> The two goddesses of the Moriya shrine have not immediately come into the fight - Kanako has spent the past moments chanting to herself, an orb of light growing above her outstretched hand, and Suwako watchfully standing between her and the body of the march.
> You cannot see where Yuyuko went to. The air is much colder than usual, though.
> Shikieki is still engulfed in fairies, who are being coordinated and encouraged by Cirno.
> The last you have seen of the figure with the parasol is her being forced off the islands of Heaven and down to the mountain below.

> Akyu

> You leap across a dizzying gap across a series of smaller islands and onto a larger one. You can feel the air around you rippling from the powers in play, and your Qi sense throbs at the displays of magical power.

Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #97 on: October 04, 2011, 07:15:06 AM »
>Youmu: Is the monk armed?
>Marisa: Spy Yuugi?
>Akyu: Where is the compass pointing?


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #98 on: October 04, 2011, 09:31:17 AM »
>Youmu: Is the monk armed?

> No, but her unarmed strikes are as potent as any weapon.

>Marisa: Spy Yuugi?

> Yuugi is with the Oni group, trying her best to keep Suika in check.

>Akyu: Where is the compass pointing?

> Somewhere towards the mountain behind you. The pointer moves around sporadically.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #99 on: October 04, 2011, 04:12:33 PM »
>Youmu: If the monk is not paying proper attention to us, let's have a moment to see if pride is really as important to her as our first encounter suggests. Pour on all the speed we can muster, and cut off as much of her hair as possible. Just so she can know that, symbolically, we have taken her head.
>Marisa: Can we tell what that orb that Kanako is brewing up will do?

Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #100 on: October 05, 2011, 08:40:00 AM »
>Marisa: Work with Yuugi to pick up the pint-sized hellion and hurl her into the goddesses. 
>Akyu: How far have we gotten? Any pursuers?


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #101 on: October 05, 2011, 10:18:24 AM »
>Youmu: If the monk is not paying proper attention to us, let's have a moment to see if pride is really as important to her as our first encounter suggests. Pour on all the speed we can muster, and cut off as much of her hair as possible. Just so she can know that, symbolically, we have taken her head.
>Marisa: Can we tell what that orb that Kanako is brewing up will do?

> Youmu

> Your strategy has lulled your opponent into a false sense of security, and, choosing your moment, you strike.
> As the Monk gathers herself for another attack, you slip past her, merely a flicker of movement in her peripheral vision and, with a speed unrivaled in all the land, you draw your sword and slice in a single motion.
> Time seems to stand still as a lock of hair, no longer bound to its owner, floats motionlessly in the air.
> The Monk, her body moving before her mind has realised, executes a near-impossible dodge against your near-perfect attack. A single drop of blood slowly crawls its way along your blade, a matching thin red line welling up on a cut on the Monk's shoulder.
> For a brief moment the Monk's eyes glow with the deep gold of the dawning sun, and she leaps, muscles tensed, to attack you.

> Marisa

> That is some high evocation she's powering up. While it is a simple matter to gather one's magic for a direct offensive blast, the amount of control that she's got going is really impressive.
> You hear Kanako's chant develop a repeating musical line and, with almost an audible fanfare, her chant turns to song.

>Marisa: Work with Yuugi to pick up the pint-sized hellion and hurl her into the goddesses. 
>Akyu: How far have we gotten? Any pursuers?

> You seize the moment when Suika's busy beating an Oni with another Oni to blast your way into her, use your momentum to turn your vice-like grab into a spin and, picking the right time, you let go.
> Suika shoots like a bullet, laughing all the while, into the Goddesses.
> Suwako braces herself and, with superb timing, interposes herself between Suika and Kanako. The impact is like that of a peal of thunder, sending Suika and Suwako flying in opposite directions. Both recover from the impact, the little Oni adjusting her parabolic arc to send herself into the mass of Oni, and Suwako quickly resumes her defensive position.
> Kanako's song, militant and aggressive, adjusts to a gentler tone and her orb reduces in size slightly. You see Suwako looking visibly refreshed.

> Akyu

> You're making your way slowly. It will be a while before you are even in sight of your destination.
> While there are no immediate pursuers, all attackers having been occupied in some way or other, the entire ball of non-violent violence keeps pace with you.

Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #102 on: October 06, 2011, 07:29:38 AM »
You've given me an idea Purvis.  Would anyone find it to be too patronizing to sheathe our swords and apologize for drawing blood?

>Marisa: If fairies are occupying Shiki, imagine what onis could do.  Arcane Grapple ~ Galactic Toss, "Yuugi! Catch!"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #103 on: October 06, 2011, 07:36:36 AM »
I think it would be exactly patronizing enough.

Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #104 on: October 06, 2011, 07:49:27 AM »
Oh joy.
>Youmu: Sheathe blades and kowtow, "I am sorry most esteemed opponent, you have inadvertantly been wounded despite my efforts to engage you non-violently."  Anticipate recourse.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #105 on: October 06, 2011, 08:17:34 AM »
>Marisa: If fairies are occupying Shiki, imagine what onis could do.  Arcane Grapple ~ Galactic Toss, "Yuugi! Catch!"

> Marisa

> The fairies scatter in all directions like a swarm of flies as you dash into their centre, narrowly dodging the vast fiery blade emanating from Shikieki's baton.
> You quickly reach out and grab, pulling Shikieki off-balance and, with an accelerating spin, send her flying at Yuugi.
> The Judge recovers from the throw and screeches to a halt in mid-air just outside of Yuugi's reach. She looks rattled and is taking some time to recover.
> Just beyond Yuugi you see the oni mob seemingly grow in volume and explode outwards, scattering Oni everywhere. At the epicentre stands a vastly enlarged Suika, still growing in size.

>Youmu: Sheathe blades and kowtow, "I am sorry most esteemed opponent, you have inadvertantly been wounded despite my efforts to engage you non-violently."  Anticipate recourse.

> Youmu

> "The mistake was all mine, rest assured," mutters the Monk through gritted teeth. "It will not happen again."
> The Monk aborts her reckless charge and, regaining her composure, takes up a stance that is all weak point, hands like claws, elbows above shoulder-height, knees deeply bent, feet on tip-toe.
> Encountered Stance: Tiger Ravages Creation. Complexity: 4. The first strike becomes the last. The user of this stance aims to end their fight in a single blow. Any attack they make that connects instantly disables the body part struck as the user's Qi breaks their opponent's body from the inside. At Brawling 5 every attack made in this stance becomes Unblockable. While in this stance, any attack made against the user becomes Unblockable.

Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #106 on: October 06, 2011, 09:07:02 AM »
>Marisa: "Fairies, blind the giant! Onis, jump onto that growing mountain and tickle her!" Whistle for our broom while speeding forward and Arcane Grapple ~ Quickthief Reversal the recovering judge by flying straight towards the growing Suika.
>Youmu: "How would you like your hair styled?"
« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 09:33:01 AM by Uncle Bob »


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #107 on: October 06, 2011, 11:00:03 AM »
>Marisa: "Fairies, blind the giant! Onis, jump onto that growing mountain and tickle her!" Whistle for our broom while speeding forward and Arcane Grapple ~ Quickthief Reversal the recovering judge by flying straight towards the growing Suika.
>Youmu: "How would you like your hair styled?"


> Cirno relays your command and, within moments, Suika's head is crawling with fairies.
> This doesn't appear to actually faze her, she flails around wildly blind, sending Oni flying every which way, which is much what she was doing before, anyway.
> You do not let Shikieki recover. You re-establish a grip, limiting the movement of her sword-arm, and, with a trip-and-stumble you direct her towards Suika.

> Youmu

> "You will never touch me again, ghost-servant."
> She sounds quite agitated.
> With a snarl, she lunges to strike you in the chest, palm outstretched, fingers tensed.

Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #108 on: October 07, 2011, 06:37:34 AM »
>Marisa: Have no fear. Ram Shiki-first into Suika's face.
>Youmu: Seven Shadows Evasion behind our adversary into a Tsubame-Gaeshi.  If we can split a swallow's tail feather's in midflight, some more hair should be no problem.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #109 on: October 07, 2011, 03:19:20 PM »
>Marisa: Have no fear. Ram Shiki-first into Suika's face.
>Youmu: Seven Shadows Evasion behind our adversary into a Tsubame-Gaeshi.  If we can split a swallow's tail feather's in midflight, some more hair should be no problem.

> Marisa

> You are the hammer, Suika's face is the anvil. Shikieki, unfortunate enough to be caught in the centre, takes the full brunt of the impact. You can just about see the stars circling her head.
> Suika laughs joyfully and tries to swat you out of the air.

> Youmu

> You move faster than you have ever before, faster than your own draw, faster than a storybook heartbreak, faster than the world's first moment, to dodge and circle around behind the Monk. You see an image of yourself in front of the Monk, making the first motions of Seven Shadows Evasion. The defense requires tremendous effort on your part, and you already start to feel your body protesting against the strain.
> Your attack's precision is enough to split the building blocks of life itself, its timing pure enough to strike a bolt of lightning. To defend against it is to do the literally impossible.
> The Monk does the impossible. Twisting her whole upper body, she interposes a palm between herself and your blade. In a brief flash of light, a bright golden mandala, gently turning, forms ahead of her palm, as if a shield protecting her from your sword.
> She stands stock-still after her miraculous parry, breathing heavily. The defense took as much from her as yours did from you.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #110 on: October 07, 2011, 06:56:57 PM »
>Youmu: She's falling for it! Look at her expend all that energy on something like hair.
>Laugh, as we take a moment to recover.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #111 on: October 08, 2011, 07:03:58 AM »
>Youmu: She's falling for it! Look at her expend all that energy on something like hair.
>Laugh, as we take a moment to recover.

