Author Topic: The Great Suwa Incident  (Read 17686 times)


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Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2011, 08:23:04 AM »
Which immediately nixes any ideas that our hyperactive little Flandre may have had bouncing around in her head about writing up steamy slash-fiction for her comrades and copilots. :derp:

Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2011, 05:06:08 PM »
Which immediately nixes any ideas that our hyperactive little Flandre may have had bouncing around in her head about writing up steamy slash-fiction for her comrades and copilots. :derp:
Bah, if she was a proper slash fic writer, it'll only fuel more of it. With weirder combinations.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
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  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2011, 09:32:32 PM »
Remilia buried her face in her hands.  It wasn't possible.  They had to be playing a joke on her.  She'd known the Clans were different, but this, this was just unbelievable.

And what's worse, Flandre was eating it up.

?So you're saying that family doesn't really matter in the Clans, and that sibkin is more like schoolmates??  Flandre asked, earning a nod from Koishi.  ?And you two are considered weird because you're monogamous, not because your together while related, right??

?Monogamous?? Koishi thought for a moment.  ?That means....??

?That would be we only saw each other.?  Satori shook her head.  ?And no, we aren't jealous like that.  We are considered strange because we... consider this a romantic attachment.?

Koishi threw her arm around the other clan pilot.  ?Ahahaha, you can call it love, sibkin.  We won't get in trouble for it here.?  Satori closed her eyes and sighed, but the clan pilot was blushing slightly.  Remilia closed her eyes again and shook her head to clear it.  She had to be dreaming.

?Wow.?  Flandre said beside her.  ?That's kinda romantic.  Really weird, but romantic.?  A hand came down on Remilia's shoulder and shook her.  ?Don't you think so too sis??

Remilia twitched for a bit before forcing herself upright.  ?I think that Youmu forgot to mention a lot of things when she briefed us on Clan customs.?  She sighed then forced herself to appear refined again.  ?However I would not be so uncouth to judge you based on your personal business, especially since you both seem happy.?  She smirked at Flandre.  ?Just don't give my little sister's mind too many ideas.  She's a little young for such matters.?

Remilia's heart sank at the evil grin the slowly worked over Flandre's face.  ?I don't know big sis.  I missed out on college, so I might have to start my experimenting phase now....?

Koishi's utterly cheerful grin was almost more unnerving.  ?And I think you and Satori Komeiji have a good deal in common.  It would be good if you two could become close, quiaff??  Remilia could feel her eyebrow start twitching.

Satori however put on a slight smile of her own.  ?Ah, if this is an attempt to make me prove my loyalty to you via jealousy, I will be happy to shoot you to prove the point.?

Koishi raised her hands in surrender.  ?That will not be necessary sibkin.  Though I am curious as to how you would acquire a pistol.?

?I'd give her one,? Remilia growled.  She sighed and tried to rub away the headache while the other girls chuckled.  ?I hope Youmu hasn't been confusing Sakuya with any of this nonsense.?

?As if Sakuya'd be anything but the perfect maid out of her mech,? Flandre replied.  ?And Youmu's only half Ghost Bear.?

?Hm?  She is a freebirth??  Satori and Koishi both looked surprised at that.  ?I did not think the Ghost Bears allowed freebirth warriors.  She must have an interesting story.?

Remilia relaxed slightly, now that the subject had changed.  ?If you can pull it out of her you'll have earned a night of free drinks.  That's the one thing Yuyuko and her refuse to talk about.?

?I see.?  Satori shrugged.  ?An interesting challenge, but one that must wait.  First Koishi and I must reacquire our status as warriors.?

Remilia gave the two a look.  ?I think you two may find living in the inner sphere harder then flight qualifications.?

?Though perhaps not with this group,? Flandre finished cheerfully.


Parsee did her best to keep her face straight as she looked over the command center.  Not because the place was primitive, she'd seen worse in active service among the Clans after all.  However, she could shake the feeling of disgust that she was going to be working with glorified techs.  It was perhaps a stupid conceit, but the way of the Clans had been drilled into her since birth.  It was not easy to just change at whim.  Especially since the techs and scientists she had worked with since her failure were all becoming real warriors.

For now she tried to salve her feelings of inadequacy by reminding herself of the thanks she'd received for blindsiding the trainer.  Shiki Eiki herself had congratulated her, before assigning her two hours of hand to hand training.

She couldn't keep her lips from twisting in derision when the lazy red headed tech from before collapsed into a chair next to her.  The woman didn't seem to notice her expression and instead smiled at her.  ?So you're Parsee, huh?  I'm Komachi.  Comms specialist and orbital fire support director.?  Paresee managed a somewhat respectful nod to the woman in return.

?You could have waited, Komachi.? Shiki said as she stepped into the room.  ?Introductions are first thing on my list.?  She waved everyone to a seat around the holotable before continuing.  ?As you all may have heard, Komachi here is the person who keeps our orders getting to everyone.  She's also my second, at least, until one of you manage to take the position from her.?  The levity in that statement caused Parsee to reevaluate the slovenly warrior.  She obviously had to have some skill if she was still around.

Shiki nodded to her next.  ?Parsee is in training to take over mech oversight duties for Ghost unit and Chain unit, should they get set up.?  Eiki looked at her.  ?We're giving you oversight over the other clan bondsmen who don't test out for aeromechs.  You should know their temperaments well, and Ghost unit understands Clan strategy, though don't expect Youmu to cut you any slack.?

Shiki looked next to the green haired woman who reminded Parsee a little bit of Kisume.  ?Kyouko here joined us along with Shou and the other former Word of Blake pilots.  She's skilled in AWACS command and control and will be taking over there.?

?Yep.  I'll be the one echoing things you probably already knew,? the woman said with a laugh.  Parsee nodded at the joke, though she knew the job was much more involved then that.  Ground operations didn't need to obsess about altitude.  Air operations did.  Having an AWACS unit dealing with that allowed pilots to handle the more immediate issues they faced.  Like missiles.

?Minoriko is our artillery support comm tech,? Shiki continued.  ?She'll be working with her sister and any other artillery forces Kanako gives us.?

The plainly dressed woman nodded to Parsee.  ?I don't know if you've worked with other artillery groups, but give us exact coordinates when you need support.  You don't need to worry about drift when we're on the job.?  Parsee simply returned the gesture, figuring it best not to mention that Clan Snow Raven didn't have an artillery service worth mentioning.

?Rumia is in charge of Electronic Countermeasures,? Shiki said indicating a short blond woman with a carefree smile and a bow in her hair.  ?And Command and Thunder group oversight is handled by Elly.  She'll be giving you training on the equipment.?

Elly nodded.  ?Charmed.?

Introductions over Shiki turned on the holotable, revealing a small city.  ?We'll be doing a joint exercise with the Suwa Defense Force.  After all it's likely that SDF units will end up in our areas of operation.  This exercise will give us an idea on their response times, and give our newer recruits some hands on experience with the equipment before we do unit exercises.?

Shiki pointed at two command workstations.  ?Parsee.  Kyouko.  You'll be in charge of operations for this exercise.  Elly and Komachi will act as joint command.  Parsee I want you to pay attention to when Elly calls in air and artillery strikes.  I want you to integrate those into your strategies within the week.?

?Yes sir!?  Parsee snapped to attention, then moved to her console.  As she started reviewing her units she felt a new feeling emerge.  She was still annoyed, and jealous, but in a way she felt proud as well.  For the first time in a long while, she was being challenged.

Her warm feelings were cut off by a spike of anger as she realized how poorly set the line was.  She opened up the comm link.  ?This is command to Defense lead.  What are you thinking freebirth?  Your left flank is anchored purely by lights.?

?What are you complaining about.  They're a reserve scout unit.  Our main force is going to meet them before they ever get to the city,? a surly voice replied.

?You are a fool, quiaff?? Parsee sneered.  ?The river on your flank would be easy to jump, and there are two bridges.  Do you think the enemy is going to ignore your weakness quineg?"  Parsee reviewed the closest heavy mechs.  "Get a Grand Dragon down there to support your troops immediately!?

?Who are...?  The man paused, obviously remembering his orders.  ?Yes 'sir.'?  Sure enough one of the heavies started moving to support the exposed flank.  Parsee made a mental note to beat the man in a trial later for his insubordinate attitude, but she didn't press the matter now.

?Your personal skills could use some work, but good catch there,? Elly said from behind her.  ?Now where would you suggest using artillery to help fix this mess??

Parsee thought for a moment.  ?We should fire mines here at the rail bridge.  Only light mechs can cross the highway, and it is in front of the defense line.  We can use rangefinding from the mine shots to take the bridges out later if needed.?

?Good call,? Elly replied.  ?You should also mine here and here, since these are the best fording points....?


Shanghai sighed and nursed her cider.  Eiki's training had been painful as usual, but it was pretty standard stuff.  She ran her own crew harder during exercises.

Exercises she'd have to start soon, since her squad was getting the rookie.

?Is losing Satsuki really that big a deal Shanghai??  Alice looked up from the doll she was sewing.  ?I understand she's a great sniper and spotter, but this Kogasa girl was able to take down a mech.?

Hourai sipped her own drink. ?Just being able to take down a mech isn't enough.  We have to fight off other infantry too you know.?

?And there's no way the LAFFers trained her well enough to meet our standards.?  Shanghai muttered darkly as she set her glass down.  ?I watched her going through drill.  She's passing physically, and she's got the marksman skills, but her hand to hand and weapon skills are garbage.?

Alice frowned.  ?Ah.  I imagine that would be hard to train.?

Shanghai nodded.  Alice could appreciate that, since unlike most mechwarriors she actually was a master of weapons.  In fact Alice was the only person in the company who could use a monofilament whip, a devilish weapon that had led more then one person watching her practice to call her a witch.

?At least I can count on the Watatsuki's to help there.?  Shanghai shrugged and tried to put the matter from her mind.  ?So Alice, is mother still asking you to move in with her??

