Author Topic: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things! Sakura Rurouni  (Read 106905 times)

Hello Purvis

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Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #60 on: July 16, 2011, 12:27:08 PM »
Why do I keep feeling tempted to ask horrible things?

Lloyd Dunamis

  • aka Amanie
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #61 on: July 16, 2011, 01:11:58 PM »
A-advanced apologies if this makes the uncontrollable part of your consciousness remember this and haunt you again >-<;;...

Have you gotten rid/gotten around your OCD of...uhm...... equalness? (I can't remember the exact term you used/told us-- equality-ness or neutrality-ness... something with -ness)
2010.1212 <Sakana> The only time wasted is the time in which you really do nothing at all, not even enjoying yourself
You may send me suspicious files that could be infected/a trojan, and I'll try analyzing it for you. :3 -Mo?ware, your personal Anti-Malware Engineer

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #62 on: July 16, 2011, 06:34:13 PM »
Doing this in installments so I can get people's questions out of the way faster.

Meh, as much as I would like to spraypaint that place, I kind of put the law before my own morals some times.
Laconic: You're lawful good. I'm chaotic good.

Isn't Estes Park awesome?
Laconic: Absolutely lovely!
Regular: It was a great little trip, I just wish I could have stayed longer. I think I liked Salida better, though, if only for the amazing pizza~

Would you say that going to NDK this year is worth the forty dollars I'd have to pay?
Laconic: Definitely.
Regular: Particularly if one of the other members here who also lives in Colorado Springs can get in gear and come down to visit >:<

Is it true that you're allowed to give History pop-quizzes? I heard that somewhere, but haven't been able to find it in the rules.
Laconic: No. Yes.
Regular: That's not in the rules It has always been there, haven't you looked?

Rule #5: Don't be dumb.

Failure to abide by this rule will result in Ruro giving you history pop-quizzes that you probably won't be able to answer.


If you do, any plans to stopover in Iceland?
If you do, any plans to stopover in Iceland Germany?
If you do, any plans to stopover in Iceland Germany Canada?

Laconic: Nope, sorry.
Regular: The trip is more of a jaunt through the Mediterranean, if we don't decide to ditch France and Italy entirely in favour of spending all our time in Spain and Morocco. I'm sowwy ;-;


Do you ever get tired of waiting for Rurot?
Laconic: She never shows up once, god


Any places you want to avoid when travelling?
Laconic: Military areas, taverns.
Regular: I see absolutely no value to the second, as I am not particularly interested in drinking or drunk people. To the former, it's hard not to loathe the military with a passion when you learn about all the wonderful escapades militaries have had in history, both ancient and current.

You're not interested in videogames, but what about board games? Are there any you like in particular?
Laconic: Do jigsaw puzzles count?
Regular: I'm not sure anything I play beyond Scrabble counts as a board game, but I really like checkers, chinese checkers, and dominoes. (I like making pretty patterns out of them~)



You know a lot of European history that I don't, and I know a fair amount of Asian history. We should COMBINE AND CONQUER or something.
Laconic: >:D
Regular: I actually know more about Latin America, since I think European history is very boring. Goes hand in hand with my hatred of their imperialism. That said, in high school I was supposed to take IB African history; at the time, my school was the only one in all of northern America that taught IB African history, because we had an amazing teacher waiting to teach us. Then our new, moronic, jerkass principal drove her away, and at the very last minute we were forced to take European history instead. Not only was it a bitter disappointment, it was also very disillusioning. For years I had been telling my friends that history was a heck of a lot more interesting than a bunch of old dead white guys, and what did European history turn out to be? About a bunch of old dead white guys (and the occasional woman). Bo-ring! But I did learn a heck of a lot about Europe, regardless (even if that class did leave out Europe's four-and-a-half centuries of world domination, as most Eurocentric education does).

I didn't like Heart of Darkness; I greatly preferred Things Fall Apart. (This is largely because the author of Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe, felt that Conrad was a bloody racist, which colored my perception of that book when I read it.) Would you be interested in reading Things Fall Apart sometime?
Laconic: Nope.
Regular: You see, I've already read it! Though our IB African history teacher was forced off, the curriculum that she had made along with the IB English teacher remained. You see, they worked together so that when we were learning about Russia in history class, we were also reading Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, and things like that. The change to European history from African history changed our history curriculum, but the English curriculum was long in place, and couldn't be changed fast enough-- so we kept our African novels on the list.

I think Things Fall Apart should be read in its proper order, after Heart of Darkness, precisely because Chinua Achebe meant it at least in part as a response to Heart of Darkness. I read his critique of it after I had read Conrad's work, and though he made some good points, I still firmly believe that Achebe was missing the point. Was Conrad a racist? Almost certainly. But that doesn't have anything to do with Heart of Darkness' storyline. Achebe objected to the Africans being reduced to props in the background, the Congo river getting more characterization than they do. I don't think Achebe realized that this was precisely the point. Heart of Darkness could have taken place anywhere: the story could have been transplanted to Spaniards in the Amazon, to Romans exploring the Thames, or as Francis Ford Coppola proved, to Americans in Vietnam. Because the story was not about the Africans. It was about the exploring characters, who, when they leave their setting of laws and order and go to a place where they won't be punished by the law for their behaviour, prove to be not any more barbaric than they accuse the 'natives' of being. For all their rules and regulations, they have a concealed heart of darkness inside of them that was always there, just stifled for fear of retribution.

