Author Topic: What can change the nature of a man? Planescape: Torment available for download!  (Read 2157 times)


  • Fighter than anyone else
Just found out recently, and I'm certain some of you might be interested - Planescape: Torment, lauded by many to be one of the best D&D-based RPGs in existence for its fascinating characters and engrossing story, as well as being set in the rarely-used Planescape setting, is available for purchase here for a measly 10 dollars.

Despite having a few eccentricities in how the game is played and paced, it's still a worthwhile investment if you at all like old-schoolish CRPGs or are entertained by a story of self-discovery and coming to terms with mistakes of the past.

Oh, and the music is darned good, too.


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
You mention a lot of awesome things about P:T, but you fail to mention the awesome, absolutely fantastic writing?

You heathen!

(And yes, I'm referring to the actual writing rather than the story itself)

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  • Fighter than anyone else
You mention a lot of awesome things about P:T, but you fail to mention the awesome, absolutely fantastic writing?

You heathen!

(And yes, I'm referring to the actual writing rather than the story itself)

I thought that was a given, considering it was written by Chris Avellone! But yes, the dialogue he writes for characters is unsurpassed, making some of the talking scenes, not combat or action, the highlight of the game.


  • cawcawcawcaw
    • The Grass Feels Like Pants
Holy crap, I thought I was the only one who remembered this game. Picked it up years ago for about 10 bucks and never regretted it. I probably wouldn't buy it again (since I've got my copy around :V), but the game is still amazing and definitely recommended.

Paul Debrion

  • Highroller
  • Back again for more!
I was wondering when would finally get this game.

Too bad I've pretty much eaten through my gaming budget for this month, though I might stretch it a little to get this.
I'll come up with an evil scheme later. First, it's time to build a giant robot!

You can't have a good evil scheme without a giant robot!


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat

absolutely awesome game which I would totally grab if I did not already have it, but then I would be heathen and accursed as well

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson

I guess I need to get around to playing this, huh?


  • cawcawcawcaw
    • The Grass Feels Like Pants
Yes. Yes you do. Best Western RPG I've ever played and being and RPG buff that's sayin' somethin'~

I am scared, cold, alone, and hungry,

...well, as alone as one with a talking, floating skull can be.


Man, I have so much on queue right now...... but P:T has been on the to-buy list since forever. Decisions, decisions....


  • Fighter than anyone else
I am scared, cold, alone, and hungry,

...well, as alone as one with a talking, floating skull can be.

Do not leave the Mortuary without talking to a certain ghost. Do not leave the Mortuary without talking to a certain ghost. I will repeat this forever.