Author Topic: Odd rendering with older Touhou games with R7 260X(or any newer cards at best)  (Read 1562 times)

as the title describes the older games tend to render weirdly wend in full screen to why i sure it my new graphics card is at fault as it the some what newly R7 260x line (tho there just  an old line cards they deiced to reboot and make them better and rename) is what I'm talking about

example is 6th game probably not greatest one as it most buggiest one out all them but it does this up till around eight or nine tho i don't care for nine much
it goes to this

to something like this..

now as to why this causing I not sure were in the AMD catalyst control i can pinpoint on what causing it....or the game setting isn't helping to solve it, now i could just play it in windows and be just find there...but man it a tiny box

on the other hand i do have a odd screen size of 1680X1050 monitor that Dell brand that like back from 2006 or so...but not sure that cause it..

my old card was a Radeon HD 6850 just those who were wondering...
but anything above10 seems unaffected by this...

any one who know to fix this then great if not oh well...

Agent of the BSoD

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I remember having instances where the window frame tries to bleed into the game. If that's what is happening, it's probably Windows' fault, and not your GPU. Right click the game exe, click Properties, click the Compatibility tab, and check Disable visual themes and Disable desktop composition. That should stop the window from bleeding in. I've noticed that happening on XP and 7 machines (haven't tested Vista but it's probably the same) but not on Windows 98, which is what this game was really built for at the time, as XP was still fairly new when he released this game.

Screen size shouldn't matter. The game is going to be that tiny box in fullscreen anyway, just stretched to fill the screen.

And yeah, any game above 10 being unaffected is normal, because the older games are running an older engine and this tends to happen.
I figured out how to play midi in games with a different device on Win7 ^^
TF2 Backpack
Embodiment of Scarlet Hair English Patch is almost completed.
^ I didn't forget about this. I don't know what you're talking about. >_>

I remember having instances where the window frame tries to bleed into the game. If that's what is happening, it's probably Windows' fault, and not your GPU. Right click the game exe, click Properties, click the Compatibility tab, and check Disable visual themes and Disable desktop composition. That should stop the window from bleeding in. I've noticed that happening on XP and 7 machines (haven't tested Vista but it's probably the same) but not on Windows 98, which is what this game was really built for at the time, as XP was still fairly new when he released this game.

Screen size shouldn't matter. The game is going to be that tiny box in fullscreen anyway, just stretched to fill the screen.

And yeah, any game above 10 being unaffected is normal, because the older games are running an older engine and this tends to happen.

yea i have to try that now on the other hand i have the 6 some older ones on my Super OP Surface pro 8 (first gen) and runs perfectly fine in full-screen mode and dose not do the same hint why i think it was my GPU or could be a setting in my windows 7 machine too not sure, have to dig in to it to find out, thanks for the advise.