Author Topic: [Request][Solved] Character Class Name List For Touhou characters  (Read 6266 times)

Thanks for all for the helps. One weight is off of my shoulder now. I can fully concentrated on the battle engine. ^^

Hi, probably I didn't use the right search key, but I couldn't find a thread that has this kind of data list.

I'm currently developing a touhou RTS game using RM Ace (Ruby with RGSS library), I've set up the basic system, and now moving on characters, but then I'm stuck with expanding my database, especially defining the classes for each character, so I need help with that.

For example:

Character Class:     (Max. = 3 words total, 20 characters total)
Reimu -> Hakurei Shrine Maiden
             -> Shrine Maiden
             -> Priestess
             -> Shrine Guardian

Well, as you can see, I'm not that creative with my naming convention. :  p
But yea, I need at least 1 for each of these characters, if you have a list for every touhou character that would be very very helpful

Final Verdicts so far:

Alice    - Puppet Master
Aya      - Paparazzi
Cirno   - Strongest Ice Fairy
Hong   - Prismatic Sentry
Iku       - Dragon Herald
Komachi - Listless Shinigami
Marisa- Habitual Thief
Patchouli - Polymathic Librarian
Reimu - Appathetic Miko
Reisen - Lunar Rabbit
Remilia - Midnight Chatelaine
Sakuya- Spacetime Distorter
Sanae - Wind Priestess
Suika - Oni
Suwako - Mishaguji Deity
Tenshi - Conceited Deva
Utsuho - Hell Raven
Yukari - Border Dweller
Youmu - Hereditary Demi-Phantom
Yuyuko - Netherworld's Flower
« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 03:06:00 AM by Voltorn »


  • Silent Soul of the Electronic Skies
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Re: [Request] Character Class Name List For Touhou characters
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2014, 07:54:52 AM »
Maybe this will help about the whole characters list:

Characters List from Touhou Wiki

Music is the essence of my soul.
Planned Fan-game: Touhou: Mad Tengu ~ Hellic Memories

Re: [Request] Character Class Name List For Touhou characters
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2014, 08:31:51 AM »
Thanks, been there before, not all characters have occupations, and putting "species" as an occupation might raise confusion. ^^a

Edit: Forgot to mention. 20 characters max, please. It would put a bit difficulty to adjust on GUI if the character class is bigger than the given space (well I could shirk it down, but it won't look pretty : p).
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 08:34:59 AM by Voltorn »

Re: [Request] Character Class Name List For Touhou characters
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2014, 09:22:19 AM »
Here's just a few.

-Alice: Magician, Puppeteer
-Aya: Reporter
-Meiling: Gate Guard
-Marisa: Magician, Witch
-Patchouli: Magician
-Sakuya: Maid
-Sanae: Shrine Maiden, God
-Yukari: Guardian of the Border
My name is Tres. It sounds like "Tray". Tressert is "Tray-zurt"; like Tres dessert.
I've cleared every touhou game on Lunatic, and beaten every extra except SoEW.
NMNB: MoF Hard, SA Extra, UFO Extra

Re: [Request] Character Class Name List For Touhou characters
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2014, 01:31:57 PM »
Why not simply not use class names at all? I doubt you're going to have characters share skillsets, so having visible classes is simply not needed. And with a simple edit of the code you can do that. Not everything in the database menus has to be used.

