Author Topic: Cresendo's Melodic Scripts  (Read 5481 times)


  • Trying to be a little less lazy
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Cresendo's Melodic Scripts
« on: April 02, 2019, 01:05:22 AM »
Cresendo's Melodic Scripts
I might change the name later but oh well


Hello! This is where I'll be posting all of my public danmakufu scripts.
...This page isn't as complex as I wanted it to be, but that's mainly due to only having one script and a concept on here. It should nicen up later on when I get more stuff done.

Speaking of that, I'm still rather newish to scripting, so while it isn't required, comments/criticism is appreciated.


Danmakufu Ph3 Scripts

Aquatic Experimentation
You've been invited by Nitori for an unspecified reason...

Boss: Nitori (Three nonspells, five spells.)
Difficulty: Normal

A Nitori boss script. Nothing more, nothing less. Just to test the waters (heh heh ok i'll leave).
Pretty proud of it, considering it is my very first script, though I'll admit it deteriorates a tiny bit in quality at the end...

Download (Version 1.05)

RaNGE 20 - Seasonal Misplacement
Marisa misplaced her mini hakero and brings a (stolen) new weapon instead?  The show must go on!

Boss: Marisa (Four nonspells, seven spells)
Difficulty:  Hard

A Marisa script created for the RaNGE 20 competition, New Stars in Four Seasons.
if anything, this was a huge learning experience  :V
At it's current phase, it's kind of a mess reflecting on it. Once I get some dedicated time I will clean up some of the major issues so it won't be as painful to play :'D

Download (Version 1.01)

« Last Edit: June 03, 2019, 11:37:24 PM by Crescendo »
Normal 1cc's: EoSD(RA), PCB(SA), IN(BT), MoF(RA), SA(MC), UFO(RB), TD(R), DDC(SA), PDLoLK(Reimu, 921 tries), HSiFS(CWin)
Fangame 1cc's: HSoB-Normal(SPurple,KWhite)
Current goals:  EoSD hard, EoSD extra.
Attempting the art of danmakufu.


  • A stick of the tricky variety.
Re: Cresendo's Melodic Scripts
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2019, 07:20:50 AM »
Welcome to RaNGE and the Danmakufu scripting community!

I played your Nitori and snooped through the files because I'm nosy noticed that you had three players included and had the #Player header in the plural commented out. Was that intentional? I'm a terrible person and uncommented them anyway so I chose the Reimu xd

I think you're definitely off to a good start on scripting too! For a new person these are some very good (and most importantly, fun) patterns.

Nonspell 1: You have to deal with aimed bullets while moving between lanes. It's a good tried-and-tested attack design. You could try having the boss move periodically - the lanes will be less straight if they're fired while the boss is moving, and they'll come from a different place after the boss is done moving. Both of these things would spice up the pattern.

Spell 1: Randomness isn't inherently bad, but I think this spell would benefit from more of a structured pattern than lasers going in random directions. Sometimes it's trivial and sometimes it's ridiculous. The wavy bullets that restrict your movement are pretty cool though!

Nonspell 2: I think this is great! You should probably have the smaller bullets render on top of the round ones, though. Sometimes small bullets can "hide" under the large ones and then swerve out to kill you.
You can achieve that with something like let obj = CreateShotA1(blah blah blah), and then Obj_SetRenderPriorityI(obj, Obj_GetRenderPriorityI(obj)-1) on the larger ones (or do the same thing to all the small ones and add one instead of subtracting)

Spell 2: Neat, I like it. Not much else to say.

Nonspell 3: It's a bit weird when she gets really low on the screen - usually you don't want the boss in your face unless it's the attack's gimmick.

Spell 3: Thank goodness you included a warning for the bottom of the screen. The spell does end up just being dodge the random bullet walls, though, and since she moves all over the place and it's hard to get below her this pattern takes forever.

Spell 4: A bit of a weird one. Random on random.

Spell 5: Pretty easy compared to the last 3 patterns, I think? Also has a bit of a randomness problem, but it's not as profound as the other ones.

Overall I liked the script a lot. I agree that the quality deteriorates near the end, but a bit more patterned action would help it. Randomness is a supplement to a pattern (to add variation) and shouldn't always be the whole pattern.

Keep up the good work and I'll look forward to a RaNGE 20 entry if you're able to submit one!

Interested in playing some boss fights I made? Have Danmakufu? Then check out my Danmakufu creations!


  • Trying to be a little less lazy
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Re: Cresendo's Melodic Scripts
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2019, 03:35:47 PM »
I played your Nitori and snooped through the files because I'm nosy noticed that you had three players included and had the #Player header in the plural commented out. Was that intentional? I'm a terrible person and uncommented them anyway so I chose the Reimu xd

Snooping was a good move on your part, that was not intentional at all! I was probably watching a live run via an AI character and forgot to switch it back.

I'm happy you like it though! I can fix some of the minor issues later today (I'll update this post when that happens), but I'll focus on the bigger things (like editing the patterns with that last piece of advice in mind) after the contest when I have more time to focus.

Thank you so much ^_^

Minor updates are in! I might as well go ahead and dedicate a post for each script in case my current format gets too big, plus it'll allow more room for changelogs if that happens.

Aquatic Experimentation - v.1.05

V.1.05 changelog:

  • The correct players are shown when loading the script.
  • Nonspell 2 no longer lets smaller bullets hide behind the larger bullets.
  • Nitori repellent is given to players that keeps Nitori further away in nonspell 3.
  • Nitori has adjusted her speed settings from Sonic Speed to Normal Speed in "Flood Warning"

Like mentioned previously, major spell modifications are taken into consideration will be added after RaNGE 20 is over, mainly to not overwhelm myself.

