Author Topic: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)  (Read 150327 times)


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #30 on: April 23, 2009, 06:16:23 AM »
The Opposite Mansion 8:35am  (starring Zei, and Gpop)

Pearl: geez dad are you having a party or something? why didn't you ttell me i coulda cooked something up ya know?

Koji: yeah well this was super sudden. Lets just say a happy easy life continues to elude me for now.

Pearl: oh...i see another problem huh?

Koji: *is melancholic* yeah...another problem...anyway can you get our new guests some of the pizzas we have in the oven? I know we're all starving and tired from all teh troubles we been through hehe ^_^

Pearl: oh you have more cooking? okay *leaves to get them cheerfully.


Minoriko: *cries* It brings me to tears to eat something so full of flavor and design!

Patchouli: the texture is indeed rough...but the taste is superb. Koakuma take note of how this is made and the ingredients immidiately! When we return home we shall make these in surplus!

Koakuma: understood m'lady!

Everyone was estatic about having this new thing called "Pizza" however Remilia was still full of doubts and concerns about this Pearl woman.

Remilia: "adoptive? is that a bald face lie to not tell us that she isn't his biological daughter? is she is then does that mean Kojiro is married? or was married?"

She watches him hand Gpop, Satori and Koishi some pizzas. The Komeiji sisters looked at it with bewilderment as expected but Satori knew it had to be good seeing how everyone was thinking but suddenly she read Remilia's heart. Her thoughts were swirling around in her head and her heart and Satori read every thought.  Her doubt and hopes were colliding like a Kaleidoscope of Maidens. Remilia was troubled greatly but dared not say anything because of her pride and because she didn't know how to properly handle it.

Satori was about to say something but Kojiro intervened

Koji: Here Remilia have another one ^_^ *hands her another plate with another pizza*

Remilia looked at his smiling face and wanted to say something but she couldn't. All she could say was.

Remi: ah t-thanks Koji-kun

Koji: *rubs her head* your welcome Remily-chan. Enjoy. We can rest here for a while until we can come up with a plan.
Everyone talked amongst themselves, Zei and his team had a pizza eating contest, Pearl continued to bake Pizzas (luckily she can make her own as well as bake premade ones) and Gpop and his wife chatted happily amongst themselves. For a while everything seemed normal and happy.
THIS...was the life Kojiro wanted to live. One without a worry.
Watchin Gpop and Koishi made him jealous. Deep down even though Pearl used to tease him alot about not ever gettin married it bugged him a bit.

However Satori was reading everything again since she was curious about how he felt about Remilia since it was obvious to her that Remilia liked him to some degree.

Gpop: Satori?

Gpop:? Satori? why so serious?
Satori:?? oh my apologies. I'm...just a little tired.
Gpop: Reading minds again?
Satori: ....It seems like Remilia-sama likes Kojiro but he's too pessimistic to see it
Gpop: really? *glances towards them*

Kojiro is talkin to Pearl in the kitchen and Remilia sits with Patchouli and Koakuma but doesn't seem to be fully immersed like everyone else...then again Patchouli isn't either.

Gpop: maybe she's tired? it is 9am and she's used to being sleep by now right?
Satori: yes that is true too she is tired. very tired. She's having trouble coming to grips with falling in love with a human. She doesn't know how to handle it.
Koishi: you don't handle it you just do what feels best to you like this

At that last word she steals a kiss from Gpop.

Gpop: well...i have to admit that does feel best
Koishi: see? ^^ maybe I can manipulate their subconscious? be their hidden matchmaker +_+

Gpop: no Koishi dear you can't force people to fall in love now let them be. They both are having problems and i'm sure they'll figure it out themselves and things will fall into place.

Koishi: aww okay darling. I hope so

The Opposite Mansion 12pm

While the pizza party concluded Kojiro had some music playing in the background and gave everyone rooms they can use to sleep in. Pearl was giving Team Freud a tour of the mansion.  (Koishi's suggestion)

Shizuha and Minoriko were giving a room to sleep since they dozed off after eating and having fun
Mystia and Reisen shared another room with a bunk bed. Although Mystia had....problems with sleeping in a human bed but she soon submissive to tiredness
Flandre had dozed off in Zei's lap and he took her to a room and placed her on a bed to sleep on as well.

Zei: tch it feels so normal to sleep during the day...Am I turning into a Youkai now?....
Soon weariness caught up to him as well as he watched Flandre sleep and laid next to her. Too tired and lazy to climb into the bunked bed.

After that Pearl met up with Koji and Team Freud went to another smaller wing of rooms and gave his party a place to rest and sleep. However, Patchouli and Koakuma saw their library as they walked by and wanted to study the books he collected over the periods of his reincarnation. Kojiro didn't object at all and let them be on their exploration.  Youmu was given a room with Remilia. But Remi protested soon after saying she'd rather have her own room, but really it was because she would REALLY rather not share a room with Youmu since she harbored slightly negative feelings for her.

Of which Satori read yet again. She was getting very curious as to if she, Youmu and Koji would be able to get along.

From what Satori could read, Minoriko sees him as a friend, Koakuma and Patchouli are mostly friends as well. Youmu sees him as her master/sensei and gives him proper respect and holds him in high regard since she was taught a few things from him. She noted that Youmu doesn't love him the way Remilia did and pondered if she should tell Remi that to help relieve her worries.

Youmu: I do not mind having a room to myself.
Remilia: then its decided. As a mistress I'm supposed to have a room to myself anyway.
Koji: hehe Haughty as every Remilia *pats her head* alright this way then mistress
Gpop: man how convenient that you both have mansions. Maybe it was just "ment to be" haha

Remilia blushed up a bit and was about to protest
Koji: haha yeah well she is the manipulator of Fate afterall. maybe it was "supposed to be"? hehe

Pearl giggled slightly and they continued onward. showing another room for Remilia to use

Koji: well you can sleep here Remi alright? the sun doesn't shine in from this side of the house so you won't be bothered by it as much.

Remi was dead tired and the sleep was very very tempting. But her thoughts were still at odds end with her weariness.  Pearl started to take Koishi and Gpop to another room that they can use if they chose to stay over.

Pearl: Satori-sama?

Satori: yes?......yes that's fine.

Pearl:ah? ...ah! you read my mind again? hehe that is such a nifty ability ^_^ I'm sure Youmu wouldn't mind if you slept in the other bed with her. Oh dad?

Koji: yeah?

Remilia was stung a little bit at that term "dad"

Pearl: I'm going to go out shopping and buy the guests some new clothing?

Koji: ah yes great idea. I have to stay here and watch over them for the spiritual links to keep mana flowing

Pearl: yes i know i can see the links too they are rather unique having them typed to your fingers like that

The spiritual links were color coded for each of the girls and they lead a line that traced a path through the walls connecting straight to the girl's chest.
Red = Remilia
Orange = Minoriko
Black = Koakuma
Purple = Patchouli
Green = Youmu

Kojiro: so you saw em eh? hehe yeah i colored em myself its pretty convenient that way.

Gpop:  wow you can see the links of spiritual energy? That's rather cool can you see mine too?

Pearl: yeah its right *points to his groin* there

Koishi: oh my really now? *blushed at the thought*

Satori:....*head meets palm*

Gpop: WHOAH WHAT?! you can't be serious?!

Satori: she's not don't worry *chuckles while saying it*

Gpop: oh come on that isn't cool!

Pearl: *chuckles as well*

Koji: ahhaha leave the man's links alone Pearl XD  go on and get outta here already haha

Pearl: okay i'm leaving take care everyone ^_^

With that she leaves, Remilia was already in bed and ignored the fusing going on outside.

Gpop: man...i feel so used.

They start to head back still laughing and joking about his "links". however koji backtracked and went to remi's room and talked to her.

Koji: Remi? you sleep? i'm not.

Koji: ah alright. well i hope you had some time to relax today *rubs her head her hat lays on the bed post* Although we can't act like everything is normal...cause its not.  Oh by the way what were you doin on the floor at the hot spring when i woke up?

Remilia's heart throbbed at the memory of it. she thought he would not notice or would just forget it. She  perked up and made soemthing up on the spot

Remilia: N-nothing! i was passing by you and you jumped up at the shriek and scared me suddenly.

Koji: oh...really? *scratches his cheek in thought, the same cheek she kissed*

Remi: *very blushed* Y-yes that's all that it was.

Koji: ......hehe alright rubs her head* ya was the first time you ever called me Koji-kun. That made me kinda happy to hear

Again Remilia's vampiric heart raced with adrenaline.

Remilia: *turns her head* don't think about it. i-it wasn't anything that special. i was emotional and happy to finally have peace of mind.

Koji: awww come on don't be a stick in the mud. *hugs her* I told you I care for you Remilia. Even when you think no one else does just know you do at least one good friend out there.

Remilia was so red that you woulda thought she was a tomato but he couldn't see it since he was hugging her. Friends wasn't something that she had.

Even in Gensokyo the fact that she drank human blood and was feared by humans and youkai alike didn't help. But what REALLY didn't help was the Scarlet Mist that she created which blocked out the sun. That incident could have led to catastrophe for all life in gensokyo and it was for that reason she was hated. At first she didn't care. Who needs friends when your the one with power and authority that can be matched by only those with equal or higher authority. 

However her defeat by Reimu changed her thinking slightly and she started to do things that she wouldn't have done otherwise. to help her "friends" she tried to investigate the 3 day Pandemonium caused by Suika. To help her 'friends' she tried to help out with the fake moon incident even though there were many others already working on it. Even the Disaster caused by Tenshi she wanted to help with because Reimu's only home was destroyed at the start of it all.

She never really had friends though. Just her mansion and her subjects who were mostly fairies anyway. A useless gatekeeper,  a magician who never leaves the library, her head maid who does everything she needs and a little sister who she barely goes to see becasue of her psychological instability.  Kojiro was just the person she needed in her life. she admitted to herself that she wanted him as her best "friend"
Before she knew it she was hugging him back.

Koji: auug!...*a sharp pain in his neck*

She was sucking his blood. It tasted very fine and delicate.

Koji: ow ow....urrr...d-dam y-your teeth hurt Remilia. Just...just don't...spill okay? hehe-ow!

She bit him harder at that joke

Remilia: "just had to ruin the mood"........

As she drank his blood bit by bit he rubbed her back and noticed that her wings had reappeared as well.

Koji: ?? " oh wow....I guess the link has gotten stronger and her features returned? well that makes sense no wonder she's drinkin my blood right now."

Remilia finished her true meal of the day and much to his surprise. Started to lick his neck clean. He felt her soft tongue wipe away every single drop dry. Finally she released him and looked back at him with those scarlet red eyes

Koji: *rubbing his neck* Scarlet Devil has returned?

Remilia: no...this is only the beggining...

They hugged each other again and didn't let go for a while until she fell asleep. He laid her down on her bed and let the Scarlet Devil sleep soundly. A sleep that was almost forbidden at the time. He left the room headed back to the main hall. Happy that his link (and relationship) with Remilia is getting stronger.

Team Freud watched the spectacle through Koishi's subconscious barrier and was cheering them on.

Koishi: maybe they will work it out then? ^_^

Satori: she said....its only the beggining.

Gpop: Yeah only the beggining. man i was hping they'd kiss or something

Koishi: oh come now dear they just an awkward kinda way expressed that they cared about each other right? you can't just jump straight into a kiss just because you both find out you care for each other ^_^ hehe.

Satori:........what's this? now you want my sister to lick your neck? she's not a vampire.

Gpop: stop reading my mind all the time!! *embarrassed*

Koishi: hehehe <3 that can still be arranged ya know?

Opposite Mansion 12:30pm End
« Last Edit: April 23, 2009, 02:36:48 PM by Kojiro »
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


  • Guh..!
  • She is just too cute! I swear!
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #31 on: April 23, 2009, 11:16:42 AM »
The Opposite Mansion, 12:30pm ((After everything was over))

Zei woke up, hearing the commotion from afar.

Zei: ...huh. Guess everything's  back to normal.
Flan: *tugs on his sleeves* Zei-niisan?
Zei: I wasn't spying! I too can hear good. D< Now I'll be right back, need to go check on the others.

Flandre didn't care and fell back 'asleep'
Zei left the room and went to the one next over, where Reisen and Mystia were.

Zei: *opens door* ....huh. They're ok n-- what the? *glares at Reisen, then at Mystia* ...features are popping back? "That's only an illusion.." *closes door*

Zei then went back and opened the door to his room, closing it few seconds after.

Zei: Told you that di--
Flan: *glomps him* Really think I was asleep, Zei-niisan?
Zei: Wha..?! Haha. I know you weren't. *sits down on the bed*
Flan: if-- *silently stares* o.o..
Zei: *baring his neck* ...go ahead. I knew you were gonna ask that. And I also knew you went down to check on Koji and the others.

Flandre blushed and bit his neck in response.

Zei: Ow... no need to be so rough. Just take what you want then go back to sleep. *rubs her head before feeling something else* ....damnit. *falls asleep*
Flan: Zei-niisan...*laughs*'re silly, you know that? ..and that's why I like you. *finished and fell asleep as well*
Zei: haha...I know..

Opposite Mansion, 12:40pm, END

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #32 on: April 23, 2009, 01:29:02 PM »
Shrine Gates 8:37 AM Day 2

Austin ran towards the commotion with Momizi and Nitori. It was important that they got to the place, as Caboose was there.

When he got there, he saw someone hitting Caboose's shoe that fell off with a piece of wood. One of the tanks was a flaming wreck, one had a rather mangled gun and the other one seemed just fine.

Austin: Holy Cra- Kappa...

Caboose: Etch? Is that you?

Austin: Dood! what happened?

Caboose: some asshole blew up one of the tanks and started beating the crap out of Frank and my shoe! What the hell? Do they hate escapees?!?

Austin: ... *sigh* alright Momizi, Nitori. Gather up those two over there and take that machine gun away. Maybe we can figure out what the hell is going on...

Nitori: Sure. Hey, as soon as we're done with that, can I look at the tanks?

Austin: knock yourself out.

A dust cloud blew up as Nitori tied up Thrityfour and Rika, took the machinegun, and then got into one of the tanks in one sentence.

Frank: urg... it feels like I've been hit repeatedly on the head with a piece of wood...

Thrityfour began to wake up. He wasn't getting the medical aid he was hoping for. For one thing, Rika was currently place on top of his face.

Austin: oh. You're awake. My name is Austin Magree. I do not wish to hurt you. I just want you to tell me what is going on.

Caboose: Hey, why don't we put a flag on this thing? So we don't get shot at again.

Frank: Good idea! uh... any ideas

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #33 on: April 23, 2009, 02:01:58 PM »
Inside a tank

Near the shrine gate

0840 hours
Thirtyfour's face was messed in dirt and blood. He eyed carefully Austin.

"I don't have name. But you can just call me Thirtyfour. If I understand correctly, these two guys here are hired by you?"

Thirtyfour looked at Frank and Caboose.

"I didn't just kill those people without a consent. It was self-defence. They were trying to steal my tank. But those two weren't, so I just knocked them unconscious."

My tank. MY. Rika was baffled.

Thirtyfour looked at Austin.

"I apologize for the unnecessary casualties. As you appear to have another tank ready, you don't need mine. I really hope that your mercs will mind their own business and go steal government's tanks rather than one's private tanks."

Thirtyfour coughed.

"But don't leave yet. Free me. Give me back my knapsack and the bottle of Absolut Kurant. I can treat myself and my buddy."


  • Charisma!
  • *
  • O-ojousama!?
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #34 on: April 23, 2009, 04:57:25 PM »
- - -
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 01:03:20 PM by Helepolis »


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #35 on: April 23, 2009, 06:04:13 PM »
0837 hours day two

Jalal heard some commotion outside. "What is all that racket out there? Fear not, I shall investigate!"

Out there, he saw that some men raised a black pirate flag over thirtyfour's tank. It was styled like a skull and crossbones, except that the cross bones were replaced with a shovel and right fist.

He began humming that Pirates of the Caribbean theme and walked up to the site. Eirin didn't seem to know it.

"Ah that princess of yours held a movie night remember? The movie had this song in it. You said that some drug needed finishing touches or something like that."

"Ahh, yes, it was a diarrea remedy I wanted to see if I could make using rice."

"Turned my hair blonde it did."

"What a row this must have been," Jalal muttered while walking up to the scene.

"Maybe we should do something?" Eirin said

"But don't leave yet. Free me. Give me back my knapsack and the bottle of Absolut Kurant. I can treat myself and my buddy." Thirtyfour said.

"I don't think it will be that easy," Jalal cut in, "Look at that flag."
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #36 on: April 23, 2009, 06:28:25 PM »
Inside the tank

0841 hours
"Oh, more guys... can't see shit inside this tank. I'll just guess that it's related to fascism."

Thirtyfour noticed that the rope had loosened a little. He started to grasp towards his knife, with a little avail.

"I hope you have any idea what I have been doing here by looks."

Thirtyfour finally got a hold of his knife, but decided to leave it to it's sheet.

"Even if you weren't on my side, sooner or later, there will be a clusterfuck of people seeing a flaming tank and bodies. Talk about suspicions, huh..."

« Last Edit: April 23, 2009, 06:37:55 PM by T34G3 »

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #37 on: April 23, 2009, 07:51:56 PM »
Outside the shrine 8:41 Am Day 2

Caboose: Etch! There's a mad Scottsman running this way!!

Austin: Oh, crap... Look, I don't want to fight. It looks like you can free yourself, anyways. Frank! Ho's the gathering of the bodies?

Frank: Done! We should get going!

Nitori: The tanks are repaired!

Austin: and the OCs?

Nitori: they'll be good until we reach the graveyard!

Austin: I wish we could've met under better circumstances. I must leave you for now, Thirtyfour.

