Author Topic: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)  (Read 42240 times)

Demonlord Pichu

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2009, 02:59:19 PM »
This guy is of the 4th faction (the regular people who are pretty much neutral in all this) and probably won't appear until after the Yakuza group fiasco is fully resolved and everyone has settled down, which will probably be during the 'House Party' event. I also don't plan on him actively interacting with the other factions (preferably the Gensokyo faction) until a little bit after said party event either. So why did I make him, you'll have to find out once he appears...or if you read his profile carefully enough.

Name: Toshiro Chiyudani
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Strength: Cooking, an expert in 'Dodgeball', respectively he has a powerful throwing arm as well.

Weakness: Math, His mental laziness, has a deep seeded fear of bald men.

Home: Chiyudani Residence, Karuisuwa

Occupation: High school graduate, Holds a job as a Translator for various magazines and other printed works, slight hikkikomori. Plans to apply for college soon.

Visual Description: An averagely built individual, at least for a high school student, has hair of the dirty blonde color, eyes are an eerie shade of blue-ish grey. Casual attire usually consists of green t-shirt with a lightning bolt on the right shoulder the words 'Ziodyne' printed beneath said design. Pants are usually navy blue sweats.

Personality: Somewhat simple minded, but still a good person at heart. Toshiro likes things that are easy to see or get, however he dislikes things that are cryptic or tough to understand. Claiming that he dislikes being confused when it's really because he's a bit lazy mentally speaking and doesn't like solving complicated problems (which is why he absolutely HATES mathematics).

-Yamame Kurodani (Tenant)
-Rin Kaenbyou (Adopted Cat)

History/Background: An average Karuisuwa resident who recently graduated from high school and has pretty much lived the majority of his life in peace in the town of Karuisuwa. His mother and younger sister both died during an accident some time ago, leaving only him and his father who's usually away working
(for RAI)
. He heard about the incident at the old shrine located somewhere in the outskirts of Karuisuwa from his fellow graduates via rumors and began to grow curious of it. As he heads up there he soon gets entangled in the ensuing chaos between the SWAT team and the Gensokyo foreigners. As the foreigners scatter, Toshiro notices that two of them didn't make it with their (supposed) friends and had apparently lost conciousness. Not wanting to leave a girl and her weird looking cat to bake in the sun, Toshiro carried the both of them to his home where he would tend to them, unknowing that he may have made one of the biggest mistakes in his young adult life...

Fun Facts
-His last name translates to "Healing Valley".
-Toshiro has only 5 Magic Curcuits within his being, said curcuits contains a reasonable amount of mana, which is enough for him to sustain Yamame and Rin (but in cat form), however, he does not have enough to use decent magecraft.
-The design on his shirt directly referances one of the 3rd level spells that can be cast in the Persona series.

Notes: Toshiro's father is really only a minor character who won't appear much, besides that of character development.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 02:01:12 PM by Hakutaku Erebus »


  • The Knightly Wizard
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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #31 on: May 11, 2009, 01:04:49 AM »

Name: Ramis (female version of Ramus)

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Strength: Very well read in magic and science, specifically the medical and mechanical area in the latter, but she has a general knowledge of this stuff.  That being said, the mana pool within Ramis is quite large (for a human anyway) and she has good level of memorization.  The only thing that she has going for her as far as physical abilities is that she is good with a knife.

Weakness: Ignoring the combat training, Ramis is severely lacking in physical abilities.  Actual strength is meh at best and she can't run very fast or far.   She's a notorious bad shot with bullet type magic too as well as guns.

Occupation: Currently jobless I guess

Visual Description: Look at picture

Personality: She's a logical thinker.  Everything is linear and is piece of a larger working order of events.  That being said, she's a magnificent bastard, but only if she feels a need to be.  When not being a bastard, she's busy working on spells and serums to cover a wide variety of areas, mostly everyday use or to treat illnesses.  Generally quite friendly and a positive thinker.

Partners: Mima, VIVIT, and Hina


Ramis was a simple human who grew up among up rather large town in Japan.  In class, she was an excellent learner and thus grew interested in learning about the world.  She spent day in and day out reading at the library in the town.  Eventually, she left the town for college and later still, joined a small corporation that began to produce prototypes of VIVIT.  She was age 19 at this time.

However, that all ended when she was rushing to a presentation with the newest working prototype.  She crashed her car and died.  VIVIT too apparently since AI has a soul.  Since she lived in the area that Komachi took care of, she just traded a chocolate bar that she was carrying around at the time of her death in exchange for her life.  She later ended up at the human village after her escape.  VIVIT (v0.2) followed her around for a while until she ran out of energy.  VIVIT spent a long time shut off.

