Author Topic: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore  (Read 58879 times)

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Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #30 on: July 30, 2011, 05:13:29 AM »
Would you lecture us on Heroic Spirits?
Offer an alternative cast list for each of the seven classes, if there could be a proper 6th Grail War.


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Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #31 on: July 30, 2011, 02:10:49 PM »
What is your opinion of Shikieki? (Depending on who reads this thread, your life may or may not be on the line.)
What are your music preferences?
What is your favorite season?
What, in your opinion, is your area of expertise?
On a scale of 1 to 10 (decimals allowed), rate yourself as a person.


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Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #32 on: July 30, 2011, 08:20:35 PM »
Would you lecture us on Heroic Spirits?
Offer an alternative cast list for each of the seven classes, if there could be a proper 6th Grail War.

Gladly! Heroic spirits are in general, heroic individuals that have made a 'deal' with the world and are sentenced to act as the world's guardians. This mostly involves cleaning shit up every time some idiot fucks up and makes a magic godzilla or something, if a certain someone's comparison to a janitor is accurate. The world grants these requests and then removes the heroic spirit, upon their death, from the timestream. This means Heroic Spirits can be called to any point of time, even before they were born. Heroic spirits have a weapon or skill that symbolizes them called a 'Noble Phantasm', which is essentially a trademark from their life, King Arthur's, for example, would be Excalibur.

Heroic spirits are summoned during the holy grail war using the 'class system', which generally is an extremely picky system that chooses spirits based on their specialties and what they can do. The Heroic Spirits in most cases, are not actual heroic spirits but rather copies made by the Great Holy Grail. This means they are reliant on their summoner to provide Mana for them. Heroic spirits also are stronger or weaker based on how well known they are and where they are. It is also possible to summon fictional Heroic Spirits that never actually existed during the war, but only one instance is mentioned as far as I know, that being the Assassin of the 5th.

As for the 6th holy grail war, I'm going to work based on Fate ending- Great Holy Grail not destroyed, King Arthur ascended and no longer hogging the Saber spot.

Saber: Heroic Spirit George Washington.
I'm going to hell for this one. Assuming George Washington as a Heroic Spirit isn't too difficult, as you only need to assume A. He was in fact trained and fairly decent with a military saber B. He had the situation to make a deal with the war, his deal being America prospering would actually make some sense. He's also pretty well known, so he should meet the requirements to exist. He'd be a terror in America, but in Japan he'd probably be fairly weak.
Skills: Would probably include Riding and Commanding, perhaps a tactical skill or two. Probably low level as he isn't from the age of magic and such.
Noble Phantasm: White House- Yes. The entire White House. The original unburned version, at least. Perhaps changed by being summoned by magic to give George a homefield advantage he can use. Choosing a phantasm for him was kind of hard because George Washington probably did not have super magic weapons stashed away.
Chances of Winning: Slim. George Washington, while well known, is still mostly human. In a war such as the holy grail, He'd get a few good moments then die. But come on, George Washington written by Nasu. That'd be awesome.

Lancer: Heroic Spirit Sun Wukong.
A pole counts as a long-ranged weapon, and especially one like Wukong's. He fits the bill perfectly for being a heroic spirit, really, and even if he gets cleaned up to be human or something, not like there aren't other offenders of not being like their original form. I'm looking at you rider. i think.
Skills: Killing everything all day erryday. Prolly some Divinity as well.
Noble Phantasm: Ruyi Jingu Bang. Or the extendo pole you all know so well- It's pretty much a perfect fit, though I imagine with all the shit he stole from heaven there might be others.
Chances of Winning: Pretty High. Journey to the West is well known and Wukong is a god damn monster normally.

Archer: Heroic Spirit Hercules
Let's up the stakes! Hercules is noted to be able to be a multitude of classes, and is probably at his best as an Archer as he has his strongest noble phantasm.
Skills: Probably similar to his Beserker set, updated to reflect him not being crazy.
Noble Phantasm: I forget the name of it, but it's essentially a bow  and arrow set covered in hydraic poison. Deadly shit.
Chances of Winning: High. Hercules is a strong Heroic Spirit on his own, but he's really at his best by not being crazy and having a god damn powerful Noble Phantasm. To note, this is considered stronger than the phantasm that made him functionally invincible.

Caster: False Heroic Spirit Mickey Mouse.
Okay. Now I'm going to hell.
Noble Phantasm: Magical Castle: Disney.
Chances of Winning: Assured Victory. You do not mess with the mouse.

Rider: Heroic Spirit Genghis Khan
Probably too similar to F/Z Rider, but fits, I guess?
Skills: Riding and Leadership.
Noble Phantasm: Hmm. Maybe something like a vast stock of horses, so he always has a horse available?
Chances of Winning: Medium.