The Lagann and the spare government tank, renamed Talos, roared to life and began heading South, leaving the Challenger two behind with Thiryfour and Rika inside

Frank: Remind me again why we have the one with all the bodies again?

Austin: Caboose volunteered.

Momizi: Uh oh. Brace for Danmaku!

Nitori: Activating OCs, now!

The tanks vanished from sight, as well as their dust clouds, leaving behind a rather angry Mcwallace.

« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 01:11:18 PM by Etch-E-Sketch »


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #38 on: April 23, 2009, 09:04:02 PM »
Long post. Just to introduce the concept of ?Diving?. I believe some of you here have played Ar-Tonelico or seen Chrno Crusade or Negima. Anyway, ?diving? is simply entering another person?s mind. The contracts allow you to share mana by creating a link between your souls. As side-effect, you can share thoughts and emotions.

At night, when everyone is asleep, your team will dream together whether you like it or not. When conscious, one can choose to dive willingly. This will require a mediator, either Satori or Amarillo (at least at first, until you learn how to do it by yourself). Through these diving sessions, whether through dreams or actual dives, new issues and dilemmas may arise, or they may be resolved. This will bring your team closer together and improve your link synchronization, thus allowing better, more efficient mana sharing.

And an advance apology, I couldn?t think of anything for Sumire, mainly because Sumire hasn?t posted much. I only found very small plot devices to use with Gpop?s, Sho?s, and Sanasan?s groups so I focused on that briefly. The issues I?ve focused on for all the other characters are speculative on my part based on your profiles and posts so far. Let me know if I wrongly-analyzed anything. I thought this would add some colour to your characters and relationships and provide scope for character and relationship development. Let me know if you want any changes made.

And Gpop, Xan, Sanasan, and AmaterasuOmikami are free to suggest something for themselves if they wish.

As for Etch-a-Sketch, Cleartailcat and Rabbit, I don?t think you were with us for the first night, so I didn?t write in anything for you two. Feel free to set up your own ?dives? as you see fit.

PS: It took me time to write this so things may have changed since I began writing this. I haven't caught up with everything just yet. If there are discrepancies then I will edit this to adapt. Let me know if you see any. Thanks.

Inside Mitaka?s Memories, 9.10 AM, Day2 (Characters: More or less everyone)

?Satori?!? Mitaka gasped, finding himself stumbling across a misty realm. ?What?! Where did you take me?!? One minute he had been running madly, following directions from Alex (who was last seen hunched over in pain and had barely the strength to point out the direction in which Alice had run off), the next he had bumped into Satori who was standing in front of some mansion, and now?.

?Calm down, these are just your own memories of your dreams from last night.? Satori came floating out of the mist to join him.

?Satori, I don?t have time for this, I?.? Mitaka began, still in a haze of panic from the pursuit.

?Yes, yes, I know you?re in a hurry to go after Alice?? Satori sighed, waving the issue aside.

?So stop poking around in my head!? Mitaka said hotly, realizing where they were as Satori finished reading his mind. He didn?t mean to shout. But this was his own mind, and though he could order his lips to be polite, his mind was a beast of its own. ?I-I?m sorry, my mind is just?.but I have to?.?

?I understand. You aren?t the master of your own thoughts. Not many people are. I wish Gpop didn?t have this much mana. I wouldn?t mind losing this ability for a while myself.? Satori?s voice came again, a little irritated. ?Anyway, I think you?ll stand to benefit from watching your own dreams for a bit. I think it will help you understand your issues with Alice. Don?t worry, time doesn?t flow in here as it does outside.?

?How would my own dreams solve a problem with Alice?? Mitaka asked, sighing in defeat. He was at Satori?s mercy in here, after all.

?Because you 6 shared the same dream.? Satori said. ?It?s a side-effect of the contract. Mana sharing means you have to open up a part of your soul to each other. The greater your relationship, the more you open up your souls to each other, and the more mana flows between you. As a side-effect, you start to ?synchronize? your thoughts and feelings.?

?You?re saying I feel what they feel?? Mitaka asked, not relishing the thought of experiencing the emotions of 6 different people all at once.

?No, no, not at a conscious level, not yet.? Satori said. ?Your links are too weak for that at the moment. But you?re already connected at a subconscious level. Thus why you share dreams. Now I?ll help you remember your first shared dream?but from now on, I think it?d be best if you try and remember you dreams on your own. They will help you understand your team better?

A blast of hot, dry air blew past them as something roared past them, clattering and clinking. It was a train?which, as abruptly as it had appeared, came to a screeching stop. Mitaka looked down and found that they were on a station platform and a train had just arrived.

?Sukima line train to Gensomkyo arriving on platform 1. Please mind the gap between the train and the platform.? A voice called out. It sounded suspiciously like Suika.

And suddenly they were on the train and it was chugging along on its way.

?We?re going back to Gensokyo?? Mitaka asked.

?No, your minds all went back there last night.? Satori said. ?You all yearn for Gensokyo subconsciously, thus why you returned there in your dreams.?

?What do you mean ?you all??? Mitaka began. ?You mean I wasn?t alone?what???

?Are you me?.?? A voice asked.

Mitaka looked around and noticed Jeremy Nezu sitting on a seat, gazing down at the cracked drill in his hand. He spun the drill around in his hand, watched as the light caught off the surface of the silvery bolt it was attached to.

?Oy, Jeremy?? Mitaka called out. He wasn?t really expecting an answer but it was worth a try. And as he expected, Jeremy didn?t look around but continued on gazing at the drill with a look of a mixed wonder and contempt.

?What on earth is going on here? Why are Jeremy?s thoughts?if they are his?in my dream?? Mitaka looked around at Satori.

?Down here, in the dreamscape, everything, even the deepest thoughts come up to the surface.? Satori said. ?But sometimes they don?t mean it. You know, the mind is random like that sometimes. No many are masters of their own mind. You tend to think things you don?t really mean.?

?More importantly?how can I be looking into other people?s dreams?? Mitaka began.

?You?re not doing so intentionally. But everything was such a mess last night?? Satori yawned. ?Oh, it was terrible. You all kept me up all night long. The contracts were so sloppily done. One contract kept on interfering with another, and you end up getting this tangled mess of noodles of thoughts and minds.?

?So you brought me here just to complain?? Mitaka sighed.

?No, we?ll come to the point in a bit. But let?s observe a little more.? Satori said.

?But you?re so unlike me.? Jeremy continued, as if speaking to his drill. ?I?m not supposed to be the fiery, psychotically rash hero you want me to be. I?m a hikkikomori otaku, a NEET, and I like my peace and quiet. I?m anything but an optimistic fighter. But you give me power?and yet you demand so much of me.? Jeremy seemed to be confronting something personal. ?You won?t allow me to be anything but this hero you want me to be. If I become anything else, fall into depression, think even one pessimistic thought unbecoming of a hero, you will leave me, and they will die?.? Jeremy looked up at the three people sitting opposite him. ??they will die??

Mitaka looked around and found Chen sitting on her knees, looking out the window, her back against Jeremy. Her ears were perked up to attention. Beside her was Ran, holding Chen while pointing out things outside. And Yukari had her eyes closed, seemingly deep in thought.

??I don?t care if I die alone. But I don?t want to drag them with me.? Jeremy said to the drill. ??so this is what they meant when they said, with great power comes great responsibility?.with great power comes these accursed chains??

?AGH! This is not like me! I?m not supposed to be this thoughtful!? Jeremy slumped back against his chair and scratched his head furiously.

?Perhaps it isn?t demanding you to be something you don?t want to be.? Yukari was suddenly sitting next to him.

?Yukari?? Jeremy looked around at her.

?We with power have a lot less freedom, that is true.? Yukari said, nodding at the scenery Chen and Ran were watching. It was Gensokyo, in all its former glory. ?There are things we must protect. There are things that depend on us.? Yukari looked around at Jeremy. ?But that doesn?t mean you have to let it shape you. You and that power you hold are one and the same, after all. And yours is the power to carve new destinies from old. You shape it. Not the other way around. Perhaps it is just demanding that you grow, evolve, though what direction you take is entirely your own freedom.?

?I?.? Jeremy began, but the train suddenly rushed past Mitaka and Satori, rushing off into singularity, leaving them behind in?

??eh?? Jeremy blinked.

?Repel the invaders!? A voice boomed across what looked like a huge command cluster with tiers upon tiers of fairy operators all frantically active at their own computer consoles. Beyond them was a huge holographic screen showing scenes of battle, not unlike the Central Dogma of Evangelion.

??.Amarillo?? Mitaka raised an eyebrow at the figure standing at the very highest tier, hair hidden by a wide straw hat, barking orders to the fairies in the room.

?We?re not letting them take Gensokyo! Not while I?m here!? Amarillo shouted.

This was a little different from what Lily White had described to them this morning when they carried an unconscious Amarillo into the shrine. She was supposed to be a calm and collected soldier. Now she was barking orders for battlefield formations.

?Ma?am, but?there?s no enemy?? Lily White, who was standing beside her as her second-in-command, reported.

?What do you mean?! This is a battlefield! They?ve got to be there!? Amarillo said, as if it was obvious. It was a battlefield, thus there should be enemies on it.

?They?re not. But we?re suffering losses on our side for unknown reasons.? Lily White reported, worriedly.

?Hiding are they?? Amarillo murmured to herself. ?That?s not a warrior?s way! Battles are fought face-to-face!?

?Amarillo is a hardened veteran.? Satori explained. ?She has prior experience of fighting for the Gensokyo she came to love. However, when she first stumbled into Gensokyo, she ended up having to be rescued from the battlefield. It was much later before she acquired the power to fight. She doesn?t want to be like that again. She wants to be there, on the frontlines from the start, defending Gensokyo with tooth and nail. However, this time, it?s not a head-to-head battle on the battlefield. It?s a secret war, fought underhandedly with shadows and agents. Gensokyo crumbled without as much as a resistance. This frustrates Amarillo who?s used to fighting face-to-face with her enemies.? Satori said. ?This command room is a reflection of her wish to battle openly with her enemies.?

?Err...what?s going on here??? Jeremy began.

?Be quiet!? Amarillo snapped. ?Civilians shouldn?t be in here! Go take cover in a shelter!?

And with that, Jeremy disappeared along with his companions.

?Where did?.?? Mitaka began.

?Don?t worry, their dreams were severed here.? Satori said. ?Jeremy?s gone off to dream on his own again or walk in on someone else?s dream. Their dreams just intermingled for a short period of time.?

?What was that all about?? Mitaka asked.

?What bothers Amarillo even more is fighting alongside others, something she has never done before.? Satori said. ?She?s lead armies, yes, but she?s a lone-wolf who scores landslide victories behind enemy lines on her own. A one-of-a-kind prodigy, if you may. She?s had followers and underlings, but never equal comrade-in-arms. Nobody had ever been up to her level before to warrant open cooperation.?

?Tch, we?re in the middle of battle here. If you can?t help then at least don?t be a burden.? Amarillo muttered to herself.

?I see?? Mitaka nodded. The battlefield on the screen seemed to rise up towards them, and suddenly, they were in the thick of battle. There was an obscure army invading a castle. The two watched from the safety of a secluded rampart as waves upon waves of enemies threatened to tear the castle apart.

?OWLBEAR BEAM!? A blinding light scorched the heavens before tearing through the enemy ranks, vapourizing them in a mere instant.

?That?s it! That?s it!? Mai cheered as a man in a huge dark cape roared with laughter at the scrambling enemy troops down below. From up here on the battlements they looked like ants, scurrying about in panic as someone raised a magnifying glass against them.

?I?m a demonlord, after all, a badass freakin? overlord!? Owlbear laughed heartily as, with a single glance, his enemies erupted in flames. ?I am the undisputed demonic overlord of Makai! My powers are unmatched, unequalled!?

?Whoah! Is Owlbear that powerful?!? Mitaka gasped before he could stop himself.

?That is what he wishes to become.? Satori said. ?An overlord who can stand up and fight alongside Shinki. One who can defend Makai with ease and protect his vassals from any harm, great or small. The destruction of Makai weighs heavily upon his heart. If only he had more power, so he thinks. He yearns for power, one fitting of a Makai overlord.?

?Don?t worry, Shinki, I?m here to be a great overlord worthy of your Netherworld!? Owlbear turned and hefted his wife into his arms. But Shinki seemed distraught and was trying to push him away.

?You?re hurting yourself, aren?t you?? Shinki whispered. ?I don?t want to see you hurt. Please?stop this??

?Shinki bears a huge burden, being mother of Makai. She wants to carry that burden alone. She doesn?t want others to have to stain their hands as she has done to save Makai. Owlbear wants to share that burden?or even take it all upon himself if he could. The love they share is an interesting one, for their selflessness clashes with one another.? Satori said.

Slowly the castle fell away from them, or rather, they rose up into the sky, the castle rapidly receding until it was obscured by the smoke and dust of war. They went up, and up, the clamour and fury of war dying away until they had reached a perfect calm, up where the world was a mere bright blue dome below them, with puffs of white floating peacefully over the azure blue. They were so high up the clouds were DOWN.

And nearby there was a high, secluded peak, towering amongst the stars. And atop it?

?Kojiro?? Mitaka?s eyes twitched. He knew the man had ideas of grandeur?but this?

The samurai stood, feet apart, the tip of his katana?s scabbard planted into the rock, as he surveyed the world. As Mitaka came close, he noticed there was a sad look in his eye, a look of longing?but at the same time, he stood resolute, unyielding.

??nothing much is happening with this one.? Mitaka said. ?Explanations??

?You don?t have an eye for imagery, do you?? Satori sighed.

?No, I don?t. I?m simple like that.? Mitaka shrugged.

?And proud of it.? Satori added. ?Well, notice that he?s secluded, having removed himself from the rest of the world.?

?Yes?.?? Mitaka gestured for her to go on.

?Kojiro wishes for a peaceful life with those he loves. However, he always lives in fear, fear that those he loves may get taken away from him, again, and again, just like his family had. His life is always caught up in one disaster or another that inadvertently harms his loved ones Thus he?s afraid of attachments of love and thus the peaceful life he yearns forever eludes him.? Satori said. ?Even when he does find something or someone he loves, he fears for them, and the fear of losing them eats away at him like a canker. Thus he has chosen to remove himself from others.?

?Doesn?t? look that way to me.? Mitaka said. ?He looked like a jolly friendly chap.?

?Oh yes, you of all people should know how easy it is to hide your true self.? Satori said, pointing over at the small outcrop of rock rising behind Kojiro. ?He?s friendly, but he keeps his distance, holding people away at arms-length.?

?He subconsciously keeps Remilia at bay, you see.? They floated around the outcrop to find Remilia sitting, hugging her knees on the other side, her back against the outcrop. ?He?s too pessimistic to imagine a life loving another. But it?s not like he has to try to keep her away. Remilia?s doing a good job of it on her own.?

Mitaka floats over and notices that there were claw marks on the ground and stone around Remilia.

?Remilia is still fighting over her mixed feelings.? Satori said. ?She harbours feelings for Kojiro, but is afraid of said feelings. She wants to stay where she is, but she also wants to pierce the wall in Kojiro?s heart. Thus why?s digging herself into the ground while trying to scratch through the wall.?

??.ok, interesting metaphor.? Mitaka sighed, a little impatiently. ?Is there a point to this??

?Wait for it.?

Something flashed in the field of stars above them. And then something came descending fast towards the earth below, something shining a dull, blackish bloody red, something deadly-looking.

?WHAT THE??!? Mitaka gasped, as another small patch of light, one that was whitish pink, rose up from the earth and stood before the incoming invader, as if shielding the earth.

?NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!? A high-pitched voice, laden with sadness and pain, roared over the mind-numbing explosion of the impact as the two patches of light collided. ?YOU WILL NOT HARM THEM! YOU WILL NOT TOUCH THEM!?

?Let?s not get too close.? Satori said. ?But what do you see??

?Flandre.? Mitaka screwed up his eyes enough to make out the girl. ??.two Flandres, fighting each other. One dark, one bright.? Just as he finished saying that, the bright Flandre crushes the dark one with her Laevatein, pulverizing her in one fiery, messy strike.

?Flandre has the power of destruction. However, that power not only destroys anything physical, it destroys anything spiritual as well. She destroys her own body again and again, but being a vampire, she can regenerate that easily. However, her mind, unlike her body, can?t take the abuse of being destroyed again and again. Slowly, she crumbles, and shatters, her mind slipping into fractured insanity, consumed by her urge to destroy.? Satori explained.

?She was defending the earth just now.? Mitaka said.

?No, she wasn?t.? Satori said. ?She was defending three people. Not the entire world, but three people.?

?Who?? Mitaka raised an eyebrow.

?Well, there?s Marisa, and her beloved sister, off course?.? Satori began.

The bright Flandre, singed and severely wounded, floated limply above the earth, as if in too much pain to move.

?Should we help her?? Mitaka asked.

?This is a memory of a dream.? Satori said. ?Don?t be silly.?

?And the third person?? Mitaka asked, but Flandre answered for him.

?ZEI-NIISAN!? Flandre shouted at the top of her shaky voice. Mitaka sensed that she must?ve been in great pain, but she still managed to shout like that. ?ZEI-NIISAN! I CAN FIGHT HER! I CAN WIN! I CAN STOP HER DESTROYING THINGS! I CAN STOP HER KILLING PEOPLE! ZEI-NIISAN! DO YOU HEAR ME?!?

??she does it for Zei?? Mitaka asked.

?Zei is like an anchor to Flandre now, the only thing tethering her to her sanity. To her Zei is the one real thing in her life, something that won?t be destroyed no matter what.? Satori said, before pointing down at the earth where Zei presumably was, far removed from where Flandre is now, probably oblivious to what Flandre has just done. ?But Zei doesn?t realize that. Zei still doesn?t understand why Flandre calls him ?Onii-san?, why she runs around after him, eager for his approval, for his affection. But Zei is too far removed from Flandre?s internal struggle. He doesn?t understand what Flandre is going through. He doesn?t know what he means to Flandre, even going as far as asking ?why do you keep calling me Zei-niisan? Why don?t you treat me like the other things you destroy??