Now it was Alice's turn to sigh.  ?No... because she's moved onto the base.?

Shanghai froze while Hourai choked on her drink.  The two sisters paused for a bit to recover, then locked gazes.  They loved Shinki but having their mother within walking distance, even their adopted mother, was....

Shanghai looked, back to her friend.  ?Sorry Alice, but you know that means we'll have to leak details of your love life to distract her.?

Alice's expression soured.  ?I don't have a love life.?

Shanghai snorted, then put on her best smile and leaned towards Hourai.  ?Sister dear, how many times has Marisa walked into your room while topless??

Hourai put on a look of fake shock.  ?Why she's never done that to me dear sister.  How many times has she done that to you.?

"Why zero, sister dearest," Shanghai replied.

The two both looked at Alice and continued in perfect harmony, ?How many times has she done that to you, Alice??

Alice snapped a thread viciously.  ?That's none of your buisness.?

The twins shrugged and shook their heads.  ?Denial isn't just a river on Terra,? they replied sweetly.  Alice just rolled her eyes and muttered curses under her breath.

After a couple of minutes of Alice glaring at them, Hourai waved one the bartender over as a peace offering.  Shanghai took a deep drink, then continued the normal conversation.  ?So how's mother holding up?  Given her past I wouldn't think she'd like living on base.  Even on a huge base like this one.?

Alice swirled the liquid in her glass.  ?I think it helps that this is more of a manufacturing plant.  She can distract the kids with all the shiny science.  And the civilian areas are pretty much like home.?  Her frown deepened slightly.  ?Apparently she's become friends with that Byakuren woman you picked up.  That might have convinced her to stick around as well.?

Shanghai and Hourai exchanged looks at that.  ?Really??

Alice waved her hand to dismiss their concerns.  ?Yumeko is fine with it, so it's no big worry.?  The twins relaxed at that.  If someone as paranoid as Yumeko wasn't worried there was nothing to worry about.  ?I'm just a little uncomfortable with my mom and the kids spending so much time around a Word of Blake member.  Even if she did quit.?

Hourai chuckled.  ?I'm sure it won't be a problem.  I mean, mother raised us Catholic, and look how we turned out.?  The three smiled at that.

Shanghai stretched and tried to toss her work worries aside again.  ?So how are the kids doing??

Soon the trio were lost in the complicated oddities of their family, both in and outside the regiment, and Shanghai finally was able to relax.


Nue yawned as the Word of Blake Presenter looked over her report for the fifth time.  ?Do you need me to clarify?? she asked as politely as she could.  As a spy she'd gotten fairly good at hiding her true feelings.

The man started.  ?Ah, no.  No.?  He shook his head.  ?I am merely staggered by the wealth of information you have given us.?  He gave Nue a beatific smile.  ?You have done a great service to the true followers of Jerome Blake's word.?

Nue held out her hand.  ?Right, so about the money??

?Right.?  The man was suddenly all business, which was good from Nue's perspective.  He rolled out a suitcase then opened it up to reveal the shiny metal within.  ?Given the nature of this planet, I hope gold will suffice??

Nue smiled.  She'd been wondering what to ask for in pay actually.  C Bills were worthless here since the only Com Star building was closed down, and Suwa's money was worthless off planet.  ?Gold will work just fine.  Anyone making circuits can use some gold.?

The man nodded.  ?In addition I'd like to contract your services for the operations phase of this matter.?

Nue caught herself before she started rubbing at her old wound.  ?No offense, but I don't do ops.  I don't want anyone connecting my face with sabotage.  It makes it harder for me to do my job.?

?Ah,? the man held up a hand.  ?We want you to act as an informant still.  We have our own ops people.  All we want is for them to have the right information.?

Nue hesitated.  She really didn't like sticking around for the fireworks.  Her style was, get info, sell it, then run.

?We'll quadruple your payment of course,? the man said.

Nue eyed the suitcase.  It was too good an offer to pass up, right?

She nodded and held out her hand.  ?Just so long as it's info only.?

?Of course it will be,? the man replied as they shook.

Nue hoped she wouldn't regret this.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 09:53:26 PM by Iced Fairy »


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Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2011, 10:37:16 PM »
Nice to see this fic get updated. :3

Keep up the good work!

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #34 on: September 13, 2011, 10:51:57 PM »
?And Youmu's only half Ghost Bear.?


Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #35 on: January 19, 2012, 09:22:17 PM »
Planet Suwa, Iron Ring Mech Center

Utsuho stared at the screen trying to make sense of all the circuit lines.  ?I am not sure why it is not working, tech Rinnousuke.  You have all the circuits set up correctly, and so long as the materials are in order the device should perform to spec.?

Rinnousuke groaned and looked out at the offending PPC again.  ?That's what I've been saying too.  There's no reason why it shouldn't work just like a Clan PPC.  But the thing just isn't doing as much damage as it should.?

Utsuho nodded in annoyed agreement.  Mech weapons weren't really her specialty, but the theory wasn't that difficult.  Unfortunately even the Clans had yet to make theory match consistently with reality. 

She looked over at her friend.  ?There is not anything outside the PPC device that would interfere with the process, quineg??

Orin ignored the schematic entirely to look at the weapon itself.  This was one of the reasons the two worked together so well.  Utsuho was a master of theory, but she had difficulty with concrete things.  Like people's names.  Orin was much better at constructing things.

?Where is the coolant casing?? Orin asked.

?The coolant casing??  Rinnousuke looked surprised by the question.  ?It's on the bottom.?

Orin stared hard at the device for a long time before chuckling and shaking her head.  ?Ah, that is the problem.?

?Unyu??  Utsuho looked at the casing, but it looked correctly constructed to her.  Rinnousuke seems similarly confused.

Orin pointed at the wiring.  ?You made sure that the coolant system will not interfere with the PPC's magnetic field.  However the stravag who first slapped together our ER PPCs was not as rigorous.  The resulting interference makes the beam more ragged, decreasing range but increasing the impact.?

Rinnousuke took off his glasses and rubbed at his eyes.  ?Are you telling me we made it too good??

?Aff!? Orin replied cheerfully.  Rinnousuke groaned again.  Utsuho just shrugged.  These things happened.  ?We just alter the wires until it is properly calibrated.  It should only take about an hour.?

?Right.?  As Rinnousuke set his glasses and moved to give the instructions to the crews, Utsuho looked over the PPC once again.

It was a marvel of engineering, made even better by generations of Clan improvements.  Part of her still felt a twinge of discomfort at giving this awesome weapon to the inner sphere, but a much larger part of her was thrilled that she had been part of the team that had brought such shoddy technology up to the best specifications available in the universe.

She smiled.  And soon her designs would surpass those limits.

?This was the last part needed for the areomech, quiaff?? she asked as Rinnousuke turned back to them.

?Yeah.?  Rinnousuke nodded.  ?The design depends on those two PPCs as a primary weapon, so we needed them to be perfect.  Everything else can be covered by our existing technology with minimal loss.?

Utsuho frowned at that.  While her designs still packed all of the firepower and armor of a Timberwolf onto an aeromech, she was annoyed that the inefficiency of IS design lost some of the extra armor and firepower she'd managed to put into the Clan prototype.  It seemed wasteful to her, and Snow Ravens abhorred waste.

Still there was one addition she was quite happy with.  ?Khan Kanako Yasaka has acquired the Laser Anti Missile systems, quiaff??

?Yeah, they came in system today, and they'll be on the ground by tomorrow.?  Rinnousuke smiled.  ?We'll have a full wing of fighters within 5 months I think.?

Orin grinned at that.  ?Excellent.  We never managed to get that working.  I am not sure why either.?

Rinnousuke shrugged.  ?Don't ask me, I'm just a repair tech with an eye for theory.  I can't build the stuff from scratch.?  He turned off the computer and motioned to the two of them.  ?In any case that's all we're needed for.  You two should head off to the simulators, that is if you're still crazy enough to want to pilot them.?

?Thank you, Rinnousuke,? Orin said.

Planet Suwa, Youkai Busters Training Center

Utsuho found herself looking forward to today's exercises.  For the first time they'd be actually be training with proven aeromech warriors.  She was curious to see what they thought of her designs as well.  She still had pride as a scientist.

When Orin and her entered the room they found they were early.  Neither her warrior leaders, nor the Scarlet duo were here.  Instead a tall white haired woman and a small woman who'd dyed her hair light pink were present.

Orin of course was quick to speak.  ?Ah, greetings warriors.?

As soon as the taller woman turned Utsuho could tell her white hair wasn't dye.  She obviously suffered from albinism.  Utsuho was surprised that someone with that affliction would be fighting as a warrior.

?Ah hello.  I'm Mokou.  Fujiwara no Mokou.? the tall woman said.

The smaller woman nodded in greeting as well.  ?Mystia Lorleili.?

?So you are also trying out for the aeromechs?? Orin asked.

?Yep,? Mokou replied.  ?I had to learn both at the academy anyway so I'm getting my mech training back into top shape.?

Utusho raised an eyebrow at that.  ?You are a pilot?  Does your size not work against you??

Mokou frowned deeply, as did Mystia.  ?Why would it?  And why are you asking?  You're taller then me.?

Utsuho and Orin both jumped at the woman's harsh reply.  ?Ah, my apologies warrior.  The Clan breeds aerofighter pilots to be small.  I was worried my size might be a disadvantage.?

?Hmph.?  Mokou violently flipped her hair behind her.  ?Maybe, but it's nothing a good pilot can't overcome just by reflex.  You've seen that huge Unzan guy, and he must be a hot hand to still be alive as an aeromech pilot.?

?Indeed.  I can not reject that data point,? Utsuho said.  ?And it gives me comfort.?

Mokou gave a faint smile at that.

Further conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Satori Komeiji, Koishi and the Scarlets.  Utsuho gave the true warriors appropriate respects and retreated to the back with Orin.  They were still unproven after all, no matter what the Inner Sphere people said.