Life continued normally, except this time around, she spent her time learning magic.  But the human village library was small and she ran out of reading material pretty quickly.  She returned to wandering about oblivious until one day she passed by the shrine one day and met Mima, the goddess of the shrine.  They chatted as Mima was long bored of having no one but Reimu and an old turtle to talk to.  Somewhere along the line, Mima mentioned magic and her abilities with it.  Remis promptly began to beg for lessons.  After a good week of constant begging, she got her lessons from Mima, though not the affection like Marisa.

This went on for a number of years until she decided to covert to magician all together and move out to the forest to continue her studies.  The problem was that she was kicked out by the two other residents, so she did the next best thing and moved into the bamboo forest, which wasn't quite as thick in magic, but it was good enough.

But this proved to be a problem as the bamboo forest lacked the supplies to do her experiments and the occasional rabbits would come by and wreck stuff.  This lead to boredom and annoyance which both lead to a depression.  Hina picked up on this and decided to come by every once and a while to suck misfortune.  The two got to be good friends after a while.

And the rabbit problem was solved after Ramis managed to set up a trap and catch one.  With a bit of negotiation, she managed to get Tewi's squad to stop.  She also began a small rivalry with Tewi as they both liked to set the other up.  That eventually lead to meeting Kaguya (who I'd claim as a partner, but no, someone else beat me to it), who also spent a lot of time wondering about life, so they became friends.  With this, she also got full access to Eirin's cabinets and a few of her unloved books.  Remis set to reading these and learning about the medical field.  And the events of the RPG happened.

VIVIT also got to get a new battery since they got to leave Gensokyo.

Fun Facts (optional):
-Deathly afraid of needles, ironically.
-A small butter knife that just dropped from the sky one day, has Yakumo etched into it.  Can cut anything EXCEPT human skin.
-Always, always keeps a load of random assortments of medicine and other serums on herself as well as a few books.  She's a bit hunched at times.
-Also has a pile of Reimu's sealing wards sitting around her house if for no other reason than protection.

Additional Information/Background/History:

She actually did not play a major role in making VIVIT v0.2, as she was just to make the moving parts.  The current present day VIVIT (which is not nearly as advanced as the one that appears in Seihou) can only follow basic functions and has no defining personality.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2009, 02:15:25 PM by Ramus »


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #32 on: May 11, 2009, 12:28:26 PM »
(recycling Arreku for one last Touhou adventure.)


Name: Arreku Hokaido

Gender: Male

Age 15 (16 in May)

Strengths: Extremely loyal, his best interests are in helping his friends. Very obedient, will take any order from a trusted superior. Being very empathetic and kind, his relatively high amount of mana comes from his emotional purity. Can travel at exceptionally high speeds and is extremely agile, at times can race cars on the streets. Very flexible and rubbery, he can pull himself into a ball and roll forwards at high speed; this is often used during combat. Can also hold a huge static charge, which is built up during sprints. Very knowledgeable in otaku fields, and has an expansive figure collection.

Weaknesses: At most times he is exceptionally weak, and is easily overpowered. However, if a loved one is threatened (especially his best friend Kaigomi) or hurt, he is known to spiral into an adrenaline-powered, self-destructive rage, capable of extreme harm to both himself and the ones around him. Suffers from severe indecision when confronted with a problem, as Kaigomi usually does most of his thinking, despite being very bright himself. He is utterly, completely unable to handle sexual pressure of any sort (teasing, seeing anyone nude, ect.), and will either become overly defensive and shy, or collapse. He is horribly afraid of paranormal beings, oddly enough.

Occupations: Chef at a local snack bar during the week, cosplay cafe waitress (yes, waitress) on the weekends in Tokyo.

Home: Plain house in a residential area in Karuisawa.

Visual description: Very tall and lanky, with a willowy figure. Extremely long limbs, and has a very thin torso, widens at hips (uses this for crossdressing). Long, shaggy brown hair, a large fluffy ahoge in the back-right on the top of his head. Pale, delicate skin with very feminine facial features, bright olive/brown eyes. Wears an odd white sweater, the chest and upper arms of it tight, while the forearms and hips are loose. The arms of the sweater are very long, approximately four feet long, the ends being very wide and highlighted with a thick green cuff. Also wears a very long scarf that reaches the ground. The part that wraps around his neck is very big, so he often uses it as a face mask (during harsh weather, when being shy)

Personality: Very shy and bashful, takes complements very well and to heart. Very protective and attentive to people close to him, he has mastered courtesy and chivalry. Extremely innocent in nature, he has trouble understanding the sexual banter and flirting of the more mature members of other groups.

Partner: Kisume


Arreku moved from Canada at a young age, his mother being western, while his father being Japanese, because his father needed to take a job in Japan.

