Author Topic: GunBound S2 (where rage/lulz/what happens)  (Read 18983 times)

Re: GunBound S2 (where rage/lulz/what happens)
« Reply #30 on: January 20, 2010, 12:21:03 AM »
I'm only online in GB (S2) when I'm called to play, or mostly always offline there, so, if you can access #shrinemaiden at , pm me (I access that room regularly)
neku: now for something important.
How much time do you guys think it will take for HM to be translated? Besides everyone's story modes and the whole menus, there's also the fact that the way HM's programmed is different from all other games. I bet it'll take two months.

lusvik: I don't mind about playing HM in japanese. The language of punching other people is international.


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Re: GunBound S2 (where rage/lulz/what happens)
« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2010, 11:35:19 PM »
Revo and S2/World Champion are different~

They have some new ones but are cash-only, not that all of them are THAT good, and you can get them thruogh Random:

Tiburon (looks like a shark, good for maps with ceiling)
Frank (Frankenstein, spits poison, has a lightning bomb for Shot2)
Maya (Native American, throws axes)
Phoenix (Red bird, main icon of GBWC, similar to Aduka but shoots forward)

Here's the new ones you can choose:
Whale (S2 is a whirlwind, multi-hit, very powerful when hitting weakness)
Wolf (Shot 1 causes ATK-02 per shot, Shot 2 is multi-hit, similar to Whale's Shot 2)
Perhaps I should've tried to play it at least once before break ended... oh well, I guess I'll hop on S3 if it's out over the summer.
I gotta have something for my sig, so...

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: GunBound S2 (where rage/lulz/what happens)
« Reply #32 on: January 24, 2010, 07:01:57 AM »
Recent "what" moment:

1v1, J. Frog (me) vs. Nak on NirvanaB (lots of platforms in midair).  I end up on the top level, the Nak two floors down.  He misses, and I get a double turn in which I nick him both times after dropping down to a lower level.  He gets a Dual shot 2 off, hitting me painfully.  My previous shots got him close to a thin edge, so I pull off a SS that gets him to red.  He drops me down to his level with another shot 2, so we're both at critical and on the same platform.  I flub the next shot, and he pulls off a Dual shot 2.  He dies first.
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Re: GunBound S2 (where rage/lulz/what happens)
« Reply #33 on: January 24, 2010, 07:40:33 AM »
Recent "what" moment:

1v1, J. Frog (me) vs. Nak on NirvanaB (lots of platforms in midair).  I end up on the top level, the Nak two floors down.  He misses, and I get a double turn in which I nick him both times after dropping down to a lower level.  He gets a Dual shot 2 off, hitting me painfully.  My previous shots got him close to a thin edge, so I pull off a SS that gets him to red.  He drops me down to his level with another shot 2, so we're both at critical and on the same platform.  I flub the next shot, and he pulls off a Dual shot 2.  He dies first.

It is a well known fact that Nak Shot 2s are very painful when you hit yourself with it.


« Last Edit: January 25, 2010, 01:03:38 PM by TranceHime »

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Re: GunBound S2 (where rage/lulz/what happens)
« Reply #34 on: February 01, 2010, 04:31:36 AM »
I tried to figure out drag. While I kinda understand how it works (I can see the advantages it has over slice), I'm not that proficient at the game to care about it too much. I played this a few years ago and got pretty good with Kalsiddon. Unfortunately I forgot the password to my old account so I had to make a new one.

I had a rather interesting "first day".
I go random mobile every game, because I really don't care what I get as long as it isn't Boomer. I get Bigfoot first game and lose because of a leaver. I get A.Sate and lose the second game without incident. Then I get Grub in the third game.
At all times, there's been this one guy on my team who seems easily amused, throws out "ns" comments every time someone shoots, regardless of result, and has been calling me a noob since the first game. Everyone starts thinking he's a pretty cool guy, and maybe he is. Then I proceed to TK him because I suck at drag.  :V He starts bursting forth a torrent of "noob", "[myname], you suk", "LOL", "nsns". At this point I give up drag and start using slice. Needless to say I lost that game.

So he switches to the other team and explicitly states he's gonna get me. I get Aduka, they pile on and I die almost immediately. They begin steamrolling and go all 'kill the pig' on us. Our last dude got so fed up he "BANZAI!!!"ed outta there, which was infinitely better than dying to that guy. "ns, noob". I get Turtle, we get another leaver and lose again. So I'm still getting my bearings for this old game. He goes on about how everyone should go random and talks about Dragon, Knight, what have you, and that if he gets it he'll kill me with it.
Sixth game begins. I get Knight.
"omg" "omgomgomgomg" "OMG" "NOOB GOT KNIGHT"
"Damn. I must really hate you."
At this point, my old instincts kick in and I proceed to ruin his shit with "lucky shots". A direct shot 1, an indirect shot 2, a completely missed SS shot, then a direct double shot 2 and that was the end of him. Then the next game starts, I get Boomer and, through no fault of my own, suddenly lag everyone out of the game. Oops.

What a wonderful community. I think I'll stick with this game. Wish I remembered "BANZAI!!!"'s name, though.