Author Topic: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)  (Read 150634 times)


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #150 on: April 30, 2009, 07:46:13 PM »
Outside of Tourist Helpers, 9:35 PM Day 2, (Characters: Koishi, Gpop, Satori, Merlin)

"Feeling better now Satori?" Gpop asked Satori as they left Tourist Helpers.

"Yes. Thank you for coming outside with me." Satori replied.

"Don't worry about it!That's what friends and family is for!" Koishi said happily.

Then Gpop remembered about the cat system. He wrote it down when it was lit up, and decided to take a look at the list again:


Gpop: 500 cats
Koishi: 250 cats
Satori: 100 cats
Merlin: 10 cats

He's still shocked at the amount of mana he has compared to everyone else. That probably explains why Koishi is just as hyper as before, and had enough power to blow up the wall in the old shrine to escape from the mysterious men, and Gpop never felt a thing, compared to Mokou's master. But he's still confused as to why she still can't fly, it seems.

Koishi glanced over Gpop's shoulder to look at whatever he was staring at, and as soon as she read the list, she hugged him.

"I'm glad that you love me this much to give me half of your mana!" She said.

"Yeah, you're welcome. I want to make sure that nothing ever happens to you." Gpop replied.

"You also seem to have been lending me quite a bit of mana too," Satori added.

"Yeah, you're my friend. I don't want anything to happen to you as well for many reasons that doesn't only concern me." Gpop said.

"And I know those reasons." Satori added as she stared at Gpop's heart.

Then Koishi asked, "But what about Merlin? How come her cat level is so low?"

"Oh her?" Gpop completely forgot about her. "I just saved her out of sympathy. But...I haven't seen her sisters at all."

"That's...strange..." Koishi said as she began to ponder this. None of them ever thought about it until now.

How did she manage to get here all alone? Wouldn't she come with her sisters? Surely she's not that selfish...I hope Gpop thought to himself.

"Maybe...we should go talk to Merlin for a bit" Gpop told the two sisters.

"I think we should. We need to ask her some questions." Koishi said.

Then the three started their way towards Tourist Helpers. But on their way back they noticed the roof gone.

"Huh?" the three of them said at the same time. They ran to the door and opened it to find Taihou lying on the ground.

"I...guess we missed something here?" Gpop asked everyone.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 10:09:31 PM by Gpop »


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #151 on: April 30, 2009, 09:26:30 PM »
Tourist Helpers, 9.30 PM, Day 2, a little while before the ceiling collapsed...

?A quick word, if you please?? Satori had tracked down Mitaka in a corner of the room where he was watching an arm-wrestling match between Marisa and Suika.

?What is it this time??? Mitaka asked, not bothering to hide his irritation. He was still miffed about what had happened this morning. ?Look, I?m grateful, but I still don?t like your ways of doing things. People have a right to privacy, you know??

?And you think I care about what people think of me?? Satori smiled a wry smile.

??oh yes, you?ve probably learned not to let such things get to you.? Mitaka shrugged, indifferently. ?Good for you.?

?Mitaka, I wish you would give yourself a chance?.? Satori began. ?If you?re going to save Gensokyo??

?So, why are you so interested in me?? Mitaka sighed. ?If it?s the strength to restore Gensokyo, aren?t the others more worthy of attention??

?If this was a sprint, then yes, you?re the least likely to be useful.? Satori said. ?But this is a marathon, one that will last weeks, months, maybe even years.?

?Can't run to save my life." Mitaka shrugged. "I don?t understand, I don?t have any powers, amazing histories, or epic destinies.? Mitaka said. ?Just another bystander swept up by the wave, that?s all.?

?Rather, your power is the most interesting, in my opinion.? Satori said. ?Shall I show you what your score was this morning?? She took out a smaller version of the previous scoreboard and handed it to Mitaka for inspection.

Team FUBAR ? Total CAT level = 28
Mitaka ? 28 ? 21 = 7
Reimu ? 6
Ruukoto ? 5
Suika ? 4.5
Marisa ? 3.5
Alice ? 2

?...Your point is??? Mitaka asked, sighing. The girls must really be suffering from his incompetency. If only?.

?Jeez, you ARE simple.? Satori sighed. ?You grew from 28 to 43 in one afternoon, that?s what. That?s more than a 50% increase in mana stores within a few hours.?

?And that?s a good thing, right?? Mitaka asked uncertainly. There was so much to do, so far to go?would he make it?

?Good?! GOOD?!? Satori was starting to lose her usual cool. ?Let me show you your score from yesterday afternoon.?

Team FUBAR ? Total CAT level = 17
Mitaka ? 17 ? 8 = 9
Reimu - 8

??.Right, I was infinitesimally weak, even for an average human.? Mitaka said, getting impatient. ?What are you trying to prove here??

?You are dense?? Satori muttered, shaking her head. ?At least Alice and Reimu compensates for your lack of brain. Look, you grew by more than 50% yesterday as well, the moment you almost killed yourself with your idiotic rashness. Today you somehow grew a further 50% after saving Alice and foolishly taking on an entire regiment of yakuza. Can?t you see the pattern?!?

?Right, so I?m growing. I?m supposed to, aren?t I?? Mitaka asked.

??.? Satori?s palm met her face. ?Why can't your brain grow as well?! ?.yes, you grew?? She sighed in defeat. ?But do you know by how much? A LOT! That?s how much. 50% is far more than any mage can get out of a week?s intensive training. Your growth is practically exponential!?

?Well, it was either that or die.? Mitaka said.

?Exactly. You?re the type who grows fast in dire situations, something like the ?final sparkle before death?.? Satori said. ?I?m not sure how effective regular training will be for you. We?ll see when you try it out. But for now at least we can establish that critical situations are good for your growth.?

?Doesn?t change the fact that I?m seriously holding back the girls.? Mitaka scoffed.

?On the contrary, you are the perfect match for Marisa and Reimu, team-wise.? Satori said. ?You are a prodigy at developing and growing, a hybrid fusion of Marisa and Reimu?s attributes. Your paced development will allow a steady growth pattern for Marisa?s hard-working potential while your rapid advancements will fuel Reimu?s prodigious potential?.at least once you start producing enough mana to break even. You may even allow Marisa to go beyond the limits of her Master Spark.?

?Which is, like, never.? Mitaka shrugged off the prospects. ?Don?t expect too much of me. I don?t like being depended on.?

?That?s fine. I don?t have a habit of putting all my eggs in one basket either.? Satori shrugged, though a knowing smile lingered on her lips for an instant. ?Still, do something about your confidence issues.? She added.

?Eh?? Mitaka raised an eyebrow. ?What issues??

?Just one amongst many." Satori said snidely. "Anyhow, your sync ratios don?t only depend on your partners and their psychological issues, you know.? Satori said. ?Any problems you have may also hamper both the mana links and your own development.?

?Thanks for the warning.? Mitaka said. ?But look, I really don?t??

?Learn to give yourself more credit, will you?? Satori said as she turned to leave. ?Right, I?m off to speak to Jeremy. His power is interesting too?in a different way entirely.?

??.what??? Mitaka stared at Satori?s retreating back, an incredulity etched all over his face. He finally sighed and shrugged before turning back to watch the arm wrestling match.

A small crash brought his attention back to the room. Apparently Yuyuko was scavenging for leftover food and snacks and had decided to challenge Kojiro for his. Their little scuffle had left a trail of collateral damage in its wake, the casualty list including a table and the drinks atop it. Mitaka sighed, feeling sorry for Amarillo. Perhaps they should reconsider using this place as their HQ?

?Sorry, Mitaka, for troubling you?? Amarillo said as they mopped up the mess.

?Don?t worry. At least I can be useful for stuff like this?? Mitaka said, half to himself. ?Jeez, it?s like we?re on a school field trip.?

??.field trip, huh??? Amarillo murmured, a far-away look in her eyes.

?Amarillo-san?? Mitaka asked.

?Oh, sorry, it?s nothing?? Amarillo said, hurriedly.

?I?m sorry to hear about your home?the future, I mean.? Mitaka said.

?It happens.? Amarillo said, simply, as if commenting on spilt milk. ?The future is a fickle thing.?

?If we fix everything?will we restore the future as well?? Mitaka asked, hopefully.

?Maybe, maybe not.? Amarillo said. ?Doesn?t matter. Not like it was a particularly pleasant future.? She shrugged nonchalantly. Mitaka felt there was more to it, however. There was something Amarillo wasn?t letting on, though it wasn?t surprising, she being such a stoic and persevering character.

?Woot!? ThirtyFour cheered as the monster truck on screen crushed a row of lifesize Telletubby dolls.

?YEAH!? McWallace roared.


??.you?ve got a really good sound system there.? Mitaka said as the monster truck proceeded to crush a small bunker, eliciting more cheers from the men. ?It was as if it was OUR roof that just caved in??

??.? Amarillo was gaping at the huge hole Taihou had left in her roof. Lily was gaping at the fact that most of the people in the room, Mitaka included, were still oblivious to the fact that half the store had just collapsed.

Well, that was until reality came knocking?.in the form of a flying Mokou?

?who promptly made contact with Mitaka?s head, knocking him out.

====minutes later====

?Oy, Taka-Taka?? a voice called out.

?Hnnn?.?? Mitaka blinked up at Marisa?s concerned face. ??hey, did you get the number of that freight train???

?He?s alives daze.? Marisa declared to the others. ?Looks like Mokou?s head is harders than yours, ze.?

?That?s what it was?? Mitaka winced upon touching the tender bump on his head. ?It was like crashing into Rika?s tank??

?Believe me, if it WAS my tank, you wouldn?t be in the same shape you are now.? Rika said.

?What?s going on now?? Mitaka asked.

?Whatever it was, it left that head butler person.? Alice said. ?But now it?s sunk its claws into Hiroko. Mahjong boy is knocked out too.?

?She?s just watching everyone now?.and everyone else is too uncertain to approach her.? Reimu reported.

?Oh, Hiroko? Possessed? Simple.? Mitaka said, rather over-confidently, getting up, a little unsteadily at first. With a flourish he rolled up his sleeves and strode up to Hiroko who was now standing in the middle of a demilitarized zone surrounded by a circle of wary-looking opponents.

?Mitaka! Are you mad?!? Sumire shouted.

?That?s suicide, man!? Owlbear added.

?Meh, let?im?? Myon shrugged. ?This should be good.?

Posessed!Hiroko was eyeing him with an expression of interest, like a bemused cat watching a mouse climb into its mouth. Perhaps the reason he wasn't dead yet was because she still found him somewhat amusing.

Mitaka didn?t know what he was doing. He was rather surprised to see himself standing here, facing some new dark and possibly dangerous, maybe even lethal, supernatural being. There was some small part of him squeaking ?we?regonnadiewe?regonnadiewe?regonnadie?? over and over, but he ignored it. It didn?t matter. He was here. He might as well try it. Satori?s words floated into his head, ?last sparkle before death, eh??? Might as well try it. If he died, that just meant the girls could go and make a contract with someone else, right?

?Ehem?? Mitaka cleared his throat. ?I mock you.? He began. Hiroko blinked. Everyone else gaped, their jaws dropping for a quick rendezvous with the earth.

?Your sister is a walrus!? Mitaka began. ?You have bad breath that smells of roadkill! You're a waste of flesh, a putrescent mass, a walking vomit.  You're a stench, a monument to stupidity, a big suck on a sour lemon! You are weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. You are grimy, squalid, nasty and profane. You are foul and disgusting. You're a fool, an ignoramus. Monkeys look down on you. Even sheep won't spit on you! And what meaning do you expect your delusional self-important statements of unknowing, inexperienced opinion to have with us? What fantasy do you hold that you would believe that your tiny-fisted tantrums would have more weight than that of a leprous desert rat, spinning rabidly in a circle, waiting for the bite of the snake? I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid. Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid. Stupid, so stupid it goes well beyond the comprehension of mortal minds, a whole different dimension of stupid. You are trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed in upon itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid that has become so dense that no intellect can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury stupid. You emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Quasar stupid. Your though processes must be a troll upon this planet, inviting the wrath and ridicule of all it?s denizens. Prior to your existence, nothing in our universe was thought to be quite this stupid. Perhaps this is some primordial fragment from the original big bang of stupid. You are some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know. I'm sorry. I can't go on. This is an epiphany of stupid for me."

??.? A deadly silence fell as Mitaka finished. Everyone held their breath, waiting for the shoe to drop, for the milk to be spilt, for the monkey to grasp the banana, for the Jets to win the cup?.

Suddenly, steam exploded out of Hiroko?s head. A shape, reminiscent of an agonized screaming face, floated amidst the steam, ?Y-you haven?t seen the last of me?! If you think you?ve won, you?re?.?

??.and your father is a chipmunk, and your grandfather smells of elderberries.? Mitaka finished.

?RAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!? the ?Deathly Attraction? thing wailed in pain, as if burnt by a thousand suns, before dissolving into the air.

Another fit of silence fell, this time one of utter disbelief.

??.ehem?? Mitaka coughed, breaking the silence. ??I don?t like getting caught in the rain with a hole over my head, so shall we move this slumber party to the shrine? Just a suggestion.?
« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 09:49:08 PM by Mind-The-Gap »


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #152 on: April 30, 2009, 09:36:31 PM »
Continuing previous post.

Jalal burst into laughter. "H-how long did it take for you to think of that paragraph? I can' HAHAHAHAHAHA. Beware the Mitaka with the references that grasp and the jaws that lecture! I wonder in Shikeiki could pull something so long out her ass."

"You'd be surprised how long she can go on," Eirin responded.

"An impromptu speaking session or a prepared lecture?"
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #153 on: April 30, 2009, 10:43:01 PM »
"Well then...that was quite...strange..." Gpop said, "But I guess I'm down for the shrine once more. Although I'm quite awake right now since I just took a little nap in the forest behind the Opposite Mansion with Koishi and Satori."

"What were you three doing there?" Mitaka asked, "Bet you were have a nice or-"

"Shut up!" Gpop interrupted as he smacked Mitaka in the head. "And no we weren't doing anything unusual. Just playing around a bit and somehow slept under the trees. It was quite relaxing actually."

"Well since you're more awake then the rest of us I guess you could keep watch while we sleep." Reimu said.

"Nah, I can count sheep for some rest. Besides, I'm gonna get Patchouli to teach me some simple magic spells for self-defense tomorrow, so I'll need some rest. I can't rely of physical strength all the time." Then Gpop turned his head towards Koishi, "especially for Koishi's sake."

"Well isn't that fucking sweet." Mitaka said rudely, "And do you plan using this 'magic' to enlarge your tiny p-"

"I said shut up!" Gpop yelled again, and this time it was followed by a punch to Mitaka's face. After the fierce punch Mitaka places his hands on his face and yells in pain.

"Now no more stupid comments from you!" Gpop added, and he walks away from Mitaka. But as he reaches for the handle, Mitaka runs straight for Gpop and jumps on him. They both get on the ground and tried to wrestle it out, but Gpop easily managed to get on top of Mitaka and place Mitaka in a lock.

But then everyone in the room goes up to the two and pulls the two apart from the fight.

"Heh, you have little energy to support your partners, but enough energy for yourself to fight me?" Gpop smirked and turns around. "I'm going out again. And this time don't try to attack from behind, or you won't be so fortunate." And Gpop head towards the door once again and left the building.

"Gpop wait!" Koishi yelled as she too headed for the door. And she left to chase after Gpop.

"Heh, whatever." Mitaka said aloud for others to hear. "I bet I can take him on once my mana increases and surpasses him!"

"You really are foolish..." Satori said to herself quietly. Then she began to head towards the door as well. "This place is depressing altogether. I need to go tell Gpop something..."


  • mrgrgr
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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #154 on: April 30, 2009, 11:36:01 PM »
(Quick post due to both laziness and not being too affected by much of the more recent goings-on.)

Having narrowly missed the chance to get slashed by the berserk man, Jan managed to react in time and hop back. He was ready to move in again, but just about everyone else in the room jumped at the chance to fight... Or so it seemed. Being nothing more than an ordinary person in comparison to the wielders of electrical nets, magic knives, and even a lightsaber, Jan gave a slight sigh and slumped onto the ground, right where he had been. After days of traveling and no chance to rest, it seemed that his attempt to attack had only driven his exhaustion into his body.

As a pair of others from the mansion jumped at the man with scythes, Jan simply put his chin on his hands while sitting. It didn't take long for Patchouli and Koakuma to find him, and Koakuma was the first to get to him. "What's wrong? Feeling the drain of Mana maintenance?"

Jan looked up and gave her a slight smile. "Maybe... But I've been moving nonstop for at least two days without sleep or anything. It's only natural for my body to give out..."

Patchouli got to the pair just as Jan finished speaking, and responded with a concerned tone. "You should be resting now, then... As educational and interesting as it is to see this magic battle, if you cannot maintain a hold of your Mana, then all three of us are in danger."

Looking up in time to see some other supernatural powers at work (an exorcism, by the looks of it), Jan began to feel a little light-headed. Patchouli's right on both counts, unfortunately... I should be trying to see what's going on and learn from it, but I'm too tired... As Gpop, whom he had recently become acquainted with, entered the room with Satori and Koishi, Jan leaned back and closed his eye. Koakuma moved quickly to catch him before he could hit the back of his head on the floor.

My head's spinning.... Figuratively, although it feels like it could be literal... Opening hs eyes to catch a look at Patchouli and Koakuma, Jan frowned in disgust. "I can't believe I'm just going to go like this-"

His words were cut off by a flurry of nonsensical insults. "...I'm really getting delusional, aren't I? Just give me a few minutes, please..." Jan mumbled as he drifted off into sleep.


  • Have Faith.
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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #155 on: April 30, 2009, 11:41:48 PM »
Tourist Helpers, 1030pm, Everyone.

Amarillo looks at the hallow roof, then she got an idea.

"Well, the only reason I live in attic is that it's close to nature, so......"

She called Lily White, who is looking at Gpop and Mikata.... Fighting Each other?!


After Lily White heard her, Amarillo called out :"Guys, excuse me before I mend the roof... In MY STYLE."

Ignoring the other people's surprising eyes, Amarillo and Lily went up to the Attic.

"So what are you up to?" Lily asked.

"Just you see, it seems that the broken roof may be fixed using this..." Amarillo pointed to the trees around the shop.

"Hey, you are not mean to..."

"Yes, and I'll provide you 200% Power for doing it, It will overload my Control to 180%, but whatever, it's nearly 11pm and everybody needs to sleep."

"It seems none of your super abilities may help defeating others, but merely to help others."

"Well, one's ability is depends on one's personality. I'm more of a peace side."

"So basically I need to grow these trees as the roof?"

"Correct, and it will be tight enough to not let rain or knives to fall in."


"Eh, took that as a metaphor." Amarillo smiled.

"Oh, yes, I'll do some checking first." She took the lightsaber, and took out some sort of rod. Then she put the lightsaber on the rod and opened the door.

Some of the people are outside the door, peeking inside.

"Well, peek is alright, but do not try to come in." Amarillo put the flashing rod (due to the effect of the laghtsaber) across the doorframe. "That's all."

The rod is served as a barrier, and its effect are minor, but it's enough to tell others that this place is not very safe now.

Amarillo walked to the center of the room, with eyes closed. And said: "Now, Let's begin."

As she started to transfer the OVERLOADING mana into Lily's body, her wings start to enlarge and cherry petals can be seen in the feathers.

"Oh, you are serious when you just said "200% Power"?" Felt the change in her body, Lily asked.

"When have I lied to you? Now you can do it."


With a low humming sound, the trees alongside the shop start to grow and starting to cover the broken roof.

about five minutes later, Amarillo opened her eyes, together with Lily,who had restored to the original shape. take the barrier down.

The others are surprised to see the roof are already covered with trees.

"That should do it, besides, trees are good for all of us."

"Well, shall we continue the meeting after all these mess? I'm not that tired."She smiled.
Amarillo Viridian, Current Control Index = 20%+40%=60%
Control Percentage = 60%/50% = 120% < 150%
« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 11:50:09 PM by nemoma »

Break anything that stands between you and them!


  • Crimson Asuratic
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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #156 on: May 01, 2009, 12:45:15 AM »
Tourist Helpers - 9:50 - Day 2 (starring....Sakuya, Amarillo, Team Freud)

Sakuya yelled at Koji to protect Remilia. Without a thought he jumped over to her but when he got closer to her he noticed she looked different.  Her eyes were glowing faint red, her hand was covering her fangs and her claws were visible and her wings were back in full.

Koji: Remilia? are you okay? *has hands on her shoulders*
Youmu: Sensei, I don't know if its related but look at the board.

Kojiro looked at the board and noticed that the CATS have been altered highly.

500 CATS total
Kojiro - 300
Remilia - 100
Minoriko - 50
Youmu - 50

Kojiro: "Holy crap. i didn't think i used that much energy just now..." Well it was a tense battle. At my normal level i'm no different than a normal human until i raise it a bit.

Youmu: Yes i understood. That's what i thought happened too but-

Suddenly Remilia held his arm

Koji: Remi? you'll be okay don't worry about a thi-
Remi: Your injured...let me clean that wound for you.

She started to lick his arm. Her smooth tongue rolled up and down his arm (OOC: woah! that didn't sound right ._. my bad! XD). At this time Zei had started his battle with an enraged Taihou. People were yelling at him but he wasn't hearing anything they said. Truly he needed to be restricted first before any words can get through to him.  Few saw what Remilia was doing to his arm save for Sakuya who had a facial expression showing shock. Minoriko was rather stricken too mostly because she never seen a its vampiric things. Youmu, however just watched the battle and paid her sensei and other comrade no mind for the time being. Kojiro was just dumbstruck. He wanted to stop her before anyone actually started to notice so he pulled his arm away from her.

Kojiro: I-its fine the pain is almost gone.

Remi: ........I see... *crosses arms* ....your performance was average however, I told you to fight in a way that won't....make me worry.

Koji:....y-yeah i'm sorry.  (Zei collapses and so does Taihou) *he turns back at the former battle room* What was that all about-ow!....

Remi: ...your still hurt! i thought so.

Koji: kinda. it really just stings is all. I'll be fine i promise. A single stab is nothing to keep me down i swear hehe. ^_-

Remilia wanted to say something but couldn't figure out what it was. She heard and saw Flandre give a quick kiss and say she loved him with her great hearing. She didn't know if she wanted to say that or something else. She loved him...but wasn't sure if he loved her back.
She watched him stand there next to her looking at the former battle, he was valient, unyielding and felt no pain. But she knew he was near empty inside.

Youmu: Sensei, i found some bandages. (she went to Rinnosuke to get them)

Koji:...uh thanks Youmu.
Kojiro sat down and let Youmu bandage his arm.

Remilia was even more jealous than before. She was startin to see her selfishness for being a mistress for so long. Getting anything and everythin she wanted by fate manipulation or her pure strength. All she's done till now was take from him. If she was more into servitude like Youmu she'd be getting praised just like how Youmu was. And she wanted that approval, that attention. Or...was she being selfish yet again?
Without thinking she helped put the bandage on.

Koji: thanks girls that feels better. *Hirowaza starts his 'exorcism'*

Remilia+Youmu: N-no problem!

Minoriko chuckled a little. Remilia and Youmu looked at each other. The look was almost official they were now rivals for different reasons.

He leaned to the left and laid on the couch to rest for a minute until Armarillo spoke to up.

Armarillo: gosh that was heavy.

~~~~Insert her post at 10:00pm~~~~

it was nearing, 10:30 and Armarillo was looking at the roof and talking to Lily. With Taihou subdued all was calm again in the Tourist Helpers Lounge.  He sighed a relief again. It wasn't helping that Hiroko was apparently possessed by something that caused Taihou to go nuts. Him and Iku were thinking the same thing. For a gaggle of random outsiders we have a lot of drama to pass around.
Minoriko handed him a drink.

Minoriko: here. I hope your feeling better.

Koji:...ah thanks. *takes a sip*.....

Remilia was sitting next to him and Youmu was speaking with her mistress. She seemed anxious.

Remilia: we should head home soon

Koji:...yeah i guess we should...but lets wait a little more okay? Gpop and Zei are more or less not here. I want to see if they want to go back too. oh and Jan.

Remilia: they can get to us on their own its not that far and its more or less visible from here.

Koji: lol your right hehe. still lets stick around.

Minoriko: now that i think about it your the only one who was actually hurt by him. well one who was stabbed.

Koji: yeah. but better me than someone else i suppose. Pain means little to me now. Although Owlbear looked like he was ready to open a can of whoopass himself heheh.

Minoriko went to see Shizuha to talk to her for a bit.  Koji and Remi were by themselves in the front room. Everyone else was in the lounge 1 room over. He left the room at first to get some air but they followed him and now they. Some night. He heard Gpop and Mitaka arguing in the other room but was to melancholic to care at the moment.

Koji:.....*sigh* what a night *places hand on head*

Remi: no what a moment in the night.

Koji: *pats her head*  nope....what a night ~_~

Remi: *blushed* should rest a bit.


With that he leaned back and closed his eyes again. Half consciousness makes you do just about anything anyone tells you it seems.

Remilia had left to find a pillow from the upstairs but when she returned he was already asleep

Remilia:.....*sighs and chuckles a little*

She sat next to him and placed the pillow in her lap and slowly moved his head onto it. His face was staring straight up at her and it make her happy. She was happy to have someone who cared so much for her. She wasn't sure if it was love really but she knew she liked him.

She slowly leaned forward and kisses his cheek again. It was then Gpop and his team came by to leave the place for a little walk after the little fight with Mitaka. She said nothing as she kissed his cheek holding her hair out of the way.