Almost as soon as he arrived at his new school, he saved the tiny (3'7" at 16, afflicted with a type of dwarfism) Kaigomi from a group of bullies (via carrying her on his shoulders), and they became fast friends. The two of them grew up together, becoming nearly inseparable. Kaigomi hails from an extremely rich French family, and is recognized as one of the most privileged people in Karuisawa, living in a mansion on the outskirts of town. The two of them often sleep at each others house, their parents used to them being around each other so much. Kaigomi's mother insists on marriage, Kaigomi herself strongly agrees. Arreku is (of course) oblivious to Kaigomi's affections for him.

A few years ago, Arreku visited a cosplay cafe, and was immediately swarmed by the employees for his cute, girlish features, and was promptly dressed up in the standard uniform. Liking this appearance, he took a job at the cafe as its only trap (the customers are unaware of this), and will use his female disguise when he sees fit (Going with Kaigomi to a gender-specific area, doing a female cosplay, just feels like being a girl for a while, ect.)

Fun facts/additional information (optional)
-Very acidic stomach acid (compare to battery acid)
-Ahoge droops or stands up, depending on mood
-Rumored to be a rejected government experiment, parents have no comment on the matter
-Carries Kaigomi on his shoulders. At. All. Times. Have adapted themselves to be extremely agile with each other, Kaigomi influencing his direction with slight shifts on his shoulders, swinging around his back and shoulders to when it fits the situation (hiding under his shirt during harsh weather, ect.)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2009, 12:37:23 PM by Pedonymous »


  • The Knightly Wizard
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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #33 on: May 11, 2009, 02:16:34 PM »
Updated my character to fit the scenario better.  Also, I might as well pose the question:

Will VIVIT be mana powered or can I get just by with the electrical plug recharge?


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #34 on: May 11, 2009, 02:18:19 PM »
Updated my character to fit the scenario better.  Also, I might as well pose the question:

Will VIVIT be mana powered or can I get just by with the electrical plug recharge?

VIVIT, as far as I know, is powered by a special energy called "SABOTEN"........
That's why you should never trust machines XD

Break anything that stands between you and them!


  • The Knightly Wizard
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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #35 on: May 11, 2009, 02:23:05 PM »
VIVIT, as far as I know, is powered by a special energy called "SABOTEN"........
That's why you should never trust machines XD

Do they ever mention what that is?  Besides, I'm going to by pass this by saying that that hasn't been invented yet and say that the current VIVIT is powered on something else.


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #36 on: May 11, 2009, 06:25:24 PM »
SABOTEN is much closer to magic, I believe, but you could get away with requiring both (with the advantage of VIVIT needing less mana than most).
There was something here once. Wonder what...


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #37 on: May 13, 2009, 12:37:56 PM »
A CHALLENGER APPEARS! (see above post.)


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #38 on: May 13, 2009, 10:40:40 PM »
(I forgot to add in nick names, since I actually got alot of them in real life)

Name: Anthony(Ana due to gender swap) Thrun (nick: Antonio, Alfonso, A.J, Honey, Ant, Antho, Tony, and don't forget Burn Victim #1.)

Title: "The Wolverine of the North"

Gender: Male

Age:  17

Strength: Resistant to cold and his performance improves as it gets colder, crazy insanely good driver who takes risks when needed, good at fighting hand to hand, really fast at building and reconstructing buildings, also creates a lot of blueprints, but never gets to actually building the project due to limited resources. Also a Boxer of great skill

Weakness: He has a condition where his body weakens as the temperature goes up, and at around 90F, he just gets sick and can barely move, Due to his special mana system that runs in his family which locks mana in his body, causing his body temp to be higher than usual, which also accounts for the resistance to cold.  Has an addiction to Caffeine and if he goes without it for a while, he gets a killer migraine.

Home: An Old wood cabin in the forest of Karuisuwa, no one really knows of it.

Occupation: The main Repairman/Engineer/Architect of Karuisuwa, most of his jobs are given to him by the government, and he accepts all of his jobs over the phone. Also takes up odd jobs when he needs the income, since he only asks for enough money to pay for supplies for his main work, and a little extra for living expenses.

Visual Description: Blue Eyes, Blond Hair, hair is long enough to reach down half way down his back, Height is about 5 foot 7 inches, rather thin and bony looking, always seen wearing a jacket with the zipper open, the kind of jacket varies from time, but it's usually a black one, or a brown leather one, blue jeans, and a T-Shirt with a yellow M on it with a Blue outline of it. He also has a charm from the Saniwa Shrine attached to the right sleeve of his jacket, he felt it had some kind of aura about it, so he kept it. He also sometimes wears a brown fedora, just like the hat Indiana Jones wore.

Personality: He's a workaholic in a sence of the word, as he doesn't leave until he finishs his project, he never really plans out anything, mostly going out on indy ploys, he's a friendly guy, and do to this and his work, he has made many connection to the residences of the town, he also gets angry when anyone messes with his projects, or insults them. He also has more of a dark side to him, which only comes out when the situation calls for it. Can be one insane guy when he is either 1. Driving from anything that can kill him, 2. drunk, 3. When he's thinking of how to fix, and/or build something, or any combination of the 3.
Also, he acts like a Russian when extremely drunk.

