Author Topic: 3D games, do you enjoy them?  (Read 2764 times)


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3D games, do you enjoy them?
« on: May 20, 2011, 12:53:49 PM »
Recently.. I came across a scientific question, do people enjoy games with 3D effect on more than the same games, but without 3D? Yes.. I am talking about the 3D with the glasses.

Technically... my idea of games is more based on the controls you are using, rather than just visual cues. However, for people not necessarily used to flat monitors, might see a difference. In my opinion... the visual side of the game is unchanged.. however in said research the focus of the experiment was enjoyment, not vision. If for example, 3D in Danmaku games, or anything that requires your full attention on the screen, helps in actually seeing the screen, it might be worth to invest time in order to design 3D games like that, rather just "improving graphics", that do not add... for me nothing to the experience.


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Re: 3D games, do you enjoy them?
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2011, 01:34:08 PM »
If its just eye-candy then its not really worth playing is it? You could just watch something then. And 3D gets distracting after a while and in competitive gaming this isn't something you want. But if the game's really simple; then should be really good.
In all; invest in graphics but don't cut down on the actual game if you want to do that.
(Prefering the non-3d, not biased at all just because I don't have 3d glasses)


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Re: 3D games, do you enjoy them?
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2011, 01:41:14 PM »
At this time, it's too early for it to be any benefit to the games its used in, so its little more than a distracting gimmick to me.
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Re: 3D games, do you enjoy them?
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2011, 01:46:08 PM »
If the game's fun, I'll play it.

Graphics don't mean shit to me as long as the game's fun to play. After all, that's what really matters in a game, having something fun to play to pass the time. Whether it looks good or not is secondary imo.
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Re: 3D games, do you enjoy them?
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2011, 02:07:45 PM »
The only use of 3D I've seen was on TVs where it was little more than a gimmick.  I simply couldn't see the 3D on a 3DS.  triangles told me that if you're not good at Magic Eye pictures (which I am NOT) then it'd be tough. 


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Re: 3D games, do you enjoy them?
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2011, 02:28:10 PM »
Haha, I can't see 3D properly anyway, since I'm like 20/100 or 20/80 or some such in my left eye(This is WITH my glasses on, mind you.).  Got like 20/30 or 20/20 in my right to compensate, but still. 

Either way, who really cares if it's 3D?  The time they've spent developing THAT could've been better used for designing a more unique gaming experience, beyond the visuals, y'know?
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Re: 3D games, do you enjoy them?
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2011, 04:04:35 PM »
3D games, at this point, seem more or less to be extraneous gimmicks to me. I tried out the 3DS at Gamestop a few weeks back, and instead of enjoying it, I ended up getting a headache. :V

Re: 3D games, do you enjoy them?
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2011, 04:22:40 PM »
You get used it after a while


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Re: 3D games, do you enjoy them?
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2011, 07:40:01 PM »
The time they've spent developing THAT
Uh, none. It's just a projection gimmick, really.
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Re: 3D games, do you enjoy them?
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2011, 07:48:39 PM »
I've seen RE4 (The Movie) in 3D, was it fun? Yes, hell fucking yes, It was like i was dodging danmaku throughout the whole movie. Did it really improve the visuals? No, hell no, after around an hour with the glasses on my fucking head looked like it was gonna burst open and I had to remove it, but I couldn't see anything clearly on the screen without the glasses, it was like seeing a movie in 120p or something. So I put the glasses back on and just beared the headache, because I paid to see the movie (obv), cue a fucking ultimate headache after the movie ended and it only really passing completely two days later.

My point being: Is it extra enjoyment in a movie? Yes, it is, because you don't have to do anything but WATCH, and even then there's its drawbacks. In a game, it's distracting and you would be dying a lot because OH LOOK GLASS SHARDS ARE COMING TOWARDS ME IN A 3D EFFECT, INVONLUNTARY EYE CLOSE WAIT SHIT I SHOULDN'T HAVE CLOSED MY EYES OPEN THEM BACK UP OH, I'M ALREADY DEAD, CONTINUE. See what I mean?


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Re: 3D games, do you enjoy them?
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2011, 06:55:57 PM »
I admit, the 3D on the 3DS was neat but after playing with it I could see it could get old and tiring fast.  I never had much luck growing up being able to do those 3D interference images without horrible eyestrain so I could only imagine how bad the 3DS would get after a while.

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Re: 3D games, do you enjoy them?
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2011, 12:25:38 AM »
3D movies are one thing and that can add on to user impact, definitely.

But in terms of games, well...not so much. I think many games would have to be re-tooled to take advantage of this in a way that won't impact player immersion to an extreme degree (as in Sacchimon's post and the glass bits) and will prove beneficial to gameplay (somewhat like Pilotwings and its depth perception).

Tried a 3DS but really couldn't see the 3D effect very well. I've heard that it does favour those who can see those Magic Eye images very easily, which for me is extremely hard to do (either that, or I'm doing it wrong).
I may try it again on my brother's 3DS but stupidly he lost his charging cradle :derp:
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Re: 3D games, do you enjoy them?
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2011, 08:51:20 AM »
I suppose that explains why the 3DS never worked with me, I've never, ever seen one of those Magic Eye pictures work for me. I even stared the picture for 5 minutes with no clue what it's supposed to be.

Re: 3D games, do you enjoy them?
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2011, 10:54:48 AM »
I've always liked the Magic Eye pictures. Regarding the whole 3D craze, I'm just not interested. It seems to be a gimmick that will soon pass.

Especially once holographic projection technology takes off. At that point, 3D entertainment will actually be worth a damn.

Re: 3D games, do you enjoy them?
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2011, 07:42:53 PM »
2d, 3d, whatever, it's the gameplay that matters.  Being visually appealing is important, sure, thing but being a graphical masterpiece doesn't mean shit if the game is bad.  Imo as long as it's relatively decent looking/sounding, it's good enough, and anything beyond that is just a bonus.  This topic does make me want some 3D glasses to play Rad Racer with though >_>.


  • The Wandering Mind
Re: 3D games, do you enjoy them?
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2011, 01:47:12 PM »
If they're like 3d movies I'm probably going to get either major eyestrain after a while or motion sickness (if the 3d effect even works properly for me. I could NEVER get Magic Eye to work) 

With current rendering techniques for 2D games its more than enough in all honestly. 
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