?She is locked in an internal struggle with her destructive self, her insanity. She needs something real to hold onto, to fight for, and to her that is Zei.? Satori said.

?Why are you telling me all this?? Anger suddenly welled up again within Mitaka. ?Why do I need to see all this? This is private!?

?These were in your own dreams.? Satori shrugged. ?If you had remembered them, you would know anyway. Besides, I?ll be reminding everyone else of their dream last night. The more you understand each other, the better you can overcome your shortcomings and cooperate.?

They seemed to float higher and higher, as if leaving the earth. Soon they were on the moon, watching the earth rise up over the moon?s horizon.

?That?s unexpected.? Mitaka said. If he hadn?t known this was a dream, he would have choked from what he was seeing?.well, if this wasn?t a dream, he would be choking for air right about now, but that was being pedantic.

There, under the earth, supporting its weight, was a frail-looking bespectacled boy. He was staggering underneath its immense weight, probably not unlike the great Atlas of legend, but he seemed to be toiling and suffering at the same time.

?That?s that boy, Yoh, I think.? Mitaka said. ?The boy we found with us yesterday in the shrine.? He remembered back to their chance meeting when Yoh literally dropped in on them with Meira, having narrowly survived Gensokyo?s destruction as well. ?I don?t know him that well yet.?

?I haven?t even spoken to him.? Satori said. ?But he dreamt along with you all last night and shared in it as well.?

?He carries the whole world on his back?? Mitaka asked. ??metaphorically, off course?? He added, noticing Satori?s incredulous expression at Mitaka?s utter simplicity.

?Yes, you of all people should understand the wish to help anyone and everyone.? Satori said.

?But?I don?t think I try to carry the whole world?? Mitaka said.

?No, you don?t, and that?s what sets you two apart.? Satori said. ?Yoh?s altruism is different from yours in that he tries to please everyone, and I mean everyone. He craves attention, subconsciously, and he believes he can achieve it by being nice to everyone. But his kindness and compassion is taken advantage of by everyone else. The whole world dumps their burdens on him and yet he takes it all.?

?Boy, back straight! Head up! Come on, chin forwards!? Meira was pacing around him, smacking him in places with her sword scabbard to straighten him up.

?Even his relationship with Meira is more of one between flunky and bully.? Satori said. ?But Meira does care for the boy. She just chooses to express it by ?straightening? him out, as it were.?

?There is no ?I?, there is no ?me?! Reisen tried! Oh, she did!? A loud, booming voice exploded across the lunar sea of dust. Mitaka and Satori looked around to find Jalal McWallace running across the dust, wearing the American flag the astronauts had left behind as a kilt. ?But there is no insanity for the insane! Lies upon lies! Oh, the stark, raving sanity of immortality is insanity in itself! William Wallace thought he had it hard. But he?s dead! At peace in his grave! EIRIN! TASUKETE EIRIN! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!? He leapt inside the lander module of the Eagle and disappeared.

??.what on earth??!? Mitaka blinked.

?Jalal! Wait!? Another figure ran past them after the first. ?Don?t leave me behind! It was my fault! The hourai elixir?.?  It was Eirin.

??.was that?the highlander person?? Mitaka asked. ?Did he eat something funny??

?He drank something funny.? Satori said. ?The Hourai elixir.?

??.oh?? Mitaka suddenly understood. He didn?t need Satori to explain this. It was common knowledge that immortality wasn?t for mortals, that?s just common sense. Immortality is far too great a concept for a mortal mind to wrap itself around. As a result, the mind would break and shatter under the weight of immortality.

?Wow, and that?s the lunar lander!? Another voice brought their attention to two girls who were strolling across the moon?s surface as if it was a theme park. ??why is it shaking violently?? Renko asked, raising an eyebrow. ?And where?s the American flag? Wait?don?t I know someone from the United states??

?ummm?.does your star GPS system work here?? Sanasan asked, changing the topic abruptly.

?I dunno.? Renko said. ?Some of the constellations look familiar but?wait?wait?constellations?kittens?cotton balls?.borders?wait, borders?? Renko?s mind shifted gears in a way rather difficult to image. ?Borders?I feel like I forgot something?or someone??

?Hey, hey, why aren?t there any rabbits?!? Sanasan gasped, changing the topic once more.

?What?s up with those two?? Mitaka asked.

?Renko is best friends with Maribel. Sanasan was a more recent addition to their circle of friends, and, coupled with the fact that she?s rather shy and reserved, she feels a bit like the third-wheel in the relationship. Deep down inside she yearns for time alone with her friends so that she may become more than just a third-wheel.? Satori said. ?That?s why they?re up here, far removed from where Maribel is on earth.?

(that was completely speculative. Nothing in Sanasan?s profile or posts suggest this is so)

?But Maribel isn?t here, right?? Mitaka asked, racking his memories on Touhou lore. ?I mean, why should it matter now??

?Which is why this bothers Sanasan deep down. She feels guilty for feeling that way. Thus why she?s offered to accompany Renko to visit Maribel today.? Satori said.

?Right.? Mitaka said. ?Well?.doesn?t look that serious.?

?It can be.? Satori said. ?Especially as Renko?s link to Gensokyo is so strong that she now relies on an external mana supply as well?Sanasan?s in fact. If Sanasan?s guilt gets in the way, Renko might suffer for it.?

Now there was a bridge between the moon and the earth. They walked up to it and found Parsee standing at one end. Interestingly they could see far enough to see the lone figure standing in the middle, Hiroko, who seemed to be flailing her arms, calling out for Parsee.

?Parsee!? Hiroko cried after Parsee. ?I-Iku!? She turned to the other side of the bridge and called out to Iku?who was an infinitely small dot on the surface of the earth, but still strangely visible. Neither moved towards her, waiting for her to make the choice. But the conditions of the contract meant that moving towards one would leave the other without a mana supply.

?Hiroko is in a dilemma.? Satori explained. ?Parsee is inherently jealous of everything. She lacks self esteem and confidence, always feeling inferior to everyone. But Hiroko had reached out to her. Hiroko had cared for her, told her that she was a precious friend to her. Parsee, who has never been acknowledged by others, always ignored by all the people crossing her bridge, who has never felt any sense of self-worth, suddenly felt like she meant something to someone. She cherishes that feeling and loves Hiroko for it. But as a result she became possessive of Hiroko, coveting all her attention. She doesn?t want to share it, share Hiroko?s love, especially not with the likes of Iku. Iku is indifferent, a little laid-back, not caring much about anything. She wouldn?t care if she somehow disappeared either. But Hiroko, being the caring person she is, won?t allow that. She?ll follow Iku around if she needed to, to keep her alive, unaware that was she?s doing is hurting Parsee. And Parsee hates Iku for it, that Iku could so easily win Hiroko?s attention when she strives so hard to be apple of her eye.?

?Uhuh?? Mitaka nodded. ?If the problem was so obvious, all they need to do is just sit down and talk it out properly, right??

?If only it was that simple.? Satori said. ?Some things always remain unsaid, and these become the root of grave misunderstandings, some powerful enough to destroy bonds of friendship and love.?

?Shall we?? Satori asked. And together they crossed the bridge, solemnly passing a frantic Hiroko, before finding themselves back on earth?Gensokyo?s. 

Now they found themselves in the heat of battle once more in a desolate land, filled with the smoke and dust of war and the sound of explosive warfare.

?All tanks rush forwards!? a voice roared from a nearby tank. ?The power of technology shall overcome all!?

??.mind explaining that one?? Mitaka asked, pointing down at the tank commander, Thirty-Four, who was marshalling a huge battalion of tanks atop a high ridge.

??.not too sure about that one, actually?? Satori smiled uneasily. ?He?s put all his trust in his tank and his technology, deciding not to trust anyone else. He sleeps hugging his machine gun at night. He lives in his tank, thinking it offers him better protection than his friends.?

?But the tank?s don?t stand a chance. We need to repair the?? Rika?s voice came from within the tank.

?I trust in my tank!? ThirtyFour shouted. ?You should too!?

?You trust a tank more than me?!? Rika shouted back.

?Alex!? A worried female voice carried across the battlefield as a man came striding out of the smoke, his face locked in an expression of grim resolution.

?Lily! I told you to stay behind with the girls!? Alex snapped at her. ?The battlefield is no place for women!?

?But Alex! You?re weakened! The contract must be draining you! And that Yagi has the sacred scrolls! You won?t??

?Please!? Alex shouted, turning to face Lily. ?If anything happens to you?if Yagi gets you?then I?ll be truly weakened. As long as you?re safe, I can fight. But if you?re in danger like this, I??

?ALEX!? A voice, cackling like a madman, found Alex?s ears. Alex turned in horror to find his former comrade, now his nemesis, standing amidst a cloud of dust and smoke. Behind him, obscured by more smoke, was the figure of someone with a parasol.

?Alex, no! You can?t fight! Not against him! He?ll kill you!? Lily shouted, baring Alex?s advance while shielding him from Yagi. ?You wont? get him! Not as long as I?m alive!?

?Foolish girl!? Yagi laughed. ?As long as you?re alive, he?s ripe for the picking! As long as you?re alive, there is one weakness I can use.?

Horror dawned on Alex and Lily?s faces as Yagi threw his head back and let out one long drawl of laughter.

?Alex used to be alone. When alone, he is strong, devoid of any weaknesses.? Satori said. ?But now that Lily and the girls are with him, he must fight to protect, something he has never done before. His love becomes his weakness.?

?Alex! Don?t!? Lily cried.

?Lily Black feels, deep down, that she is a burden on Alex, that their contract weakens him. But now she is also a weakness, something the enemy can exploit to destroy Alex. She wants to be strong to protect Alex, but by walking out onto the battlefield she puts both herself and Alex at risk.?

A great cloud of smoke and dust washed over them before leaving them in a new location. It was raining. A cold mist stuck to them like tendrils of the dead. They stepped together through the mist, feet falling and splashing on wet stone, until they came across a warm patch of light.

It was a window, rather ornate. Gpop and Koishi?s voice were muffled by the thick pain of glass but they seemed to be enjoying themselves by a warm, cozy fire, snuggling close together in a comfortable couch.

Standing outside the window, looking in longingly, was Merlin, drenched and wet, shivering in the cold, but still resolute on watching Gpop.

?I assume she?s jealous?? Mitaka asked.

?Got it in one.? Satori said. ?But it?s more than that. Team Freud revolves around Koishi and Gpop. As a result, Sanae and Merlin feel left out.?

?Where?s Sanae then?? Mitaka asked.

?Currently in Myon and Suwako?s dream.? Satori replied.

?And that?s Kogasa?? Mitaka asked, pointing at another window further down. Kogasa was standing underneath a torn and ripped umbrella which offered her no protection from the pelting rain. She too was looking forlorn, watching Sho and Yuyuko inside.

?So she?s feeling left out too?? Mitaka asked.

?A little more complex than that.? Satori said. ?Sho looks upon Kogasa as a little sister, but she still feels left out of the Saigyouji group. She is a tsukumogammi who was once a thrown away umbrella, after all. She?s prone to feelings of inferiority and uselessness. She fears that if she wasn?t useful enough, people would throw her away. The fact that she?s stuck in umbrella form at the moment doesn?t improve matters.?

??.right.? Mitaka sighed, nodding. ?I thought it was tough for the beast youkai?but the tsukumogami have it harder, don?t they??

The mist grew thicker, almost choking them. Now they were in what looked like a misty graveyard. Rain continued on falling, fittingly.

?Man?if everyone else?s was that bad, what about mine?? Mitaka asked, worriedly. ?With Alice like that?.did I fight with her in my dream??

?Yes, but it was nothing like the fight you had in real life.? Satori said. ?Problems in the subconscious carry over into real life, but in small, subtle ways. However, their repercussions can at times be major.?

??in fact, this one is yours.? Satori added, nodding at the lone girl standing by a set of graves.

?Alice?? Mitaka stepped up to her. ??.but she can?t hear me.?

?Just watch, will you?? Satori said, impatiently.

?Where are the others?? Mitaka asked, looking around for more figures hidden in the mist.

?Here.? Satori said, nodding at what Alice was looking at.

Five tombstones stood, bearing the names of each of the members of team FUBAR. All except for Alice, miserable, wet Alice, who was dressed in black interlaced with chains that tethered her to the five tombstones.

?This graveyard contains the bodies of everyone who ?died? in Gensokyo the day it collapsed.? Satori said.

?But?nobody died, right?? Mitaka was suddenly shaking. ?They?ll all be restored, right? Yukari said?Yukari said?otherwise I wouldn?t have?.?

?Yes, yes, they didn?t ?die? in that sense. But as far as Alice is concerned, they?re as good as dead.? Satori explained. ?The mere fact that she survived and nobody else did makes it so. She is more alive than them, thus they are dead to her.?

?That?s utterly screwed up logic.? Mitaka muttered. ?If we?re sharing the dream, why are the rest of us dead? She knows we survived, right??

?Because Alice?s feelings are strongest at the moment, overpowering all other concerns of the team.? Satori said. ?Thus why the rest of you became as she projected, you?re all dead under those tombstones.?

?This was all your fault.? Alice muttered in the direction of Mitaka?s grave. ?You shouldn?t have taken all of us. You should have left me behind.? She gestured at her chains. ?I was a burden. A burden that dragged you all to your graves!?

?Can?t you all be more grateful?! I was prepared to die for all of you! I was prepared to give my life just to give you a few extra hours!? A voice echoed across the graveyard. Mitaka almost leapt. The voice was coming from his own tombstone. A stone face in his own likeness was protruding from the stone, the epitaph scored across its forehead.

?I?m grateful, Mitaka! But look what happened! You?ve all died!? Alice cried desperately. ?Just let me go?for their sake. I don?t want to be a burden! I don?t want to hold you all back!?

?Shut up! SHUT UP!? Mitaka?s head  boomed as if ignoring Alice. ?Do you know how much I gave up for you?! I was so weak a 4th grader could?ve pushed me over! Do you know what they called us?! We were team FUBAR! Do you know what stands for?! I was one of the team?s weakest! So stop whining! I never wanted to be this way! Heck, if I had a choice, I want to be like that Kojiro guy, or maybe that Owlbear person! They don?t? seem to be bothered by 4 or 5 contracts. Noooo.?

?It?s not fair! I?m still alive. You?re making me live on! You?re forcing me to continue surviving while everyone else is dead and gone! How is that fair?!? Alice cried. ?Hourai?Shanghai?.everyone else?? Alice broke down into sobs.

?I don?t?.get this conversation?.? The real world Mitaka muttered over to Satori.

?Neither do I. Now do you know what I go through? If you people don?t understand your own thoughts, how can I?? Satori sighs. ?And I can?t block them. It gives me a headache.?

?It?s not fair to Reimu and Marisa!? Alice shouted hotly, choking back tears. ?I?m a deadweight! As I am now I can?t do more than throw my grimmoire at people! Without me you?d all have more mana between you!? Alice shook her chains violently, before finally falling in defeat. ?Stop hurting yourself for me?I don?t deserve it?they deserve it more? She whispered.

?And that is you.? Satori nodded. ?Not listening, not caring, wrapped up in your own selfless self-sacrifice, but forgetting that you?re hurting others in the process. You don?t want to hear that what you did was wrong. You just want others to accept it as you have. To soldier on like you are. You selfishly think it?s ?right?, you selfishly think it?s the ?saintly? thing to do.?

?But?? Mitaka began to retort, but words failed him. He knew it, deep down inside, that Satori was right.

?You want to be the hero.? Satori said. ?You want to save everyone and everything. Because you love them. But also because you want to avoid the guilt, the weight of not having saved them, of living on when others had died.?

?Alice can?t handle that. She can?t handle living on on the sacrifice of others. She can?t handle living on when an entire realm just died. It?s typical survivor syndrome.? Satori explained.

Slowly everything faded into darkness. Satori remained quiet, allowing Mitaka time to gather himself. He was shaking, trying to manage his thoughts and feelings, but failing.

"Everyone has an ugly side." Satori said, soothingly. "You have to face that. It's not your fault. You do a good job hiding the fact, and that in itself is a form of courage, to be able to go against yourself."

?What?what should I do??? He finally managed, choking down something awful.

?Your synchronization with her is currently the worst, partly because you fail to understand her, partly because she rejects you, and partly because she rejects herself, her own existence. She?s probably in most danger from dying amongst your group, even if you do find her now.? Satori said.

?What should I do now?? Mitaka echoed his question. Flashes of light attracted his attention. He looked up and found what looked like a scoreboard.

?Something I and Amarillo came up with earlier.? Satori said. ?Your current link sync rates. Use this as a guide on where to focus your attention.?


Mitaka?s heart dropped. If Reimu?s sync rate was that low, how were the others?


Mitaka gulped. If Marisa, the most optimistic of the group, was there, then Alice would be?.


Terrible. Just terrible.

?Don?t feel too disheartened.? Satori said. ?100% would mean a complete merge of souls together. At least, in theory. I don?t think I?ve ever seen that before. 20% is typical for your average married couple. Identical twins can manage up to 30%. That?s when you start to think, speak, and act alike. With them you?re just a little short of being best friends?well, with the exception of Alice.?

?Alice is blaming herself for everything. She thinks she?s just another burden on your team. She believes that if she disappeared, Reimu and Marisa would have more mana between themselves.? Satori said. ?Now go after her. She?s in the park by the department store, currently wretching in the girls bathroom in the middle of the park.?

?Got it.? Mitaka said.

?Oh, and Mitaka?? Satori added. ?Whenever you want to dive in again, just go to sleep, or visit me or Amarillo. We can set up a dive anytime.?