You want to remove the class text from the character status window, which is currently like this:

In the Window_Status script look for:
Code: [Select]
  # * Draw Block 1
  def draw_block1(y)
    draw_actor_name(@actor, 4, y)
    draw_actor_class(@actor, 128, y)
    draw_actor_nickname(@actor, 288, y)
Delete the "draw_actor_class(@actor, 128, y)" line, save your changes, and restart the game. Check the status screen, You should now see this:

Et voil?! The class is gone! Though there is a bit of an empty space between the name and nickname now. Maybe you want to put the nickname where the class was before? To do so, change the x offset of the nickname draw function call to 128, making the line "draw_actor_nickname(@actor, 128, y)". What you now see should be this:

But maybe you don't even want nicknames as well. Well, just delet the third line too, if that's the case. You get this:

Now, let's say you want to change that on the main menu screen, which currently looks like this:

That's going to be a bit more complicated. You're going to have to overwrite the draw_actor_simple_status function. Yanfly's core script has an overwrite of that that goes like this:
Code: [Select]
# ■ Window_Base

class Window_Base < Window

  # overwrite method: draw_actor_simple_status
  def draw_actor_simple_status(actor, dx, dy)
    draw_actor_name(actor, dx, dy)
    draw_actor_level(actor, dx, dy + line_height * 1)
    draw_actor_icons(actor, dx, dy + line_height * 2)
    dw = contents.width - dx - 124
    draw_actor_class(actor, dx + 120, dy, dw)
    draw_actor_hp(actor, dx + 120, dy + line_height * 1, dw)
    draw_actor_mp(actor, dx + 120, dy + line_height * 2, dw)

end # Window_Base
Make a new script, and copy that code into it. Delete the draw_actor_class line and save. Restart your game, and open the menu. Here's what you should see:

Congratulations! You have eliminated classes from your game! Sure, the classes are still there in the database, due to how VX Ace structures character data, but functionally, having classes be exclusive to a single character is the same as having no classes. I sugest you name the classes the same as the characters ro name them class_character, or something like that, to make things easier for you to read.


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Re: [Request] Character Class Name List For Touhou characters
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2014, 02:35:33 PM »
Well, assuming you want their 'classes' to remain faithful to their powers. I'm not sure how 'traditional' you want the class names to be. Do you want things along the lines of 'Fighter' 'Mage' 'Warrior' or do you want specific? Your Reimu example seems to give both.

'Traditional-RPG' Class names; note a lot are obviously variants on 'Mage' but what can you do?

alice - Summoner [Minion/Summon-Focus], Magician, [Use of Grimoire]
aya - Air Mage [Focus on Tornadoes], Ninja [Focus on Speed, bonus points since it's heavily implied Crow Tengu used to basically be ninjas in the Oni days]
cirno - Ice Mage
hong - Brawler/Fighter/Martial Artist
iku - Lightling Mage
komachi - Assassin [Physical version of Yuyuko]
marisa - Black Mage; 'Light Mage' would get confused with 'White Mage'
patchouli - Black Mage
reimu - Crusader [Holy Magic + Physical attacks. Look at the fighting games, Reimu seems MUCH more physically-inclined than Sanae]
reisen - Trickster [Status effects]
remilia - Blood Mage/Knight [Depends how much you play up her physical side]
sakuya - Time Mage [Stuff like Haste]
sanae - Preist/White Mage [I imagine Sanae would be a buffer/healer]
suika - Brawler
suwako - Earth Mage
tenshi - Earth Mage [When you put these two into RPG terms they're kinda the same :/]
utsuho - Fire Mage
youmu - Swordmaster
yukari - Blue Mage seems appropriate here; she could easily use her gaps to 'reproduce' attacks she learnt. Sage is also an option, as she's is a 'Youkai Sage'.
yuyuko - Death Mage [Stuff like Death, %HP damage, Doom]

'Specific' Names:

alice - Puppeteer / Magician
aya - Reporter
cirno - Ice Fairy
hong - Gatekeeper
iku - Dragon Emissary
komachi - Shinigami
marisa - Ordinary Magician
patchouli - Element Magician
reimu - Shrine Maiden
reisen - Lunar Rabbit
remilia - Vampire
sakuya - Maid
sanae - Shrine Maiden. Demigod is also an option
suika - Oni
suwako - Earth God
tenshi - Celestial
utsuho - Either Hell Raven or Sun Demigod [She's not a whole God but she has part of the Sun God in her]
youmu - Half-Ghost/Gardener
yukari - Gap Youkai, if you're against that because it calls her 'youkai' just put her as 'Sage' or something.
yuyuko - Ghost Princess

I imagine having species such as 'Earth God' 'Ghost' and 'Oni' wouldn't be difficult, since those are generally known terms. Things like 'Tengu' and 'Youkai' I can see causing confusion.

