Author Topic: Which games dissapointed you most?  (Read 25785 times)

Hanzo K.

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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #30 on: July 28, 2011, 03:21:06 PM »
Yeah, I liked CoTM, the DSS system was actually a nice touch, gave ya more than just a whip and subweapons to work with.
It also introduced me to my favorite Castlevania song, The Sinking Old Sanctuary.
HoD wasn't too bad either, it had challenge you wouldn't find if you were an old-school CV veteran.

Know what game really dissapointed me?
And I'm sure others agree on me with this as well, but one of the more disappointing games I've played had to be Lufia and The Ruins of Lore.
I'll admit, it had a nice touch with capturing monsters to fuse with, and the learning skills by job classes was nice too, but everything else about it was less than stellar.
For one, no Dual Blade. Lufia games always have that. And for two, no Sinistrals. Lufia games always have them too!
And plus, it was too short for a Lufia game, and the story wasn't all that good either..

Front Mission 2: Gun Hazard was also slightly disappointing.
Front Mission has always been a tactics series, like Super Robot Wars.
Front Mission Evolved was also highly disappointing, the PC version's controls are absolute shit.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #31 on: July 28, 2011, 04:01:15 PM »
Metroid:Other M It was... decent as a run-and-gun shooter, but it didn't feel like a Metroid game in the least. Also, the "authorizations" took away the typical satisfaction of discovering new items.

Command & Conquer 4 Hoo boy. I liked the EA-era titles (Tiberium Wars, Kane's Wrath, Red Alert 3, and Uprising), but they REALLY dropped the ball on this one. They pretty much changed EVERYTHING gameplay-wise to the extent it didn't feel like a C&C game anymore, and the so-called "epic conclusion to the storyline" absolutely failed to answer any questions anybody had.

Sonic 4 I actually thought this was a good enough game, but it really, really didn't live up to the lofty expectations set by that title. If they'd called it Sonic Classic or something I don't think there would have been nearly as much hype and subsequent disappointment.


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #32 on: July 28, 2011, 04:06:59 PM »
Fallout 3 was a disappointment to me.  Fallout 2 is still one of my favorite games so I was really excited for it.  But I just couldn't get into it.  New Vegas fixed that though, loved New Vegas.

Mortal Kombat Armageddon was also kind of disappointing.  Having all the characters and the kreate a character were nice and I'd like to see kreate comeback.  But with a roster that big you see a lot of similarities.  And the fatality system bugged me.

Digimon Rumble Arena 2, the first one was a pretty original, as far as one could be, mascot fighter.  The second was basically Smash Bros. with Digimon.  Some of the stages where nice though.  That Can Factory stage was fun.

And on that note Digimon World 4.  The loading, the loading!  Even on the Gamecube that was bad.  It wasn't so much the time, but the quantity.  And the multiplayer was also very time consuming.  You each had to go shop together and take turns.  It was five minutes of watching each other sell shit.  And every time you unlocked a new character, it started back at LV01.  And god help you if you wanted IPDramon Paladin Mode.  You had to beat the Final Sidequest in V.Hard Mode.  You get the Final Side Quest by beating the Game.  You get V. Hard Mode by beating the game on Hard.  You get Hard by beating the game on Normal.  In other words you get IPDramon Paladin Mode after you've already done everything.  And it's at LV01.  You could always grind at the scorpions, but that got old fast.

Also what people said about Mega Man X7.

Hanzo K.

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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #33 on: July 28, 2011, 04:39:24 PM »
Hey now, Digimon World 4 wasn't that bad. Little heavy on the Loads and Loads of Loading, but a nice game despite that.
But I can agree on Rumble Arena 2 being SSB for the GBA.

On Digimon World 4, its a good idea to play as Dorumon, he's a rather enjoyable one to use, if tricky to get the cool evolves for.
But it makes up for it by having rather good weapons, the Twin Graves and Bash Katanas. (Hyakki Yako is win.)
Bit hard to level the shot skill for, but it's worth it when you get Beelzemon's guns, they're worth the grinding.