 ~~~~ 11:00pm Tourist Helpers End.
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #157 on: May 01, 2009, 01:45:37 AM »

Hirowaza had passed out for quite some time now, it seems that in reality he just fell asleep. Meira could see it in his bodily movements as he slept. Meira giggled and carried him to a safer part, and ended up curiously looking at the board. Before, where it used to be:

Hirowaza - 661??? Ct
Meira - 244 Ct

It was now:

Hirowaza - 710??? Ct
Meira - 261 Ct

Meira was a bit perplexed at the gigantic set of triple question-marks next to Hirowaza's CAT level, and decided to consult Patchy about it. She set the sleeping Hirowaza against the couch, on the floor and stalked off to find Patchouli. In a few moments, she had caught sight of her fast. She approached the purple-garbed bookworm.

"Heya, Little Miss B-- I mean, Patchouli, friend..." Meira addressed. Patchouli turned away from what she was doing at present and made a little sound of acknowledgement. "You know about the CAT level board, right? Of course you do. Yoh-kun's level has gigantic question-marks on it."

Patchouli seemed alarmed. "Oh! Well, it's quite elementary. You see, the CAT is a way to measure strength through mana. Apparently, of those who can gauge this power, your friend... Is a different case. We aren't exactly quite sure how high or how low his strength is... Because of his inhibitor."

Meira remembered back to a few moments ago, when Hirowaza had put his glasses back on. It all makes sense now! Meira thought. Patchy cleared her throat and continued.

"If we were to gauge his power with the inhibitor on, it would be the numbers you see right now," she said matter-of-factly. "However! If we were to measure his strength with it OFF... Chances are it would be extremely high, somewhere in the 1500 to 2500 range... Not to mention it continually regulates itself back to sub-inhibitor levels, which inevitably causes your friend there to pass out."

Meira nodded and cheerfully thanked Patchouli, who simply returned a smile, and left to attend to the sleeping Hirowaza.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
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  • Good gravy!
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #158 on: May 01, 2009, 02:04:04 AM »
Tourist Helpers, 10:30 PM, Day 2

"Wow. This is just....too weird." Sanasan muttered.

"What's weird?" Renko asked, puzzled.

"What's weird? Do you realize that in the last...what, thirty minutes, the roof collapsed because of some crazy knife guy, people are cutting knives in HALF from across the room with lightsabers, some sort of spirit thing possessed two people before being exorcised by INSULTS, and now trees are MOVING to make a roof for us!" Sanasan rambled on. "These guys have got to be the craziest group I've ever met! I think life was simpler when all I had to worry about was tests..."

"Well, think of it this way....these "crazy guys" are also on our side." Renko said.

"I know, it's's like there's nobody normal here. It seems everyone's got some sort of crazy power or something."

" wouldn't happen to be jealous because you don't have special powers, are you?" Renko asked jokingly.

"Not really." Sanasan answered, smiling. "I mean, I think it'd be kinda neat at first, but in the end, I'd probably prefer being ordinary over being extraordinary."

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #159 on: May 01, 2009, 02:21:44 AM »
Somewhere outside of town. 2:00 AM Day 3

Tean Shakin was awakened when the Sky Ray pulled up near them.

Kaguya: Alright! hand over the tanks or die!

Nitori: Kaguya?!?

Kaguya: Eh? You know me?"

Nitori: It's me, Nitori! The one who made your PS3, XBOX and Wii!

Kaguya: Oh, it's you!

Ria: You know them, Kaguya?

Kaguya: Yeah, they're from Gensokyo.

Frank: Oi. We went through hell to get these! We're not about to hand them over!

Caboose: We just want to get back home!

Ria: In that case, help us out for a bit and we'll get you everything you need.

Austin: Wait, what's the catch?

Ria: All of you and your tanks come aboard the Sky Ray as crew. You won't need those tanks went you get home anyways.

Team Shakin converses amongst itself.

Austin: Alright, we'll join.


  • Guh..!
  • She is just too cute! I swear!
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #160 on: May 01, 2009, 02:22:04 AM »
Tourist Helpers, 10:40pm, Day 2(Characters: Team Onii-san)

Zei was a bit tense at what just happened. Mystia decided to tell him the news.

Mystia: ..Oi, Zei-niisan.

Zei: Hm?

Mystia: Look at the board.

Zei: Yeah i'm looking..

As he looked at the board, something was up.

Total 4500 CATS!
Zei - 4000 CATS
Mystia - 150 CATS
Shizuha - 100 CATS
Flandre - 250 CATS

Zei: ...THE HELL?!

Mystia: I was wondering--..

Flan: Did you use that much, Nii-san?

Zei: It's not possible--!!

He noticed one of his used spellcards, lying on the ground.

Zei: That's why it's tense..

Mystia & Shizuha: We warned you.

Flandre: Not good...

Zei: Don't worry. Everything's ok. --..wait a minute. Why are you crying?!

Flandre: Me? I-i wasn't..*wipes tears away*

Zei: You just were..

Mystia: Don't ask..

Flandre: ..I was only shocked. *Still holding on to Zei*

Zei: Do not worry. Everything's...back to normal, I hope.

He noticed everyone in chaos, but decided to just lay back and look at the sky.


  • Charisma!
  • *
  • O-ojousama!?
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #161 on: May 01, 2009, 08:30:43 AM »
- - -
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 01:08:36 PM by Helepolis »


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    • himegimi
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #162 on: May 01, 2009, 10:21:27 AM »
TOURIST HELPERS, 10:50-11:10PM, Day 2

Hirowaza had come to for a bit and was able to speak to people. He had remembered the question he presented in front of Mokou in confrontational manner, and heard from Mokou that she would not say anything on the matter until another time. He had heard Meira ask Patchouli about something but decided not to ask of it until he had recovered his energy. He yawned and looked at Taihou, who was now bonded to the ground through roots summoned by Amarillo, who Hirowaza had now taken a form of curiosity to. That power... It's nothing like I've seen before, mnn... Hirowaza thought. He tried his best not to look concerned with anything except getting sleep. Hirowaza said to Meira that he needed to fix some stuff outside. "I need to check something," he said. Meira grabbed his hand.

"Not again! You're just going to strain yourself!"

Hirowaza shook his head. "Then you're coming with." Meira reluctantly agreed and they both went outside.


Hirowaza took a look around, thinking there was something happening, but there was nothing. Meira sighed. "Yoh-kun, there's nothing... I'm going back in..." she said, and indeed she returned. Hirowaza opened his mouth to say 'wait,' but reluctantly decided against it and let her go back in the Tourist Helpers. He looked up, right, left, but there was nothing. He resigned to this fact and went back inside.

"Aaaahh, I need to get some sleep..." Hirowaza said.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #163 on: May 01, 2009, 01:15:06 PM »
Sky Ray - War Factory 2:30 Day 3

Nitori: Done!

Mechanic:... I think I love you.

Ria: Focus on the task at hand.

Mechanic: So, these are the aircraft you had in mind?

Ria: Yes. They should have a code name. I've got it. "Orca"

( will edit for more details later)


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #164 on: May 01, 2009, 11:21:55 PM »
Tourist Helpers, 9.48 PM, Day 2

?I see?.? The voice said.

?You again?? Mitaka groaned inwardly. ?I just kicked you out. Can?t you stay out??

?An overwhelming sense of inferiority?that is what you feel, isn?t it?? The voice continued.

??.shut up. I know that. And I don?t care. I?ll just do my best and?.? Mitaka said, dismissing the voice.

?Dear, oh dear, foolish hope.? The voice continued condescendingly. ?And while you fight on, ?doing your best? as you say, for the sake of the team and whatever other foolish ideals you may hold?.the rest of the team laugh. Yes, leave it to the cannon fodder. Let him do all the work, take all the hits, get beaten up and down by the yakuza. Nobody else cares about your plans and suggestions. Everyone simply nods politely, leaving all the hard work and planning to you, and laugh at your foolish faith and perseverance behind your back.?

?I don?t care. I believe more in my team than some voice. Especially some voice who fell to mere insults.?

?You drag the girls down. The once all-powerful Reimu?the once undefeatable Marisa?the once respected Alice?the once strongest-youkai Suika?now they?re all the lowest of the low, the source of all laughter, the butt of all the jokes. And it?s your fault, your weakness??

?Sounds like you?re desperate, if you think you can toy around with my mind.? Mitaka said defiantly, but it had begun gnawing at him, that horrible sinking feeling that the voice was right?

?Dear, oh dear?and you really think I?m just saying all this? The reason I can enter your mind now is because there are so many cracks, so many doubts, oh so many WEAKNESSES to exploit. You?re breaking down, Mitaka. The burden is too much for you and your mind. And it?s their fault?THEIR fault, for making you do everything on your own.?

?GET OUT!? Mitaka snapped. ?Ugh?? He felt the presence leave, but it had left something inside him, something writhing, pulsating. It was anger, frustration, one of proportions he was quite unaccustomed to. But what bothered him most was that the voice was right?.at least about himself. He was harbouring these doubts, these doubts against his own comrades?and it made him feel sick, disgusted with himself.

?Mitaka-san? Are you all right?? Ruukoto asked, concerned.

?I?m f-fine?? Mitaka muttered. ?I just need some water?? He said, hoping some water might drown and smother the twisted burning feeling in his heart.

"But I guess I'm down for the shrine once more. Although I'm quite awake right now since I just took a little nap in the forest behind the Opposite Mansion with Koishi and Satori." Mitaka heard Gpop say.

A nap?? A NAP?! A nap he says?! While the rest of the team was fighting tooth and nail to defend what little they had now against overwhelming odds?.they were taking a nap?! When his team was one of the strongest?! What happened to looking out for each other?! To preserving the memories they all held?! To restoring Gensokyo together?!

Anger rose through him like a blinding red mist, obscuring his senses, taking hold of his conscience like a blazing hot wrench, winding him up, twisting his steaming heart to breaking point.

Before he knew it, his mouth was already moving of its own accord, "What were you three doing there?" He asked, taking great care not to hide the acid in his voice "Bet you were have a nice or-"

"Shut up!" Gpop interrupted as he smacked Mitaka in the head. "And no we weren't doing anything unusual. Just playing around a bit and somehow slept under the trees. It was quite relaxing actually."

"Well since you're more awake then the rest of us I guess you could keep watch while we sleep." Reimu suggested, sharing a little bit of Mitaka?s sentiments towards the lack of teamwork.

"Nah, I can count sheep for some rest. Besides, I'm gonna get Patchouli to teach me some simple magic spells for self-defense tomorrow, so I'll need some rest. I can't rely of physical strength all the time." Then Gpop turned his head towards Koishi, "especially for Koishi's sake."

...for Koishi?s sake? Oh sure, right, and everyone else is fighting for themselves, weren?t they? We?re all selfish bastards, and you?re the only saint thinking about your girlfriend. Your ?magic? is more important than the safety of the entire team, yes, because it?s for the sake of your girlfriend! So now we, who?ve fought to defend you and your Koishi all day today, have to keep watch tonight as well while you get your beauty sleep in preparation for your great painstaking journey into the realms of magiccraft tomorrow. YES! That made perfect, beautiful sense!

The small voice inside him, screaming for common sense and calm, was slowly dying away in the back of his head. ?He?s your comrade! His team saved you back in that abandoned shrine! It wasn?t his fault he wasn?t in town today! He didn?t know! Don?t do this!? The voice fought, but it was simply drowned out by the tidalwave of anger that had overcome Mitaka.

He said something rude, really rude?he couldn?t remember what it was. It was just the rudest thing he could conjure up in his determination to let his anger out before it exploded inside.

Whatever it was, it earned him a punch on the face from Gpop.

"Now no more stupid comments from you!" Gpop shouted, waving a finger in his hurting nose, before turning away to leave.

?....? His feet took flight, propelled by his buoyant anger that rose through him like a million flying daggers, carrying him forwards towards his foe. He charged for Gpop, wanting to beat sense into him, to make him realize...what? JUST realize...That?s it! He needs to realize!

But he was powerless. Every punch hit anything but Gpop. Gpop meanwhile mounted a proper retaliation, overpowering him easily before tackling him into the ground.

But before long the others had come in to break them apart. Marisa and Reimu tore him away forcefully while Owlbear and ThirtyFour wrestled Gpop out of reach of Mitaka?s continued wrath.

