Author Topic: Final Fantasy XII  (Read 19270 times)


Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #60 on: April 05, 2010, 02:29:04 AM »
yeah, then go to the elevator and pick the next level(penumbra>umbra>abyssal>unknown)


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Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #61 on: April 05, 2010, 02:40:30 AM »
Thing is, their is no option for a next level. Only to go back up.


Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #62 on: April 05, 2010, 02:43:12 AM »
Have you filled all 4 pedestals until it gives no option to add more orbs? once you open a new floor, there is a short sound
Also, is Phoenix really beaten? :V


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Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #63 on: April 05, 2010, 02:46:07 AM »
Well for Pheonix... I drained it's Health Gauge until it suffered Critical Existance Failure, unless you fight it twice on the same floor.


Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #64 on: April 05, 2010, 02:47:17 AM »
Nope, that should be all :V
Have you accepted the Shadowseer hunt? Might be required, probably not


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Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #65 on: April 05, 2010, 02:48:30 AM »
It's accepted all right... I think... maybe... IDK... I haven't played in months, I can't remember specifically :colonveeplusalpha:


Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #66 on: April 05, 2010, 02:49:31 AM »
Recheck all pedestals and the Seer hunt. Nothing else I can think of.


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Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #67 on: April 05, 2010, 02:57:46 AM »
I'll do that, next time I toss FF12 into my beloved PS2. Subterra is great, the enemies are vicious and the floor doesn't afraid of anything :colonveeplusalpha:


Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #68 on: April 26, 2010, 06:47:26 AM »
Bumping to ask: How am I supposed to figure out where the hell I should go on the License Grid? All I've got so far is that Penelo and Ashe are the best casters, and Balthier and Basch shouldn't be used for casting at all.


Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #69 on: April 26, 2010, 02:43:42 PM »
Bumping to ask: How am I supposed to figure out where the hell I should go on the License Grid? All I've got so far is that Penelo and Ashe are the best casters, and Balthier and Basch shouldn't be used for casting at all.
You can use anyone for everything, but I'd recommend you to focus 4 chars on attacking, while 2 are spellcasters.

Fran is a little bad at...everything, so feel free to leave her out.
I'd say Penelo and Ashe for magic(get 3 quickenings for them first and don't get any for anyone else, as they benefit from the 200/300% MP while others do not) and the other 3 for attacking...but if you want to use Fran, use her for magic and Ashe for attacking.

For spellcasters, obviously go for staves and mystic armor(possibly Main Gauche+a good shield for really high evasion), while the attackers should go for light armor until you can buy Shielded Armor, then go heavy all the way.

As for weapons, some weapons are slower, some are faster, and some use more than STR.

Only STR weapons: Greatswords(later on, but faster than shortswords for some reason), Poles(use Magic Defence instead of Defence, high evasion), Spears(some of the fastest weapons out there) and Shortswords(for some reason, they are seriously slow)
By far the easiest to do high damage with, just slap on Heavy Armor and go kill stuff.

STR+AGI: Daggers(fastest, I'd say that only Main Gauche is worth it for the godly evasion), Ninja Swords(fast, but they are only Dark+weak and 2 handed), Bows(slow, but long range)
Use a Cat Ear Hood to greatly boost the damage of these 3 weapon types.

Guns are by far the slowest, but ignore defence and your stats - the attack is only decided by the ammo and gun's power.
Katanas are STR+Magic based.

The other weapons are either gimmicky, random, or useless. Don't bother. Oh and rods suck, go with staves.

I'd say avoid shortswords and bows, as they are too slow.
I don't like guns, but you might like them.
Go with poles and spears, then later on use greatswords or mix it up if you want. Pure STR weapons are really the best in the maingame, except for some elemental stuff(Muramasa, Gladius)

Use Berserk. A lot. It gives a huge attack AND speed boost. Berserk 2, sit in the back with your caster throwing support spells and you shouldn't have problems(especially with an evasive setup). Even the game considers it as a positive status...probably the most positive one of them all.

As for your casters, early on they have little MP and spells aren't exactly excellent either.
You might want to ignore the attack spells altogether, as they are slow and Berserk outclasses them at no MP cost.
I haven't really used Protect, Shell and Haste either.
Obviously get Berserk, Esuna, Cura/ga/ja, Raise/Arise, Float...maybe Fira as Jellies are easy and fun chaining for lots of LP and gil.

