Author Topic: Should CC2 make a Remake of .Hack//Link on PS3  (Read 1515 times)


Should CC2 make a Remake of .Hack//Link on PS3
« on: August 23, 2012, 01:58:36 AM »
.hack//link was the worst selling game in Japan and couldn't make it to the States or Europe.

The gameplay of it was just really horrible.... Nothing but talking to NPC's, reading through long text cut scenes, running around the same dungeon maps 2 ~ 3 times and fighting the same bosses all the time. Some people don't even want to consider this game cannon to the .hack// Sage series....

I know .hack//Link is old and we now have .hack//The Movie and .hack//Versus but should it be remade so we can actually have some real great gameplay as .hack//infection and .hack//G.U Rebirth did but with better graphic's and what not on PS3?

What do you think?


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Re: Should CC2 make a Remake of .Hack//Link on PS3
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2012, 11:06:18 AM »
I'll be a a lot economic on my answer, and lol it might not even related to your post, so kindly bear with me. :wikipedia:

Anyways, I don't think it CAN be remade to be port in the PS3. :ohdear:
a.) One reason is definition difference, b.) second is income revenue, c.) third is employee capability

It's like this, if you're familiar with Xenoblade in Wii, it was one of the most sought of RPG games of the 7th gen. Everyone who is a non-Wii owner, but a PS3 AND Xbox owner said they want it port onto the PS3. Every PS owner should know the history of the Xeno series ever since Xenogear in PSX. But why wasn't it ported? Other than Nintendo has a tight grasp of the companies, converting the game that isn't even in 1080p is a real big bother, and could waste lots of money.  Other than that Nintendo just really chained them down, even Mistwalker. :V

CC2 isn't that a big of a video game developing company, as it only hold 100+ employees as of today. If we would compare them to large tier ones like the most famous, Square Enix, is so vastly powerful of a game developing company that just makes games every instantaneous months to a year. SE could just remake almost every old game they have. As of saying that, they HAVE BEEN remaking them and porting them to consoles like GBA, iOS, PSP, and etc. They're even remastering FFX to HD in PS Vita. Nomura also stated, after FFXIII Versus is finished, they're REMAKING FFVII. :derp:

Let's try lowering the standards. Atlus, a great company that defunt just 2 years ago, even though it was going just fine. Yet as of today, they're still working, but alongside some other companies like ArcSys and Vanillaware. They were able to make P4 Arena and a Persona 4 REMAKE,  P4 Golden in PS Vita. Even if ArcSys only has less than 100 employees, Atlus still goes by developing games WITH them, also ArcSys made big bucks during GG era.

Okay so I'm gonna cut to the chase. I agree that it should have a remake. But CAN CC2 do it?  CC2 might never REALLY make a NA and EU release of .hack//Link, since of it's negativity and sales. CC2 isn't that much of a company that made A LOT of money in the past years to pay off their employees huge amounts, or rather they don't have the enough developers that are willing/can do it, having only released .hack games and Naruto. Even with Bandai alongside it's still hard(Since it's mostly a toy company). We could all say .hack is a famous game, but as for me I call it's fame as some sort as a "dark horse" amongst them, in terms of popularity, since I still know a lot of people who doesn't even know the name ".hack". :colbert:

If you think about it, it's like an anime. It depends on Blu-rays and DVDs sales if they're gonna make another season or not. In this case a game.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 11:17:12 AM by Invisible »

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