Author Topic: Flandre and the world outside  (Read 50519 times)


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #120 on: October 18, 2010, 05:37:01 AM »
It's amazing how you describe Flandre as not insane, but just a little girl. keep it coming!


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #121 on: October 18, 2010, 05:48:43 AM »
It's amazing how you describe Flandre as not insane, but just a little girl. keep it coming!

Not insane, but just a little girl - with a very destructive power. Gotta keep that in mind.

When you have that combination, don't you think it's easy for people to jump to conclusions and claim she's insane? She's just a kid, after all. What happens if you had a kid a flamethrower without telling them what it does? Insanity, that's what.

Poor Flandre. She just wants to be happy with her sister :<


  • Danmakufu Scripter
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #122 on: October 18, 2010, 05:15:18 PM »
Awww, so the Scarlet Mist incident occurred because Remi was just looking out for Flan.  :3

I just had the pleasure of reading through your entire fanfic for the first time.  I loved it, and it was very well-written.  You certainly gave Flan an extra helping of HNNNNNGGGG-.  I wonder how Flan's gonna get her danmaku skills up to speed (to a point that even surpasses Remi) before she faces off against the red-white. 

I look forward to reading what happens next! :]
« Last Edit: October 18, 2010, 05:18:50 PM by AJS »

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #123 on: October 24, 2010, 12:22:25 AM »
Well done! I've just gotten through this, and (as with most people here it seems) I much prefer Flandre characterised this way. And it was nice having some backstory for Sakuya too.
Also, What the HELL Cirno?  :(


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #124 on: October 26, 2010, 02:48:35 AM »
Can't last a whole 10 days.. I'm about to start continuing this myself. But then, of course, when the next chapter did come out, I'd be put to shame. :ohdear:

Edit: Read my next comment.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2010, 10:20:38 PM by Luneth »


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #125 on: October 26, 2010, 05:52:54 AM »
And after getting 1/5 through that 'Baby Boomers' one, I don't think I want to read any other but this one. o_O (No offense to its author. =X)

Comments like that really don't need to be verbalized. If you don't like a certain writer's style or the direction of a fic, keep it to yourself. There are plenty of other stories in PSL to choose from; use the Summary thread to read brief little synopses on each fic here to find another one to read if you don't want to read what's one the first few pages.

I understand the sentiment, as sometimes even I can't finish reading something without wincing, but like I said; you don't need to say things like that. Even if you mean no offense, the effect that can have on the writer in question is tremendous. It's already hard enough for a lot of the authors here to work up the nerve to actually write something, let alone post it here for others to read.


  • Down down, a clip round you, fall in drops, set a trap
  • Down down, a clip round you, get the trick of it.
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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #126 on: October 26, 2010, 10:45:55 PM »
Yeah, I thought that looked a little.. wrong, before I posted it. Should've said more. I didn't mean in any way that it was bad, it was honestly better than I could do(I can't do details..). It's just my opinion that I like serious ones over parodies or etc. It was still good and funny, it did make me laugh.. And the amount that was written shows enough dedication to know the author's trying, anyways.
"No offense" was my lazy way of saying it was good, I just didn't want to read it. (E.G. I don't want to read 95% of the books in my school library, but I'm not calling any of them bad.) Just take my quote out if you want.. I'm supposed to be the good guy. :(
I never call other peoples' work bad, I really should've worded that differently in the first place.  :ohdear:

On topic again, I'm still trying to get my brother to read this. He's dead-set that reading this would be "Doing me a favor" and I would "owe him" if he did read it.  :/
People commenting on Flandre destroying things, killing 'lots' of people and being crazy in general's been added to my list of things that make me sigh out loud since I've read this. I definitely take this as the real Flandre over the "Insane kill-for-fun feeling-less 'basement freak'" that everyone else ignorantly believes.
Really, can anyone read all of this and not completely love Flandre?

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #127 on: October 27, 2010, 12:42:39 PM »
Good job! Love Flandre more now :3
Alice Margatroid

Now writing:
Negative Explosion Chapter 3


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #128 on: October 27, 2010, 06:58:18 PM »
Oh my ******* god, this fiction is perfect!


  • Drop the pills!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #129 on: January 16, 2011, 05:47:54 PM »
Ah, thank you so much for all the nice comments.. My social skills have been improving, so I'm a little worried how I should acknowledge them so as to not seem impolite... I hope you guys can bear with me. I'm happy to know my writing style is tolerable, my confidence in it has gone up and down.
Anyways, I've had school+writers block+terrible schedule, but I'll try and continue this. BTW: I do have an end in sight, and maybe an extra chapter or two after that. But I'll do my best to try and make it as EPIC as possible.

Also: Cirno is Cirno, and you'll see her some more.

?Oh, OK.? Flandre nods. Koa perks up, happy to finally have that out of the way.
?I'll read you a book, but I don't know many good books for children...?

The rest of the day is spent listening to Koa read her some tragedy that ends happily, with lots of swordfights and dinosaurs. It's actually really nice, living like this, she thinks after Koa pats her head and sends her off to dinner. Sakuya's waiting with the meal, and Remilia is lot nicer now that she's dressed. Even so...

