Author Topic: Painting and Window Gazing - [ Semi-Sakuya!centric / one shot ]  (Read 3306 times)


  • What is this I don't even--
  • So wrong, but it feels so good.

Time taken to write; 40 minutes or so.
Pairing; None, though it is SakuyaxRemilia in a fluffy,  friendly way.
Word count; God knows, Word pad fails like that.

I hope you enjoy this small one shot!


One might have called it window gazing.

A square of cobalt as the outside light faded against a scarlet wall, gold frames which turned brown as the colour crawled to their edges and fabric like the entrails of a grand fabric accident clinging to the sides of it, as red as fresh blood. She paused in her dusting, head askew, to stare out of said window blankly as a opaque version of herself stared back, just as blank. The girl wrestled with the reflection for a few seconds before squinting, attempting to see the oncoming night beyond that held nothing but stars and the ever-ready moon.

The scene was beautiful.

Like an eastern dream painted on a porcelin plate the colours scrawled tales of history and the future, the blacks of the trees like shadows dying to join the lights in the sky whilst the dying sun crawled to the edge of Gensokyo on all fours, leaving behind only the darkness for the night-creatures to lurk in. Her head remained askew. The all too slowly remnants of light made her feel warm, her skin tingling as if she had been touched by something divine and above her. The grass swayed to a kind of song that couldn't be heard, entwining with flowers that had tussled heads as they settled down for the night, their petals ruffled only slightly by the sleepy breeze that dragged loose leaves with it, dancing in the sky.

How it would be grand to live in that moment forever. Forget the quaralling of Youkai and everyone else in Gensokyo, to stand there, quietly, and window gaze forever.

....Slowly, time crawled to a stop.

It was only natural for curiousity to grasp her.

The fascinating thing about being able to pause scenes was that though you were living in them, you weren't living them at all. You became no better than a dead thing. Everything around her stood still, leaves from the shedding tree outside hung motionless in the air, the hypnotic dancing of stars remained a fixed light, and the sun stopped its crawling of the earth to look back at her with coldness. To live in that frame forever... somehow, it was different. The colors were mottled, looking like some kind of cheap painting of forced beauty, and there was no warmth; in fact, now, it almost seemed cold even if her mind told her it was perfectly neutral in the world of no-time. The grass became thorns on the ground, shaded by flowers which seemed to be made of paper, delicate and errect against the earth like soldiers of war waiting for death. Shadows pitch black, air perfectly calm, trees like oddly cut stone pillars on a dying backdrop...

....And the window, the window no longer seemed like a kind of dream portal, and became a thing to ignore once more.

Time unwound itself and began ticking forward.

There was a placid expression on her face as she gave up window gazing, not wanting to live in a realm of beauty when it could not stay that beautiful forever. It was a selfish thought, but there was nothing to gain from chasing a fruitless dream on a plane that you could never reach. There would be war, and terror, and pain ahead in the land, not this picturesque coming of night that made her light-headed with the enchanment of it all. This power was merely teasing her. Stupid idiot. You can't want something to stay the same forever, everything changes, everything needs to end--

"Its just a window, Sakuya."

The voice startled her beyond belief, nerves fraying down until they were wire thin as she jumped out of her skin. A dramatic whirl around. Her master, eyes faintly glowing in the decaying day, stood with her hands on her hips and a playful smile etched into her features. Almost immediately there was a bow delivered to her, before a look of apology.
"I-I apologize for phasing out like that, my lady." She was trying to speak in an elegant fashion, but her heart trying to tear itself out of her chest was marring her ability to say a coherent sentance without fumbling with the words.

"Mmm? ...Oh, its fine, whatever." The casual brushing off of her maids aloofness was a usual thing to the little vampire. Curiosity grasped her, too. Strolling to the window the other had been looking out of, the mistress of the house got onto her tiptoes with her wings waggling to stay balanced as her hands curled upon its bottom frame. She was somewhat too small to see fully out of it, but her red eyes just reached over the top.

"What was so interesting, Sakuya?"

"...The night, my lady." She could only say the truth.