License board - don't get unnecessary equipment licenses - if you don't have it, don't get it.
Focus your mages on magic based augments and rush 3 quickenings, as having 3x more MP is invaluable. You might want to get Berserk for your attackers and set it as a Self gambit to save MP. Ignore the rest of the spells and get quickenings after both mages get all 3 of them, then abuse Syphon to drain their MP for yourself.

Unlike the Sphere Grid, you can't screw up. Get 6 Golden Amulets and never put them away. LP is really easy to get. Just remember, augments first, then licenses for the equipment/spells you need.

Technicks...found them mostly useless too.
Steal is obtained by default, definitely get Libra...and ignore the rest. I find Charge overrated and the rest is gimmicky crap.

チソウ タイゼン

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Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #70 on: April 27, 2010, 01:06:46 AM »

It's my favorite Final Fantasy so far. 13 is failing to blow itself out of the water like 12 did.
I was thiiiiiiiiiiiis close to beating Yiazmat. Now it's borderline impossible for me to and I'm super angry.
Everybody is level 62.
I beat the final boss at 43. And I almost got the Tournesol!
I filled up like 1100 License tiles out of 1300~ have awesome equips~

...I'm so upset that I'm returning it to my friend tomorrow.
I've had it for 5 months (144:45:40)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2010, 01:08:54 AM by Mister Sanity »

Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #71 on: April 27, 2010, 11:15:34 AM »
I bought this game back when it was new as a biased FF-fan and loved it. Looked at it now its eternally boring and lacking the awesomeness the series used to have.


Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #72 on: April 27, 2010, 01:21:19 PM »
Looked at it now its eternally boring and lacking the awesomeness the series used to have.
Explain :V

Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #73 on: April 27, 2010, 05:37:47 PM »
Explain :V

Uh yeah, the Final Fantasy series is in my opinion a series that has fallen from its prime. The last good installment in the series was Final Fantasy X-2. Final Fantasy XIII isn't really bad but i have just reached Chapter 11 (i think) which means that the game becomes less linear and gives you a crapload of sidequests to undertake. Now, the problem is that these sidequests aren't very interesting to play and the completionist inside me won't proceed with the game storyline before the optional stuff is out of the way. :(

Nevermind that though. Final Fantasy XII have some of the most boring gameplay i have ever experienced. Your gambits will basically play the game for you and if you don't use the gambits it will become an annoyance to have to input all those commands because you will be inputting a lot of commands if you are to work with same efficiency as the gambit system.

Add to that the fact that the game is incredibly easy. And 90% of the time is spent running around fighting battles - not entertaining battles that is - and the rest of the time spent watching cutscenes.

The story is by far the best part of the game and it isn't even as good as the one in the previous installments in the franchise (except FFVIII, that doesn't make any sense at all)

Mr. Uematsu's absence is also very easily felt. He was an excellent composer that did a marvelous job of making even a boring part of the game decent. Like level grinding for instance. What a pain would that be if there wasn't a great piece of battle music for it to keep up your spirits? It would be like FFXII. That game doesn't even have battle music. Instead the Nam-Yensa (i think) Sandsea's orchestral awesomeness must suffice.


Mindless gameplay
Bad music


Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #74 on: April 27, 2010, 06:04:13 PM »
Your gambits will basically play the game for you and if you don't use the gambits it will become an annoyance to have to input all those commands because you will be inputting a lot of commands if you are to work with same efficiency as the gambit system.
It's a turn based game, there is zero difference between direct input and setting your battle preferences. I don't see a problem here :V

Also, I don't find Uematsu all that great(I wouldn't even notice that he is gone if no one told me)

Political story>typical JRPG love story
It's like the men are way too busy being manly warriors. No time for hour long kissing scenes.

Add to that the fact that the game is incredibly easy.


Give me 5 reasons excluding early gamebreaking how is this game easier than FF1 to X-2 and I'll 1cc UFO lunatic.
I found it easily the hardest FF yet(but that doesn't mean it's hard)

チソウ タイゼン

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Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #75 on: April 27, 2010, 06:50:59 PM »
It has it's moments, but it's by far the easiest to crack. Some people do level 1 runs.
While other, more inept gamers, struggle with the easy as fudge final boss at level 60.
It all depends on the strategy you put out. When I first tried it, I told my party to attack. Attack attack attack, forever and always. Then when I started having problems 10 hours in I switched them out, and progress continued. Tell them to revive, high priority heal, Esuna, attack, low priority healing.
Also it isn't a bad idea to spam magicks and weaknesses. Ninja swords + Cat ear hood + Genji gear + Haste = Extreme damage on light elementals, such as Ultima, Diakon Entite, Yiazmat.
Also, the boss music rocks.


Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #76 on: April 27, 2010, 08:17:42 PM »
Lv122333 runs are easy as the game is easy as hell to break.
Do the license point glitch vs Ba'Gamnan, make an Arcturus, get the Firefly, get Fomalhauts, game complete.

ATM I'm doing a dual character, half license board, extreme battle settings challenge...with some extra crap like no glitching/no sidequests/hunts/no early stuff/no Nihopalaoa.

The game is fun as hell to play with EBS as you have to scroll through the menus instead of using gambits...on fastest speed, in real time :V

Also, the power of the final boss is determined by the amount of espers you own.
The more you know :V

Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #77 on: April 27, 2010, 08:24:50 PM »
It's a turn based game, there is zero difference between direct input and setting your battle preferences. I don't see a problem here :V

Well i see a problem. I don't want to have my game play itself for me. The only reason i'd want anyone to play a game for me is if it was a bad game i just wanted to see the story of.

Also, I don't find Uematsu all that great(I wouldn't even notice that he is gone if no one told me)

That's a matter of taste naturally. Personally i find Uematsu to be pretty darn good but if you don't, that's fine.

Political story>typical JRPG love story
It's like the men are way too busy being manly warriors. No time for hour long kissing scenes.

Well, too be honest. I don't have anything against the plot in FFXII. Its just the earlier ones (excluding 8) that works better for me. Besides, i don't remember that much kissing in the FF games actually. Its only 8 that revolves mainly around a love story iirc while the others are much more "save the world from evil man"-oriented. There is one kissing scene from FFX though. That's hard to forget. Wonder how they managed to breathe underwater for so long...


Give me 5 reasons excluding early gamebreaking how is this game easier than FF1 to X-2 and I'll 1cc UFO lunatic.
I found it easily the hardest FF yet(but that doesn't mean it's hard)

Dammit, you gotta ask for 5? Well, i can't really answer that question. Maybe its because the gambits will handle everything for you. You are right, the entire series is actually pretty easy. Final Fantasy IX i would say is harder though because you want to steal all the items from the boss encounters.

I suppose my main problem with the lack of challenge in the game is because i don't find the battle system very good like with the older FF games.

And FF3 is also harder. No savepoints in dungeons and bosses that might spam super moves.

チソウ タイゼン

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Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #78 on: April 27, 2010, 09:04:53 PM »
Oh, what?! The number of Espers...?
I beat him at Lv43 with 6 espers. Now that I have 11...?


Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #79 on: April 27, 2010, 09:08:24 PM »
Oh, what?! The number of Espers...?
I beat him at Lv43 with 6 espers. Now that I have 11...?
He'll do much more damage...around double.

チソウ タイゼン

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Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #80 on: April 27, 2010, 10:44:16 PM »
So 3,000 then? That's easier, actually.
Last time he did ~1,800 / 2,200 HP. Now he'll be doing ~3,000 / 8,000.


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Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #81 on: April 27, 2010, 10:54:56 PM »
I've only played one hard Final Fantasy and that was FF5 when I played it for the first time with no FAQs or anything ages ago.

That game was a nightmare.

I played it last month and it was easy as pie when you know which jobs and skills to have for each boss x_x

FFXII is one of the best games in the series (with Tactics, V and IX).

My favourite soundtrack in the series is from Tactics, and hey, who does it?

Final Fantasy Tactics Original Soundtrack: Soundtrack by Hitoshi Sakimoto & Masaharu Iwata
Final Fantasy XII Original Soundtrack: Studio album by Hitoshi Sakimoto

So yeah... I find the music pretty good because it's so similar.

I wish I had more time to play FFT again =(
Current Goal: PCB Lunatic 1cc
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Re: Final Fantasy XII
« Reply #82 on: April 28, 2010, 04:10:38 AM »
So 3,000 then? That's easier, actually.
Last time he did ~1,800 / 2,200 HP. Now he'll be doing ~3,000 / 8,000.
With only storyline espers, he did around 700-1000 damage with spells and regular attacks and 2000 at most with Teraflare. With all 13 espers, Teraflare hit high 5000s.