She stares wistfully at the window, where the sun is setting and perhaps one day she'd like to go there, beyond the sky and see if there really are men on the moon, like in that old movie.

Remilia catches her staring, and sighs sadly. Flandre averts her gaze, yes, she knows. She's not allowed, shouldn't even be thinking about flying or going outside for long, and especially not without Sakuya or Meiling. Yet for some reason, Remilia turns her face towards the window, too. Only she's looking towards the sun and has to look away really quickly. Their eyes meet briefly, and Flandre realizes that maybe, just maybe, she's not the only one stuck indoors.

Today, Flandre is alone again.

She's used to being lonely, but being lonely and nobody being home are two completely different things. Right now, there's nobody for her to play with, Remilia, China, and Sakuya are out on business, and Patchouli's not in the mood for spending time with anyone(save Koakuma, who occasionally runs into the kitchen covered in ash, slime, or somekind of dark sludge).

This wouldn't be so bad, usually. There's cookies in the parlor, books on the shelves, and a nice big attic to explore in a worst-case scenario. Sadly, none of this sounds very appealing right now, for some reason. She's gotten some new Pokemon cards, but noone has time to play with her. She'd suggest for someone to play dinosaurs with her, but everyone is grown up and that would feel weird. Even Remilia doesn't seem to wanna play with her these days, and Patchouli can't always be bothered. Koakuma will read her things if she asks, but she's really busy usually and has Patchouli to look after(Last time she left Patchouli alone, she'd returned to find a dark hole in the trash-can, and nobody was very keen on that).

She was usually happy just being able to run and play by herself like this, but it's getting a little boring. Of course, China plays with her whenever, it's just that she's really busy these days- Apparently, there's a person who keeps breaking in. Flandre hasn't seen her yet, but she hopes she can someday. She's never seen a real burglar before! If she waits by the front door, maybe she can catch the criminal?

So she sits down and waits, and waits.

Today is not one of those days, it seems. And waiting isn't very fun, especially not on her own.
If she could maybe leave and go sit with China someday, that would be nice, but she's not allowed to because the sunlight gives her sunburn, and she's not allowed to leave the house without Remilia.

She stands up and is about to leave when someone starts knocking on the door. No, no knocking- Banging would be a more appropriate word. Flandre stares, then does the first logical thing that comes into mind: Open the door.

It's very tempting not to go ?kyuu!? on the lock. Nevertheless, Flandre knows how to open the door. It's really hard, and she's not supposed to know how, really, but Meiling taught her anyway: ?If there's an emergency', an' y'need t' get out, Ah'm sure your sister would rather want y' alive and out 'stead of inside and dead.? After a little fiddling with the lock, the door opens, and Flandre hopes Remilia or someone they know isn't standing there.

She breathes a sigh of relief. No, it's no one from the household. Then her sigh turns into an annoyed growl as she sees exactly who has the very nerve to merely show herself.

A complete nuisance in a blue dress has planted her feet outside the Scarlet mansion's front door. Her head is tilted to the side, and she's tapping her foot impatiently, like she expected someone else to open the door. Flandre is not amused.

?It's you.? She says, glaring at the fairy, who seems just as annoyed as she is.

?What do you want?? The young mistress raises her eyebrow. Didn't she teach this fairy a lesson last time?

Cirno gets straight to the point. ?Hi. I'm bored. Since you're not allowed to blow me up, I wanna rematch.?
Oh. Well, that's tolerable: She'll just have to prove her power again, and hopefully Cirno won't bother her anymore. Except-Oh, yeah- No dueling inside the house.

?No. Not today.? She shakes her head vigorously. ?I'm not pansy or anything, though.?

The fairy smiles triumphantly: ?Aha! You're chicken!?

Flandre, who has no idea of what ?chicken? means in this context, sighs and shrugs and is just about to close the door before she notices a card with yellow borders sticking out of Cirno's pocket.

?Is that Pokemon??
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #130 on: January 16, 2011, 07:51:05 PM »
Hooray! Another update!

... oh dear, comedic misunderstandings incoming!


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #131 on: January 16, 2011, 08:17:13 PM »
Oh, my God, Flandre vs Cirno in a Pokemon card match?
This is brilliant! xD

Kinzo the Astro Curious

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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #132 on: January 22, 2011, 09:48:28 PM »
"What do I look like to you, a pokemon trainer..?"

This could be interesting. I wasn't expecting the pokemon cards, but I'd sure like to see how epic a pokemon card battle can be made.


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #133 on: January 22, 2011, 11:27:15 PM »
Yaaaaaaay update is here.

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #134 on: January 23, 2011, 12:34:33 AM »
I don't get why Flandre is pictured as 'insane' in many fanworks. This is what I pictured her as, and I love how she is.

I'll be waiting for some more. But... it hurts to wait...

And I'll take a bet that Cirno and FlanFlan would treat the Pokemon Card Battle as a real thing, well, Cirno at least.