Partners: Genji, and Letty

Relationships: Friend of Nate, (the owner of The Lair of the Mishaguji book store), and still has a close relationship with his dad. (more will be posted later)

History/Background: Originally from the country of the U.S.A. and the state of Michigan (reason for the T-Shirt with an M on it and the good driving skills) most of his family still lives in Michigan, and he is in Karuisuwa to see the world since he got bored of his life in the U.S. and other reasons. He was the champ of the boxing ring in Michigan before he left to Japan.
Post explaining alot of background:

Fun Facts (optional):
-He always carries his tool box around with him, and it always has all the basic tools for maintaining and fixing cars, a hammer, a box of nails, sandpaper, a screw driver, a box of screws, and a roll of duct tape, just like Mcguyver.

-He complains that it's too hot when it's not Winter, and when it is, he always criticizes anyone who complains that it is too cold, due to his pride as being from Michigan.

-He has a hobby of collecthing random parts just about from anywhere, no matter what it is too, and ends up trying to modify any of his things with  parts he has found, and gets interesting results, he also has several vehicles in his possestion, a 1964 Mustang (now in little bits), and a simple pickup truck.

-Also a big Hockey fan, favorite team in the NHL is the Detroit Red Wings, and has the habbit of carrying around a hockey stick in his bag at times.

-When he fights hand to hand, he only fights fair when it's a competition or out of sport, but when it's something that's worth fighting for, he thinks it's worth fighting dirty for (one of the many of Murphy's laws)

-Fear of Fire from his weakness and his history of getting burned, some people that know him actually gave him the nick name, Burn Victim #1

Additional Information/Background/History:

-a somewhat decent cook, but only has learned about cooking eggs, steak, pasta, and potatoes, along with a few other dishes

-learned most of his skills and abilities from his Dad, who still lives in Michigan.

Equipment: completely varies on the moment, but his regular is his gloves (which are work gloves, that are metal plated on the inside), and his tool box.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 07:55:55 PM by Evil Spirit Anthony »


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #39 on: May 15, 2009, 12:12:50 AM »
Oh great. Someone ninja'd Kogasa, too. Well this time I've got it.

Name: Grey

Gender: M

Age: 19

Strength: Good at running and climbing.

Weakness: Slow perception at times.

Home: A remote house in the mountains.

Occupation: Mountaineer

Visual Description: Short, brown hair, pinkish skin, rounded face. Thin figure. Wears a gray, long-sleeve shirt and black shorts.

Personality: Grey is idealistic; he always imagines himself in a leading position and how thing would change if he were in charge, but he's never able to climb the social ladder.

Partners: Kotohime

History/Background: Grey is from a small town in inland Southern California. He moved to Japan a few years ago and settled in Karuisawa. He visited the National Park, saw Kotohime in trouble, rescued her, etc. 4th Faction.

Additional Information/Background/History: Not sure what to put here.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2009, 08:44:52 PM by Slowpoke »

Demonlord Pichu

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #40 on: May 15, 2009, 02:50:06 AM »
Quote from: Slowpoke
Partners: Yuugi Hoshiguma
Quote from: Shinjiro's profile
-Yuugi Hoshiguma (Muscle to balance out his high magic)
Looks like we have a bit of negotiations to work out my good sir. *Gendo Hands*

(Still, this could have been avoided if the avaliable touhou list was updated more frequently >_>)


  • Creepy As Hell
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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #41 on: May 15, 2009, 02:52:00 AM »
(This needed to be done...)

Name: Kaigomi Verte

Gender: Female

Age: 16 (17 in November)

Strengths: Has almost complete control over Arreku, and often makes good decisions. Very brave.

Weaknesses: She suffers from a type of dwarfism, so she's very tiny and weak. Very posessive of Arreku, so she gets flustered whenever anyone seems to be flirting with him.

Home: Verte Mansion, Karuisawa

Personality: Extremely gruff and grouchy, and is easily irritated. After a decade of dominating Arreku (who dominated over anyone she wanted for her), she often thinks of herself as high and mighty. Rare disagreements between her and Arreku often end in scuffles with him (she always wins). On occasion, she will express her deep feelings for Arreku (often in an unneccesarily sexual manner).

History/Background: Kaigomi is a the French/Japanese daughter of the owner of the PineTech supercorperation. She has always been very privilidged, and gets fussy when she doesn't get what she wants. She met Arreku on the schoolground when she was five, after being chased by students from whom she had stolen a pudding from. Ever since then, she's always sat on his shoulders, directing his actions like a puppetmaster.