That said, I share Achebe's objection to Heart of Darkness being called an 'African' novel, because it's really not. That's just where the setting is. It could have been set, as I said, in the Americas, in Vietnam, in a lot of other places. (Me, I would love to see an Amazonian version of it.)

As for Things Fall Apart, it was great, and I re-read it only a few weeks ago. Okonkwo is every bit the tragic hero (Achebe partly based him on that archetype, after all). The ending made me almost cry the first time I read it. ;__;

:flowerpower: ?
Laconic: :bzzz:

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #63 on: July 16, 2011, 06:41:28 PM »
Yeah, I like Estes, but my family has gone there so many times, we ran out of things to do.

I'd ask more questions, but I want to give you a break. :P
« Last Edit: July 16, 2011, 07:03:17 PM by Squawkers23 »

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #64 on: July 16, 2011, 07:41:05 PM »
Part two!

!Tan cerca pero tan lejos. :qq:
Regular: Un d?a, si voy a visitar a Chile. Tengo amigos all? que tambi?n quisiera visitar. ^_^


What are you, some kind of college hipster? I hate that damn place.
Laconic: Nah.
Regular: No, but a lot of my friends have moved there! I'd like to live there for that reason, at least. Nederland is also nice! If I had to live in one of the insignificant old mining towns in CO, though, I'd pick either Salida or Glenwood Springs.

(I did used to live in Aurora though, right next to Buckley AFB.)
Wait, how long have you lived there? Don't tell me we went to the same middle school, it would be so weird
Laconic: 12 years now, and not likely.
Regular: Since I was 8, yeah. But I live near (former) Lowry AFB, which is decently far from Buckley AFB.


Do you have a favorite stand-up comic? If so, who is it?
Laconic: Nah.
Regular: Sorry, I don't watch stand-up comedy. :<

Do you guys have any plans for these threads after all the staffers have been covered, or are you just gonna keep making staffers until the end of time?
Regular: No, not that I know of. I guess we'll just throw them in the archives. I hope we revive this every two years or so, since between 24~ staffers taking one week each, that's almost half a year.

Now for the tough one: If you would so indulge us, can you say something negative about your favorite Touhou character(s) and something positive about your least favorite Touhou character(s)?
Laconic: Oh dear.
Favourites -
Shikieiki: She has no dark side. While she appears to dislike some aspects of her job, her lack of active rebellion can be boring. I much prefer characters who disdain the rules to do what's right.
Yumemi: She can be quite ruthless. I like her mad scientist-like resolve to do some of the things she does, but I can't imagine her caring too much about things like ethical restraint.
Koishi: Cowardly, tends to cut and run at the first opportunity when things start going wrong instead of sticking it out. How is closing yourself off from emotions a permanent solution?
But this is precisely what I like about each of them...

Least favourites -
Remilia: Pride. Pride is a wonderful motivation, I think. While I dislike Yukari for this same reason, Remilia's version of pride makes me think that she has a little bit more steel in her spine.
Yukari: I... I, uh. I can't think of anything. She has, um. Ah, I've got it! She has admirable self-control for her use of borders. Ugh, it's like being grateful to a deity for not letting us die too quickly. She has a good sense of humour... and that's about it.
Nue: SHE HAS NOTHING GOOD ABOUT HER Actually, Nue does have some good qualities I can admire! She has a very catchy tune, and a wickedly fun fight. Rainbow UFOs <3 Also, Genzanmi Yorimasa is a return to the kind of wonderful dodging that I enjoyed so much in some cards in StB (like Suika's Pandemonium): no gimmicks, no tricks, just raw dodging. Love it.

You have the opportunity to pair me up with one other board member. Who am I paired with?
Laconic: Edible.
Regular: Edible x everyone is my personal OTP.


Would you like there to be Aya's S2?  Would you participate?
Laconic: Yes to both.
Regular: I would love to see that! I would like to be some kind of announcer, because that would be funny. I would participate, but only to even an odd-numbered amount of contestants, much like I did the first time.

Disturbing stuff, innit?
Laconic: Yes.
Regular: I remember being quite surprised when I read that article. I had thought that I was the only one who felt that way about games.

why can't i remember the question i actually had
Laconic: Was it about Why I Hate the IMF, Part 6?

May we hear your viewtiful singing voice?
Laconic: Not a chance in hell. I can't sing. :<

Are you still having sleeping problems?
Laconic: Less so.
Regular: They're there, but they affect me a lot less frequently than they used to.

What is your most valued possession?
Laconic: Flash drive, sketchbook/notepad.
Regular: I can't bring myself to value possessions very much at all-- not out of some weird anti-consumerism ethos, but because I see it all as replaceable. That said, my flash drive would probably be my most valued possession, based on sheer usefulness. My sketchbook-slash-notepad would also be something I'd not like to lose, even if it could be replaced.


What are your honest opinions of me?
Laconic: Good.
Regular: I have had nothing but good things to hear about you. Would like to get to know you better, though.

Laconic: He must be talking about the dub. I agree.
Regular: See also this.


>What kind of traits do you think humanity needs to exhibit more of? (Intelligence is not a viable answer. That's too easy.)
Laconic: Being laconic.
Regular: That would be nice, but that's not actually my answer. Compassion would be the highest on the list. Human greed is our worst collective trait, no contest. A willingness to learn would be a good one as well, and respect for one another would be fantastic. None of these will happen worldwide in my lifetime.