"Heh, you have little energy to support your partners, but enough energy for yourself to fight me?" Gpop smirked, shrugging off Owlbear and ThirtyFour?s holds before turning around. "I'm going out again. And this time don't try to attack from behind, or you won't be so fortunate." Mitaka cursed at his retreating back.

"Heh, whatever." Mitaka said aloud for others to hear. "I bet I can take him on once my mana increases and surpass him!" He laughed, a long, manic, drawn-out laugh. It rang empty and hollow in the room, as if mocking his stupidity.

?Taka-kun!? Reimu slapped him hard across his cheeks. ?Take hold of yourself! You?re a team leader! Team FUBAR?s leader! Start acting like one!?

?Let go of me!? Mitaka shouted. ?I?m going to beat that little wretch! Thinks he?s so high and mighty, does he?! Thinks that him ?studying magic? for his girlfriend?s sake makes him the biggest martyr in the world?! I?ll show him suffering! I?ll show him PAIN!?

?MITAKA!? Reimu slapped him again, harder this time. Both the slap and Reimu?s shouting him by his proper name shocked him back into a semblance of his senses.

Mitaka gazed blankly up at her, as if in confusion. But his expression softened quickly, horrified by how agonized Reimu looked, by how she was biting her lips, tears brimming at her eyes. ??.you?re not yourself, Taka-kun. You?re not the Taka-kun I know. What?s wrong with you??? She murmured.

?Reimu, I?.? Mitaka began.

?I?m going outside.? Reimu said, getting up. ?Don?t follow me. I won?t go far. But when I come back, I expect you to be yourself.? She said, before stalking out. Everyone quickly made way for her, sensing the sensitivity of the matter.

??.ugh?? Mitaka groaned. ?Ok, how much of a bastard was I?? He asked the general audience.

?A big one.? Owlbear conceded, realizing that the boy didn?t want comfort, he wanted criticism. ?You were an utter ⑨ .?

?Yeah, perfect math class, genius.? ThirtyFour nodded. ?But good for you that not everyone was watching here.?

?I?m sorry?? Mitaka muttered. ?I know that?s not going to cut it. I realize that now, when teamwork is so important?I shouldn?t have acted that immaturely.? He sighed, before taking a deep breath. ??I?ll apologize to Gpop?that was unbecoming of a man.?

?Hah! That?s the spirits ze!? Marisa suddenly laughed, slapping Mitaka on the back. ?Spoken like a true mans daze! You need the courage of a thousand men to make one apology!?

?You?re making too big a deal of it. I owe it to him, and to the team.? Mitaka muttered to himself as ThirtyFour helped him onto his feet. ?Ugh?anyone got any aspirin? My head?s still wringing. Dunno if it was Gpop?s punches or Reimu?s slaps, but??

?It was Reimu?s slaps.? Owlbear said. ?Nothing hurts more than an upset woman.?

====outside the store====

Reimu slumped against a wall outside as she fought to compose herself, wiping what few stray tears had managed to leak out with her sleeves. She was a leader. She couldn?t afford to show weakness. Not like this. But Taka-kun?.

?Don?t get?too involved with the boy.? Yukari warned from where she sat on a window sill. ?He?s an outsider. You?re a shrine maiden of the Hakurei, charged with protecting Gensokyo. Remember your place.?

Reimu gave Yukari a long, calculating look as she blinked away the last remaining tears, before finally asking, ??.I?ve been meaning to ask you, Yukari?.the sudden influx of outsiders into Gensokyo over the past few months?that was no coincidence, was it?? She took great care not to disguise the ice in her voice.

?You know the barrier had begun weakening around then. The influx of outsiders was just an unfortunate side-effect.? Yukari said simply.

?Yukari, you think too much of yourself and your youkai trickery if you believe that was enough to deceive me.? Reimu said. ?You brought them into Gensokyo. You chose them. That?s why most of them weren?t even normal outsiders?they were all superhumans or at least humans with higher than average potential.?

??.? Yukari was smiling idly, taking great care not to meet Reimu?s interrogative stare.

?You plan on treating them as batteries, aren?t you?? Reimu asked. ?Is that it?! Is that what humans are to you?! Something for youkai to feed off, whether it be for food or mana supplies?! I thought you had changed, Yukari. I thought you really cared.?

?I care for Gensokyo.? Yukari said, simply. ?As is my duty. You should remember that it is yours as well, first and foremost.?

?Shut up.? Reimu muttered through her teeth, her fists tightening perceptibly. ??If I had any powers?.?

?Exorcise me? Exterminate me?? Yukari asked. ?Haha, you forget, Reimu, I?m no more a youkai now than you are. I?m practically human.? Yukari gestured at herself.

??though, I?m a little curious as to why you chose Taka-kun.? Reimu added. ?He seems to be the only one that doesn?t fit your scheme.?

?He?s a good boy.? Yukari said. ?Does what he?s told. Simple, smart in his own right, but quite oblivious to grand schemes and big pictures. Just, caring, persevering, and unerring. All the qualities of a perfectly predictable and easy to manipulate pawn.? Yukari said. ?Is that what you wanted to hear?? She asked, raising an eyebrow. ?That I chose him specifically to be your benefactor? That I taught him that ludicrous contract vow to manipulate him further??

??.it still doesn?t fit. He would be too much of a gamble, even for the likes of you. His powers are far weaker than the others you chose. I?m too important to your plan to risk linking me to a weak ?battery?.? Reimu said. ?If you really did plan this??

??perhaps I didn?t?? Yukari said. ?Isn?t Mitaka a good argument against your entire hypothesis??

?I?m not convinced.? Reimu said. ?There?s something fishy. Maybe Mitaka was a wrench in your gearbox from the very start. Maybe that?s why you taught him that vow when you could?ve taught him other possible vows?you hoped he would kill himself providing mana to us.?

?Reimu, your paranoia never ceases to amaze me.? Yukari said, her tone taking on a more dangerous timbre. ?But I don?t have to sit here listening to your accusations. Perhaps it was mere chance? Perhaps it?s just Darwinian selection, that the stronger superhumans survived the hellhole that is Gensokyo, while the weak simply became youkai snacks? Perhaps Mitaka?s survival was a fluke?? She straightened herself up to her full height, towering slightly above Reimu. ?I warn you once more, do not get too involved with the boy. Use other methods to improve your synchronization. The less attached you are with him, the better it will be for you, for Gensokyo, and for him.?

?Shut up!? Reimu slammed a fist into the wall. ??you planned this?.you got them all involved?.? She said, her usually calm and collected voice now shaking with a fiery vibrato. ?Tonight, Taka-kun wasn?t himself?if that has anything to do with?with?with THIS...I will crush you as I should have years ago?? She stalked back into the store.

?Lashed out her anger at you, did she?? Satori asked, detaching herself from the shadows.

?I thought you?d be gone by now.? Yukari said. ?Still feeling nosy??

?Gpop wanted to talk to someone about the Prismrivers.? Satori said. ?More importantly, Reimu suspects.?

?Suspects what?? Yukari asked with a saintly smile.

?I knew this would happen?but for it to happen so soon?? Satori sighed. ?So you haven?t told any of them?? She asked.

?Told them what?? Yukari asked, innocently. But no deception gets past the mind-reader youkai.

?You can be so cruel and heartless at times, Yukari.? Satori said, disapprovingly.

?You?re already reading my mind. You know the answer. You are a leader yourself.? Yukari said. ?You must know as well as I do that sacrifices must often be made for the greater good.?

?Mitaka has already shown the first signs.? Satori said. ?And the poor boy is clueless over what just happened.?

?It?s too late now.? Yukari said. ?Do you think telling them will make a difference now? It will only scare them, discourage them, drive them into committing something rash. The sooner we restore Gensokyo, the sooner we can dispose of these irksome contracts.?

?But the damage may already be done by then.? Satori said. ?How are you going to explain it to Reimu, Marisa, Alice, Ruukoto and Suika when they find out the price for Gensokyo?s restoration? Mitaka has already started exhibiting symptoms. That?s just to be expected, him being the weakest. I?m not sure how resistant the others would be.?

?I already warned Reimu.? Yukari said, not being able to meet Satori?s gaze.

??warned?? Satori scoffed. ?You told her not to get too attached to him! You call that a warning?! Hah, but you don?t care, do you? As long as your little paradise is restored, it doesn?t matter how many people are hurt.?

?And why do you care?!? Yukari suddenly burst out. ?Do you think it was easy?! Choosing who will bear this burden?! Do you think it was easy?.looking into his eyes?lying to his face?? Yukari faltered. ??I didn?t want to?.I really didn?t want to?but it?s not about Gensokyo anymore.? She looked up at Satori, cruel, lonely determination burning in her dark eyes once more. ?There?s more at stake than some secluded little paradise.?

?So you do care.? Satori said. ?That?s all I wanted to know. I know we didn?t have much of a choice. I myself don?t want my younger sister to suffer anymore than she already has. But if you were seriously intending on taking advantage of his kindness and that of the others, I would have struck you down, personally.? She said, a hint of menace in her voice.

?The fact that I?m still standing probably means you think I have a heart.? Yukari chuckled grimly.

?I don?t need to think. I can see it.? Satori said as she turned to leave. ?We?ll see this to the end?together. I?m not losing anyone. Not this time.?

?I?ll hold you to those words.? Yukari said.

======Back inside the store=========

?Reimu, a moment, if you please.? Satori shouted after Reimu.

?What do you want?? Reimu sighed. ?Look, my team leader will apologize, ok??

?No, no, it?s not that.? Satori said. ?More importantly, I want you to do something very important tonight.?

??what is it?? Reimu said. ?If it?s the watch, team FUBAR will do it. We owe that much, at least.?

?No, silly?? Satori said. ?You can?t do the watch tonight. In fact, I need you to sleep.?

??what?? Reimu asked, a little confused. ?Say again??

?You see, tonight?.? Satori leaned in and whispered conspiringly in Reimu?s ear. ??psst psst with Mitaka psst psst in bed psst psst?.?

====Later on, on the store?s second floor====

??.a dive, you say?? Alice asked as Amarillo trooped down the stairs behind them after securing Taihou. She cast a curious glance towards the female members of Team FUBAR but decided to leave them to their secret little meeting. ?...tonight?? Alice sighed.

??sounds like fun.? Suika said, simply.

??.Suika-san?everything sounds like fun to you?? Ruukoto said, nervously.

?It?s something done in bed, right?? Suika said. ?Off course it?s gonna be fun, like a pillow fight!?

??.right, so we?re going to dive into his mind?? Alice asked. ?I think that?s what that Satori girl was trying to say.?

?More or less. It?ll reveal to us the reason behind his strange turn tonight.? Reimu said.

?He?s just nutty.? Alice shrugged. ?Aren?t all men hotblooded, violent and short-tempered??

?Not Taka-kun.? Reimu said. ?I?ve known him for almost half-a-year now. He?s not the sort.?

?Yeah, Taka Taka?s a nice guys ze.? Marisa said, nodding sagely. ?He even gives away stuffs willingly, daze. I never has to steals from him.?

??.ok, ok?I take it that I have no choice in the matter anyway?? Alice sighed, mourning the end of her restful nights. ?So we just go to sleep, right??

?Right.? Reimu nodded.

??.? They all looked at each other expectantly.

??well??? Marisa finally asked.

??well what?? Suika raised an eyebrow.

??when do we sleep?? Alice asked, irritably. ?Let?s get this over with.?

??.I will lay out the futons in an undamaged unused room and turn on the heating.? Ruukoto said.

?Thank you, Ruukoto-chan.? Reimu nodded with gratitude at the little maid.

?I?ll gets snacks ze.? Marisa said.

?I?ll get sake!? Suika declared.

??.bed time story books?? Alice suggested.

Reimu?s palm met her face. Where was her gohei stick when she needed it??

Skipping the DIVE session, and going straight to morning of Day 3

Hot Springs, Saniwa Inn, 7.00 AM, Day 3

?I now officially declare the official opening of this official Gensokyo Restoration Unity meeting.? Sho said, doing his best to look authoritative despite being naked and submerged waist-deep in soothing hot water.

??.how official can it be when you hold it in the hot springs?? Alex asked, blowing bubbles idly in the water. ?Mitaka! 100 more!? He shouted over at Mitaka who was doing push-ups in a corner for morning training as part of his new training regime.

?Isn?t that just because the girls wanted a soak too?? Gpop sighed. ?We have to be close?and why do I have to come all the way to this dilapidated shrine this early in the morning??

?And I thought we had agreed on team GAR?? Jeremy asked.

?No, Motherland Deliverance Association.? Owlbear said, patting a hot towel on his head comfortably.

?Never mind.? Sho said, irritably. ?The important part is, we?ve agreed to go hunting for that keystone, right??

?Now where would you hide the keystone if you were Tenshi??? ThirtyFour mused.