?Right.? Mitaka felt he won?t be in a hurry to experience that again. But still, it might prove useful in the future.


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #39 on: April 24, 2009, 12:00:52 AM »
Middle of the Night, Gpop's dream, between Day 1 and Day 2

Gpop found himself sitting in a room beside a cozy fire on the ground. Sitting right next to him was his wife, Koishi. But Satori was nowhere to be found, but the two paid no attention. Gpop also noticed that there is a single window behind him. Quite ornate in his opinion.

He also noticed that there is nothing else surrounding them. Everything else was pitch black except for the fire and the radius that's lit from it, including Gpop and Koishi.

"Do you really love me?" Koishi asked quietly.

"Of course. You're the entire world to me." Gpop responded truthfully.

"Good. Because besides my sister, you're the only thing that matters to me. Ever since I found you, I never found a more interesting human. Ever. Sure you can't fight with danmaku or magic, but I just adore you because of who you are."

Gpop noticed her closed "third-eye" twitched.

"You're also the entire world to me. I know it's heart-breaking to see Gensokyo fall, and everything we owned is lost, but not you. I'm very happy to still see you here. I don't know what I would do without you. Nothing can be more saddening and depressing than to see you gone forever. I can't imagine that. I need you. You're the only thing that completes me. And I don't want anything bad happening to you."

Gpop noticed that her third eye twitched once again, but this time he paid no mind.

"Oh Gpop, I love you...I" Than Gpop noticed that Koishi is leaning forward for a kiss. Gpop noticed the signal, and leaned forward to give her her request. At last, their lips locked, and they continued kissing each other for quite a while.

And then her third eye began to open a bit, slowly though.

At last, their lips unlocked. Gpop noticed the opened third eye, but felt nothing whatsoever and paid no attention to it. When Gpop leaned back he noticed something outside of the ornate window, and notices someone from the outside watching them in the middle of the rain.

But as soon as he tried to catch a better look of the person outside, his visions starts to blur until it becomes pitch black...

The Abandoned Shrine, 6:45 AM, Day 2

Gpop lifts himself up from bed. Beside him to his right is Koishi with her third eye still closed, and to his right was Satori, both still lying in the bed sleeping. He remembered that it was with Koishi by the lake, and Koishi fell asleep on his shoulder. So then he carried back to the shrine. He remembered that as he went in, he found another room with a large bed in it. He decided to place Koishi there with him. How Satori got there he has no idea.

Gpop attempts to remember his dream, but could only remember fragments of it. ", what a weird, but yet romantic dream, I feel. And I can't seem to remember exactly what happened." He scratches the back of his head in confusion. "...but I still remember that person standing outside of the window, I believe...who was that?" Gpop then remembered that the dream ended abruptly as he tried to recognize the person outside.

"Ah well, I don't think it was that important anyways." Gpop told himself as he yawned. And he got himself out of bed and then went on to dress himself.


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #40 on: April 24, 2009, 12:28:49 AM »
During that time of the First Dream

?There is no ?I?, there is no ?me?! Reisen tried! Oh, she did!? A loud, booming voice exploded across the lunar sea of dust. Mitaka and Satori looked around to find Jalal McWallace running across the dust, wearing the American flag the astronauts had left behind as a kilt. ?But there is no insanity for the insane! Lies upon lies! Oh, the stark, raving sanity of immortality is insanity in itself! William Wallace thought he had it hard. But he?s dead! At peace in his grave! EIRIN! TASUKETE EIRIN! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!? He leapt inside the lander module of the Eagle and disappeared.

?Jalal! Wait!? Another figure ran past them after the first. ?Don?t leave me behind! It was my fault! The hourai elixir?.?  It was Eirin.

After Mitaka and Satori left.

"But, you are chasing after an illusion"

Eirin whipped around angrily "What?!?" and saw Jalal wearing a tacky business suit that outsiders would immediately recognize as a shady businessman.


"I am merely a part of the whole. You cannot catch'em all alone. This contract wi--"

Another Jalal smacked him on the head "You and your shady contracts. You can't even read them! I prefer we do this in a straight forward manner." Another Jalal entered in body armor. The scene shifted to a lush plain.

"What's going on here?" Eirin muttered.

"Get back 'ere you grots. I'm the biggest around 'ere and I'm da boss." A double-sized green Jalal appeared wearing some kind of boxy armor and a claw with flames running down it. "The place became a blasted wasteland.

"Ha ha ha," the businessman said, "So you are the manifestation that which keeps us together?"

Eirin spoke up, "So you keep them together in one mass."

"I'm da boss of them and get rid of da one I dun like."

"Oh my, Please don't bother the poor dear with such volume," Yet another Jalal...? She was wearing a civil war era soutern lady's dress.

Eirin was shocked, "Just what could you possibly be a manifestation of?"

"Oh, I was born when you used those pills on both of us."

"I wouldn't expect this kind of manifestation to result from that."

She shifted into one in hooker gear.

"I haven't quite calcified yet. Oh and if you're wondering if I'm a bad thing. The big guy hasn't gotten rid me."

The one in the business suit spoke up, "I'd rather we get to use the tentacles next time."

Eirin was rendered speechless, but this next thing kept her speechless.

The scene shifted to a pool near a willow and grass. There was only one Jalal there. He was a little boy with red pupiless eyes who said, "But I He grafted shepp on high monkey flying eat floundering nothing even today weather the function Abraham sometimes jumped."

"Hey" a voice boomed out, "It's a little late for that. She's gone."

The boy reponded "Really? I see one here."

"A guest, she is always welcome here, go back to the other side. That one slipped through."

Another unknown voice slips in "Murderess"

"I covered that part perfectly. She couldn't have."

Eirin: No, I...

"Used a back door she did."

Voice: of course, you can't kill an immortal.

"I think she's still recording"

Eirin: I didn't want...

But monkeys fish do hate ki for Japan eat a hand never Ragu slut in vain saw never impressed now Jewmiliaevennowgapfatefireknifefoxtensersaidthetensorforcaramelturkishhorsedelightpilnever alwaysfeltspiderway toJacobinseetoneverYagooverpowerednineballlegion.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 04:06:39 AM by Madness Chaser »
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.


  • Guh..!
  • She is just too cute! I swear!
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #41 on: April 24, 2009, 12:30:53 AM »
The Other Mansion, Zei's dream, 1:00pm, Day 2(?) ((OOC: Oi MTG. You said anything goes. ANYTHING GOES. xD))

Zei found himself standing in the SDM's mainhall. Debris surrounded him all over. He just now realized that his friends were gone, but saw Flandre standing before him. Injured, but still alive.

"...why? Did you really have to go that far just to protect a sole person?", Zei asked.

Flandre couldn't say anything, she just felt weakened and fell to the ground. He caught her at the last second.

"..! Hey...don't go away now. I need your answer. Did you GO that far to protect a sole person?", he asked again.

"....Zei-niisan..?", Flan weakingly asked. "....see? I told you I can win..", she softly smiled.

"...I know. You...tried your best.", Zei approved. "...but you shouldn't sacrifice yourself like that."

He then felt a tear filling up in his eyes. I really crying? It can't be.., he thought.

Flandre lifted her hand and softly rubs his left cheek, " now, Zei-niisan.", she said. "You shouldn't feel sympathy."

Zei noticed that he did and grabbed her hand, " I should. Can't you see that you're dying right now?", he asked.

"...the only thing I die for, is to protect you from harm..", she softly said.

"...No. That's....that's not it! I know you're struggling for something else other than that. I know there is something more important than me!", Zei said, while a single tear dropped to the ground.

Flandre reached up for his face, "....always remember.", she smiled once more, then softly kissed his lips. "....that I love you, Zei-kun."

Zei noticed and pulls back, " can't be serious. I thought....that I was never meant to be loved.", he said.

Flandre lastly said, " weren't, but now you are..", she then disappeared.

Zei was left alone in the SDM, but then he realized that everything's switching back.

Opposite Mansion, Bedrooms, 1:10pm(Characters: mainly Zei and Flan)

"JEEZ. That...was one hell of a dream.", Zei woke up.

Flandre noticed him and punched him softly. "Don't wake me up! D<"

"...Sorry. I didn't mean to.", he apologized and got up, then went straight for the door. "I'll be back.", he said, then left the room.

Zei went to the mainhall and picked up today's issue of BunBunMaru and started to read.

"..still, what was she mainly fighting for?", he asked while reading.

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #42 on: April 24, 2009, 12:51:53 AM »
Middle of the Night, Alex's dream, between Day 1 and Day 2

Alex dream that somehow he was back at the Heavenly dragons dojo doing some of his fav training and the most flashy breaking cinder bricks and walls to strengthen bone under the watch of his adoptive father Ryen.

"AGAIN" Ryen said but in a weird echoish voice

it was going well until the suddenly the scene changed and suddenly some of the vertically stacked bricks morphed from lifeless bricks to His love lily black  Daiyousei and the 3 fairys under his watch and when he turned to face Master Ryen he was gone...only to be replaced by...Yagi...the Yagi he fought in the abandoned dojo not the yagi he knew growing up.

"BAHAHAHAHAHA" Yagi was laughing Alex looked around and tryed to bring his fairys to him to get behind him but they always seemed to vanished and stay in front of him his face grew determined

"ALEX" lily said in the same echoish sound Ryen had

?Lily! I told you to stay behind with the girls!? Alex snapped at her. ?The battlefield is no place for women!?

?But Alex! You?re weakened! The contract must be draining you! And that Yagi has the sacred scrolls! You won?t??

?Please!? Alex shouted, turning to face Lily. ?If anything happens to you?if Yagi gets you?then I?ll be truly weakened. As long as you?re safe, I can fight. But if you?re in danger like this, I??

?ALEX!? A voice, cackling like a madman, found Alex?s ears. Alex turned in horror to find his former comrade, now his nemesis, standing amidst a cloud of dust and smoke. Behind him, obscured by more smoke, was the figure of someone with a parasol.

?Alex, no! You can?t fight! Not against him! He?ll kill you!? Lily shouted, baring Alex?s advance while shielding him from Yagi. ?You wont? get him! Not as long as I?m alive!?

?Foolish girl!? Yagi laughed. ?As long as you?re alive, he?s ripe for the picking! As long as you?re alive, there is one weakness I can use.?

Horror dawned on Alex and Lily?s faces as Yagi threw his head back and let out one long drawl of laughter Then.

"DIE ALEX"  shouted as he and his hidden partner attacked Alex and Lily and attacked with what looked like punch attack that moved like a drill..a drill to tear out a beating heart.

"NOOOOOOO" Alex shouted but instead of a death blow when he was awakened in a room next to lily black and the 4 other fairys in his care and dripping in a cold sweat.

"Just a wacked out bad dream...i hope" he sighed

Dispite his shouting he hadn't waked them with it.

He heard Lily black mumbling and moving about in her sleep

"No Alex don't leave me noo don't leave me alone." she mumbled.

Alex just stroked her head and said "Trust in me Lily my dearest love i'll do my hardest to make sure that only nature itself can claim me from you." and kissed her on the cheek which seemed to make her stop both actions he then layed back down since it was still quite too early to stay awake and he was still tired from events from earlyer so he went back to sleep and this time had a peaceful rest.

Inside the Saniwa Shrine inn room #104 9.10 AM day two

Alex is seen with a bag of ice between his legs at the groin

Lily Black is with him Daiyousei and the 3 fairys have been told to fetch alex a drink

"Man for having a good Link with him she sure can kick hard ..ouch.." Alex muses in pain

the fairy's attempt at roadblocking Alice was no better Alice pushed them out of her way dispite their best pleads and sad faces leaving them only able to point to Mitaka and anyone else who followed him her direction of travel then helping Alex back on his feet and getting him relief from the shot to the loins he took trying to stop Alice from basicly commiting suicide.

" There is nothing we can do for her now Mitaka-san and the others must try their best to stop her and persuade her to not give up hope. " Alex tells the fairys

Lily black looked worryed at Alex " Are you sure your ok my love." she asks

" What this? ow. " Alex dispite being in noticable pain still is able to laugh at her question

Alex replys " I've had far worse ..ow.. pain in my life. all this is. ..ow.. is just a reminder that i'm fair from being made of iron if she hadn't caught me off guard with that shot of her's i wouldn't be in so much pain. ..ow... Relax Lily my dear i'll be fine"

Alex adds with a serious tone "i'm more worryed about Mitaka unless he gets a major break or gets enough explosive burst in his mana pool limits he will not be able to support this links for much longer ..ow.. even if Alice succeeds in her suicide."

Lily black in a apolgetic tone "Sorry we fairy girls couldn't stop her we tryed our best without resorting to put a strain on you."

Alex laughed " hey i got plenty of mana you could had resorted to danmaku shot attempt infact i'm sure once i get my linking more firmly done with you girls you might even regain something close to your gensokyo power level after all your all just fairys and not something like Yukari or Flandre in case you didn't remember just being near me was enough to support you guys before i gave you a formal link."

"i'd rather not risked it after all your master's spirit said that the youkai blood in you isn't known for being 100% predtictable if we started to act like we do in gensokyo who knows what would happen." lily black said worry tone of voice

"..ow.. Relax baby not matter what happens we must stick together look to make you worry less ..ohh.. incase something DOES happen to me and i can't support you and the girls do your best to find someone who can regardless of what happens to me i'll forever and always love you." Alex replys

Alex slowly and carefully as to not excastrbate his hurting "happy place" gets up to give lily black a passion fille kiss "That i promise you regardless of what happens i'll do my best to keep you happy." he says

"Thank you my love you know...what do you think about..maybe after all this is over...regardless if we can go back to gensokyo or not...about getting marryed and having a family?" lily black asks

Alex sits down with almost the same care he got back up and goes "WHAT!? Lily my dear i love you but i think we can at least wait a while before that besides i don't even know if fairys and huma. well i know i'm fully human but i'm still MOSTLY human can.."

Lily Black puts her finger on his lips and says "of course they can well assuming the fairy in question is great fairy like sis and me. i get "that time of month" just like human women can you know or have did not not notice the boxs i used to get from that man's shop in the forest of magic uhh what his name oh rinnosuke those pads were so nice in keeping me from soiling my undergarments during then and unlike human women who try the period Rhythm method of pregnancy prevention we fairys know exactly whats going on with our bodys at all times. well unless your a fairy like HER "

"Good grief if that isn't the ultimate husband trap then i don't know what is all she has to do is just not tell me when she's starting and bam she's pregnant." alex thinks to himself

"Don't worry i'll respect your wishs." Lily Black giggles.

If this was a anime Alex would be doing a big sweatdrop right now.


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #43 on: April 24, 2009, 02:32:29 AM »
Some Supermarket, 4:45pm, Day 2, Amarillo & Lily White

In the supermarket, Lily looks in surprise as Amarillo bought enough food for three days and pay using something called "Credit Card".

"I'm more surprised seeing that my card, issued by the Merchant Bank, actually is usable even though is issued far beyond this age." Amarillo smiled, uneasily. "It seems that "Jason" didn't leave any cash here, or it's just that she hid it so we cannot find it."

"I don't know the details, but you say that now that shop belonged to us now?"

"Yeah, I found a file of the shop and it said the property is issued by Jason Satsuki to Amarillo Viridian and Vivian Viridian."

"The later name..."

"It's your fake identity. I'll still call you Lily since that name..." Amarillo smiled,very uneasily "is easy to remember but super hard to read. HER STYLE."


"She's been calling me "A-Chan" and I thought this is...." Amarillo could not continue since she really can't find anything that could describe that nickname well.

"Speaking of Names..." She began to switch her point "Do you think my behavior changed a lot after we end up here?"

"It's about the dream last night, huh?"

"So you are actually in it. Surprised to see myself like this...... Lone-Wolf soldier..."

"But you actually went alone when you were fighting with FARGO back in Gensokyo, right?"

"Not without all gangs of you." Amarillo added "You, Your sis, Dai-chan, Three Light Fairies and... Cirno."

"And now Cirno is captured again, maybe brainwashed again.. like last time.."

"Just thought about it give me a bad memory."

In their last battle against the team-up invade of NOD and FARGO, NOD sent their best assassin to capture Cirno, nailing Daiyousei using a spear on the side wall of SDM in the progress. The Chrono Agents found the body of Daiyousei, cannot go into reincarnation status because the spear goes right thought the heart 2 days later after the capture.

After they found a secret base they are enraged to find that FARGO is using some technology to brainwash Cirno into awaken the "Unseen-Power"

They completely stopped it before it's too late, but they couldn't make Cirno come back since she's in a mad status.

Then Amarillo proceeds to Merge with Cirno - a highly dangerous action indeed - and become uncontrolled after the merge, firing a MAPW-Class-Perfect Freeze towards her teammates and caused mass damage to all the people at the scene.

However the battle ended with they both got their "self" back, and since everyone know the reason behind that they are not blamed for that damage.

After that battle, Amarillo talked to Reimu and the Chrono Agents, telling them that she will split up for a while, and she does until the battle is over.

"See, I never considered my self a soldier in my heart, but as dreams reflected the true part of a human being I'm more confused about my true identity under myself." Amarillo finished her confuse with that.

"I don't understand you humans, you are yourself, not others." As they walk out of the supermarket with a hand full of foods and other stuff, Lily replied after she heard Amarillo's words.

"Well, my case is special. As you can see I'm a projection or clone of another similiar person from an alternative time-space. She is now living normally in her timeline, but I'm here fighting against everything, it's just so weird."

"And she is currently as a memory in your body too." Lily points out "You can directly ask her about that, Satori is coming tonight and you can ask her to bring you to her again."

"Yes, and I'll take you with me too."


"To prove that I and her are different. However, this cannot answer towards the dream I saw, I'll tell her about that dream too."

"I hope you get your trouble solved, you seems pretty off-minded the entire day."