>Worst thing you've ever spent time doing?
Laconic: Watching Mister Lonely.
Regular: I watch a lot of artistic films at the Starz Film Festival when it comes around every year. I like finding weird films by weird directors that are surprisingly good. This was not one of them. It was boring, mind-bending, and unforgiveably stupid. I loathe it and want those two hours of my life back.

>What kind of qualities do you look for in good writing and the likes?
Laconic: The good ones.
Regular: Research. Even if it's a fantasy work and not set in the real world or whatever, there are very few absolutely new genres, so you can at least read what other people have written in the genre you want to write in. It's okay to research the hell out of your topic and then ignore a lot of it, but starting from plain ignorance is not acceptable to me. Snappy dialogue is a plus, but whenever people act too witty it turns me off, since that tells me that the writer cares less about making the characters look like three-dimensional characters and more like they just wanted to show off how clever they are. (This is my usual problem with TV shows and sitcoms these days.) An interesting conflict, of course. A thought-provoking setting. Historical is a preference for me, but no more than a preference (and indeed lots of historical works are stupid and boring). Characters that the writer gives me the time to feel for and sympathize with are probably the biggest thing I look for, which is why I tend to prefer long sprawling epics over short stories (though the best short story writers can get me to feel for a character in just eight pages, too.)

>If there was one thing you could take back that you've done, what would it be?
Regular: I wish I had gotten into the sciences earlier. When I first showed up in IB Biology in high school, I was still under the impression that as a religious person, there was no way I could accept science. It's kind of sickening to think about now, looking back. I very quickly got over that and ended up falling in love with biology (particularly ecology) as time went on, but I just wish I had done it sooner.

>Finally, what's one misconception about yourself by people you absolutely hate and would like to address?
Regular: Hmm. Probably my thing for legs. If I had known that this community would flanderize my character traits the way they have, I would have never said anything about it. I hate it when people (and characters) are strictly defined by one character trait and by nothing else on basic principle, since that denies that people and good characters have depth, internal conflicts, internally contradicting motivations, and all that stuff, and reduces them to one gimmick alone. It's annoying and I wish it would stop.


  • mrgrgr
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Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #65 on: July 16, 2011, 08:16:48 PM »
I know that everyone has differing character interpretations, but why do you dislike Yukari so much?

Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #66 on: July 16, 2011, 08:21:41 PM »
Do you really dislike Patchouli that much or just what fanon's turned her into? I kind of remember you doing a lengthy post about your opinions on the SDM cast a while ago that suggested the latter. Either way I respect your opinion.

Favorite flavors of ice cream? Do you like to add anything to it, like fruit or nuts?

Best/worst anime you've ever watched?

If I write that Shikieiki fic will she send me to hell?
« Last Edit: July 17, 2011, 05:08:53 AM by The Subconscious Colossal »


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Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #67 on: July 16, 2011, 10:38:41 PM »
What's your biggest accomplishment to date?

What's your main goal in life?

If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, in a manner that you could not avoid, what would you do today?

"I don't have anything against you, but I hope you're ready to die a dog's death!
Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place!"


  • Subconscious Rose Girl, Koishi
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #68 on: July 16, 2011, 10:40:32 PM »
If you had a choice between Yumemi, Byakuren, or Sikieiki, all having nice legs, but you can only choose one because if you choose more than one all three of them will be kicked off a cliff where flying cease to exists to their ultimate demise, who would you choose?


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #69 on: July 16, 2011, 11:48:14 PM »
Do you think Misology is a bad thing? If so/not, why?

nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


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Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #70 on: July 17, 2011, 01:56:04 AM »
Can we convince you to record yourself answering some of these questions Sapzstyle?

Can you finish the CPMCilliad?

What is your ideal guy like?  Girl?

Where are the Purvis of yesteryear?

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • .... what're you looking at?
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Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #71 on: July 17, 2011, 03:46:48 AM »
What is love?

Where is Sarah Conner?

Am I a bad person?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #72 on: July 17, 2011, 04:08:26 AM »
Part three. This is time-consuming, but actually pretty fun. ^_^

Can I have your thoughts on Aya and Akyu, in a comparative format?
Laconic: Yes.
Regular: This took a while.

Once upon a time, these were going to be the two main heroines of my StB rewrite. Once upon a time...


Out of all the societies that you have some knowledge of, which strikes you as the most alien and difficult to understand through the prism of your own experience?
Laconic: Western culture.
Regular: Yes, really. In particular, the Western "it's all about me" mentality. From the Spanish conquistadors' pillage-rape-burn approach through Latin America and later on the British and French and Americans in northern America. I do not understand how you can look at a deal that says "if you do this, you will benefit monetarily, and the other person will starve to death" and say yes to that. But it happened, over and over again. I have also never been able to get my head around the enshrining of private property (or at least vast amounts of it; it makes sense for me to own a bike, or even a house, but not a gigantic golf course or land the size of a small nation.) This mentality is certainly not unique to the West, but since I study colonialism and imperialism as much as I do, it comes up too often.