Also in the traditional department it would help if we knew the general idea of how those characters would function. If Komachi is a tank calling her an 'Assassin' is stupid.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 02:45:17 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Re: [Request] Character Class Name List For Touhou characters
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2014, 08:02:01 PM »
Thanks. That helps. : D

Thanks, I understand how to script it, but I would like to display the class name with names that are related to the touhou world, but in RPG term. I enjoy paying attention to the small details. : D


I'll take any naming though the more unique the title, the better because they are custom classes and not fully related to their stats. It gives hint to their stats, but not completely. For example: Cirno as a "Ice Fairy". Cirno would have low luck, low hit rate, moderate high atk dmg, high matk dmg, and yada yada. : p
The RPG term though, I'll be using that as secondary classes.  xD

From Tressert idea, I use "Puppet Master" for Alice. xD

And for Aya, I'm still deciding whether I should use "tengu" or "Reporter"

For Cirno, Ice Fairy, it is.

For Hong, gatekeeper is much better than martial artist xD

For Iku, my pal helped me a bit with "Celestial Messenger" since she's from heaven and she onced assigned as a messenger, but hmm, need more resources before making my final verdict for this character.

Marisa as an "ordinary  magician" seems like reading the grape doujinishi where she was potrait as ordinary person. lol I'll need more resources before making my final verdict. ^^a

I was thinking Patchouli as a librarian, but hmmm, need more resources.

Reimu as a "Hakurei Shrine Maiden" to avoid confusion with Sanae ^^a

Reisen as a Lunar Rabbit sounds fit. : D

Remilia as a Vampire, mmm, need more resources. xD

sakuya, need more resouces

sanae - Moriya Shrine Maiden

suika - Oni oh yes!!

suwako - Earth God - need more resources

tenshi - Celestial - need more words

utsuho - Either Hell Raven or Sun Demigod [She's not a whole God but she has part of the Sun God in her] #too long lol

youmu - Half-Ghost/Gardener - need more resources ^^a

yukari - Gap Youkai, if you're against that because it calls her 'youkai' just put her as 'Sage' or something. - Hum hum, need more resources

yuyuko - Ghost Princess - need more resources lol

Thanks for the inputs! First post is updated. : p
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 08:10:00 PM by Voltorn »


  • Munch-Munch Demon
Re: [Request] Character Class Name List For Touhou characters
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2014, 01:48:04 AM »
Aya: Reporter or Paparazza :]
Iku: Dragon Herald, or just Herald.
Komachi: Shinigami, Reaper or Ferry(wo)man
Marisa: Magician or Witch
Patchouli: Magician or Librarian
Remilia: Vampire or Scarlet Devil
Sakuya: Maid or Assassin
Suwako: God, or God of the Land
Tenshi: Celestial
Utsuho: Hell Raven, Subterranean Sun, Blazing Sun or Sun Apostle.
Youmu: Swordmaster, Samurai, Flashing Blade or Phantom Blade
Yukari: Sage, Onmyoji or ???
Yuyuko: Ghost, Princess or Ghost Princess

sanae - Shrine Maiden. Demigod is also an option
Not her official title, Wind Priest(ess)?
Reisen as a Lunar Rabbit sounds fit. : D
N-not "Lunatic Rabbit"? :(

If you want to go the old-school RPG route, you could translate Shrine Maiden as "Shaman", "Oracle" or something along those lines.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2014, 02:31:16 AM by Prime32 »

Re: [Request] Character Class Name List For Touhou characters
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2014, 03:07:15 AM »
Marisa as an "ordinary  magician" seems like reading the grape doujinishi where she was potrait as ordinary person. lol I'll need more resources before making my final verdict. ^^a

"Ordinary" has been part of Marisa's title in every main game and every fighting game since PCB. Just saying.