But one game that irks me?
AD&D - Eye of the Beholder.
Even with the Manual, the combat system's quite fiddly. And casting a spell? Forget it.
And the GBA Remake is even worse.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #34 on: July 28, 2011, 06:55:48 PM »
Wow, you guys reminded me. Fallout 3 for me too, I've said it several times on these very boards too but in case you missed it. I totally hated how much the VATS system was some kind of little side-gimmick tossed in. There really is no way you can play the game using it exclusively for fighting, you HAD to play the game like an FPS. Basically you loaded up vats, shot a few times, ran out of ap, then had to FPS it the rest. Waiting for ap to recharge in VATS was disproportionately long, and only resulted in you only being able to shoot like 5 times for the enemy's.. like.. 300. To make matters worse, they made no effort to keep Fallout's absolutely excellent character customization system in-line with the real time FPS mode. Perception didn't affect accuracy in real time, nor did it improve the ability to notice things (I don't know how, just increase fog range or something, or antithroscopic filtering or wtf its called, etc), agility didn't make you move faster, reload faster, shoot faster, none of that. Half the stats and perks were either made useless, less useful, or deleted altogether simply because they had no place in a FPS game. I would have forgiven them if they rehauled the stat system altogether and at least TRIED to make it as deep as the first two, but no. They tried to make it look just like the original, but function far far less. BLECH.

Forgot about lufia too. I've been a lufia fan since 1 was relatively new, but I never had a color gameboy or GBA until the DS was already out, so I never got to try those ones. I did however get the Curse of the Sinistrals. Oh I knew it was made into a 3d action game, and was actually looking forward to it. I was hoping for YS, or zelda at the very least. What I got was quite possibly the worst 3d adventure/action game I've played. The controls were clunky, the characters moved very choppily, hte game was dirt easy, there was no variety of enemies, they even gimped the story down quite a lot. Plus it had bad 3d, I don't mind old graphic styles, I mean I can enjoy the PC98 touhou games ffs. But I HATE BAD 3D! If you can see where each polygon ends, and each starts, BAD.

Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #35 on: July 28, 2011, 07:30:21 PM »
Get out of my sight. As in, right now.

No. My opinion is right and yours is wrong!  ;)
Seriously, if you like that music then that's fine but I found it to be quite bad really. Its all a matter of opinions. The stuff in Circle of the Moon was a lot better.


Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #36 on: July 28, 2011, 07:33:43 PM »
No. My opinion is right and yours is wrong!  ;)
Seriously, if you like that music then that's fine but I found it to be quite bad really. Its all a matter of opinions. The stuff in Circle of the Moon was a lot better.
Nah, just kidding. I just like that very chiptune-y feel of HoD. Can't say too much about CotM, since I never bothered getting very far and the controls felt very, very off.


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #37 on: July 28, 2011, 07:35:40 PM »

Oh, how you were a disappointment.  Crippling randomness, glacial gameplay, and the utter absence of plot or character development.  Painful.

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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #38 on: July 28, 2011, 07:38:32 PM »
FFT Advance was in itself a disappointment compared to the original FFT.
I'll also add FFT: War of the Lions (PSP remake), which I sold within a day (one of the few games which I've done this). The music and sound lacked the reverb in the PS1 original, and special effects (even those as simple as throwing stones) would lag the hell out of the system, while the original game (played through built-in PS1 emulator) ran flawlessly. Those critical flaws made the rest of the extras (animated cutscenes, stylised translation that actually worked, new jobs and characters) worthless.
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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #39 on: July 28, 2011, 07:39:25 PM »
Nah, just kidding. I just like that very chiptune-y feel of HoD. Can't say too much about CotM, since I never bothered getting very far and the controls felt very, very off.

The controls did feel a little odd. The slide was really awkward and having to double tap to start running seems to get me hit more often than it should. Couple that with the games difficulty and things might become troublesome. I would recommend picking it up in the event of boredom though. Its really a must play for a Castlevania fan.


  • cawcawcawcaw
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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #40 on: July 28, 2011, 09:04:49 PM »
Not quite a gane on its own, but WoW's Cataclysm expansion.

The devs promised so much would change about the old world... and, really, not a huge lot did. (A handful of quests in the northern Barrens still refer to Thrall as the Warchief, for instance. And haven't been changed in the slightest).

That, and the new zones were... ehhh. Pretty OK at best, and oh god why at worst.

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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #41 on: July 28, 2011, 09:20:33 PM »
motherfuckin' spore
will wright's fall from grace


  • cawcawcawcaw
    • The Grass Feels Like Pants
Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #42 on: July 28, 2011, 09:24:41 PM »
Oh dear god, how could I forget about Spore?

That, and the first Fable, considering how talked up it was. Someone needs to be near Peter Molyneux at all times to keep him from talking about more Fable.