Enjoy  :)
« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 10:29:47 PM by Crescendo »
Normal 1cc's: EoSD(RA), PCB(SA), IN(BT), MoF(RA), SA(MC), UFO(RB), TD(R), DDC(SA), PDLoLK(Reimu, 921 tries), HSiFS(CWin)
Fangame 1cc's: HSoB-Normal(SPurple,KWhite)
Current goals:  EoSD hard, EoSD extra.
Attempting the art of danmakufu.


  • Touhou is cool i guess
Re: Cresendo's Melodic Scripts
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2019, 02:59:06 PM »
This is my first time trying to give any sort of criticism on someone's script, so don't expect a particularly insightful commentary, these are just little observations I had while playing!

  • The final spell is slightly underwhelming as a final spell, which means that if it had been placed anywhere else in the script, I probably wouldn't have minded its simplicity. The spell itself is good, though!
  • I found the fourth spell slightly lacking visually. For example, the way the bubbles transform into smaller bullets is kind of abrupt, it's missing some effect, in my opinion. As a result, I'd say this spell is a bit forgettable when compared to the others.
  • I don't know if this is specifically your fault, but I wanted to comment it anyway: I found it slightly hard to see the lasers of the first spell when playing as Marisa, specially when a bunch of them were coming closely at the same time. Just in case, I tried playing with the other two characters and I didn't have problems. Yet again, this is not too much of an issue, and it's probably me being whiny.
  • As a whole, the script looks great, you really nailed the visual aspect. The nonspell background being just a static image was the biggest mistep, but it's nothing too serious. And I don't know why, but I really loved the spell background.
  • And as a final point, the script never felt unfair in difficulty and it was fun to play! All of the patterns were good, yet I'll give a honorable mention to the third nonspell, which looks simple compared to the others but I found weirdly fun to dodge.

Overall, it was great and fun, and I definitely look forward to your next script!
some day i'll finally beat UFO... some day


  • Trying to be a little less lazy
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Re: Cresendo's Melodic Scripts
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2019, 10:58:23 PM »
  • The final spell is slightly underwhelming as a final spell, which means that if it had been placed anywhere else in the script, I probably wouldn't have minded its simplicity. The spell itself is good, though!
  • I found the fourth spell slightly lacking visually. For example, the way the bubbles transform into smaller bullets is kind of abrupt, it's missing some effect, in my opinion. As a result, I'd say this spell is a bit forgettable when compared to the others.

Yeah... those two got hit with the "I wanna get this finally finished" mentality and got a bit rushed. These two spells are definitely getting looked at and be changed the most when RaNGE 20 is over and I don't have a deadline over me.
I do appreciate the extra insight, both will be taken into account when the revamping begins!

  • I don't know if this is specifically your fault, but I wanted to comment it anyway: I found it slightly hard to see the lasers of the first spell when playing as Marisa, specially when a bunch of them were coming closely at the same time. Just in case, I tried playing with the other two characters and I didn't have problems. Yet again, this is not too much of an issue, and it's probably me being whiny.

This particular Marisa is... indeed awfully bright. Which is a shame because this is a pretty well made Marisa player, and there's not much I can really do (unless darker lasers exist?). 

Honestly with that in mind and the fact said lasers of hers are blue... I'd say she's a challenge mode character for this script lol

  • As a whole, the script looks great, you really nailed the visual aspect. The nonspell background being just a static image was the biggest mistep, but it's nothing too serious. And I don't know why, but I really loved the spell background.
Aww, thank you. I loved putting it together, blue and green look really pretty together in my opinion. ^^

I couldn't find a nice river background that could seamlessly scroll though, so that had to do...

  • And as a final point, the script never felt unfair in difficulty and it was fun to play! All of the patterns were good, yet I'll give a honorable mention to the third nonspell, which looks simple compared to the others but I found weirdly fun to dodge.

Mission accomplished, then! I'm glad you enjoyed it (especially the third nonspell, I was kinda worried it was too simple...) and had fun with it!
Normal 1cc's: EoSD(RA), PCB(SA), IN(BT), MoF(RA), SA(MC), UFO(RB), TD(R), DDC(SA), PDLoLK(Reimu, 921 tries), HSiFS(CWin)
Fangame 1cc's: HSoB-Normal(SPurple,KWhite)
Current goals:  EoSD hard, EoSD extra.
Attempting the art of danmakufu.


  • Trying to be a little less lazy
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Re: Cresendo's Melodic Scripts (RaNGE 20 Released!)
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2019, 08:44:14 PM »
the mad woman actually did it-

Seasonal Misplacement has arrived!

It was fun making this. A few headaches involved, but fun.

It might not win any prizes, but it gave me a lot of experience in the end. So, enjoy!

Download (Version 1.01)

  • Script Released. Enjoy it in all its vanilla glory.
  • Be wary though, it's more challenging than Nitori. Good luck!

(NEW) v.1.01
Minor QOL changes.
  • Background has been slightly tweaked.
  • Marisa's damage intake has been tweaked in Sun Sign - "Glorious Summer".
  • A name error and missing SFX has been fixed in Stolen Weapon - "Seasonal Stars"

« Last Edit: April 28, 2019, 08:36:54 PM by Crescendo »
Normal 1cc's: EoSD(RA), PCB(SA), IN(BT), MoF(RA), SA(MC), UFO(RB), TD(R), DDC(SA), PDLoLK(Reimu, 921 tries), HSiFS(CWin)
Fangame 1cc's: HSoB-Normal(SPurple,KWhite)
Current goals:  EoSD hard, EoSD extra.
Attempting the art of danmakufu.