Beserker: Heroic Spirit Caligula.
In the same vein, probably a Beserker-like of the Fate/Extra Saber- Perhaps a bit too mild a choice for beserker, but I think it could work?
Skills: Not entirely sure what I'd put. Ahhh, this entry is becoming more useless each entry...
Noble Phantasm: Not sure what I'd put here either. I'm thinking either like, the knife that murdered him or a manifestation of something he did.
Chances of Winning: Lower than Washington's, if only due to the fact the beserker class is almost incapable of winning due to how uncontrollable they are.

Assassin: Unfortunately, due to how this slot works, it'd realistically have to be Hassan again. Because he's a douche, but assuming it wasn't-
Anti-Heroic Spirit Jack The Ripper.
The uncaught murderer who stalked the streets of London? Perfect Assassin material. Could've made his deal to never be caught or something.
Skills: Basic Stealth and the likes, focused on stabbing and fleeing.
Noble Phantasm: Unsolved Mystery- The manifestation of the fact Jack The Ripper was never unmasked. Makes it impossible to track him and allows him to blend into even the smallest of shadows, and always hides his face and body.
Chances of Winning: Decent. Probably wouldn't.

What is your opinion of Shikieki? (Depending on who reads this thread, your life may or may not be on the line.)
What are your music preferences?
What is your favorite season?
What, in your opinion, is your area of expertise?
On a scale of 1 to 10 (decimals allowed), rate yourself as a person.

I don't particularly like her. It's probably the reason Shikieiki's Day Off is a favorite of mine-  to make me enjoy reading about her so much is a feat. It mostly stems for her horrendous 'Ability to see Black and White', suggesting there is a definite wrong and right to everything, and that she has some god damn right to judge us all. It doesn't help she uses that ability to yell at everyone else, even if she does genuinely think she's helping them. Lady, stop telling people how to live their lives.

Maybe this stems from some hatred of the idea some jackass is going to be judging me and everything I did and saying 'how dare i not do x even if i thought x was the right thing to do'.

Musical Preferences are again probably rock leaning, anything with a good beat though.

My favorite season is probably fall, mild temperature and pretty leaves everywhere. And an excuse to wear sweatshirts!

My area of expertise is probably technological. I'm not really a programmer or anything, but it's probably what I'm best with.

4. If I'm generous.

Hello Purvis

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Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #33 on: July 30, 2011, 08:45:45 PM »
All excellent choices, Berserker Caligula made me jaw-drop with glee. But you missed a golden opportunity for Billy the Kid as Archer.

Also, I meant on the particular heroic spirits we know and love.

Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #34 on: July 31, 2011, 04:27:12 AM »
What is a "rabbit slam"? Can I get that at Denny's?


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Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #35 on: July 31, 2011, 08:59:51 PM »
You are the Human Village on Lunatic.  What do?

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #36 on: July 31, 2011, 10:22:22 PM »
All excellent choices, Berserker Caligula made me jaw-drop with glee. But you missed a golden opportunity for Billy the Kid as Archer.

Ooh. Good point.

Also, I meant on the particular heroic spirits we know and love.

Also ooohhh.

In that case, also sure, but I'll stick to the 5th holy war's cast on account of never having played Fate/Extra (never will because I lack a psp), and read Fate/Zero. With another important servant to how the 5th plays out. Spoilers below etc.

Saber- Saber is one of three 'Knight' Classes, along with Archer and Lancer. They've a reputation for being the strongest servant. While I have a feeling that probably is very very much a false dichotomy caused by the fact that it's probably easier to find an artifact for a strong hero known for using a sword than for a lance etc because a lot of famous people use swords, Saber is a monster and probably proves the dichotomy pretty fast.

Saber uses of course, a sword, but a hidden one due to the fact it shows off who she is right fast. This means she is using a weapon you can't accurately judge and watch, making it hard to block her blows. Couple this with the fact she also infuses her blows with Mana to make them hit damn hard, and that she's quick and powerful on her own, and in normal combat it's hard to match her. The only person who bested her in normal combat this war was Beserker, who I'll get to in a bit. She is however, also suffering from having a weak magus who can't properly feed her mana to keep her at full power though, so we don't even get to see her at full. Oh, and as a Knight class she has innate spell defense- In Saber's case you need essentially a wave motion cannon to break through.

Her Noble Phantasm, however, is what makes her pretty much indisputably the strongest. It's Excalibur. It can take down castles. If there is a situation she can't get out of normally, she can probably Excalibur the fuck out of it. Again though, not having the mana to use it more than once is a downside. She also has Avalon, if certain things happen, which is basically able to negate any attack. Combine the two and she's pretty much invincible at full.

