>Note: "I was also fooled by this Nuu and Mamizoo people that tried to take Remedy away, buncha meanie shapeshifters..."
>If something along these lines was already written down, don't write this
> Your notebook already says:
Daiyousei turned out to be fake. Renew search. We need to find the real one!
Shapeshifters like Nue and Mamizou are mean. Don't be overly trusting unless you're certain they're not a shapeshifter.
> You add that they tried to take Remedy away...
>"What are the dollies' names ?"
> "These two are Shanghai," Alice motions to the lookalike. "And Hourai." She motions to the similar doll.
> Shanghai bows, speaking her own name a couple of times.
> Hourai doesn't seem to give you any attention. In fact, she's just looking down melancholically and giving nobody attention. It makes her and Shanghai seem like two completely opposite halves...
> "And this one is Belgrade. She's Daiyousei's daughter."
> "Nice to meet you Ellen." The green haired doll bows. "And Remedy." She bows again.
> "N-Nice to meet you too." Remedy bows in return.
> ("Hey, Mima-sama...") You hear Marisa.
> ("If we get found out, it's completely your fault... But I do think she'd really appreciate it...")
> ("It might be hard without Alice noticing... I'll have to think of something. Just keep doing whatever Ellen.")