Author Topic: Enter a world where the RNG is more cruel than FE - Welcome to Estiah  (Read 3352 times)


  • 不聖女
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  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
I've dragged in a bunch of people and I know a certain veteran aside from myself who plays the game.

#bunnygod-meido @
MotK Guild: Alteria (formerly headed by Nat Tea, officer'd by me)
My Guild, not MotK: Wandering Along Nothing Dangerous

Since this is probably not as well-known as KoL (even if similar style), it's still a very well-written piece of work I would say. It's also pretty challenging later on, requiring lots of thought and making sure you can analyze the outcome of your battles. Almost every battle in this game is governed by the RNG not fucking your ass over and how well you know your enemy, and losing battles has absolutely no repercussions aside from you wasting the AP (KoL has Adventures, Estiah has AP or Action Points). This thread will serve as a more concrete thread for discussion of hard fights, skill learning methods, and other ways to game the system, as I do not have so much time to be on IRC. Also, you can dump any decks you want to share or plan coliseum teams or whatever. Also discuss the current metagame.

Now without further ado, a beginner's guide to twinking L1 to L10, by yours truly.

Getting a Good Headstart on the Game

So, you've registered, activated your account, and you started playing. You have absolutely no idea what to do. Hovering over your name in the upper left corner gives you a list of things to click. One of the most important parts of that is your GEAR. Your gears are basically a deck of "charms," which are basically "cards" that do certain actions in battle. Battles are determined by drawing these charms or cards in a random order in battle, either to good effect or bad effect, depending on your opponent or how unlucky you are. Having a wide selection of charms to use is one of the best things to have in this game. To earn charms, you can do 3 things:

  • Buy them from a Charm Shop
  • Obtain them from dungeons
  • Craft them from a Charm Crafting Shop*

*Crafting charms requires some money and the materials listed in its requirements when you see it in the shop.

Now, how do you use these charms? Charms have requirements. These requirements are in the form of stats. There are 4 stats:


Stats do absolutely nothing except for two things: levelling up and using charms. However, stats are still important - if you want to change class, you need to follow a certain status requirements. The values are the same for each class at each tier level, the only difference is the pair of stats required. It's a very good idea to have a good idea on what class you want to go, so you can plan your status progression in advance, and you can try and make up for any stat deficiencies you want to eliminate! Planning and taking things very slowly is a very good method of ensuring success.

Now, without further ado, the guide proper.

Level 1 to Level 4
When you start, the tutorial pops up and says you should take a job. DO NOT DO THIS. Doing jobs before Lv10 is tantamount to missing out on some crucial early skill up opportunities, which you want to take advantage of as early as level 1. The particular skill you want to aim for when levelling up to level 2 is SPIRITUALITY. Feel free to do Inachis Sewers once to get a feel of how dungeons work (
Can't beat the Rat God? Go buy some Charms from the Charm Bazaar in Inachis. Level 1 characters can use Large Bone and Small Heat Wand
). The trick to getting Spirituality at Level 1 is by beating the Sewer Rat (Level 1) enemy in the ARENA. You will need to use a very specific deck to do this.

Gear 'Spirituality LV1' By Astrolabia: (3 charms)

Small Ice Wand x3

Gear 'Spirituality LV1' (3 charms)
Magic: 12 (25% P)

That's right. You only need 3 Small Ice Wands to do this. Sewer Rats only have 11 HP. This is key, because you need to exhaust all your charms while killing the Sewer Rat. You could try and use 3 Wooden Swords to do the same thing, however, the Sewer Rat sometimes plays Armor, which mitigates the Melee damage your Wooden Swords will do. Therefore, you need to resort to Magic damage since it does not play Ward.

After mastering Spirituality R1 at LV1, you will also have undoubtedly mastered Frost R1, which should knock you up to level 2, 0/4. During your brief stay as Level 2, power through it by mastering Armor R1 and Ward R1 by playing Armor and Ward charms against the Sewer Rat. You should beat the Sewer Rat in this manner by exhausting it, by exhaustion, this means making its Spirit count 0. The Sewer Rat has 11 Spirit, meaning you should play a deck of 12 Charms.

Once you reach level 2 by mastering both Armor and Ward R1, you should be level 3, 0/5. This is where you make the first crucial decision as a low-level twink: Do you want to farm charms first, or do you want to rush Lv3 Courage R1? Personally, I usually rush Courage R1. Courage is a skill earned by defeating players 2 or more levels above you in PvP. This requires Moving from Inachis to a new place. It's much easier to get Courage in Aleas, so go there if you plan to get Courage R1 now. If you want to farm, you should remain in Inachis and continue to farm Inachis Sewers until you master the Sewer Cleaner skill, which gives you a hefty 500 gold. At Lv3, you can also make a headstart and do the River's Edge dungeon, which introduces players to Cumulative Armor and Ward. Cumulative armor and ward grants directly stacked armor and ward bonuses as opposed to an instant value. Having difficulties with River's Edge?
For the first fight, use MAGIC. For Captain Gaufre, the second fight, use MELEE.