Are there any books, fiction or nonfiction, that you would like to read, if only they were written?
Laconic: Various!
"How to Mend a Broken Heart," by T. Mami
"Samurai Spirits: The History of the Flower Division," by M. Sunnyside
"How to Build a Kingdom," by Y. Nakajima
"Perfect Memento in Strict Sense Part Two," by Akyu no Hieda
"Henry VIII is a Gigantic Jerkass," by A. Boleyn
"Revolutionary Girl Utsuho," by S. Rurouni

Thank you! I extracted them from the beautiful doujin Yume Yume Sakura, by Yayuyo.
Regular: Oooh, this is absolutely lovely~
Laconic: <3


In terms of fiction, what is:
- The one story you wish you'd written yourself?
- The one story you've always meant to read but never gotten around to?
- The one story that you wish you'd NEVER read?
- The one author who you think is most overrated?
- The one author who you think deserves more time in the limelight?
Regular: In order.
- The Twelve Kingdoms. Then I would be an author to stand above the world. \_O_/
- Sailor Nothing. Also, Catch-22 itself. My friend Nichole gave a copy to me for my birthday when I turned 17, but I've never been able to get through it ;-;
- Revolutionary Girl Sailorsaturn. (Gone are those useless quotation marks and references as to which Senshi is saying what. Instead we have sentences and paragraphs colour-coded to each Senshi! It's a veritable rainbow of ridiculousness!) Also, that 'sex' scene was part hilarious, part terrifying.
- In print, it would be J.K. Rowling. Sorry, but Harry Potter just wasn't that interesting to me. But more so Christopher Paolini, for obvious reasons.
- Fuyumi Ono. I want more people to gush over 12K with.

Stupid aside, but have you been following Penguindrum? It's by Ikuhara, and I figured the Utena expy in the OP alone would be enough to win you over. :V
Laconic: Nope.
Regular: I've heard of it in passing, but I haven't gotten around to watching it yet. :(

How much attention and effort do you put into OCs like Sumire?
Laconic: None, really.
Regular: None actively spent, not at first. It just comes naturally as a part of the plot. She was created because none of the ghostly cast was suitable for the role I needed to supplement Shikieiki's, and her characterization has progressed that way. After she was set in stone, then I started giving her quirks so she wasn't just a cardboard cutout. That said, there is an attention to detail, since Sumire, like the other OCs, is named for the characters of Sakura Taisen, so there is a bit of homage to that.

Why is Sango your favourite?
Laconic: Fins~
Regular: I like her. I hope to see a battle between her and Koishi.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

Why do you hate Remi so much, anyway?
Laconic: She does not deserve her fanbase.
Regular: Honestly? I think I'd at least be neutral to her if she didn't have the enormous fanbase she has. She lucked out because she happened to be in the first windows game, no more. She's arrogant and selfish, but I can dig that in and of itself. But the fanbase's narrow focus on her and the SDM tends to ignore that there are other groups around. It's like Eurocentrism in education, except... SDM-centrism. On her own, her SWR scenario did a lot to rehabilitate her image in my eyes.


I have one day left of being a teenager. Wha do ;_;


Why do I keep feeling tempted to ask horrible things?
Laconic: Come on, you know you want to ask me for my opinion on American politics!


A-advanced apologies if this makes the uncontrollable part of your consciousness remember this and haunt you again >-<;;...

Have you gotten rid/gotten around your OCD of...uhm...... equalness? (I can't remember the exact term you used/told us-- equality-ness or neutrality-ness... something with -ness)
Laconic: 'Evenness' is what I called it. And no.
Regular: On the other hand, it's just gotten less ability to manifest itself. Bike riding means that I don't step on sidewalk cracks anymore!

There, now I can catch up to my post-trip questions.


  • Breaking news. Any season.
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  • I said, with a posed look.
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #73 on: July 17, 2011, 04:14:42 AM »
Part three. This is time-consuming, but actually pretty fun. ^_^
Laconic: Yes.
Regular: This took a while.

Once upon a time, these were going to be the two main heroines of my StB rewrite. Once upon a time...

This is great.

What are your thoughts on the "red state/blue state" dichotomy?

Are Democrats and Republicans in a race to the middle, or are they vastly different political parties?

Could a truly multi-party system ever exist in America and if so, under what conditions?

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • serial time-waster
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #74 on: July 17, 2011, 04:28:52 AM »
Do you believe that medical science can one day cure mankind of all diseases and disorders?

What events do you think have had the most impact on the development of modern culture?

What is your opinion on the separation of church and state?

Welfare or workfare?

Does the thought of having a family appeal to you?

Mankind discovers a fully sentient alien race capable of communication. What is the first thing you would ask them?

Using the letters A, B, C, D, and F, as well as plus and minus signs as necessary, rank the quality of the United States' media.

In your opinion, is the world becoming a better or worse place in general?

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #75 on: July 17, 2011, 04:37:00 AM »
Why the hell does the American academic grading system skip the letter E?

How much spending money do you think I should bring to NDK? I'll only be there for a day, but you're more knowledgeable than I.

Okay, serious question. Regardless of what kind of relationship you want to pursue with a person, what characteristic, what personality trait, do you like most in a person?


  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #76 on: July 17, 2011, 04:42:35 AM »
Why the hell does the American academic grading system skip the letter E?

Whether a school uses E or F to indicate failing grade typically depends on time and geography. Around the time of World War II, several states began to use E, while the majority of the country continued to use the F, which traces to the days of Pass/Fail grading (P and F). In recent years, some schools have begun using an N for failing grades, presumably to represent "No Credit". Another letter used to represent a failing grade is U, representing "unsatisfactory." *

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #77 on: July 17, 2011, 05:00:21 AM »
I guess that makes sense. It just always bugged me that it skipped E, although that's kind of a stupid thing to get annoyed with.


  • serial time-waster
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #78 on: July 17, 2011, 05:03:07 AM »

In addition, the lower grades of my elementary school used a different grading standard.
(I can't remember the other two, but they were not good.)
(See above.)