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #43 on: July 29, 2011, 01:13:35 AM »
Stuff that's already been mentioned once:

Mega Man X7; for really obvious reasons.  But no, more than that - I actually found that the majority of the MMX series disappointed me.  I think the only ones I can really say I've actually enjoyed playing a lot are X2, X8, and Command Mission.  Overall it is probably my least favourite MM series (Even if X8 and CM would probably hit a list of my top ten individual MM games)

Golden Sun.  No, not just Dark Dawn.  The entirity of the series.  It should have been good.  It should have been enjoyable.  I recognise that the games do some stuff really well.  But I have never been able to genuinely enjoy any of the Golden Sun games.  Ever.

Sonic 4.  I mean, okay, saying Sonic '06 would be easymode; but Sonic 4 was a roaring disappointment for me.  Admittedly though, I was far more psyched for Colors than I ever was Sonic 4 - I really do enjoy the 3D Sonic games!  But my god.  Sonic 4 feels so weird, and the character size to screen size ratio is way too tiny for a Sonic game, and just... eugh.  It just does not work.  That and the fact it felt like it's piggybacking off of the old games without even trying to be a new game, without actually understanding what made those games work... yeah.

Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon.  Even though I kind of expected it, because it is a remake of the original Fire Emblem.  But that game seriously needed more updating than that.

Metroid Other M.  You know what?  It was enjoyable... while it was just being its gameplay.  I really do like that.  But then it wants to go into slow-and-tense walking mode, or cutscenes, or pixel hunting, or... ugh.  They just couldn't make the rest of the package as good.

Final Fantasy Tactics.  This is more because I played FFT after the SRPG boom had hit rather than when it started it - and the end result is that, to me, FFT was horrifyingly imbalanced as far as actual strategy and gameplay went.  That, and even if supposedly there's a great story in there, the game never even felt like it was slightly trying to make me care... so I never did.

...As for new stuff?

Growlanser V: Heritage of War.  Let me say  that Growlanser Generations (2 & 3) is one of my all-time favourite games.  It's fantastic in so many senses.  So when they said "Hey, we're gonna bring over another Growlanser game guys!" I ordered it ASAP.  ...This turned out to be a horrifyingly bad idea.  The game was an absolute trainwreck.  The customization was unnecessarily confusing, the plot absolutely plodded along, the characters were far too uninteresting... by the end of the game I was forcing myself to proceed, and then got cheated out of getting a character ending by a glitch in the game.  Ffffft.  At least gameplay was a little bit faster and smoother, but still.

Marvel vs Capcom 3.  I loved it when I first got it.  And then... somewhere along the line about four days later I set it down again and haven't really even wanted to pick it back up.  I knew full well going into it, there was a part of me that said 'hey this is a bad idea buying a game that's only got online' but... I did it anyway.  For some reason.  Damn It All.  That's just not enough to hold my interest.

Dynasty Warriors 6.  To be fair going in, even if DW4 was what got me into the Musou games, DW has become my least favourite Musou series.  The characters were just too same-y, and there'd been so many gameplay improvements made for Samurai Warriors 1/2 that weren't being brought back over to DW that it just didn't work.  DW6 tried to fix this.  And while it gets a couple points for that?  It also somehow broke itself into an even more boring game with even less strategy and character individuality.  What.

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.  I really enjoyed Tri.  So I decided to get MHFU.  And then spent the several hours I did play it being unable to ignore the fact that enemy hitboxes seemed completely disconnected.  And then I set it down and have never wanted to go back.

Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls.  Not because it's bad - but rather because it's almost too obviously using the same engine as Class of Heroes as a base.  Too much shit is just carried straight over, and occasionally that includes stuff that made Class of Heroes less than stellar.  It... doesn't feel like a real Wizardry game to me as a result.

...That's the ones that immediately spring to mind but I'm sure there's others.

Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #44 on: July 29, 2011, 02:10:33 AM »
Sid Meier's Civilization 5 AKA Win Every Game By Rushing Horsemen.

(I have no idea if this still applies, but the game was a mess when it first launched.)

Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #45 on: July 29, 2011, 02:12:16 AM »
As for me, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Thought I'd like playing it, but then it reminded me how much I HATE card battle systems.
this game sucked because sleights took away all the challenge. I'm not overly fond of this type of system either but it was still easy to whiz through the game.

ahhhh that law system can die in a fire. my main gripe with the battle system though has to be the accuracy rates. smh at how often you get screwed over by this. I could deal with the lacklustre plot at first but then the missions were equally boring. a decent party setup made all of the missions ridiculously easy but everything being so slow still meant it took forever to actually get anything done >:(


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #46 on: July 29, 2011, 02:16:36 AM »
Sid Meier's Civilization 5 AKA Win Every Game By Rushing Horsemen.
Heh, I just won with a bunch of spearmen and archers, or their later equivalents. Good game but too easy.

On the same subject, Age of Empires 3 felt too different from the previous games and even Mythology. Plus it was again too easy - oftentimes I could beat one or two enemies on standard difficulty with a simple musketeer + pikeman/longbowman/rodelero rush in the second age. That Home City building crap was also terrible - fortunately it was very easy to hack the XML files to get all the cards for the deck - wait, it's also a card game now in that they are used for strategic loadouts for in-game use? GAH!
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #47 on: July 29, 2011, 02:18:26 AM »
Heh, I just won with a bunch of spearmen and archers, or their later equivalents. Good game but too easy.

On the same subject, Age of Empires 3 felt too different from the previous games and even Mythology. Plus it was again too easy - oftentimes I could beat one or two enemies on standard difficulty with a simple musketeer + pikeman/longbowman/rodelero rush in the second age. That Home City building crap was also terrible - fortunately it was very easy to hack the XML files to get all the cards for the deck - wait, it's also a card game now in that they are used for strategic loadouts for in-game use? GAH!
Good thing I got AoE 3 when it was 10 cents on the Marketplace.   :V


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #48 on: July 29, 2011, 02:24:30 AM »
Good thing I got AoE 3 when it was 10 cents on the Marketplace.   :V
Well, it was definitely worth it during that sale. :V
Though I still have the original disc I bought in 2006....

And the Napoleonic Era mod makes things better. Beats Napoleon: Total War. :V
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #49 on: July 29, 2011, 10:01:06 AM »
Stuff that's already been mentioned once:

Metroid Other M.  You know what?  It was enjoyable... while it was just being its gameplay.  I really do like that.  But then it wants to go into slow-and-tense walking mode, or cutscenes, or pixel hunting, or... ugh.  They just couldn't make the rest of the package as good.

Couple of people mentioned that one already and all of them say it was ok...
and I agree, I noticed quickly that it wasn't very metroidy (at least it was more metroidy than Hunters...). As soon as I figured out what it was trying to be, I noticed that it was a solid game, maybe not stellar.
But these weird walking-sections you mentioned...what the heck was that about? Was it trying to say "Hey, I want to remind you of Dead Space, but you're not playing anything that even resembles it right now!"?
Why did it switch to these scenes (and why would it do that when you entered the lavatories?)? Was it trying to make you expect a jump-scare? There were none in the game that I can think of...When action resumed, it would always be after a cut-scene, anyway.

Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #50 on: July 29, 2011, 12:54:27 PM »
That, and the first Fable, considering how talked up it was. Someone needs to be near Peter Molyneux at all times to keep him from talking about more Fable.

Peter Molyneux is the embodiment of not living up to promises. He is the biggest troll in the world of videogame development. You'd think he does it on purpose. I for one am done taking whatever he says seriously...

Did I mention Fable III in my list? I think i did but I'll just mention it again. It sucks!

I actually found that the majority of the MMX series disappointed me.

BURN THE HERETIC!!!  :flamingv:


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #51 on: July 29, 2011, 09:31:26 PM »
Peter Molyneux is the embodiment of not living up to promises. He is the biggest troll in the world of videogame development. You'd think he does it on purpose. I for one am done taking whatever he says seriously...
The guy really loves his games, but his imagination and vision for how great the games are far exceeds his and his company's ability to actually create the games.

BURN THE HERETIC!!!  :flamingv:
And next I'll tell you that my favourite Battle Network game is actually Network Transmission D:<


  • cawcawcawcaw
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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #52 on: July 29, 2011, 09:38:09 PM »
my favourite Battle Network game is actually Network Transmission D:<

Finally, someone else who agrees!


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #53 on: July 29, 2011, 09:52:05 PM »
Spore started out super cool. But.... It wasn't, in the end.

Scribblenauts had a great gimmick, but in the end, it was just too shallow for me.
Got an enemy? Throw in a god or death. Got to get somewhere? Grab a jetpack. Rinse and repeat.