Shou and Nazrin entered soon after.  ?They look like abtakha themselves,? Orin quietly said beside her.  Now that her friend mentioned it, Utsuho could see the two seemed uncomfortable with their new uniforms and patches.  The mercenaries seemed to not have a standard uniform, but they couldn't wear Word of Blake fatigues.  That would only cause confusion.  So Khan Kanako Yasaka gave them Suwa uniforms.

Still the two quickly regained their focus.  ?Peace of Blake be with you all.  Our apologies for not starting focused training earlier, but we wished to see the miracle of new technology that the spirit of Blake had granted you.  Learning how to use these new systems to their best potential required a great deal of study and prayer.?  Shou smiled.  ?However that gave us time to review your performance data as well.?

?Now we'd normally praise Blake for his revelations, but I'm sure you terrible heretics are already sick of that.?  Nazarin stated with a smirk.  ?So instead we'll get straight to the training.?

Shou sighed then smiled again.  ?Indeed.  We'll be focusing on your aerospace prowess first.?

?Forgive me warrior,? Satori Komeiji said, ?but most of us have great skill in aerocombat.  Why focus on this??

?An aeromech's just a mech if you can't bypass enemy air cover,? Nazarin said reasonably.  ?Besides we've got some tricks to teach you.?

?And the best way to show you that is in combat.?  Shou pointed to the simulators.  ?May the light of Blake grant us all revelations.?


Utsuho kept a close eye out as she flew.  She wasn't sure what training style these warriors preferred, but Eiki had taught her to always keep her eyes open.

Shou's voice crackled over the radio.  ?Sisters, you are passing over the main enemy lines.  We are picking up a flight of four Shilone fighters moving to intercept at 10 o clock.  You are cleared to engage.

?Engaging.?  Utsuho clicked over to Orin's frequency.  ?Long range fire then mix and break??

?Aff,? Orin replied as she closed the distance between the two.

Utsuho forced herself to breathe slowly as the range finder slowly decreased to weapons range.  Finally the targeting reticules flickered red and she pulled down the two PPCs triggers.  Lightning burst forth from her weapon pods across the sky.

She didn't bother looking to see what damage she'd done, she simply moved up above Orin's fighter then pulled away as quickly as she could.  The blue of heavy laser beams and automated warning sirens told her that the enemy had unleashed their own barrage as well.  Utusho grunted as the massive G forces slammed her against the seat and just kept pulling.  Shilones carried missiles as well as lasers.

When she'd turned 90 degrees she pulled up and tried to take stock of the situation.  She smiled to see one enemy fighter down.  She'd gotten a lucky cockpit shot.  As a bonus the man's wing had panicked, preventing him from following her.

Orin hadn't been as lucky, dealing pure armor damage with her hits and getting both of the bogeys on her tail.  Still, their initial maneuver had worked to shake the missiles.

?Do you need assistance Orin?? Utsuho asked as she turned back towards the fray.

?Neg,? Orin's voice sounded a little strained but still cheery.  ?I can hold them off until you destroy the fourth.  Maybe even catch one.?

Utsuho broke off her turn and started towards the free plane.  ?Aff.?  She kicked in the thrusters and started towards her prey.

As she began approaching within weapons range of the ship it seemed to stutter and then abruptly turned in a new direction.  Utusho's eyes narrowed at that.  It seemed like one of the instructors had taken over the simulated craft.  ?This may take longer then original estimates Orin.?

?That's always the way with you scientists.?  Orin chuckled.  ?Fortunately I almost have a lock with my rear SRMs.  I'll finish off these two on my own.?

?Of course Orin.?  Utusho kept her disbelief out of her voice.  She focused instead on her now stronger opponent.

And what a difference it was.  It took all of Utusho's efforts to keep the enemy aerofighter in her sights.    Her foe didn't just pull three or four gee turns, the pilot kept randomly adjusting thrusters.  Utsuho learned rapidly to default to slow.  If you were a little slow you could speed up, if you were too fast you would blaze past your foe and give them a perfect shot.

?Got it!?

Orin's cry of triumph distracted Utsuho for just a second, but that second was too long.  Her opponent took advantage of her slowing down in order to slam on the afterburners and climb.  Utusho swore and sped up to follow after the enemy.  The other pilot was going nearly straight up, and Utsuho was trying to correct her flight to get a proper targeting profile.

Then her foe cut engines.

Utsuho blinked as the enemy craft dropped right past her weapons.  Then her craft shook as the Shilone emptied her weapons into her.  Red lights flicked on as one of her heat sinks went down.  She was lucky the range was too short for LRMs.

Utusho's mind raced as she tried to figure out what to do.  Her opponent was dropping away now as the Shilone stalled.  There was no way Utsuho could match that stall and get back in behind her foe.

Then clarity struck.  She could do something better then stall.

She turned off her own jets and pulled the transformation lever.  There was a grinding of gears as her aeromech shifted into it's mech form.

And then she dropped like a rock.

Her stomach churned a little as zero G kicked in, but her targeting reticule freed up, allowing her to point her weapon straight at the fleeing fighter.  The fall was a little hard to compensate for, but her computer quickly kicked in and aided her.

When the lock tone kicked in Utsuho fired all her weapons.

The Shilone tried to dodge, but it was too late.  The twin PCCs slammed into it's left wing right before all twenty four SRMs impacted.  The resulting explosions ripped the entire left side of the craft to shreds.

Utusho pulled the lever again to revert back to aerofighter mode.  As she finished transforming and leveled out she looked on her radar to find Orin had taken out both of her foes.  ?Congratulations Orin.  How did you do it??

?I saw your move and did it to my pursuer before she could force me to learn it,? Orin replied.  ?Do we pass the test??

Shou's chuckle came over the airwaves.  ?You pass this part.  Your mission isn't over until you land, warriors.  Continue on to your destination.  That's not the only trick we have to teach you.?

Utsuho nodded absently.  ?As you command.  Orin, take my wing please.  We have a long flight.?

Planet Suwa, Suwa City

?I'm surprised, Shinki.  Normally when we go out Yumeko insists on accompanying us.? Byakuren stated as they walked through the open air mall.  ?Has she finally decided I'm not secretly a Lyran agent??

Shinki laughed lightly.  ?Oh she knows that already.  She doesn't trust you because you seem too nice.  As for why she isn't following us.?  She turned back to smile at Alice.  ?We already have a chaperon, don't we Alice dear.?

Alice groaned.  ?Please don't call me a chaperon, mother.  It makes it sound like you two are dating.?

Shinki's smile twitched a little upwards and she looked over at Byakuren who gave a conspiratorial nod.  ?Well it has been a while since your father passed away...?

?Don't even joke about it,? Alice muttered while looking away.

?Ah, you see, my older children don't let me have any fun,? Shiki heaved a mock sigh.  ?I hope your trainees aren't as over protective.?

?Hm...  Not that bad, though they do have their moments.?  Byakuren's smile softened.  ?But I can't complain too much.  After all they did come to rescue me.  My only fear is they're more loyal to me then Blake's vision.  Though perhaps Shou would claim they could not abandon one for the other.?

Shinki nodded at the other woman's soft words.  That was perhaps the main connection between the two women.  They both shared the same feelings of responsibility, love, and gratitude towards warriors they had personally trained or raised.  It was hard to explain to the younger commanders, and honestly it wasn't something to complain about.  And it was the one connection that brought a rather poor Catholic spy turned orphanage matron and a crazy Blakeist mechwarrior together despite their different world views.

Though it helped that for all of Byakuren's craziness she didn't share the Word of Blakes need to bring about the apocalypse personally.

?So, if it's not too much to ask, what convinced you to retire??  Shinki asked.

?Ah.?  Byakuren hesitated for a bit, and chewed on her lip.  ?That's...?

Shiki raised her hands.  ?You don't have to explain if you don't want.  I can understand that sometimes field commanders have... certain things go wrong.?

?No, no.?  Byakuren sighed.  ?You must understand my failure comes not from anything I did in the field.  I have regrets, but I always served my best for Blake.  No, my failure was in command.  I led my people astray.?

?When you joined the word of Blake?? Shinki asked quietly.

?Yes.?  Byakuren shook her head.  ?I disagreed with the Presenter Martial.  I still do.  But in my disagreement I failed to reason clearly.  He was right about Com Star having lost it's way.  The Primus had lost her mind trying to bring about prophecy.  She wanted to destroy the world in order to prove Blake right, not protect the world to save people from the destruction he foretold.?  Shinki shook her head.  ?And I was too foolish to see that.  I led my people further down that path of madness instead of trying to work with the sane in order to reform Blake's works in a better manner.?

Shinki nodded slowly.  ?I see.?  She personally thought ComStar's changes were all for the better, but she didn't feel like throwing it in the contrite woman's face.  ?So you question your ability to lead??

?Yes.?  Byakuren looked up.  ?And honestly my reflexes really have gotten much worse.  It's best for Shou to take control of her destiny.?

Shinki nodded.  ?At some point you have to let the kids leave the nest.?  She smiled and turned back to Alice.  ?Though visits are always nice.?

Alice sighed ?Visits are nice but-?  Alice's eyes suddenly shot wide open.  ?Look out!?

Shiki instinctively rolled forward away from the threat and drew her laser pistol.  She landed in a firing crouch just in time to see Byakuren punch a knife wielding woman in the throat.  Further down the street she saw a man raise a gun, so she burned him down with a sustained shot.

Behind her two more people approached, but Alice produced a small iron wand and moved it in a complex gesture.  The two men exploded as the invisible monofilament whip cut them into pieces.  As the civilians caught on and started screaming she positioned herself behind a car and checked for other threats on this side of the street.  Byakuren quickly arrived beside her, holding a laser pistol as well.  ?I hit the first attacker too hard.  I fear he's dead.?

?Unfortunate.  Yumeko would have had questions for him.?  Shinki confirmed this side of the street was clear, then winced as bullets started hitting their cover.  ?They seem persistent.?

