Author Topic: [Lets Get Horribly Murdered] Blood Bowl Chaos Edition- Casualties Ahoy!  (Read 3375 times)


  • Humble Blacksmith
  • If the soul preserves, Then Limits dont Exist.
Okay. Im bored, just vented a tiny bit of my frustration over on the Video game rage thread, and i have at least several hours until my internet shuts off. so i need something to do that's completely random and yet entertaining. Given my roommates sleeping, i cant exactly be loud. Nor do i have Fraps (Yet) so i cant record on my PC. Also, im out of Klondike bars, so that sucks especially.
So, I decided to do this.

Welcome to Screen Shot Blood Bowl!
The only Sports Game i can tolerate because its warhammer and mostly about the murder!

For those who know what this is, Great! Otherwise, i'll Catch you up to speed. Feel free to ask questions, we're all friends here~
Blood bowl is a Thrilling Luck Strategy game based on Amercian Football and European Rugby made back in 1987 as a board game. Over time, it was adapted to the PC And Xbox 360. But it sucked. and various online 'Play by post' games.

Fluffwise in this alternate universe (I think) of Warhammer Fantasy, Peace reigns and everything's kind of nice and dandy. Instead, everyone decides to murder each other on the Astroturf under the context of a game. At least the situation IMPROVED, Something GW kind of sucks at writing in, along with some bloody progression.
The Basic rules are that you attempt to get the ball into the opponents end goal zone, and score a touch down. Whomever has the most touchdowns (Ties are possible) by 16 turns is the winner.

However, the fun comes in that, well, its called BLOOD BOWL FOR A REASON. Murder is THOROUGHLY encouraged to the point that TPK's are crowning achivements in your carrer. Your (My) Players will be getting quite a few bones snapped, broken, fractured, eyes gouged... Death is the most extreme And what your aiming for circumstance and obviously, they will not be able to play anymore. Unless theres a Necromancer around. Then they can play for someone like Nurgle or Necromantics.

How this comes about is by someone falling over, be it by a the result of a block action, tripping (And snapping your neck), special skills (This is GW.), being thrown into the crowd, Being eatten alive... Plenty of ways to die.  :V

I will not be covering all bases, there's be too much for me to explain in one post without pulling out the rulebook, so i will cover things as i get to them. The important thing is to deal with how i will run this show.

About once a week (Maybe More), I'll post up a game i played (Be it ranked or Otherwise.) with commentary, little notes, pointing out basic rules i missed, Choice moments Mainly on how i fuck up and how we can improve from my mistakes. I'll be posting a 'Live' Version up on my youtube if you want to see everything in its entirety. There'll be a list of games in this post and the team it belongs to, Along with its link to its Photo/Video Counterparts.

Now that we got all the important things (I think. if i missed something, i'll edit it in later.), we need to SELECT OUR TEAM. In the next post. Haha.

TEAM ONE- (???) Vacant!
Game 1 - Something Something. Photo/Youtube.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 01:40:52 PM by Yugian »


  • Humble Blacksmith
  • If the soul preserves, Then Limits dont Exist.

Okay, So, for the moment, we're going to stick with one team. As i am playing the Chaos Edition of Blood Bowl For the PC, there are 23 Different teams to pick from. because im lazy, heres a link - Liiiiink (Watch it, Its animiated.)

Now, because i already have some teams premade, im going to show you them and see if laziness out beats people yelling for a specific team.