?Or just a Hinanai, for that matter. You know they?re a quirky bunch.? Taihou said.

Silence fell, broken only by the ?Ka-Thunk? of the hollow bamboo water fountain.

??you thinking what I?m thinking?? Kojiro asked, a bemused expression on his face.

??noo?.? Yoh shook his head. ?No, that can?t be??

??how much do you want to bet that it?s?.? Zei began.

All the men looked around at the bamboo divider wall that stood between them and the girls?.

??.heh, sounds like Tenshi all right?.? Gpop said.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2009, 11:24:31 PM by Mind-The-Gap »


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #165 on: May 02, 2009, 12:52:02 AM »
Path between the Opposite Mansion and Tourist Helpers, 10:45PM Day 2, (Characters: Koishi, Satori, Merlin, Gpop)[/u]

"I can't that foolish bitch had the nerve to fight me!" Gpop yelled at himself.

He was heading towards the Opposite Mansion. He did not want to stay with the rest of the group at the moment, and he wanted to be by himself. Well, maybe someone to talk to...

But he can't. He WAS heading towards the Opposite Mansion, but now he found himself just standing on the path gazing at the stars.

Just what was that just now? Gpop thought to himself, Mitaka is never like that. Unless...

"GPOOOOOOOOP!" Gpop heard a recognizable voice calling out his name. He turns around to find Koishi chasing him down. Before he could react, Koishi jumped on top of him, and they both fell to the ground hard.

"...ow..." Gpop had the worst from the impact. But Koishi didn't care. She found herself on top of Gpop.

"You shouldn't run off like that without us." Koishi said. Then Gpop raised his head to see Satori following closely behind. "You know that we can't be too separated."

"I thought that you were going to stay at Tourist Helpers." Gpop told Satori

"I did for a moment, but I needed to talk to Reimu about Mitaka. None of your business anyways at the moment." Satori replied.

"Oh...right...well I'm glad that you two followed me anyways..." Gpop said with a huge sigh. Then Koishi got off of him so he could get up himself. "I guess I'm still my short-tempered self. I don't like it when they tease me like that, or you two for that matter."

"It's okay, but that doesn't mean that you had to punch him in the face for that." Satori mentioned.

"Yeah...I guess I shouldn't have, but it was unexpected from someone like him." Gpop said, feeling guilty for his previous actions. "Thing is that he shouldn't have fought back or said those things, but I guess his confidence rose greatly after saving Hiroko from that...thing. I guess he went overboard after that. He got a little carried away and continued with me." Then he let out another huge sigh.

"It's alright Gpop," Koishi said, and gave him a small kiss.

"Well anyways there's something I wanted to tell you Gpop." Satori said as she came closer to him. "It's about your mana. Yours is also special."

"Also...special?" Gpop asked.

"Yes. So is Mitaka's, Jeremy's, and Meira's. But for other cases. In your case, you have the CONTROL the maximum amount of mana you could carry! It's significant!" Satori said with excitement.

"What? Control?" Gpop was perplexed by this.

"Yes. It seems that you could do so, but at the moment you do not know how. I was inspecting your mana levels especially, and from yesterday to today, yours has raised from 200 to 500! More than twice the original amount! And I sensed that you did this willingly, but unaware. If you could figure it out, you could possibly possess and create an infinite amount of mana! It's incredible!"

"An...infinite amount? So...if I figure this out...I could restore Gensokyo myself if I wanted to?" Gpop asked, now greedy for more info.

"Yes and no. You have more than enough mana, but it must come from multiple sources. That's why you will need the other's support since their mana is quite different from yours." Satori said.

"Infinite...mana..." Gpop felt eager to unlock this ability, yet he has no idea how, or where to start. He felt greedy for the power at hand. And maybe if he could learn some magic, both he and Koishi could defeat any opponent and never tire! Gpop felt great greed in his heart.

"And don't get too carried away with this idea though" Satori mentioned as she glances at Gpop's heart once again. "Figuring this out will take a great deal of trial and error, but we don't have any leads at the moment. We will wait until your mana increases a lot more, and we will trace back the events which occurred as it happened. Right now we need patience."

"O...ok then." But Gpop was impatient, and Satori knew this, but Gpop tried his best to remain as patient as he could. But the thought of infinite mana raced through his mind.

"Well are we going to shrine right now?" Koishi asked.

"No...I don't think Mitaka will be too happy to see me. I think we should rest at the Opposite Mansion for now. We'll wait a few days for Mitaka and I to forget about that stuff back there." Gpop said.

"Ok then" the Komeiji sisters agreed. But as they headed towards the mansion, they noticed a dark figure in front of them.

" three know where everyone went?" The figure asked.

"Merlin?" Gpop recognized the figure as Merlin Prismriver, whom they completely forgot once again, which is not a good sign since she's connected to Gpop.

"H-huh? I-is that y-you Gpop?" Merlin stuttered as she noticed that it was Gpop.

"Yeah it's me. It's a good thing I found you." Gpop replied.

"W-what? Really?" Merling blushed as she said this.

"Yeah, I need to ask you a few questions though, but I'll ask tomorrow." Gpop said.

"Oh..." Merlin said. Gpop noticed that her facial expression dramatically changed from the response.

" could sleep with us at the Opposite Mansion..." Gpop mentioned.

"Really?" Merlin replied, and her face brightened once again.

"Sure, we would like to have some company!" Koishi said.

"T-thank you." Merlin said.

Then the four of them continued towards the Opposite Mansion.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 12:56:45 AM by Gpop »

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #166 on: May 02, 2009, 02:36:18 AM »
Hot Springs, Saniwa Inn, 7.01 AM, Day 3

after all the zany events back at the tourist helpers Alex and the others are back at the shrine and are in the hotsprings for another meeting which alex mostly listened over for what he conistered important bits but when someone suggested a certain location for the keystone and silence fell though the ranks of the men side.

Alex gets into his spirital and ki detection skill stance and almost the instant he does so he gets a rather *STRONG* hit on the girl side too strong to be any of the gensokyo natives.

Alex replys to this "well its *SOMEWERE* in the girls side...well if i was a girl wanting to hide something i'd hide it in a spot were only the most braizen or bold or dumb man/boy would look."


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #167 on: May 02, 2009, 06:40:51 AM »
Amarillo's Attic, Tourist Helpers , 0500AM Day 3, Amarillo & Lily White

Amarillo wakes up, but found that she is not on her bed, but leaning on the wall near the bed. However, Lily White is leaning beside her.

She calculated for a while..

Control Index = 20%+40%+40% = 100%, Control Percentage = 100%/50% = 200%

It seems the action that binds Taihou had burned all her stamina so she just collapsed without even knowing it.

And it also seems everybody had gone, Taihou is disappeared from the room as well.

"Well, it seems he can't hurt others now, though."

She wakes up Lily White, who told her that everybody will be meeting at the Hot Spring.

"And I'll change back to my usual wear." Amarillo said, "and we have a much quicker way of going there."

"Eh? But this dress looks good on you!"

"Not when crossing a tunnel."



Basement, Tourist Helpers, 0600AM, Day 3, Amarillo & Lily White

"After I saw this I'm sure that the EFA must planned it. " Amarillo points to the huge iron gate behind a pile of boxes.

The Iron Door have "Tourist Helper" on it, and above the writing is a symbol.

"That is the Logo of EFA, or the EFA in my original timeline, 21XX." Amarillo points to the symbol.

"The harmony of Peace, Passion and Potential." Amarillo explained,"Also it goes for us, I'm the Peace one, Mr.Spark is the Passion one and Ms.Phoenix is the Potential one."

"So, you say there is a tunnel behind that door?" Lily asked.

"Let's see." Amarillo went close to the gate and found a switch.

"So this is it." she pressed down the switch.

The gate opened, reveal a corridor behind it.

"Now let us surprise the guys over there, shall we?"
« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 06:49:47 AM by nemoma »

Break anything that stands between you and them!


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #168 on: May 02, 2009, 06:45:28 AM »
Library Basement, Opposite Mansion, Early Morning, Day 3

Jan opened his eyes to see nothing but a few twinkling lights. Stirring a little bit, he could tell he was in a futon, and the combination of being more used to a bed and the days without comfortable sleep left hm feeling a little sore.

Sitting up, he could now tell that the twinkling lights were actually candles. His glasses had simply caused the usual flickering to look different. Quietly coughing twice, Jan then heard a voice respond. "Are... you awake, Jan?"

Jan was still somewhat confused, but he could tell the owner of the voice was Patchouli. "Yes... I am. Sorry about that... But what happened?"

Even though he could not see her, Patchouli's voice came clearly to Jan from a secluded armchair nearby. "We've returned to the mansion... Koakuma and I needed some help bringing you and your things, but we were at least able to allow you to rest. Koakuma is also sleeping somewhere near you, so don;t move around too much."

Jan nodded instinctively even though he knew it wouldn't be seen. "...Thank you and sorry again. It's pretty clear that, even if I'm not a normal person, per say, I'm just an ordinary human in comparison to the other Mana providers... And you two are stuck with me, at least for now..."

Even though the volume of Patchouli's voice did not change from the barely-audible speech that she had always displayed, a sudden change in tone was enough to surprise Jan. "We knew that when we agreed to be bound to you, obviously. If you keep up that kind of thought process, you'll only create a self-fulfilling prophecy. I will teach you more about Mana in the morning, and we've been asked to go to the Saniwa Shrine in the morning to discuss the situation with our allies... So try to rest."

Glad to hear her tone return to normal towards the end of her sentence, Jan lied back down and replied to Patchouli. "...Thank you."

Library Main Floor, Opposite Mansion, 6:00 AM, Day 3

When he next awoke, Jan was able to recognize the library more easily, and managed to make his way up to the main floor. He found Patchouli sleeping in a chair similar to the one that she had been in overnight, and with no sign of Koakuma nearby.

He had actually not had a great look at Patchouli up close; Jan was surprised to see how small and fragile she looked. He supposed that it was partially because of the lack of Mana to support herself, but he also knew that she suffered from an unspecified physical condition, somewhat like himself. I really am the worst person to be supplying Mana to not one, but two magical beings... Sickly and all.

Feeling a cough coming on, Jan held his breath to stifle it long enough to move a little further from Patchouli first. Letting out his breath in the form of a short coughing fit, Jan took another look around and spotted Koakuma at some nearby bookshelves.

Waving when she turned in his direction, Jan moved on through the library, content with looking through everything and leaving Koakuma to her work. For all I know, I may even be here longer than my old student visa would normally allow... I should really familiarize myself with it.

Moving from row to row of bookshelves, Jan smiled with the familiarity of the library while trying to imagine how much more grand the Voile must have been. Suddenly remembering something, he quickly made his way back downstairs to find his bags.

6:30 AM

After finding his bags, Jan was able to grab a change of clothes and then wander some more. Koakuma had guided him to a place where he could wash up (the library was large enough to have its own bathrooms; Jan silently thanked Kojiro for valuing literature) after smelling like damp forest for the past day. When he returned upstairs, he had one of his bags- The one containing his laptop computer- With him to test for a connection.

Finding an alcove to sit in, Jan made himself comfortable and opened up his laptop... To find it non-functional. "Damn it... The battery must have gone out. Useless..." Muttering to himself, Jan knew he would have to wait for some time before he could find a power outlet.

"Oh, here you are." Jan was momentarily startled by the appearance of Patchouli, looking the same as always. "Koakuma will be getting us something light to eat. I don't want you getting too full when we set off."

Seeing the inquisitive look on Jan's face, Patchouli smiled with what looked like genuine amusement, a first to Jan. "Oh, that's right... You didn't know yet... I'd like to teach you about magic so you can learn how to manage your Mana more efficiently. I'm sure you remember Gpop from yesterday; he will be joining us as well."

Jan nodded with recognition as he put away his computer and got up. Silently following the librarian, they came to a small table where Koakuma was waiting. She had brought tea and what looked like biscuits to Jan. As the two latecomers sat down, Koakuma poured tea from a kettle into three cups before sitting down herself. Smiling somewhat suggestively at Jan, causing him to look away in embarrassment, she seemed to be thinking about something to herself.

Choosing not to investigate the matter, Jan sipped at the hot tea and nibbled at the biscuits. While he was somewhat hungry, somewhere in his mind, he still could not believe what he had gotten into and needed to process the information. I'm just a student, psychology and anatomy, sciences... Magic? No. Ridiculous, a succubus and magical librarian girl... Am I a battery? No, this feels different. I'm still just me... but them? they are what they say, right? No, how could that be right... But last night, magic fight, exorcism... Freakin' lightsaber. Am I going mad?
« Last Edit: May 04, 2009, 12:45:26 AM by Jan-san »


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #169 on: May 02, 2009, 08:08:33 AM »
(OOC: Back in time once again!