"Yeah, I know. Thanks for notice me that."

As they are talking they didn't notice a figure rushing towards them, and the next second...


"Ouch." It's a pretty short man about 1.6 meter tall wearing a normal basketball T-shirt who have collapsed with them.

"Sorry, I'm tight on time." The man apologized and quickly left.

several minutes later, Amarillo noticed something.

"Something is wrong, Lily?"

"It seems my energy is draining away,," with that word, Lily leaned towards her. That's when Amarillo noticed there is something on the ground where the man have collapsed with them.

It's a remain of what seems like... A testing tube.

"Oh, shoot." Amarillo realized what is going on.

Cirno had been captured, and seemly they had studied her to work out how fairies gain mana from the nature around them, which explained why fairies needs a smaller amount of mana than regular youkais.

However, it seems now Lily White's Ability of absorbing mana from nature have been shut off by some unknown drug.

Must be that glass testing tube is for, the man didn't come from nowhere.

Crush with them, and break the tube on the ground, thus release the drug in point blank.

Now that Amarillo's Mana Spring is not enough to held the suddenly-increased mana needs of Lily. That's why she suddenly seems tired.

However, the only thing the enemy know is "There are fairies among the refugees in the town" they didn't know their position.

If she collapses there the enemy will sure know the drug worked. and blown their position to the enemy.

"Oh, Amarillo, you gotta pull out some idea before we get noticed!" Amarillo thought to herself.

She can merge with Lily White, but the sudden appearance of wings will sure reveal Lily's true identity.

From the looks Lily white will collapse in roughly 5 minutes, 5 minutes is far not enough for them to go back to the shop, nor not enough to have Amarillo increases the rate of her Ability. (with reduced range of course.)

If she can have another five minutes she can do the letter one though.

Five minutes.. If Lily can stay awake for a more five minutes, the problem will be solved.

       Wait... Stay Awake?

She began to look for a certain something in her shopping bag, she bought a lot for herself, but never thought she will use the effect on a fairy first.

She couldn't know if Lily can stand that thing. But now it's only chance.

"Found it."

As Lily White's vision become to blur away she felt something a little sweet but mostly bitter ran through her throat before the vision clears up a bit again.

"What...was that?"

"Well, something handy to both of us now," Amarillo, holding a half emptied can, replied. "just bear it for another five minutes OK?"

Lily nods.

and they barely made it back to the shop on 5:10 pm.

Amarillo quickly put a "CLOSED" sign up with a Hakurei Yin-Yang ball drawing on it, then shut the door tight and lock it, right before Lily White collapsed to the floor into a deep sleep. which would occur 20 minutes earlier if it's not for THAT DRINK.

Amarillo put the can of Java Monsters on the counter, then left the bags at the door, and carries Lily white to their room.

When she is putting all the food into the fridge, she curses for the enemy pulling out dirty tricks like this.

Now the remaining problem is how this effect of the drug will last. It seems she must continue putting more energy on her power for this amount of time.


Break anything that stands between you and them!

Demonlord Pichu

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #44 on: April 24, 2009, 05:08:54 AM »
===Midnight ~ OwlBear's Dream - Sometime after Satori and Mikata's departure===

"Hah! None of them could even get close to Pandemonium's Gate!" Owlbear said as he turned to face his crew...or rather the family he was protecting. His family.

"That's what they all deserve for screwing with the most badass freakin' overlord in Makai!" Yuki cheered with Yumeko giving her a stern look.

"Watch your mouth." The maid warns the wicth rather strictly.

"What?" Yuki said puzzled by Yumeko's tone. "It was a spur of the moment."

Owlbear chuckled and looked to the woman that he loved.

"Owlbear I..." Before Shinki can say another word Luize appears on the scene (rather abruptly at that).

"Owlbear another demon has appeared!" She says in a panic, her appearance looks rough, proof that she may have had a run in with the demon itself.

"Oh? Another ass-monkey wanting some punishment?" Owlbear walked past Luize and layed eyes on a mammoth demonic construct, it's very stature as tall as the castle itself, in fact the only reason Owlbear and the others could even look at the beast at eye level was because they were at the castle's pinnacle. "I'll beat anyone who threatens Makai!"

"No!" Shinki finally reached out and grappled Owlbear by his shoulder. "Stop doing this, it''s foolish and irrational!"

"Eh? What're you getting at?" Owlbear questioned his eyebrow raised. "Don't worry, I'm an Overlord now, I can beat the crap out of anyone 5 ways before they hit the ground."

"No...there's a limit to what you can take..." Shinki mutters softly her eyes not meeting his. "You can't keep hurting yourself for my sake, let me fight's what I must this realm's creator and ruler."

"No, you don't get it..." Owlbear replied "I became an Overlord to, not only close the gap between us, but to protect the things we both hold dear to one another. I wanted to have the power to be by your side and protect the land and people you gave birth to, Shinki."

Shinki looked away. "I know...but it was my carelessness before that had Makai nearly destroyed, I cannot let anyone else suffer-"

"I'm not suffering...I'm doing this to prevent it." Owlbear replies with a smile. "When I get back...I'll be sure to help Yumeko make those snacks you really like, okay~" Owlbear breifly embraces Shinki and leaps off the balcony he can hear the cries of Shinki echoing behind him, slowly loosing volume as he feel further to the infernal plane below him. He looked up and saw the demon that stood threateningly before him slowly grow taller as he slowly reached the ground below...Luize had to have been extremely lucky to surive against a demon like this. No matter, t's existance will end here.

"Hey ass-face!" Owlbear shouted to the hulking eye sore as he touched down and now dashed forward to the mountain of pure demonic evil that stood in front of him. "You want to bust up in her and cause a racket then face me!" He then lunged forward to face his new opponent...who quickly struck at him with a punch to the ground.

...The punch connected. Dead on.

"What...? But...I-" Owlbear hit the ground. Hard. Had he been human, his neck would have snapped in 5 places just from the impact of the fist just now. "How...did he..."

"Ngh...Lucky shot..." Owlbear said as he pulled himself up only to get punched again...this time it was a stronger hit...or was it only stronger because of something else? Owlbear didn't know, nor did he care, he only wanted to be rid of this interloper once and for all, and it is that mentality that helped him get up again and again.

It's a shame, that no matter what method of attack he used, the demon seemed to stop him mid way and counter attack. Each hit he sustained more painful than the last. Eventually, after taking enough attacks that he didn't even know where the hell he was anymore, Owlbear opened his eyes to see the red sky above and the glowing eyes of the demon who beat the shit out of him.

"Shinki..." Owlbear gasped out. "I'm sor-"


===Saniwa Inn - Day 2===

Owlbear's eyes shot open his body jumping up as he finally awoke from the dream turned nightmare. Did he...just die in his own dream? He couldn't really remember (as usual), all he remember were some very epic referances to video games and lots of eye beam action And why did he have a feeling that Mikata fellow and Satori were present in this dream (at least for the beginning half where he was kicking so much ass). He looked around and saw Shinki beside him still asleep a bit more peacefully than he was as a matter of fact.

"...She must be having a better dream than I was..." Owlbear sighed as he stifled a laugh. 


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #45 on: April 24, 2009, 05:22:25 AM »
Opposite Mansion 12:35 (starring Koji & Team Freud)
[after he laid a slightly powered up Remilia who got her physical features back to rest]

Koji had finally lowered the mana links he had with everyone since he increased it only to buff their hunger resistance, there was no loner a need to go behind the normal level that is basically required. However after lowerin them he realized that Remilia's link was still thicker and Youmu's a bit less thick.

Koji: I guess....Remilia and i are a bit closer now huh?...That's cool she needs a really good friend.

Friend. That's the only thing he thought of ever having. He wanted to be a good friend for Remilia but he wasw oblivious to see that she had something else she wanted in her scarlet eyes. Something that only he could only give her.

Koji: Hey Gpop?

He rounded a corner to see the Komeiji sisters and him sitting on the couch reflecting on the little party they had.

Koishi: ...Yeah! when everything is over and done with lets have another pizza party at home sis!

Satori: fufufu. it does sound like a good idea

Gpop: yeah we can invite everyone over and have one huge pizza party in celebration of our victory!

Koji slipped back into the hallway. Just watching Koishi and Gpop made him sick sometimes. He was envious. So envious even Parsee would be envious of his envy.

But it didn't matter, he simply let it go. Its easy to let things go when you lived so so so long. Even if the pain was unsurmountable. He took a deep breath and went back to the group.

Koji: sup guys. talking about celebration already eh? such optimism hehe *puttin a finger under his nose*

Gpop: oh yeah man this has totally inspired me to get stronger and restore Gensokyo ASAP!

Koishi: *glomps him* i never seen you so enthused before ^_^ its so good to see it.

Koji: hehe well we better keep a good outlook. i want to restore Gensokyo and all our friends too.  I miss going to the SDM and Eientei already.

Gpop: i miss our mansion ~_~

Koishi: me too too.

There was a bit of silence for a moment and then Koji spoke up

Koji: well I'm gonna take a nap guys. Sorry to say but i'm exhausted still.  Plus i want to take the time to get ready for later. I'm going to start training with Youmu later on after we rest.

Gpop: alright man sleep well

Satori's third eye glanced in his direction,

Koji: "such optimism....*sigh* well at least if we do restore Gensokyo we have something to look forward to. I'm tired of tired of it....maybe...i shouldn't fight....we have a large team...i'm sure...they could pull it off themselves."

Satori continued to read his thoughts but he was outta range after a while. He was about to go to sleep and knew that Remilia and the rest would link with him perhaps.
Gpop and Koishi decided to take a nap after being so full from the pizza they had. And Satori decided to sleep in the room with Youmu. As much help as she was to everyone she too needed her rest.

Gpop: sleep well Satori, lets try to get some more relaxation for now.

Satori:indeed. my body is tired and so is my mind.

Koishi: Night sis-oh wait its only the afternoon isn't it? *giggles*

So they all split and went to sleep afterwards. Satori climbed into the bottom bed since Youmu took the top,

Satori: how considerate to leave the bottom open for someone else? *happy*

She climbed in bed and tried to sleep but Myon was floating around the room in bizarre patterns and taking odd shapes that it was hard to sleep without ignoring the spectacle.

Gpop and Koishi shared one bed together without any other thought and slept happily.

The only one awake now was Kojiro and the Library team. He decided to go to the library to check on them and found that they too had fallen asleep on the couches in the library.

Koji: *sigh* hehe. i shoulda figured. 

He set the books aside and picked up Koakuma first and carried her to a room close to the library and laid her on a bed. He noticed that her wings were still missing however and thought that he should strengthen the bonds for everyone later eventually.  He went back to the library and got Patchouli as well. She was rather light as expected, but she looked rather cute sleeping.  He put patchouli on the bottom bed and pulled the blankets over her.

Now he was exhausted.

He went to his room and pulled up a veil that enclosed his bed

Koji:....I should give Remilia a veil for her bed too huh?

He had a veil on his bed because his bedroom has a window that gets a lot of sun. But with this black veil over it very little light gets into his bed. Plus he thought it was cool. Some of his old friends would chirp that no one can see in nor out and what he was doing in his bed and hinted towards a lot of things of THAT nature. he pushed his thoughts out of his mind and crawled into bed to sleep at last.

~~~~Kojiro's Dream~~~~

he stands again at the top of a cliff lookin down at many cities that were down below. the wind blew through his hair and clothes freely. His large nodachi was stabbing the earth behind him and was embedded deeply. He stood without saying anythin and just looked down below him. again...*looks around but only through the corners of his eyes* I see a lot from here....*pause* I can see a crime being committed over there....I see a rapist giving chase over there...I can hear the pleas for mercy from a murder from there. I can see a car accident with people trapped over there....The world isn't very peaceful huh?.....

He slumps down on his knees and continues to watch

Koji:  Someone will save them. People are strong to get through their hardships and loses.....There's nothing for me here. How many times should I stop and believe in myself...I dont believe much in anything. Ive seen enough of the pain and the shame and the blame, It dont amount up to anything. How many nights should I walk in my sleep, and I dream of how much I wanna run away...Ive had enough of the stress and the mess I cant take anymore I gotta getaway, Now I, Know why i'm empty inside and i'm sure i've only got myself to blame. And I, Dont try to view the lies its just a waste of time...i'll never be the same

He stood up and turned his back to the city and looked at his sword sticking in the ground. *he stared at it with an emptiness that wasn't goign to be filled by such a material thing but it still had some meaning.

Koji: There's...nothing for is there? The only thing i this blade.

He was about to uproot it from the ground but before he could touch it he heard another cry for help.

He stopped and looked back at the city.

Only he heard it again but it wasn't from the city.

Koji: curious....where is that plea coming from?

??: Please help me!! I don't want to be alone anymore. I dont' want to return to that awful place anymore! Please don't leave me here! I beg you!

The voice was muffled for some reason and he couldn't quite make out who's voice it was but he followed where he thought it was coming from.

??: No!! I need help! i don't want to be this way anymore please don't leave me behind!!

However when he thought he was standing on teh source of the voice where it seems loudest he couldn't see or find it at all. and as he continued to move it would get farther and farther away from him

Koji: I can't hear it anymore...oh...well. Just another obscurity i suppose....I'm sure...someone will help it.

He walked away from the voice and started to hear sobbing and cries again but he passed them off.
~~~~Kojiro's Dream End~~~~

~~~~Remilia's Dream~~~~
Remilia was standing at the ruins of her mansion. All of her subordinates were standin next to her: Sakuya, Hong, Patchouli, Koakuma and Flandre. She looked really depressed as the last bit of rubble fell to the ground.

Remilia: this didn't just happen did it? Sakuya where are the other maids?

Sakuya: they have run off in fear m'lady.

Remilia: *sigh* useless. Why was the mansion decimated like this?!

Sakuya: becasue our gatekeeper is useless m'lady

Hong: N-no! I didn't even see anyone come to the gate at all I swear. I can't protect the entire perimeter of the place when i can only see from the front side!

Remilia: we'll worry about discipline later. Sakuya go tell Reimu and Suika that we need help

Sakuya: i can't do that m'lady

Remilia: why not?!

Sakuya: .....because I'm quitting m'lady. I'm married now and must settle down to start a family

At that Taihou came retrieved Sakuya from the group

Remilia: The hell you are quitting!

She pounced to attack him but then Sakuya used her abilites to skewer her into the ground

Remilia: auuugh! *cough*

Sakuya: you won't lay a hand on him. Sorry mistress but i'm done.

With that they left. after a while she got her arms free from the ground and was in disbelief knwo what I QUIT TOO! I get NO RESPECT around here and you expect me to work 24/7 WITHOUT ANY HELP.THAT'S A LOAD OF BULL**** I'm LEAVING! I don't care if you skewer me. I'd rather DIE then continue to work the way i have! I'm no one's prinny dammit!

With that Hong ran off and fast as she could. Remilia was in shock again and just watched. Patchouli was walking off with Koakuma as well

Remilia: Patchy? your leaving too? don't go please?!

Patchy: I'm sorry Remilia but without a library I can't keep myself occupied. I'm going to search for another well of information to immerse myself. Good bye and good luck to you.

With that the Scarlet Sisters remained alone. Remilia held her sister and sobbed.

Remilia:  I'm sorry Flandre we have to find another home for ourselves again.

Flandre didn't hold her back nor sobbed however, in fact she pushed her away.

Flandre: we? WE? You talk as if we have to move together. I don't have to move with someone who never even visits me much less sees me as a sister! You go and find your own place to go I have a place to call home!

Remilia: w-what? Flan, i never hated you or anything but-

Flandre :but what?! you call not visiting to calm and comfort your poor crazy sister love? I don't think so sis! I'm not gonna move to another place just to be treated the same way again! With seclusion and solitude! 495 years of it! I DON'T WANT ANOTHER 495 YEARS ON TOP OF THAT!

As Flandre yelled at Remilia  someone descended on them both.

??: man stop with the yelling already would ya? i think she gets the point.

Flandre: Zei-niisan!

She ran up and jumps into him happily and lively

Zei: i heard a crash from over here and thought to check on you. Are you okay?

Flan: I'm fine as long as i have you Nii-san!

Zei: heh. alright well lets get going then alright? I'm sure you'd rather stay with me then stay here.

Flan: yes of course lets go!

They flew away and wasn't visible anymore.

Remilia fell there. she was alone. no one to help her up in his loneliest time. She cried profusely. Her sister and the only people she dared to call family had left her for their own reasons. It was her fault she wasn't as kind to them as other people could have been.

Suddenly her sobbing turned to laughter


??: then why are you still crying?

Remilia was struck suddenly by a voice coming from the rubble of her mansion.


??: oh....really? Then i guess you don't need me....I really cared for you ya know?


Suddenly something was thrown from the rubble and landed next to was a sword and a long one at that. On the blade it said "Crimson Devil" on it

Remilia gasped for some reason that name struck her. She felt a sort of pleasing sensation from it. She felt happy but sad at the same time. She started to cry again but with watery eyes looked back at the rubble it came from and noticed a figure in the distance walking away.

Suddenly a large shadowy figure loomed over her in the sky and spoke to her.

??: my seems you have been cast out even by the world you escaped to, did you honestly think that you could get away from me? My daughter...stop this nonsense and return is the time. There is nothing for you here.

The figure talked as if he knew everything. It was her father, the original Scarlet Devil known for the name for different reasons. Remilia was frightened, horrified and didn't want to give in to this figure as it came closer and closer to claiming her again.

Remilia spoke with choked breaths back at the figure walkin away from her.

Remilia: Please help me!! I don't want to be alone anymore. I dont' want to return to that awful place anymore! Please don't leave me here! I beg you!

The walking away figure didn't stop but its voice was still hearable.

??: No your strong. you said yourself you don't need anyone to help you. I'm sure you'll manage somehow.

Remilia: No!! I need help! i don't want to be this way anymore please don't leave me behind!!
She started to run after the figure that she felt was warm and caring while running away from her father.
However, as she got closer so did the darkness behind her. She cried and ran as hard and fast as she could.
Sobbing and crying for help

~~~~Remilia's Dream End~~~~

Opposite Mansion 5pm End
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


  • 不聖女
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  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #46 on: April 24, 2009, 08:47:04 AM »
ABANDONED SANIWA SHRINE, Karuisuwa, 10.10 am

"I grow hungry and impatient, Yoh-kun..." Meira said, becoming rather peeved at this clearly fruitless endeavour of finding other people. In the end, it appeared that there was an Opposite Mansion where ALL the people actually were. Didn't complicate matters that only now did Hirowaza remember the dream he had prior to returning to this place, being the sole impetus for his fatigue and for his falling unconscious. It was somewhat forebearing on his mentality, perhaps it reminded him of somethings, but then he realized that Meira was not lying about being hungry, he could indeed hear the rumblings from Meira's stomach, and sitting around here dawdling like idiots wasn't going to do anything very worthwhile. "I'm so sorry," Hirowaza said softly. "Let's just go get something to eat, we can go to the store and you can pick out whatever meets yer fancy there." Meira responded with a resounding yes and the two of them were on their merry way to the store.