Handy Information- Whilst Every Team IS different, There are a few things that are static. These are; Rerolls/Apothecary (Save 'Unnatural')/ Cheer Leaders/Assistant Coaches and Fan Factor.
Rerolls - Lets us screw with the dice once a turn. If we get a result that screws us over in someway, we can manipulate it to a degree. Usually used with Impunity.
NOTE- Different teams have different costs related to rerolls. Also, once you have created the team, the costs DOUBLE. Keep note and stock up early.
Apothecary - You can only have one of these, but these are your 'get out of losing players free' card, and grants you the ability to reroll an injury to be hopefully less harmful once per game. These are not to be used LIGHTLY, and decide the difference between saving a potental all-star in the making or a dead man.
NOTE- Teams who are not fleshy humanoids and are instead animated (Say, Necromantics) do NOT get access to these.
Cheerleaders - Manipulates the kick off event 'Cheering Fans' Result. Thats it really. Yaaaaay.
Assistant Coaches - Manipulates the kick off event 'Brilliant Coaching' Result. Still yaaaaay.
Fan Factor - Manipulates 'Fame' Kick off events. Decent, but you get this from winning games and can only purchase this during Creation of the team. All three 'kick off manupiators' are cheap though, so decent dumps if you need to spent the last of your 1 million gold to get 1000 Team Value.

Humans- The Cannon Fodder

My current competitive team. Humans are obviously the all rounders without any real 'edge' that other teams have, have that extreme flexibility, blah blah blah.
However, that is sadly true. Humans in this game are tricky due to the fact they aren't a one trick pony. They bash, they pass, they bullshit and still come out on top.
...And just getting this out there. YES, they're named after the soldiers from cannon fodder and the team is a giant love letter to those guys.  :derp: Heres their theme. (Also, i got RJ and Bomber Killed.)

Ironically, the game that killed bomber and crippled Elroy with a fractured skull is up there on the top right. Anyway.

Playing this team-
Humans have been my experiment for awhile. I hate and love playing them.  :V
They just got fresh off a game with Nurgle, so they're a bit healed up. However, they still need some fix up time to heal the fact they lost their passing game and the Fatalties. Also, the lack of an Ogre is a choice that got me a few eyes looking in my direction. It was the smarter choice to take replacements (And look what happened) and maybe take out an Ogre later on when i have ample replacements to replace the casualties and buff up my punching game. Regardless, the main struggle will be trying to getting them back on their feet entirely, have them hit the ground running and run into a bunch of people with unique skills all their units start with. Like dodge.

Buuut, given we outplay our opponents (I like to think im a decent player), Humans are a joy to watch Mess up people. So consider that! the Skillful High ground!

that 90k is already decided by the way. we're buying back the lineman i lost and saving up to replace that catcher.

Level Up Skills-
Doubles-Guard (Strength Skill) - Ignores enemies tackle zones when supporting allies and will always be able to provide assistance during a block. Without Guard, If a Character is an opponents tackle zone, he cannot assist in a block with an ally as he's too 'Preoccupied' with the enemy to properly do so.

Standard- Block (General Skill) - The 'Both Down' Result when blocking does not effect this Character. Without this (VERY USEFUL) Skill, a Both down result will knock down the Character. Its a recommendation that you take this skill for every character at level 2, unless something like a doubles or Stat up comes up, as this thing is, arguably, one of the best if not the best skill in the game.

Standard? Kick (I think Strength?)- When kicking off the ball, The ball is more accurate and has less 'scatter' (The random area the ball could bounce to). Without this skill, the ball is more likely to randomly fly off in some random direction and has the full extent of its scatter.


Doubles- Jump Up (Agility Skill)- Allows the Character the full extent of his movement when he recovers from being knocked down, or take a block action with a 2+ roll (X+ roll means you must get X or higher to successfully pass the check.). Without this skill, The character must spend three movement to get up, and must spend a blitz if he wants to attack someone, even if its right next to him.


Dwarves- Varakdornat's Dawi (Loyal Kingdom's Dwarves.)

My 'Main' team. I don't use them competitively (They've only seen three games.), but they are a hella fun to play. Dwarves are slow, stout people with an average level of punch. However, their main strength is that they dont die. No matter how many times you smack them about, the chances of them dying are very slim. If you want me to give you a long story short, They're tanks, in every sense of the word. Most everyone on the team STARTS with Block (Except the runners) and Thick skull. AND Armor Value 9. That alone makes them a bitch to kill... And now im looping.
Also, yes, that's Genuine Dwarven. the motto is a bit iffy and im going to check that, but that is totally Khaz-Modan.