Fun Facts (optional):

-Very strong sweettooth
-Masturbates alot
-Has seen Arreku naked innumerable times, the same for Arreku. They don't even notice any more.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2009, 03:49:41 PM by Pedonymous »


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #42 on: May 15, 2009, 06:46:27 PM »
Name: Buranto

Gender: Male

Age:  16

Strength: Knows various pressure points, Good cook, Skilled at insulting and annoying the opposite gender, High pain tolerance, Aikido skills, aikido skills lead to an acute sense of mana (able to sense mana in others, volume of mana etc.), minor manipulation of mana (redirecting flow of opponents mana to throw them off. Mana capacity is average.

Weakness: HUGE fear of heights, Easily persuaded by women (either by violent persuasion or anything else...), kind of a push over when women are involved

Home: Used to be Canada. I was part of the Japanese exchange program, but they left me behind.

Occupation: Student

Visual Description:Spikey black hair, tanned, in-between short and tall, stocky

Personality:Almost always cheerful. Hard to get angry, but easy to annoy. Scary when angry. Somehow manages to find the thing that annoys a girl the most and as a result, usually apologizes before he gets hurt to badly.

Partners: Hong Meiling

History/Background:While looking for a way to get back to Canada because the stupid teachers left him behind, Buranto was drawn into Gensokyo because of Yukari. Buranto ended up near the sdm. Trying to figure out where the hell he was, Buranto tried to enter the mansion, but was stopped by Meiling who was actually awake for once. Managing to get on Meiling's bad side, Buranto was forcibly removed from the premesis. Buranto came back the next day to try and gain access to the mansion, but was once again stopped by China. This continued for about three days and Meiling would always answer a few of Buranto's questions before annoying her and getting hit. Eventually, Buranto and Meiling developed a love/hate relationship due to Buranto's constant pestering. After the incident, has no recollection of time spent in Gensokyo until he finds Meiling in the forest.

Fun Facts: High pain tolerance is due to aikido martial arts and getting to know to many abusive women.

Edit 1: Update in most things because I ran of time to finish before.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2009, 01:11:18 AM by B-Nashi »


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #43 on: May 18, 2009, 06:57:41 AM »
(this character is on hold for now due to not being able to be used at this point in time)

Name: Michael Capulet

Gender: Male

Age:  24

Strength: Ability to see through other peoples' eyes, can also use other organisms, including mice. (this is such as if some one was looking down a hallway, and Tony wasn't looking down the hallway, Tony could use that other person to see what is down the hallway.) He follows all procedures of RAI force, and when the time calls, he can also make up some make shift tactics, very skilled in close hand-to-hand combat, a specialist in CQC I should say. Also never has a problem in weather, he's always wearing the same equipment during all times of the year. He never gets overconfident due to seeing too many situations like that which end up having the one boasting being beaten.

Weakness: When his sight ability is used, he usually leaves himself open for attack. No other weaknesses

Home: The barracks of the RAI Force 1 base

Occupation: Head of the Recon unit of RAI Force 1

Visual Description: He's a soldier of average hight and build, he's always seen wearing something like a ski mask and sunglasses so no one can see his face.

Personality: He's a loyal soldier who always carries out any mission that is given to him, when he's not on duty, he is a nice guy to talk too, but he wonders if joining RAI Force 1 was a bad idea.

Partners: Nazrin

History/Background: He was originally born in Karuisuwa and has lived there his whole life, he was never really the top student or ever really tried to become the one at the top, then later in his life after high school, he got a letter to join this group called RAI Force 1, he decided to take this opertunity and use it to improve his life.

Fun Facts (optional):
-He has always perfered having a job that actually allows him to move round alot, insted of uncomfortable desk jobs.

Additional Information/Background/History: (add history and other details as you go along)
« Last Edit: June 14, 2009, 01:29:19 PM by Evil Spirit Anthony »


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #44 on: May 19, 2009, 06:16:41 PM »
Name: Marco Camacho
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Strength: Physically fit and strong, really good with weapons.
Weakness: Short-tempered, over-confident at times, think too highly of himself.
Home: Canada, but new job placement forces temporary home in Japan
Occupation: RAI force agent, government agent of Ontario
Visual Description: Tall, Black and combed-back hair, somewhat tan due to spanish background
Personality: Short-tempered, does not like to discuss past whatsoever, usually angry.
History/Background: Currently unknown. Past is considered very dark though.
Fun Facts: Worked for the Government of Canada in Ontario. No family relatives that are known at the moment. Can not feel love of a close one, and forgot the experience. Placed in Japan as one of the few people considered to work for the RAI force due to their previous acts.


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #45 on: May 19, 2009, 08:17:39 PM »
This sounded like it could be fun, so I decided to give it a go.  However, as my favourite Nightbug seems to already be taken (as well as pretty much all my other favourites), I've decided to go for a bunch of characters I just know won't be taken from under my nose.