Alice rolled behind a car of her own then popped up with two SMGs and started blazing away.  The young girls style caused conniptions among most professional shooters, but she made it effective with her dexterity.

Shinki took the respite to pop up and begin her own suppressive fire.  Bykauren quickly rose beside her and began firing as well.  ?Is that a Sunspot pistol?  Very nice.?

?I see you have a Deadeye yourself.  Not a bad model.?

Shinki smiled grimly.  The banter might have been cocky, but it seemed they did have the advantage.  The three women had killed at least three more assailants, and the rest were keeping their heads down.  It seemed their ambushers had made a mistake somehow.  And now Shinki would make them pay for it.


Nue looked down at the chaos.  ?Holy shit!  What the hell are those guys??  They'd taken out the disguised assassins easily, and then shot down the reinforcements seconds after they came into play.  This wasn't how black ops was supposed to go outside of movies.

?Filthy apostates,? snarled the mission's leader.  ?Alright, signal the snipers.?

The two other members of their party pulled up rifles and started firing down at the three targets.  Nue on the other hand ducked down.  This was not her fucking thing!  She was starting to seriously regret coming to this ambush.  Especially since she hadn't been part of any of the briefings.

She began regretting it even more when one of the snipers heads was flash boiled from a laser shot.  ?Dammit!  I thought this was supposed to be a low key ambush!?

The commander snarled.  ?That was our hope.  But I fear it has failed.  I guess they will be ready when the rest of our troops arrive.?

?Rest of your troops?? Nue stared at the man.

?Well yes.  We need to claim the new technologies being created here.?  Both of them winced as the other sniper screamed and fell back with three SMG rounds in his head.  The commander swore.  ?I guess we'll have to use the car bomb.?

Nue's mouth dropped open.  The mall wasn't packed, but there were still dozens of people there.  There was no way a car bomb wouldn't kill innocents.  ?Really??

The man didn't even acknowledge her.  He just pulled out a modified cellphone.  Nue watched as he punched in a code.

Her hand moved before she even realized the choice she made.  The needler pistol in her hand barked twice, shattering the cell phone and peppering the man with deadly fragments.  He reared backwards from the pain, then jerked and crumpled as the sub machine gun from below opened up again.

Nue held her breath as silence descended on the mall.

When the sirens kicked in she ditched the needler on the body of the dead sniper, then crawled towards the fire escape as fast as she could.  She didn't want to be around for when the police began to search the roof.

Once she was off the roof she joined the civilian crowds trying to get the fuck away.  Fortunately she looked about as panicked as the rest of them, so anyone looking at her assumed she'd just gotten a scare from the firefight.  Not from being on the losing end.  She followed the crowds for five or six blocks, then as they began to thin out she jumped into an alley way and started towards one of her safe houses.

It took more effort then normal to keep her composure when walking the streets, but she doubted anyone noticed.  The police probably wouldn't figure out the gun had been used by a fourth person until a day had passed, and her fingerprints weren't on anyone's files so there was no need to worry on that account.  She had far greater reason to fear her employer.

After ten minutes she reached the tiny studio apartment that she'd rented as a safe house.  She casually walked in, then changed clothes, grabbed another pistol then considered her options.  She was stuck on planet with no easy way out, and she'd just screwed up the plot of a mad apocalyptic cult.

She didn't like her options right now.

Nue paced back and forth in the small apartment, trying to think of a way to get out without surrendering to the local authorities or being hunted by Word of Blake through all known space.

Finally she gritted her teeth and headed out again.  She was out of options.

She headed north one block and waved down a taxi.  ?Okaya,? she said as she hopped in before leaning back and looking out the window.  The man took the hint and didn't try to engage in small talk as he drove off.  News of the ?terrorist attack? was all over the radio, but it seemed that the planetary government had focused their efforts on checking the spaceport and airport.  Good.  They wouldn't find her then.

It was two hours later when the cab dropped her off at Okaya's main boulevard.  Nue paid the man, then tossed on a reasonable tip to make sure she was forgettable.  Putting the cab driver out of her mind, she walked into a nearby hotel, lingered in the gift shop, then headed out the back into the alleys of the city.

It was another two blocks to the ?abandoned? Com Star facility, then another thirty feet to the hidden entrance.

The Presenter was there as she walked in along with a single guard and a tech.  He whirled as she entered.  ?Nue?!  What happened?  The whole operation-?  His speech cut off as she shot him twice in the chest.

She quickly adjusted her aim and cut down the guard using three shots this time.  The tech turned to flee, but she fired two more shots to bring the woman down.

Nue re-holstered her weapon and moved to the hyperspace pulse generator.  It was a marvel of engineering, able to send information faster then light.  And better yet, now that ComStar had started to secularize, a spy like her could learn how to use it.

She carefully set the coordinates, then typed out a short message before turning on the machine and running into the night.

?I've fucked up big time Mamizou.  Could use a hand.  -Nue?

Planet Suwa, Chairman's Office

Kanako drummed her finger along her desk as she considered probabilities.  She didn't like surprises.  As a general she'd gotten used to them.  In fact she considered herself good at handling them.  But she never liked surprises.

She sighed then turned her attention back to the others in the briefing room.  ?My apologies.  I wanted to confirm the information we've gotten so far.?

Byakuren and Shinki were both present, and flanked by their respective bodyguards.  Even if neither Yumeko or Ichirin would admit to that position.  Kanako figured those two would find it difficult to get a free moment for a bit.  Reimu was there as well, along with Yukari.

?We are now certain this was a Word of Blake attack, designed to assassinate Byakuren Hijiri.  We confirmed this both by interrogating the one survivor, and because a hyperpulse transmission was spotted from our old ComStar station.?

?So it had no connection to my questionable past?? Shinki asked quietly.

Kanako drummed her fingers a few more times.  ?Unfortunately, we are also certain that there is a third party involved as our investigation into the matter found some of the Word of Blake spies already murdered.?

?So we aren't certain if the LAFF is going to drop in on us then,? Yukari said darkly.

?Not certain, but unlikely.  If the Lyrans had known about us they'd have started moving already.  They don't care if Hijiri is dead or not after all.  We believe the third party to be a freelancer.? Kanako sighed again.  ?Our spies will be working full time, both to try to find this third party and to keep an eye out in case we're wrong.?

?What are the chances there will be another attack?? Byakuren asked.

?Almost certain.?  Kanako turned to the view screen and flipped it on, showing a holoprint of what was obviously a Draconis Combine government building burning with three broken mechs outside it.  ?Word of Blake has shown it doesn't care about the power of governments or diplomacy.  Their assassination of Percival Fillington on Hachiman was done openly.  We can expect a similar small unit strike in the future.  Fortunately they also seem to get the hint when their attacks fail too often.  A bloody nose should send them home for good.?

Byakuren shook her head sadly.  ?I'm sorry.  It seems I've caused you trouble.?

?Eh, NBD.?  Reimu waved her hand.  ?Unless they bring more then a company it's no different from bandit raids.?

?Don't tempt fate Reimu,? Yukari said.  ?It's bad luck.?

Kanako smirked a little.  ?Well we do also have our warships.  The Native Faith is back in orbit, which should give any unexpected system traffic pause.  However I'd like it if you sped up your training regime.?

?If we speed it up any more we'll have pilots before we have machines to put them in,? Yukari pointed out.  ?That's not great for morale.?

?All of the pilot candidates are aerofighter qualified right?? Kanako asked.  ?In that case we can supply them with standard aerofighters while they wait.  No one will be dispossessed on my watch.?

?The four clan girls aren't qualified.? Reimu pointed out.  ?I figure the warriors are up for it, and that tech girl managed in battle, but I'm still not sure about the scientist.?

Kanako paused a moment.  Keeping Utsuho on as a scientist permanently was tempting.  That girl had ideas.  Usually weird ideas, but ideas that could blossom into great advancements.  It seemed foolish to put her on the front lines.

On the other hand she'd used Utsuho rather badly already.  Because of Kanako the girl had a death sentence from her old clan.

In the end she chose to let life run it's own course.  ?Well then, you'll have to see if she's got what it takes to be one of the first aeromech pilots then.  I leave it to your discretion commander.?

?Thank you, Chairman,? Reimu replied dryly.

Kanako nodded.  ?Now that we've cleared that up, let's discuss our security plans.  While you aren't required for this Shinki, you can stay if you wish.  I've heard you're good with security...?

Commercial jumpship Strawberry Crisis, Free Worlds League periphery space

Yumemi looked over the manifest list.  ?Is there anyone worth picking up Chiyuri??

Chiyuri groaned and shook her head.  ?Sorry boss.  It all seems to be singletons.  I got an offer from a merc team that's almost enough, but not quite.?

?Ugh.?  Yumemi leaned back as far as her chair would allow.  ?Kana, how long before we start losing money just from sticking around??

?We've still got three more days, captain,? the girl cheerily replied.

?Well that's something at least.?  Yumemi punched in sensor data to look over her competitors.  ?And if more jumpships don't show up we may end up getting booked just out of necessity.?

The crew all returned to their various pursuits.  Yumemi opened up some of the new research journals that had made it to this part of Marik space, while Chiyuri and Kana amassed space fleets against each other on some hologame.

Five tones brought a frown to Yumemi's mouth.  ?Looks like some new people jumped in.  Chiyuri??

?On it.?  Her first mate tapped a few queries into the computer then whistled.  ?Whoa!  Well these guys won't be stealing our business.?

Another keystroke brought the new arrivals on screen.  Yumemi found herself awed as well.  ?Warships.  Three of the damn things.?

For over a century warships had been all but forgotten, the technology needed to keep the massive vessels running lost to the violence of the succession wars.  Then the Clans had returned and brought their own warships.  ComStar had it's own fleet, but it was too small to match that of the Clans.  So they released how to build and refurnish the behemoths the successor states had mothballed years ago.  And with that warships once again returned to active duty.