Also, Kirby Squeak Squad.
Being an avid Kirby fan, I was looking forward to this game. The gameplay was... Actually, quite nice! It had a ton of potential.
But it was way too short. Any seasoned gamer could finish the game 100% in three days.
Quite honestly, that's shameful! I take pride in the Kirby series' easy-to-beat, hard-to-complete style, but Squeak Squad completely threw it away. Man.


  • cawcawcawcaw
    • The Grass Feels Like Pants
Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #54 on: July 29, 2011, 09:57:29 PM »
Also, Kirby Squeak Squad.
Being an avid Kirby fan, I was looking forward to this game. The gameplay was... Actually, quite nice! It had a ton of potential.
But it was way too short. Any seasoned gamer could finish the game 100% in three days.
Quite honestly, that's shameful! I take pride in the Kirby series' easy-to-beat, hard-to-complete style, but Squeak Squad completely threw it away. Man.

Oh definitely. Kirby Super Star is, by far, the best Kirby game around. I was hoping Squeak Squad would be similar, but... ehh... A lot of the interesting crap from KSS is gone.

i do want animal kirby to show up again though :V

Also, not a real disappointment but... Donkey Kong Country Returns. The fact that
the Kremlings aren't anywhere in the game to my knowledge
was kind of upsetting. Good game, but that just bothers me.


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #55 on: July 29, 2011, 10:03:46 PM »
Unreal 2. It took all the best parts of the original Unreal (exploration, interesting/eerie levels, atmosphere, loneliness, ridiculous weapons), got rid of them completely, and ended up being pretty much a generic game about space marines. It's not a terrible game or anything, but given Unreal is my favourite FPS of all time I was hoping for something along similar lines.
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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #56 on: July 29, 2011, 10:56:30 PM »
oh god, I forgot about unreal one. The length of that game was obscene for an FPS too. Unreal2, notsomuch.


Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #57 on: July 29, 2011, 11:06:34 PM »
Fallout New Vegas: In Fallout 3 I actually enjoyed exploring the wasteland. Alot of it was just rock, but there were the random happenings and towns that were interesting to explore, even if most of them were the same. Even the DC ruins had stuff to look around in. New Vegas just was too dull though. Desert everywhere with nothing in it, and New Vegas itself was only 3 sections, most of which were made up of casinos. I like the game, and quite a few of the improvements it had, just not how boring the exploration and story was.

Also Three Dog > Mr. New Vegas.

Homefront: I don't know why I thought the campaign would be longer than 6 missions. Here's a comic about half the game though.


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #58 on: July 29, 2011, 11:18:54 PM »
And next I'll tell you that my favourite Battle Network game is actually Network Transmission D:<

Well, given that you're running it for SDA, that's a pretty fair assumption.

Speaking of Battle Network, just...EXE4, full stop.  The only thing good about that game at all was the final boss, in my opinion.  Sure, there's the potential with the good/evil mechanic, but like everything else in it, it was just half-assed and dumb, because there was absolutely no balance between the two.  Good got Gun del Sols, SP chips, and free double damage.  Evil got drained of HP and a program advance that was less effective than just using hockey pucks.  And coming off of BN3, where so many aspects were actually done well...yeah, to say it was a letdown is putting it mildly.
Life and death are without purpose.  Our attempts to give them one are quite presumptuous of us.  But in the end, we exist, and that is enough.

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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #59 on: July 29, 2011, 11:52:50 PM »
Because it is getting so many good reviews and I hated it completely. Maybe some people liked it purely cause it was Morrowind's sequel (which I didn't play, but also seemed to be a good game).
I just didn't like combat at all. My first character was a warrior type. I chop 10 times just to kill a stupid skeleton, then after 2 skeletons I need to repair my sword cause it deals half damage. I could hold the button for a stronger attack with side effects, yet it didn't seem worthwhile at all. Spending lots of materials to enchant my weapon, just to deal some fire damage for a measly 10 attacks, then i had to enchant it again.
Also: Pick up a spoon -> You are over encumbered! Can't move and need to drop tons of trash from my inventory I'll never use but somehow always ends up back in my pack.

I played a magic type a whole lot later. It seemed better but the spells I was trying to create had severe limitations, making them barely better than the standard spells.

And dumb shit like dropping a book. 1 hour in the game later: You need the 4 books to enter. But I can't for the love of god find another copy of that one book I dropped.

Also 4 voice actors.