How I get the drill attached is a plot hole I think none of us minds enough to fight over.

Also, if Xan wants to (help me) rewrite the part with him a little I'm open to that.)

Front lobby, Saniwa Inn, Karuisuwa, ~9.02 AM, Day 2
Participants: Team Drillkumo, Team Ghostbusters, Team FUBAR: E-mouse, Xan, and MTG

Yukari seemed much more sober about our outing, after that conversation. We stuffed my wallet about as full as it could go, used Yukari's hat and gloves (after some arguing) to weigh down the List, triple-checked we actually had the keys, and set out to find something that would let me put the Drill around my neck rather than carrying it everywhere or waiting for it to fall out of my pocket.

After some searching, we found the ancient inn lost & found still had some items in it. Among them, a recloseable craft necklace. This was incredibly convenient.

I started fighting with getting the drill attached to it, and Yukari wandered off a little as she waited. I reminded her not to go too far, and she reminded me she wasn't suicidal.

Clever girl.

A few minutes later, I was finished. It didn't look that great, but the Drill would stay on the chain, and the chain would stay on my neck. That was good enough. I pulled it over my head and shifted the whole arrangement under my t-shirt.

At this point I noticed that I smelled horrible. Too late to take a bath before leaving. Maybe after Yukari's nap... or maybe our nap?

I shook my head. Don't think like that.

I looked up to see Chen batting around the ball of rubber bands we'd found in the lost & found box, Ran sitting quietly by Yukari's feet, Youmu crouching down to stare at Ran, the rest of Yukari talking with Yuyuko, Yuyuko talking with Yukari, and Yuyuko's mana trough carrying an umbrella.


I bumped in on Chen's playtime to shove the bandball towards Yukari's conversation, and stood up. She looked up at me for a moment, and we walked over to join.

"... made it, Yuyuko. I didn't want to have to introduce myself for the first time for a third time."

Yuyuko raised a (tattered) sleeve to her mouth. "Hoho! Why, Yukari, what makes you think I'd forget about you again?"

I could see Yukari smiling. Sincerely, for once.

That's right. The major players of Gensokyo were already so close to each other. It's a pity they couldn't power each other mana-wise... they'd do a wonderful job of it.

... am I jealous? Fucking unwanted emotions!

"My, your partner looks upset, Yukari. Did you have to stay out of bed to avoid his affections?" Yuyuko teased.

Yukari waved a hand. "Not at all, he actually seems reluctant to share one."

Yuyuko brought a hand to her mouth again, surprised. "Oh my, even when that dress is so flattering to your figure?"

There was a silence.

"Actually, dresses becoming less flattering is why we're up and about." I answered, "That trip in the forest wasn't exactly kind to our clothes." I paused. "... not to mention the rest of the day."

Another, more uncomfortable, silence. Yuyuko's mana trough cleared his throat.

"We were thinking of that, too," he said, "We're going to need good outside-world clothes to visit all the restaurants in town."

Yuyuko daintily wiped away the trickle of drool forming at the corner of her mouth.

"So, you're on your way out?" I asked.

"No, not yet." Youmu said, standing up, "We wanted to inform Reimu-san that we were leaving."

I frowned. "That's probably a good idea, we'd want to know if anyone vanishes unexpectedly..."

Yukari rolled her eyes, and smiled at Yuyuko again. "Well, then, shall we accompany you?"

Yuyu smiled back. "Of course! We were just about to search the second fl--"

What sounded like a library facefaulting from upstairs made investigating the area an even better idea.


I thought I heard something over the noise of our feet on the stairs, but we were in a bit of a hurry. The source of the noise was pretty easy to find - it was rather odd to find an inexplicable mound of ornate, probably-magical tomes overflowing from room... apparently 202. We exchanged glances.

"Right, that's the one he took." Yuyuko's mana trough - I should probably learn his name - muttered. He took a cautious step into the mire of arcane paraphernalia. "Oi, Mitaka, you in here?"

I followed after him, stepping carefully. Ran and Chen leapt in with few concerns. I noticed a dried mushroom sticking out from some strange wooden artifact. I picked it up to examine it more closely. It smelled horrible.

Yuyuko really didn't care about the whole mess. "Ooh, anything to eat?"

I shot her a dirty look. "Yuyuko, I don't think you'd want to put any of these things in your mouth." I tossed the mushroom aside. "Especially with a human digestive system."

I glanced around the room a little more, and noticed a hint of Suika's distinctive white-and-purple outfit under the rubble. Hm.

Further investigation noted a black witch's hat and the end of a white sleeve also buried in the room. The latter with a hand sticking out of it.

"... aaaaaand especially when there's been corpses swimming in it."

I looked closer to my feet for any other sign of life and --

"Corpses? Are they edible?"

... okay, now I KNOW she's just being annoying.

-- ah, that's probably his hand. I reached down to try and dig Deodorant out of the rubble. "Depends. Are Armpits and Deodorant edible?"

"What's deodorant?" Yuyuko asked, "Sounds fancy."

Youmu cut off my attempt to come up with another witty retort with a more practical question. "What happened?"

A good question, that.

Yukari sighed slightly, and explained. "Looks like someone tried to use their powers. With team FUBAR in that state, any one of them trying that would be like a mass suicide..."

I froze for a long moment, simultaneously grateful for Yukari making sure not to use hers and worried about just how serious she was about the 'suicide' part.

I shoved some more rubble aside, and uncovered Deodorant... I really want to remember his name, he's a good guy and really needs... no, can't think about that now - he was very pale, but was still breathing. Thank god.

"Oi, Deodorant! Get up!" I said, shaking him slightly, "Don't make me dump you in the lake!"

I'd rather not act as corpse disposal, after all...

Yukari stepped into the clearing in the mounds of stuff I'd managed to make, looking down at Mitaka with an odd expression. "My, he's still alive?"

I tried not to seem too tense. "Apparently. Think he'll make it?"

"Not on his own, no."

I paused, then nodded. "... all right. How can we help him, then?"

Yukari smiled, and held up one of the dried mushrooms that were scattered around the room.

"..... are those poisonous?" I asked.

"I have no idea."


We got to chat a bit while we sat around forcing those horrible mushrooms down Mitaka's throat. And keeping Yuyuko from trying to eat them all, though Youmu mostly took care of that.

"So, anyone care to explain what happened here?"

Yukari cleared her throat.

"To explain the mess, rather than our little manamedical emergency."


Deodorants' complexion was improving. I had a feeling he'd get through this fine, now.

From her tome throne, Yukari took a scrap of fabric from Ran's mouth and looked at it closely.

"Ah, looks like the bag's dimensional dilation wore off."

I didn't like the sound of that. "... explain."

"Ah, Youmu, I knew we should have taken the silo bag with us!" Yuyuko moaned.

Yukari just smiled.

"... Bag of Holding, enchantment magic wore off after leaving Gensokyo?"

She nodded.

I pulled the Drill out from under my shirt and examined it closely.

"'Doriru ga tamashii da...' ka?"

"Let's hope so."


Mitaka got better. This was a great relief. Sho - finally learned the mana trough's name, if only for a little while - did his level best to conceal the pile of mushrooms we'd relied on to revive him.

His harem was otherwise occupied with cleaning up the mess the exploding bag had made. I was helping, just a little bit. No good being an idle pair of hands, especially with nothing better to do.

... where'd that sudden resentment come from?

"So, why are you guys here?" Reimu asked, from one of the bookshelves.

Sho answered her. "We're planning to head out. We?ve divided the ?wardrobe and supplies? budget as we agreed this morning, so..."

Deodorant nodded at him, still worn out. Poor guy...

Sho snapped his fingers. "Oh! And we wanted to tell you that we?re meeting up down at that girl?s place, the Tourist Helpers store, in the afternoon. You know, the girl who was with Lily White this morning?"

"Paula?" I provided. I received only strange looks for my troubles.

"... right, I know who you mean." Mitaka replied.

"Where's her place, anyway?" I asked.

The others stared at me.


Yukari gave my shoulder a pat. "Little Jeremy was busy with list-making while we were discussing our plans for the day."

I got a brief explanation, knew I'd forget it, and knew Yukari would just drag me to it either way, so ultimately I just wasted some time. Embarrassing.

"... anyway, let's get going." Sho finally said, and picked up his umbrella.

A thought struck me.

"Hey, why..."

I yelped as a set of claws latched onto my arm and rather gently climbed up onto my shoulder - then head.

"My, Chen does seem to like you, doesn't she?" Yukari mused.

I reached up to pet her a little, despite the infliction of pain. "Gentle, gentle."

Yukari took a step towards the door, and I realized that Sho and the Hakugyokuro regulars had already walked out. Damnit, I still wanted to ask him that question! I rushed out to catch up.



He stopped and turned to face me. It looked a little disturbing, since the umbrella on his shoulder made me think of some powerful youkai like Yukari turning around, at full strength and...


I hesitated, re-gathered what I was going to say. "What's up with the umbrella?"

He blinked at me, and smiled sadly. "My sis."

"... Kogasa?"

Sho nodded.

"You mean she's... she can't even..."

"Stop her brother from molesting her leg-analogue?" Yukari provided as she caught up to me.

I glanced over at Chen, who had relocated to my shoulder after some balancing and scalp problems.

"And I thought you two had it rough..." I muttered. Ran and Chen couldn't speak, and were reduced to forms they must have abandoned decades ago. Kogasa... Kogasa couldn't even MOVE.

Chen nuzzled my cheek.

... affectionate.

Yukari snapped her fingers a few inches away from my face. "Oi."


"I said, why don't we all do this clothes shopping together?"

It took me a second to process that. With Sho, Yuyuko, and Youmu, she meant?

I bit back a comment about just wanting to double-team Youmu in the changing room, and nodded. "Sure. But let's not take too long, all right? I still want to talk to Renko sometime, if we can."

Yukari shifted her feet. "... that's fair."
There was something here once. Wonder what...


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #170 on: May 02, 2009, 08:23:25 AM »

Hirowaza was fast asleep, but Meira was still awake. Meira had something in mind for the next day. She shuffled around the room they were in. Hirowaza had a change of clothing next to him for the morning, but...

"Heh, let's see if this works out..." Meira murmured inaudibly.


HOT SPRINGS, Saniwa Inn, 7.02 AM, Day 3 BEGIN

Hirowaza looked fairly shelled up in the hot spring, trying to absorb the warmth of the water. He was surprised that all of them were able to fit in here, but he thought he had heard something in another room. He made nothing of it and tried to relax as the others were discussing some matters related to Gensokyo. Hirowaza was still fairly tired from last night's little endeavour, he didn't notice what was going on in other places except that little noise that snapped him out of his reverie. Though... Hirowaza thought. I have a strange feeling I'm going to lose something when we're done in the hot springs...

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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #171 on: May 02, 2009, 09:19:42 AM »
- - -
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 01:09:50 PM by Helepolis »

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #172 on: May 02, 2009, 02:23:43 PM »
Underground Tunnels 6:45 AM Day 3

Caboose: Man, Ria is scary when pissed.

Frank: ...Where did she pull that gun out of?

Caboose: She just tore the shrine down with one gun!

Pirate 1: Shush, you. We need to find the way to the Saniwa Shrine.

Caboose: Are you sure it's this way?

Pirate 2: Hey! Your holding the map upside down!

Pirate 3: Aw crap!

??: ... you sure this was the right path?

??: I swear the shrine was this way.

Frank: You say something Caboose?

Caboose: No.

Pirate 1: Keep your voices down. We're not alone.

??: Hey, did you hear that?

??: Nah, it's just your imagination. It is pretty early is the morning.

Frank looked at Caboose. He indicated a rush. Caboose nodded in response. They ran towards the source of the voices. It was two girls who looked rather suprised to see people down here.

Frank: Come here you!

Lily White: Let me go!

Amarillo: Lily!

Frank: Sorry, but you're not going anywhere just yet.


Caboose: Fraaaaaaaaank?

Frank: No one'll hear us way down here.

Caboose: Yeah, but, they're just girls. They seem harmless

Frank: Remember, it was a girl who mowed down those guys. Who knows what these could do to us? Telepathy, or kick us in the nuts, stuff like that.

Caboose grimaced at the thought of his jewels being pulverized by a swift kick.

Frank: Alright, down to- eh? What's with the look.

Amarillo: ... just get it over and done already.

Lily White: No! Let me go!

Caboose: Uh, Frank?

Frank: Knock her out. She's too much trouble.

With one swift chop to the neck, Lily White slumped over. Caboose tied Lily White up and propped her against the wall.

Frank: Alright, where were we?

Caboose: You know you make it sound like you're going to rape her. Are you.

Frank was visibly pissed.


Caboose: Scary...

Frank pulled Amarillo to her feet.

Frank: Caboose, tie her up.

Caboose: On it.