To the store, to the store, to the store! Meira seemed quite excited, as if she hadn't seen one of the things in an eternity.

Some DEPARTMENT STORE in Karuisuwa, 10.30 am

Hirowaza looked at Meira, and could see the gleam in her eyes, a rejuvenated flame that burned up, perhaps this was the cure for the lethargy that seemed to engulf them this very moment. They needed something to eat, and a lot of it. Hirowaza fiddled around with his clothing and procured some pouch, a wallet, and opened it. Meira tilted her head. "Oh, this?" Hirowaza said. "Yeah, this is just... funds, to say." Meira had no suspicion of anything, this was good, because there was absolutely nothing suspicious about what was in the wallet, it was the design that struck her fancy. Some sort of yin-yang was on it, a corrupted one, mind. So the two of them went inside.

Hirowaza and Meira ended up looking around everywhere in the store, tossing things they wanted to eat in their basket, and seemed to be overfilled with stuff by the time they were done, and it didn't even take half an hour. So they managed to purchase all their loot, leaving poor Hirowaza nearly penniless. "That was so worth it!" the both of them said at the same time, almost reading each other's minds. High fives were had, and the two of them left with bags full o' loot.

"Let's eat already," Meira said. "We can go to that park there."

"Yes, let's..."

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • Guh..!
  • She is just too cute! I swear!
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #47 on: April 24, 2009, 11:11:06 AM »
Opposite Mansion, 5:10pm, Mainhall. (Characters: Zei, Flandre, Reimu(only a reference), Reisen, Shizuha, Mystia)

Zei couldn't help it, but could hear a distant dream being take in place as of now.

He wasn't in it, but could experience it. "...what the hell?--", he then felt a sharp pain in his head.

"...shit. This is too bad. No way I can't stay for long.", he shook his head once and laid back in the same chair, everything returning to normal, once more.

He looked at the newwspaper again, but at a certain article. "..ara?-- ...'Original Scarlet Devil appearance took place today at 4:50pm'.."

"ARA?! No way Aya could've taken a pic. No way she learned how to dive THAT easily. NO ****ING WAY.", he threw the newspaper to the side and got up.

Flandre couldn't hear the commotion, she just woke up and left the room, calmly.

" that damn tengu bird-- Ara?", he noticed Flandre walking down the hall and walked off after her. "Flandre? Where are you going?", he asked.

Flandre noticed and look back, "Hm? Hi Zei-niisan.", she smiled softly.

"..I swear. I didn't experience any other dreams besides the one I had. I swear to uhm...", he thought for a second, "I swear to all that is worth in Reimu's donation  box. Which isn't worth nothing.", he said.

"...guess you know already, Nii-san.", she said and went on to check on Reisen and Mystia.

"Know about wha-- ...they left. Huh.. I have a feeling we're forgetting something.-- ..nah. Best to leave Shizuha alone with her sis. God knows how much she missed her.", he said.

Flandre grabbed his hand without his attention and ran on to the mainhall. "WHAT THE--?!", Zei barely ran after her, but she stopped right at the table.

"Wh...what is it?", Zei said, his face slightly red from the sudden attention.

"Zei-niisan? Explain this. Please?", Flan softly asked and pointed to the same article Zei was reading.

"?!", he grabbed the newspaper, "You...shouldn't know about that. It's a long story. LOOOOOOOONG story."

"What about a long story?", a lunatic rabbit spoke up.

"REISEN! Goddamn you scare me.", Zei said. "How was your sleep?", he asked.

"Couldn't have been worse.", a night sparrow answered.

"Ah hey, Mystia. Any info on Shizuha?", He asked once more.

"Nope, slept with Minoriko, remember?", Mystia said.

"...ah I see. Well then, any of you guys hungry?", he asked.

"..Not really. Shouldn't we head to a department store already?", Reisen asked.

Flandre noticed the idea, and said, "Department store? Zei-niisan, what's a Department Store?"

" mean where Rinnosuke is-- OH. THAT DEPARTMENT STORE. Nah, Pearl took care of it.", he said and laid back in the chair. "Feel free to run around, AS LONG AS YOU DON'T MAKE NOISE."

Reisen and Mystia left, but Flandre didn't. She just continue to ask question, being the curious vampire she is.

"..I can't explain. It's too much information.", Zei said.

"Awww...", Flandre pouted and left.

"WAIT! I didn't... auugh..", he got up and walked off after her.

Opposite Mansion, 5:20pm, end.

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #48 on: April 24, 2009, 01:08:08 PM »
Outer Wastes 5:30 PM Day 2

Frank's dream

It was the same dream he had as far back as he could remember. He were still in that room. Those massage chair lining the walls. Those chair filled the room with overwhelming malice and dread. He had to get out. He had to get out! These chairs, his first memory was waking up in them. He couldn't remember who he was, why he was there. He gathered others warning them of the chairs. Some refused to listen and sat in them.

"No! those chairs are evil!"

"What are you-"

Before the victim could finish his sentence, the chair started. First, a shoulder massage to ease him. Then a leg massage to keep him. And a back massage to finish him.

Always, he couldn't save him.

end of dream

Caboose: Frank, Frank.

Frank: mh? What is it?

Caboose: We're here.


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #49 on: April 24, 2009, 03:06:01 PM »
Tourist Helpers, 05:10 pm, Amarillo

After carrying a sleeping Lily White to the bed, Amarillo thought for a while, then decided to dive in Lily's dream for some clues.

So she get on the bed and soon fall asleep after that.

Amarillo's own World

Amarillo is running in a corridor, there are lots of doors along side them, with different labels, points to different location.

She ignores all of them, continue running to the very end of the corridor.

At the third-to-last door she stopped, looking at the label "Viridian Forest".

and she tried the door.

It's locked.

"Guess so." Amarillo sighed. Then run towards the next door. Labeled "Gensokyo".

she opened the door, finding herself facing a barren land.

She closed the door.

then she turns to face the end of corridor, the last door.

It has no label.

Amarillo take a deep breath, and opened it.

Within the door there is a large room, there is nothing in the room but a huge pool. There are water-like liquids flowing in the pool.

Actually it is water, however it seems more blueish.

This is nothing but the representation of her Ability.

Amarillo smiled uneasily facing the only 1/3 full pool. Then she jumped in.

There is a hole in the bottom, however it's more like a warp gate.

Amarillo swam into it.

She end up in another room, facing one door.

There is the label on the door, "Lily White".

She turn back to find her own door behind her, labeled "Lin Xiyin"

"Seems that door is the only thing that refers me by my CodeName, whatever."

She opened the door, and stepped in.

Lily White's world

Amarillo is surprised by what she see.

"What the -- " She looks at the now completely new view.

There is giant gears, spinning in the sky, which is in an unusual orange colour.

The ground is plain soil, and there are nothing but weaponry on the ground.

From cold weapon such as swords and spears, to assault rifles and hand guns.

There is even an RPG lying not far away from her.

"Must be the drug's doing, huh, project someone's mind and replaces Lily White's Dream." Amarillo thought, running on the empty field.

Until she saw Lily White, motionless, tied on something she is very familiar to.

A black-colored spear without any decoration, a sharp arrow is on the top of it. The spear seems very heavy.

The Exactly Same spear that's used by the NOD Assassins.

The Exactly Same kind of spear that pierced through Daiyousei's chest in the last battle guarding Gensokyo.

"Seems they took it from Cirno's memory." Amarillo can't stop herself to thought the worst possibility.

"There are NOD and/or FARGO involved into these events."

But the first priority here is to save the fairy, if she had been released the place will return to normal.

She walks up to Lily and awake her.

"Why are you here?" asked Lily White.

"Need to ask? to free you from all these mass, "Amarillo pointed to the ropes tied on the spear. "it seems that I only need to cut this..." she took up an army knife and cut the rope.

but the rope reties itself again.

"It's controlled by other's thoughts." said Lily, "I can felt it through all these ties and knots there."

"Then I'll break the evil thought for you, just see." Amarillo lean down and start untie the rope.

"Whoever sets up all these mess... " Amarillo exclaimed when she is untie the ropes. "will face my biggest punishment."

"As I see that your biggest punishment still didn't hurt them, you are just shut down their brain functions." said Lily White.

"Now I wonder why you are staying easy even in a time for this."

"Because you are by my side."

"Oh, well, alright."

"And I noticed you are not with your hat on."

"Is that something important?"


As she undo the last knot on the rope, Lily white is free from the binds, and Amarillo bring her
to the exit, which has the label "Lin Xiyin" on it.

"Lin Xiyin?" Lily read the label, confused.

"It's my codename, every "Modified Gene" have one, I'm MG-04."

"Then the others are.."

"Mr.Spark and Ms.Fairy are MG-03 and MG-02 respectively. There is also one Mister called Grey Moon, who is MG-00, as of my knowledge there is no MG-01. The name are Chinese-Styled names with Lin as the last name and a random two characters as the first name. Their name that's known for others is a direct English translation of their first name, except me of course."

MG-00 Lin Cangyue (林 苍月)--> Grey Moon
MG-02 Lin Xianfeng (林 仙凤)--> Fairy Phoenix
MG-03 Lin Caiguang (林 彩光)--> Rainbow Spark
MG-04 Lin Xiyin(林 希莹)--> Hope Firefly--> Amarillo Viridian

"And as you see that Amarillo Viridian is sure easier to read than Hope Firefly" Amarillo explained

"You are telling stories I couldn't understand again." Lily White complained when they emerged from the pool. Lily White's original world had been checked that's returned. As same as her ability.

Then she dragged the door to the weaponry out onto the corridor and labeled the door "Weaponry World"

she is about to leave and suddenly saw the previous men facing them.

"So it's you who freed her." The man said coldly "You have become a disturbance of our holy project, I wonder what will happen if I finish you both there."

"You!" Amarillo is surprised, but soon she smiles "I'm looking for you and you come here by yourself? Don't forget whose dream you are in right now."

"What?" The man panics, "Isn't it my imagery?" Then he realized what is going on "Da*n you!"

"You hurt my friend mercilessly like that, tie her to a spear in that world." Amarillo continues "So I think there is no need to have mercy for you, I guess." She lifted the man up and throw him into his own creation, then shut the door and lock it from outside, thus banned the man from going out.

"Pay for your sin!" Amarillo threw the words at the now non-functional door, then they quickly left.

The door is then disappeared since it's not a part of their dream anymore.

5:20 pm, Tourist Helpers Day 2

They both wake up on the bed.

"You are sweating!" said Lily white.

Then Amarillo noticed that her clothes are all wet due to her sweating in the dream.

Possibly happened when she's untie the ropes.

"Well, that's all right. I thought a shower will take care of it, I need a change of clothes too."

"And you can act really cool back there."


"..Even without your hat." Lily finished her sentence.

"I just won't forgive anyone who hurt my friends, that's all."

"Thank you. But what about the bad guy?"

"Well, he is basically trapped in his own world, and will not wake up unless he can destroy the world by himself, which for him is nearly impossible."

"Woah, that's harsh."

"Compare what he did to you it's the most peaceful way to punish him. I can easily disable all his brain functions since it's MY dream he's in. However I keep him good and just locked him."

"So I'm right at the beginning that somebody will save me from that suffering..."


"Ah, nothing."

"All right, I'll go for a shower, if there is any of our friends coming, invite them in but don't let them go near the shower room."

"Understood." Lily white giggles. "If they did?"

"No YOU won't let it happen."

"Well, all right."

Break anything that stands between you and them!


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #50 on: April 24, 2009, 05:44:24 PM »
Gpop's/Koishi's/Merlin's(?) Dream, 12:40PM, (Characters: Gpop, Koishi, Merlin, Satori)

Gpop found himself in a middle of the forest. Whatever forest it is he has no idea. But all he knows is that right beside him is Koishi, and in front of them is a huge, dark beast with black tentacles around it. The entire body, in fact, is black, except for its large, red eyes. Both Koishi and Gpop are prepared to fight it.

"Whatever this thing is, we're not going to back down!" Gpop yelled.

"This is going to be fun!" Koishi added.

Then the two charged the huge beast.

Koishi flew up into the air, and started to shoot her heart-shaped danmaku at it. The monster was trying to hit her with its tentacles, but to no avail, as Koishi easily dodged them.

As the beast was preoccupied with Koishi, Gpop, from below, ran towards it and started striking it with his fists. Bits and pieces of the monster started to fly everywhere as he hacked his way through.

The monster was crying in pain, but both Koishi and Gpop felt no sympathy towards it whatsoever. At last, the beast was in many small pieces, unable to fight any longer.

Koishi descends towards Gpop. She lands right beside her.

"Well that was quite easy, and fun!" Koishi said.

"Yeah, we should do this much more often!" Gpop added.

Then the two turned around and started to walk away from the defeated beast.

But as they did so, parts of the beast on the ground began gathering up. Gpop and Koishi did not seemed to notice this, as their backs are still turned away from the beast. The pieces, as they gathered, began to form the exact same beast once again.

Then the beast was finally completed. As it roared, it used one of its tentacles to reach for Koishi. Both Gpop and Koishi heard the roar, but as they turned around, they noticed that it was too late, as the beast already managed to wrap one of its tentacles around Koishi and quickly pulled her in.

Gpop watched helplessly from the ground as Koishi struggles to escape, but she is unable to do so because her arms are also wrapped by the tentacles as well. Gpop attempts to charge the beast, but this time it noticed him, and whacks him with another one of its tentacles. Gpop was sent flying in the air and hits the ground hard and lands on his back, distant from the beast.

Gpop gets up, and found himself once again helpless.

"Damn it...why can't I do anything...WHY! I CAN'T DO ANYTHING WITHOUT MAGIC!!! I'M JUST A REGULAR HUMAN!!!" Gpop cries to himself.

"GPOP, RUN AWAY! SAVE YOURSELF! JUST LEAVE ME!" Koishi yells at Gpop in fear.


The beast starts to tighten its grip on Koishi. "AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Koishi screams in pain. Gpop couldn't bear to hear her scream as the beast continues to tighten its grip, crushing Koishi in the process.

"KOISHI NO!!!" And Gpop attempts to run once again towards the beast.

As he does so, Koishi yells, "GPOP NO! LET ME DIE TO SAVE YOU!!! I'D RATHER YOU LIVE THAN DIE!!!"

Gpop stops at his tracks as she said this. "" Gpop felt weak for once. If only he had some kind of magic. Then he remembered...

"I...have to sacrifice all of my mana so Koishi can save herself..." Gpop realized that if he does so, he would die in the process, but it didn't matter to him, because all he cares about is Koishi.

"I...I'M GOING TO SACRIFICE MY MANA...FOR YOU!!!" Gpop yells at Koishi. Then he places his hand on his heart, ready to do so.

"GPOP...NO!!! PLEASE NOOOO!!!" Koishi screams frantically as the beast continues to tighten its grip.

"I...RELEASE MY MA..." before Gpop could finish, another figure out of nowhere flies above Gpop and attempted to attack the monster.

He could see this figure successfully release Koishi by cutting off its tentacle. Koishi began to fall, but Gpop ran quickly towards her and managed to catch her before she made direct contact with the ground.

Then Gpop looked up to see the monster being quickly defeat by this figure. Then out of nowhere this figure releases a huge beam, much like Marisa's Master Spark, but smaller, and blue instead of yellow. The beast disintegrated, leaving nothing behind whatsoever.

Gpop was relieved to see it gone. He looked down to see Koishi, conscious, but very weak. He goes down to kiss her, releasing some of his mana while doing so to recover her. As he did so, he heard crying. He went to look up to see if it was the figure. He could see that it was. This time he noticed that the figure looked to similar to his previous dream from outside the ornate window. So he decided to take this chance to get a good look at this figure before...

...but as he tried to recognize the face, the dream began to become blurry. All he could see was blue hair, but the face was completely blurred out, as well as the hairstyle. Then everything turned pitch black once again.


The Opposite Mansion, 1:00 PM

Gpop woke up from his nightmare. He found himself sweating, and his tears were watery. Koishi was on top of him on her knees. She looked at him worriedly.

"You looked like you had such a nightmare..." Koishi said.

"Yeah...I think I did." Gpop said.

" did I. It involved you though." Koishi said.

"Y...yeah. Mine involved you as well." Gpop said. "And...I...I'm just really glad that you're okay." And tears started to run down his cheeks.

"Me...too" Koishi said, also tears running down her cheek.

They both hugged each other to comfort themselves and each other. Then Gpop realized something.

"Did...your dream involved fighting a giant black beast?" Gpop asked Koishi.

"Y...yeah. It did" Koishi responded. And then she also began to realize this.