As a character, Saber isn't my favorite servant, and if she wasn't hidden under a huge list of badasses and good characters, she'd be awesome. That said, I direct you to my BMW LP for my proper reactions to her anytime she shows up. She's awesome and I like her.

Lancer- Lancer is the second of three Knight classes, and focuses on long range weaponry and being quick motherfuckers. So which quick motherfucker do you get for your war? Cu motherfucking chulainn that's who. Lancer is outright said to probably be the fastest possible Lancer, and he shows by excelling in getting the fuck out of dodge. That's not to say he's weak though.

Lancer basically has three main weapons, one being a quick motherfucker and rapid assaulting. This typically does nothing to anyone. Two is the fact he has magic runes he can use. These runes can do a lot of different things, from setting shit on fire and blocking projectile weaponry to just powering him the fuck up. In a normal war this would probably get a lot of use and be heavily used. In this war...well, that's for later.

The Third is his Noble Phantasm, Gae Bolg. This is basically an instant death spell, straight down to surviving it through use of Luck. Stab the spear anywhere and it's result is changed to 'Hitting the Heart'. It's possible to survive it, but it's not very likely you can avoid taking a serious wound from it. The only way to dodge this move is to not let it happen.

Lancer is awesome. He's probably my favorite servant, if you haven't noticed my avatar. Probably has something to do with being half-irish. The thing is, Lancer gets shafted INCREDIBLY hard. First Route, he dies offscreen, even if it's fighting the good fight and going against one of the most overpowered assholes in the Nasuverse. He did little else the entire route. Second Route, he pretty much gets to play Hero and it's his finest moment, straight down to dying by setting himself on fire, AFTER taking out to jackasses and freeing a kidnapped ally, ALL WHILE HAVING STABBED HIS OWN HEART. Third Route he gets insta-gibbed by a new lame villain. Nasu kind of hates Lancer, I think. That said, The only reason he isn't more known for being universally badass is because he gets so few scenes.

Archer- okay so. Archer class, only thing that matters is they can spend time not connected to a master. Archer is extremely different than your typical archer, and really the most spoilery to talk about, so let me just get this out of the way. He's awesome because he summons swords and turns them into arrow bombs and can fight god damn well.

Archer is overhyped though. It's mostly because of the big secret involved in him that makes him twice as awesome, and the fact he gets a LOT of screentime, and is related to awesome scenes that don't involve him doing the awesome things. That said, he can have his moments and he's a great character. I just really find him a bit overhyped.

Caster- CASTERS ARE MAGICIANS. This war's caster was a bitch who casted super powerful spells and had a knife that could server contracts to make servants obey her. She dies like a chump most of the time. Second route is her swan song. She's really kinda boring as a character seeing as her fanatic devoting to her master while she strings him into doing what she wants is her characterization. She's just kind of a cheater and a bit of a jerk, and the best scene she's involved in is Rin kicking her ass.

Assassin- We're going to be ignoring Hassan and focusing on Sasaki because fuck Hassan. Sasaki isn't an atypical assassin as he's better fit to be a swordsman, and he is also the cannon example of a fictional heroic spirit. He's a person who isn't shown to have ever existed at one point in time, and instead is actually suggested to have been a farmer who just happened to stumble upon a super killing technique. He is likely not the actual person named Sasaki Kojiro and never actually fought Masamune or whoever he was rival to. He uses an overly long Katana and swift techniques, and isn't able to outright best Saber but is able to match her when using the high ground. His noble phantasm is a technique which is basically three slashes happening all at once.

Sasaki is awesome even if you don't see much of his because the fights with him are some great scenes. He comes with awesome music as well, and even if he doesn't really have characterization and is instead just kinda there to fight, that's characterization in itself. He just wants to fight, and god damn does he fight well. I like him. Hassan sucks and isn't worth mentioning.

Beserker- My love for you is like a Truck. A truck labeled 'Hercules' and rushing you with a giant stone axe to kick your fucking ass. Beserkers are a class that basically involves driving a heroic spirit mad and taking reason away to make them stronger. Hercules is already suggested to be an incredibly strong heroic spirit. They made him stronger.

...yeah, he's the guy who wrecked Saber's shit in normal combat. He's fast, massive, and incredibly strong. He is also functionally invincible thanks to his noble phantasm.

He still dies in all three routes. He usually dies in pretty awesome scenes so he's forgiven though. Beserker is a bit boring, but he's awesome and there's a good reason I'd like to see a sane Herc. He'd probably be a god damn badass.

