Author Topic: Which games dissapointed you most?  (Read 25864 times)

Helix ⑨

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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #60 on: July 29, 2011, 11:52:50 PM »
Because it is getting so many good reviews and I hated it completely. Maybe some people liked it purely cause it was Morrowind's sequel (which I didn't play, but also seemed to be a good game).
I just didn't like combat at all. My first character was a warrior type. I chop 10 times just to kill a stupid skeleton, then after 2 skeletons I need to repair my sword cause it deals half damage. I could hold the button for a stronger attack with side effects, yet it didn't seem worthwhile at all. Spending lots of materials to enchant my weapon, just to deal some fire damage for a measly 10 attacks, then i had to enchant it again.
Also: Pick up a spoon -> You are over encumbered! Can't move and need to drop tons of trash from my inventory I'll never use but somehow always ends up back in my pack.

I played a magic type a whole lot later. It seemed better but the spells I was trying to create had severe limitations, making them barely better than the standard spells.

And dumb shit like dropping a book. 1 hour in the game later: You need the 4 books to enter. But I can't for the love of god find another copy of that one book I dropped.

Also 4 voice actors.


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #61 on: July 30, 2011, 01:02:56 AM »
Dragon Age II.

Gameplay was better, yeah. Combat was faster, more intuitive, but I sort of like the slow, methodic thinking of Dragon Age: Origins.

More than that, I liked the story - I liked the setting of Ferelden, I like the characters, I even liked 'villains' like
. I finished that game feeling satisfied, entertained, and complete, and when II was announced I was hype as all hell.

Then I played II, and...everything I liked from Origins felt like it had been surgically removed. The plot went from 'save an entire city' to 'resolve internal politics in side one city'. The characters weren't as interesting and likable as they were in Origins - Fenris was a generic brooding hero you'd seen in most JRPGs, Isabella just seemed like a bit of a jerk, and Anders - oh god, I couldn't stand what they did to Anders. They took a comedic, light-hearted character and turned him into a depressive whiner off-screen with no real foreshadowing.

Also I hate how they took away persuasion options. I liked being the sort who could charm people into seeing things my way, but in the name of dumbing things down that option just disappears.

The main problem, though? The lack of power. Nothing you do in Dragon Age II feels like it's worth anything. In Origins, you had to make big choices in every major location that had serious implications on the whole of Ferelden. In Dragon Age II, you can't do anything to
save your first sibling in the prologue, keep your second sibling after Year 1, save your mother from dying in year 4, stopping the qunari from revolting, and you can do absolutely nothing about Anders blowing up the Chantry and thus initiating the Mage/Templar war.
If the whole game is based on your rise to power, why does it feel like nothing you do has ANY impact at all? It might have been less obvious if it wasn't in direct contrast with the country-spanning quest in the original, but that's where it stands.

I'm really disappointed. I loved Origins, but II has made me concerned about the series in general. I couldn't bring myself to finish it, and after finding out about the ending I'm sort of glad I didn't.

Aba Matindesu!

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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #62 on: July 30, 2011, 03:52:09 AM »
What's been mentioned:
MHFU - Those hitboxes were just... ugh. I wouldn't mind the difficulty if it weren't for this particular issue.

What hasn't:
Dance Dance Revolution X - mah shit, Konami, way to screw up an anniversary game by making it ghetto. Licenses were, as ever, awful. I did like the mode/character select BGM, though. Oh, and Saber Wing.
DJMax Portable 3 - flipped DDRX: awesome theme, AWFUL overall songlist. Then you have the bugs...
Fantasy Earth Zero - this game had a lot going for it, but the cheesy graphics that caused my computer to lag pretty much ruined it... as with most 3D MMORPGs out there nowadays.

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu


Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #63 on: July 30, 2011, 05:11:00 AM »
Nascar the game 2011 was hyped up to be the best racing game ever and is actually a massively buggy, worthless, unplayable piece of fucking shit.