Teachers usually just wrote the E or the G at the top and sometimes left a sticker.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #79 on: July 17, 2011, 08:55:09 AM »
I know that everyone has differing character interpretations, but why do you dislike Yukari so much?
Laconic: Boring and overrated.
Regular: Yeah, pretty much. And very conceited. She doesn't even fight well in the fighting games to make up for it. Or have interesting dialogue. Or good music. But speaking of SWR:

Thank you for summing it up, Iku.
(I deeply resent the notion that I absolutely have to like every character. Just because I understand Yukari doesn't mean I like her any.)

Do you really dislike Patchouli that much or just what fanon's turned her into? I kind of remember you doing a lengthy post about your opinions on the SDM cast a while ago that suggested the latter. Either way I respect your opinion.
Laconic: Both.
Regular: I encountered fanon Patchouli and disliked her. I gave canon Patchouli a chance and disliked her too. She's way too arrogant for my tastes. Dismissing people as easily as she does in EoSD and IaMP in particular doesn't sit well with me, and I remember disliking her in SWR too (though I can no longer remember the specific reasons). Preferring to be alone is no excuse for insulting people the way she does when she encounters someone else. I was glad when I beat her IaMP lunatic scenario so I'd never have to play as her again. She also suffers from the same overexposure that Remilia has. Unlike Yukari, though, her theme is actually good and her character design is okay, if uninteresting.

Favorite flavors of ice cream? Do you like to add anything to it, like fruit or nuts?
Laconic: Strawberry, lemon, lime.
Regular: Those three, mostly, with the occasional sherbet ice scream. I don't like to add anything, though. In fact I've just never thought of doing so ^^'

Best/worst anime you've ever watched?
Laconic: Rakkyo or SKU, and none I can think of.
Regular: Kara no Kyoukai is the best, but only if movies count as anime. If not, then Shoujo Kakumei Utena is probably the densest, most involving, most perplexing, and most engaging plot and story I've seen. As for worst anime, that's probably Sister Princess by necessity (since generally I stop watching if the first few episodes are boring, Sister Princess is one of the few I went from beginning to end with), and it's less awful than it is simply mediocre/not suited to my tastes.

If I write that Shikieiki fic will she send me to hell?
Laconic: Not immediately.

What's your biggest accomplishment to date?
Laconic: Already answered this, but your answer is 'surviving the IB programme and making tons of friends on the way.'
Regular: I should probably also add publishing the 2009 yearbook. As Editor-in-Chief of the yearbook, the ultimate responsibility for it being good was on my shoulders, and what's more, this was the first year we could afford a full-colour yearbook. So I did my best to make it awesome, and the reactions of my friends confirmed that I had achieved my goal. ^_^

What's your main goal in life?
Laconic: To bring the world revolution.
Regular: I don't believe that the really big goals can be achieved over the course of one lifetime. So there is a part of me that does simply want to become immortal. But since it's not exactly viable, I take into context that the best plans take place over several generations. So my overall goal is to leave this world better than when I found it. My specific goal? That there is no more extreme poverty in the world by the time I die. No more living on less than a dollar a day, for anyone, ever again. This in and of itself is an ambitious, but viable goal. I would be satisfied even if I died before the project could be completed, so long as the wheels of fate were finally turning in that direction.
Given that the full turn of a wheel is a 'revolution', my laconic phrase comes full circle~

If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, in a manner that you could not avoid, what would you do today?
Laconic: Write, talk, chill, then die.
Regular: Call the people who are nearest and dearest to me. Hire several very very fast secretaries to type down everything I say. Grind out the next parts of White Rose in mere hours. And then record everything I want to pass on to those I care for. Write my will. Load up on sugar to keep going, since there won't be a rest over those next 24 hours and I don't have to care about diabetes anymore. When exhaustion inevitably sets in anyway, sit down with those I love and watch a good movie or listen to music while putting together a jigsaw puzzle with them. And tell them, over and over, how much I love them.

If you had a choice between Yumemi, Byakuren, or Sikieiki, all having nice legs, but you can only choose one because if you choose more than one all three of them will be kicked off a cliff where flying cease to exists to their ultimate demise, who would you choose?
Laconic: Yumemi.
Regular: Not so much because of "omg nice legs", but because the other two have simply lived long enough, and both would make a point of not being attached to earthly things anyway.

Do you think Misology is a bad thing? If so/not, why?
Laconic: Ooh, so it has a name. Neat.
Regular: I don't think it's a bad thing at all, particularly since I share in it. I have become thoroughly disillusioned with people who use logic to justify the most horrible things. It seems entirely too much like a "hahahah I logic better than you do" position, and I hate it. I tend to operate on (highly informed) instinct and raw impulse as a rule, so I don't really miss logic.

Can we convince you to record yourself answering some of these questions Sapzstyle?
Laconic: Possibly!

Can you finish the CPMCilliad?
Laconic: Yes, I can.
Regular: I'm not sure where I even left the first part, though ^^'

What is your ideal guy like?  Girl?
Laconic: They share a lot of traits.
Regular: He/she doesn't have to be stunning, but he/she does have to not cause me pain when I look at them. A large part of this is simply taking care of oneself, so a love of exercise should be there. I like to bike and explore on whims and take detours that make no practical sense, but serve to let me see what's around the corner. I would appreciate patience from my ideal guy/girl on that matter. And he/she absolutely must love to read. This is not negotiable. And since this is ideal and not realistic at all, they should be able to handle a total lack of sexual interest for months at a time, if not years. And they cannot be dependent on me, since I find that sickening. No clinginess; they should have fulfilling lives of their own, interesting and packed with things that fulfill them, like me. They should also have a taste for jazz and swing, since they'll be hearing a lot of that.
Where they diverge? Hmm. I can't think of anything I couldn't do with my ideal girl that I couldn't do with my ideal guy, or vice versa, save superficial appearance things.

