Author Topic: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!  (Read 72586 times)


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Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« on: February 20, 2014, 03:18:50 AM »
While it may not be frequent, there have been people asking for full unlocks for various Touhou games for various reasons in the past, so we thought we may as well compile a list of downloads for each game. Ideally we are looking for complete unlocks, such as every single stage practice with every single character, or for IN, the former as well as every spellcard unlocked for spellcard practice plus all solo characters unlocked. Failing that, whatever is closest will do until we find one more suited.

On that note, would anyone be willing to donate their .dats for download? You'll of course be credited in the list!

Please use something like Mediafire or Dropbox to upload your files.

Currently looking for:

Touhou 6      ~ Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Touhou 7.5   ~ Immaterial and Missing Power
Touhou 10.5 ~ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody

Huge, huge thanks to anyone who contributes!
« Last Edit: February 27, 2014, 03:10:40 PM by Shimatora »

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Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2014, 03:31:22 AM »
I have two such files, at the moment. Would Dropbox be alright? I have problems when trying to upload my files to some sites, but Dropbox works just fine for me. However, I haven't played Hopeless Masquerade in quite a while, so I'm not completely sure if old saves are 100% compatible with updated versions? I think it should work fine though, but if it doesn't, I'll go ahead and update my own game and reupload the save.

Phantasmagoria of Flower View - All Characters/Stories/Extras Unlocked
Hopeless Masquerade - All Characters/Stages Unlocked

They must be properly renamed to "score.dat", I have my files renamed so that they do not conflict with each other.

Edit: Oh, yes, I forgot something, please take note of this. I can not take full credit for that PoFV score.dat. However, I was given permission to redistribute it at the time that I received it directly from the owner. At the very most, hosting it and giving it away is all I should be credited for and nothing more. This score.dat was given to me by another player I met once, but if he has an online name, I do not know it. Credits should go to "BENN" I guess, which is the name used for the scores in game.

The Hopeless Masquerade file, however, belongs to me.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2014, 05:34:18 AM by Iffy »


  • I'm not clumsy...
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Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2014, 03:35:39 AM »
Thank you! The .dat for HM should work, seeing as you don't have to re-unlock everything after updating.

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Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2014, 04:42:42 AM »
I think this one of Nereid's should be included:
Here's one with absolutely everything unlocked, with clean spell histories and score data: scoreth12.dat

I wonder how much memory editing it'd take to have "clean" full-unlock score.dat files like that, for all the games... I have no idea how to find that sort of thing.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2014, 04:44:52 AM by Karisa »


  • Deranged Collector
Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2014, 05:26:56 AM »
I still have 14 clears left in IN Hard Mode which I'll probably finish next week once I find the time, but I have complete clears for all those games minus IaMP, SWR and DDC up to and including Hard Mode. So basically, only Lunatic is missing, though there's one Lunatic clear in all of them.

Should that be of interest due to a lack of uploads or incompleteness, I'd be willing to provide them.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2014, 05:39:02 AM by Lepetit89 »

Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2014, 05:51:43 AM »
I didn't realize it at first but my Double Spoiler file is usable as well. Not sure how I missed that one.
All Scenes Open (not 100% clear) and Hatate Unlocked
This is probably all I can offer, because I can not play the shooting games on Lunatic (aside from PoFV) so I have no full unlocks in those.

Also, I'll add this in here just in case the edit to my other post goes unnoticed by any chance:

Edit: Oh, yes, I forgot something, please take note of this. I can not take full credit for that PoFV score.dat. However, I was given permission to redistribute it at the time that I received it directly from the owner. At the very most, hosting it and giving it away is all I should be credited for and nothing more. This score.dat was given to me by another player I met once, but if he has an online name, I do not know it. Credits should go to "BENN" I guess, which is the name used for the scores in game.

The Hopeless Masquerade file, however, belongs to me.


  • Heartwarming ★ Miracle
Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2014, 02:54:22 PM »
Complete unlocks including spell practices and practices for every character for IN, MoF and TD.
Hisoutensoku file also included just in case you needed a file with all cards unlocked and every boss card available for practice in result mode (i.e. not the one on hisouten wiki).
« Last Edit: February 20, 2014, 03:03:20 PM by Critz »


  • I'm not clumsy...
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Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2014, 05:00:10 PM »
Complete unlocks including spell practices and practices for every character for IN, MoF and TD.
Hisoutensoku file also included just in case you needed a file with all cards unlocked and every boss card available for practice in result mode (i.e. not the one on hisouten wiki).

Excellent! I had no idea you could even practice boss cards in Soku. Thank you.

I didn't realize it at first but my Double Spoiler file is usable as well. Not sure how I missed that one.
All Scenes Open (not 100% clear) and Hatate Unlocked
This is probably all I can offer, because I can not play the shooting games on Lunatic (aside from PoFV) so I have no full unlocks in those.

Also, I'll add this in here just in case the edit to my other post goes unnoticed by any chance:

Woo, cheers! Any idea who to credit for the PoFV .dat?

I still have 14 clears left in IN Hard Mode which I'll probably finish next week once I find the time, but I have complete clears for all those games minus IaMP, SWR and DDC up to and including Hard Mode. So basically, only Lunatic is missing, though there's one Lunatic clear in all of them.

Should that be of interest due to a lack of uploads or incompleteness, I'd be willing to provide them.