"I...I think we're sharing the same dream then..." Gpop told Koishi. He felt like he wanted asked if she knew who the figure was, but decided not to and to keep it to himself for now.

"I think it's best we talked to my sister about this..." Koishi mentioned to Gpop.

"Huh? Why?" Gpop asked.

"Because my sister is know for have such insight on these things. If we're sharing the same dream, there must be a reason for this."

"Well then let's change first."


  • Charisma!
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  • O-ojousama!?
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #51 on: April 24, 2009, 07:10:51 PM »
- - -
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 01:07:29 PM by Helepolis »


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #52 on: April 24, 2009, 07:19:56 PM »
A public restroom in the middle of a small communal park, 10.00 AM, Day 2, Featuring Mitaka, Alice, Reimu, Suika, and Ruukoto

?Alice??? Mitaka felt uncomfortable intruding on a girl?s restroom, but this had to be the place that Satori had mentioned. His feet had done a gallant job getting him here to the park at record speed, but now they were turning cold and failing him when he needed them most. The other girls had refused to come in with him, telling him that it was between him and Alice.

?Err?? He had heard a light sobbing when he first arrived. Now all he heard were soft hiccups. No doubt she was trying to stem her tears. Not wanting to embarrass her by finding her recovering from a fit of tears, Mitaka decided to lean against a toilet stall and talk to a wall instead. ?Sorry, I was just worried that if you got too far??

?You should?ve just let me be!? Alice cried angrily, before suddenly breaking into a fresh fit of sobs.

Mitaka sighed as he waited for the outburst to subside.

?I?m ready to die.? Alice said, trying to sound defiant despite her voice shaking. ?So just leave me alone. Save your compassion for the others.?

?Can?t. I?m stupid like that.? Mitaka said.

?That?s the problem!? Alice suddenly burst out. ?Marisa and Reimu deserve better! Your stupidity is putting them in danger! If you can even begin to understand your responsibilities to them, your duty??

?I have a responsibility to you as well.? Mitaka said. ?Nothing can change that fact now. What?s done is done.? Mitaka said.

?But still?? Alice began. ??if I die now??

?I had planned on dying as well, you know.? Mitaka suddenly interrupted. ?I didn?t want to tell you all this?.but I never planned on contracting myself to all 5 of you. My plan was to give away all the mana I had there and then along with my life so you 5 can survive long enough to be picked up somebody else. Maybe Kojiro, Owlbear, Gpop, Alex, or the others who can sustain multiple contracts effortlessly. But that didn?t happen. I survived by some freak accident?and the stupid vow Yukari taught me binds me to you all until the day we all die.? Mitaka said, rather impatient with himself. ?There, I said it.?

??.that doesn?t change this fact either.? Alice said. ??that my death will allow Marisa and Reimu to??

?Do you think Marisa and Reimu would want that?!? Mitaka shouted in exasperation. ?Do you think they?d be happy living on, knowing you died for their sake?! Think of how badly that would mangle the contract! They?d die anyway out of depression!?

?But I?m already living on on somebody else?s death!? Alice cried back. ?All of Gensokyo?s!?

?We are too.? Mitaka said. ?I love Gensokyo too. The few months I lived there were the happiest days of my life. I made a lot of friends there, a lot of whom are now gone. But that is why I have to live on. I want to restore Gensokyo and my friends with my own hands. I don?t want to entrust it to anyone else if I can. It takes courage to sacrifice yourself, but it takes even more courage to live on when everyone you care for are gone. Death would be the easy way out. Do you want the easy way out?? Mitaka asked Alice. ?Or do you want to grasp the courage to fight on? To justify Gensokyo?s sacrifice? To make your life worth that sacrifice??

?You?re all talk!? Alice shouted back. ?Humans are always good with their lips, sweet-talking their way through anything! You seriously think we have the strength to do anything now?!?

?No.? Mitaka said. ?We don?t. But trust me, I will strive to gain that strength, no matter what it takes, so that you, all of you, may get your powers back. I will fight to restore Gensokyo until my dying breath. I promise you that much.?

Silence fell. Alice?s breathing seemed to be slowly recovering. Finally, she spoke once more, in a calmer, more even voice. ??.that?s fairy dung?? She said.

??yeah, I know it?s not worth much, but it?s all I have now.? Mitaka said.

?Yeah, but I suppose it?s fairy dung I can live with.? Alice sighed, unlocking the door to her stall and coming out, drying her eyes on her sleeves, making no attempts to hide the obvious. ?Just promise me one thing.?

?Yes?? Mitaka asked.

?That you?ll scratch out the ?until my dying breath? part.? Alice said. ?And that you won?t try anything stupid like dying on us again.?

?Huh?? Mitaka was surprised at the sudden show of concern on Alice?s part. Was she worried for him? Was she??

?Because, knowing Yukari, it?d probably be something stupid like all of us dying if you die and vice versa.? Alice said, point-of-factly.

?Ah?.? Mitaka sighed. He was wrong for getting his hopes up.

?Besides, if you died, it?d bother some people, you know?? She added, seemingly as an offhand after-thought. But Mitaka spied out of the corner of his eye a blush blooming on Alice?s cheek before she quickly turned her back on him to conceal it.

?Let go of me!? A voice yelped from outside.

Mitaka and Alice traded looks of apprehension. ?Suika!?

They both rushed out to find Suika dangling precarious in midair, held up by the scruff of her collar at arm?s length as she struggled and kicked out at her captor, a young man with spiky, oily hair, wearing a pair of shades, a sleek casual suit, and a slimy smile. Suika?s struggles proved in vain, her oni powers having long since left her, leaving her a little more than an average human child.

A large group of similarly dressed men had surrounded the small public bathroom, penning in team FUBAR and cutting off any chance of escape. Another man tried to grab Ruukoto and lift her?he strained and puffed, veins popping up on his slowly reddening forehead as he tried to lift the android up?but to no avail. Ruukoto wouldn?t budge. ?B-boss, this girl weighs a ton!?

?H-how dare you?!? Ruukoto gasped, blushing profusely as she smacked the man?s hand away. The man recoiled, holding his smacked hand limply, gritting his teeth while biting back pain as if his hand just smashed into a metal baseball bat moving at 50 Mph.

?You?re just weak, Saru.? The one who was presumably the boss shrugged his underling aside. ?She?s just a little girl?in a maid costume no less.?

?Sheesh, if you?re alls that pressureds to use the littles boys rooms, then goes right aheads ze.? Marisa said. ?We?re all dones here, daze.?

?Be quiet. I want to speak to the man of the group.? The boss, who was holding Suika up, said, while nodding over at Mitaka.

?Let her go!? Mitaka shouted, stepping forwards in outrage, only to find a bamboo shinai pointed in his face.

?Now that I have your full attention?? The man said, with relish. ?I have gathered from a trustworthy source that you people are planning on reopening the inn and shrine, yes??

??.? The group remained quiet. Mitaka wasn?t too sure they?d be able to get out if a brawl started. His group was nowhere near ready for fisticuffs. How he wished he had Jeremy?s skill for cunning rhetoric. ?What shrine?? Was the best he could come up with. Curse that Amakawa girl. It must?ve been her. There?s no way anybody else in town would know anything about them yet.

?I?ll take that as a yes.? The man said. ?My name is Ryoji. Ryoji Takei, and I represent Seto Business Development Enterprises.?

?Oy, what sorts of business development enterprise would hires a gorillas like yous ze?? Marisa asked. Reimu nudged her, signaling her to be quiet.

?Pretty mouthy girls you have there, boy.? Ryoji said, eyeing Marisa, a gleam of maliciousness in his eyes. ?I?d watch that one. You should teach them to know their place.?

?Anyhow, we just wanted to warmly welcome you new folks to town, you know, one businessman to another.? Ryoji said. ?Karuisuwa is a tight-knit community, you see, and we like to keep it that way. Straight to the point - what say you buy into our communal long-term business plans? Everyone in Karuisuwa contributes towards the city?s development. You should too. For your benefit and that of the town.?

?I see.? Reimu said, stepping up, signaling to Mitaka that his current strategy won?t get them anywhere. ?We can?t make the decision on this alone. We?re a team, and so we have to decide together as a team. We?ll get back to you once we?ve agreed on something.?

?Oh, I believe we have a misunderstanding?? Ryoji sighed, giving Suika a shake, causing her to yelp in panic.

?HEY!? Mitaka shouted, stepping forwards once more, but Reimu barred his way, urging him to keep his patience.

?You see, you?re under the impression that you have a say in this. Unfortunately this is how the town works and you have no options. You pay for security, we provide it. It?s that simple.?  Ryoji continued. ?So, do we have an understanding??

?Ergh?.? Mitaka knew he?d be failing everyone else if he said ?yes?. But what choice did he have now? Think?think?

Reimu nodded a small nod at him. He caught a glimpse of Ruukoto nodding out of the corner of his eye as well.

Saying ?yes? was out of the question. If he did, he?d be surrendering on behalf of everyone else. He couldn?t drag everyone else into this. And so?

?.there?s no harm in cheating a cheat, right??

Mitaka grasped the bamboo shinai, surprising Ryoji for a split second as he pulled it sharply towards himself. Meanwhile, his feet was already on its way down towards a patch of sand he had been standing on. With a wide sweeping kick, he sent sand and dust flying straight into Ryoji?s face.

?AGH!? In his reflex to shield his eyes, he dropped Suika, who immediately gave him a sharp high-kick where his grandchildren would feel it. ?...eep?? He squeaked, as he fell to his knees, clutching his family jewels.

?Wow?? Alice nodded with approval. She couldn?t have done it better herself.

?RUUKOTO!? Mitaka shouted, clutching the shinai defensively. ?NOW!?

?Yes, Mitaka-san!? Ruukoto nodded. ?Karakuri-Sign??

?Shield your eyes!? Mitaka hissed to Marisa and Alice as he grasped their hands. Reimu, meanwhile, knowing what was going on, was way ahead of them. She was rushing forwards towards where the line of yakuza was thinnest.

?Stop her!? Ryoji breathed. Immediately the yakuza in her way bore down on her?

?eliciting a small smirk of satisfaction from Reimu?

??.EDISON?S LITTLE MIRACLE!? Ruukoto cried out.

Mitaka saw the blood in his hands and eyelids at the back of his eyes, despite having closed and shielded his eyes to the best of his abilities. Ruukoto?s built-in flashbang ability was as bright now as it was the day she and Reimu saved him from that spider youkai. He heard screams of pain all around him. He knew their eyes must be burning now. That would buy them a few seconds?

?Flashbang maneuver complete.? Ruukoto reported. ?Light intensity back to normal. It?s safe now.?

?MOVE!? Mitaka, still holding Marisa and Alice?s hands, urged Ruukoto and Suika on ahead of him towards where Reimu had cleared a path for them using well-aimed knees/shinai-to-the-groin on the blinded foes.

Reimu tossed the shinai back to Mitaka as they ran for an alleyway bordered by a large department store.

?They?ll go for the others if we?re not careful.? Reimu said aside to Mitaka. ?We have to set an example, here and now, to prove that we can?t be messed with.?

?How?? Mitaka asked. He felt a little ashamed for having thought about running away, but he felt saving the girls was a higher priority. However, Reimu?s voice rang true in his head. She?s right. Running away now endangered everyone else. They had to resolve it here and now.

??in here.? Reimu gestured over at an open door that led into the back of the department store. ?I?ll stand here and lead them in. You prepare something to fight back with.?

?The shinai?? Mitaka offered it to her, but she shook her head.

?I?m a peaceful miko of the Hakurei.? She said. ?I have no need for weapons of violence.? She said sweetly. ?Now go!?

Maribel?s Dormitory Room, 12.10 AM, Featuring Ben, Mig, Shinjiro from RAI Force 1, Jeremy, Ran, Chen, Yukari, Sanasan, and Renko from Team Gensokyo[/u]

(OOC: This takes place about 2 hours after the yakuza attack. Rabbit, all right if I move up Ben?s arrival up by a week to fit in here?)

?So why are we searching this girl?s room again?? Ben sighed, sweatdropping majorly as he picked up a pair of underwear and tossed it aside.

?Because we?ve been assigned to.? Mig muttered, knowing it was a lame reason, but there?s no arguing with the top brass, is there? ?Something about finding any clues regarding?borders?? He sighed. The top brass loved to be vague and cryptic. Perhaps they derived some sort of sadistic pleasure from it.

?I don?t get it?? Ben said, eyeing a bra suspiciously before tossing it aside to join the underwear. ?We got transferred to some random new team, end up assigned to chase down girls in dresses up and down some ass-end-of-nowhere mountain, then we get to search some girl?s room the very next day. Now?seriously, I feel like a criminal.?

?Get out of if you can?t handle the heat.? Shinjiro muttered under his breath. Darned incompetent newbies, he thought.

?Don?t ask, just do.? Mig sighed. ?I?m not sure what I?m doing here either, but it?s got to be important if all our countries are working together on this. I mean, look, for all you know this girl might be hiding a serious threat to the government. For example, look at the cunningly hidden weapons of mass destruction in this lipstick.?

??.it?s just a lipstick?? Ben said, flatly.

?See? That?s the cunning part. She wants you to think it?s just a lipstick, when really, it?s a?? Mig began.

?Shut up. Less talk, more search.? Shinjiro snapped at the two newbie agents he had ended up stuck with. A mage of his caliber?he shouldn?t be down here doing menial field work of all things! He belongs in the shadows, in the dark, where things would go bump and he?d crush them underfoot with bumps of his own. ?The sooner we find something passable, the sooner we can leave.?

A loud banging on the door caused all three agents to jump abruptly. They all looked at one another, sharing looks of apprehension.

?Maribel!? A voice called out from the other side of the door. ?If you?re in there, answer me! Maribel!?

?Tch, run for it!? Kuroyama hissed to the group, gesturing for the open window.

?I heard something in there?? A man?s voice came from the other side of the door. ?If Maribel is in, she?d answer us.?

?Maribel! I?m coming in, ready or not!? The girl?s voice declared.

?It?s an alleyway.? Ben hissed back.

?Just jump!? Mig urged him.

?TRICK OR TREAT!? Renko kicked the door open. Splinters flew everywhere as the door knob scored a 3 pointer in the dustbin opposite. 

?Search and destroy!? Yukari added from behind as the group stormed into the room behind her.

?Eh?? Renko?s eyes swept over the messy room, took in the situation, and looked over at the open window. Just as Sanasan was picking up a discarded piece of underwear, Renko shouted. ?OY! YOU THIEVES! WHERE?S MY FRIEND?!? She yelled after the three retreating figures who were leaping over rooftops in an effort to get away. ??AND IF YOU STOLE THE ORIGINAL DISGAEA CD I LENT HER, YOU?RE ALL DEAD!?

?Crud! Run!? Mig shouted to the team.

?Why?! What from?!? Ben shouted back. ?Don?t we have diplomatic immunity?!?

?Can?t you see that girl has murder in her eyes?!? Mig shouted back. ?I can?t handle women! Especially not psychotic ones!?

?What did she say about a cd?? Ben asked.

?Don?t know, but whatever it is, it?s reason enough to kill us!? Mig shouted back. 

?Jeez?.what on earth did I do to deserve this?? Shinjiro?s palm met his face. ?And it was just some stupid old game?? He added to himself.

?Kono?.~? Renko muttered under her breath as she climbed onto the window sill. ?ORAAA!? She yelled, leaping out and sailing over an open alleyway to land on the rooftop opposite. ?COME BACK HERE!? She yelled, giving chase.

??.? Sanasan watched his friend run off, looked down at the gaping alleyway, looked back at Renko, and murmured ??nyoron~??

?Just go!? Jeremy shoved Sanasan out the window.

?Eyagh!? Sanasan flailed about wildly before barely grasping the other side of the alleyway, forming a convenient bridge.

?NOW!? Jeremy, Yukari, and the cat and fox all ran over Sanasan and into the chase.

??.yes, just leave me here, all right?? Sanasan muttered darkly. ?I?ll just hang around here until you guys come back??

?Move! Renko?ll start wasting away without you!? Jeremy grasped Sanasan by his shoulder and pulled him up onto the rooftop. ?Come on!?

?Oy, we?ve got a truckload of civvies behind us.? Ben shouted over at Mig as they leapt over yet another alleyway. ?And they?ve started throwing shingles at us!?

?No shit, Sherlock!? Mig shouted back as Renko reached down for another roof shingle in mid-run, reared back, and sent it flying towards Kuroyama.

?Agh! The girl?s got some sort of targeting radar built into her!? Kuroyama muttered as the shingle shattered into dust on his magical shield.

?This is too open. We?ve got to?? Ben began.

?The train.? Mig said shortly.

?Wha??? Ben gave his new teammate a strange look.

?The train! We?re taking the train!? Mig shouted back. Beside them, chugging along the urban rail, was the 6 PM commuter train, jam-packed with home-goers.

?You can?t be serious!? Ben shouted. ?I didn?t sign up for this! They got the wrong person!?

?Hand me stuff to throw!? Renko shouted at her comrades. ?Thanks.? She said, accepting a handy chimney bowl from Jeremy. ??Thanks?? She said, a little uncertainly as Sanasan handed her a flower pot. ??err?thanks?? She managed as Yukari handed her a garden gnome.

?She?s started throwing chimney ceramics!? Ben reported. ?And flower pots! And garden gnomes! And?.?

?I know!? Mig shouted back as a flower pot and a garden gnome smashed into a nearby chimney.

??and kittens!? Ben shouted.

?A CAT IS FINE TOO!? Renko roared, as she threw a blazing black furball at them.

?Cheen! Cheeeeeeen!? Jeremy cried after his kitten.

?WHAT?!? Kuroyama and Mig turned around just in time to see the black kitten soar towards them. Horror dawned on their faces.