Name: Nathanial Theodore Wrist (Nate for short)

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Strength: Highly intelligent, especially when it comes to folklore, mythology and the occult (he would be seen as the local authority on such matters were it not for the fact that relatively few people take him seriously).  Due to his research into the occult, he is also a self-taught mage, but his abilities are very limited at the moment (although he does have a lot of untapped potential).

Weakness: Rather shortsighted without his glasses, and not exactly the paragon of physical ability either.

Home: A small apartment situated above "Lair of the Mishaguji".

Occupation: Owner of "Lair of the Mishaguji", a bookstore specialising in occult reference books and sci-fi/fantasy novels.  Not many people visit, but it somehow does enough business to allow Nate to survive and, more importantly, pay the rent.

Visual Description: Tall (over 6') yet very thin and pale, brown-blond hair which reaches halfway down his back and curls up at the end, dark blue eyes.  Wears a pair of glasses with small rectangular lenses.  Most often wears jeans, a long sleeved black t-shirt and a sleeveless navy blue jacket which appears to be almost completely comprised of pockets.

Personality: Cheerful and polite to everyone he meets.  Usually rather quiet, but once he gets started talking it's very difficult to get him to stop.  Is very eccentric and has some incredibly strange ideas (he's believed in the existence of magic, youkai, Gensokyo and the Lunar Capital for a long time), which tends to put a lot of people off him and has garnered him a reputation as the town nutcase.  Pacifistic, and will only fight either in self defence or if something/one he cares about is being threatened and/or hurt.  If such a thing happens, he will do whatever it takes to make the culprit suffer (woe betide the person who tries to hurt Reisen in front of him).

Partners: Reisen II, Watatsuki no Yorihime, Watatsuki no Toyohime

History/Background: Originally from Britain, Nate transferred to Karuisuwa sometime during high school and has lived there ever since.  Quickly became rather infamous for his rather eccentric behaviour and ideas (most notably, his belief that there existed a secret hidden city on the moon populated by rabbits), to the point that few people would associate with him for fear of looking crazy.  Upon graduation, he began working in the Lair of the Mishaguji bookstore.  Not much happened for a few years until the store owner mysteriously disappeared, leaving the store (and the apartment) in Nate's hands.

A few days ago, whilst out walking, Nate ran into a strange, rabbit-eared girl who seemed in a panic for some reason.  She begged Nate to help her hide from the people chasing her and, not being one to refuse the request of a girl (especially one as cute as this), he complied and took her back to his apartment.  After she had calmed down, she told him that her name was Reisen, and that she was from a secret hidden moon city ("Insane theories one, regular theories a billion!"), which had somehow suddenly been destroyed.  She went on to explain that, whilst evacuating, she not only became seperated from her moon princess masters, but she was suddenly attacked upon arriving on Earth, and would most likely have been captured where it not for Nate's timely intervention.

After explaining this, Reisen suddenly remembered that she had to make a mana contract with someone in this world or she would die.  This left Nate incredibly flustered and embarrased before Reisen explained that, contrary to what he'd read, making a mana contract does not involve sex.  Half relieved and half disappointed, Nate agreed to the contract.  It was only afterwards that Reisen told him that she had to stay close by him as long as the contract was in place, leaving him slightly annoyed, although he still allowed her to stay at his place for the time being (well, it was either that or let her die, and he couldn't do that, could he?).  A few days passed, mostly uneventful save for Reisen helping out at the store, but she was still worried about her mistresses Yorihime and Toyohime. She eventually worked up the nerve to ask Nate to help her look for them, and by this point he couldn't really refuse a request from her.  Who knows, he might actually get to save some alien princesses, become a hero, and, most importantly of all, rub it in the face of everyone that he was right all along.

Fun Facts (optional):

* Despite only knowing each other for a few days, Nate and Reisen have already developed romantic feelings for each other, although neither has confessed yet and any attempt to do so from either results in several minutes of unintelligible muttering and awkward silence before one of them abruptly changes the subject.

* The seemingly infinite amount of pockets on Nate's jacket contain various items, including sellotape, scissors, craft knifes, random assortments of candy, various lengths of string, a notepad and pens, among other things.

* Among the books kept in Lair of the Mishaguji is one of the very few published copies of "The Non-Unified Magic World" by Prof. Y. Okazaki.  How such a rare volume managed to find it's way there is unknown, but Nate refuses to sell it to anyone.

* Reisen has in her possession her rifle and bayonet, but no ammo, and so will only use it as a spear for the time being.

Additional Information/Background/History: (add history and other details as you go along)
« Last Edit: June 01, 2009, 08:40:58 PM by N.Theorist »
The solution to all of life's problems!

#1 Rin Satsuki Fan~♥
"For hearts long lost and full of fright, for those alone in blackest night, accept our ring and join our fight... Love Conquers All -  with violet light!"

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #46 on: May 27, 2009, 03:12:01 PM »
This looks pretty interesting but would I be able to join this late?