Where are the Purvis of yesteryear?
Laconic: Deported.

What is love?
Laconic: A potion.

Where is Sarah Conner?
Laconic: Damnit, Mus, I know you have that Yorihime hack somewhere!

October edit:

Am I a bad person?
Laconic: Just a little.
Regular: In all the ways that are good, my dear~

Okay, I'm almost entirely caught up now, but I should probably wait until I'm awake tomorrow to answer well. @_@


  • Master of the Swimsuit
  • Making being an evil spirit look good
    • Tondemonai
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #80 on: July 17, 2011, 10:25:49 AM »
Why did that chicken cross the road?

Why did the Purvis cross the road?

What culture do you feel you most fit in with, whether it be a culture of the past or present, and why?

"I don't have anything against you, but I hope you're ready to die a dog's death!
Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place!"


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
  • Do you not trust my aim?
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #81 on: July 17, 2011, 06:46:29 PM »
Since everyone is quizzing you about themselves, I shall join in!

What's the thing you like most about me?

What's the thing you like least about me?

What's your general impression of me?

Completely unrelated to me, have you ever tried to read Purvis's Quests? I know you've said in the past you don't like the quest format, but I'm curious if you've tried to read one all the way through out of curiosity

What do you like most about touhou? (if you answered that already and I forgot, I'm sorry)

Is Misology part of the reason you hate mafia (since it tends to devolve to "I CAN LOGICK BETTER HA HA" far more often than it should)?

What do you think of the new color scheme?


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #82 on: July 17, 2011, 07:58:15 PM »
Why do you hate drawing attention to yourself, even when it is to your detriment?

If you could selfishly demand one thing of your friends, what would it be?
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #83 on: July 17, 2011, 08:17:39 PM »
Laconic: The white rose.
Regular: The white rose, of course. But there is also the red rose...

How about this?


You mentioned that you liked swing and jazz music. Mind sharing one or two of your favorites?

What is a skill you would wish to improve in the future, or start to learn altogether, in the case of not being experienced in whatever it is?

What are your views on the field of psychology? Psychiatry?
« Last Edit: July 17, 2011, 08:21:26 PM by Tomatsuri Daidouji »

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #84 on: July 17, 2011, 08:28:07 PM »

What US figure do you think is most despicable, living and dead?
What US figure do you think is bestest, living and dead?
Have you made plans to have sloppy makeouts in front of the Focus on the Family HQ with a ladyfriend of your choice yet?
What US figure gets far too much positive attention, living et al?
What US Figure do you think is most unjustly portayed, Dead and yet to be dead?
What do you think of the Great Man Theory of history? =D?
What do you believe was the cause of the Bronze Age Collapse?
Which question, asked so far, have you least wanted to answer?


  • Give me love and money. I have the rest already.
  • *
  • Love and money coming from you is what I need.
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #85 on: July 17, 2011, 10:18:19 PM »
What do you think are the best/most important qualities a human being can have?

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


  • Charisma!
  • *
  • O-ojousama!?
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #86 on: July 18, 2011, 07:21:43 AM »

On a serious note:
Any favourite Pixiv artist or work of art you like? Like IzumiNitro / Colonel aki etc ?

Ibara Kasen, is that just another twin-bun girls to please fans in your eyes or an interesting character?

You are Shiki Eiki and several MotK members are in front of you for judgement. Judge them.

Any instruments you play? Or love to listen to?


  • Cya
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #87 on: July 18, 2011, 08:16:03 AM »
Why do you use Kunrei-shiki?


  • Developer fairy
  • is working for a game developer now.
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #88 on: July 18, 2011, 09:57:38 AM »
If you could live your life again, what would you do different?

If you had the chance would you grasp the power to rule the world? Why?

Dunno if it was asked before, but what special ability you'd like to have?

What non-special ability you'd like to have?

You said what you don't like about me, so anything good or general impression? ITT everyone is insecure with themselves. :V

While I like the taste of it in icecreams and other sweets, I actually don't like the strawberry fruit. What do you think? :V

What should be my next question?

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things!
« Reply #89 on: July 18, 2011, 10:00:51 AM »
This is great.
Laconic: Thank you, thank you.
Regular: Perhaps one day I'll write that StB rewrite, with the addition of Hatate? Maybe you'll help? Hehehe.

What are your thoughts on the "red state/blue state" dichotomy?
Laconic: Artificial -> Real.
Regular: What's always interested me about artificial divides is that over time, belief in them makes them real. I do not actually think a good amount of the red/blue dividing characteristics were much different from one another in goals (style and process, maybe), but over time, based on a belief that they were really that different, they have become that different.
My thoughts are worried. To use a recent example, gay marriage rights finally being recognized in New York won't be respected in red states any time soon. I'm a human rights universalist, meaning that I don't think recognition of your rights should be limited by national or state borders. I worry that the red states' slowness to change won't prove more of a detriment than a tempering force in the increasing pace of global politics, and there are enough of them that the entire US might be left behind when it least needs to be.
That said, Colorado is firmly purple, since the countryside is red and the cities are blue. It balances us out pretty well here, I think. Helps that everyone here, regardless of party affiliation, is an environmentalist.