Playing this team-
Dwarven strategy works as such- Grab ball. Punch EVERYTHING in the way. Work down the clock. Score touchdown. Watch as the other team cant score before the game ends. Pull out beer and get wasted. If you want to watch teams have their bones crack in a slow but precise manner, look no further. Also, given the fact we're basically one of the toughest teams in the game means we aren't going to need to waste as much money in replacements when people die, as it will be seldom and far in-between. Also, we got a Mother fuckin' death roller lined up in the future. Its expensive and jacks up the team value like crazy, and you can only use it once a 'drive' (Until a touchdown), but WHY SHOULD WE CARE. ITS A DEATH ROLLER. ITS AWESOME CONCENTRATE INTO GLORIOUS STEAM POWERED ROLLING DEATH.

Their worst match up however is when they fight a team that can outmaneuver them in an EXTREME way. Like elves and their 'nack for "Bullshit plays.". Dwarves, unlike humans, ARE one trick ponies and short of me leveling up a thrower, (BWAHAHAHA... No.), they can only really punch their way to victory. slowly. If our line breaks and they make a break for it, we dont get a second chance typically and they WILL score a touch down. and that SUCKS.

Level Up Skills-


I forget - Leader (General?)- This Character provides a free reroll to the team's pool, should he be out on the 1 and 9th turns of the game.  This skill is pretty good actually. I like it, and its a free reroll- that can be the game make or breaker right there.
Doubles - DODGE (Agility skill) - Second.
Okay. Now that i have killed myself again, the skill.
This allows you to reroll your dodge checks once per character (Who has it) per turn, should you fail your first check. The check comes in when you are trying to move out a tackle zone. ALSO, UNLESS the enemy has the tackle skill, you treat 'Defender Stumbles' as 'Defender Pushes' and avoid being knocked down. Without this skill, You MUST take your dodge check (Short of a reroll out of your pool) as it is and Defender Stumbles will ALWAYS knock you down. GOD DAMN This skill is frustrating when nuffle hates you. It redefined 'Bullshit' for me, and it involved a bunch of amazons against my humans...

Goblins- Trololololol! We kill ya's!

Okay. This ones a joke team. its entirely stupid and a prank.
As in; NO. I AM NOT PLAYING THIS TEAM. its halarious, but unless your REALLY good
They are NOT fun, past their novelty factor. Once i get 'that good' with them, I'll let you know and I'll actually make this a Legitimate choice.  :V
Because there are glimpses of fun and they ARE fun if you can get them right. Plus, its a trolltastic team, you know its going to be awesome.

Now that you have seen the Lazy way out, i am now leaving the choice to pick or suggest to you guys. Should you want an entirely fresh team, leave up note on what race and i'll throw it into the Pile. Once i have a good solid amount of votes (I might do two teams if we have enough of a divide), i'll choose/make a new team and we'll be fine and dandy! Just note.

Goblins, Halfings, Teams Without an Apothecary, Amazons and Khrone Demons (Because im extremely Petty and thats my friend's Personal Team of Choice.)

The Cannon Fodder-
Varakdornat's Dawi -
Open Slot x8
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 01:52:32 PM by Yugian »


  • Humble Blacksmith
  • If the soul preserves, Then Limits dont Exist.
Reserved, so i can put all the crunch bits of the game into an easy to find location. because i know this will get complicated fast.

MV - How fast a player moves per turn! Every point in this stat means one more point that you can move per turn. Its a 1-1 ratio, with 2 bonus 'moves' known as GFI's.
ST - How Strong someone is! This is used for Strength skills and Blocking. Equal strengths result in 1 dice blocks. having +1 strength or more results in 2 Dice blocks. Having twice the strength of your Target results in Three Dice Blocks.
AG- How skilled you are at actually playing the game! Dodging, Passing, Agility skills, PICKING UP THE BALL, all of these are effected by AG. Having a higher AG is good.
AV- How much armor you have slapped on! You must roll above this to have your armor broken. Higher AV is better because it means you have to roll less on the injury table, and in turn, lose less players.