Rider- Riders normally ride things. They're still Heroic Spirits though, though I dunno if they all fight similarly having not read Fate/Zero to see how that rider fights. FSN Rider however fights quickly and with odd weapons. She's not much in combat, though pretty damn fast, but her power lies in her noble phantasms, Bellerephon which summons a pegasus to kick your shit in, Bloodfort which melts humans and feasts on their power, and Mystic Eyes Cybele which turns people to stone because she's medusa.

Rider is pretty much plot important, and even then she doesn't do much in UBW and in fate only gets the honor of being the first target of Excalibur. In Heaven's feel though she kicks in full drive, becoming both important to the plot and overly all more active. As a character though she remains kind of bland, but she gets her good scenes and I'm driven to agree shes a pretty awesome character.

Archer from the 4th- Yeah so remember how I said some archers can act on their own. Yeah this guy has been acting on his own and sucking souls for a full 12 or so years, however long it was between the 4th and 5th. He's another not normal archer like archer, only being an archer because he shoots weapons around like a machinegun. This is because his noble phantasm has a million noble phantasms in it. That's literally all there is to his fighting style. ABUSE NOBLE PHANTASM MACHINEGUN 24/7.

He's pretty much the second strongest shown servant, next to
What a Beserker Arcueid should be
. He knows it as such and is kind of an annoying egotistical jackass who you enjoy seeing get his ass kicked. This makes the scenes he's involved in that involve his ass getting kicked awesome. I don't really like him because I guess you're not supposed to, but really he's a sexist overbearing egotistic villain, even if he's earned his ego it is really hard to like him. He is rightly an excellent villain in this regard though, and god damn he can be a magnificent bastard in his own right. I'll admit, I might've preferred him doing things more over the HF's big 'baddy'.

What is a "rabbit slam"? Can I get that at Denny's?

A Rabbit slam is a maneuver in which a Giant Enemy Rabbit crushes you beneath it in a magnificent slam.

I have been informed after several days of research, that a Denny's near you does in fact, have a Giant Enemy Rabbit, and you can in fact, order a Rabbit Slam at your local Denny's.

I don't know why you would though.

You are the Human Village on Lunatic.  What do?

Attempt to push my way into the location of another faction's and get a wall against my back and try and hold out and build up. In reality, die terribly because I was terrible at that game really.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #37 on: July 31, 2011, 11:57:54 PM »
I am afraid you are wrong, because Hassan is actually awesome as fuck, and it is a tragedy that we cannot have Hassan and Kojiro at the same time. Hassan owns because he is his class; he's the reason why his class is a thing in Western culture, and unlike ninja, actually existed instead of being just folklore.  In fact, we can stretch this out a bit. We don't really know if Sabre's historical counterpart existed. We don't know if Cu Chulaintn existed, or any of the many Greeks who show up. We are very sure there was an Old Man of the Mountain, original and descendants, because we know of the deeds of the Order of Assassins. Even if distorted by folklore, we know there was a Hassan, even if that wasn't his actual name.

As well: Hassan is the only heroic spirit who isn't full of himself. He knows he's not the baddest cat on the playground, and makes no bones about it. So he plays trickybitched instead, and uses the terrain and things that the opponent doesn't know to his advantage. It can be said he doesn't win his own victories, as he usually relies on trickery, but I'd say he definitely bests his opponents. Hassan also gets credit, I think, for being a throwing knife guy. Too bad most of the heroic spirits are completely immune to that kind of thing. He's also one of the high points in HF, which is necessary given how much of that storyline is devoted to Cooking Mama and a villain who just can't measure up to the other two main ones.

But enough of this!

How do you reconcile the separate storylines in both major works? Or do you not even try?


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Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #38 on: August 01, 2011, 01:25:58 AM »
How do you reconcile the separate storylines in both major works? Or do you not even try?

Multiple universes. It kind of helps they're outright stated to exist due to the existence of big papa Zeltretch. Each storyline happens, just in a different universe. Hell, technically I imagine every bad end happens as well. Those 50+ ends were Shirou got his ass ganked? Those are the places Rin is probably drawing all those excalibur blasts from in the end of HF. The Nasumultiverse is a pretty crowded place, when you start including stuff like Fate/Extra as well.

It's pretty easy to reconcile seperate paths in a setting that literally confirms alternate universes. While there is of course, a favored storyline that'll get continued, all the storylines did actually happen. A good example would be the idea that
is actually Fate Route Shirou- or just that character's existence in general, as a timeline has to exist where he made that choice.

The more interesting question is if once Saber became a heroic spirit, if she got a thousand different books detailing how Shirou gets himself stupidly killed.

