Author Topic: Saya no Uta LP  (Read 2705 times)

Saya no Uta LP
« on: January 08, 2015, 07:41:33 PM »
I've heard a lot about the game, including that it was written by Gen Urobuchi (FSN, Madoka Magika, Psycho-Pass, etc.), so I decided to try it out.

Although you all have probably heard of it, I'm going to explain what it is before I start.
It's a horror game and an eroge, so it is listed under porn for most anything you'll find of it. I played the game before deciding to make a LP of it, and it is good. It goes without saying, however, that you should decide that for yourself after having given it a serious try. As for the actual plot, you'll figure that out yourself with this.

Alright, without further ado I shall proceed!
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 07:43:06 PM by Edible »


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
  • *
  • It's the inevitable return, baby
Re: Saya no Uta LP
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2015, 07:44:08 PM »
Not actually legal, no.  Had to remove your link, but good luck with the LP.

Re: Saya no Uta LP
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2015, 07:55:31 PM »
Not actually legal, no.  Had to remove your link, but good luck with the LP.

Ah, woops, my bad, and thanks.


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
  • *
  • It's the inevitable return, baby
Re: Saya no Uta LP
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2015, 07:58:25 PM »
Also, as a heads up - we have NSFW tags, which you'll probably need knowing this game:

Code: [Select]

Re: Saya no Uta LP
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2015, 08:05:40 PM »
After a few warnings and a consent form I finally managed to get to the actual game.

Something like a few conjoined, pregnant stomachs is the first thing I see.
I'm certain there's some law against posting this level of ew on a public board, so I'm going to nsfw all the crazy stuff.
Despite the scenery, it seems I am not in any imminent danger. In fact, a very casual conversation between gross, muck-like alien things is being held right before me.
I can only hope they do not notice me.

Ah, it turned its head. Gross.


Very surreal. Very gross.
I am seriously repulsed.

I sympathize verily.

However, as the voice in the MC's head, I am tasked with ensuring Fuminori Sakisaki's survival. Considering he is surrounded by putrid, inhuman sacks of sentient flesh, I am now forced to make a decision. Keeping this in mind, I stave my panic off, and, as calmly as possible, attempt to think of one of the more rational options at my disposal.

I am quick to decide, and soon I sit quietly, staring stone forward, hoping with a hope beyond all hopes that I am a gekko, and that these things that were supposedly my friends are deceived by my camouflage, instead taking my human-like figure to be a serious design flaw with this particular bench.

Unfortunately, my plan fails miserably, crumbling around me as my actions manage only to arouse the suspicion of one of the grotesque creatures.

God, it looks like it's about to lick me.
But I know it's just trying to talk to me, and now that it has come to it I have to talk back, or risk my facade of sanity.

Through some miraculous feat of human ingenuity I discern the previous characters of the monstrous fleshbags surrounding me. In preparation of talking I turn partially towards what I have determined to be Kouji.

I manage to regurgitate some semblance of words in a very hoarse voice.

However, as I am scared out of my wits, the ferocious Kouji unintentionally intimidates me into a corner and I end up saying "I don't know" instead of "No" to its ski trip invitation.

Take a hint, jackass.

Damn man, that is some heavy shit.
But let's be real: bitch was probably ugly anyways.

Kouji gingerly suggests that I accept his ski trip request.
Having regained my footing and scooched a few more paces away from monster-tongue range, I smoothly retort, playing upon his concern for my accident, that "I'm not sure" if my injuries might re-open.

A lot happens, but I can sum it up pretty good by saying that Fuminori chickens out and tramples all over my well-made progress.

Ah, well, I suppose I can't blame him. Probably not many people that could manage living like this.

Oh, and there's a concerning little comment he makes at the end of his temper tantrum.

Pfft, yeah, okay. You're not fooling anyone hot shot.


This adventure to be continued.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 08:11:49 PM by Rotten-senpai »

Re: Saya no Uta LP
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2015, 09:54:38 PM »
Enjoy , this game can get very fucked up
Touhou games 1cced(sadly on easy mode) MOF,DDC,IN,TD,POFV,UFO,EOSD,SA


  • gotta stock up on dark matter
  • each pound of which weighs over 10,000 pounds
Re: Saya no Uta LP
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2015, 11:43:33 PM »

Re: Saya no Uta LP
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2015, 11:54:46 PM »

Just in case I screw up there are SPOIIIIIIIIIIIIILERS below
the first ending wasn't to bad but yeah the paths are much more screwed up, especially that part where that guy murders his family and that first and second rape scene
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 11:58:49 PM by pokemon123 »
Touhou games 1cced(sadly on easy mode) MOF,DDC,IN,TD,POFV,UFO,EOSD,SA

Re: Saya no Uta LP
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2015, 06:52:52 PM »
We start the day with some friendly banter between the relatively sane.

The chick who's head over heels for me, Tsukuba Yoh, futilely reasons that skating at a ski resort is unsound.
But because I'm out of commission, she is getting steamrolled by the relentless Kouji and Oumi duet.

You're lucky I'm not in my right senses you smug cunt.
I'd tell that bitch straight up she whack.

And what the fuck you jealous for Yoh, you my girl.

More pointless chatter ensues, and I get a chance to look at the human Yoh.

Alright. She's okay.
But... what's wrong with her breasts? It goes without saying that if we brought a ruler under those, you'd need to do some shoving to hold it evenly.

I guess it doesn't matter, though, because as it stands I couldn't look her in the eyes, much less get anywhere near what may formerly have been her misaligned breasts.

In any case, their talk continues. Mostly Kouji and Oumi wheedling their skating idea past Yoh's uncertainty and Yoh feeling sorry for herself.

That is, until Yoh decides to give me some screen time, rudely referring to her love interest as him.


I'm just loving this white knight guy.
Seriously, what's with that slight lean back. You must think you're hot shit.

Can't wait to see what gruesome fate awaits your cool hands-in-pockets ass.

I keep my thoughts to myself, and grimly ask what he wants, having zoned them out this entire time.

Kouji explains himself.

Tragic, tragic.
You must be at a loss for how to deal with something beyond a pricked finger or a girl's heartache.

Good, good. Times like these you need to communicate your indifference.
Trust me, it makes things easier when you start tearing down the shabby walls of his ego.

Come on, no need to be honest with him.
Tell him your booked troughing his mother's sloughs.

I think I'm coming to realize that I am not the voice of reason in this relationship.

Visions of repeat.

Unsurprisingly, Fuminori bolts.

And like last time, he leaves his good friends some compensation.

What a nice guy.

Despite all the bashing, Kouji still sticks up for me.
I wonder if I'd done the same, or if Kouji would have even made it this far.

It seems Fuminori Sakisaka was the lone survivor of a rogue tractor trailer attacking his family's car.

His parents died, and when he woke up in a intensive care unit the world he saw was beyond his recognition.
Fortunately, he was even-headed enough to recover, if only to the point where he can barely function in everyday life.

Aye, aye, but you guys don't seem to know just how bad it precisely is.

Yoh goes on to recall her recent confession to Fuminori, and how he landed himself in the hospital soon after.

She largely says it's no-one's fault, and that she hopes everything resolves itself in time.

After all that, I am introduced to my doctor, Tanbo Ryouko.

tbc, ofc