When you're in Aleas trying to get Courage R1 at Lv3, keep in mind it will be hard as you will be facing off against Lv5 players, which have access to the first major Vendor charms, the Copper charms. A lot of newbies will be using Copper charms at these levels, meaning you have to pick your fights very wisely. Make sure your opponents have a PvP rating of 1510 or less. A good deck to start off with in my opinion would be this:

Gear 'Courage Lv3' By Astrolabia: (20 charms)

Rough Stone Sword x5
Rough Stone Axe x5
Spark Wand x5
Shadow Wand x5

Gear 'Courage Lv3' (20 charms)
Melee: 65 (9% P)
Magic: 75 (9% P)

However, you're free to decide how you want to defeat your enemies. IF you lose a fight, don't fret. You will lose a few fights here and there. Doing Courage R1 at Lv3 is a hard affair, but even so, you will only need to win 17 PvP fights before you master Courage R1. After mastering Courage R1, you should now be level 3, 4/5. Master any remaining skill and gain a level up. You should be at level 4, 1/10 at this point. This is the first stumbling block of most twinks. You will need to master two extremely important skills NOW. These are Survival R1 and Cheat Death R1. The former is a lot harder to get than the latter, but we will be using the same Arena enemy for this: Prairie Sprite (level 4).

What's so special about that enemy? That enemy uses precisely ONE damage type, Magic, and does 87 total damage, 40 of which piercdes Ward. I believe with your current HP bonuses from Armor, Ward and Courage, you should have 66 HP, or somewhere around there. We also know the Prairie Sprite has 17 spirit, so you need 18 charm deck to master Cheat Death and a full 22 charm deck to master Survival. To fulfill the requirements for CD, you need to finish the fight with 10% HP and Spirit remaining. For Survival, you just need 10% HP remaining. Note that you cannot get points in Cheat Death and Survival at the same time!!! This is super important, and do not forget this.

Unfortunately, I cannot give you a 100% win-rate deck here, as it's very hard to get a 100% win-rate and get Survival or CD, you will need to experiment. Be sure to pack at least somewhere between 40 to 60 Ward, though, as you are still subject to the RNG. You can get away with less than 40 if you're confident about the RNG, but that's pushing it. Pad your deck with ARMOR charms and WEAK DAMAGE charms if you need to fill up your deck. Once you master Survival and Cheat Death, you should be at level 4, 7/10. The next skills you want to master now are Defender R1 and Leadership R1... I will explain that in the very important next section, that deserves its own title.

Leadership and Defender
Leadership and Defender are lauded as a pair of really annoying skills to master, but once you do, you are instantly hailed as motherfucking awesome (okay not really). They make use of two important mechanics: Focus and Protect. Focus is basically you target someone in a group fight that all your teammates, including yourself, will hit for a certain period of time. Protect is you putting Focus on YOURSELF for enemies to hit. What on earth gives charms like that this early? That depends.

Lv4 Protect, from Holy Grace Square

Lv4 Bright Fire, from High Summoner's Study
Lv5 Helm of Narrow Vision, crafted from Zeal's Concentrated Assault
Lv5 Tied Javelin, crafted from Zeal's Concentrated Assault

Well you can see Defender LOOKS harder because you only get one charm to use, but it's actually just as easy as getting Leadership. To note, both Holy Grace Square and High Summoner's Study involve fights of many players, so it's very easy to capitalize by making decks including only Protect and Focus charms, and still have a good chance to win. Added to this, you have a lot of HP from prior skills. So you should spend the time to get these two skills as early as now.

Level 6 to Level 10

Where's level 5? Just master some skills or farm charms from Bunny Nesting Grounds and Goblin Tower. Once you reach level 6, you should quickly go to Cursed Forest in Lumina and quickly farm the charms there, getting as many as you can before hitting the coveted level 7. Of note, if you won a LOT of PvP battles, you can use the Soul Dusts you accumulated by crafting them from the PvP Shop in the cities of Zeal, Inachis, and Lumina. If you can do this, get 5 Battle Glyphs ASAP, you will need those now.

At level 7, you will beat Inachis Battle Tournament purely by turtling. Make full charm decks of the following composition against the following opponents:
Knight Bob - ARMOR
Wizard Dude - WARD
Wildor - ARMOR and WARD
Sir Civet the Thunder - PURE WARD, hope he doesn't uses his Unstable Staff when you have high ward.

