Author Topic: [Music] Phenomenol's Eclectic Touhou Covers  (Read 4027 times)

[Music] Phenomenol's Eclectic Touhou Covers
« on: April 08, 2017, 12:39:31 AM »
Hi guys,

I've been home producing on and off the past ten years. I do original tracks and covers (Undertale/Touhou/Ghibli/Game of Thrones) in all different styles ranging from electronic to metal. Ableton Live is my main DAW but I may be trying to use others like Reaper in the future.

Since a couple of years ago, I became really enamoured with ZUN's compositions. I became inspired to make some covers of my favourite tunes from him! My artistic direction is to be sincere to the original tracks' compositional ideas (and some sounds), but to enhance them in every way in a new style.

I just finished a "Studio Mix" of Doll Judgment. Check it out - I'm quite happy with how it turned out from the point of view of production/mixing. All feedback/criticism is very welcome!

-- Doll Judgment (Studio Mix) --

I have also done a metal cover of Hartmann's Youkai Girl (edit: this is the 2017 final rendition! My best work so far :))

-- Hartmann's Youkai - Metal Cover (2017) --

Here are some more older tracks:

-- Necrofantasia (Faithful Rendition) --

-- Tomboyish Girl in Love (Faithful Rendition) --

-- Voyage 1969 / Voyage 1970 (Faithful Rendition) --

Again, any feedback/criticism is welcome. Thank you for stopping by! :)
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 02:41:53 PM by Phenomenol »


Re: [Music] Phenomenol's Eclectic Touhou Covers
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2017, 05:02:29 PM »
I love them. They're really beautiful to listen to overall. I love how it's extending the themes, along with remaking them your own way as well. The only problem is, there's too little...

Re: [Music] Phenomenol's Eclectic Touhou Covers
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2017, 08:51:59 AM »
I love them. They're really beautiful to listen to overall. I love how it's extending the themes, along with remaking them your own way as well. The only problem is, there's too little...

Thanks so much! I will be definitely be making more down the road. :)

Re: [Music] Phenomenol's Eclectic Touhou Covers
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2017, 05:00:03 PM »
Wow, that metal rendition of Koishi's theme is REALLY GOOD!
If I may ask, are these entirely composed in the DAW, or did you play actual instruments for some of the tracks? Because if this is purely digital, then I applaud you for making it sound so convincingly real. If not, it's still very impressive!

Re: [Music] Phenomenol's Eclectic Touhou Covers
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2017, 08:44:50 AM »
Wow, that metal rendition of Koishi's theme is REALLY GOOD!
If I may ask, are these entirely composed in the DAW, or did you play actual instruments for some of the tracks? Because if this is purely digital, then I applaud you for making it sound so convincingly real. If not, it's still very impressive!

I'm glad you like it! I'm working on a much better mix of Hartmann as we speak :)

Yep, everything was VST plugin-generated in that track. I recently bought myself an electric guitar and I've been recording stuff live - I'm excited to show the improvement in production that this will bring to the table!

Re: [Music] Phenomenol's Eclectic Touhou Covers
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2017, 02:39:14 PM »
Hi all,

As promised I've finished a revamped metal cover of Hartmann's Youkai Girl, MUCH improved over my last rendition (don't worry THIS one is the final nail in the coffin!)

-- Hartmann's Youkai - Metal Cover (2017) --

I'm really proud of how it sounds... I've worked on this for god knows how long. Enjoy :)