Are Democrats and Republicans in a race to the middle, or are they vastly different political parties?

Laconic: Both.
Regular: My training in American politics teaches me that they are very very different. My anarchist leanings tell me that, once more, this is an artificial divide and there is not any real difference between the two, but that even though Dems are tepidly left of center at best, they are still preferable to the corporatists and moralists that dominate the GOP. That said, the increasing lunacy of the right will distance the two parties over time (I certainly hope so, at least), and we'll see a wider chasm between them then.

Could a truly multi-party system ever exist in America and if so, under what conditions?
Laconic: Maybe.
Regular: Duverger's Law tells me that this is a natural outcome, but I wonder if it cannot be bucked. It would have to take a vast paradigm shift over a very short amount of time, though, to make people believe that breaking out of a dichotomy is viable, that their vote will not go to waste. In short, they have to believe in a multi-party system before that multi-party system exists in order to make it possible.

Do you believe that medical science can one day cure mankind of all diseases and disorders?
Laconic: Nope.
Regular: We're not that smart, and never will be. Bacteria and viruses can out-evolve us as we try to catch up, too. That said, I still hope we get close (though not close enough that we all get wiped out by a mutation of the common cold).

What events do you think have had the most impact on the development of modern culture?
Laconic: Writing, and, um...
Regular: Writing was our greatest invention. (Wheels are not useful everywhere. Writing is.) The printing press was also, naturally, a biggie. And, um, agriculture, of course. As for events and not inventions... The spread of Christianity, for better or for worse. The discovery* of the Americas, and the looting of entire continents by Europe. The world wars. And the ongoing process of globalization.

* I hate to find myself in the unpleasant position of defending Columbus on anything, but why does he get denied the 'discovery' of the Americas (which was always there) and Franklin Watson and Crick get to 'discover' the molecular structure of DNA (which was also always there)? I don't get it.

What is your opinion on the separation of church and state?
Laconic: It works both ways.
Regular: It's almost always used in the context of protecting the state from "religion's corrupting influence", but I think a lot of people overlook that it also protects religion from the state's corrupting influence. A state that is also a religion unto itself is a horror that I hope we leave behind in the past soon. It is nothing but a good idea for both sides, though.

Welfare or workfare?
Laconic: Both.
Regular: Welfare, as I understand the term, shouldn't be negotiable. Everyone has a right to life, and as such the state is the duty-bearer for that bare minimum. That said, it by necessity cannot be very much. Which is where workfare steps in. Effort spent should obviously bring rewards superior to those you're just entitled to on basis of being human, after all.

Does the thought of having a family appeal to you?
Laconic: Yes.
Regular: But not in the conventional sense. I never want to be a mother, for starters. But that is not mutually exclusive to having a family. A family, to me, is having a network of loved ones, related by blood or not. (That would be kinship.) So I would count very close friends and adopted children as a family. Marriage? I'm iffy about that, and this is a massive concession from someone who used to run screaming from the idea of ever getting married.

Mankind discovers a fully sentient alien race capable of communication. What is the first thing you would ask them?
Laconic: "Do you come in peace?"
Regular: Romantic-sounding overtures like "can you give us the key to solving world hunger?" aside, knowing if we're all about to get blown up is the immediate, most practical thing to worry about.

Using the letters A, B, C, D, and F, as well as plus and minus signs as necessary, rank the quality of the United States' media.
Laconic: Hmm. It depends.
Regular: Media, or even its various mediums of it, are not monoliths in and of themselves. TV has both Al-Jazeera and Faux News on it, for one. With few exceptions, though, I give all TV a C-, because C is supposed to be average. Oversimplified dichotomies and only presenting one perspective (the US perspective, regardless of main party affiliation) do not do our national dialogue any favours. Newspapers get C+ to Bs, depending on the paper and the writers. (Some writers get As unto themselves.) Radio varies too wildly to give it one sweeping general score. This applies to the internet as well.

In your opinion, is the world becoming a better or worse place in general?
Laconic: Both, simultaneously.
Regular: It's becoming more corporatist and militant (private security, anyone?) and the gap between rich and poor gets starker with each passing day. This is bad. It's becoming more and more connected with one another. This is neutral. Ideas are easier to transmit, and alliances between isolated groups that share common interests are more possible. This is good. In other words, it's not any better or worse than the world we've had in the past. It is, however, getting massively depleted of resources, and way too quickly. By necessity, this invokes the law of scarcity, so I'm going to have to say that it is leaning towards getting worse.

Why the hell does the American academic grading system skip the letter E?
Laconic: Prejudice against vowels other than A.

How much spending money do you think I should bring to NDK? I'll only be there for a day, but you're more knowledgeable than I.
Laconic: $50.
Regular: Not because you'll be spending all that amount, but because it's just better to be prepared. Saturday brings some good deals in the dealer's room (since that's the day that most people are there), so you'll be wanting to take advantage of that. And also for emergencies.

Okay, serious question. Regardless of what kind of relationship you want to pursue with a person, what characteristic, what personality trait, do you like most in a person?
Laconic: Just one? Patience.
Regular: With patience, all other bad traits can be weeded out in time, or good traits be nurtured and grown. Honesty is a very very very close second, though; I just chose patience because not rushing into things is something I admire over being honest about things and not doing anything about it.

Why did that chicken cross the road?
Laconic: To hide from Purvis.

Why did the Purvis cross the road?
Laconic: Because he is definitely not a vegetarian.