Fluffy Rocket Tails

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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #64 on: July 30, 2011, 05:34:27 AM »
Dark Dawn has already been mentioned, but I'd have to agree.  It was easier than the old ones, and the story wasn't as interesting, I actually haven't finished, I just have the last dungeon, but I keep forgetting about it.
 The music was ok, it got the job done, but most of it it wasn't as good or memorable as the earlier games' music.  I wish they'd kept the old menu theme instead of making it Vale's theme personally. 
The story was ok, as far as I've gotten, but it apparently wasn't enough to keep me interested since I haven't played since about a month after it came out.  It's too bad they felt a need to stick Weyard in a blender and rearrange all the locations, but I guess it would be boring walking around the same locations and knowing exactly where everything is without exploring.  The permanent missables were really annoying.   
It was a good enough game, but a bad Golden Sun game if that makes any sense. 
Take me on a rocket ride.


Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #65 on: July 30, 2011, 06:26:55 AM »
The guy really loves his games, but his imagination and vision for how great the games are far exceeds his and his company's ability to actually create the games.

If all their ability extends to is thinking that The Sanctuary is a good idea then they are monkeys. All of them.

And next I'll tell you that my favourite Battle Network game is actually Network Transmission D:<

Well I personally find the Battle Network games incredibly boring with Network Transmission being the only decent one since its an actual platformer so I guess I agree on it being my favorite one.  :V

Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #66 on: July 30, 2011, 08:59:02 AM »
Well I personally find the Battle Network games incredibly boring with Network Transmission being the only decent one since its an actual platformer so I guess I agree on it being my favorite one.  :V
This, this and this. Network Transmission was quite fun, and I enjoyed it solely because it was a platformer.

I couldn't really get into the whole world of the Battle Network series. Maybe I just didn't like the new style of the bosses.. I didn't care for the combat either.. I never understood how or why the series got so popular to have so many sequels (or even the dual versions like Pokemon). Eh.. a matter of taste, I suppose.

Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #67 on: July 30, 2011, 11:22:12 AM »
Capcom is one this worlds largest fans of money and therefore they try to milk every thinkable franchise of theirs to the bone.


Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #68 on: July 30, 2011, 02:18:40 PM »
Capcom is one this worlds largest fans of money and therefore they try to milk every thinkable franchise of theirs to the bone.
Except for Megaman Legends 3.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #69 on: July 30, 2011, 03:31:02 PM »
Well as long as they don't crank up the suck with a franchise like with the mana series or star trek enterprise, I LIKE franchise milking. Though, I'm not keen with how final fantasy is turning out overall either.

But anyway milk monster hunter with some NA localized ps3 releases plox.


Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #70 on: July 30, 2011, 05:05:33 PM »
Now that I think of it, yeah, Morrowind turned out to be a disappointment. I mean, I'm very happy for the fanboys and I will let them finish, but Gothic, for some reason, has been, is, and most likely will always be the best role-playing game in history to me. And it's over 10 years old. Morrowind is, like... kind of devoid of notable locations. Bethesda Softworks made the world huge, alright, gotta give them that, but they sacrificed everything else in exchange. All daedric and dwemer ruins feel mostly the same, while most places in Gothic looked unique. The conversations are extremely repetitive (most people say exactly the same thing with the same wording, or cycle through a list of possible answers, but it's shared among, like, every single NPC in the game, which is kind of unnatural), CLIFF RACERS, lack of recorded spoken dialogues (I found this to be a very good thing in Gothic), really poor graphics (who cares about the shadows?), not really that great music (no, the music's fine, it just starts to get annoying after listening to it for the 100th time. Moreover, it's not much of a background music; it definitely stands out from the noise), CLIFF RACERS, CLIFF RACERS, CLIFF RACERS, game mechanics aren't very fluid, comprehensive or intuitive; CLIFF RACERS, I pumped over a gigabyte of mods into it and it still wasn't very good-looking or playable, I only made the game more unstable. Oh man, and those combat mechanics, and these terribad animations. Or spells. Did I mention CLIFF RACERS?

I really did not like that game. It's like the developers only provided the world and the engine for the community to design the rest, but it isn't doing much of a great job. Nine years have passed and they've only just started to improve the animations. Bethsoft messed up big time.

Modern Warfare 2's single player mode is a no-brainer. Don't get me wrong; it was an otherwise excellent game with beautiful graphics and nice soundtrack as well as a mildly annoying gameplay (who the heck is spraying that strawberry jam all over my eyes?), but the plot was just preposterous in comparison to that of CoD 4. And, unfortunately for Infinity Ward, since they were aiming to create a movie-like game, plot mattered to me a lot, like it does in movies.

Arcade Mode in CoD 4 was not very fun because of the taking cover-based gameplay, but still, it was to me pretty much the best feature in the game. I would trade those boring Special Operations for a co-op Campaign Mode / multiplayer Arcade Mode anyday.