Hello Purvis

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Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #39 on: August 01, 2011, 05:22:17 AM »
That strikes me as largely making everything meaningless. If all the things happened anyways, than none of the choices made would matter. There's no point in choosing if all the possibilities happen anyways, you've lost all power to determine what does or does not happen. You could argue they're discrete universes that don't affect each other, but at the same time, Zeltretch's dagger has done exactly that. And given at least a couple endings involve that dagger ending up at the feet of a thing with practically infinite power and malice, following this theory it all the other realities would be screwed by default.

In fact, looking into the past, they'd all already have to be screwed due to past events that would cause bleed over. So, I don't think many worlds ideology can really apply here. Separate stories, perhaps, but separate ones sharing a reality? It wouldn't work in the long run.

That said, I generally prefer to think of them as just ways things could have happened. In all but HF, for instance, Gotou didn't deem it the proper time to move. In all but that one path, Kohaku wasn't able to get revenges by that point and let it slide until later, and so on.

Real questions: Who got robbed worse? Lancer or Chaos or Satsuki?


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Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #40 on: August 01, 2011, 08:51:36 AM »
Real questions: Who got robbed worse? Lancer or Chaos or Satsuki?

Isn't it sad, Sacchin ;_;

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #41 on: August 01, 2011, 10:08:08 AM »
Why do you have such a strong appreciation for Nanaya?

And also, what do you think of Ryougi Shiki and how much better she is than Nanaya?


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Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #42 on: August 01, 2011, 01:10:53 PM »
What's the longest you've gone without sleep?

What's the most you've ever had to drink?

How much can you bench, bro?

"I don't have anything against you, but I hope you're ready to die a dog's death!
Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place!"


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Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #43 on: August 01, 2011, 02:03:09 PM »
Real questions: Who got robbed worse? Lancer or Chaos or Satsuki?

Satsuki Chaos. This is including the striked out as well.

Lancer got robbed pretty hard in FSN, but he at least got Hollow Atraxia after, and even just including FSN- Lancer still got to play a major role in the second route. Chaos, on the other hand, gets well... The fucking awesome fight with him and that's about it, and it doesn't even change the second time you see it. I mean, it's awesome and it's a legitimate boast that he almost got to kill -Arcueid Goddamn Brunestud-, even if weakened, but that's pretty much -it-. It's the extent of his character- He is literally left nothing outside of being a vampire who decided to try and fight and absorb a weakened Arcueid. You never explore his motivations, never see any real depth to his character. Lancer you get the depth of how deeply he really should be one of the good guys, except for the fact a certain sneaky bastard has his claws on him. You constantly get reminders that Lancer -is- a heroic spirit, he's just on the other side of the war due to circumstances.

Chaos you get 'I AM CHAOS. I'M MADE OF 666 BEASTS. WHO ARE YOU'. Then he dies.

I'm not sure if this is really a robbing so much as Chaos being complete chaff, but seeing as I could see much potential for at least a scene like Roa's, coming to understand what led him to this choice to be a vampire, I'm inclined to agree he was robbed of a character.

Oh well, Toss it next to Satsuki Route in the Tsukihime Remake wishlist, then.

Isn't it sad, Sacchin ;_;

Yes. Yes it is. ;A;

Why do you have such a strong appreciation for Nanaya?

I think my strong appreciation for Nanaya mostly comes from the Tohno, or more accurately I love the fuck out of Nanaya Shiki because of the real Nanaya Shiki.

In the first place, Tohno Shiki/Nanaya Shiki's best scenes in the original were basically every time his blood as a member of the Nanaya family kicked in. Everytime that happened he went eleven kinds of awesome higher than the last. First time he cut Arc into 17 pieces. Second time he completely and utterly kicked Chaos' shit in. Third time he taught Roa why you do not mess with Nanaya Shiki. And so on.

The Nanaya most commonly refered to as Nanaya is basically this. All the time. This is wonderful and basically makes everything about him a smooth-talking murdering machine with god damn -style-. Not only that, his flanderization of how Shiki being a Nanaya would make him a murder happy psychopath also makes complete sense- because he originally appeared as a part of Shiki's head, of how he views himself as a Nanaya. All he really knows as a Nanaya is how he's drawn to kill the fuck out of people and do it well, and this is mostly because everyone he knows pretty much trips off his blood's reaction to 'something not human'.

In reality is Tohno Makihisa/Jerkface McJerk never killed his entire family, he'd actually probably be just as peaceful because the family was going to give up assassination.

It's funny because Makihisa ruins everything.

And also, what do you think of Ryougi Shiki and how much better she is than Nanaya?

Before I say this, I'll note that watching the KnK movies is on my to-do list, and that all I've read of KnK is the first chapter of the original light novel.