> Youmu

> "I had believed you to be above this," snarls the Monk.
> You definitely seem to have struck a nerve.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #112 on: October 08, 2011, 07:37:41 AM »
>Oh now that is hilarious! Blaming us for her failure; getting distracted from her so-called duty. Have a good laugh; but try not to let our guard down.
>"Oh my, you really are the incarnation of beginner's luck, aren't you? Now I can see why you're blindly loyal to this whole thing!"

Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #113 on: October 08, 2011, 08:08:09 AM »
>Youmu: Sheathe Sword.  Ghost Sign: Phantom Pain, if our attacks are unblockable, how about we make two attacks unblockable?  Sun-Through-The-Clouds let's aim for a new hairstyle.
>Marisa: How are the oni doing on Oni Mountain?


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #114 on: October 10, 2011, 02:00:51 PM »
>Oh now that is hilarious! Blaming us for her failure; getting distracted from her so-called duty. Have a good laugh; but try not to let our guard down.
>"Oh my, you really are the incarnation of beginner's luck, aren't you? Now I can see why you're blindly loyal to this whole thing!"

> "Why do you speak so, ghost-servant? If I have wronged you then I can only ask forgiveness, otherwise your manner is just cruel."

>Youmu: Sheathe Sword.  Ghost Sign: Phantom Pain, if our attacks are unblockable, how about we make two attacks unblockable?  Sun-Through-The-Clouds let's aim for a new hairstyle.
>Marisa: How are the oni doing on Oni Mountain?

> Youmu

> With nary a movement your sword disappears into its sheath. With nary another, your Spell Card flashes in your hand, and the world around you changes as your vision is overlaid with the sight of the realm of spirits and death.
> As before, you can vaguely sense something wrong at the bottom of the world, a void where none should be, a missing piece of a grand puzzle through which blows a wind cold and terrible.
> You shake off the sensation and resume your attack.
> Locks of golden hair fly left and right - the Monk takes your attack, nimbly steps inside your reach, and, from inches away, lands two light blows - on your chest and right arm.
> You barely feel them, yet the shock that comes after leaves you breathless and reeling - you cannot take a deep breath. You can barely breathe at all, and each intake of air is shallower than the last. You know with a profound clarity that you will stop breathing in thirty seconds. Each second, passing at a glacial pace for you, will be agony.
> It seems almost secondary, then, that you feel your right arm hanging limply at your side, as though that of a lifeless corpse.

> Marisa

> Not well. Their tried-and-true strategy of hitting things until they stop has found its match in something that looks - and probably is - unstoppable.
> Suika's vast hand catches you mid-air and slams you backwards, sending you into a bounce across several of the smaller floating islands until you crash to a stop. That even stung somewhat.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #115 on: October 10, 2011, 07:04:23 PM »
>"If you wish to apologize, lay down right now and cease this idiocy at once."
>"Then again, I've never met a monk who balked at a shaved head. So, where does this leave you, my vain friend?"


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #116 on: October 10, 2011, 07:45:43 PM »
>"If you wish to apologize, lay down right now and cease this idiocy at once."
>"Then again, I've never met a monk who balked at a shaved head. So, where does this leave you, my vain friend?"

> "Do not ask of me the impossible, and do not presume to judge me - that title rests with me for now. You have little time remaining, ghost-servant. Use it with wisdom."
> The Monk relaxes her stance.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #117 on: October 10, 2011, 08:08:35 PM »
>Yes, talk to us, when you should be stopping Akyu.
>"You're no judge, you silly little fake monk. You're just blindly following whatever your told to cover up your embarrassing lack of humility, then trying to act like it's a thing to take pride in."


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #118 on: October 10, 2011, 08:56:41 PM »
>Yes, talk to us, when you should be stopping Akyu.
>"You're no judge, you silly little fake monk. You're just blindly following whatever your told to cover up your embarrassing lack of humility, then trying to act like it's a thing to take pride in."

> Youmu

> She'll have a lot more time to stop Akyu when you're incapacitated. It's getting hard to stay focused with the lack of air.
> "I see. I had thought better of you, ghost-servant. Enjoy your last moments."
> She turns away.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #119 on: October 10, 2011, 09:46:01 PM »
Shall we go for the hair again, Bob? I am pretty sure, whatever she's done, there's not a whole lot we can do about it.