That's it I guess. Most of the games I wind up obtaining I turn out to like more or less.


  • serial time-waster
Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #71 on: July 30, 2011, 06:21:31 PM »
Morrowind and MW2

On Morrowind: For me, the game was only fun after I figured out how to break it. I made a set of enchanted clothes that allowed me to fly from place to place (the farthest I got was from Balmora to the Urshilaku Camp). Add in some chameleon, open, and mark and recall enchantments, and I could easily pillage the vaults in Vivec (which I did and became hilariously rich from).
Yeah, enchantments really broke that game. At least cliff racers became a non-issue after I was able to one-shot them with everything, even MY BARE HANDS.

On MW2: I personally had no problems with quickscopers. Or stopping power. One-Man-Army tubers could eat a dick, though. Depending on the hacks used, some lobbies were actually pretty fun. I remember one instance where Javelins were made to fire something like 20 missiles per shot, effectively destroying anything you could lock onto. I agree that the SP campaign was pretty outrageous at times, and I would've gladly thrown out the Spec Ops in return for a coop campaign.

And speaking of the CoD series...

Black Ops. Oh man, that game lost its entertainment value after about a month. Yes, I tried that hard to enjoy it. The only good thing about the SP was the very end scene with all the battleships, a scene which basically screamed "AMERICA, FUCK YEAH" right in my face. Reznov's and Petrenko's fates completely spoiled my memories of the CoD: WaW campaign, which I liked a lot.

The multiplayer was even worse. Ghost + Galil/FAMAS silenced (which can't even be done IRL) + sleight of hand OR any class involving the 74u with Rapid Fire makes up about 85 percent of your MP experience, if you don't rage quit after 2 minutes. Especially the last one. That gun can out-DPS every other gun in the game at almost all ranges, which is ridiculous because it's an SMG. Sniping got nerfed so hard that most people don't even bother trying, since just about any other gun (except the shotguns and most of the SMGs) could do the job better. And did I mention RC cars and dogs, because they can go straight to hell. Nowadays, on the rare occasion that I do decide to play, I spam decoys just to piss everyone off because I honestly don't care anymore.


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #72 on: July 31, 2011, 02:42:15 AM »
Dark Dawn has already been mentioned, but I'd have to agree.  It was easier than the old ones, and the story wasn't as interesting, I actually haven't finished, I just have the last dungeon, but I keep forgetting about it.
 The music was ok, it got the job done, but most of it it wasn't as good or memorable as the earlier games' music.  I wish they'd kept the old menu theme instead of making it Vale's theme personally.
The final dungeon has a couple of the best tracks in the game.  May as well finish it!

I actually hated Morrowind and enjoyed Oblivion.  Oblivion fixed almost everything that ticked me off about Morrowind.  Not that it didn't have myriad flaws of its own, but at least it was fun to play.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #73 on: July 31, 2011, 02:49:49 AM »
I enjoyed Oblivion somewhat, but I never finished it and likely never will. The leveling up mechanic is by far the absolute worst in any game EVER.
That and I really hate how as you get far into the game, the variety of enemies becomes practically non-existent.

Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #74 on: July 31, 2011, 04:37:21 AM »
The leveling up mechanic is by far the absolute worst in any game EVER.
That and I really hate how as you get far into the game, the variety of enemies becomes practically non-existent.

Agreed. But for some reason, I still loved it. Though, by far the worst problem with Oblivion was the FREAKING GLITCH OF DOOM, WHY WILL BETHESDA NOT FIX THAT.

Anyhow, for me, one of the biggest disappointments was Dead Rising 2, it was just had a bunch of weird problems that made it much less enjoyable, like the ridiculously long loading times, and the lack of save points in useful places.

Another was Fallout New Vegas. It was just so empty. You could walk for an hour and never fight anything at all, though I imagine that if I had it on the computer instead of the xbox, that I could probably find mods to fix those problems.

Seian Verian

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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #75 on: July 31, 2011, 05:07:53 AM »
Though, by far the worst problem with Oblivion was the FREAKING GLITCH OF DOOM, WHY WILL BETHESDA NOT FIX THAT.

What glitch would that be? The game has so many, you need to be more specific.


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #76 on: July 31, 2011, 05:00:39 PM »
Dragon Age II.