Ryougi Shiki simply never caught my attention as a character. Literally, it's probably because the first chapter of the light novel is basically 'Everyday life. By the way I have death eyes.' She... To put it in a word, simply has a rather dull personality and my first impression of her never made me really -like- her. She just seems like the normal serious type with a side of crazy. It doesn't help that she literally got her eyes by getting hit by a car and she literally is perfectly integrated into the magic society from the word go.

In short, she really seems like a prototype for the later Shiki, upgrades to personality and situation to make him more interesting included. I'm going to honestly guess that she's a late bloomer and things go seven kinds of awesome later though, just because it's Nasu. It's just hard to make time to read or watch KnK because Ryougi didn't pull me in at first.

I'll try and maybe marathon the first few movies sometime this week, if I do ask me this question again for a probably better opinion on her.

What's the longest you've gone without sleep?

First semester of college's finals, I stayed awake to make sure I didn't over sleep and miss any of them. I was up for around 80+ hours, living off of my medicine and caffeine.

I spent the spare time playing RO with Trance and Acidus instead of studying. And I wonder why I did so poorly on Calculus...

What's the most you've ever had to drink?

If you mean of any kind of liquid, I believe I've been known to in a full day, take down a full gallon of Arizona Iced Tea.

If you mean of alcohol, uhm, about a quarter a fancy wine glass of Smirnoff. I don't really like alcohol. Can literally count the times I've had it on my hand.

How much can you bench, bro?

Probably around 10 pounds at best. My arms are really thin and weak. I don't really know because I don't lift though, so don't quote me on this when I'm suddenly lifting more than that.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 02:05:35 PM by Chaore »

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Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #44 on: August 01, 2011, 10:23:27 PM »
You need to fight a holy grail war to save your ass. What heroic spirit do you summon/try to summon? What class?


  • Master of the Swimsuit
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Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #45 on: August 02, 2011, 03:46:00 AM »
Where's the beef?

What's one thing you'd like to change about yourself for the better?

Do you see yourself as one day having a family, or will you be single for life? Why?

"I don't have anything against you, but I hope you're ready to die a dog's death!
Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place!"

Hello Purvis

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Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #46 on: August 02, 2011, 07:51:28 AM »
Chaos actually had a lot of groundwork to be interesting in regards to forming his thesis about the nature of what the fuck happened to him, and whether or not anything could be truly made from that core uncertainty. Chaos could have easily been the main villain of a plot arc, if not a whole damn full out Type Moon graphic novel. He just wasn't in the situation to make it happen.

Also, the 17 pieces is exactly when Tsukihime kicked into awesome territory for me; before that it was kinda interesting. Then "oh shit, he's going to rap he-...DAMN SHIKI."

-Why is Rin associated with vehicular homicide while smoking?
-How's KoL?


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Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #47 on: August 02, 2011, 05:56:09 PM »
You need to fight a holy grail war to save your ass. What heroic spirit do you summon/try to summon? What class?

False Heroic Spirit Batman. Class: Archer.

There is never a situation summoning Batman can't solve.

Where's the beef?


Oh never mind they just gave into her demands. It'll be heading home safely to it's family soon enough.

What's one thing you'd like to change about yourself for the better?

Make myself less kind of...shy, to say. I think my meekness in relation to some things is pretty much the worst part about me. Even if i was the same every other way, I'd probably give myself 2 more points if I was a bit less shy.

Do you see yourself as one day having a family, or will you be single for life? Why?

Single. Mostly because I'd be a terrible father. And also a terrible husband.

I don't want to push the burden of having to live with me on anyone else.

-Why is Rin associated with vehicular homicide while smoking?
-How's KoL?

Probably because going crazy seems like it would be the normal path to the life-style Rin was trying to lead, especially since she likely wouldn't actually go anywhere. She'd push herself too far, take up smoking, get rejected by everywhere and everyone...

And then she gets the car keys.

...actually, now that I think of it, that's wrong because she was actually smart, even if she acts otherwise. Huh, I dunno then.

KoL is good fun. I think it helps that unlike most browser games, their isn't a concrete stopping point where it just becomes the same thing forever, and there is a lot to go before you reach a theoretical end point. And Jick and crew are always adding a lot of stuff.

Come to think of it, It may have me hooked.


  • mrgrgr
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Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #48 on: August 02, 2011, 10:04:13 PM »
Got a default-status in mind for when you're through with it?
What skill(s) do you want to train next?

Mabi stuff aside, are there any games you like to play alone?

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #49 on: August 03, 2011, 05:41:07 AM »
Who is your favourite character in Meduka Meguca?

Why do you like rabbits so much?


  • Master of the Swimsuit
  • Making being an evil spirit look good
    • Tondemonai
Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #50 on: August 03, 2011, 10:24:13 AM »
Why did the Purvis cross the road?