What culture do you feel you most fit in with, whether it be a culture of the past or present, and why?
Laconic: Not very many.
Regular: As fond as I am of glossing over some things in history to make past societies look good and refraining from accentuating the negative, I cannot help but notice the distinct lack of gender equality in virtually all of them. The idea of being blamed for my own abuse, not being able to own property, and being degraded as a human being in general does not appeal to me in the least bit.
That said, ancient Sparta sounds cool. As usual, women were the expendable gender, but being able to own property and being treated like a human being for the most part is something that won't pop up in the rest of the world for a couple more centuries. But I could never get along with the glamorizing of war and murder, so... maybe modern Canada? Too bad I hate hockey. No, there's really no place or time I fit into perfectly.
I'll just have to create it myself.

Since everyone is quizzing you about themselves, I shall join in!
Laconic: Heh heh, I'm not entirely sure I should be doing this ^^' But as long as it doesn't become a fad, sure.

What's the thing you like most about me?
Laconic: The steel in your spine.
Regular: You have absolutely nothing against speaking to people to call them out on their behaviour or words. I admire that greatly.

What's the thing you like least about me?
Laconic: Self-victimization/self-centredness.
Regular: You tend to assume the worst possible meaning of words directed at you, and actively seek to find out those things. Not something I can admire very much at all.

What's your general impression of me?
Laconic: Very cool young woman. We bros.
Regular: I like you, and I like your taste in music! I just wish I wouldn't feel as if I were walking on eggshells at times around you, though. ^^'

Completely unrelated to me, have you ever tried to read Purvis's Quests? I know you've said in the past you don't like the quest format, but I'm curious if you've tried to read one all the way through out of curiosity
Laconic: A few times.
Regular: I tried to read Utsuho Quest as it came out, but I just didn't have the time to follow it. The size of the quests intimidates me and my slow computer.

What do you like most about touhou? (if you answered that already and I forgot, I'm sorry)
Laconic: Its flexibility.
Regular: AppealOfTouhou.jpg

Is Misology part of the reason you hate mafia (since it tends to devolve to "I CAN LOGICK BETTER HA HA" far more often than it should)?
Laconic: Hit it right on the nail.
Regular: Yes, exactly. Its utter pointlessness has a lot to do with it, too. In the end, all the vitriol and obsessive reading and rereading is for nothing, and nothing changes. I absolutely hate hate hate HATE getting into fights or arguments, and the only reason I ever do is when there's something I really have to stand up for (like staff forum arguments) or if something bad must be prevented from happening. Mafia, on the other hand, just reiterates itself with each passing game. I only get into arguments if I have reason to believe that it's all or nothing, and there is no second chance.

What do you think of the new color scheme?
Laconic: It's cute.
Regular: But it is also something I hope is confined to CPMC. I rather like the serious dark background instead of this for the rest of the forum.

Why do you hate drawing attention to yourself, even when it is to your detriment?
Laconic: I do not see how having everyone's attention focused on me is a good environment for me to find my own answers, ever.
Regular: I am an intuitive person. If I am in over my head, I will let it be known. But if something is happening in my own life and I decide not get help from others for it, that is almost always because having other people interfering in my affairs and getting more information on me than I would ever want them to have is not something I think is a good idea. I do not believe in the least bit in 'letting it all out', except under very specific circumstances. I also do not believe that failure to do this will end up in me exploding someday. I just grit my teeth and deal with it like a man. (Or woman, as the case may be.)

If you could selfishly demand one thing of your friends, what would it be?
Laconic: To forget about me if I am ever gone for good.
Regular: Leaving a huge hole in the hearts of people I care about would hurt them, and that's not something I'd ever want to be responsible for.

How about this?

Laconic: Needs more white petals to become a Tudor rose.

You mentioned that you liked swing and jazz music. Mind sharing one or two of your favorites?
Regular: What I was just listening to on Foobar is a good place to start. Brown Derby Jump, The Big Swing, and a bunch of others that aren't on YouTube, probably because CPD makes a sport of putting as many innuendoes as they possibly can into one song (see: Flovilla Thatch vs The Virile Garbageman).

What is a skill you would wish to improve in the future, or start to learn altogether, in the case of not being experienced in whatever it is?
Laconic: Timing.
Regular: My internal clock is permanently haywire, and I have a very hard time keeping track of time's proper passing, as I tend to think more time has passed than it actually has, and think of a century as a "really short amount of time". I would like to be able to have a saner sense of time's passing.

What are your views on the field of psychology? Psychiatry?
Laconic: Interesting as hell.
Regular: I love them and am highly intrigued by a lot of the ideas in there. I am much more of a biological psychologist than anything else, but all of it is fascinating. Psychiatry I have no experience with it of itself, but from a distance it seems really interesting, too!

What do you think are the best/most important qualities a human being can have?
Laconic: Patience, honesty, and radical self-sacrifice.
Regular: From the other question earlier, patience is the biggie. There's nothing better than a plan that takes place over multiple generations to catch someone unawares, and a lot can happen in a century. (Do you see what I mean by having a skewed sense of time?) Honesty is its supplement, but I don't think dishonesty can pass the test of time very well, so I hope it develops from patience. And radical self-sacrifice is probably the quality I admire the most, though it is properly an action, not a trait, lived out day by day.

I am saving Purvis', Hele's, Momi's, and Solais' questions for tomorrow because it is 4 AM and I have class in a few hours' time. Will get to the rest when I return.