This, and everything within the post.

Dragon age II was attempting to say to mainstream game players was:"YO DUDE YOU GOTTA LOVE RPGS CHECK THIS SHIT OUT" While, quite literally, voiding it of any right to be called an rpg.

And that was their first mistake-Dragon Age should not be, and is not, a mainstream game as with the likes of Fifa and Madden.

You should have to think to make decisions which have consequences-that was what DA:O was all about.
Do you
kill the werewolves, or try and save them?
What do you do,
given the chance to change the fate of an entire race?

Do you
let your morality guide you, even if everything you've done up to this point has been leading to this one, less-than-moral decision?
At what point
Does saving Ferelden stop excusing your actions? Would you defile Andraste's ashes for power?

With Dragon age 2, the only, and I mean ONLY meaningful choice is this.
Mage, Warrior or Rouge?

Every other choice in DA II is, quite literally, redundant.

It doesn't feel like an rpg.
It barely play like an rpg, save for leveling up.
It sure as hell isn't as good, as an rpg, or indeed a medieval FPS (see Warband).

Dragon Age II is a disgrace to the name Dragon Age.

If it was simply called 'Kirkwall', people may have liked it.

But instead, it wore it's petard as toilet paper.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 10:28:07 PM by Momijibot »

Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #77 on: August 01, 2011, 05:56:18 PM »
Also, Kirby Squeak Squad.
Being an avid Kirby fan, I was looking forward to this game. The gameplay was... Actually, quite nice! It had a ton of potential.
But it was way too short. Any seasoned gamer could finish the game 100% in three days.
Quite honestly, that's shameful! I take pride in the Kirby series' easy-to-beat, hard-to-complete style, but Squeak Squad completely threw it away. Man.
Ah man, I completely agree. I 100% Squeak Squad in one sitting that was probably like 5, maybe 6, hours. I didn't even look at any faq or anything.

Kirby's Epic Yarn comes to mind in this regard, though to a lesser extent as it did take some time to 100%(I didn't bother). Plus it didn't feel like a Kirby game; because it wasn't for a time in its development. Epic Yarn is even easier than Squeak Squad but has a lot more post-game collectables. I don't get people who defend Epic Yarn saying that you're suppose to play the game like a perfectionist;  that the real difficulty lies within finishing a level well. But you can say that about any game, most people do that sort of meta-game self-challenging stuff. It's just that Epic Yarn was so damn easy(stupidly easy) that it "needs" that meta-game thingie to be "challenging"... which it still wasn't. The times I got hit were times that I was no longer on my toes because the game felt like a literal walk on the park.

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.  I really enjoyed Tri.  So I decided to get MHFU.  And then spent the several hours I did play it being unable to ignore the fact that enemy hitboxes seemed completely disconnected.  And then I set it down and have never wanted to go back.
Yeah, though I really like Unite better than MHtri or MHP3rd, I do think that the "fixed" hitboxes are a very good plus on the series as a whole. Shame... Unite has the most content only beaten by Frontier(MMO, select Asia countries only), which is weird considering most portable version of Monster Hunter have more content than the console ones. Just hope that Capcom will be smart(they haven't been lately) and release MHP3rd or some iteration to the West...

Though since a lot of you mentioned that games are too easy, I will say that I hit end-game waaayyy too fast in MHP3rd... enjoyable ride but man, where's that punishing difficulty that Freedom 1 or even Unite had?
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 06:07:17 PM by linthuslyth »

Cow Nose The 50 Pound Cat

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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #78 on: August 01, 2011, 06:36:18 PM »
Interesting thread!  Here are my 2 cents:

Just gotta say, I really really loved morrowind.  That's all I'll say, I don't want to seem like I don't respect your opinion.  But Morrowind is the only Elder Scroll game that I've managed to complete almost 100%.

Someone near the start of this thread mentioned Fallout 3.  I find that interesting because I too was very disappointed in Fallout 3, but for different reasons.  Fallout 1 and 2 are and were some of my favorite games and I've played them numerous times.  Fallout 1 and 2 had fantastic post-apocalyptic art and story-line and the combat was fun and challenging too!  Then I played Fallout 3... the atmosphere was there but.... omg what easy gameplay!  There was basically no challenge to the gameplay...