Pirate 1: Looks like you've done this before.

Frank: Well, you do what you can.

Caboose: Done.

Frank: Now, lead us the to the Saniwa Shrine or else.

Amarillo: ...

Frank: Not cooperating huh? Should we explore the path of "or else"

Amarillo: ...fine.

Frank: Pick up the other one.

Caboose: Ok. Wow, she's light as a feather.

Underground tunnels- below Saniwa Shrine 7:05 AM Day 3

Pirate 1: Huh?

Pirate 2: What?

Pirate 1: I felt something. There it is again.

Pirate 3: I feel it!

Pirate 2: Ah it's just water. Pretty warm, now that I think about it.

Caboose: We must be near the shrine.

Frank: Ah, good.

Lily White: uuuu... ow... what happened.

Caboose: Oh, good morning


Hot Springs, Girl's side

Reimu: You say something.

Marisa: Huh? No.


Caboose: Uh, Frank?

Lily White: LET ME GO! YOU- ah!

Caboose: huh?

Frank: ... where is your thumb?

Caboose: I think I found the off switch!

Frank: Caboose, girl's don't have off switches. No one does.

Caboose: Well, what ever is going on, this works.

Lily White: N-no... sto-ah!

Frank: Oh god...

Caboose: Uh, why is she drooling?

Frank: You know what? Never mind, I'll explain later. As for you, little lady, keep walking.

Caboose: *sigh* might as well keep goi- why are you guys staring at me?

Pirate 1: You really don't know?

Caboose: know what?

Pirate 1: *sigh* Just have Frank exlpain it to you. Just keep doing what you're doning.

Lily White: *hahn**hahn**hahn**hahn*

Caboose: Jeez, she's like an apple, all red and shit. Why is my thumb wet?

Pirate 2: Probably the water from the springs.

Pirate 3: Which side, I wonder?

Frank: There's a fork in the path. Alright, Caboose, you take the left path, I'll go right.

The right path

Frank: Alright, we're here.

Pirate 1: Look's like a hatch of some sort.

Frank: Alright, go up and investigate, and don't try anything funny.

The left path

Caboose: Over the course of my memory (which is starting to come back), I've learned not to be the first one through a scary door.

Pirate 2: Just go.

Pirate 3: Yeah, take the girl with you if you want.

Caboose: Ok, fine.

Pirate 2: Scout team to Red Squadron

Red 1: Red Squadron

Pirate 2: Make sure the Orca Transports are in place in case anything goes wrong.

Red 1: Roger, Orca Transports are in position.

The surface 7:10 AM Day 3

Reimu: Marisa, will you stop whistling already?

Marisa: But it's not me!

Just then, the abnormally large rocks in both sides of the hot springs opened up. Amarillo got out on the boy's side while Caboose, holding a flushed Lily White, got out on the girl's side.

Amarillo: !!!

The guys: !!!

Caboose: This is why I never go first.

Pirate 2: Oh, shit.

Pirate 3: RED SQUADRON, GO, GO, GO!!!!

( as a request, please do not kill off anyone )


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #173 on: May 02, 2009, 03:36:44 PM »
The Hot Spring, 7:00 AM, Day 3, Amarillo

That's more than careless! being caught by a gang of scary-looking guys......

However, now something worse is coming, but it may pose a chance for Amarillo as well.

As the pirates are wondering why they ends up in the men side of the hot spring, they heard something in their head.

Kono omoi wa tomerarenai    
Motto otomechikku pawaa kirarinrin    
Chotto kiken na kanji "

And the men are surprised to see the pirates all jumps into the hot spring.

"Well, do not EVER let your guard of your mind down! Especially facing an Esper!" Amarillo easily get out of the tight situation, and then walks around to the another site, and she saw the girls are beating up the pirates at the next side. Lily White seems fine.

"Guess there is no need to rise up the Control Index, then. " Amarillo leave the another side alone and walks back, thinking how she can get her revenge on whatever these guy may be.

"Is that... the Sedation thing you did yesterday?" shouted Taihou.

"Actually I didn't sedate them, just planted a certain song into their mind, being males, that song suits the scene well." Amarillo continue while holding her laugh "However, this...may be too .... suitable...." She finally bursting out in laughter "It's true as Mr.Spark said, all the guys have their hidden harem of....."

"Oh, well, it seems the rest is classified information." The guys all laughed, knowing that what Amarillo was refer to.

"So shall we tie them up using some rope, or you can do the trick like you did to me last night?" Taihou said.

"Well, considering Lily's status right now, we may better use ropes."

So the guys went to the shrine and bring some ropes, then tied the pirates on the trees near the hot spring.

"That shall do it."
« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 03:44:43 PM by nemoma »

Break anything that stands between you and them!


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #174 on: May 02, 2009, 04:01:36 PM »
the Opposite Mansion, 11:00PM Day 2, (Characters: Koishi, Satori, Merlin, Gpop)

The four of them entered to Opposite Mansion just to find no one there. But they decided to go in anyways and locate the bedrooms.

"I'm sure Kojiro won't mind." Gpop told the girls. They nodded and entered the bedrooms.

Gpop went into the washroom as the three other girls changed in the bedroom into the pajamas which Pearl provided them earlier that day, and Koishi lent the extra pair that Pearl also gave them to Merlin. She slowly took it and dressed herself into it.

" is it...with Gpop?" Merlin asked suddenly

"What do mean Merlin?" Koishi responded.

"Is...he a good guy to be with? I know he lent me some mana out of sympathy, but do you think that he'll be okay with me?" Merlin asked.

"Oh I think Gpop is a pretty friendly guy. He'll gladly help you out in anything and be your friend." Koishi replied. "Why do you ask?"

"O-oh...n-no reason." Merlin stuttered.

Then Gpop came in with his pajamas on. He noticed that Merlin was looking a bit depressed. "What's wrong Merlin?" Gpop asked.

"Oh...i-it's nothing. I-I just feel l-lonely here...t-that's all." Merlin replied.

"I know..." Gpop said, then he proceeded to hug Merlin out of sympathy. Then when he stopped he asked, "Why are you all red? Are you alright?"

"N-no I'm m-more than fine." Merlin responded.

"Well there are two beds in this room. I guess two of us will have to sleep in each bed." Gpop told the girls.

"C-can I sleep with you?" Merlin suddenly asked, with her face facing the side. "I-I'm lonely here. I c-can't sleep well. I-I need comfort."

"Well..." Gpop was surprised by her request, but still feeling sympathetic he told her, "...I guess it's alright, if it's fine with Koishi..." Then he glanced over at Koishi and noticed that she nodded her head in agreement.

"It's fine. I'll just sleep with big sis! Just no funny stuff!" Koishi said happily.

"Then it's settled!" Gpop told the girls. Then he headed towards the light switch and turned off the lights of the room. Gpop headed towards his bed and lied down. He felt Merlin place her body near his and tried to comfort herself on him, but he didn't mind it at all. He just let his mind drift off into sleep...

Dream, Middle of the night between Day 2 and Day 3

Gpop found himself on another bed that he wasn't sleeping on before, and Koishi on top of him. The blanket sheets are pink and the bed is heart-shaped. The bed was located in a black room, as if nothing else was surrounding it but an ornate window beside them as the only light source that allowed the light to focus on them.

Koishi was wearing nothing but a bra and bloomers. Gpop found himself wearing nothing but his boxers. And he was sexually aroused by this.

"Don't be so rough this time," Koishi told Gpop in a sensual tone.

"I'll be gentle," Gpop replied.

And thy kissed. They kissed like never before. Gpop was keeping his body close to Koishi, eager for what's to come. As their lips released themselves from each other, Koishi then proceeded to tease Gpop by slowly kissing his body as she slowly lowered her head, and Gpop was enjoying every minute of it.

But then Gpop noticed a faint cry coming from outside. He turned his head to focus on the window and noticed the figure once again. The ornate window made it hard to tell who figure was, but he could it was female. She was crying, like as if she lost something, or someone. Her hands covered her head, but the tears were still escaping as they continued to roll down the cheeks like a waterfall.

Gpop felt very guilty now, but as he felt Koishi touching his boxers, the dream once again began to fade into nothingness...

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #175 on: May 02, 2009, 04:40:52 PM »
A tree near the hot springs 7:15 Day 3

Frank: Well, this looks bad.

Pirate 1: No shit.

Frank: Wait, where's Caboose?

Pirate 1: Don't know.

At another tree.

Caboose was tied up at another tree, being hit repeatedly by Reimu

Caboose: Why did I have to go first?!?

Marisa: One hell of an interogation, ze.

Reimu: Will you stop whistling?!?

Marisa: It's not me, I swear!

The was a great amount of wind as the Orca transports decloaked.

Red 1: Red 2, cover Red 3! Red 4, cover me! We're going in! Remember Ria's orders: don't kill anyone!

The 250's roared as the Orcas desended to rescue Frank and the others.

Frank: About time guys!

Flexing his muscles, Frank broke the rope and freed the others while the Orcas kept the people busy.

Frank: Run!

The pirates ran to the Orcas.

Red 3: Cargo loaded. Ready to head back to the Sky Ray.

Red 1: Alright, let's get out of here! Activate OCs!

As the Orcas ascended, they seemed to vanish into thin air. Anyone who has met Nitori recognized the OC quickly and began to wonder what this meant.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 04:43:39 PM by Etch-E-Sketch »

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #176 on: May 02, 2009, 04:47:36 PM »
7:20 AM Saniwa shrine day 3

Ria arrived at the shrine. She had a feeling that those people she sought were at a shrine. After all, everyone always gathered at shrines for jobs and supplies. That Amakawa shrine she went to first was full of Yakuza. Pitiful gangsters, thinking that they could match the firepower of the Ripper. Her beautiful Ripper. As old as it may be, it still tears people a lot of new ones. Kaguya also joined in on the fun. Ria didn't think she would ever find another person as trigger-happy as she was.

As it was, she still had to confirm that it was Marisa she saw. Reimu and Kanako could go be an hero for all she cared. Actually, she would like it if they did so.

She saw Mitaka, Marisa, and some others outside of the shrine. They were alarmed at her presense, or rather the Sky Ray's presence, and a few went to gather others.

"I haven't come here to fight, rather, I think we got off on the wrong foot. Under ordinary circumstances, indeed this shrine would be a crater as soon as I found it, but these are not ordinary circumstances." Her eyes started drifting to Marisa at this point.

"I come to propose a cooperative endeavor. I'll even give you a mana generator as a goodwill gift.

One of our patrols found mobile fortresses in front of the military base near here. I want one. Do this and you'll have the support of the wasteland pirates while you're here. You don't all have to come. Even if only one of you comes, I'll extend my support to your entire group."

"And if we don't?" someone asked.

"We'll leave you alone." She replied.

"For now, anyways," she thought.

Eirin tapped Jalal's shoulder.

"I have this feeling that the Princess is with them," she whispered.

"I think it was mentioned a few posts back," he whispered back.

Jalal should have more respect for the fourth wall methinks.

"Alright, fine. She's right over there in that buggy." Jalal started waving to her.

Kaguya waved back, but Jalal and Eirin could see that something had changed about her. Namely her hair. It was short. Well...her eyes seemed to have a bit of a crazed look to them.

Satori: (thinking) What's this about a life debt? To Marisa of all people?

Ria: So, what say you?

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #177 on: May 02, 2009, 05:55:01 PM »
7:17 AM Saniwa shrine hotsprings girl's side

Lily black *was* with the other girls relaxing and enjoying the nice hotsprings bath when suddenly a bunch of guys burst in on them while some was nude which made her angry then when she saw they hadcaptured her sis Lily White AND her partner she was pissed off. while some managed to get away..kinda who was subuded by the other girls.

one wasn't so lucky trying to get away from Lily Black she dropped him with the hardest kick she had learned from Alex to his groin he tumbled down faster than a house of cards in a hurricane.

He was tied up to a near by tree while the rest were tied up to another.


Dispite Lily Black's short size her voice was imposing enough to make the men shiver.

One of the men replys "WE DID NOTHING BAD TO THEM WE SWEAR."

On the men side Alex dispite still being visablity handicapped from his injury  he got saving Lily Black the bay before is still more than a match for these rag tag pirates those that crossed his were subuded by him quickly via strikes to paralyzing vital points which temporary robbed them of the ablity to basicly run away or struggle both because he feels these are just a bunch of rag tag people and not a serious threat and secondly he's following what he was told at the meeting to not kill unless needed.

"I hope you guys know that i'm actually going REALLY easy on you guys probably going easyer on you than the girls are i could kill you guys right here and you guys wouldn't know it." Alex says while tying up a one of the pirates he paralylized "Don't worry we'll probably will let you go and as for the movement robbing skill i used you'll be fine in a few minutes to a hour depending on your real strength after it wears off" he adds.