You can supply them now if you like, I'll use them if we don't get complete unlocks. Thank you!

Visit #sokumaidens on for discussion and matchmaking for a wide variety of fighting games!
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  • Deranged Collector
Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2014, 06:27:41 PM »
You can supply them now if you like, I'll use them if we don't get complete unlocks. Thank you!

There you go:

Are you going to save them elsewhere? I might restructure my OneDrive sometime soon, so the links will probably stop working at that point.


  • Heartwarming ★ Miracle
Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2014, 08:05:07 PM »
I actually also have a full unlock for EoSD as well:


  • I'm not clumsy...
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Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2014, 09:07:05 PM »
I actually also have a full unlock for EoSD as well:

Sweet, many thanks.

There you go:

Are you going to save them elsewhere? I might restructure my OneDrive sometime soon, so the links will probably stop working at that point.

I'll be rehosting them, yes. Thank you!

Visit #sokumaidens on for discussion and matchmaking for a wide variety of fighting games!
Feel free to message me if you need anything!

I have no name

  • Dodge ALL the bullets
Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2014, 11:57:15 PM »
Shoot the Bullet, all scenes cleared.
I can also drop a Double Spoiler all scenes cleared Aya+Hatate if that's desired.

Due to my general ignoring of easy mode, I don't have any fully unlocked score.dats for any of the other games, though I could probably get DDC to that point in a couple days, if no one else has provided one by then.  (I have normal done on all shots, hard done on most and extra done on all, easy is an easy clear leaving lunatic which I can use continues for unlocking the stages easily enough).

Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2014, 07:18:24 PM »
Woo, cheers! Any idea who to credit for the PoFV .dat?

The guy never mentioned a name that he uses online, so the best name to credit for now would be "BENN" as is used in the score file itself. That way, we know at least it is a name (or one of them?) that he uses for himself, so it's much better than "some guy" :V He wasn't specific about it at all, he just pretty much told me I should give it out to any of my friends that also need it.

I do have my own PoFV.dat as well, but I cant beat the final boss of Eiki's Extra (I'm no good against CPU Reimu) so I still haven't unlocked Lunasa and Merlin. However, if someone would like to go and beat her for me, that would be a score.dat that can be credited more properly rather than guessing at names. If anyone is interested, I just uploaded it here.


Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2014, 05:04:15 AM »
I do have my own PoFV.dat as well, but I cant beat the final boss of Eiki's Extra (I'm no good against CPU Reimu) so I still haven't unlocked Lunasa and Merlin. However, if someone would like to go and beat her for me, that would be a score.dat that can be credited more properly rather than guessing at names. If anyone is interested, I just uploaded it here.

Shimatora, do you not need one for Fairy Wars?


  • I'm not clumsy...
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Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2014, 06:02:19 PM »

Shimatora, do you not need one for Fairy Wars?

There's not much to be unlocked in Fairy Wars thankfully, so I was just going to use my own .dat for it. Thanks for the PoFV.dat!

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Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2014, 07:41:15 PM »
It's Iffy's, just to be clear. All I did was clear Extra with Eiki.


  • I'm not clumsy...
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Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2014, 08:54:05 PM »
It's Iffy's, just to be clear. All I did was clear Extra with Eiki.

Yeah, I know - shall I just credit Iffy?

Visit #sokumaidens on for discussion and matchmaking for a wide variety of fighting games!
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Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2014, 10:08:00 PM »
You may as well, I'd say. I only have one score on it and it's by no means my best. Whatever you think.

Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2014, 10:48:26 PM »
PCB.  If someone wants to make clean score.dat files you can repack your game's dat files (th07.dat, th08.dat, etc) with these ecl files using touhou toolkit and run through the games on a blank score.dat.  You'll end up with 0/1 cap rate on everything but I don't think that's really a big deal.  Only thing would be changing the timers and boss lifebars for PCB since you'd need to get caps for Phantasm.  Setting all lifebars to 100hp or something would probably do it.  I can't be bothered to mess with it myself though, since it takes a few hours to edit all the stages and I really don't feel like it.

Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2014, 11:42:43 PM »
I already had a backup of Lunatic clears of SA, so I just did the rest of the difficulties (except Extra, but I don't think that would be a problem)
Done on SpoilerAL for invincibility and Cheat Engine to lock Score and Hi-Score on zero, so most cards have 1/1 spell stories, except for some where I left the game idle or bombed to speedkill

Things I've done (and maybe will improve):
SA L6MNB | SA Lunatic 3b Scorerun | MoF LNB | PCB LNB |DDC LNB

Re: Looking for fully unlocked .dat donations!
« Reply #20 on: February 27, 2014, 02:47:08 AM »
Here's DDC
Same deal as with SA, Score locked on zero and Hi-score on the default 1mil just to be safe, this time with unlimited bombs, because there's no SpoilerAL sheet for DDC (at least I don't think there's one), so now most cards have 0/1 records

Also, most shots only have Easy mode cleared (to unlock Extra). Normal, Hard, Lunatic and Extra are only cleared with SakuyaA, and Stage Practice for the other shots was unlocked with Spell Practice (though spell practice for stage 4 may not have Yatsuhashi's spells available on Normal+)

Things I've done (and maybe will improve):
SA L6MNB | SA Lunatic 3b Scorerun | MoF LNB | PCB LNB |DDC LNB