Fallout 3 demonstrates the change in games, especially RPG's, from the old-school to the new-school.  It's sad how easy games are these days, with no real challenging puzzles or anything interestingly difficult.  In Fallout 1 and 2 there where monsters that you had no hope of beating even with the most powerful weapons,  even with cheats I couldn't beat these dang monsters, but then I figured out... duh you aren't supposed to kill them, it's part of a "puzzle" (kind-of).  But anyways yeah, I blame consoles and console-gaming for games (western ones) being so bleepin' wussed out these days.

No big game company makes difficult games because it scares away noobs... and there are a lot of noobs who buy games, thus games because easier to appeal to them and sell more copies, and in the end, the gamer who appreciates a challenge gets screwed!  Ugh, anyways, that's why I started playing Touhou, and that's why I'm here now.
Ia Touhou! Ia Touhou!  Touhou Fhtagn!


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #79 on: August 01, 2011, 06:56:16 PM »
No big game company makes difficult games because it scares away noobs... and there are a lot of noobs who buy games, thus games because easier to appeal to them and sell more copies, and in the end, the gamer who appreciates a challenge gets screwed!

I recommend a large amount of Atlus games.


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #80 on: August 01, 2011, 07:27:01 PM »
But anyways yeah, I blame consoles and console-gaming for games (western ones) being so bleepin' wussed out these days.

No big game company makes difficult games because it scares away noobs... and there are a lot of noobs who buy games, thus games because easier to appeal to them and sell more copies, and in the end, the gamer who appreciates a challenge gets screwed!  Ugh, anyways, that's why I started playing Touhou, and that's why I'm here now.
I think we should blame that gaming has gone mainstream for a while now. With that, the definition of 'average gamer', which they cater to, has changed to encompass the newer population, which is not nearly as willing to sit back, learn a game, and take as crazy a challenge as the older population.

This is why I love arcade-style games such as Touhou, Cave STGs, and 2D fighters. Though they are also falling victim to this (*coughSF4andMvC3cough*), the traditional arcade premise of 'stick a bunch of credits and drain them as soon as possible' still wins out, and as a result they still retain a strong sense of challenge and difficulty.

As much as I dislike consoles for preferential treatment by developers (and resulting meh PC ports, if at all), I don't think they are a problem. If  'console gamers -> casuals' is considered a problem, this has been the case for PC for many years now and to an even greater degree when you factor in that simple Flash/Java games of all kinds, ranging from Dancing Onigiri to Farmville, grossly outperform the common (boxed + downloaded sales of larger-scale works) sales measurement.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Kinzo the Astro Curious

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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #81 on: August 01, 2011, 08:24:36 PM »
Minecraft. Suprised actually no one appears to have mentioned Minecraft unless I skipped over it. Sure, I play it quite a lot, and it is only what you make of it.

But consistant "glitch fixes" that turn out to be new glitches are a serious bloody annoyance. I found when 1.6 happened I stopped playing for quite a long time, Since my main map was rendered useless due to the minecart booster fix, which broke powered minecarts ability to push. We're up to 1.7.3 now. They STILL can't push properly.

I may need to build a piston duplicator while thats still a glitch to finish upgrading everything to powered. That or just use inv edit. Either way, Shouldn't have to.

Mechwarrior 4. Dropped quite a few features over Mechwarrior 3, feels more restrictive over 3 and just lost a lot of the spark somehow. The MekTek pack has the problem of making too much choice, 100's of mechs in a list all by alphabetic and no other way of sorting. If you are looking for a specific type, you wont find it. A bit of a time killer and very annoying, Usually leave me quitting through being fed up of not finding what I'm after.

Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #82 on: August 02, 2011, 07:53:47 AM »
Fallout New Vegas. To me, it didn't meet up to what Fallout 3 did. I mean the game was still solid, I put in a good deal of hours, and I liked that they fixed the respawning system which I had to put a load of work into the GECK so that enemies not only respawned but leveled up which it seemed like they were going to do but then scrapped to put the illusion of zones that are only a certain level.

Anyhow, the main thing that got me was that... well, the atmosphere. It just didn't meet up to me what Fallout 3 did. Everything fit to what it was supposed to be, but there was just not enough conflict as a result of it. I mean in Fallout 3 you had an overran Super Mutant city to explore, the Capital Wasteland was much more vast, not every single interior was connected to some sort of quest. It added a sense of exploration, and I kept going out searching for more. However with New Vegas, the map seems as big but a giant chunk of it isn't even used. There aren't nearly as many "dungeons" which would be a plus if something else replaced it. Sure there were more quests, more factions, a better story and the like, and all forms of combat are viable, but in result, anything not quest tied seemed to decrease because of it.