Yumemi tried to look over the designs a bit.  ?Hm...  Those are Word of Blake, not Marik ships.  I wonder what classes they are??

?I dunno but they apparently don't have much in the way of carrying capacity.  Looks like they're full up,? Chiyuri looked over the ships.  ?They've got a lot of troops though.?

?Maybe they're going to Terra,? Yumemi mused.

Another tone caused Yumemi to start again.  ?What's that??

?Comm transmission,? Kana replied.  The girl hit a few buttons to buffer the message then opened up a patch on screen.  ?Can't do two way, but given signal delay...?

The message composed itself into a woman wearing WoB fatigues and what looked like admirals tabs.  ?Greetings captain of the jumpship Strawberry Crisis.  I am Alia Sanders of the Word of Blake.  Your vessel has been honored with a special purpose this day.?

Yumemi's eyes opened wide.  ?Oh fuck no.?

?We have need of a transport vessel in order to bring mercenaries loyal to Blake to our theater of operations.  Yours is the only one capable of matching our fleet's speed.  With the will of Blake so obvious we are certain you will join our cause.?

?Are they pressing us into military service?? Chiyuri yelped.  Yumemi just ground her teeth.

?We of course will pay you proper rates for your services, though I'm sure it will not be necessary.?  The woman's eyes narrowed.  ?Just as I'm sure it is unnecessary to remind you that our missiles can shatter small jumpships before they can reel in their jump sails.?

?Once again we praise your loyalty to Blake's cause.  Know you will be rewarded spiritually for this.?  The comm-stream cut off, leaving Yumemi to seethe.

?Um, captain?? Kana turned towards her, a look of worry on her face.  ?What should we do??

Yumemi closed her eyes and rubbed her temples.  ?What can we do?  They've got the warships.?  Yumemi slammed her fist down in anger, then took a deep breath.  ?Give me a moment to get my composure back and I'll send them our surrender.  Then clear docking bay three.?

?At least then we won't have to talk to the bastards more then needed,? Yumemi muttered.

Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #36 on: January 20, 2012, 05:02:45 PM »
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #37 on: January 21, 2012, 07:25:55 PM »
Kogasa took a look around as Tokiko parked the van.  Okaya seemed a lot less industrialized then Suwa City itself so the parking garage was small and open, allowing a nice view of the surrounding shops.  ?Whoa, it really is a shopping center.?

?You thought we'd get lost?? Reisen asked pointedly.

?I thought you were lying to me and this was some sort of surprise training,? Kogasa replied.  ?You've tried to kill me with a sword every day since I got assigned to you.  Why should today be different.?

Toyohime smiled sweetly.  ?Being killed builds character.?

?But trying to kill you is hard.  We need a break.,? Yorihime added.

?Alright, enough work jokes you lot,? Shanghai said as she got out the passenger's side.  ?We're here for a break.?

?And to get away from your mother,? Tokiko added as she hopped out.  Kogasa chuckled along with the rest of the team as Shanghai swore.  It was a good sign when you could crack jokes at the boss and not get patrol duties for a week.

Kogasa stretched as she finally got out of the van, before setting her umbrella on her shoulder.  As much as she'd despised the extra hand to hand combat she'd been forced into, she'd grown fond of the weapon she'd finally settled on.  The straight blade hidden in the umbrella's handle wasn't as tough as the blades the Watatsukis carried, but there were all sorts of fun tricks she could use with it.

?Alright, let's hit the town girls,? Shanghai called out as she took the lead.  ?Keep casualties to a minimum okay??

?Right, right.?  The six women started down the street, occasionally stopping to inspect one of the stores there with interest ranging from clothes and antiques, to gun shops.

Their trip was interrupted briefly by the sound of aerofighters flying overhead.  They all looked up to see two Stukas and the two new type aeromechs fly past just under the speed of sound.  The crimson craft seemed dangerous but somehow not menacing.  Though maybe that was because she recognized them as being on 'her' side now Kogasa mused.

?Whoa.? Kogasa said.  ?I guess the prototypes are working, huh.?

The rest of Shanghai squad was all smiles, their leader most of all.  ?At least those two are.  With luck we'll have some real firepower to call down on our foes.?

?That seems as good a reason as any to start the drinking then!? Tokiko proclaimed.

?A fine idea,? Toyohime replied.  ?Lets get to that club you found Reisen.?

?Sure thing!?


Utsuho carefully kept her throttle below the sound barrier as they passed over the town.  She was looking forward to fully testing the speed of the finished aeromech prototype, but Khan Kanako Yasaka had made it clear they needed to do that in a fixed training area.

Still standard flight had allowed her to pull a lot of data.  So far the machine was handling itself better then she'd expected Inner Sphere technology to accomplish.  Even Inner Sphere technology backed by her science and Orin's mechanical skill.  She made a quick note on fuel efficiency, then opened up a link to Orin.  ?How is your machine doing??

?It is doing great!? Orin called back.  ?I wish all our clan prototypes had run this well.?

Utusho chuckled.  ?We did not normally have the chance to make two prototypes, quineg??


?X one, X two, this is Escort one.  Please alter heading to zero three seven.  We'll be at the fairgrounds in twenty.?

?Confirmed.  Changing direction.?  Utsuho moved to follow the orders of her combined escorts, observers and guards.  The pilots obviously felt like they were there to keep watch on the bondsmen, much to Utsuho's annoyance.  Fortunately Khan Kanako Yasaka didn't have the same suspicions.  And in the end the Khan's will was all that mattered.

As they flew on the terrain changed to an old lava field.  Apparently the volcano they had passed over was still active.  Below them glassy obsidian and pumice made way to a very sparse grassland.  Utsuho guessed that they'd be performing maneuvers over that field, in order to allow for safe ejection or landing.

Sure enough after a few minutes more flying the comm spoke again.  ?X1, X2 you have the field to yourself.  Please stay within the boundaries if you can.?  Their escorts peeled off.

Utusho rubbed her hands together.  Now was the moment of truth.  ?Orin.  Take my wing.?

Orin tightened their formation slightly.  ?Aff.  Lead and I'll follow.?   

?Understood.  First we will test max speed.?  Utsuho allowed herself to grin as she shoved the throttle to full.  G forces from the acceleration slammed her back into her seat as the sturdy aerocraft broke the sound barrier.

At around Mach three she eased off the thrusters and pulled up into an Immelmann.  Her vision became strained for a moment, but her flight suit compensated for the extra Gs the maneuver caused. 

A few seconds after she finished her roll Orin called in.  ?So the wings did not fall off.  Are you happy, or do you intend to continue showing off??

Utusho laughed openly.  ?Aff, Orin.?

?Freebirth!  That was not a yes or no question!? her friend sputtered as Utusho began to climb in order to try another maneuver.

Utsuho spent the next three minutes pushing her machine to it's limits, and sometimes her body as well.    It was great flying her own creation.  The weapon that surpassed anything created before it.  She did not understand the 'destiny' nonsense that the Smoke Jaguars and Blakists spoke of, but she felt it fitting that she was flying this machine.  And it felt right somehow that Orin was on her wing.

Her proud thoughts were interrupted by a harsh beep from the radio.   ?Attention all active Suwa units.  An unknown force has dropped into a pirate point and is detaching multiple dropships towards the surface.  All units rendezvous at the nearest base and prepare for combat orders!?


Yumemi looked out at the planetary system below with a sense of awe.  For the first time since she'd been press ganged into the Word of Blake battle fleet she didn't feel trapped within her own space craft.  ?A star system completely off the records.  Incredible.  I wonder if there are others like it, just waiting in space....?

The warning klaxon that followed drew her out of her reverie.  Chiyuri paled.  ?Um, it looks like we appeared next to a hostile jumpship.  And there's two enemy warships in system.?

Yumemi gritted her teeth as her Word of Blake 'guest' smiled.  ?This was foreseen,? Captain Summers said smugly.  ?Our own battleships should hold them off nicely.?

?Of course,?Yumemi muttered.  And if they don't I'm going to enjoy tossing you and your thugs out the airlock, she added silently.  The mercenaries she'd been forced to transport had been surprisingly tolerable, but the Captain and his Word of Blake minions had taken every opportunity to rub her face in the fact that she was for all intents and purposes a prisoner.

Kana frowned then turned to Yumemi.  ?Ma,am.  Commodore Miko wants you to know she's going to launch.?

?Understood.  She can launch when she wants.?  'Because I don't have the authority to stop her.'  Yumemi threw the thought from her mind and turned towards the screens.  ?Chiyuri, situation??

?Looks like everyone else is launching too.?  Chiyuri considered the board.  ?The Word of Blake forces have a significant advantage in fighter craft.  It looks like the other Warships are just holding ground.  Oh.  The jumpship Gensoukyo just launched an escape pod.  Figure's since they're surrounded.?  Chiyuri blanched.  ?What?!  They shot it?!?

?An unfortunate necessity,? said Summers.

Yumemi stared at the screen as horror and disgust rolled over her.  To shoot an escape pod was...

Kana was the one to break the silence.  ?All mercenary craft launched.  Sending confirmation data.?

Yumemi forced herself to look at the data.  It was better then considering what kind of monsters had forced her into their service.

As she worked though the numbers something caught her eye.  Certain words had been bolded in the report.  A stupidly obvious code, but one that wouldn't be obvious to someone just looking at the screen from a distance.

It read, 'Weapons locker code is 281492.  Dropship access code is 11928.  We'd like our Leopard back after this.' - Futo.

Yumemi closed the window and thought.  There was a chance it was a trap.  But on the other hand the mercenaries hadn't really been friendly with the Word of Blake regulars either.  She had to think about her options.

?Kana, put all open comms on speaker.  I want to know what's going on out there.?

Especially anything that might shed insight into her other house guests.


Chen whimpered and flinched as the decoy escape pod exploded into shards.  ?And that dear Chen is why we send an empty escape pod first.? Yukari said bitterly.  ?Lets head to the smuggling compartments.?