3 minutes later 7:20

Then while finishing up helping suddenly a bunch of craft appear out of nowhere "crap" alex though when suddenly the all the pirates break free and make the fastest mad dash to the craft and board them.

"oh shit" Alex and probably most of the others who watched this were thinking when then what appeared to be the "mothership" appeared it was HUGE.

"fuck..." Says Alex

But instead of a fight the Leader of the bunch a Woman appeared saying she has no intention of fighting and infact wants to lend support.

She says she's willing to lend a mana generator for a goodwill gift.
But she wants apparently to raid Military base to snag another mobile fortress.

She waits for a reply.

Alex and the other men discuss their options.


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #178 on: May 02, 2009, 06:47:00 PM »
Tourist Helpers - 11:30pm - Day 2 (Starring my team)

Kojiro awaken from a short nap. He was sleeping to use his mana to heal his wounds and a disturbance in his body thanks to Mitaka's stab. That attack sent very bad vibes coursing through him that he managed to suppress a little. He opened his eyes and was staring up at a sleeping vampire care in his care. Minoriko was napping on the floor with her head on the edge of the couch. (He was laying across the couch with his head on Remilia's lap so she was sleeping on the floor with her head on the edge of the couch) Youmu was sitting at the wall with her katana in her arms.

Koji: "ever ready for an ambush i guess"

Remilia's hands were holding his head and she slept sitting up.....In other words he couldn't move. He felt rather trapped in a slightly humorous sense by his teammates.

Rinnosuke: seems like your in a pickle huh?

Koji: ....yeah hehe.

Koji slowly moved Remilia's hands away from head and sat up a bit. She smelled really nice. Like roses, he relished the smell for a second and got up.

Youmu: so your awake sensei?

Koji: yeah *Stretch* i just napped to recover myself is all. *cracks neck* i'm fine.

Youmu: That's good to know. *stands up* Gpop and his team left for our home i believe.

Koji: oh yeah? then I'll tell Pearl to open the door for him since its locked.

youmu: Telepathic?

Koji: yup yup.

Koji relays a message to Pearl to keep an eye out for them and let them in.

Remilia awoken as well from her little nap. She stretched and searched for her hat which she found was not on her head. She got up and searched the couch and looked on the table and started to get annoyed.

Remilia: where is my hat?

Koji: *points to his head* i have it

Remilia: ...hey give me that. you look weird with it on

He hands her her trademarked hat and she places it on her head.

Koji: I just find it odd...a lot of people from Gensokyo have those kind of hats. Yukari,  Yuyuko, Flandre, patchouli. Its a cute hat hehe

Remilia:  *sigh* I don't kno wanything about trends okay? 

She looked at his arm that was stabbed previously and didn't get any urges or impulses at all. She's used to seeing blood and she never got a reaction like that before. Ever. Maybe becasue it was HIS blood that was being spilled did she feel the way she did. She felt the hunger and arousal at the same time.

Koji: well lets head back home ourselves. I'm sure Gpop and Jan will want to rest some more there. Tomorrow morning we're lookin for Keystones. at least i'm gonna help them look so we'll be getting back up here later.

Youmu: affirmative

Remilia: as you wish

Minoriko slept like a baby.

They left for home together bidding Rinnosuke and everyone else a goodbye and good night until they returned later.

~~~~Opposite Mansion - 11:10pm - Day 2
Pearl wasn't home, she was out it seems yet again.
Being a star chef does that to you I guess.

Koji: Man i'm hungry again. *is carryin Minoriko*

Youmu was about to speak up in response to that...since she's used to it...however....

Remilia: Shall I make you a snack then?

What the hell? Remilia making someone something to eat? DOES NOT COMPUTE!  Kojiro looked at her for a BRIEF second and complied.

Koji: Sure that sounds great. Anything is fine with me. I'll put Minory to bed and come back

Remilia: Alright.

Youmu: I'll help make something too!

With that she rushes off to the kitchen. He goes to Minory's room and Youmu is dumbstruck

youmu: wow so even she's capable of some sympathy *sweatdrops* unbelievable.

youmu follows remilia into the kitchen

~~~~Minory's Room~~~~

Kojiro places her down on her bed and pulls the covers over her. However she woke up just as he did and he was leanin over her.

Minoriko had a rather dreamy expression on her face, like she awoken from the best sleep ever or won ten billion dollars or something.

Minory: Hello there

Koji: good evening Minory, we're back at home now. *backs away from her*

Minory: *sits up* oh really now. That's perfect.

Koji: perfect? hehe sorry you was sleeping on the floor at the TH place afterall.

Minory: no...that's not it.

She still had that dreamy expression on her face. He was a little bit confused,.
Even more confused when she held his cheeks in both of her hands. Slightly he could tell that she was slightly drunk because he could smell some sake off her breath mixed with her normal fragrance of grapes and fruits and such.

Koji: Min-

Before he could say anything at all her lips met his and the tipsy goddess of fertility and harvest kissed him rather passionately.


Remilia was looking around for something to make. She was trying to remember the things that humans CAN eat that Sakuya used to make for her. She decided to go with a basic sandwich and drink.

Youmu: so what are you making?

Remilia: what I'M making is a you mind that?

Youmu: *smirks* no no i don't  because I'M making a better sandwich.

Youmu was using the subway bread instead of loaf bread and had a knife and a large variety of coldcuts next to her. She was ready to compete. Remilia looked rather taken aback by Youmu's comptetiveness

Remilia: ha-ha! as if I'd allow you to win this you half-breed. Your sandwhich is WAY too big. Your making a snack for Koji NOT Yuyuko!

Youmu realized this and soon saw the truth. The sandwich WAS way too big

Youmu: !!!

Remilia: All i need is to find a suitable drink and it shall be complete!

Remilia rushed to the fridge to find something to drink. Youmu however was frantically trying to cut the sandwich down to size eatable by normal humans. She didn't want to waste all the meats she put in it so she made several smaller sandwichs. Remilia was looking in the fridge for somethin fruity. She she remembered how much Koji likes fruit drinks.....yes he's a kid at heart got a problem ze?!
Youmu managed to cut the sandwich to about 1 foot long sub sandwich and had grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Remilia was already pouring a glass of Apple juice and then they both bolted from the kitchen trying to beat the other by presenting their snack first.

youmu: He's not gonna take that puny sandwich as a snack!
remilia: and he's not gonna take some super fancy sandwich as a snack at all!


Koji was on the floor on his back with a drunken fertility goddess on top of him kissing him profusely. He tried to restrain her without hurting her but she wasn't able to listen at all.

Minory: why do men have to play tough when they are the ones who always go for the skirts first? *giggles*

Koji: *is very red* who ever said i was after any skirts eh?! get off minoriko your not in your right mind!
Minory: you know? you might be right hehe

She continues to pelt him with pecks of kisses


Remilia and Youmu entered the room or rather barged in on the site.

Minoriko paid them little mind and continued her assult on her Battery

Youmu: O_O
remilia: O_O

Kojiro noticed them holding a plate and drink each but they didn't know  what to say nor moved to show any signs of anything.

Koji: !! no! this AIN'T what it looks like! *Sweatdrops*

Minory: its not only to you <3 it is to me <3

The night wasn't going to end well and Koji knew it.

Opposite Mansion - 11:30pm - Day 2
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


  • Guh..!
  • She is just too cute! I swear!
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #179 on: May 02, 2009, 07:29:15 PM »
Pathway to Opposite Mansion, 11:20pm - Day 2 (Characters: Team Onii-san and.....who else?)

Zei was just walking down the pathway back to the Mansion, being calm as usual.

Shizuha: ..some day, huh..

Zei: Pretty much. Good thing I didn't kill anyone. ^_^'

Shizuha: Yeah, I guess. It'd be rather bad though.. 'Shikieiki..could judge you right now for all I care. >_>'

He walked in to the Mansion mainhall, seeing no one that can welcome his team in.

Opposite Mansion, 11:35pm, Day 2 (Characters: Team Onii-san and Team SCAR)

Zei: Goddamn...I'm friggin hungry, tired, injured, and confused as hell. Flandre, can you go to the kitchen real quick to see if there's something? I...need to go somewhere. >_>'

Flan: Sure! ^_^ *Walks off, happily*

Zei:-Walking Shizuha to her room- "by god's light, WHAT THE FUCK. She's happy? I never seen her like that during the first few days while in SDM."

Mystia: Maybe she's--

Zei: I KNOW! ..dipshit. xD

Mystia: Whatever you say, Cirnoass.

Zei: Wait until tomorrow..-.-

Mystia: Ok then. ^_^ -Walks off to her room-

Opposite Mansion, Shizuha's room, Day 2, 11:40pm(OOC: This room's gonna be used more often due to the event happening after this.)
Zei arrived with Shizuha on his shoulders, half-asleep.

Shizuha: ..Zei-niisan?

Zei: Eh? What is it?

Shizuha: you mind if I go talk to Sis?

Zei: Uh...............not at all. ^_^''

Shizuha: Something wrong? o.o

Zei: NO.

Shizuha: Ok then..-Walks off to her sis' room-

Zei: I'll follow then. :/

They both walked out of the room, and went straight towards Minoriko's room, but was interrupted by Reisen.

Reisen: Not a good idea... ._.

Zei: -Glare- ^_^+

Reisen: Go right ahead. ._.'' -Runs away towards the mainhall-

Opposite Mansion, Minoriko's room, 11:40pm, Day 2

Zei: G'evening and g'evening all--...what the fuck?

Minoriko noticed that her sis was in the room as well and stopped right away.

Shizuha: ONEE-CHAN!

Minoriko: .//////.' I-i can explain..

Zei: Drunk huh..?

Minoriko: NOPE! .//////.'

Zei: So you blame Koji huh?

Shizuha: ._. -Lip trembles at what happens-

Minoriko: NUH-UH! I was just...uh...going to sleep. ^_^

Shizuha walks up to Minoriko, her eyes were glowing with anger and betrayal.

Minoriko: ^_^'''


Zei & Youmu: say it already..

Shizuha:! (OOC: Ok ok. I'm sorry for this but, I can't help but put that in, it only fits in the mood she;'s in. XD) -Slaps her across the face as hard as possible-

Minoriko: !!?

Koji: O_O?!

Everyone in the room except for Zei and Flandre that just walked in: O_O!!!

Shizuha: How could you?! I thought you promised to never even try that to ANYONE. But NO! You lied! -Slaps her across the face again, only this time, her cheek was......bleeding?!- Don't ever talk to me again! D< -Runs off to her room-

Zei: G'job Shizuha.

Flandre: .....

Minoriko: .......what....just happened?

Zei: About damn time you get back to your senses. -Leaves- Koji, you can thank me later.

Flandre: Shizu-chan was upset. ^_^' -Leaves as well-

Opposite Mansion, Zei's room, Day 3, 12am

Zei: ..and that's what happens.

Flandre: So Youmu and Remilia were competing for his affection and then Minory took it away by--

Zei: I rather not talk about it. Yer too young. ._.

Flandre: AM NOT!

Zei: Are too. ._.

Flandre: Ok then...then..--

Zei silenced her by pinning her down on the bed, but she flipped him over and pinned him down on the bed. (OOC: ...No comment.)

Flandre: then..You should get some sleep! D<

Zei: Oh no. I'm not tired at all. Remember? I don't sleep during the night. -_-

Flandre: -Yawn- Me neither! D<

Zei: ..yer tired. You should get some sleep. >_> -Tries and gets out-

Flandre: -Falls on the bed, face down- ;~;...


Flandre: -Lips trembles- ;~;...

Zei: I didn't mean to. ._.

Flandre: ;~;'...

Zei: -Sigh- Alright then..alright then..

He tried to calm her down by telling a story about the recent issues that we Humans face today, but it was no good.

Flandre: Z-zei-niisan.. ;~;...

Zei: What?

Flandre: ;~;..

Zei: -Sigh- No, I'm not going to do it again. ._.

Flandre: ;~;...

Zei: Just..go to sleep. I'll talk to you later..

Flandre: But I'm not! You are! D<

Zei: -Yawns- Bullshit..

Flandre: BULLSHIT?! Y-you--

Flandre was silenced as she felt something on her neck, then she thought of nothing but falling asleep.

Zei: ...-Finishes and backs off- Shush. You probably only need a quick rest though.

Flandre: !? But I told you...-Falls back on the bed- ..I'm....not....zzz...-Fell asleep-

Zei: See? I win. ^_^ -Walks out of his room, and back into the mainhall- ..shit, I'm starving... wonder what else is up..-Picks up newspaper and starts to read a random article-

Reisen: Win what?


Reisen: -Backs off- ._.

Opposite Mansion, Mainhall, 12:10am, Day 3, End
« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 08:27:41 PM by ZeiAkabane »