You will get 40 points in Heroism per full run, meaning to max the skill you need to run it two full times and then a single half. Heroism is obtained by beating Dungeon fights which are 2 or more levels higher than your own. Once you master Heroism, you are free to decide to continue mastering normal battle skills OR take the incredibly daunting task of mastering the 4 Extreme Gathering skills. This is extremely time-consuming and AP-inefficient, so please decide now if you will stick to it. This involves stacking your AP up to 1200 and then spamming the Gathering option if you hover over your AP total.

This concludes the twink guide. Enjoy!


If you want to do a The Rogue Colossus run, message me on #bunnygod-meido if I'm online and I'll make one for you with the following name and password:

Name: Kyoudou Party
Password: yukkuri

If you want to message me in-game, please send a message to Astrolabia.

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Re: Enter a world where the RNG is more cruel than FE - Welcome to Estiah
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2010, 03:21:02 PM »
Yay, Estiah thread!

However, you're free to decide how you want to defeat your enemies. IF you lose a fight, don't fret. You will lose a few fights here and there. Doing Courage R1 at Lv3 is a hard affair, but even so, you will only need to win 17 PvP fights before you master Courage R1. After mastering Courage R1, you should now be level 3, 4/5. Master any remaining skill and gain a level up. You should be at level 4, 1/10 at this point. This is the first stumbling block of most twinks. You will need to master two extremely important skills NOW. These are Survival R1 and Cheat Death R1. The former is a lot harder to get than the latter, but we will be using the same Arena enemy for this: Prairie Sprite (level 4).

What's so special about that enemy? That enemy uses precisely ONE damage type, Magic, and does 87 total damage, 40 of which piercdes Ward. I believe with your current HP bonuses from Armor, Ward and Courage, you should have 66 HP, or somewhere around there. We also know the Prairie Sprite has 17 spirit, so you need 18 charm deck to master Cheat Death and a full 22 charm deck to master Survival. To fulfill the requirements for CD, you need to finish the fight with 10% HP and Spirit remaining. For Survival, you just need 10% HP remaining. Note that you cannot get points in Cheat Death and Survival at the same time!!! This is super important, and do not forget this.

Unfortunately, I cannot give you a 100% win-rate deck here, as it's very hard to get a 100% win-rate and get Survival or CD, you will need to experiment. Be sure to pack at least somewhere between 40 to 60 Ward, though, as you are still subject to the RNG. You can get away with less than 40 if you're confident about the RNG, but that's pushing it. Pad your deck with ARMOR charms and WEAK DAMAGE charms if you need to fill up your deck. Once you master Survival and Cheat Death, you should be at level 4, 7/10.

To the people reading the above guide: As someone who's trying to master Cheat Death (and maybe Survival) at level 3, I will tell you that you'll have a much easier time of it if you go get Courage first. You'll have a higher HP buffer to work with -- my HP is 56 right now; that would leave you with 15 HP of leeway as opposed to the 25 you'd have at level 4.


  • Metang@
  • ( 。゚ 3っ   )っ
Re: Enter a world where the RNG is more cruel than FE - Welcome to Estiah
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2010, 01:39:05 PM »
More people should play  :A

Obligatory greetings and salutations, comrade! You may or may not have encountered me recently through Gathering if you're within my level range.

And, just in case there's a queue or something, I should also be able to help out a bit with The Rogue Colossus and / or other Sites (well, "Raids") with a cap of say, Lv30ish or something. Nudge me on IRC etc. etc. .


You should all ram yourselves into me and die horrible deaths so that Outlaw can increase fasterrrrrrrrr  >:V
[16:25] <Kuruminut> Shut up MS Word, "fangirlism" is totally a word
[07:59] <Sapz> ベーティさんは馬鹿っぽいだろう、この「っぽい」好き者


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
Re: Enter a world where the RNG is more cruel than FE - Welcome to Estiah
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2010, 03:45:50 PM »
You should all ram yourselves into me and die horrible deaths so that Outlaw can increase fasterrrrrrrrr  >:V

You think you have it bad, I've had Outlaw R2 stuck at 100/180 for as long as I can remember zzz

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Nat Tea

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Re: Enter a world where the RNG is more cruel than FE - Welcome to Estiah
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2010, 09:01:13 PM »
You think you have it bad, I've had Outlaw R2 stuck at 100/180 for as long as I can remember zzz
Not my fault you made a character that can kill Shadowlord Drisp.

At level 31.
Horie dorie~
Pixiv: / PSO2: Choja (Ship5) / 3DS: 3496-9942-9472 / PSVITA: choja206 (English) / chojahiragawajpn (Japanese) / Cosplays: Koishi Komeiji, Kogasa Tatara
Tumblr contains cooking and cosplay. Twitter contains me retweeting everything.
I draw but I do not use artist title. I also write, but I have been inactive lately. I want to get better at those things and more!