I'm working on an IDE for Danmakufu Scripts; it's written with C# and uses JSON to export/import external code snippets.
The main idea behind this IDE is to use Snippets to make script creation faster and more efficient.
Snippet is composed by:
- A name: a string that identifies the snippet
- A list of Fields: a list that contains a various amount of fields
Field is composed by:
- A name: that identifies the field
- A type: the field can be a number, a string, true or false, etc
For example, the CreateShot01 function can be written as a simple snippet:
- Name: CreateShot01
- Field 01: X coordinate - number
- Field 02: Y coordinate - number
- Field 03: Speed - number
- Field 04: Angle - number
- Field 05: Graphic - shot id
- Field 06: Delay - number
The IDE helps the programmer by creating an intuitive windows with graphically represented fields (a checkbox for true/false, a textbox for strings, a numeric counter for numbers, etc) which helps him avoiding stupid errors and helps him being faster.
Before I will release a working version of the project, I would like to hear some suggestions. Syntax highlighting will probably be added in later versions. The first version will have a fully working snippet system and a primitive interface.
What features would you like to see?