Game Concepts
Armor Check - When someone falls down, you roll an armor check. (2d6). If you fail to break the armor, nothing really happens. If you Break the armor, you go to the injury check.

Injury Check/Table- If your Armor check fails, you end up here. Roll (2d6 i think), and check where you lie on the table. As this is a video game, it does that all for us. Typically, this is a BAD thing and you dont WANT to roll on this table. It can be nothing more then white noise or a little extra stun time... Or you could of just killed/ gotten killed. make THEM roll the checks, not you. A result of a K.O or worse automatically kicks them out of the drive and into the medical box.

Bullshit Plays- Whenever you see something that should be ridiculously statistically unlikely and not have a chance in hell of working, yet it totally works. Or whenever you yell 'Thats F**king B******T!' after some lengthy crap.

GFI's (Going For It's) - Every character can take TWO extra movement above their allotment. These are known as 'Going for it rolls', where the player just hauls some serious butt to get to where he needs to go. The strain is examplified in a 2+ Unmodified roll (Short of skills that directly interact with it.). Failing a GFI roll counts as falling over, and thus, an Armor check. It is quite possible to trip and break your neck. Thats halarious when it happens by the way.  :V

Drive - The current 'Run' per say. At beginning of the drive, you set up UP TO 11 of your players on the field, and ether Receive or kick off. This starts off the drive. The drive only ends when you score a touch down or 8 turns have commenced and you reach Half Time. Once the drive ends, You may fill back up your numbers to the 11, provided you have the replacements, reposition your troops and start the drive once more.

Nuffle- God of the Dice. He does not take kindly to your pitiful offerings.

Surfing - Should an unfortunate soul be pushed out of of the sideline boundaries, they are immediately kicked out of the drive and FORCED to roll on the injury table, bypassing Armor check (I THINK. i could be wrong on that armor check.). This concept is why you don't camp on the sidelines without a good reason or good skill set up.

Kick Off Events - These happen at the Very start of a drive, when you kick off the ball. This is known as 'RANDOM SHIT HAPPENS BECAUSE IT FEELS LIKE IT'. Usually, it gives one side or the other a small advantage, but it can also do things like change the weather and cause riots. Or have the fans attack you.

Block (General Skill) - The 'Both Down' Result when blocking does not effect this Character. Without this (VERY USEFUL) Skill, a Both down result will knock down the Character. Its a recommendation that you take this skill for every character at level 2, unless something like a doubles or Stat up comes up, as this thing is, arguably, one of the best if not the best skill in the game.

Dodge (Agility skill) - This allows you to reroll your dodge checks once per character (Who has it) per turn, should you fail your first check. The check comes in when you are trying to move out a tackle zone. ALSO, UNLESS the enemy has the tackle skill, you treat 'Defender Stumbles' as 'Defender Pushes' and avoid being knocked down. Without this skill, You MUST take your dodge check (Short of a reroll out of your pool) as it is and Defender Stumbles will ALWAYS knock you down.

Guard (Strength Skill) - Ignores enemies tackle zones when supporting allies and will always be able to provide assistance during a block. Without Guard, If a Character is an opponents tackle zone, he cannot assist in a block with an ally as he's too 'Preoccupied' with the enemy to properly do so.

Jump Up (Agility Skill)- Allows the Character the full extent of his movement when he recovers from being knocked down, or take a block action with a 2+ roll (X+ roll means you must get X or higher to successfully pass the check.). Without this skill, The character must spend three movement to get up, and must spend a blitz if he wants to attack someone, even if its right next to him.

Kick (I think Strength?)- When kicking off the ball, The ball is more accurate and has less 'scatter' (The random area the ball could bounce to). Without this skill, the ball is more likely to randomly fly off in some random direction and has the full extent of its scatter.

Leader (General?)- This Character provides a free reroll to the team's pool, should he be out on the 1 and 9th turns of the game.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 02:20:24 PM by Yugian »