?MYAAAAAAAAAA~chomp?? It latched its fangs into Mig?s head.


?Don?t worry, she?s been de-beaked!? Yukari shouted at them. ?She might try to co??

?DON?T FINISH THAT SENTENCE!? Jeremy shouted at Yukari.

??.No?.? A look of dread dawned on Kuroyama?s face.

?What?!? Ben and Mig looked around just in time to see a fox sail through the air towards them, propelled by something that must?ve been a pro-baseballer pitcher arm.


?MY ARM! MY ARM! MY ARM! A FOX IS TRYING TO EAT MY ARM!? Ben yelped, flailing Ran around like a rubber duck.

?The train! Get on the train!? Mig cried in pain. They ran off the rooftop and leapt onto the train, landing in a state of disarray all across the train?s roof. Shinjiro scrabbled wildly for a handhold and managed to hang onto a maintenance panel. Mig too found a handhold?Shinjiro?s shoulder, causing Shinjiro to curse in pain. As for Ben, he found Mig?s ankle, causing Mig to yelp and Shinjiro to double yelp.

?Let go! Let go!? Ben yelped, flailing Ran around against the train?s roof. But she held, her jaws clamped onto Ben?s arm like a vicegrip. ?It won?t let go!? He reported to the others.

?Like I care!? Shinjiro muttered as he tried to haul himself into a more comfortable position.

?AGH, look at what you made me have to do!? Jeremy shouted, picking up speed as he neared the edge of the rooftop. He didn?t like this, but if Chen and Ran got too far?

?FOR SOME RANDOM INDIAN CHIEFTAIN!? Jeremy roared as he leapt off the rooftop towards the train, landing neatly in a crouch?.only to have it spoiled by Yukari?s landing on his back.

?What was that for??? Jeremy?s muffled voice asked indignantly.

?Um, for another random Indian chieftain?? Yukari suggested.

?Get off me!? Jeremy scrabbled onto his hands and feet and started running after the escaping trio.

?RENKO!? Sanasan shouted after Renko. ?PLEASE, N~?

?POCAHONTAS!? Renko cried at the top of her lungs as she leapt off the rooftop towards the train, missed her footing, and slipped off the roof on the other side.

?NO! Now look what you?ve made ME have to do!? Sanasan cursed inwardly as he dashed, leapt, and landed on the train, spinning madly, but still managing to score a handhold. He crept over to the edge and looked over and found Renko hanging by a handlebar, her feet mere inches from the rails. ?Just perfect?.? He groaned as he reached for her.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 07:21:31 PM by Mind-The-Gap »

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #53 on: April 24, 2009, 07:38:35 PM »
Thirtyfour's dream

An unknown location in a pocket of mind

NULL Hours, Day 3

The strategic part of the battle was over.

All those tanks commandeered by Thirtyfour were mindlessly charging towards the enemy like conscripts with no real taste of war. The number of tanks was overwhelming to the opponent, victory seemed to be just a notch away. But suddenly, a bright flash blinded Thirtyfour completely. Almost if somebody had shot a flare just right in front of his face. Thirtyfour opened the hatch.

The Challenger II appeared to be in the yard of Saniwa Shrine. Expect that everything was just barren wasteland, with several wrecks of tanks rusting and falling apart.

Thirtyfour dropped his helmet down the tank. It hit the barrel, bounced off the hull and landed in a crater. Gusts tipped it over.

"What happened here?"

"You should have listened to me.", Rika emerged from shadows.

"Just look around for a while."

Thirtyfour appraised one of the tanks. It clearly had an undetonated AT mine under it. Then he took a closer look on one situated near a trench. It had a log jammed into it's drive train, and it's engine was on flames. A boxful of molotovs was near the trench. Another one of the tanks had suffered from repeated HEAT rounds.

"Wake up, Thirtyfour, wake up."

"You can't live forever thinking that a tank will protect you from everything that has intentions to harm you. Just think if you were the next one to be ambushed."

Charred bodies lied next to the tank destroyed with molotovs.

"Wake up. It's time to realise that a tank is just frames and iron hiding your flesh. Time to take your training wheels off."

Thirtyfour turned around. He heard a sound of overcharged generator coming behind a hill. A mean looking helicopter with a very threatening cockpit slowly hovered up the hill, looking at Thirtyfour.

"Oh, god...", Thirtyfour started panicking.


Thirtyfour heard the menacing sound of Sidewinder while trying to escape out of the tank. And that was the last sound he heard, along with that shivering feeling as a shrapnel pierced his neck.
Saniwa shrine inn

Room 136

0710 hours, Day 3

"SWEET JESUS!", Thirtyfour screamed.

He held his chest while going to check the window, breathing heavily. Vegetation was there. The shrine gate was there. The camouflaged tank in overgrowth was there.

He dropped on the floor and sat down, swiping sweat off from his forehead. Phew.

Thirtyfour looked around. Rika had already woken up...

Well, better'd take a shower, the futon is wet as lake bottom.
General goods


0800 hours

Yens? What the hell? Oh yeah, we are in Japan... I don't know how my bank account suddenly got turned into this currency.

Thirtyfour withdrew 10000 yens from his account.

After buying everything, Thirtyfour and Rika walked out of the shop.

Beef jerky... check.

Some steak... check.

Absolut Kurant... check.

A car... a car... what car?

Thirtyfour walked in Rent-a-Car. But most of those cars were even from the 60's. It was like a yard sale for museums. Thirtyfour walked with the assistant down the long assorted lines of different vehicles. He had to find a conventional car for his... well.

Finally, a certain green tractor caught his attention. It couldn't have been any other than the one he was thinking...

Forsooth! It was a Zetor.

Thirtyfour tugged the assistant from his shirt's collar. "I'd rent this tractor, okay?", waving yens.

Sooner or later, the Zetor 25 driven by Rika leaved the Rent-a-Car yard and entered concrete road. Rika was holding a rope tied to a tight spiky collar on Thirtyfour's neck.

"It looks like you have been lacking exercise ever since Vickers employed you! Come on!"

Rika increased the speed until Thirtyfour had to run without a stop to keep up in the pace. She wasn't planning to stop until the shrine.



Rika stopped the tractor, and thought that she had heard somebody other's voice.

Thirtyfour had collapsed to the ground from the momentum.

"We are not done yet. Let's get back in the town. We didn't just come here to buy some jerky and vodka."
Thirtyfour unlocked his collar and started walking back to the town with Rika driving on the side.

Just as I expected, thought Rika.

0815 hours END
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 08:26:47 PM by T34G3 »


  • Red Tenshi
  • 3x More Touhou
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #54 on: April 24, 2009, 10:19:54 PM »
(OOC: God help me, I don't think I can make every post a

Ben clenched his teeth against the pain but it was just too much.  He had never really been in this much pain before and as he felt the teeth sinking through his weak flesh he started to scream.  Nature just hadn't built him to resist pain.  He shook his arm vigorously but the fox would not come off.  Locked in a battle of wills with the creature he tried every method he could to dislodge her but her vise of a jaw would not budge.  Time seemed to slow and the fight between the two creatures raged on.  One of good, the other of evil.  One weak and helpless, the other strong and accustomed to fighting.  One filled with fear and the other...well you get the picture.

"Ghhh...alright.  I saw this on TV once.  I think it will work.  Hiiiiyaaa!!!"

With his palm fashioned into a knife-shape he brought it down swiftly and hard on the back of the monster's neck.  There was a sound like cracking glass.  When he looked down she was still attached and the pain had not yet abated.

"Damnit monster, you don't belong on this arm!  Get off me!"

Thus the struggle between light and dark continued.
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.


  • Good gravy!
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #55 on: April 24, 2009, 10:47:47 PM »
Top of the train, 12:25 AM, Day 2
Sanasan reached down from the top of the train and pulled Renko up. After pulling her up to relative safety on top of the train, he sighed.

".....Is Disgaea really worth jumping onto trains for? I mean, I could've just bought another copy for you..."

"But it's DISGAEA!" Renko shouted. "My memory card was in there too! I swear, if I get that card back and my level 1500 units are gone, I swear..."

"All right, all right....Wait, you only got to 1500? Don't you have at least one level 300 statistician on a piece of armor or a weapon? Doing that gets you to 3000 easy in an ho-why am I talking about this?! We should probably catch up to the others!"

After helping Renko up, Sanasan and Renko ran down the train.

Demonlord Pichu

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #56 on: April 24, 2009, 11:02:17 PM »
===Main area of the Inn - After breakfast time and Sometime after Mikata found Alice===

That was so...vivid. Something about it meant something to him, both he and Shinki were prodominant figures in the dream's meaning. He just could figure out what that meaning was.

"That had to have meant something..." OwlBear ventured his hand on his chin in thought. "It felt...important somehow."

"Oh, there you are." Shinki said as she entered the room in which Owlbear sat "It is not like you to be alone like this, is something wrong?"

"Well, not really." Owlbear mumbled "...Erm, well, can I ask you something?"

Shinki gave him a smile. "Sure, what's on your mind?"

"Erm, well...I had this dream last night and-"

"Owlbear!" That sudden outburst de-railed what seriousness in the atmosphere there was as the figure of Yuki came running into the room a look of delight plastered on her face. Her friend Mai would soon follow with a rather peeved Yumeko shortly after. Luize would be the last to enter her ever present smile on her face. Was there ever a time that she stopped smiling...or opened her eyes?

"I-I am sorry mistress," Yumeko apologized with a bow to Shinki "Yuki escaped from me and-"

"No need to apologize Yumeko, we all know how energetic Yuki can be." Shinki replied with a chuckle, she then turned her gaze to Yuki who had latched onto Owlbear's leg in an embrace. "Anywho, what is it that you need, Yuki?"

"Don't you remember?" "Owlbear promised he'd buy us new clothes to replace our old Makai ones~"

Girls sure knew how to remember agreements on when to go shopping for clothing. Owlbear however was not too fluent on the aspect of remembering when said agreement took place. "Eh? When was that?"

"Yesterday." Mai spoke up, which was really the only word Owlbear heard her say the entire time he had been here.

"Huh...strange how I don't really recall that..." Owlbear said with crossed arms his face showing how skeptical he was on this sudden development.

"In anycase I think we should go, it would be a fairly interesting experience."

"Shinki do you think Alice would want to come too?" Yuki asked to the goddess. "It's been a long time since we last hung out."

"Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that Alice was your daughter and that she lived in Makai with you." Owlbear said.

"There is no 'was' to it, Alice will always be my daughter no matter how far apart we are or how old she gets." Shinki spoke, her words having alot of meaning behind them. "Although I do wish she would spend time with me more often. Sometimes a mother just wants to talk to her daughter and see how she's doing for herself."

"Right," Owlbear nodded before he came to notice something. "But didn't leave to go off somewhere..."

Luize paused for a moment as she thought on the matter for a while before speaking up. "Hmm, I believe she did I'm not sure why she did though. If she too far away from Mr.Mitaka's mana she'll die."

Everyone fell silent for a good 6 seconds. Luize, easily growing uneasy in the tense silence quickly opts to set things back to a cheerful mood. "B-but I heard Mitaka's gone to go find her, th-there's no reason to worry."

"You maybe right Luize," Yumeko said. "But how long has it been since they left here to retrieve her."

Another second or two of silence.

"If I may, I'd like to suggest we look for them...they could be okay, but my intution doesn't want to say this is the truth on the matter. We are still on the run from the people who attacked us long ago, I don't wish to bring up this dreadful fact, but there is still a possibility they were attacked by that same enemy." The demon maid suggested to which the rest pondered shortly on, before nodding in unison.

"As insightful as always Yumeko." Shinki complimented her maid with a smile to which she nods in thanks towards. "Everyone let us head out and look for Mitaka's group, if we hurry we may be able to prevent any attack or otherwise before hand."

((Next post will most likely have them getting entangled in the coming struggle with the Yakuza goons))

=== Shinjiro's side of things===

"Gh, you're not the one holding everyone up...!" Shinjiro snarled his frustration seething through his teeth. Son. Of. A. BITCH! Everyone just had to grab hold of him, what was he to these chaps; somekind of life line? Like hell he was! "This grows exasperating..." If only he had time to inact his Bounded Field, then he'd be cooking with fire and he'd blow all these worthless mongrels out of the water.

His Mystic Eye was also out of the question, no one was looking at him directly and if he focused to much on increasing the mana output in his eye he'd lose grip on the maintenance panel he grasped to, however if he managed to get onto the roof of the train he may be able to lock eyes with those giving chase and in turn freeze them in place. However this all came down to if he had the strength to pull himself, 2 men and 2 rabid animals up with him.

One thing is for certain though he was NOT going to let himself fall off just because a set of blokes suddenly decided to use him as a tether line. But first...


Shinjiro poured mana into the panel he held onto, in this way, he would be able to strengthen it's existance and thus prevent it from bending or breaking, although it was only a 1st level Reinforcement, any magus could perform that level of magecraft, so it was likely that this state would not hold for much longer.

"Grhhh!" Shinjiro strained digging his hands as hard as he could into the board and trying to hoist himself up enough so he can at least get a good hold on the roof and not worry about what would happen if he let go. He glanced back and saw their chasers were fucking gaining. Fucking peachy.


"Mystic Eye of Abraxas!" Shinjiro mentally called out as he locked eyes with the ones rushing toward him, his glare simply dripping with a frustrated ferocity and at the will of his anger, his left eye underwent a sudden transformation from it's dull and lazy appearance, to something absolutely demonic; a slit iris of beastial intent materialized into his eye, the insides of his pupils glowing a deep shade of melancholic grey. If Renko or Sanasan stared into his eye for more than 3 seconds they would no doubt be stunned for about the same amount of time if not longer.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 11:07:40 PM by Demonlord OwlBear »


  • Guh..!
  • She is just too cute! I swear!
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #57 on: April 24, 2009, 11:18:49 PM »
Opposite Mansion, 5:30pm, Mainhall, Day 2(fix'd)
Zei noticed that it was a nice day to go outside today.

"...Flandre. I got an idea.", he said to her.

Flandre was sitting on his lap, bored as usual. "Hm?", she answered. "If nothing's going to happen to you when we go out into the sun, then why not go the mall? I know there is one around here.", he suggested.

"Zei-niisan, why?", she asked while whining a bit.

"Hm...ya know. I feel pretty bored around here, that's why. And I thought it'd be fun for at least everyone.", he said.

"Is there going to be anyone else, Nii-san?", she asked.

"AHAHAHAHA, yeah. That is, if Koji and his team can manage to wake up.", he answered.

Flandre was a bit upset with the result and went on to check on Koji and the others.

"WAIT. I didn't mean it like that. I mean, I could've arranged it differently, but well, you know. >_>' ", Zei said, then walked off after her.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 11:54:53 AM by ZeiAkabane »


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    • himegimi
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #58 on: April 25, 2009, 12:40:30 AM »
Near the DEPARTMENT STORE, Karuisuwa, 10.35 AM, critical
Engage Danger

Meira and Hirowaza had already devoured most of the contents in two out of three bags. They were pretty damned hungry, but their quiet eating time was disturbed when Hirowaza caught the sight of some blacksuit guys trying to tussle with a certain shrine maiden, which caused Hirowaza to tilt his head slightly. "Hey, Meira, isn't... that?" he duh'd, eliciting a giggle from the samurai. Meira shook her head and whispered something into Hirowaza's ear. The two of them stood up and left the last bag of food half empty. Whoever found this stuff was going to be pretty lucky. In any case, they went inside the front entrance of the department store as to see if they could find whoever was hiding inside the store, since from the position of that Hakurei girl, it seemed like she was protecting something. The two of them ran all the way to the other side of the store, where the two could see a back door where some guy and several other people from Gensokyo were taking refuge from those black suits. Meira and Hirowaza approached.

"Y, you, with the shinai," Hirowaza said to the guy. "How did you get involve with those guys? They're pretty dangerous... I was just here when you had first encounter them, so I had no really idea what was going on."

Meira looked at the Gensokyo fellers the guy was with. Marisa, Alice, Suika, Ruukoto and presumably Reimu who was outside defending them. "Huh..." Meira whispered next to Hirowaza. "This guy doesn't have very much mana to sustain powerful bonds with ALL five of them..." Hirowaza ascertained this.

"Well, I just noticed you guys here, maybe we can co-operate to get out of this rut." Hirowaza proposed.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
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Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #59 on: April 25, 2009, 01:26:36 AM »
Outside the mansion 6:00 PM Day 2

The mansion stood quiet as everyone had gone away. It would be a peaceful night.

The night became alive with the sounds of engines surrounding the mansion.

Teams Scarlet Samurai and Onii-san became horrible disturbed by the loud noises outside. A person on a loudspeaker was heard

Pirate 1: Attention residents!

Flandre: WHAT DO YOU WANT?!?

Pirate 1: We have the place surrounded! Submit to our demands, or face questionable reading material!

Pirate 2: *whispers* What?!?

Pirate 1: *whispers* Captain's orders, the magazines were taking too much room.

Remilia: We will not give in to such-

but she was cut off as a Bondage Harvest magazine impaled her hat.

Flandre: ooh, what's this.

Flandre looked the magazine, smile widening as she read. Remilia came over and started to read it as well.

Remilia: we should try this out!

Minoriko: !!! No you won't!

She snatched the magazine away and tore it to shreds

Remilia: Heeeeey!!!!

Minoriko: Alright, we'll give in to your demands.

Flandre: On one condition!

Pirate 1: What would that be?

Flandre: give us all the magazines you have!

Minoriko: !!!

Remilia: an excellent idea!

Minoriko: !!!!!!

Pirate 1: Deal! Bring out 20 crates worth of food and medical supplies!

Flandre: Ok!

Night marched on as the cargo was exchanged. Ria stood at the bridge of the Sky Ray, wondering what the rest of the night would bring.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 02:11:01 AM by Etch-E-Sketch »