What would you do if you ran into a Super Shim?

What's your favorite season of the year, and why?

"I don't have anything against you, but I hope you're ready to die a dog's death!
Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place!"


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #51 on: August 03, 2011, 05:26:51 PM »
Got a default-status in mind for when you're through with it?
What skill(s) do you want to train next?

Windmill and I aren't on speaking terms. We've decided we both need time alone. That said Windmill is a douche and fuck them.

Not really! I'll probably look at what I'm doing and change it to 'Fuckwhatismostannoying' or something.

After Windmill is done... Probably critical hit and Smash, Some refining as well.

Mabi stuff aside, are there any games you like to play alone?

Yep! I'm honestly still enamored with the Etrian Odyssey series, and I'm pretty sure they're my fall to game if I'm bored with nothing else to do.

Who is your favourite character in Meduka Meguca?

Sayaka. She's literally the only character I didn't want to hit with a washbin at any point. She makes as many mistakes as the rest, and perhaps worse ones, but she's literally the only one I actually didn't think was just an idiot for making them. Maybe I'm just a sucker for stories like hers, actually, no scratch that I am and I'm fine with that.

Really, my only annoyance about her is something about the show, not her.

oh wait you meant MEDUKA MEGUCA.

Brazilian Night. Seriously that part made me lose my shit.

Why do you like rabbits so much?

It's the ears. They're just so...soft, and fluffy... I want to pet them and <3

Also probably because Bugs Bunny was one of my favorite cartoon characters as a kid.

Why did the Purvis cross the road?

Because the road couldn't cross him back.

What would you do if you ran into a Super Shim?

I'd placate him with red meat and run the fuck away.

What's your favorite season of the year, and why?

Again, probably fall. Wins out over winter solely because it's both much more bearable temperature wise and because leaves are god damn pretty.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 05:44:46 PM by Chaore »


  • Master of the Swimsuit
  • Making being an evil spirit look good
    • Tondemonai
Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #52 on: August 03, 2011, 10:45:40 PM »
ZUN and a beer youkai get into a fight; who wins?

How's the weather in your part of the planet?

Ever try climbing before (trees, mountains, etc.)? If yes, what's the highest you've gone?

"I don't have anything against you, but I hope you're ready to die a dog's death!
Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place!"

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #53 on: August 03, 2011, 10:59:09 PM »
What is your idea of the perfect vacation?

Do you have any addictions-- to food, to a drink, to whatever?

If you could pass any one message on to future generations, what would it be?


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #54 on: August 04, 2011, 01:20:22 AM »
ZUN and a beer youkai get into a fight; who wins?

The youkai. A beer youkai probably has control over alcohol, and since that is probably a great deal of Zun's body and his source of power...

Ofcourse, if the beer youkai had any other power, likely Zun unless they're the second coming of Yukari or something.

How's the weather in your part of the planet?

Pretty decent- We're barely 80 in comparison to other parts of the planet (lol 100+.) I've only really had the air conditioning on because my lappy has a terrible habit of overheating since it's a hundred dollar piece of shit.

Ever try climbing before (trees, mountains, etc.)? If yes, what's the highest you've gone?

I've climbed several false rock faces before when I was younger, I think several times I've made it to the top, which is...maybe a story or two?

I don't have the guts to do anything like that anymore though, I think.

What is your idea of the perfect vacation?

Mild temperature, a comfy bed, and no one yelling at me to wake up.

Oh, and a computer to talk to you guys.


Come to think of it, doesn't that describe most of my days already...?

Do you have any addictions-- to food, to a drink, to whatever?

I'd never say something as harsh as an addiction, but I do have a weakness to Chocolate, Ice Cream, and Arizona Iced Tea.

Don't expect them to last too long around me.

If you could pass any one message on to future generations, what would it be?

"Greetings, I am assuming in the time that has passed at least three world-ending catastrophes have occurred. If so, Donut did it."

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #55 on: August 04, 2011, 06:26:57 AM »
Favourite book to read and re-read when you've got nothing else to do?

Favourite song to read that book to?

Think these'll be my last questions to ask you before this thread ends. Thanks for answering them all~

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #56 on: August 04, 2011, 08:16:31 AM »
Rate Shiki and Emiya. (And Ryougi, if you think you have enough datums there)


  • Master of the Swimsuit
  • Making being an evil spirit look good
    • Tondemonai
Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #57 on: August 04, 2011, 10:36:14 AM »
If you had to be trapped in a blizzard with any of the staffers, who would you prefer to be trapped with?

Have you ever been in a life threatening situation before?

You are Mima's next apprentice; what do you do?

"I don't have anything against you, but I hope you're ready to die a dog's death!
Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place!"