Ran nodded her assent, then started steering her ward out the door.  ?Come on Chen.  We need to grab all the food we can.?

Chen quickly shook off her fear.  ?Yes ma'am!?  Yukari's smile returned slightly as the two floated out the door.  Chen had always been quick to bounce back.  That's why Yukari had insisted the girl take her mother's place on the Gensoukyo.

Sighing Yukari turned to more pressing matters.  She quickly dumped the mercenary company?s logs from the database, then sabotaged the jump controls.  It'd take two weeks to get her poor ship jump capable again, but that meant the Blakists couldn't steal it when they got sent packing.

Then she flipped off the lights and headed for the smuggling compartments.  She'd find a way to make these bastards pay for trying to kill her.  She'd find a way.

Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #38 on: January 21, 2012, 07:58:38 PM »
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.

Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #39 on: January 22, 2012, 02:38:57 PM »
I like this story's Yukari. I have no idea why. Her taking backseat in this story highlights some very delicious snarkiness. To me, anyway.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #40 on: January 22, 2012, 08:51:12 PM »
I like this story's Yukari. I have no idea why. Her taking backseat in this story highlights some very delicious snarkiness. To me, anyway.

You never see a good puppeteers hand, after all.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #41 on: January 23, 2012, 01:30:04 AM »
Planet Suwa, Youkai Mountain Airspace

Utsuho had to concentrate to keep her breathing from becoming ragged.  She was heading back to base as fast as she could, but because of the pirate point enemy fighters and dropships had already entered the planet's atmosphere.  And they were between her and home.

The radio chatter was not helping either.  ?What the hell happened with our warships??  ?The bastards brought four fucking regiments of aerofighters!?  ?Blue three are you okay?  Blue three respond!?  ?They've taken out radar control at Okaya city, we're flying blind up here!?  While the speech was filled with inner sphere jargon, the tone was the same as the battle when she'd been captured by the forces of Suwa.  That was not a good sign.

Finally Kyoko's high voice cut through the chatter.  ?This is AWACS Echo!  I'm taking over command.  The current battlefield is over Okaya city and environs.  All local Aerofighters converge there.  Blue and Black flights, fall back, regroup then attempt to regain control of the air space.  Your primary targets are the Dropships.  All ground forces in Okaya prepare for a fighting retreat.?

The leader of the Stukas guarding Utsuho opened his own channel.  Utsuho was impressed by how calm his voice was.  ?Echo this is Escort one.  What are the orders for X flight??

There was a pause, then Khan Kanako Yasaka's voice came over the line.  ?Escort flight and X flight, you are to combine into Red flight.  Escort one has lead.  Break the enemy formation and proceed home after dealing as much damage as you believe possible!?

Utsuho's heart skipped a beat.  She was being ordered into combat as a warrior!  Fear, excitement and anticipation seemed to blend together within her into something new.

?As ordered command.  This is Red one.  Red three and four form on my right.  Keep your eyes open and try not to die, nuggets.?

?Aff!? Utsuho and Orin replied at the same time.  Utsuho moved her plane to just off the leads right wing as they began to crest the top of the volcano.

The first thing she saw as they burst over the volcano was the explosion of a fighter.  Enemy fighters swarmed the skies, while dropships slowly drifted towards the surface.  A few allied fighters zipped among the massive invasion fleet, creating swirls of chaotic death.  Missiles and lasers swirled within small deadly clouds as warriors dueled in the sky.

?Red flight, you are cleared to engage!? Kyoko called out.

?Aff!  Red Three engaging!? Utsuho replied.  The formation loosened up almost immediately as they all picked targets.  Utsuho decided on a Thrush that had not seen her yet.  It was almost too easy to line up the craft as it arced towards some other distant target.

When the crosshairs turned red she pushed the firing button, sending two PPCs into the light craft.  The Thrush shuddered, then exploded and died as it's fusion engine lost containment.

?First kill, Utsuho!? yelled Orin.  Utsuho beamed widely in response.  She had done it!  She had bested a warrior in combat.

?Don't get cocky,? Red two said.  ?That got their attention.  Incoming at ten o'clock.?

Utsuho looked up and saw a four wing flight angling towards them.  Corsairs.  Stronger then the Thrush, but no match for her Timber Wolf mark three.  ?Going head to head,? she replied as she moved to engage the new threat.  Orin glided in by her side as the two Stuka's moved in as well.

As the two groups reached long range they began firing.  Utsuho's twin PPCs missed high, but Orin's shots sent her target to the ground trailing smoke.  ?Splash one, Red four.?  Red one's heavy laser barrage took out his target, while Red two got mostly armor.  The Corsair's return fire only hit Red one.

When they hit short range Utsuho locked her short range missiles and fired.  A shudder from her craft warned her some of the Corsair's small lasers had hit, but it didn't matter.  The other craft exploded as Utsuho's missile barrage ripped into it.

A sharp warning tone caused her to pull up.  ?Missiles!?

She pulled up and left as the sky rocked with explosions.  ?Red one eje-? ?Red one is down.?  ?Freebirth!  That was a dropship!?

Utusho quickly realized Orin was right.  One of the dropships had decided to add it's own fire to the dogfight.  The massive barrage had hit their leader, leaving his Stuka a burning wreck.  Worse it had forced them to break formation, and enemies were sweeping in to get on their tails. 

?Red flight break as needed,? Kyouko's calm voice helped Utsuho banish her fear.  She dived towards the ground to pick up speed, then rose again to reenter the dogfight.

Orin peeled off to intercept a different flight.  ?I am breaking off Utsuho.  Call for help if you require it, quiaff??

?Aff.?  Utsuho began moving towards the dropship that had attacked them before, seeking to damage it and stop it from unleashing it's payload of mechs.  As she did so four separate craft began descending on her forcing her to break and begin twisting and turning to gain advantage.

The next seven minutes was a haze of high speed turns, rolls and dives.  Every time her missiles got a lock she'd pull the triggers.  Every time the dropship lined up in her sights she'd fire her PPCs.  Twice she'd gotten kill confirmations from Kyouko out of the blue, since she couldn't stick around and watch her missiles hit.  The only things she could focus on were evading and the little blue light that told her Orin was still flying.

Suddenly there was a burst of static.  ?Red two, respond!?  Utsuho shivered a bit.  Had they lost both the warriors in their flight?  ?Red three, Red two is offline.  You are in command of Red flight,? Kyoko said.

Utsuho blinked in shock and was rewarded with an SRM hit for her mistake.  She twisted away, avoiding more attacks as she tried to get control of the situation.  When she was certain she had broken away she forced herself to state over the comm, ?Red three.  Understood.  I am taking command of Red flight.?

?So what are your orders Utsuho?  Do not die, quiaff??

Utsuho smiled at Orin's cheeky question.  ?Aff, Orin.  Also it would be nice if you did not break the craft.?  She reversed her dive and moved back towards the drop ship for another pass.  A missile warning forced her to break away immediately, but she was back ahead of her pursuit.

Kyouko's voice swept over the airwaves again.  ?All Suwa aircraft currently engaged, we are not in operational range.  Establishing AWACS assistance.  All accompanying units you are cleared engage!?

Remilia's voice came strong and clear over the airwaves.  ?Roger.  Demon flight engage.?  Shou's followed quickly behind.  ?White flight, redeem the sacred name of Blake.?  Another voice she couldn't place called out, ?Yellow Squadron, engaging.?

Utsuho smiled as her radar range increased.  Her allies had arrived.  They might win this fight.  ?This is Red three.  If you can spare some assistance I believe we can destroy this Overlord.?

Mokou's voice responded.  ?Affirmative Red Three.  Sparrow and I will clean those fighters off you two.?

To Utsuho's surprise a Sparrowhawk with a brilliant Phoenix painted on it blew past only seconds later.  She'd known the attack craft was fast, but seeing it in action was another thing entirely.  The five pursuers she'd managed to accumulate all broke to try to keep track of the small hunter killer craft.  Sparrowhawks did not have strong armor, but if you caught one in your aft arc you were usually dead.

Now that she had room to breathe Utsuho could survey the battlefield a bit.  The air was a mess of aircraft and dropships, but the difference in forces had been trimmed down to about three to one.  Still, there were more dropships and fighters streaming in from space.

She felt Orin's craft move in close to her and she turned towards the Overlord that had been her target so far.  ?You are unharmed Orin??

?I only have suffered armor damage.  You??

Utsuho double checked.  ?There is an oil leak in the transformation gear.  If I switch to mech I will be stuck.?

?Then I suggest you do not switch.? Orin replied.

?Aff.?  Utsuho checked the rangefinder.  ?At one kilometer break right and then arrow in.  We target the Word of Blake crest.  Use full barrage.?

Orin waggled her wings.  ?Understood!?

Utsuho slammed her throttle forward to try to evade any pilots that weren't focused on Mokou and Mystia, then slipped left when her PPCs got in range.  The dropships gunners shot between her and Orin while their own shots went true.  This time however they didn't break away.  As the heat from the PPCs slowly cooled off Utsuho fired another barrage that sent her heat up to yellow.

The four PPCs from their two craft burned through the last armor protecting the ship, then 36 SRMs slammed into the hole and exploded.  Utsuho flinched and pulled hard left as secondary explosions ripped out of the dropship.

As Utsuho peeled off a tertiary explosion tore a huge hole in the egg shaped craft, then one of the three giant jets on the bottom shut off.  The massive craft unbalanced, then swerved as the two surviving jets pushed the craft violently to the side.

?All craft brace for turbulence!? Kyouko cried as the massive ship tumbled end over end into a neighboring dropship.

Utsuho was slammed against her seat as the two craft exploded.  She desperately fought to keep the aircraft pointed skyward as the shockwave bounced her around.    Panic struck her as the the ground filled her view, but she forced the fear down and just kept pulling up.  She was Snow Raven!  The engines she had built would give her the power to escape!