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #47 on: May 27, 2009, 03:56:44 PM »
This looks pretty interesting but would I be able to join this late?

Definitely. Just set yourself to do so.

Just remember that right now we're against any kind of weapons and military transportation =/.


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #48 on: May 27, 2009, 06:16:07 PM »
For further detail, see this post
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #49 on: May 27, 2009, 08:23:37 PM »
K thanks

Name: Khinsu
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Strength: trained martial artist (to the point of being able to reliably deal with weapons) specializing in weapon use and countering, high intellect and quick thinking, large amount of mana and good inner control, reserve energy, large reservoir of random knowledge, and good night vision
Weakness: Poor mana control outside of his body, significantly reduced mana share range, sleeping problems, not yet completely learned the language, and limited vision in light areas.
Home: A guest house
Occupation: Currently looking for a job
Visual Description: 5'11", thin but heavy due to muscle (~200 lb.), short black hair with hints of dark red (natural), brown eyes, white skin with slightly freckled arms, usually wearing jeans and a tee-shirt with a wind-breaker on.
Personality: Changing with degree of energy (corresponds with mana). high energy (rare) cause him to be optimistic and overly curious, medium energy puts him in a state of ennui, low energy cause him to not care, extremely low energy makes him a hostile, annoyed pessimist and when reaching into reserve energy (such as having not slept at all) he becomes hyper and slightly psychotic
Partners: Shikieiki I guess (not many people left)
History/Background: Originally from Canada he was born in a desert, raised in a rain forest then thrown into the prairies for a bit before returning to the aforementioned rain forest. His schooling went fairly well usually never having to try in any subject but eventually got bored and stopped trying even more. After a long process he became a semi-otaku watching almost anything he could get his hands on until they bored him, which they often did. He also constantly looked up random things and assimilated a lot of random information like this. He went to japan looking for a change of scenery and was able to stay at a local guest house in Karuisuwa for next to nothing by using some of his family connections. Has stayed there for the past 6 months changing jobs occasionally.
Fun Facts:
*He considers himself nocturnal due to his eye and sleep problems.
*Tends to internalize what he's trying to say without realizing it.
*Currently armed with a rattan stick of about arm length and a small stick that sticks out about 5cm from both sides of his hand when wielding.
Additional Information: His family is fairly wealthy in the upper middle class. None of his family have similar jobs making it easier to get information on different fields of study.

Khinsu always liked religious sites, in fact that was one of he decided to visit Japan, so upon hearing of an abandoned shrine naturally decided to check it out. Upon approaching at the shrine he noticed a commotion and decided to watch. What he saw surprised him quite a bit, men in black running after a group of what looked to him like cosplayers of a series he happened to do extensive research on named touhou. It was then he witnessed a girl with freen hair, shikieiki if memory served, running in his direction oblivious of his presences. She wound up tripping over the branches and hitting their heads together, knocking them both out.

After awakening he was surprised to find that shikieiki as he decided to refer to her as was still unconscious. Having no means of communication and realizing that whoever was after this girl could likely find her if she went to such a public place like a hospital he attempted to bring her back to the guest house he was staying at.

Upon return he dressed her wounds which were quite minor and placed her in an extra futon and let her rest. The next day she had yet to awaken. Worried he decided to check her temperature. When he placed his hand on her head he immediately felt a bit of his energy going through his arms and into the girl, then she started snoring. After a few attempts he managed to wake her and get the story out of her. Taking the new information in stride, especially after having dealt with much more insane theory for the better half of his life he finally decided that a search for the other members of gensokyo might just be interesting.

I'm not too sure on what I'm suppose to do at this point (trying and to find it and failing). Could someone please explain to me how I am suppose to proceed, it would be appreciated.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 08:31:55 PM by khinsu »


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #50 on: May 27, 2009, 09:06:01 PM »
Wander over to the shrine or wherever the main group is or join one of the groups wandering town(I think at this point thats...Tourist and Crios at Tourist Helpers)
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.


  • Guh..!
  • She is just too cute! I swear!
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #51 on: June 09, 2009, 02:07:17 AM »
Partners: Shikieiki I guess (not many people left)
Name: Pearl Dashon Tsubame (the name he had when he had her)
Age: 17 (nearly 3000 really)
Partners: (Soon to be) Komachi and/or Elly and (maybe) Shikieiki.
You're so late. ._.


  • I'm a strange type of crazy...the one you love and fear
  • Do not challenge the gateguard
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #52 on: June 12, 2009, 07:05:24 AM »
Name: Vant(never had a last name)
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Strength: Expanded knowledge(kinda like a jack-of-all-trades), served in military and learned hand-to-hand combat as well as using practically anything as a weapon. Large mana supply and can slightly control it so that he doesn't pass out whenever partner uses freakin' danmaku. Incredible healing rate.