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
Re: Ask a Librarian 24- Chaore
« Reply #58 on: August 04, 2011, 07:15:36 PM »
Favourite book to read and re-read when you've got nothing else to do?

Favourite song to read that book to?

Any book in the Hitchiker's Guide series. They're not my all time favorites, but Douglas Adam has a strange freshness to his writing that even when you've read the book a million times, I still find a new thing or two.

Embarrassingly, It took me a few years to finally get the infamous 'water' joke.

As for song- I prefer to read in silence, actually! Noise, even good noise, can be a bit distracting to read to.

Rate Shiki and Emiya. (And Ryougi, if you think you have enough datums there)

A fitting final challenge, I didn't get to marathoning KnK like I said I was, so rightly I'll skip rating Ryougi.

Shiki Tohno-

I like Shiki. He's literally what I would call a good guy, even if he does a ton of shit that normally I'd hate him for. He's not some mystical flawless super good being, he's actually rather screwed up and kind of a jerk at times. At the same time, you get the feeling he's not really a bad guy and probably end up not driving him into a shark's mouth all the time. It helps he's a pretty likable dude just by virtue of being pretty fun to read.

Shiki is also a complete badass once you get him going and holy hell do I love any scene that involves Shiki stabbing someone. Hell. Everything in Arcueid route pretty much solidly confirms that Shiki is a complete badass, and it only continues from there on. This is ofcourse promptly forgotten in favor of Shiki being the everyday dude (Which he is really kinda not) by the masses.

I'm looking at you BMW.

Shiki also has a great background past, and it really helps that it's properly spread out over the course of all 5 routes. I think every route at least adds something new to the mix. Everything about him that's traced back has a good and interesting reason why he's like who he is, and it makes him a really interesting character. Shiki is a character that has a lot of roots in his past as much of Tsukihime is about the past.

I give him a 9/10 mushrooms.

Emiya Shirou-

Shirou is the complete opposite of Shiki in that he literally bludgeons you over the head with how nice of a guy he is. Literally you don't get him killing people or acting like a jerk intentionally. The best part about this though is it -kinda works-. He does his bludgeoning in small shorts and one very big way which is plot important, so while he's beating you over the head with it, you're still liking him because he is a good guy. However, with niceness to match, he of course takes the typical flaw for this. Shirou is brain dead retarded, socially and mentally. It really kind of shows and can sometimes interfere with you adhering to the character.

Shirou as a main character, gets his highlights but... He's going to spend a lot of the novel just getting killed. There is literally a prize for getting him killed all 50 times in the game. Given, this is because unlike Shiki he isn't really supposed to be some super-strong badass. Shirou is literally kind of a joke as a magus and a fighter, and... It's not really a problem because it's what's intentioned. He's kind of useless, but you don't really hate him for it. It also makes it all the sweeter when he finally gets rolling and starts kicking some serious ass.

Shirou as a character is more based on the 'future' than the past- but this is mostly because of a choice presented by something he decided in the past. Shirou's overall theme is basically being a 'Hero' or not. Whether or not it's good to do good to others at the expense of yourself. This is liberally explored in all three paths and is basically how you remember 'This is a game about Shirou', and it's pretty much my favorite part of Shirou as a character, even if personally I don't entirely agree with the answers presented. It's the bulk of his characterization really, and it's engaging and questioning enough that you can pretty much excuse how bland Shirou's past kind of actually is.

I give him a 7/10 mushrooms.

I do apologize if this kinda doesn't explain my opinions well enough, just kinda woke up and typed this for...2 hours? Maybe it's a good thing this thread is at it's end.

If you had to be trapped in a blizzard with any of the staffers, who would you prefer to be trapped with?

Tough choice. I'd probably say it's kinda a tie between Sakana and Matsuri. Sakana would make good emergency rations, and Matsuri could be used as a fuwa fuwa blanket.

In seriousness though, probably Sakana. I get along with Sakana better than all the other staffers, and I get the feeling we'd probably be able to wait out the blizzard just talking and having fun.

Have you ever been in a life threatening situation before?

I've derped up and nearly missed getting pretty bad injuries, say, almost running to get hit by a car, plenty before, but I don't think I've actually literally been in a situation where my life is really in danger. I'm kinda lucky in that regard.

You are Mima's next apprentice; what do you do?

Studiously learn from her and then backstab her the moment she's no longer of use. I'm not gonna be her minion any longer than I have to be.

Besides. She's a ghost. it can't be that hard to banish her or something.


And that would be my thread down. It was a good deal of fun answering everyone's questions, but the week is up and it's time for me to make way for the next staffer.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 07:17:10 PM by Chaore »