She breathed a sigh of relief as the blue sky once again came into view.  When she leveled out she quickly checked her radar.  Apparently her escape had brought her close to the city, and she had lost a lot of altitude.  She was at the fringes of the fighting now.  ?This is Red three reporting.  I am fine.  Red four, where are you??

?My plane's okay.  I am descending to your altitude, Utsuho.?  Utsuho looked up to see Orin's craft flying down to join her.  And to Utsuho's horror five enemy aerofighters were following behind her.

?Orin dive and break!? she yelled out as she maneuvered to intercept the enemy wing.  Orin started to evade, but it was too late.  The two Centurions on the right fired their gauss rifles almost as one, and their aim was perfect.  The two slugs pierced through the upper armor of the aeromech and out the other side.

Utsuho saw smoke burst from Orin's stricken craft.  Screaming in rage she slammed her thrusters forward again, targeting the far right craft.  As she streaked in from below her own PPCs shattered the bottom armor of the Centurion.  The plane billowed smoke, then caught fire a second before the pilot ejected.

The other four craft all expertly broke away from Utusho's sudden attack and began angling towards her.  She knew she was in trouble now, but she did not care.  How dare they strike down Orin?!

Suddenly her radio crackled to life.  ?This is Orin.  I think my craft is going to stop being a plane soon.  Looking for a touchdown point.?

?Orin!?  Utusho looked around to try to catch a glimpse of her wing.  ?Be careful.  I'll try to keep these guys off you!?

The harsh tone of a two missile locks brought her back to her own fight.  Somehow her enemies had already gotten behind her!  A cool female voice came over the open radio.  ?We don't murder defeated foes.  Just worry about yourself.?

To Utsuho's surprise Shou's voice burst over the radio.  ?Toyosatomimi no Miko!  Have you truly fallen so far that you would make a deal with the devil in order to face us??

Even more surprisingly the four craft broke off their pursuit of Utsuho.  ?Shou.  We've been waiting for you.  I'd hoped Byakuren could join us too, but since your ally caught Yoshiaka it seems we have a fair fight.?

?So it seems,? Shou replied.  ?If you wish to battle us that badly then we shall accept.  We will duel in this sector, four on four.  We shall prove the righteousness of our cause!?

The woman's voice almost seemed happy at the ultimatum.  ?Agreed.  All Word of Blake forces, stay out of our dueling grounds or we'll shoot you down ourselves.?

There was another static burst as Shou switched back to encrypted transmissions.  ?Utsuho, this is our fight.  Tend to your friend, and may Blake's Wisdom guide you.?

Utsuho was still uncertain about what had happened, but she understood honor.  ?Bargained well and done warrior.  Fight well in the circle of equals.?  She pulled away from the duel to try to catch up to Orin.

As she got closer to her friend her stomach began to rebel at the sight of the damage done to Orin's aerofighter.  The way smoke was gushing from it, the craft really should not still be flight capable.  It was, in every sense of the word, a deathtrap.  ?Orin, what are you doing?!  Your craft is unsafe.  Eject!?

?It is fine,? Orin protested weakly.  Utsuho could hear she was straining to keep the craft up.  ?I see a lake nearby.  I'll land it there.  It would be wasteful to lose the plane if I can save it, quiaff??

?Neg Orin!  The plane is scrapped.  There is nothing to save.  Eject now!?

?That's right.  We can build more planes,? Kyouko's voice intervened.  ?Please eject Red four.?

?Savashri.?  Orin snarled.  ?I can hold it together!?

?Orin, you idiotic surat!? Utsuho yelled  ?You will-!?

?Freebirth!? Parsee's voice shocked Utsuho into silence.  ?Any Snow Raven who gets themselves killed just to save a few spare parts is being wasteful.  Aim your craft at soft ground and eject.  That is an order, warrior!?

?Yes sir!? Orin snapped in reply.  Utsuho saw Orin adjust her craft slightly, then breathed a sigh of relief as the plane's cockpit blew off and Orin ejected.

She circled once to make sure Orin had control of her chute before turning back towards the battle.  It looked like the dogfight had moved away from the dropships.  While the Suwa fighters had damaged the invasion force, the Word of Blake forces had claimed air superiority.  With that their beachhead was all but assured.

Utsuho really had no clue what to do in this situation.  It seemed doubtful her craft could turn the tide of battle alone.  She only had so many missiles, and eventually a lucky shot would break her armor.

For that matter she could tell she was getting tired.  High G maneuvers drained a pilot.  Even as a scientist she understood that anything over two hours of combat flight was deadly, not just from physical stress, but mental stress as well.

She decided it was best to ask for orders.  ?Red three.  I have broken through enemy lines.  I request additional instruction.?

Kyoko chuckled.  ?You've gone from nugget to ace today Red three.  I think you can go home.  We'll need you for the next sortie too.?

Utsuho blinked then mentally counted.  She had in fact shot down five craft.  A smile slowly grew over her face.  ?Well.  I guess I have empirical evidence I can serve as a warrior.?

She was just about to turn away and head back to base when something caught her eye.  A small moving craft heading towards the volcano of all places.  She clicked on the radio again.  ?Understood control.  I will finish up here, then head back.?  She lined her craft up with the speck, then sped up in order to move past the city and terrain mask.

Ten minutes later she caught a much better glimpse of the craft.  ?Heavy stealth transport,? Utsho muttered.  Even people in the clans would be hard pressed to place the strange radar deflecting angles of the craft.  But what could such a rare and wasteful transport be doing here, away from the battle?

Utsuho wanted to call out a challenge to the craft, but surrender was not something easily done between aircraft.  Instead she took careful aim at the tail, hoping that would give the pilots time to bail out.  When she was certain of the shot she pulled the triggers.

Unfortunately the pilots took that moment to bank.  Her shots clipped the tail, then smashed the wings, sending the craft tumbling towards the ground.  To her surprise the craft seemed to hit the mountainside and disappear.  No explosion.  No smoke.  No wreckage.

?Control this is Red three.  I have found and disabled a stealth craft.  However I can not place where it has crashed.?

?What??  There was a pause as Kyouko thought.  ?I'm going to put you in direct contact with upstairs.?

To her surprise it was Shiki Eiki's voice that came through next.  ?You say you saw a stealth craft.  Did it have red tips on the wings??

Utsuho thought for a moment, then pulled up her computer's recording.  ?Aff, commander.?

?Damn.  Of all the things...? Shiki Eiki trailed off for a second.  ?Very well.  Utsuho are you certain you can't switch between mech and aerofighter mode??

?I can switch, but only once.  Then I will be stuck,? Utsuho replied.

?What bad luck.  Well we work with what we've got.?  There was a sigh over the comm.  ?Alright.  Utsuho, those craft indicate transports equipped to place atomic mines.?

?Freebirth!? Utsuho's eyes widened.  ?That is madness!?

?Yes,? Shiki Eiki replied grimly.  ?What's worse is the mine is still down there.?

?I don't want to have to ask this of you Utsuho, but you're our only force in the area.  I need you to land and take control of the mine.  Word of Blake must not have it!  Chances are the craft fell into one of the many lava caves beneath the volcano's surface.  I'm transmitting a map to you now.?

?The good news is the caverns are a maze, and they disrupt radio transmissions.  In addition we have a resupply base hidden there.?

?The bad news is there will be no reinforcements until we reclaim Okaya airspace.  You'll be on your own.?

Utsuho nodded slowly to herself.  ?Understood.  Please give my apology to Orin for not meeting her at base.?

?I will.  And Utsuho, I have a message for you.  Kanako wants you to know you've proven your loyalty.  You and Orin both should consider yourselves free.  And Satori and Koishi wanted to congratulate you on becoming a blooded warrior.?

?Seyla.?  Utsuho said softly.  ?Thank you Shiki Eiki.  I will fulfill my orders now.?

Static covered up any further transmissions as Utsuho flew down towards where the crash had occurred.  Sure enough there was a small dark opening in the ground.  Utsuho carefully switched to mech form, then used her jump jets to decend into the darkness.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #42 on: January 25, 2012, 09:20:40 PM »
Has anyone told you you're great at fight scenes? :3

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #43 on: January 28, 2012, 07:50:39 PM »
Iced, you are a genius.

Out of curiosity, are these Variable Mechs actually in the Mechwarrior series?
Because I know this game that lets you pilot all sorts of mechs against other people.
Actual cockpits and all. It's VR, but still. I'd like to think I'm one of the best damn Mad Cat MK-II Pilots that've ever been to GenCon Indy.
If these variables aren't one of your creations, I'd suggest adding them to these guys I know who work on it.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #44 on: January 28, 2012, 08:50:28 PM »
Iced, you are a genius.
Thanks.  And thank you Kasu.   :blush:

Out of curiosity, are these Variable Mechs actually in the Mechwarrior series?
Because I know this game that lets you pilot all sorts of mechs against other people.
Actual cockpits and all. It's VR, but still. I'd like to think I'm one of the best damn Mad Cat MK-II Pilots that've ever been to GenCon Indy.
If these variables aren't one of your creations, I'd suggest adding them to these guys I know who work on it.
Aeromechs are technically in the Mechwarrior series, however they aren't allowed to use them in promotionals because they're basically stolen straight from Robotech.  They're also limited to 30 tons or less I think, and the transformation gear eats up weight and space like no one's business.  They pretty much just suck.

The TimberWolf Mk 3 Aeromech is pretty much entirely my creation as I handwaved those problems away by saying Okuu managed to massively shrink fusion engines.  Thus you have a TimberWolf that transforms into a fighter jet, and makes everyone cry.  It's ludicrously overpowered, but hey, I'm writing fanfiction not designing a minis game.   ;)

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #45 on: January 28, 2012, 08:52:47 PM »
Ah. I see.
I should pitch those folks the idea, it might be awesome.