Weaknesses: Always willing to throw himself in the line of fire for a friend

Home: owns house

Occupation: works in nuclear plant near Tokyo

Visual Description:6'1", silver hair(from birth defect), very light tan, basic blue jeans w/ black t-shirt and hiking boots and wears large red overcoat/cape, large silver necklace, and riding gloves.

Personality: Mild-mannered, very chivalrous, calm but makes jokes whenever there's a battle situation, becomes almost devil-like when friends are hurt. Has a love for Victorian style architecture and clothing

Partner: Kanako Yasaka

History/Background: Born in a prison camp, father was dead before he was born and mother died when he was only 8, forced into guerrila warfare when he was 12, he is trained in almost every kind of situation, from disarming bombs, to fighting on the frontlines, he was also skilled as a mechanic, being able to fix weapons and even make bombs. Moved to Karuisuwa to forget his past. Looking for work he stumbled into the Rai Force, unfortunately going into more combat apparently, he followed orders without question and began rounding up the "fugitives", or so he was told. After returning to the camp he realized that the ppl they captured were just girls. He was posted as a guard over prison cell #15 where Kanako was held. Vant took one ook at the girl in the cage and knew this was wrong. He unlocked the cell and carried the girl away to his home in Karuisuwa. Immediately she told him that to survive she needed to make a bond with him where the two couldn't be separated too much or she would die. Vant agreed and the two have been living in his home, just waiting for that knock on the door(or maybe they'll break it down) from the Rai Force.

Fun Facts:
*dislikes the sun, prefers a full moon and rain
*tends to branch off-topic and the return quickly as if talking to himself even though he was talking to another person
*has a strange understanding about human nature that isn't evident in most people

Current Status: Kanako said something about looking for Sanae and Suwako, she should be able to find them easliy being that she is a god.

Day 1: Spent almost entire day sleeping as it took a HUGE amount of mana to recover Kanako

Day 2 (12:00p.m.): Heading out with Kanako to look for Suwako and Sanae, but for some reason Kanako can't seem to figure out where they are, must have something to do with the lack of mana.
(7:00p.m.) Wandering streets hoping for some clue about the location of the two.


Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
  • *
  • if you're better than me
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #53 on: June 22, 2009, 01:27:14 PM »
This was supposed to be sent to MTG as a PM, but his inbox is full so...

Yeah, don't be alarmed, but I'm actually
. Looks like I won't be keeping that promise of having my name the same, huh.

But whatever, I deleted my last account because I was
banned for 'blasphemy'
. I won't go too much into it as I wanted to lay low in this new body account for a bit, but I also wanted to keep myself active in this as well. It was probably rash of me to do it, as I think I was
like Ghaleon was or something, but the deed's been done so no use looking back on it.

All that shit being said, I'll take up on the characters I had for
and shit, so yeah.
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #54 on: June 22, 2009, 10:43:35 PM »
... uh, joke bans like that tend to be temporary, you realize?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
  • *
  • if you're better than me
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #55 on: June 24, 2009, 04:36:38 AM »
Now I do.

About a few hours ago, I was being impulsive/stupid and deleted my old one without thinking of that fact.

No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Registration/Profile Thread)
« Reply #56 on: July 11, 2009, 04:54:09 AM »
Name:GA-05/ Lin TianXin/ Heavenly Star
Age: Looks same as Amarillo, which is 14
Strength: The ability to project a forcefield, and some decent Kong-Fu Skills, most notably the usage of Qi (Or Ki, whatever, same thing.)
Weakness: he is not very reliable. often mess things up, and this includes his original ability.
Home: (current settlement in Karuisuwa)
Occupation: Amarillo's Shield
Visual Description: Tall boy with short golden hair. initially wearing a white shirt and blue shorts.
Equipment: A heavy broadsword made of gold (weights 3.5kg) which can be opened and contains his original beam weapon - a pair of dagger and a pair of boomerang-darts. There is also a metal/signal sensor/detector installed in the top of the broadsword.
An instruction manual of how to project forcefields (his commander give it to him since he is more likely to make it wrong without that)
A motorcycle
Personality: Care-free and Hot-Blooded, however much "normal" than GA-01.
Partners: Hong Meiling
History/Background: Firstly send to this time frame to inspect the EFA Base under Syberia, Russia. However, after 3 days, his sensor get nothing, and on the 4th day, his second mission is issued: forget the EFA base for now, and rush to a town in Japan to issue protection on one of his senpais.
However, when he get off from the plane and rent a motorcycle and is rushing on the highway, a bird like object crashed with him.
It's indeed a bird.. however not a normal one.
And his mission is added....
Fun Facts : Often have a dice on him. since he believes in luck more than others.
Additional Information/Background/History: N/A at the moment
« Last Edit: July 22, 2009, 05:04:11 AM by [TForce]nemoma »

Break anything that stands between you and them!