I'm not trying to say Fallout 3 is the better game here. It's just that, it removed one of the things that made Fallout 3 so great for me. Still a great game, I still play it and I'm buying all the DLC, however, I just kinda wish there was more... exploration factor to it I guess. Maybe I've just become to big of a sucker for dungeon crawlers.

Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #83 on: August 02, 2011, 01:24:00 PM »

Modern Warfare 2's single player mode is a no-brainer. Don't get me wrong; it was an otherwise excellent game with beautiful graphics and nice soundtrack as well as a mildly annoying gameplay (who the heck is spraying that strawberry jam all over my eyes?), but the plot was just preposterous in comparison to that of CoD 4. And, unfortunately for Infinity Ward, since they were aiming to create a movie-like game, plot mattered to me a lot, like it does in movies.

Personally I always viewed it like one of those old action movies with a shitty and stupid plot that still screams awesome!!!
Commando is a good example.


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #84 on: August 02, 2011, 02:18:04 PM »
Are you really saying that? I mean, I respect you opinion, but why pick Morrowind, when there's a game that did all the same things, but much, much worse? I'm talking about Oblivion, of course. If you say that Morrowind's dungeons all look the same, then what do Oblivion's look like? All of the people say the same two lines of text about kvatch being attacked by daedra because they supposedly ran out of space on the disc. People look like pigs more than men and I'd have preferred cliff racers over the dull animals of Oblivion. The combat isn't any worse than oblivion's, where you have to shoot 20 sneak attack arrows at a scamp for them to die. Don't get me started on the level scaling, 100% constant chameleon and fast travel.


Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #85 on: August 02, 2011, 03:04:18 PM »
why pick Morrowind, when there's a game that did all the same things, but much, much worse? I'm talking about Oblivion, of course.
I haven't played Oblivion...


  • serial time-waster
Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #86 on: August 02, 2011, 03:17:44 PM »
Are you really saying that? I mean, I respect you opinion, but why pick Morrowind, when there's a game that did all the same things, but much, much worse? I'm talking about Oblivion, of course. If you say that Morrowind's dungeons all look the same, then what do Oblivion's look like? All of the people say the same two lines of text about kvatch being attacked by daedra because they supposedly ran out of space on the disc. People look like pigs more than men and I'd have preferred cliff racers over the dull animals of Oblivion. The combat isn't any worse than oblivion's, where you have to shoot 20 sneak attack arrows at a scamp for them to die. Don't get me started on the level scaling, 100% constant chameleon and fast travel.

Just a question, but did Oblivion have the Jump and Slowfall spells or some variation of them?


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #87 on: August 02, 2011, 03:26:59 PM »
Personally I always viewed it like one of those old action movies with a shitty and stupid plot that still screams awesome!!!
That's pretty much what CoD single-player is. With a really expensive movie ticket (it still doesn't include snacks) and cover-based shooting that bores the hell out of me (thankfully there's BF for the latter).
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #88 on: August 03, 2011, 12:05:11 PM »
Me and my brother both loved Final Fantasy X (Which is odd, he's always on WoW -.-, no seriously it's probably the only thing he plays) and when I found Final Fantasy XII in the market I was first like (Where the hell is Final Fantasy XI?!?!?!) but I bought it, and... well... it's my least favorite game in the series, It just doesn't have the same feel as all the other Final Fantasy games I've played. Final Fantasy XIII is really good though, it feels different but feels the same as the other games... somehow

Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #89 on: August 03, 2011, 06:07:58 PM »
That's pretty much what CoD single-player is. With a really expensive movie ticket (it still doesn't include snacks) and cover-based shooting that bores the hell out of me (thankfully there's BF for the latter).

Its a pretty expensive movie ticket yeah. I usually don't mind going through the thing a couple of times though so that remedies the price a bit for me. I found BF really boring though. Almost nothing exciting happened during that campaign. It was pretty slow-paced, the music was pretty bland and the story I don't even remember anything about. I'm talking about Bad Company 2 btw.

My friend tells me that BF is indeed shit if you play Campaign and that its only good for Multiplayer.  But doing that is incredibly boring unless you are playing it together with someone you know imo.