It'd be one step closer to me getting to Pilot the R-1 from SRW at least. :V
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #46 on: January 29, 2012, 04:02:08 PM »
I just wanna see the concept art for the aerofighter-mode Mad Cat. I know what the Mad Cat looks like as a mech, I wanna see what the aerofighter would look like with bits of Mad Cat showing through :D

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #47 on: January 29, 2012, 07:27:29 PM »
I just wanna see the concept art for the aerofighter-mode Mad Cat. I know what the Mad Cat looks like as a mech, I wanna see what the aerofighter would look like with bits of Mad Cat showing through :D
Hm...  I have no concept art, but perhaps I can describe.

First we have the standard Timber Wolf, specifically the type D variant.  The Aeromech version has a number of differences.  Firstly the arm are lowered, which allows the installation of wings into the torsos.  The torso itself is moved forward so the weapon pads are over the legs, and the fuselage has been extended to give more wing room and allow a fusion rocket.  The laser pods below the cockpit have been removed and replaced with one of the left side Streak SRM6 modules.  The increased torso size adds five tons to the chassis, bringing this up to an assault class mech, but Utsuho's engine gives enough space to allow two jump jets to be installed on the upper legs.

When transforming the arms clutch in towards the wings becoming wing mounted PPC pods, and the legs fold up into themselves, while the wings sweep out into place.  The left SRM launcher turns 180 degrees to cover the back arc, while the jump jets become turning thrusters.

The Aeromech is somewhat ugly, with it's bomber style nose and giant missile racks above the wing, but with the fusion rocket on it's back it'll still fly wherever you point it.  In addition with Yamame and Kisume's software upgrades the assisting thrusters give it back a lot of the lost maneuverability.  The main issue is increased G forces from wind resistance on the pilot.  This doesn't matter as much in space of course.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #48 on: January 30, 2012, 12:15:43 AM »
I'd mod the loadout a bit myself, because that weapon setup just screams accident waiting to happen.
Let's see...what weapon type was I always fond of.....Ah yes, ER Lasers and LRMs.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #49 on: March 08, 2012, 07:52:00 PM »
?Why is this happening again?!? Kogasa wailed as Shanghai team ran back towards their van.  ?Mechs should not drop from the sky on a bi monthly basis!?

Kogasa flinched as Yorihime gave her a glare.  ?So this is your fault Tatara?  Is it because you opened that umbrella of yours inside, or are you just naturally unlucky??

?It's not my fault!  And don't blame my umbrella either!?

Toyohime looked back at her sister and frowned.  ?Don't taunt the new kid right now sister.  She can learn to understand proper humor later.?  Kogasa couldn't help but flinch again as the yakuza woman's disapproving glance turned to her.  ?And stop hugging your umbrella blade like that.  It makes you look like a pathetic karakasa.?

Kogasa didn't have a clue what the Drac term meant, but she loosened her grip on the weapon a little bit.  She was still confused as to what they were doing though.  It'd be easier to run away on foot.

Her side was stinging a little when they reached the fourth floor where their van was parked.  Kogasa took what comfort she could from the fact that everyone else seemed to be winded as well.  Hourai fumbled with her keys for a moment, before tossing open the Van's back doors.  Kogasa felt her eyebrows twitching as Hourai pulled out a man portable TAG unit.  ?You brought the TAG gear??

?Observant,? Hourai replied as she started moving aside carpeting.  ?Toyohime you get to play spotter this run.  Kogasa, what weapons are you carrying??

Kogasa flinched as she felt the entire teams eyes fall on her.  ?Uh, just my sword and two fortyfives.?

Shanghai pulled out a shotgun and tossed it to Reisen.  ?Ammo??

?Two clips standard, two AP.?  Kogasa winced.  ?I was expecting to go shopping, not fight a mech army.?

She started when Tokiko's hand fell on her shoulder but the tension flowed out of her when she saw the woman's smile.  ?That'll do for now.  Next time bring two more AP.?

?Ah, sure!? a smile crossed Kogasa's face.  Then she noticed that Hourai was pulling out satchel charges.  ?Wait, we aren't planning on fighting in the city are we??

?If we have to, yes.?  Shanghai tossed Kogasa a satchel charge and she reflexively caught it.  ?Our primary mission is to rescue any allied forces and gather information.  Then we'll hide until our counter attack comes.?  Kogasa and the others snapped to attention as Shanghai swept her gaze over them.  ?I want to repeat, our first goal is to rescue any allied pilots or civilian leaders.  We are NOT letting the Blakies get any of them.  I don't know if they're even taking prisoners on this little jihad, let's not find out.?

Kogasa and the other's response was instinctive.  ?Sir!?

Shanghai pulled out six bullet proof vests and quickly distributed them.  The team all put down their weapons and started strapping the protective gear into place as Shanghai continued.  ?We'll be splitting into three teams.  Reisen and Toyohime, you get to play spotter up here on the roof.  Try to get info from command as well.  Tokiko and Kogasa,? Kogasa perked up as her name was mentioned, ?you get the north city.  I'm expecting the air battle to be worst over there.  Save whatever pilots you can and get them cars to try to get out of town.  Tell them to drive east.  Our forces will pick them up from there.  Yori-?

Shanghai's words were cut off by a window rattling sonic boom as an aerofighter roared overhead.  She paused then started yelling in order to be heard over all the car alarms that had gone off.  ?Yorihime and I will make sure the idiots at central hall clear out and work on civilian control!  Things are going to change fast, so remember to call in and keep everyone informed.  When enemy mechs begin entering the city we are to retreat and regroup at the Moriya Scrap Iron Junkyard.  That was a planned resistance center against clan invasion, so we should be able to hole up there.  Any questions??

Kogasa finished strapping down her combat vest and re-holstered her weapons then shook her head.  Everyone else seemed confident as well.  Shanghai took one last look around then nodded.  ?One last thing, standard comm rules apply.?  Kogasa blinked in confusion as Shanghai locked gazes with her.  ?I'm doll, Reisen is rabbit, Yorihime is ribbon, Toyohime is peaches, Tokiko is ibis and Kogasa will be going as umbrella.  Stick to call signs whenever using radio.?

?Wait, umbrella?  Why umbrella?? Kogasa protested.

Shanghai gave her a smirk.  ?Because you haven't managed to embarrass yourself in a more amusing way yet.?

Kogasa slumped.  ?Why an embarrassing nickname?  Why not give me a name based on something awesome I do??

The five other girls laughed.  Kogasa looked around in sullen confusion.  She thought she'd been doing well too.  Then she felt Tokiko's hand oh her shoulder again.  ?We don't name people after the cool things they do because we're going to be awesome all the time.?

?That's right kid,? Shanghai said as Kogasa blinked in surprise.  ?You're a part of Shanghai team now.  I expect you to shine.?


Nue cried out as pain washed through her arm.  She jerked upright and stared around.  She was awake.  In her safe house.  And she'd fallen out of bed because someone was breaking air traffic laws badly.  Nue struggled to her feet.  ?What the fuck is going on.?

Mamizou looked over from where she was wiping up her spilled coffee.  ?The lacrosse team lost, the soccer team won, and Word of Blake is invading.?

?Shit.?  Nue tried to shake the mental fog from her mind.  Her instinct was to panic but she knew to ignore anything that told her to panic.  Instead she forced herself to laboriously step to her clothes pile and pull on a one piece dress.  The feeling of the dress against her bare skin reminded her she'd skipped a step so she rooted through her drawers to attire properly.

When she was done her brain was working a little better.  ?That encoded radio picking up anything??

?Yeah, but I can't make out any of the Blake speak past the military garbage,? Mamizou replied as she filled up her coffee cup again.  ?Their main invasion force seems to be heading here though.  Lucky us.?

?Fuck.  It never rains but it pours.?  Nue chewed her lip a bit.  ?This was going to be dicey enough without having to worry about being blown up by accident.?  She began to pace, running through scenarios in her mind.  ?Why the hell are they coming here anyway?  This city only exists because of the geothermal power plants nearby.  And honestly they don't need those.?

Nue cringed as the as another sonic boom rang out, sending the entire building rattling.  ?At least the windows are plexiglass,? Nue muttered as she recomposed herself.

?Ah!  I think I've got something!?  Nue looked over at Mamizou as her friend tapped the radio in thought.  ?This is the only city that had a Hyperpulse Generator, right?.?

?Hrm...?  Nue tried to recall the information she'd gathered so far.  She was more of an infiltrator then a information broker, but she had spent a lot of time with Word of Blake on planet.  ?Yeah I'm pretty sure you're right.  But what does that mean?  Are you saying they've decided to invade here just because they want their building back??

In response Mamizou turned up the radio with a crackle. 

?Sir, I don't understand, you aren't going to let those mercenaries take the credit are you??

?This attack is about more then just eliminating a traitor.  I repeat you are to monitor the fight but don't interfere unless the mercenaries are destroyed or the fighting looks like it might damage the shrine.  We need that for phase two of the blessed Blake's plan.?

?Blake's will be done.?

?That doesn't make any sense,? Nue muttered.  ?It's a Hyper Pulse Generator, not a weapon!  Hell they even tore down the compound's walls and turned most of it into a park.  It's not even a good military base.  I don't understand this at all.?

Mamizou chugged down her coffee and stood.  ?Which means we'll need to find out what they're up to.  You've got spare robes right??

?Of course.  I'm not the master of disguise, but you can't blend in if you don't dress right.?

The room shook again as something exploded nearby.  Nue immediately hit the floor and shielded her head and plates and glasses broke.  She hated this.  She wasn't meant to be in the war zone dammit!

When the reverberations had died out she stood back up, while Mamizou crawled out from beneath the table.  ?Maybe we should get to a safer area first though.?

?Yeah.  I'm tired of spilling my coffee.?


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #50 on: March 08, 2012, 08:11:42 PM »
Mamizou can't enjoy her coffee :I

Re: The Great Suwa Incident
« Reply #51 on: March 08, 2012, 09:08:36 PM »
Mamizou can't enjoy her coffee :I
It probably wasn't any good. Unless she put hot cocoa powder in it.