Like Prime said Sanae could be "Wind Priestess" which would allow Reimu to be "Shrine Maiden"

Suwako could be "Native God". Bonus points if Kanako shows up somewhere with "Central God"

Yukari "Youkai Sage"?

Iku "Dragon Palace Envoy"

My name is Tres. It sounds like "Tray". Tressert is "Tray-zurt"; like Tres dessert.
I've cleared every touhou game on Lunatic, and beaten every extra except SoEW.
NMNB: MoF Hard, SA Extra, UFO Extra

Re: [Request] Character Class Name List For Touhou characters
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2014, 09:46:04 AM »
Ah, thanks for the inputs! xD

"Ordinary" has been part of Marisa's title in every main game and every fighting game since PCB. Just saying.
Hum, alright, is there a fancier version of "ordinary magician"? xD

Like Prime said Sanae could be "Wind Priestess" which would allow Reimu to be "Shrine Maiden"
Mmmm, yea, makes sense. Thanks. : p *changing database*

Utsuho: Hell Raven, Subterranean Sun, Blazing Sun or Sun Apostle
Everyone of them sounds very nice!! Which makes it harder to put a final verdict. Dx
Need an explosion ending. : p

N-not "Lunatic Rabbit"? :(
Mah Reisen ish purr  :V

If you want to go the old-school RPG route, you could translate Shrine Maiden as "Shaman", "Oracle" or something along those lines.

That link helps well for 2nd classes ^^

Final Verdict
Aya: Paparazzi
Iku: Dragon Herald   -> when I said 'herald', it made me feel smarter for awhile. : p


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
  • Eh, it doesn't matter.
Re: [Request] Character Class Name List For Touhou characters
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2014, 01:27:01 AM »
Hum, alright, is there a fancier version of "ordinary magician"? xD
You can also go with "Habitual Thief", but otherwise Everyday Magician, Regular Magician

Re: [Request] Character Class Name List For Touhou characters
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2014, 05:31:37 AM »
Ah, habitual thief sounds mure unique. Thanks. xD


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
  • Eh, it doesn't matter.
Re: [Request] Character Class Name List For Touhou characters
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2014, 02:33:44 AM »
Yukari could also be Border Dweller, and if you want a unique one for Yuyuko; Netherworld's Flower

Re: [Request] Character Class Name List For Touhou characters
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2014, 09:16:41 AM »
Thanks! Much appreciated.

I spent an hour yesterday exclusively thinking of what I should name the unique class for Komachi. I conclude that it should be 'something' Reaper, but I couldn't find any better word beside 'lazy', 'sloth'.
In the end, I couldn't come up with anything useful. And the progress of the unique class name database ended there.  :V


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
  • Eh, it doesn't matter.
Re: [Request] Character Class Name List For Touhou characters
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2014, 12:59:21 AM »
Listless Shinigami
which literally means: Death God Lacking Energy

psst, if you want more help, you can PM me. I'll be more than glad to help out.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2014, 01:01:30 AM by PhantomSong »


Re: [Request] Character Class Name List For Touhou characters
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2014, 01:00:08 AM »
Patchouli: Polymathic Librarian
Suwako: Cursing Earth God?
Tenshi: False Celestial - If I remember correctly, she's officially a human that is called a celestial.

Re: [Request] Character Class Name List For Touhou characters
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2014, 01:59:40 AM »
Thanks!  Polymathic..., demn, it has a nice ring xD

suwako - I was thinking of something along the line 'curse', but better. : x
tenshi - I can only think of celestial lol, but there should be a more unique title to describe her.
youmu - I'm trying to mix garderner and swordmanship, but stuck right there. ^^a