"The night...? We see enough of the night-time, Sakuya." She had planned for those words to bite, but they didn't. Somehow, they were hessitant; a rare emotion for Remilia to show. She disliked the idea of not seeing something that someone beneath her could see, no matter how hard she squinted, tilted her head, blinked. It was just the night, and the night would fall every time the day ended in an endless circle... she saw nothing of beauty worth mentioning out there. But somehow, she wanted to. There was a quick glance to her maid, another glance outside, before she turned on her heel and in a short hop pushed her wings down hard against the floor, air circling around the maids heels as her master clung to her back, crawling up her to slide her legs over the others shoulder and rest her arms on Sakuya's head, fingers locked with silver curls that rippled over her skin. Sakuya automatically made sure she wouldn't fall, turning azure eyes up to her master who had decided to use her as a seat.

A moment of silence.

"....My lady...?"

More silence, then a short bark of laughter as a toothy grin appeared on the reflection of her masters face, the stars of the sky shining in her eyes.

"Do you think its beautiful, Sakuya?"

The maid turned her gaze down to the floor, as if she was ashamed.

"Yes, master."

Oh, how the laughter somewhat unerved her; however, it was a little different from the other bouts of laughter her master usually had. This time, it was tinged with a kind of childish happiness, as if a game had been won, or something had gone to plan, or a present had arrived; Remilia wiggled her legs slightly against her servants hands, her hands fisting the others hair gently in excitement.

"Then why, Sakuya, are we inside staring out of a window instead of merely going outside to see it? Enough with window gazing. Its not the same as the real thing."

The blue eyes went round, and there was a sharp intake of breath... before a smile slid onto her face as well, happiness blooming inside her chest as her mistress gave a knowing smile. There was nothing like living in a painting. Too often she had seen far away places and had let her fingers graze the ink before wishing she was there; this was one of those moments, the painting being a window to a world... a world that was in reach. When she spoke next, she was fumbling no more.

"...Do you wish to go outside, mistress?"

They were both smiling at each other through the reflection in the window, though one of said smiles was border-lining a smirk.

"I do, and you can carry me there, Sakuya." It was said with good humor.

"...As you wish."

The window and its scarlet curtains, its peeling gold frames and its cross which stood nobly in the center of it was left to paint a picture, the picture of the night and the sky and the stars and the trees and the grass, the dying light of the daytime making it glow prettily as leaves danced past it. Though this time, right in the center of the frame was the moving figures of a girl with another girl on her shoulders, both eyes turned upwards, watching another day of life and meaning tumble to an end on uneasy feet.

Time didn't need to stop, if memories would imprint beauty in her mind forever.

One might have called it window gazing, but on nights like that, the gazing was best left to the dreamers and the stars.


Hello I am new.
My first post is fanfiction... orz.

Still I hope I got everything right and such in regards to personalities. These two are my favorite characters, so I hope I done them justice! ;D
[ -------Shaplz. ----- ]
('Lets just keep on dreaming... its all we have left now.')

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Painting and Window Gazing - [ Semi-Sakuya!centric / one shot ]
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2011, 05:09:49 AM »
Hm...  Pretty good for a 40 minute fluff piece.  I'm interested to see what you can do with a little more care and a story body.


  • I heard Malzaherp
  • needs a derp
Re: Painting and Window Gazing - [ Semi-Sakuya!centric / one shot ]
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2011, 08:01:29 AM »
Haha, this is by all means a capital descriptive effort.
I eat squirrels.


  • What is this I don't even--
  • So wrong, but it feels so good.
Re: Painting and Window Gazing - [ Semi-Sakuya!centric / one shot ]
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2011, 04:56:43 PM »
Hm...  Pretty good for a 40 minute fluff piece.  I'm interested to see what you can do with a little more care and a story body.

Thank ye' kindly. :) I just kind of scrambled to write something since inspiration struck me. I'm not much of a story writer (I am merely a Role player who occasionally likes to turn RP ideas into stories) but when I get an idea, I always need to finish it fast before the idea runs away from me. And when I do write, they are stories of a certain genre that probably wont be liked here as it is often not liked on writing sites.

Maybe one day I'll honestly complete a story... I have over twenty saved, and I never seem to be able to finish them...  :blush: [/Fails] 

Haha, this is by all means a capital descriptive effort.

Thank you very much! I adore description (perhaps a little too much  :3).

Thank you both for taking time out of your schedule's to read.
[ -------Shaplz. ----- ]
('Lets just keep on dreaming... its all we have left now.')

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Painting and Window Gazing - [ Semi-Sakuya!centric / one shot ]
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2011, 05:32:06 PM »
At least a oneshot can come easy to you but when i try one...